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Last active December 8, 2015 08:59
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  • Save canassa/4fd63d682d90f5e3f07e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save canassa/4fd63d682d90f5e3f07e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Converts self.assertEquals to assert
Replaces unittest style asserts (e.g.: self.assertEqual) with py.test style asserts
from lib2to3.refactor import RefactoringTool
refactoring_tool = RefactoringTool(['fix_pytest'])
refactoring_tool.refactor([''], write=True)
from lib2to3.fixer_base import BaseFix
from lib2to3.fixer_util import syms, String
'assertEqual': '==',
'assertEquals': '==',
'assertDictEqual': '==',
'assertNotEquals': '!=',
'assertNotEqual': '!=',
'assertGreater': '>',
'assertIn': 'in',
'assertNotIn': 'not in',
'assertIs': 'is',
ONE_ARG = ['assertTrue', 'assertFalse', 'assert200', 'assert400', 'assertIsNotNone', 'assertIsNone']
class FixPytest(BaseFix):
power< self='self'
trailer< dot='.' method=({}) >
trailer< lparen='(' args=(arglist | [any]) rparen=')' > >
""".format('|'.join([repr(k) for k in TWO_ARGS.keys() + ONE_ARG]))
def transform(self, node, results):
method = results['method'][0].value
explain = None
if method in TWO_ARGS:
assert len(results['args'][0].children) in (3, 5)
left, _, right = results['args'][0].children[:3]
left.prefix = ' '
right.prefix = ' '
comparasion = String(TWO_ARGS[method])
comparasion.prefix = ' '
if len(results['args'][0].children) > 3:
explain = results['args'][0].children[4]
output = [left, comparasion, right]
elif method in ONE_ARG:
if results['args'][0].type != syms.arglist: # Only one argument passed
args = [results['args'][0]]
args = results['args'][0].children
args[0].prefix = ' '
if method == 'assertTrue':
output = [args[0]]
elif method == 'assertFalse':
output = [String(' not'), args[0]]
elif method == 'assert200':
output = [args[0], String('.status_code == 200')]
elif method == 'assert400':
output = [args[0], String('.status_code == 400')]
elif method == 'assertIsNotNone':
output = [args[0], String(' is not None')]
elif method == 'assertIsNone':
output = [args[0], String(' is None')]
if len(args) > 1:
explain = args[2]
if explain:
explain.prefix = ' '
output += [String(','), explain]
return [String(results['node'].prefix + 'assert')] + output
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