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Created March 18, 2022 08:11
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type never
module Never = {
type t = never
exception Never
let absurd : t => 'a = x => raise(Never)
@unboxed type rec any = Any('a): any
external any : 'a => any = "%identity"
module Any = {
type t = any
external unsafeCast : t => 'a = "%identity"
type unknown
module Unknown = {
type t = unknown
external unsafeCast : t => 'a = "%identity"
type untyped_object = Js.Types.obj_val
type untyped_function = Js.Types.function_val
type symbol = Js.Types.symbol
type regexp = Js.Re.t
type bigint
type \"true" = private bool
type \"false" = private bool
type intrinsic<'a> = private 'a
type null<+'a> = Js.null<'a>
type null' = null<never>
type undefined<+'a> = Js.undefined<'a>
type nullable<+'a> = Js.nullable<'a>
module Union = {
type container<+'cases>
external return1 : 't1 => container<[> #U1('t1)]> = "%identity"
external return2 : 't2 => container<[> #U2('t2)]> = "%identity"
external return3 : 't3 => container<[> #U3('t3)]> = "%identity"
external return4 : 't4 => container<[> #U4('t4)]> = "%identity"
external return5 : 't5 => container<[> #U5('t5)]> = "%identity"
external return6 : 't6 => container<[> #U6('t6)]> = "%identity"
external return7 : 't7 => container<[> #U7('t7)]> = "%identity"
external return8 : 't8 => container<[> #U8('t8)]> = "%identity"
external getUnsafe1 : container<[> #U1('t1)]> => 't1 = "%identity"
external getUnsafe2 : container<[> #U2('t2)]> => 't2 = "%identity"
external getUnsafe3 : container<[> #U3('t3)]> => 't3 = "%identity"
external getUnsafe4 : container<[> #U4('t4)]> => 't4 = "%identity"
external getUnsafe5 : container<[> #U5('t5)]> => 't5 = "%identity"
external getUnsafe6 : container<[> #U6('t6)]> => 't6 = "%identity"
external getUnsafe7 : container<[> #U7('t7)]> => 't7 = "%identity"
external getUnsafe8 : container<[> #U8('t8)]> => 't8 = "%identity"
type t2<'t1, 't2> = container<[ #U1('t1) | #U2('t2) ]>
type t3<'t1, 't2, 't3> = container<[ #U1('t1) | #U2('t2) | #U3('t3) ]>
type t4<'t1, 't2, 't3, 't4> = container<[ #U1('t1) | #U2('t2) | #U3('t3) | #U4('t4) ]>
type t5<'t1, 't2, 't3, 't4, 't5> = container<[ #U1('t1) | #U2('t2) | #U3('t3) | #U4('t4) | #U5('t5) ]>
type t6<'t1, 't2, 't3, 't4, 't5, 't6> = container<[ #U1('t1) | #U2('t2) | #U3('t3) | #U4('t4) | #U5('t5) | #U6('t6) ]>
type t7<'t1, 't2, 't3, 't4, 't5, 't6, 't7> = container<[ #U1('t1) | #U2('t2) | #U3('t3) | #U4('t4) | #U5('t5) | #U6('t6) | #U7('t7) ]>
type t8<'t1, 't2, 't3, 't4, 't5, 't6, 't7, 't8> = container<[ #U1('t1) | #U2('t2) | #U3('t3) | #U4('t4) | #U5('t5) | #U6('t6) | #U7('t7) | #U8('t8) ]>
module Intersection = {
type container<-'cases>
external get1 : container<[> #I1('t1)]> => 't1 = "%identity"
external get2 : container<[> #I2('t2)]> => 't2 = "%identity"
external get3 : container<[> #I3('t3)]> => 't3 = "%identity"
external get4 : container<[> #I4('t4)]> => 't4 = "%identity"
external get5 : container<[> #I5('t5)]> => 't5 = "%identity"
external get6 : container<[> #I6('t6)]> => 't6 = "%identity"
external get7 : container<[> #I7('t7)]> => 't7 = "%identity"
external get8 : container<[> #I8('t8)]> => 't8 = "%identity"
type t2<'t1, 't2> = container<[ #I1('t1) | #I2('t2) ]>
type t3<'t1, 't2, 't3> = container<[ #I1('t1) | #I2('t2) | #I3('t3) ]>
type t4<'t1, 't2, 't3, 't4> = container<[ #I1('t1) | #I2('t2) | #I3('t3) | #I4('t4) ]>
type t5<'t1, 't2, 't3, 't4, 't5> = container<[ #I1('t1) | #I2('t2) | #I3('t3) | #I4('t4) | #I5('t5) ]>
type t6<'t1, 't2, 't3, 't4, 't5, 't6> = container<[ #I1('t1) | #I2('t2) | #I3('t3) | #I4('t4) | #I5('t5) | #I6('t6) ]>
type t7<'t1, 't2, 't3, 't4, 't5, 't6, 't7> = container<[ #I1('t1) | #I2('t2) | #I3('t3) | #I4('t4) | #I5('t5) | #I6('t6) | #I7('t7) ]>
type t8<'t1, 't2, 't3, 't4, 't5, 't6, 't7, 't8> = container<[ #I1('t1) | #I2('t2) | #I3('t3) | #I4('t4) | #I5('t5) | #I6('t6) | #I7('t7) | #I8('t8) ]>
module Interface = {
@unboxed type t<-'tags, 'base> = { value: 'base }
let value = (x: t<_, _>) => x.value
type intf<-'tags, 'base> = Interface.t<'tags, 'base>
type intf'<-'tags> = intf<'tags, any>
module Primitive = {
type cases<'other> = [ #Null | #Undefined | #String(string) | #Number(float) | #Boolean(bool) | #Symbol(symbol) | #BigInt(bigint) | #Other('other) ]
