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Last active February 23, 2022 10:17
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python-social-auth plugin for Hashicorp Vault OIDC Provider. See also
Backend for Hashicorp Vault OIDC Identity Provider in Vault 1.9+
import base64
from social_core.backends.open_id_connect import OpenIdConnectAuth
from social_core.utils import cache
class VaultOpenIdConnect(OpenIdConnectAuth):
"""Vault OIDC authentication backend
You will need to configure at minimum:
SOCIAL_AUTH_VAULT_KEY = '<client_id>'
SOCIAL_AUTH_VAULT_SECRET = '<client_secret>'
You might also want to override defaults inherited from, particularly
SOCIAL_AUTH_VAULT_USERNAME_KEY = 'preferred_username'
You may need to set SOCIAL_AUTH_VAULT_VERIFY_SSL = False if your Vault server
does not have its certificate signed by a trusted CA (e.g. with LetsEncrypt)
On the Vault side, you will need to create a key and a provider:
vault write identity/oidc/key/oidc-key \
allowed_client_ids="*" \
verification_ttl="24h" \
rotation_period="24h" \
vault write identity/oidc/provider/default \
allowed_client_ids="*" \
Vault is very flexible with regard to configuring claims and scopes,
so it's up to you how you map entity and/or alias metadata to OIDC claims.
Here is a suggestion, which exposes the entity name as "preferred_username"
and takes the other claims from entity metadata:
vault write identity/oidc/scope/profile \
description="Provides user info" \
"preferred_username": {{}},
"name": {{}},
"given_name": {{identity.entity.metadata.given_name}},
"family_name": {{identity.entity.metadata.family_name}}
vault write identity/oidc/scope/email \
description="Provides email address" \
"email": {{}}
vault write identity/oidc/scope/groups \
description="Provides a list of group names" \
"groups": {{identity.entity.groups.names}}
Finally you will need to create an assignment and some clients
vault write identity/oidc/assignment/staff \
vault write identity/oidc/client/my-app \
redirect_uris="" \
assignments="staff" \
key="oidc-key" \
id_token_ttl="30m" \
name = 'vault'
def OIDC_ENDPOINT(self):
return self.setting('OIDC_ENDPOINT')
def auth_headers(self):
return {
'Authorization': b'Basic ' + base64.urlsafe_b64encode(
def auth_complete_params(self, state=None):
return {
'grant_type': 'authorization_code', # request auth code
'code':'code', ''), # server response code
'redirect_uri': self.get_redirect_uri(state)
def get_user_details(self, response):
username_key = self.setting('USERNAME_KEY', default=self.USERNAME_KEY)
return {
'username': response.get(username_key),
'email': response.get('email'),
'fullname': response.get('name'),
'first_name': response.get('given_name'),
'last_name': response.get('family_name'),
'groups': response.get('groups'),
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