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Created January 25, 2019 18:07
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PHP_SAPI : cli
PHP_VERSION : 7.2.14-dev
PHP_OS : Darwin
More .INIs :
VALGRIND : Not used
Running selected tests.
PASS PDO OCI Bug #41996 (Problem accessing Oracle ROWID) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug41996.phpt]
PASS PDO OCI Bug #44301 (Segfault when an exception is thrown on persistent connections) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug44301.phpt]
PASS Bug #46274 (pdo_pgsql - Segfault when using PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES and blob) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug46274.phpt]
PASS Bug #46274 (pdo_pgsql - Segfault when using PDO::ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES and blob) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug46274_2.phpt]
SKIP Bug #54379 (PDO_OCI: UTF-8 output gets truncated) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug54379.phpt] reason: not UTF8 DSN
PASS PDO OCI Bug #57702 (Multi-row BLOB fetches) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug57702.phpt]
SKIP PDO OCI Bug #60994 (Reading a multibyte CLOB caps at 8192 characters) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug60994.phpt] reason: not loaded
PASS PDO OCI Bug #33707 (Errors in select statements not reported) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_33707.phpt]
PASS PDO OCI checkliveness (code coverage) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/checkliveness.phpt]
REDIRECT ext/pdo/tests (OCI [ext/pdo_oci/tests/common.phpt]) begin
PASS OCI PDO Common: Bug #34630 (inserting streams as LOBs) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_34630.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: Bug #34687 (query doesn't return error information) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_34687.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: Bug #35671 (binding by name breakage) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_35671.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: Bug #36428 (Incorrect error message for PDO::fetchAll()) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_36428.phpt]
SKIP OCI PDO Common: Bug #36798 (Error parsing named parameters with queries containing high-ascii chars) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_36798.phpt] reason: expected output valid for Oracle with WE8MSWIN1252 character set
PASS OCI PDO Common: Bug #38253 (PDO produces segfault with default fetch mode) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_38253.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: Bug #38394 (Prepared statement error stops subsequent statements) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_38394.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: Bug #39398 (Booleans are not automatically translated to integers) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_39398.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: Bug #39656 (Crash when calling fetch() on a PDO statement object after closeCursor()) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_39656.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: Bug #40285 (The prepare parser goes into an infinite loop on ': or ":) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_40285.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: Bug #42917 (PDO::FETCH_KEY_PAIR doesn't work with setFetchMode) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_42917.phpt]
SKIP OCI PDO Common: Bug #43130 (Bound parameters cannot have - in their name) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_43130.phpt] reason: not relevant for oci driver - Hyphen is not legal for bind names in Oracle DB
PASS OCI PDO Common: Bug #43139 (PDO ignore ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE in some cases with fetchAll()) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_43139.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: Bug #43663 (__call on classes derived from PDO) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_43663.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: Bug #44159 (Crash: $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::STATEMENT_ATTR_CLASS, NULL)) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_44159.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: Bug #44173 (PDO->query() parameter parsing/checking needs an update) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_44173.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: Bug #44409 (PDO::FETCH_SERIALIZE calls __construct()) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_44409.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: Bug #44861 (scrollable cursor don't work with pgsql) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_44861.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: Bug #47769 (Strange extends PDO) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_47769.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: Bug #50458 (PDO::FETCH_FUNC fails with Closures) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_50458.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: Bug #52098 Own PDOStatement implementation ignore __call() [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_52098.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: Bug #60665 (call to empty() on NULL result using PDO::FETCH_LAZY returns false) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_60665.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: Bug #61292 (Segfault while calling a method on an overloaded PDO object) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_61292.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: Bug #64172 errorInfo is not properly cleaned up [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_64172.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: Bug #65946 (pdo_sql_parser.c permanently converts values bound to strings) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_65946.phpt]
FAIL OCI PDO Common: Bug #69356 (PDOStatement::debugDumpParams() truncates query) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_69356.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: Bug #71447 (Quotes inside comments not properly handled) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_71447.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: Bug #72788 (Invalid memory access when using persistent PDO connection) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_72788.phpt]
FAIL OCI PDO Common: Bug #73234 (Emulated statements let value dictate parameter type) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_73234.phpt]
SKIP OCI PDO Common: PDOStatement::debugDumpParams() with emulated prepares [ext/pdo_oci/tests/debug_emulated_prepares.phpt] reason: driver cannot emulate prepared statements
PASS OCI PDO Common: PDO::FETCH_ASSOC [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_001.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: PDO::FETCH_NUM [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_002.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: PDO::FETCH_BOTH [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_003.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: PDO::FETCH_OBJ [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_004.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: PDO::FETCH_CLASS [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_005.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: PDO::FETCH_GROUP [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_006.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: PDO::FETCH_UNIQUE [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_007.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: PDO::FETCH_UNIQUE conflict [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_008.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: PDO::FETCH_CLASSTYPE [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_009.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: PDO::FETCH_CLASSTYPE and GROUP/UNIQUE [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_010.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: PDO::FETCH_FUNC and statement overloading [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_011.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: PDOStatement::setFetchMode [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_012.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: PDOStatement iterator [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_013.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: PDOStatement SPL iterator [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_014.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: PDO::FETCH_COLUMN [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_015.phpt]