type t<+'cases>
let return: ([< cases<'other>] as 'cases) => t<'cases> = x =>
%raw(`(function (x) {
switch (x) {
case 'null' | 'Null': return null;
case 'undefined' | 'Undefined': return;
default: return x.VAL;
external fromNull: null<'a> => t<[> #Null | #Other('a) ]> = "%identity"
external toNull: t<[< #Null | #Other('a) ]> => null<'a> = "%identity"
external fromUndefined: undefined<'a> => t<[> #Undefined | #Other('a) ]> = "%identity"
external toUndefined: t<[< #Undefined | #Other('a) ]> => undefined<'a> = "%identity"
external fromNullable: nullable<'a> => t<[> #Null | #Undefined | #Other('a) ]> = "%identity"
external toNullable: t<[< #Null | #Undefined | #Other('a) ]> => nullable<'a> = "%identity"
let classify: t<[< cases<'other>] as 'cases> => 'cases = x =>
switch (Js.typeof(x)) {
| "string" => Obj.magic(#String(Obj.magic(x)))
| "number" => Obj.magic(#Number(Obj.magic(x)))
| "boolean" => Obj.magic(#Boolean(Obj.magic(x)))
| "symbol" => Obj.magic(#Symbol(Obj.magic(x)))
| "bigint" => Obj.magic(#BigInt(Obj.magic(x)))
| "undefined" => Obj.magic(#Undefined)
| _ =>
if (Js.testAny(x)) { Obj.magic(#Null) }
else { Obj.magic(#Other(x)) }
module Interop = {
let apply0 = (it: 'Function) => %raw(`it()`)
let apply1 = (it: 'Function, arg0) => %raw(`it(arg0)`)
let apply2 = (it: 'Function, arg0, arg1) => %raw(`it(arg0, arg1)`)
let apply3 = (it: 'Function, arg0, arg1, arg2) => %raw(`it(arg0, arg1, arg2)`)
let apply4 = (it: 'Function, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) => %raw(`it(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3)`)
let apply5 = (it: 'Function, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) => %raw(`it(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)`)
let apply6 = (it: 'Function, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) => %raw(`it(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)`)
let apply7 = (it: 'Function, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6) => %raw(`it(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6)`)
let applyN = (it: 'Function, args: 'args) => %raw(`it(...args)`)
let applyNewable0 = (it: 'Newable) => %raw(`new it()`)
let applyNewable1 = (it: 'Newable, arg0) => %raw(`new it(arg0)`)
let applyNewable2 = (it: 'Newable, arg0, arg1) => %raw(`new it(arg0, arg1)`)
let applyNewable3 = (it: 'Newable, arg0, arg1, arg2) => %raw(`new it(arg0, arg1, arg2)`)
let applyNewable4 = (it: 'Newable, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) => %raw(`new it(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3)`)
let applyNewable5 = (it: 'Newable, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) => %raw(`new it(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)`)
let applyNewable6 = (it: 'Newable, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) => %raw(`new it(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5)`)
let applyNewable7 = (it: 'Newable, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6) => %raw(`new it(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6)`)
let applyNewableN = (it: 'Newable, args: 'args) => %raw(`new it(...args)`)
module PolyVariant = {
let name = (it: 'PolyVariant) : 'name => %raw(`it.NAME`)
let value = (it: 'PolyVariant) : 'value => %raw(`it.VAL`)
let make = (name: 'name, value: 'value) : 'PolyVariant => %raw(`{ NAME: name, VAL: value }`)
module Newable = {
type t0<'t>
type t1<'arg1, 't>
@ocaml.doc(`\`'args\` must be a tuple type.`)
type tn<'args, 't>
let apply0 = (f0: t0<'t>) : 't => %raw(`new f0()`)
let apply1 = (f1: t1<'arg1, 't>, arg1: 'arg1) : 't => %raw(`new f1(arg1)`)
let applyN = (fn: tn<'args, 't>, args: 'args) : 't => %raw(`new fn(...args)`)
module Variadic = {
@ocaml.doc(`\`'variadic\` is expected to be array or some other iterable type.`)
type t0<'variadic, 't>
@ocaml.doc(`\`'variadic\` is expected to be array or some other iterable type.`)
type t1<'arg1, 'variadic, 't>
@ocaml.doc(`\`'args\` must be a tuple type. \`'variadic\` is expected to be array or some other iterable type.`)
type tn<'args, 'variadic, 't>
@ocaml.doc(`\`'variadic\` is expected to be array or some other iterable type.`)
