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Magic wand tool (fuzzy selection) by color
@package magic-wand-tool
@author Ryasnoy Paul <>
@version 1.1.4
@license MIT
@copyright (c) 2014-2019, Ryasnoy Paul <>
MagicWand = (function () {
var lib = {};
/** Create a binary mask on the image by color threshold
* Algorithm: Scanline flood fill (
* @param {Object} image: {Uint8Array} data, {int} width, {int} height, {int} bytes
* @param {int} x of start pixel
* @param {int} y of start pixel
* @param {int} color threshold
* @param {Uint8Array} mask of visited points (optional)
* @param {boolean} [includeBorders=false] indicate whether to include borders pixels
* @return {Object} mask: {Uint8Array} data, {int} width, {int} height, {Object} bounds
lib.floodFill = function(image, px, py, colorThreshold, mask, includeBorders) {
return includeBorders
? floodFillWithBorders(image, px, py, colorThreshold, mask)
: floodFillWithoutBorders(image, px, py, colorThreshold, mask);
function floodFillWithoutBorders(image, px, py, colorThreshold, mask) {
var c, x, newY, el, xr, xl, dy, dyl, dyr, checkY,
data =,
w = image.width,
h = image.height,
bytes = image.bytes, // number of bytes in the color
maxX = -1, minX = w + 1, maxY = -1, minY = h + 1,
i = py * w + px, // start point index in the mask data
result = new Uint8Array(w * h), // result mask
visited = new Uint8Array(mask ? mask : w * h); // mask of visited points
if (visited[i] === 1) return null;
i = i * bytes; // start point index in the image data
var sampleColor = [data[i], data[i + 1], data[i + 2], data[i + 3]]; // start point color (sample)
var stack = [{ y: py, left: px - 1, right: px + 1, dir: 1 }]; // first scanning line
do {
el = stack.shift(); // get line for scanning
checkY = false;
for (x = el.left + 1; x < el.right; x++) {
dy = el.y * w;
i = (dy + x) * bytes; // point index in the image data
if (visited[dy + x] === 1) continue; // check whether the point has been visited
// compare the color of the sample
c = data[i] - sampleColor[0]; // check by red
if (c > colorThreshold || c < -colorThreshold) continue;
c = data[i + 1] - sampleColor[1]; // check by green
if (c > colorThreshold || c < -colorThreshold) continue;
c = data[i + 2] - sampleColor[2]; // check by blue
if (c > colorThreshold || c < -colorThreshold) continue;
checkY = true; // if the color of the new point(x,y) is similar to the sample color need to check minmax for Y
result[dy + x] = 1; // mark a new point in mask
visited[dy + x] = 1; // mark a new point as visited
xl = x - 1;
// walk to left side starting with the left neighbor
while (xl > -1) {
dyl = dy + xl;
i = dyl * bytes; // point index in the image data
if (visited[dyl] === 1) break; // check whether the point has been visited
// compare the color of the sample
c = data[i] - sampleColor[0]; // check by red
if (c > colorThreshold || c < -colorThreshold) break;
c = data[i + 1] - sampleColor[1]; // check by green
if (c > colorThreshold || c < -colorThreshold) break;
c = data[i + 2] - sampleColor[2]; // check by blue
if (c > colorThreshold || c < -colorThreshold) break;
result[dyl] = 1;
visited[dyl] = 1;
xr = x + 1;
// walk to right side starting with the right neighbor
while (xr < w) {
dyr = dy + xr;
i = dyr * bytes; // index point in the image data
if (visited[dyr] === 1) break; // check whether the point has been visited
// compare the color of the sample
c = data[i] - sampleColor[0]; // check by red
if (c > colorThreshold || c < -colorThreshold) break;
c = data[i + 1] - sampleColor[1]; // check by green
if (c > colorThreshold || c < -colorThreshold) break;
c = data[i + 2] - sampleColor[2]; // check by blue
