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Importing issues from github to taiga via API
require 'json'
require 'rest-client'
puts 'Creating User Stories from github issutes.. STARTED!'
#getting github's token:
github_token = "token foo"
#github params
github = {:url => '', :token => github_token}
#Getting taiga's token:
taiga_username = 'foo'
taiga_password = 'foo'
auth = '', {:type => 'normal', :username => taiga_username, :password => taiga_password}.to_json, :content_type => :json
taiga_token = JSON.parse(auth)['auth_token']
#replace with the taiga project id
taiga_project_id = 00001
#taiga params
taiga = {:url => '', :token => "Bearer #{taiga_token}", :project_id => taiga_project_id}
puts 'Loading Issues from Github..'
response = RestClient::Request.execute(method: :get, url: github[:url],
timeout: 10, headers: {params: {Authorization: github[:token]}})
puts "Issues loaded: #{response}"
puts "Converting request to JSON.."
json = JSON.parse(response)
puts "Creating User Stories on Taiga.."
json.each do |issue|
puts "Creating User Story on Taiga with subject: #{issue['title']} and description: #{issue['body']}" taiga[:url], {:project => taiga[:project_id], :subject => issue['title'], :description => issue['body'], :external_reference => [:github, issue['html_url']],}.to_json, {:content_type => :json, :Authorization => taiga[:token]}
puts "OK!"
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