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Created November 11, 2014 18:27
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namespace Camspiers\LoggerBridge;
use Camspiers\LoggerBridge\BacktraceReporter\BacktraceReporter;
use Camspiers\LoggerBridge\BacktraceReporter\BasicBacktraceReporter;
use Camspiers\LoggerBridge\EnvReporter\DirectorEnvReporter;
use Camspiers\LoggerBridge\EnvReporter\EnvReporter;
use Camspiers\LoggerBridge\ErrorReporter\DebugErrorReporter;
use Camspiers\LoggerBridge\ErrorReporter\ErrorReporter;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
* Enables global SilverStripe logging with a PSR-3 logger like Monolog.
* The logger is attached by using a Request Processor filter. This behaviour is required
* so the logger is attached after the environment only and except rules in yml are applied.
* @author Cam Spiers <>
class LoggerBridge implements \RequestFilter
* @var \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
protected $logger;
* @var \Camspiers\LoggerBridge\ErrorReporter\ErrorReporter
protected $errorReporter;
* @var \Camspiers\LoggerBridge\EnvReporter\EnvReporter
protected $envReporter;
* @var \Camspiers\LoggerBridge\BacktraceReporter\BacktraceReporter
protected $backtraceReporter;
* @var bool|null
protected $registered;
* @var bool
protected $showErrors = true;
* @var int
protected $reserveMemory = 5242880; // 5M
* @var int|null
protected $reportLevel;
* @var null|callable
protected $errorHandler;
* @var null|callable
protected $exceptionHandler;
* @var bool
protected $reportBacktrace = false;
* Defines the way error types are logged
* @var
protected $errorLogGroups = array(
'error' => array(
'warning' => array(
* Defines what errors should terminate
protected $terminatingErrors = array(
* @param \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger
* @param bool $showErrors If false stops the display of SilverStripe errors
* @param null $reserveMemory The amount of memory to reserve for out of memory errors
* @param null|int $reportLevel Allow the specification of a reporting level
public function __construct(
LoggerInterface $logger,
$showErrors = true,
$reserveMemory = null,
$reportLevel = null
) {
$this->logger = $logger;
$this->showErrors = (bool) $showErrors;
if ($reserveMemory !== null) {
// If a specific reportLevel isn't set use error_reporting
// It can be useful to set a reportLevel when you want to override SilverStripe live settings
$this->reportLevel = $reportLevel !== null ? $reportLevel : error_reporting();
* @param \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger
public function setLogger($logger)
$this->logger = $logger;
* @return \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
public function getLogger()
return $this->logger;
* @param \Camspiers\LoggerBridge\ErrorReporter\ErrorReporter $errorReporter
public function setErrorReporter(ErrorReporter $errorReporter)
$this->errorReporter = $errorReporter;
* @return \Camspiers\LoggerBridge\ErrorReporter\ErrorReporter
public function getErrorReporter()
$this->errorReporter = $this->errorReporter ? : new DebugErrorReporter($this->getEnvReporter());
return $this->errorReporter;
* @param \Camspiers\LoggerBridge\EnvReporter\EnvReporter $envReporter
public function setEnvReporter(EnvReporter $envReporter)
$this->envReporter = $envReporter;
* @return \Camspiers\LoggerBridge\EnvReporter\EnvReporter
public function getEnvReporter()
$this->envReporter = $this->envReporter ? : new DirectorEnvReporter();
return $this->envReporter;
* @param \Camspiers\LoggerBridge\BacktraceReporter\BacktraceReporter $backtraceReporter
public function setBacktraceReporter(BacktraceReporter $backtraceReporter)
$this->backtraceReporter = $backtraceReporter;
* @return \Camspiers\LoggerBridge\BacktraceReporter\BacktraceReporter
public function getBacktraceReporter()
$this->backtraceReporter = $this->backtraceReporter ? : new BasicBacktraceReporter();
return $this->backtraceReporter;
* @return boolean
public function isRegistered()
return $this->registered;
* @param array $errorLogGroups
public function setErrorLogGroups($errorLogGroups)
if (is_array($errorLogGroups)) {