if (c > colorThreshold || c < -colorThreshold) break;
result[dyr] = 1;
visited[dyr] = 1;
// check minmax for X
if (xl < minX) minX = xl + 1;
if (xr > maxX) maxX = xr - 1;
newY = el.y - el.dir;
if (newY >= 0 && newY < h) { // add two scanning lines in the opposite direction (y - dir) if necessary
if (xl < el.left) stack.push({ y: newY, left: xl, right: el.left, dir: -el.dir }); // from "new left" to "current left"
if (el.right < xr) stack.push({ y: newY, left: el.right, right: xr, dir: -el.dir }); // from "current right" to "new right"
newY = el.y + el.dir;
if (newY >= 0 && newY < h) { // add the scanning line in the direction (y + dir) if necessary
if (xl < xr) stack.push({ y: newY, left: xl, right: xr, dir: el.dir }); // from "new left" to "new right"
// check minmax for Y if necessary
if (checkY) {
if (el.y < minY) minY = el.y;
if (el.y > maxY) maxY = el.y;
} while (stack.length > 0);
return {
data: result,
width: image.width,
height: image.height,
bounds: {
minX: minX,
minY: minY,
maxX: maxX,
maxY: maxY
function floodFillWithBorders(image, px, py, colorThreshold, mask) {
var c, x, newY, el, xr, xl, dy, dyl, dyr, checkY,
data =,
w = image.width,
h = image.height,
bytes = image.bytes, // number of bytes in the color
maxX = -1, minX = w + 1, maxY = -1, minY = h + 1,
i = py * w + px, // start point index in the mask data
result = new Uint8Array(mask ? mask : w * h), // result mask
visited = new Uint8Array(mask ? mask : w * h); // mask of visited points
// console.log('iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii', i);
// console.log('iiiii22222222222', result);
// console.log('iiiii33333333333', visited);
if (visited[i] === 1) {
return null;
// return {
// data: result,
// width: image.width,
// height: image.height,
// bounds: {
// minX: minX,
// minY: minY,
// maxX: maxX,
// maxY: maxY
// }
// };
i = i * bytes; // start point index in the image data
var sampleColor = [data[i], data[i + 1], data[i + 2], data[i + 3]]; // start point color (sample)
var stack = [{ y: py, left: px - 1, right: px + 1, dir: 1 }]; // first scanning line
do {
el = stack.shift(); // get line for scanning
checkY = false;
for (x = el.left + 1; x < el.right; x++) {
dy = el.y * w;
i = (dy + x) * bytes; // point index in the image data
if (visited[dy + x] === 1) continue; // check whether the point has been visited
checkY = true; // if the color of the new point(x,y) is similar to the sample color need to check minmax for Y
result[dy + x] = 1; // mark a new point in mask
visited[dy + x] = 1; // mark a new point as visited
// console.log('3333333333333', data[i + 3]);
if (data[i + 3] === 0) {
// compare the color of the sample
c = data[i] - sampleColor[0]; // check by red
if (c > colorThreshold || c < -colorThreshold) continue;
c = data[i + 1] - sampleColor[1]; // check by green
if (c > colorThreshold || c < -colorThreshold) continue;
c = data[i + 2] - sampleColor[2]; // check by blue
if (c > colorThreshold || c < -colorThreshold) continue;
xl = x - 1;
// walk to left side starting with the left neighbor
while (xl > -1) {
dyl = dy + xl;
i = dyl * bytes; // point index in the image data
if (visited[dyl] === 1) break; // check whether the point has been visited
result[dyl] = 1;
visited[dyl] = 1;
if (data[i + 3] === 0) {
// compare the color of the sample
c = data[i] - sampleColor[0]; // check by red
if (c > colorThreshold || c < -colorThreshold) break;
c = data[i + 1] - sampleColor[1]; // check by green
if (c > colorThreshold || c < -colorThreshold) break;
c = data[i + 2] - sampleColor[2]; // check by blue
if (c > colorThreshold || c < -colorThreshold) break;
xr = x + 1;
