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Created November 15, 2021 10:15
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Dad Joke CloudPage SSJS code for Slack API Integration
Title: Dad Joke CloudPage SSJS code for Slack API Integration.
Author: Cameron Robert
1: Create a Javascript Code Resource CloudPage
2: Paste the below code to the page
3: Use the Cloud Page URL as "Request URL" for a "Slash Commands" component in the Slack API Dashboard.
4: Save and Authorise your Slack app to a workspace/channel, and use the Slash Command to interact
<script runat="server">
try {
var response = HTTP.Get('',['Accept'], ['application/json']); //GET request to the Dad Joke API
var json = Platform.Function.ParseJSON(response.Content); //Parse the response to JSON
Write(json.joke); //Output the Joke object in the JSON
catch(error) {
Write('Message: '+ error);
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