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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Setting up dywypi
Be in your virtualenv first
Clone dywypi somewhere outside your project
git clone
cd into dywypi
do `python develop`
dywypi is now installed for your virtualenv. You can update it by coming back to this directory and doing `git pull`
cd into your porject
create a plugin in dywypi_plugins, for example `dywypi_plugins/`
Here is some example code:
from dywypi.event import Message
from dywypi.plugin import Plugin
plugin = Plugin('pandemic')
def status(event):
yield from event.reply('You were eaten by a grue.')
With this code, dywypi will respond to `<bot-nick> status` with `You were eaten by a grue`.
To start the bot:
python -m dywypi ircs://<bot-nick>
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