// walk to right side starting with the right neighbor
while (xr < w) {
dyr = dy + xr;
i = dyr * bytes; // index point in the image data
if (visited[dyr] === 1) break; // check whether the point has been visited
result[dyr] = 1;
visited[dyr] = 1;
if (data[i + 3] === 0) {
// compare the color of the sample
c = data[i] - sampleColor[0]; // check by red
if (c > colorThreshold || c < -colorThreshold) break;
c = data[i + 1] - sampleColor[1]; // check by green
if (c > colorThreshold || c < -colorThreshold) break;
c = data[i + 2] - sampleColor[2]; // check by blue
if (c > colorThreshold || c < -colorThreshold) break;
// check minmax for X
if (xl < minX) minX = xl + 1;
if (xr > maxX) maxX = xr - 1;
newY = el.y - el.dir;
if (newY >= 0 && newY < h) { // add two scanning lines in the opposite direction (y - dir) if necessary
if (xl < el.left) stack.push({ y: newY, left: xl, right: el.left, dir: -el.dir }); // from "new left" to "current left"
if (el.right < xr) stack.push({ y: newY, left: el.right, right: xr, dir: -el.dir }); // from "current right" to "new right"
newY = el.y + el.dir;
if (newY >= 0 && newY < h) { // add the scanning line in the direction (y + dir) if necessary
if (xl < xr) stack.push({ y: newY, left: xl, right: xr, dir: el.dir }); // from "new left" to "new right"
// check minmax for Y if necessary
if (checkY) {
if (el.y < minY) minY = el.y;
if (el.y > maxY) maxY = el.y;
} while (stack.length > 0);
return {
data: result,
width: image.width,
height: image.height,
bounds: {
minX: minX,
minY: minY,
maxX: maxX,
maxY: maxY
/** Apply the gauss-blur filter to binary mask
* Algorithms:
* @param {Object} mask: {Uint8Array} data, {int} width, {int} height, {Object} bounds
* @param {int} blur radius
* @return {Object} mask: {Uint8Array} data, {int} width, {int} height, {Object} bounds
lib.gaussBlur = function(mask, radius) {
var i, k, k1, x, y, val, start, end,
n = radius * 2 + 1, // size of the pattern for radius-neighbors (from -r to +r with the center point)
s2 = radius * radius,
wg = new Float32Array(n), // weights
total = 0, // sum of weights(used for normalization)
w = mask.width,
h = mask.height,
data =,
minX = mask.bounds.minX,
maxX = mask.bounds.maxX,
minY = mask.bounds.minY,
maxY = mask.bounds.maxY;
// calc gauss weights
for (i = 0; i < radius; i++) {
var dsq = (radius - i) * (radius - i);
var ww = Math.exp(-dsq / (2.0 * s2)) / (2 * Math.PI * s2);
wg[radius + i] = wg[radius - i] = ww;
total += 2 * ww;
// normalization weights
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
wg[i] /= total;
var result = new Uint8Array(w * h), // result mask
endX = radius + w,
endY = radius + h;
//walk through all source points for blur
for (y = minY; y < maxY + 1; y++)
for (x = minX; x < maxX + 1; x++) {
val = 0;
k = y * w + x; // index of the point
start = radius - x > 0 ? radius - x : 0;
end = endX - x < n ? endX - x : n; // Math.min((((w - 1) - x) + radius) + 1, n);
k1 = k - radius;
// walk through x-neighbors
for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
val += data[k1 + i] * wg[i];
start = radius - y > 0 ? radius - y : 0;
end = endY - y < n ? endY - y : n; // Math.min((((h - 1) - y) + radius) + 1, n);
k1 = k - radius * w;
// walk through y-neighbors
for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
val += data[k1 + i * w] * wg[i];
result[k] = val > 0.5 ? 1 : 0;
return {
data: result,
width: w,
height: h,
bounds: {
minX: minX,
minY: minY,
maxX: maxX,
maxY: maxY
/** Create a border index array of boundary points of the mask with radius-neighbors
* @param {Object} mask: {Uint8Array} data, {int} width, {int} height, {Object} bounds
* @param {int} blur radius