let make0 : ('variadic => 't) => t0<'variadic, 't> = f => %raw(`(function(...args) { return f(args); })`)
@ocaml.doc(`\`'variadic\` is expected to be array or some other iterable type.`)
let make1 : (('arg1, 'variadic) => 't) => t1<'arg1, 'variadic, 't> = f => %raw(`(function(arg1, ...args) { return f(arg1, args); })`)
@ocaml.doc(`\`'variadic\` is expected to be array or some other iterable type.`)
let make2 : (('arg1, 'arg2, 'variadic) => 't) => tn<('arg1, 'arg2), 'variadic, 't> = f => %raw(`(function(arg1, arg2, ...args) { return f(arg1, arg2, args); })`)
@ocaml.doc(`\`'variadic\` is expected to be array or some other iterable type.`)
let make3 : (('arg1, 'arg2, 'arg3, 'variadic) => 't) => tn<('arg1, 'arg2, 'arg3), 'variadic, 't> = f => %raw(`(function(arg1, arg2, arg3, ...args) { return f(arg1, arg2, arg3, args); })`)
@ocaml.doc(`\`'variadic\` is expected to be array or some other iterable type.`)
let make4 : (('arg1, 'arg2, 'arg3, 'arg4, 'variadic) => 't) => tn<('arg1, 'arg2, 'arg3, 'arg4), 'variadic, 't> = f => %raw(`(function(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, ...args) { return f(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, args); })`)
@ocaml.doc(`\`'variadic\` is expected to be array or some other iterable type.`)
let make5 : (('arg1, 'arg2, 'arg3, 'arg4, 'arg5, 'variadic) => 't) => tn<('arg1, 'arg2, 'arg3, 'arg4, 'arg5), 'variadic, 't> = f => %raw(`(function(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, ...args) { return f(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, args); })`)
@ocaml.doc(`\`'variadic\` is expected to be array or some other iterable type.`)
let make6 : (('arg1, 'arg2, 'arg3, 'arg4, 'arg5, 'arg6, 'variadic) => 't) => tn<('arg1, 'arg2, 'arg3, 'arg4, 'arg5, 'arg6), 'variadic, 't> = f => %raw(`(function(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, ...args) { return f(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, args); })`)
@ocaml.doc(`\`'variadic\` is expected to be array or some other iterable type.`)
let make7 : (('arg1, 'arg2, 'arg3, 'arg4, 'arg5, 'arg6, 'arg7, 'variadic) => 't) => tn<('arg1, 'arg2, 'arg3, 'arg4, 'arg5, 'arg6, 'arg7), 'variadic, 't> = f => %raw(`(function(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, ...args) { return f(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, args); })`)
@ocaml.doc(`\`'args\` must be a tuple type. \`'variadic\` is expected to be array or some other iterable type.`)
let makeN : (('args, 'variadic) => 't, int) => tn<'args, 'variadic, 't> = (f, n) => %raw(`(function(...args) { return f(args.slice(0, n), args.slice(n)); })`)
let apply0 = (f0: t0<'variadic, 't>, variadic: 'variadic) : 't => %raw(`f0(...variadic)`)
let apply1 = (f1: t1<'arg1, 'variadic, 't>, arg1: 'arg1, variadic: 'variadic) : 't => %raw(`f1(arg1, ...variadic)`)
let applyN = (fn: tn<'args, 'variadic, 't>, args: 'args, variadic: 'variadic) : 't => %raw(`fn(...args, ...variadic)`)
module NewableVariadic = {
@ocaml.doc(`\`'variadic\` is expected to be array or some other iterable type.`)
type t0<'variadic, 't>
@ocaml.doc(`\`'variadic\` is expected to be array or some other iterable type.`)
type t1<'arg1, 'variadic, 't>
@ocaml.doc(`\`'args\` must be a tuple type. \`'variadic\` is expected to be array or some other iterable type.`)
type tn<'args, 'variadic, 't>
let apply0 = (f0: t0<'variadic, 't>, variadic: 'variadic) : 't => %raw(`new f0(...variadic)`)
let apply1 = (f1: t1<'arg1, 'variadic, 't>, arg1: 'arg1, variadic: 'variadic) : 't => %raw(`new f1(arg1, ...variadic)`)
let applyN = (fn: tn<'args, 'variadic, 't>, args: 'args, variadic: 'variadic) : 't => %raw(`new fn(...args, ...variadic)`)
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open Ts__min
module rec Types : {
module Ts : {
module Server : {
module TypesRegistryRequest : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_server_TypesRegistryRequest]> }
module TypingInstallerResponse : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_server_TypingInstallerResponse]> }
module ProjectResponse : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_server_ProjectResponse | #Ts_server_TypingInstallerResponse]>
