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Created May 6, 2019 01:10
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(define (assert pred)
(or pred (amb)))
(define amb-queue (make-parameter #f))
(define amb-escape (make-parameter #f))
(define-syntax-rule (begin-amb fail body ...)
(let/cc k
(parameterize ([amb-queue '()]
[amb-escape (λ () (k fail))])
body ...)))
(define-syntax-rule (amb alt ...)
(let/cc k
(amb-queue (append (amb-queue)
(list (λ () (k alt)) ...)))
(if (empty? (amb-queue))
(let ([top (car (amb-queue))])
(amb-queue (cdr (amb-queue)))
(define (ε k) k)
(define (((char c) k) u)
(assert (and (cons? u) (eq? (car u) c)))
(k (cdr u)))
(define ((alt p q) k)
((amb p q) k))
(define ((seq p q) k)
(p (q k)))
(define (((rep r) k) u)
((amb k (r ((rep r) k))) u))
(define (accept? r u)
(begin-amb #f ((r (λ (u) (assert (empty? u)))) u)))
(define (str s)
(for/fold ([f ε])
([c (string->list s)])
(seq f (char c))))
(accept? (alt (str "hi") (str "there"))
(string->list "hi"))
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