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Last active April 12, 2024 13:43
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ClickHouse Complete Storage Configurations

Complete Storage Configuration

    see src/Disks/DiskFactory.h
    see src/Disks/StoragePolicy.cpp
                local disk.
                a local disk with name 'default' is special. it's path must be specified in <clickhouse><path>

                <!-- Or -->
                <!-- skip access check (write some content to a random file and read it back), for readonly disks -->

            <!-- encrypted disk -->
                <!-- encrypted disk is a *wrapper* over another disk -->
                <!-- path to the location on the disk where the data will be saved. If not specified, the data will be saved in the root directory (i.e. <disk_local>.path). must end with '/' -->

                <!-- algorithms:
                    AES_128_CTR, /// Size of key is 16 bytes.
                    AES_192_CTR, /// Size of key is 24 bytes.
                    AES_256_CTR, /// Size of key is 32 bytes.
                <key id="0">_16_ascii_chars_</key>
                <key_hex id="1">00112233445566778899AABBCCDDEEFF</key_hex>
                <!-- The key used for encryption. All the specified keys can be used for decryption, and you can always
                switch to another key while maintaining access to previously encrypted data. -->

                <!-- skip access check (write some content to a random file and read it back), for readonly disks -->

            <!-- s3 disk -->
                <!-- skip access check (write some content to a random file and read it back), for readonly disks -->


                    endpoint URI must end with '/'. Can contain macros. 

                    path to store meta data. defaults to <clickhouse.path>/disks/<NAME>/
                    not needed for type s3_plain


                    <!-- may specify multiple HTTP or HTTPS proxy uri's -->
                        At each interaction with S3 resolver sends empty GET request to specified endpoint URL to obtain proxy host.
                        Proxy host is returned as string in response body.
                        Then S3 client uses proxy URL formed as proxy_scheme://proxy_host:proxy_port to make request.
                        <!-- HTTP or HTTPS -->
                        <!-- cache TTL in seconds -->

                <!-- 1024*1024 -->
                    This configuration is only applicable to s3. Other types of object storage are not applicable or have different meanings.
                    only supports STANDARD and INTELLIGENT_TIERING.

            <!-- s3_plain disk -->
                <!-- all settings are same as disk s3, except that <metadata_path> is not needed -->

            <!-- cache disk. mostly for caching data in object storage disks -->
                <!-- path to store cache data. required -->

                <!-- mandatory -->

            <!-- web disk -->
                <!-- endpoint URI must end with '/'. Can contain macros. -->
                <!-- skip access check (write some content to a random file and read it back), for readonly disks -->


                <!-- Or -->

                <!-- path to store meta data. defaults to <clickhouse.path>/disks/<NAME>/ -->

                <!-- storage settings -->

                <!-- skip access check (write some content to a random file and read it back), for readonly disks -->

                <!-- endpoint URI must end with '/'. Can contain macros. -->

                <!-- path to store meta data. defaults to <clickhouse.path>/disks/<NAME>/ -->
                <!-- 1024*1024 -->

                <!-- skip access check (write some content to a random file and read it back), for readonly disks -->

                    The order of volume enumeration within a storage policy is *important*. Once a volume is overfilled,
                    data are moved to the next one. The order of disk enumeration is *important* as well because data are
                    stored on them in turns.
                        <!-- disk name refering storage_configuration.disks.<NAME>, e.g. "disk_local" -->

                        <!-- only JBOD -->
                        <!-- Or -->


                        <!-- round_robin ofastestmirrorr least_used -->
                    when the amount of available space gets lower than this factor, data automatically starts to move on
                    the next volume if any. defaults to 0.1


    <!-- network config that also applies to storages over network -->

        <!-- Or -->


        <!-- s3 settings (without 's3_' prefix) -->

        <!-- hdfs settings -->
        <!-- etc.-->

HDFS Settings

Setting Type Default Description Note
hdfs_replication UInt64 0 The actual number of replications can be specified when the hdfs file is created.
hdfs_truncate_on_insert Bool false Enables or disables truncate before insert in s3 engine tables
hdfs_create_new_file_on_insert Bool false Enables or disables creating a new file on each insert in hdfs engine tables

S3 Related Config/Settings

Search settings with prefix s3_

replace ^\s+M\(([^,]+), ([^,]+), ([^,]+), "([^"]+)", ([^,]+)\)

with | $2 | $1 | $3 | $4 |

Setting Type Default Description Note
s3_min_upload_part_size UInt64 1610241024 The minimum size of part to upload during multipart upload to S3.
s3_max_upload_part_size UInt64 5ull10241024*1024 The maximum size of part to upload during multipart upload to S3.
s3_upload_part_size_multiply_factor UInt64 2 Multiply s3_min_upload_part_size by this factor each time s3_multiply_parts_count_threshold parts were uploaded from a single write to S3.
s3_upload_part_size_multiply_parts_count_threshold UInt64 500 Each time this number of parts was uploaded to S3 s3_min_upload_part_size multiplied by s3_upload_part_size_multiply_factor.
s3_max_single_part_upload_size UInt64 3210241024 The maximum size of object to upload using singlepart upload to S3.
s3_max_single_read_retries UInt64 4 The maximum number of retries during single S3 read. request setting
s3_max_unexpected_write_error_retries UInt64 4 The maximum number of retries in case of unexpected errors during S3 write.
s3_max_redirects UInt64 10 Max number of S3 redirects hops allowed.
s3_max_connections UInt64 1024 The maximum number of connections per server. request setting
s3_max_get_rps UInt64 0 Limit on S3 GET request per second rate before throttling. Zero means unlimited. request setting
s3_max_get_burst UInt64 0 Max number of requests that can be issued simultaneously before hitting request per second limit. By default (0) equals to s3_max_get_rps request setting
s3_max_put_rps UInt64 0 Limit on S3 PUT request per second rate before throttling. Zero means unlimited. request setting
s3_max_put_burst UInt64 0 Max number of requests that can be issued simultaneously before hitting request per second limit. By default (0) equals to s3_max_put_rps request setting
s3_list_object_keys_size UInt64 1000 Maximum number of files that could be returned in batch by ListObject request request setting
s3_truncate_on_insert Bool false Enables or disables truncate before insert in s3 engine tables.
s3_create_new_file_on_insert Bool false Enables or disables creating a new file on each insert in s3 engine tables
s3_check_objects_after_upload Bool false Check each uploaded object to s3 with head request to be sure that upload was successful request setting
s3_allow_parallel_part_upload Bool true Use multiple threads for s3 multipart upload. It may lead to slightly higher memory usage
s3_throw_on_zero_files_match Bool false Throw an error, when ListObjects request cannot match any files request setting
enable_s3_requests_logging Bool false Enable very explicit logging of S3 requests. Makes sense for debug only.

request settings can be specified in config clickhouse/storage_configuration/disks, clickhouse/s3, or as context settings.

when specified in clickhouse/s3, strip the s3_ prefix.

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