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Created April 28, 2014 00:42
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# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
Constrained delaunay implementation based on
Domiter, V. and Žalik, B.
Sweep‐line algorithm for constrained Delaunay triangulation
(this implementation is not complete)
import numpy as np
pts = [(0, 0),
(10, 0),
(10, 10),
(20, 10),
(20, 20),
(10, 17),
(9, 30),
(5, 25),
(6, 15),
(10, 12),
(0, 5)]
pts = np.array(pts, dtype=[('x', float), ('y', float)])
edges = np.array([(i, (i+1) % pts.shape[0]) for i in range(pts.shape[0])], dtype=int)
## Initialization (sec. 3.3)
# sort by y, then x
order = np.argsort(pts, order=('y', 'x'))
pts = pts[order]
# update edges to match new point order
invorder = np.argsort(order)
edges = invorder[edges]
# make artificial points P-1 and P-2
xmax = pts['x'].max()
xmin = pts['x'].min()
ymax = pts['y'].max()
ymin = pts['y'].min()
xa = (xmax-xmin) * 0.3
ya = (ymax-ymin) * 0.3
p1 = (pts['x'].min() - xa, pts['y'].min() - ya)
p2 = (pts['x'].max() + xa, pts['y'].min() - ya)
# prepend artificial points to point list
newpts = np.empty(len(pts)+2, dtype=pts.dtype)
newpts[0] = p1
newpts[1] = p2
newpts[2:] = pts
pts = newpts
edges += 2
# find topmost point in each edge
tops = set(edges.max(axis=1))
# inintialize sweep front
front = [0, 2, 1]
tris = []
# visual debugging: draw edges, front, triangles
import pyqtgraph as pg
import time
app = pg.mkQApp()
win = pg.plot()
gpts = pts.view(float).reshape(len(pts), 2)
graph = pg.GraphItem(pos=gpts, adj=edges, pen={'width': 3, 'color':(0,100,0)})
front_line = pg.PlotCurveItem(pen={'width': 2, 'dash': [5, 5], 'color': 'y'})
tri_shapes = []
def draw_state():
front_pts = pts[np.array(front)]
front_line.setData(front_pts['x'], front_pts['y'])
for i in range(100): # sleep ~1 sec, but keep ui responsive
def draw_tri(tri):
tpts = pts[np.array(tri)]
path = pg.arrayToQPath(tpts['x'], tpts['y'])
shape = pg.QtGui.QGraphicsPathItem(path)
## Sweep (sec. 3.4)
def add_tri(f0, f1, p):
# todo: legalize!
global front, tris
tris.append((front[f0], front[f1], p))
front.insert(f1, p)
# visual debugging
for i in range(3, len(pts)):
pi = pts[i]
# First, triangulate from front to new point
# This applies to both "point events" (3.4.1) and "edge events" (3.4.2).
# get index along front that intersects pts[i]
l = 0
while pts[front[l+1]]['x'] <= pi['x']:
l += 1
pl = pts[front[l]]
pr = pts[front[l+1]]
if pi['x'] > pl['x']: # "(i) middle case"
# Add a single triangle connecting pi,pl,pr
add_tri(l, l+1, i)
else: # "(ii) left case"
ps = pts[l-1]
# Add triangles connecting pi,pl,ps and pi,pl,pr
add_tri(l, l+1, i)
add_tri(l-1, l, i)
# todo: Continue adding triangles to smooth out front
# (use heuristics shown in figs. 9, 10)
if i in tops: # this is an "edge event" (sec. 3.4.2)
# (i) locate intersected triangles
# (ii) remove intersected triangles
# (iii) triangluate empty areas
## Finalize (sec. 3.5)
# (i) Remove all triangles that include at least one artificial point
# (ii) Add bordering triangles to fill hull
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