$this->errorLogGroups = $errorLogGroups;
* @return mixed
public function getErrorLogGroups()
return $this->errorLogGroups;
* @param boolean $showErrors
public function setShowErrors($showErrors)
$this->showErrors = (bool) $showErrors;
* @return boolean
public function isShowErrors()
return $this->showErrors;
* @param int|null $reportLevel
public function setReportLevel($reportLevel)
$this->reportLevel = $reportLevel;
* @return int|null
public function getReportLevel()
return $this->reportLevel;
* @param bool $reportBacktrace
public function setReportBacktrace($reportBacktrace)
$this->reportBacktrace = $reportBacktrace;
* @param string|int $reserveMemory
public function setReserveMemory($reserveMemory)
if (is_string($reserveMemory)) {
$this->reserveMemory = $this->translateMemoryLimit($reserveMemory);
} elseif (is_int($reserveMemory)) {
$this->reserveMemory = $reserveMemory;
* @return int|null
public function getReserveMemory()
return $this->reserveMemory;
* This hook function is executed from RequestProcessor before the request starts
* @param \SS_HTTPRequest $request
* @param \Session $session
* @param \DataModel $model
* @return bool
* @SuppressWarnings("unused")
public function preRequest(
\SS_HTTPRequest $request,
\Session $session,
\DataModel $model
) {
return true;
* This hook function is executed from RequestProcessor after the request ends
* @param \SS_HTTPRequest $request
* @param \SS_HTTPResponse $response
* @param \DataModel $model
* @return bool
* @SuppressWarnings("unused")
public function postRequest(
\SS_HTTPRequest $request,
\SS_HTTPResponse $response,
\DataModel $model
) {
return true;
* Registers global error handlers
public function registerGlobalHandlers() {
if (!$this->registered) {
// Store the previous error handler if there was any
// Store the previous exception handler if there was any
// If the shutdown function hasn't been registered register it
if ($this->registered === null) {
// If suhosin is relevant then decrease the memory_limit by the reserveMemory amount
// otherwise we should be able to increase the memory by our reserveMemory amount without worry
if ($this->isSuhosinRelevant()) {
$this->registered = true;
* Removes handlers we have added, and restores others if possible
public function deregisterGlobalHandlers()
if ($this->registered) {
// Restore the previous error handler if available
is_callable($this->errorHandler) ? $this->errorHandler : function () { }
// Restore the previous exception handler if available
is_callable($this->exceptionHandler) ? $this->exceptionHandler : function () { }
$this->registered = false;
* Registers the error handler
protected function registerErrorHandler()
$this->errorHandler = set_error_handler(array($this, 'errorHandler'), $this->reportLevel);
* Registers the exception handler
protected function registerExceptionHandler()
$this->exceptionHandler = set_exception_handler(array($this, 'exceptionHandler'));
* Registers the fatal error handler
protected function registerFatalErrorHandler()
register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'fatalHandler'));
* Handles general errors, user, warn and notice
* @param $errno
* @param $errstr
* @param $errfile
* @param $errline
* @return bool|string|void
public function errorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)
// Honour error suppression through @
if (($errorReporting = error_reporting()) === 0) {
return true;
$logType = null;
foreach ($this->errorLogGroups as $candidateLogType => $errorTypes) {
if (in_array($errno, $errorTypes)) {
$logType = $candidateLogType;
if (is_null($logType)) {
throw new \Exception(sprintf(
"No log type found for errno '%s'",
// Log all errors regardless of type
$context = array(
'file' => $errfile,
'line' => $errline
if ($this->reportBacktrace) {
$context['backtrace'] = $this->getBacktraceReporter()->getBacktrace();
$this->logger->$logType($errstr, $context);
// Check the error_reporting level in comparison with the $errno (honouring the environment)
// And check that $showErrors is on or the site is live
if (($errno & $errorReporting) === $errno &&
($this->showErrors || $this->getEnvReporter()->isLive())) {