* @param {Uint8Array} visited: mask of visited points (optional)
* @return {Array} border index array of boundary points with radius-neighbors (only points need for blur)
function createBorderForBlur(mask, radius, visited) {
var x, i, j, y, k, k1, k2,
w = mask.width,
h = mask.height,
data =,
visitedData = new Uint8Array(data),
minX = mask.bounds.minX,
maxX = mask.bounds.maxX,
minY = mask.bounds.minY,
maxY = mask.bounds.maxY,
len = w * h,
temp = new Uint8Array(len), // auxiliary array to check uniqueness
border = [], // only border points
x0 = Math.max(minX, 1),
x1 = Math.min(maxX, w - 2),
y0 = Math.max(minY, 1),
y1 = Math.min(maxY, h - 2);
if (visited && visited.length > 0) {
// copy visited points (only "black")
for (k = 0; k < len; k++) {
if (visited[k] === 1) visitedData[k] = 1;
// walk through inner values except points on the boundary of the image
for (y = y0; y < y1 + 1; y++)
for (x = x0; x < x1 + 1; x++) {
k = y * w + x;
if (data[k] === 0) continue; // "white" point isn't the border
k1 = k + w; // y + 1
k2 = k - w; // y - 1
// check if any neighbor with a "white" color
if (visitedData[k + 1] === 0 || visitedData[k - 1] === 0 ||
visitedData[k1] === 0 || visitedData[k1 + 1] === 0 || visitedData[k1 - 1] === 0 ||
visitedData[k2] === 0 || visitedData[k2 + 1] === 0 || visitedData[k2 - 1] === 0) {
//if (visitedData[k + 1] + visitedData[k - 1] +
// visitedData[k1] + visitedData[k1 + 1] + visitedData[k1 - 1] +
// visitedData[k2] + visitedData[k2 + 1] + visitedData[k2 - 1] == 8) continue;
// walk through points on the boundary of the image if necessary
// if the "black" point is adjacent to the boundary of the image, it is a border point
if (minX == 0)
for (y = minY; y < maxY + 1; y++)
if (data[y * w] === 1)
border.push(y * w);
if (maxX == w - 1)
for (y = minY; y < maxY + 1; y++)
if (data[y * w + maxX] === 1)
border.push(y * w + maxX);
if (minY == 0)
for (x = minX; x < maxX + 1; x++)
if (data[x] === 1)
if (maxY == h - 1)
for (x = minX; x < maxX + 1; x++)
if (data[maxY * w + x] === 1)
border.push(maxY * w + x);
var result = [], // border points with radius-neighbors
start, end,
endX = radius + w,
endY = radius + h,
n = radius * 2 + 1; // size of the pattern for radius-neighbors (from -r to +r with the center point)
len = border.length;
// walk through radius-neighbors of border points and add them to the result array
for (j = 0; j < len; j++) {
k = border[j]; // index of the border point
temp[k] = 1; // mark border point
result.push(k); // save the border point
x = k % w; // calc x by index
y = (k - x) / w; // calc y by index
start = radius - x > 0 ? radius - x : 0;
end = endX - x < n ? endX - x : n; // Math.min((((w - 1) - x) + radius) + 1, n);
k1 = k - radius;
// walk through x-neighbors
for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
k2 = k1 + i;
if (temp[k2] === 0) { // check the uniqueness
temp[k2] = 1;
start = radius - y > 0 ? radius - y : 0;
end = endY - y < n ? endY - y : n; // Math.min((((h - 1) - y) + radius) + 1, n);
k1 = k - radius * w;
// walk through y-neighbors
for (i = start; i < end; i++) {
k2 = k1 + i * w;
if (temp[k2] === 0) { // check the uniqueness
temp[k2] = 1;
return result;
/** Apply the gauss-blur filter ONLY to border points with radius-neighbors
* Algorithms:
* @param {Object} mask: {Uint8Array} data, {int} width, {int} height, {Object} bounds
* @param {int} blur radius
* @param {Uint8Array} visited: mask of visited points (optional)
* @return {Object} mask: {Uint8Array} data, {int} width, {int} height, {Object} bounds
lib.gaussBlurOnlyBorder = function(mask, radius, visited) {
var border = createBorderForBlur(mask, radius, visited), // get border points with radius-neighbors