SKIP OCI PDO Common: PDO::FETCH_BOUND [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_016.phpt] reason: not relevant for oci driver - cannot reexecute after closing cursors without reparse
SKIP OCI PDO Common: PDO::FETCH_BOUND w/o : [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_016a.phpt] reason: not relevant for oci driver - cannot reexecute after closing cursors without reparse
PASS OCI PDO Common: transactions [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_017.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: serializing [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_018.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: fetch() and while() [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_019.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: PDOStatement::columnCount [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_020.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: PDOStatement::execute with parameters [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_021.phpt]
SKIP OCI PDO Common: PDOStatement::getColumnMeta [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_022.phpt] reason: this feature is not yet finalized, no test makes sense
PASS OCI PDO Common: extending PDO [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_023.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: assert that bindParam does not modify parameter [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_024.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: PDO::FETCH_INTO [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_025.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: extending PDO (2) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_026.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: PDO::FETCH_LAZY [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_027.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: bindValue [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_028.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: extending PDO (3) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_029.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: extending PDO (4) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_030.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: PDOStatement SPL iterator [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_031.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: PDO::ATTR_CASE [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_032.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: PDO::quote() [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_033.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: PDO::FETCH_KEY_PAIR fetch mode test [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_034.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: PDORow + get_parent_class() [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_035.phpt]
PASS OCI Testing PDORow and PDOStatement instances with Reflection [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_036.phpt]
PASS OCI Crash when calling a method of a class that inherits PDOStatement [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_037.phpt]
PASS OCI PDOStatement::fetchColumn() invalid column index [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_038.phpt]
PASS OCI Test normal operation of PDO::getAvailableDrivers / pdo_drivers [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_drivers_basic.phpt]
PASS OCI Test that PDO::getAvailableDrivers / pdo_drivers does not accept any parameters [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_drivers_error.phpt]
PASS OCI Trying instantiate a PDORow object manually [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdorow.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: PECL Bug #5217 (serialize/unserialize safety) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pecl_bug_5217.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: PECL Bug #5772 (PDO::FETCH_FUNC breaks on mixed case func name) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pecl_bug_5772.phpt]
PASS OCI PDO Common: PECL Bug #5809 (PDOStatement::execute(array()) changes param) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pecl_bug_5809.phpt]
REDIRECT ext/pdo/tests (OCI [ext/pdo_oci/tests/common.phpt]) done
PASS PDO_OCI: Attribute: Setting session action [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_oci_attr_action.phpt]
PASS PDO_OCI: Attribute: Basic autocommit functionality [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_oci_attr_autocommit_1.phpt]
PASS PDO_OCI: Attribute: beginTransaction and native transactions [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_oci_attr_autocommit_2.phpt]
PASS PDO_OCI: Attribute: closing a connection in non-autocommit mode commits data [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_oci_attr_autocommit_3.phpt]
PASS PDO_OCI: Attribute: Column Case [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_oci_attr_case.phpt]
PASS PDO_OCI: Attribute: Client version [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_oci_attr_client.phpt]
PASS PDO_OCI: Attribute: Setting session client identifier [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_oci_attr_client_identifier.phpt]
PASS PDO_OCI: Attribute: Setting session client info [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_oci_attr_client_info.phpt]
PASS PDO_OCI: Attribute: verify driver name [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_oci_attr_drivername.phpt]
PASS PDO_OCI: Attribute: Setting session module [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_oci_attr_module.phpt]
PASS PDO_OCI: Attribute: Oracle Nulls [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_oci_attr_nulls_1.phpt]
PASS PDO_OCI: Attribute: Set prefetch on connection [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_oci_attr_prefetch_1.phpt]
PASS PDO_OCI: Attribute: prefetch on statements [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_oci_attr_prefetch_2.phpt]
PASS PDO_OCI: Attribute: Server version and info [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_oci_attr_server.phpt]
PASS PDO OCI specific class constants [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_oci_class_constants.phpt]
SKIP PDO_OCI: check fread() EOF [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_oci_fread_1.phpt] reason: expected output valid for WE8MSWIN1252 character set
PASS Test PDO->quote() for PDO_OCI [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_oci_quote1.phpt]
SKIP PDO_OCI: stream_get_contents length & offset test [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_oci_stream_1.phpt] reason: expected output valid for WE8MSWIN1252 character set
FAIL PDO OCI: Inserts 10K with 1 number and 2 LOB columns (stress test) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_oci_stream_2a.phpt]
FAIL PDO OCI: Fetches 10K records from a table that contains 1 number and 2 LOB columns (stress test) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_oci_stream_2b.phpt]
PASS PDO OCI: Test to verify all implicitly created temporary LOB are cleaned up [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_oci_templob_1.phpt]
PASS PECL PDO_OCI Bug #11345 (Test invalid character set name) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pecl_bug_11345.phpt]
PASS PECL PDO_OCI Bug #6364 (segmentation fault on stored procedure call with OUT binds) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pecl_bug_6364.phpt]
Number of tests : 107 97
Tests skipped : 10 ( 9.3%) --------
Tests warned : 0 ( 0.0%) ( 0.0%)
Tests failed : 4 ( 3.7%) ( 4.1%)
Expected fail : 0 ( 0.0%) ( 0.0%)
Tests passed : 93 ( 86.9%) ( 95.9%)
Time taken : 83 seconds
via [ext/pdo_oci/tests/common.phpt]
OCI PDO Common: Bug #69356 (PDOStatement::debugDumpParams() truncates query) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_69356.phpt]
via [ext/pdo_oci/tests/common.phpt]
OCI PDO Common: Bug #73234 (Emulated statements let value dictate parameter type) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/bug_73234.phpt]
PDO OCI: Inserts 10K with 1 number and 2 LOB columns (stress test) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_oci_stream_2a.phpt]
PDO OCI: Fetches 10K records from a table that contains 1 number and 2 LOB columns (stress test) [ext/pdo_oci/tests/pdo_oci_stream_2b.phpt]
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