if (in_array($errno, $this->terminatingErrors)) {
// ignore the usually handling of this type of error
return true;
* Handles uncaught exceptions
* @param \Exception $exception
* @return string|void
public function exceptionHandler(\Exception $exception)
$context = array(
'file' => $exception->getFile(),
'line' => $exception->getLine()
if ($this->reportBacktrace) {
$context['backtrace'] = $this->getBacktraceReporter()->getBacktrace($exception);
$message = 'Uncaught ' . get_class($exception) . ': ' . $exception->getMessage(),
// Exceptions must be reported in general because they stop the regular display of the page
if ($this->showErrors || $this->getEnvReporter()->isLive()) {
* Handles fatal errors
* If we are registered, and there is a fatal error then log and try to gracefully handle error output
* In cases where memory is exhausted increase the memory_limit to allow for logging
public function fatalHandler()
$error = $this->getLastError();
if ($this->isRegistered() && $this->isFatalError($error)) {
if (defined('FRAMEWORK_PATH')) {
if ($this->isMemoryExhaustedError($error)) {
// We can safely change the memory limit be the reserve amount because if suhosin is relevant
// the memory will have been decreased prior to exhaustion
$context = array(
'file' => $error['file'],
'line' => $error['line']
if ($this->reportBacktrace) {
$context['backtrace'] = $this->getBacktraceReporter()->getBacktrace();
$this->logger->critical($error['message'], $context);
// Fatal errors should be reported when live as they stop the display of regular output
if ($this->showErrors || $this->getEnvReporter()->isLive()) {
* @param $message
* @param $code
* @param $filename
* @param $lineno
* @return \ErrorException
protected function createException($message, $code, $filename, $lineno)
return new \ErrorException(
* Returns whether or not the last error was fatal
* @param $error
* @return bool
protected function isFatalError($error)
return $error && in_array(
* @return array
protected function getLastError()
return error_get_last();
* Formats objects and array for logging
* @param $arr
* @return mixed
protected function format($arr)
return print_r($arr, true);
* Returns whether or not the passed in error is a memory exhausted error
* @param $error array
* @return bool
protected function isMemoryExhaustedError($error)
&& stripos($error['message'], 'memory') !== false
&& stripos($error['message'], 'exhausted') !== false;
* Change memory_limit by specified amount
* @param $amount
protected function changeMemoryLimit($amount)
$this->getMemoryLimit() + $amount
* Translate the memory limit string to a int in bytes.
* @param $memoryLimit
* @return int
protected function translateMemoryLimit($memoryLimit)
$unit = strtolower(substr($memoryLimit, -1, 1));
$memoryLimit = (int) $memoryLimit;
switch ($unit) {
case 'g':
$memoryLimit *= 1024;
// intentional
case 'm':
$memoryLimit *= 1024;
// intentional
case 'k':
$memoryLimit *= 1024;
// intentional
return $memoryLimit;
* @return int
protected function getMemoryLimit()
return $this->translateMemoryLimit(ini_get('memory_limit'));
* @return int
protected function getSuhosinMemoryLimit()
return $this->translateMemoryLimit(ini_get('suhosin.memory_limit'));
* Checks if suhosin is enabled and the memory_limit is closer to suhosin.memory_limit than reserveMemory
* It is in this case where it is relevant to decrease the memory available to the script before it uses all
* available memory so when we need to increase the memory limit we can do so
* @return bool
protected function isSuhosinRelevant()
return extension_loaded('suhosin') && $this->getSuhosinMemoryDifference() < $this->reserveMemory;
* Returns how close the max memory limit is to the current memory limit
* @return int
protected function getSuhosinMemoryDifference()
return $this->getSuhosinMemoryLimit() - $this->getMemoryLimit();
* Set the memory_limit so we have enough to handle errors when suhosin is relevant
protected function ensureSuhosinMemory()
$this->getSuhosinMemoryLimit() - $this->reserveMemory
* Provides ability to stub exits in unit tests
protected function terminate()
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