ww, dsq, i, j, k, k1, x, y, val, start, end,
n = radius * 2 + 1, // size of the pattern for radius-neighbors (from -r to +r with center point)
s2 = 2 * radius * radius,
wg = new Float32Array(n), // weights
total = 0, // sum of weights(used for normalization)
w = mask.width,
h = mask.height,
data =,
minX = mask.bounds.minX,
maxX = mask.bounds.maxX,
minY = mask.bounds.minY,
maxY = mask.bounds.maxY,
len = border.length;
// calc gauss weights
for (i = 0; i < radius; i++) {
dsq = (radius - i) * (radius - i);
ww = Math.exp(-dsq / s2) / Math.PI;
wg[radius + i] = wg[radius - i] = ww;
total += 2 * ww;
// normalization weights
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
wg[i] /= total;
var result = new Uint8Array(data), // copy the source mask
endX = radius + w,
endY = radius + h;
//walk through all border points for blur
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
k = border[i]; // index of the border point
val = 0;
x = k % w; // calc x by index
y = (k - x) / w; // calc y by index
start = radius - x > 0 ? radius - x : 0;
end = endX - x < n ? endX - x : n; // Math.min((((w - 1) - x) + radius) + 1, n);
k1 = k - radius;
// walk through x-neighbors
for (j = start; j < end; j++) {
val += data[k1 + j] * wg[j];
if (val > 0.5) {
result[k] = 1;
// check minmax
if (x < minX) minX = x;
if (x > maxX) maxX = x;
if (y < minY) minY = y;
if (y > maxY) maxY = y;
start = radius - y > 0 ? radius - y : 0;
end = endY - y < n ? endY - y : n; // Math.min((((h - 1) - y) + radius) + 1, n);
k1 = k - radius * w;
// walk through y-neighbors
for (j = start; j < end; j++) {
val += data[k1 + j * w] * wg[j];
if (val > 0.5) {
result[k] = 1;
// check minmax
if (x < minX) minX = x;
if (x > maxX) maxX = x;
if (y < minY) minY = y;
if (y > maxY) maxY = y;
} else {
result[k] = 0;
return {
data: result,
width: w,
height: h,
bounds: {
minX: minX,
minY: minY,
maxX: maxX,
maxY: maxY
/** Create a border mask (only boundary points)
* @param {Object} mask: {Uint8Array} data, {int} width, {int} height, {Object} bounds
* @return {Object} border mask: {Uint8Array} data, {int} width, {int} height, {Object} offset
lib.createBorderMask = function(mask) {
var x, y, k, k1, k2,
w = mask.width,
h = mask.height,
data =,
minX = mask.bounds.minX,
maxX = mask.bounds.maxX,
minY = mask.bounds.minY,
maxY = mask.bounds.maxY,
rw = maxX - minX + 1, // bounds size
rh = maxY - minY + 1,
result = new Uint8Array(rw * rh), // reduced mask (bounds size)
x0 = Math.max(minX, 1),
x1 = Math.min(maxX, w - 2),
y0 = Math.max(minY, 1),
y1 = Math.min(maxY, h - 2);
// walk through inner values except points on the boundary of the image
for (y = y0; y < y1 + 1; y++)
for (x = x0; x < x1 + 1; x++) {
k = y * w + x;
if (data[k] === 0) continue; // "white" point isn't the border
k1 = k + w; // y + 1
k2 = k - w; // y - 1
// check if any neighbor with a "white" color
if (data[k + 1] === 0 || data[k - 1] === 0 ||
data[k1] === 0 || data[k1 + 1] === 0 || data[k1 - 1] === 0 ||
data[k2] === 0 || data[k2 + 1] === 0 || data[k2 - 1] === 0) {
//if (data[k + 1] + data[k - 1] +
// data[k1] + data[k1 + 1] + data[k1 - 1] +
// data[k2] + data[k2 + 1] + data[k2 - 1] == 8) continue;
result[(y - minY) * rw + (x - minX)] = 1;
// walk through points on the boundary of the image if necessary
// if the "black" point is adjacent to the boundary of the image, it is a border point
if (minX == 0)
for (y = minY; y < maxY + 1; y++)
if (data[y * w] === 1)
result[(y - minY) * rw] = 1;
if (maxX == w - 1)
for (y = minY; y < maxY + 1; y++)
if (data[y * w + maxX] === 1)
result[(y - minY) * rw + (maxX - minX)] = 1;
if (minY == 0)
