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Created October 11, 2014 23:05
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Vagrant file for Modern IE boxes
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# Vagrant file for Modern IE ( boxes
# This file is for Windown 7 running IE9, but there are other possibilities.
# NB: Vagrant wants to ssh into the VM, but these VMs don't have ssh. So,
# you'll get a timeout error message, which is safe to ignore.
# To use a different box, replace the config.vm.box_url with the URL and
# update the to some name you want to refer to it as.
# XP with IE6:
# XP with IE8:
# Vista with IE7:
# Windows 7 with IE8:
# Windows 7 with IE9:
# Windows 7 with IE10:
# Windows 7 with IE11:
# Windows 8 with IE10:
# Windows 8.1 with IE11:
# I got this list of boxes from
# Vagrantfile API/syntax version. Don't touch unless you know what you're doing!
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
# Every Vagrant virtual environment requires a box to build off of. = "Win7-ie9"
# The url from where the '' box will be fetched if it
# doesn't already exist on the user's system.
# Note: that server is really slow - it takes about an hour to download a
# 3GB box. You might want to manually download the box file and add it to
# Vagrant from the command line:
# vagrant box add --name Win7-ie9 /path/to/downloaded/box
config.vm.box_url = ""
# Vagrant wants to ssh into the VM, but these VMs don't have ssh
# installed. Just let it timeout quickly.
config.vm.boot_timeout = 60
# run with a UI window - not headless.
config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb|
vb.gui = true
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