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Last active July 13, 2024 04:14
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  • Save candidtim/6097565040a3aec839a8a2d28cb8887d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Alacritty Nord theme TOML
# TOML interpretation of the
# See also:
# (if the above is resolved, you may not need this Gist)
background = "#2e3440"
foreground = "#d8dee9"
dim_foreground = "#a5abb6"
text = "#2e3440"
cursor = "#d8dee9"
text = "#2e3440"
cursor = "#d8dee9"
text = "CellForeground"
background = "#4c566a"
foreground = "CellBackground"
background = "#88c0d0"
background = "#434c5e"
foreground = "#d8dee9"
black = "#3b4252"
red = "#bf616a"
green = "#a3be8c"
yellow = "#ebcb8b"
blue = "#81a1c1"
magenta = "#b48ead"
cyan = "#88c0d0"
white = "#e5e9f0"
black = "#4c566a"
red = "#bf616a"
green = "#a3be8c"
yellow = "#ebcb8b"
blue = "#81a1c1"
magenta = "#b48ead"
cyan = "#8fbcbb"
white = "#eceff4"
black = "#373e4d"
red = "#94545d"
green = "#809575"
yellow = "#b29e75"
blue = "#68809a"
magenta = "#8c738c"
cyan = "#6d96a5"
white = "#aeb3bb"
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