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Created February 8, 2020 23:48
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python-data-acquisition imaging API
# extended from
class ImageData(object):
"""Contains information about one or more acquired frames.
def __init__(self, data, meta):
self._data = data
self._meta = meta
def data(self):
"""Image data array for this frame.
Usually a numpy array, but may also be another array-like data type to support cameras that
stream to disk.
If the image data is unavailable (for example, because it has been overwritten already),
raise an exception.
def is_transient(self):
"""Bool indicating whether this image data is stored in a transient buffer and may be overwritten
in the future.
def meta(self):
"""Dictionary of metadata describing image acquisition, containing:
camera_properties : dict
Contains {property:value} pairs that were used in the acquisition of this frame data
data_axes : tuple
Describes data array axes; may contain: ('frame', 'row', 'col', 'channel')
format : str
Describes the image data format (For example: 8-, 12-, 16- bit integer packing? Uncommon colorspaces?)
timestamp : float
CPU clock time at which frame arrived in software
Note: parts of this stucture may be shared between ImageData instances (particularly camera_properties)
class ImagingDevice(object):
def list_devices(cls):
"""Return a list of available [device_id] objects that can be used to construct
an ImagingDevice instance.
Returns an empty list if no devices are found; raises an exception if unable to
check (if this ImagingDevice subclass is not supported for some reason).
def __init__(self, device_id):
"""Create and open an imaging device.
camera_id : object
Uniquely identifies the camera to open. The type of this object is defined by the
ImagingDevice subclass.
def open():
# open camera
def close():
# Shutdown / clean up.
def get_properties(self, property_names):
"""Return a dictionary of {'property_name': value} for the list of properties requested.
def get_property_info(self):
"""Return information about all properties supported by this device
Return format is::
{ 'property_name': {
'type': 'int'|'float',
'limits': [min, max],
'values': [list of accepted values],
'writable': bool,
'readable': bool },
Some property names are standardized across all cameras (although cameras need not
support all of these):
acquire_mode : 'free_run' | 'fixed_length'
fixed_frame_count : int
trigger_mode :
'none' : start immediately on start_acquisition()
'trigger_first' : wait for trigger before starting first frame
'trigger_frames' : wait for trigger before starting each frame
'trigger_exposure' : expose only when trigger is high
protect_data : bool
If the ImagingDevice subclass normally produces ImageData.is_transient==True, then
this forces image data to be copied to prevent possible frame loss.
buffer_size : int
If the ImagingDevice subclass uses a fixed-size buffer to acquire image data, this
property determines the buffer size in frames.
bit_depth : int
Bits per pixel to acquire
exposure_time : float
frame_rate : float
binning_x : int
binning_y : int
region_x : int # region properties are expressed relative to the _unbinned_ sensor pixels
region_y : int
region_width : int
region_height : int
sensor_width : int
sensor_height : int
pixel_width : float
pixel_height : float
camera_model : str
Any extra property names are determined by the camera driver.
# Returns information about a property (type, range, if it exists).
def set_properties(self, properties):
"""Set the value of device properties.
properties : dict
Contains {'property_name': value} pairs to be set. May be OrderedDict in cases where
properties must be set in a specific order.
need_restart : bool
Indicates whether acquisition must be restarted before new values take effect
new_values : dict
Contains {'property_name': value} for each property that was set. In some cases,
the value returned here will differ from the one requested. May also contain
the values of properties that were indirectly changed as a result of this
info_changed : list
A list of properties that may have changed results from get_property_info as
a result of this request. This allows user interfaces to update dynamically as needed.
def get_images(self, max_count=None):
"""Return ImageData instances that have accumulated since the last call to get_images().
max_count : int | None
If specified, then only the *max_count* most recent images are returned;
older frames are discarded (this allows avoiding the overhead of creating
ImageData instances that will not be used).
def start_acquisition(self):
"""Start image acquisition.
def is_acquiring(self):
"""Return bool indicating whether the camera is currently acquiring frames.
If False, then it is guaranteed no more frames will arrive from the device.
def stop_acquisition(self):
"""Stop image acquisition.
Note: after calling this method, it is possible that is_acquiring will still be True
and frames may continue to arrive from the camera for some time.
def set_callback(self, callback):
"""Set a callback to be invoked on camera events such as the arrival of a new frame or
when acquisition has stopped.
Callback parameters
event_type : str
"frame", "stop", "error"
event_info : object
Extra information about the event
Note: the callback is invoked from a background thread, so it must be thread-safe
# Usage examples.
cam = ImagingDevice(device_id="XYZZY")
result = cam.set_properties({
'region_width': 512,
'region_height': 512,
'frame_rate': 10.0,
'acquire_mode': 'fixed_length',
'fixed_frame_count': 10,
while cam.is_acquiring():
images = cam.get_images() # len(images) = 10
'acquire_mode': 'free_run'.
'protect_data': True,
images = cam.get_images() # len(images) ~= 20
images[0].data # guaranteed to succeed since protect_data==True
'protect_data': False,
images = cam.get_images() # len(images) ~= 20
images[0].data # raises exception if data has already been overwritten
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