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Last active March 1, 2017 08:58
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  • Save cangelis/7417c95ab337943685ff97c1c3e45a17 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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smoothieboard config
temperature_control.bed.thermistor EPCOS100K
temperature_control.bed.designator B
temperature_control.bed.enable true
temperature_control.bed.set_and_wait_m_code 190
temperature_control.bed.set_m_code 140
temperature_control.bed.heater_pin 1.23
temperature_control.bed.bang_bang true
temperature_control.bed.thermistor_pin 0.25
temperature_control.hotend2.heater_pin 2.5
temperature_control.hotend2.thermistor_pin 0.24
temperature_control.hotend2.designator T
temperature_control.hotend2.thermistor EPCOS100K
temperature_control.hotend2.set_m_code 103
temperature_control.hotend2.set_and_wait_m_code 108
temperature_control.hotend2.enable true
temperature_control.hotend2.max_pwm 64
temperature_control.hotend2.p_factor 7.9
temperature_control.hotend2.i_factor 0.460
temperature_control.hotend2.d_factor 34
temperature_control.chamber.heater_pin 2.6
temperature_control.chamber.thermistor_pin 0.26
temperature_control.chamber.designator C
temperature_control.chamber.thermistor EPCOS100K
temperature_control.chamber.set_m_code 102
temperature_control.chamber.set_and_wait_m_code 107
temperature_control.chamber.enable false
temperature_control.chamber.bang_bang true
temperature_control.hotend.thermistor_pin 0.23
temperature_control.hotend.set_and_wait_m_code 109
temperature_control.hotend.thermistor EPCOS100K
temperature_control.hotend.enable true
temperature_control.hotend.set_m_code 104
temperature_control.hotend.max_pwm 64
temperature_control.hotend.designator S
temperature_control.hotend.heater_pin 2.7
temperature_control.hotend.p_factor 7.9
temperature_control.hotend.i_factor 0.460
temperature_control.hotend.d_factor 34
switch.misc.enable false
switch.misc.output_type digital
switch.misc.output_pin 2.4
switch.misc.input_on_command M42
switch.misc.input_off_command M43
switch.misc.input_off_command M43
# X
alpha_en_pin 0.4
alpha_dir_pin 0.5
alpha_max_rate 20000.0
alpha_current 1.7
alpha_step_pin 2.0
alpha_steps_per_mm 80
endstop.minx.enable true 1.24^
endstop.minx.homing_direction home_to_min
endstop.minx.homing_position 0
endstop.minx.axis X
endstop.minx.max_travel 500
endstop.minx.fast_rate 50
endstop.minx.slow_rate 25
endstop.minx.retract 5
# Y
beta_steps_per_mm 80
beta_max_rate 20000.0
beta_en_pin 0.10
beta_step_pin 2.1
beta_dir_pin 0.11
beta_current 1.7
endstop.miny.enable true 1.27^
endstop.miny.homing_direction home_to_min
endstop.miny.homing_position 0
endstop.miny.axis Y
endstop.miny.max_travel 500
endstop.miny.fast_rate 50
endstop.miny.slow_rate 25
endstop.miny.retract 5
# Z
gamma_step_pin 2.2
gamma_steps_per_mm 640
gamma_en_pin 0.19
gamma_current 1.7
gamma_dir_pin 0.20
gamma_max_rate 800.0
endstop.minz.enable true 1.29^
endstop.minz.homing_direction home_to_min
endstop.minz.homing_position 0
endstop.minz.axis Z
endstop.minz.max_travel 500
endstop.minz.fast_rate 15
endstop.minz.slow_rate 4
endstop.minz.retract 5
# A (X1)
delta_en_pin 0.21
delta_step_pin 2.3
delta_dir_pin 0.22
