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Created May 23, 2015 20:26
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@load base/frameworks/sumstats
@load base/utils/site
redef udp_content_deliver_all_orig = T;
redef udp_content_deliver_all_resp = T;
module BW;
global temp : set[string];
event bro_init()
local r1 = SumStats::Reducer($stream="bw", $apply=set(SumStats::SUM));
SumStats::create([$name = "bw", $epoch = 5min, $reducers = set(r1),
$epoch_result(ts: time, key: SumStats::Key, result: SumStats::Result) = {
local intervl: double = time_to_double(result["bw"]$end) - time_to_double(result["bw"]$begin);
intervl = intervl < 1 ? 1 : intervl;
local info : string = fmt("{\"ts\":\"%s\",\"name\":\"%s\",\"bw\":%f, \"interval\":%f}", strftime("%T", current_time()), key$str, result["bw"]$sum/intervl*8, intervl);
add temp[info];
$epoch_finished(ts: time) = {
local f : file = open("/var/www/html/bw.json");
write_file(f, "[");
local len = |temp|;
local i = 0;
for(val in temp) {
write_file(f, cat(val, i+1 < len ? "," : ""));
write_file(f, "]");
function packet_delivered(c: connection, is_orig: bool, len: count)
local is_local : bool = Site::is_local_addr(c$id$orig_h);
SumStats::observe("bw", [$str=cat((is_local || is_orig) && !(is_local && is_orig) ? "out" : "in", "-")], [$num=len]);
if (is_orig) {
SumStats::observe("bw", [$str=cat("out-", c$id$orig_h)], [$num=len]);
SumStats::observe("bw", [$str=cat("in-", c$id$resp_h)], [$num=len]);
SumStats::observe("bw", [$str=cat("in-", c$id$resp_h, ":", c$id$resp_p)], [$num=len]);
SumStats::observe("bw", [$str=cat(c$id$orig_h, "-", c$id$resp_h)], [$num=len]);
SumStats::observe("bw", [$str=cat(c$id$orig_h, "-", c$id$resp_h, ":", c$id$resp_p)], [$num=len]);
} else {
SumStats::observe("bw", [$str=cat("in-", c$id$orig_h)], [$num=len]);
SumStats::observe("bw", [$str=cat("out-", c$id$resp_h)], [$num=len]);
SumStats::observe("bw", [$str=cat("out-", c$id$resp_h, ":", c$id$resp_p)], [$num=len]);
SumStats::observe("bw", [$str=cat(c$id$resp_h, "-", c$id$orig_h)], [$num=len]);
SumStats::observe("bw", [$str=cat(c$id$resp_h, ":", c$id$resp_p, "-", c$id$orig_h)], [$num=len]);
event udp_contents(u: connection, is_orig: bool, contents: string)
packet_delivered(u, is_orig, |contents|);
event tcp_packet(c: connection, is_orig: bool, flags: string, seq: count, ack: count, len: count, payload: string)
packet_delivered(c, is_orig, len);
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