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Last active December 23, 2015 14:19
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  • Save campbellanderson/6647794 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save campbellanderson/6647794 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Starting sails without the webserver
var SailsOrm = require([path to sails]'/lib/hooks/orm');
var _ = require( 'lodash' );
var async = require('async');
function orm ()
* Start the ORM layer
* @api private
this.init = function (sailsDir, cb) {
var orm = this;
orm.appPath = sailsDir;
var CaptainsLog = require(sailsDir+'/lib/logger')(orm)
orm.log = CaptainsLog();
console.log('Loading app models...');
console.log('Loading from "' + orm.appPath + '/config"' );
orm.config = buildDictionary({
dirname : orm.appPath + '/config',
filter: /(.+)\.(js)$/,
aggregate: true
orm.config.paths = {}; = orm.appPath;
orm.config.paths.config = orm.appPath + '/config';
orm.config.paths.models = orm.appPath + '/api/models';
orm.config.paths.adapters = orm.appPath + '/api/adapters'; = orm.appPath + '/api/services';
orm.defaultAdapterModule = 'sails-disk';
orm.config.globals = {};
orm.config.globals.models = true; = true;
orm.config.globals._ = true;
orm.config.globals.async = true;
orm.config.globals.sails = true;
orm.models = buildDictionary({
dirname : orm.config.paths.models,
filter: /(.+)\.(js)$/,
aggregate: true
}); = buildDictionary({
dirname :,
filter : /(.+)\.(js|coffee)$/,
caseSensitive: true
orm.config.adapters.default = orm.config.adapters[orm.config.adapters.default];
if (orm.config.globals._) global['_'] = _;
if (orm.config.globals.async) global['async'] = async;
if (orm.config.globals.sails) global['sails'] = orm;
if ( {
_.each(,function (service,identity) {
var globalName = service.globalId || service.identity;
global[globalName] = service;
console.log('Loading app adapters...');
var sailsOrm = new SailsOrm(orm);
sailsOrm.initialize(function (err)
cb && cb(err, orm);
function buildDictionary(options) {
var files = require('include-all')(options);
var dictionary = {};
// Iterate through each module in the set
_.each(files, function(module, filename) {
// Build a single module, treating each source module as containers pieces of a distributed object
if (options.aggregate) {
// Check that source module is a valid object
if (_.isArray(module) || !_.isObject(module)) {
throw new Error('Invalid module:' + module);
else _.extend(dictionary, module);
// Build the module dictionary
else {
var keyName = filename;
// If a module is found but marked as undefined,
// don't actually include it in the final dictionary
if (typeof module === 'undefined') {
// Unless the identity is explicitly disabled, or `dontLoad` option is set,
// If no 'identity' attribute was provided, take a guess based on the (case-insensitive) filename
if (!options.dontLoad && options.identity !== false) {
if(!module.identity) {
module.identity = options.replaceExpr ? filename.replace(options.replaceExpr, "") : filename;
module.globalId = module.identity;
module.identity = module.identity.toLowerCase();
keyName = module.identity;
else {
module.globalId = module.identity;
module.identity = module.identity.toLowerCase();
keyName = module.identity;
// Save the module's contents in our dictionary
// (this will actually just be `true` if the `dontLoad` option is set)
dictionary[keyName] = module;
if(!dictionary) return {};
return dictionary;
// Start the orm
orm.init(process.cwd(), function(err, orm)
//kick things off
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