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Created November 2, 2014 16:17
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Check the test coverage for R scripts
#' Extract calls to functions
#' Extracts function and file names for functions from a set of files
#' @param path a directory path to files to be examined
#' @param regexp a regular expression to find function calls
#' @param fileRegexp a regular expression for files to be examined (e.g. '.R$')
#' @param verbose a boolean whether to print debugging information
#' @return a data.frame with two columns: 'function', the name of the function and
#' 'file', the file that contains the function
extractFunctionCalls <- function(path, regexp, fileRegexp, verbose=FALSE) {
results <- NULL
files <- list.files(path, pattern=fileRegexp, recursive=TRUE)
if(verbose) {
for(file in files) {
con <- file(file.path(path, file))
lineTmp <- readLines(con, warn=FALSE)
for (i in 1:length(lineTmp)) {
line <- lineTmp[i]
if(grepl(regexp, line)) {
if(verbose) {
cat("Line: ", line, "\n")
tmp <- strsplit(line, " ")[[1]][1]
results <- rbind(results, c(tmp, file))
results <-, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
colnames(results) <- c("function", "file")
#' Check Whether Function Is Called
#' Checks whether a function is called in any of a set of files
#' @param path a directory path to files to be examined
#' @param regexp a regular expression to find function calls
#' @param fileRegexp a regular expression for files to be examined (e.g. '.R$')
#' @param verbose a boolean whether to print debugging information
#' @return a vector of booleans as to whether the input functions were called
isFunctionCalled <- function(path, regexp, fileRegexp, verbose=FALSE) {
results <- FALSE
files <- list.files(path, pattern=fileRegexp, recursive=TRUE)
if(verbose) {
for(file in files) {
con <- file(file.path(path, file))
lineTmp <- readLines(con, warn=FALSE)
for (i in 1:length(lineTmp)) {
line <- lineTmp[i]
if(grepl(paste0(regexp, "\\("), line)) {
if(verbose) {
cat("Line: ", line, "\n")
results <- TRUE
rPath <- "R"
testPath <- "inst/tests"
functionRegexp <- "^[a-z].*<-.*function\\(.*"
functionDelimiter <- " "
functionFileRegexp <- ".R$"
functions <- extractFunctionCalls(path=rPath, regexp=functionRegexp, fileRegexp=functionFileRegexp)
testFileRegexp <- "^test"
results <- NULL
for(name in functions[,1]) {
results <- c(results, isFunctionCalled(testPath, name, testFileRegexp))
output <- cbind(functions, results)
output <-
colnames(output) <- c("function", "file", "tested")
cat("Code Coverage Percent: ", length(which(as.logical(output$tested))) / nrow(output), "\n")
write.table(output, file="~/results.txt", sep="\t", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)
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