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Created February 10, 2014 18:04
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Netty based Listener
case class Netty3Listener[In, Out](
pipelineFactory: ChannelPipelineFactory,
channelFactory: ServerChannelFactory
bootstrapOptions: Map[String, Object], ... // stats/timeouts/ssl config
) extends Listener[In, Out] {
def newServerPipelineFactory(
statsReceiver: StatsReceiver, newBridge: () => ChannelHandler
) = new ChannelPipelineFactory { // #1
def getPipeline() = {
val pipeline = pipelineFactory.getPipeline()
// ... add stats/timeouts/ssl
pipeline.addLast("finagleBridge", newBridge()) // #2
def listen(addr: SocketAddress)(
serveTransport: Transport[In, Out] => Unit
): ListeningServer =
new ListeningServer with CloseAwaitably {
val newBridge = () => new ServerBridge(serveTransport, ...)
val bootstrap = new ServerBootstrap(channelFactory)
newServerPipelineFactory(scopedStatsReceiver, newBridge))
val ch = bootstrap.bind(addr)
// #1 Create a new ChannelPipelineFactory
// #2 Add the Bridge into the ChannelPipeline
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