delta_steps_per_mm 80
delta_max_rate 20000.0
delta_current 1.7
delta_acceleration 700
endstop.mina.enable true 1.26^
endstop.mina.homing_direction home_to_min
endstop.mina.homing_position 0
endstop.mina.axis A
endstop.mina.max_travel 500
endstop.mina.fast_rate 15
endstop.mina.slow_rate 4
endstop.mina.retract 5
# B (E0)
epsilon_step_pin 2.8
epsilon_dir_pin 2.13
epsilon_en_pin 4.29
epsilon_steps_per_mm 159
epsilon_acceleration 700
# C (E1)
zeta_step_pin 2.4
zeta_dir_pin 2.5
zeta_en_pin 2.7
zeta_steps_per_mm 159
zeta_acceleration 700
switch.servo.enable false
switch.servo.input_on_command M280
switch.servo.input_off_command M281
switch.servo.output_pin 3.25
switch.servo.output_type hwpwm
zprobe.enable false # set to true to enable a zprobe
zprobe.probe_pin 1.22^ # pin probe is attached to if NC remove the !, Azteeg X5 this is 1.29
zprobe.slow_feedrate 5 # mm/sec probe feed rate
#zprobe.debounce_ms 1 # set if noisy
zprobe.fast_feedrate 5000 # move feedrate
zprobe.return_feedrate 0 # feedrate after a probe, default 0 is double of slow_feedrate (mm/s)
zprobe.probe_height 20
leveling-strategy.three-point-leveling.enable false
leveling-strategy.three-point-leveling.point1 85.0,90.0 # the first probe point (x,y)
leveling-strategy.three-point-leveling.point2 315.0,90.0 # the second probe point (x,y)
leveling-strategy.three-point-leveling.point3 200.0,295.0 # the third probe point (x,y) false false 5 true 195 195 85,90,0
x_axis_max_speed 20000
y_axis_max_speed 20000
z_axis_max_speed 7000
z_acceleration 300
mm_per_arc_segment 0.01
minimum_steps_per_minute 1200
return_error_on_unhandled_gcode false
currentcontrol_module_enable true
junction_deviation 1
mm_per_line_segment 1
default_feed_rate 6000
acceleration_ticks_per_second 1000
base_stepping_frequency 50000
planner_queue_size 32
uart0.baud_rate 115200
default_seek_rate 6000
endstops_enable true
second_usb_serial_enable false
msd_disable true
acceleration 700
microseconds_per_step_pulse 1
< 11:57:01: ; No config override
< 11:57:01: ;Steps per unit:
< 11:57:01: M92 X80.00000 Y80.00000 Z640.00000 A80.00000 B159.00000 C159.00000
< 11:57:01: ;Acceleration mm/sec^2:
< 11:57:01: M204 S700.00000 Z300.00000 A700.00000 B700.00000 C700.00000
< 11:57:01: ;X- Junction Deviation, Z- Z junction deviation, S - Minimum Planner speed mm/sec:
< 11:57:01: M205 X1.00000 Z-1.00000 S0.00000
< 11:57:01: ;Max cartesian feedrates in mm/sec:
< 11:57:01: M203 X333.33334 Y333.33334 Z116.66666
< 11:57:01: ;Max actuator feedrates in mm/sec:
< 11:57:01: M203.1 X333.33334 Y333.33334 Z13.33333 A333.33334 B314.00000 C314.00000
< 11:57:01: ;WCS settings
< 11:57:01: G54
< 11:57:01: ;Digipot Motor currents:
< 11:57:01: M907 X1.70000 Y1.70000 Z1.70000 A1.70000
< 11:57:01: ;PID settings:
< 11:57:01: M301 S0 P10.0000 I0.3000 D200.0000 X255.0000 Y255
< 11:57:01: ;Max temperature setting:
< 11:57:01: M143 S0 P300.0000
< 11:57:01: ;PID settings:
< 11:57:01: M301 S1 P7.9000 I0.4600 D34.0000 X64.0000 Y64
< 11:57:01: ;Max temperature setting:
< 11:57:01: M143 S1 P300.0000
< 11:57:01: ;PID settings:
< 11:57:01: M301 S2 P7.9000 I0.4600 D34.0000 X64.0000 Y64
< 11:57:01: ;Max temperature setting:
< 11:57:01: M143 S2 P300.0000
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