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Created November 19, 2013 21:15
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core.async fan-out across n threads
(require '[clojure.core.async :as async])
(let [l (Object.)]
(defn log
[fmt & args]
(locking l
(apply printf fmt args)
(let [req (async/chan 10)
resp (async/chan 20)
timeout (async/timeout 60000)
n 20]
(dotimes [i 4]
(async/go-loop []
(if-let [val (async/<! req)]
(log "Worker %d received value %d\n" i val)
(Thread/sleep 1000)
(log "Worker %d returning success on value %d\n" i val)
(async/>! resp :success)
(loop [[head & more :as coll] (range n)
successes 0]
(if (= n successes)
(when-not head (async/close! req))
(let [ports (into [resp timeout] (when head [[req head]]))
[val port] (async/alts!! ports)]
(= port req) (do (log "Put value %d on request channel\n"
(recur more successes))
(= port resp) (if (= val :success)
(do (log "Got success# %d\n" (inc successes))
(recur coll (inc successes)))
(throw (ex-info "Unexpected response" {:response val})))
(= port timeout) (throw (ex-info "timedout" {:reason :timed-out}))))))))
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