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Last active May 11, 2021 05:52
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A basic nvim finder written in fennel
(module finder {autoload {nvim aniseed.nvim core aniseed.core}
require {fzy fzy}})
;; Stores mappings for buffers
(def- buffer-fns {})
;; Public but not designed to called by aything but mappings
(defn _execute [bufnr index] ((. (. buffer-fns bufnr) index)))
;; Cleans up unneeded buffer maps
(defn- clean-buffer-fns [bufnr] (tset buffer-fns bufnr nil))
;; Generates the buffer map vim call signiture
(defn- get-vim-call [bufnr fnc]
(let [fns (or (. buffer-fns bufnr) [])]
(tset buffer-fns bufnr fns)
(table.insert fns fnc)
(string.format "<Cmd>lua require('finder')._execute(%s, %s)<CR>" bufnr
(length fns))))
;; Creates basic centered window options
(defn- results-window-options []
(let [columns (nvim.get_option :columns)
lines (nvim.get_option :lines)
width (math.floor (/ columns 2))
height (math.floor (/ lines 2))
row (math.floor (/ (- lines height) 2))
col (math.floor (/ (- columns width) 2))]
{: width : height : row : col}))
;; Modifies the basic centerded window options to make the input sit below
;; fnlfmt: skip
(defn- input-window-options []
(let [{: width : height : row : col} (results-window-options)]
{: width :height 1 :row (+ height row 2) : col}))
;; Creates a scratch buffer, used for both results and input
(defn- create-buffer [] (nvim.create_buf false true))
;; Creates a window with specified options
;; fnlfmt: skip
(defn- create-window [bufnr {: width : height : row : col}]
(nvim.open_win bufnr 0 {: width
: height
: row
: col
:relative :editor
:anchor :NW
:style :minimal
:border :double}))
;; Creates the results buffer and window
(defn- create-results-view []
(let [bufnr (create-buffer)
winnr (create-window bufnr (results-window-options))]
(nvim.win_set_option winnr :cursorline true)
{: bufnr : winnr}))
;; Creates the input buffer
;; fnlfmt: skip
(defn- create-input-view [config]
(let [bufnr (create-buffer)]
(create-window bufnr (input-window-options))
(nvim.buf_set_option bufnr :buftype :prompt)
(vim.fn.prompt_setprompt bufnr config.prompt)
(vim.cmd :startinsert)
(fn on-exit []
(clean-buffer-fns bufnr)
(config.on-exit bufnr))
(fn on-enter []
(fn on-tab []
(fn on-shifttab []
(fn on_lines [_ _ _ first last]
(let [contents (core.first (nvim.buf_get_lines bufnr 0 1 false))]
(config.on-update (contents:sub (+ (length config.prompt) 1)))))
(fn map [lhs fnc]
(let [rhs (get-vim-call bufnr fnc)]
(nvim.buf_set_keymap bufnr :n lhs rhs {})
(nvim.buf_set_keymap bufnr :i lhs rhs {})))
(map :<CR> on-enter)
(map :<Up> config.on-up)
(map :<Down> config.on-down)
(map :<Esc> on-exit)
(map :<Tab> on-tab)
(map :<S-Tab> on-shifttab)
(nvim.buf_attach bufnr false {: on_lines})
;; config - {
;; :prompt string
;; :get-results () => itable<string>
;; :on-select () => nil
;; :?on-multiselect () => nil
;; }
;; fnlfmt: skip
(defn run [config]
;; Creates a namespace for highlighting
(local namespace (nvim.create_namespace "custom_finder"))
;; Stores the original window to so we can pass it back to the on-select function
(local original-winnr (nvim.get_current_win))
;; Configures a default or custom prompt
(local prompt (string.format "%s> " (or config.prompt :Fuzzy)))
;; Stores the selected items, used for multiselect
(local selected {})
;; Creates the results buffer and window and stores thier numbers
(local results-view-info (create-results-view))
;; Helper function for highlighting
(fn add-results-highlight [row]
(nvim.buf_add_highlight results-view-info.bufnr namespace "Comment" (- row 1) 0 -1))
;; Gets the results from the get-results function
(local results (config.get-results))
;; Creates a helper function for writing to the results buffer with highlighting
(fn write-results [contents]
(nvim.buf_set_lines results-view-info.bufnr 0 -1 false contents)
(each [row line (pairs contents)]
(when (~= (. selected line) nil) (add-results-highlight row))))
;; Writes the results to the buffer
(write-results results)
;; Helper function for getting the cursor position
(fn get-cursor [] (nvim.win_get_cursor results-view-info.winnr))
;; Helper function for getting the line under the cursor
(fn get-cursor-line [row]
(core.first (nvim.buf_get_lines results-view-info.bufnr (- row 1) row false)))
;; Update function, called when the filter changes
(fn on-update [filter]
(vim.schedule (fn []
(local results-table
(icollect [_ value (ipairs results)]
(when (fzy.has_match filter value)
{: value :score (fzy.score filter value)})))
(table.sort results-table #(> $1.score $2.score))
(write-results ( #(. $1 :value) results-table)))))
;; Handles exiting
(fn on-exit [bufnr]
(nvim.buf_delete bufnr {:force true})
(nvim.buf_delete results-view-info.bufnr {:force true})
(nvim.set_current_win original-winnr)
(nvim.command :stopinsert))
;; Handles entering
(fn on-enter []
(local selected-values (core.vals selected))
(if (= (core.count selected-values) 0)
(let [[row _] (get-cursor) line (get-cursor-line row)]
(when (not= line "")
(config.on-select line original-winnr)))
(when config.on-multiselect (config.on-multiselect selected-values original-winnr))))
;; Handles select in the multiselect case
(fn on-select []
(when config.on-multiselect
(let [[row _] (get-cursor) line (get-cursor-line row)]
(when (not= line "")
(tset selected line line)
(add-results-highlight row)))))
;; Handles unselect in the multiselect case
(fn on-unselect []
(when config.on-multiselect
(let [[row _] (get-cursor) line (get-cursor-line row)]
(when (not= line "")
(tset selected line nil)
(nvim.buf_clear_namespace results-view-info.bufnr namespace (- row 1) row)))))
;; On key helper
(fn on-key [cond get-row]
(let [[row _] (get-cursor)]
(when (cond row)
(nvim.win_set_cursor results-view-info.winnr [(get-row row) 0])
(vim.cmd "redraw!"))))
;; On up handler
(fn on-up []
(on-key #(> $1 1) #(- $1 1)))
;; On down handler
(fn on-down []
(on-key #(< $1 (nvim.buf_line_count results-view-info.bufnr)) #(+ $1 1)))
;; Initializes the input view
{: prompt
: on-update
: on-enter
: on-exit
: on-up
: on-down
: on-select
: on-unselect}
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