for (x = minX; x < maxX + 1; x++)
if (data[x] === 1)
result[x - minX] = 1;
if (maxY == h - 1)
for (x = minX; x < maxX + 1; x++)
if (data[maxY * w + x] === 1)
result[(maxY - minY) * rw + (x - minX)] = 1;
return {
data: result,
width: rw,
height: rh,
offset: { x: minX, y: minY }
/** Create a border index array of boundary points of the mask
* @param {Object} mask: {Uint8Array} data, {int} width, {int} height
* @return {Array} border index array boundary points of the mask
lib.getBorderIndices = function(mask) {
var x, y, k, k1, k2,
w = mask.width,
h = mask.height,
data =,
border = [], // only border points
x1 = w - 1,
y1 = h - 1;
// walk through inner values except points on the boundary of the image
for (y = 1; y < y1; y++)
for (x = 1; x < x1; x++) {
k = y * w + x;
if (data[k] === 0) continue; // "white" point isn't the border
k1 = k + w; // y + 1
k2 = k - w; // y - 1
// check if any neighbor with a "white" color
if (data[k + 1] === 0 || data[k - 1] === 0 ||
data[k1] === 0 || data[k1 + 1] === 0 || data[k1 - 1] === 0 ||
data[k2] === 0 || data[k2 + 1] === 0 || data[k2 - 1] === 0) {
//if (data[k + 1] + data[k - 1] +
// data[k1] + data[k1 + 1] + data[k1 - 1] +
// data[k2] + data[k2 + 1] + data[k2 - 1] == 8) continue;
// walk through points on the boundary of the image if necessary
// if the "black" point is adjacent to the boundary of the image, it is a border point
for (y = 0; y < h; y++)
if (data[y * w] === 1)
border.push(y * w);
for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
if (data[x] === 1)
k = w - 1;
for (y = 0; y < h; y++)
if (data[y * w + k] === 1)
border.push(y * w + k);
k = (h - 1) * w;
for (x = 0; x < w; x++)
if (data[k + x] === 1)
border.push(k + x);
return border;
/** Create a compressed mask with a "white" border (1px border with zero values) for the contour tracing
* @param {Object} mask: {Uint8Array} data, {int} width, {int} height, {Object} bounds
* @return {Object} border mask: {Uint8Array} data, {int} width, {int} height, {Object} offset
function prepareMask(mask) {
var x, y,
w = mask.width,
data =,
minX = mask.bounds.minX,
maxX = mask.bounds.maxX,
minY = mask.bounds.minY,
maxY = mask.bounds.maxY,
rw = maxX - minX + 3, // bounds size +1 px on each side (a "white" border)
rh = maxY - minY + 3,
result = new Uint8Array(rw * rh); // reduced mask (bounds size)
// walk through inner values and copy only "black" points to the result mask
for (y = minY; y < maxY + 1; y++)
for (x = minX; x < maxX + 1; x++) {
if (data[y * w + x] === 1)
result[(y - minY + 1) * rw + (x - minX + 1)] = 1;
return {
data: result,
width: rw,
height: rh,
offset: { x: minX - 1, y: minY - 1 }
/** Create a contour array for the binary mask
* Algorithm:
* @param {Object} mask: {Uint8Array} data, {int} width, {int} height, {Object} bounds
* @return {Array} contours: {Array} points, {bool} inner, {int} label
lib.traceContours = function(mask) {
var m = prepareMask(mask),
contours = [],
label = 0,
w = m.width,
w2 = w * 2,
h = m.height,
src =,
dx = m.offset.x,
dy = m.offset.y,
dest = new Uint8Array(src), // label matrix
i, j, x, y, k, k1, c, inner, dir, first, second, current, previous, next, d;
// all [dx,dy] pairs (array index is the direction)
// 5 6 7
// 4 X 0
// 3 2 1
var directions = [[1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1], [-1, 1], [-1, 0], [-1, -1], [0, -1], [1, -1]];
for (y = 1; y < h - 1; y++)
for (x = 1; x < w - 1; x++) {
k = y * w + x;
if (src[k] === 1) {
for (i = -w; i < w2; i += w2) { // k - w: outer tracing (y - 1), k + w: inner tracing (y + 1)
if (src[k + i] === 0 && dest[k + i] === 0) { // need contour tracing
inner = i === w; // is inner contour tracing ?
