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Created September 1, 2023 01:28
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Snake Key Hating Map
(ns metabase.util.snake-hating-map
"This is a map type that catches attempts to get `:snake_case` values from it. In prod, it logs a warning and gets the
value for the equivalent `kebab-case` key; in tests and dev it throws an Exception.
This is here so we can catch driver code that needs to be updated in 48+ to use MLv2 metadata rather than Toucan
instances. After 51 we can remove this, everything should be updated by then."
[clojure.string :as str]
[metabase.config :as config]
[metabase.driver :as driver]
[metabase.util :as u]
[metabase.util.log :as log]
[potemkin :as p]
[pretty.core :as pretty]))
(defn- snake-cased-key? [k]
(str/includes? k "_"))
(defn- warn-about-using-snake-case [k]
(let [e (ex-info (format "Driver %s is accessing metadata using :snake_case key %s. This is deprecated in 0.48.0. Use %s instead."
(or driver/*driver* "")
(pr-str k)
(pr-str (u/->kebab-case-en k)))
{:driver driver/*driver*, :k k})]
(if config/is-prod?
(log/warn e)
(throw e))))
(defn- normalize-key [k]
(if (snake-cased-key? k)
(warn-about-using-snake-case k)
(u/->kebab-case-en k))
(declare ->SnakeHatingMap)
(p/def-map-type SnakeHatingMap [m]
(get [_this k default-value]
(get m (normalize-key k) default-value))
(assoc [this k v]
(let [m' (assoc m (normalize-key k) v)]
(if (identical? m m')
(->SnakeHatingMap m'))))
(dissoc [this k]
(let [m' (dissoc m k)]
(if (identical? m m')
(->SnakeHatingMap m'))))
(keys [_this]
(keys m))
(meta [_this]
(meta m))
(with-meta [this metta]
(let [m' (with-meta m metta)]
(if (identical? m m')
(->SnakeHatingMap m'))))
(pretty [_this]
(list `snake-hating-map m)))
(defn snake-hating-map
"Create a new map that handles either `snake_case` or `kebab-case` keys, but warns is you use `snake_case`
keys (in prod) or throws an Exception (in dev and tests). This is here so we can catch code that needs to be updated
to use MLv2 metadata in 48+."
(->SnakeHatingMap {}))
(->SnakeHatingMap (or m {})))
([k v & more]
(->SnakeHatingMap (into {} (cons [k v] (partition-all 2 more))))))
(defn snake-hating-map? [m]
(instance? SnakeHatingMap m))
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