label++; // label for the next contour
c = [];
dir = inner ? 2 : 6; // start direction
current = previous = first = { x: x, y: y };
second = null;
while (true) {
dest[current.y * w + current.x] = label; // mark label for the current point
// bypass all the neighbors around the current point in a clockwise
for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
dir = (dir + 1) % 8;
// get the next point by new direction
d = directions[dir]; // index as direction
next = { x: current.x + d[0], y: current.y + d[1] };
k1 = next.y * w + next.x;
if (src[k1] === 1) // black boundary pixel
dest[k1] = label; // mark a label
dest[k1] = -1; // mark a white boundary pixel
next = null;
if (next === null) break; // no neighbours (one-point contour)
current = next;
if (second) {
if (previous.x === first.x && previous.y === first.y && current.x === second.x && current.y === second.y) {
break; // creating the contour completed when returned to original position
} else {
second = next;
c.push({ x: previous.x + dx, y: previous.y + dy });
previous = current;
dir = (dir + 4) % 8; // next dir (symmetrically to the current direction)
if (next != null) {
c.push({ x: first.x + dx, y: first.y + dy }); // close the contour
contours.push({ inner: inner, label: label, points: c }); // add contour to the list
return contours;
/** Simplify contours
* Algorithms:
* @param {Array} contours: {Array} points, {bool} inner, {int} label
* @param {float} simplify tolerant
* @param {int} simplify count: min number of points when the contour is simplified
* @return {Array} contours: {Array} points, {bool} inner, {int} label, {int} initialCount
lib.simplifyContours = function(contours, simplifyTolerant, simplifyCount) {
var lenContours = contours.length,
result = [],
i, j, k, c, points, len, resPoints, lst, stack, ids,
maxd, maxi, dist, r1, r2, r12, dx, dy, pi, pf, pl;
// walk through all contours
for (j = 0; j < lenContours; j++) {
c = contours[j];
points = c.points;
len = c.points.length;
if (len < simplifyCount) { // contour isn't simplified
resPoints = [];
for (k = 0; k < len; k++) {
resPoints.push({ x: points[k].x, y: points[k].y });
result.push({ inner: c.inner, label: c.label, points: resPoints, initialCount: len });
lst = [0, len - 1]; // always add first and last points
stack = [{ first: 0, last: len - 1 }]; // first processed edge
do {
ids = stack.shift();
if (ids.last <= ids.first + 1) // no intermediate points
maxd = -1.0; // max distance from point to current edge
maxi = ids.first; // index of maximally distant point
for (i = ids.first + 1; i < ids.last; i++) // bypass intermediate points in edge
// calc the distance from current point to edge
pi = points[i];
pf = points[ids.first];
pl = points[ids.last];
dx = pi.x - pf.x;
dy = pi.y - pf.y;
r1 = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
dx = pi.x - pl.x;
dy = pi.y - pl.y;
r2 = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
dx = pf.x - pl.x;
dy = pf.y - pl.y;
r12 = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
if (r1 >= Math.sqrt(r2 * r2 + r12 * r12)) dist = r2;
else if (r2 >= Math.sqrt(r1 * r1 + r12 * r12)) dist = r1;
else dist = Math.abs((dy * pi.x - dx * pi.y + pf.x * pl.y - pl.x * pf.y) / r12);
if (dist > maxd) {
maxi = i; // save the index of maximally distant point
maxd = dist;
if (maxd > simplifyTolerant) // if the max "deviation" is larger than allowed then...
lst.push(maxi); // add index to the simplified list
stack.push({ first: ids.first, last: maxi }); // add the left part for processing
stack.push({ first: maxi, last: ids.last }); // add the right part for processing
} while (stack.length > 0);
resPoints = [];
len = lst.length;
lst.sort(function(a, b) { return a - b; }); // restore index order
for (k = 0; k < len; k++) {
resPoints.push({ x: points[lst[k]].x, y: points[lst[k]].y }); // add result points to the correct order
result.push({ inner: c.inner, label: c.label, points: resPoints, initialCount: c.points.length });
return result;
return lib;
module.exports = MagicWand;
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