module SetTypings : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_server_ProjectResponse | #Ts_server_SetTypings | #Ts_server_TypingInstallerResponse]>
module PackageInstalledResponse : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_server_PackageInstalledResponse | #Ts_server_ProjectResponse | #Ts_server_TypingInstallerResponse]>
module InvalidateCachedTypings : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_server_InvalidateCachedTypings | #Ts_server_ProjectResponse | #Ts_server_TypingInstallerResponse]>
module TypingInstallerRequestWithProjectName : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_server_TypingInstallerRequestWithProjectName]> }
module InstallPackageRequest : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_server_InstallPackageRequest | #Ts_server_TypingInstallerRequestWithProjectName]>
module InitializationFailedResponse : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_server_InitializationFailedResponse | #Ts_server_TypingInstallerResponse]>
module EventTypesRegistry : { type t = [#"event::typesRegistry"] }
module EventInitializationFailed : { type t = [#"event::initializationFailed"] }
module EventEndInstallTypes : { type t = [#"event::endInstallTypes"] }
module EventBeginInstallTypes : { type t = [#"event::beginInstallTypes"] }
module InstallTypes : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_server_InstallTypes | #Ts_server_ProjectResponse | #Ts_server_TypingInstallerResponse]>
module EndInstallTypes : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_server_EndInstallTypes | #Ts_server_InstallTypes | #Ts_server_ProjectResponse | #Ts_server_TypingInstallerResponse]>
module DiscoverTypings : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_server_DiscoverTypings | #Ts_server_TypingInstallerRequestWithProjectName]>
module CloseProject : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_server_CloseProject | #Ts_server_TypingInstallerRequestWithProjectName]>
module BeginInstallTypes : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_server_BeginInstallTypes | #Ts_server_InstallTypes | #Ts_server_ProjectResponse | #Ts_server_TypingInstallerResponse]>
module ActionSet : { type t = [#"action::set"] }
module ActionPackageInstalled : { type t = [#"action::packageInstalled"] }
module ActionInvalidate : { type t = [#"action::invalidate"] }
module FactoryStatic : { module AnonymousInterface14 : { type t = private any } }
module ReadonlyTextRange : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module Node : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module Expression : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module YieldExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_YieldExpression]>
module Declaration : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module SourceFile : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SourceFile]>
module WriteFileCallback : {
type t = (~fileName:string, ~data:string, ~writeByteOrderMark:bool, ~onError:(string => unit)=?, ~sourceFiles:array<SourceFile.t>=?, unit) => unit
module WithMetadata : {
module AnonymousInterface19 : { type t = private any }
type t<'T> = Intersection.t2<'T, AnonymousInterface19.t>
module DiagnosticRelatedInformation : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_DiagnosticRelatedInformation]> }
module Diagnostic : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_Diagnostic | #Ts_DiagnosticRelatedInformation]> }
module CompilerOptions : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_CompilerOptions]> }
module WatchStatusReporter : {
type t = (~diagnostic:Diagnostic.t, ~newLine:string, ~options:CompilerOptions.t, ~errorCount:float=?, unit) => unit
module WatchOptions : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_WatchOptions]> }
module Watch : { type t<'T> = intf'<[#Ts_Watch('T)]> }
module WatchOfFilesAndCompilerOptions : { type t<'T> = intf'<[#Ts_Watch('T) | #Ts_WatchOfFilesAndCompilerOptions('T)]> }
module WatchOfConfigFile : { type t<'T> = intf'<[#Ts_Watch('T) | #Ts_WatchOfConfigFile('T)]> }
module WatchFileKind : {
type t = | FixedPollingInterval
| PriorityPollingInterval
| DynamicPriorityPolling
| FixedChunkSizePolling
| UseFsEvents
| UseFsEventsOnParentDirectory
module FixedPollingInterval : { type t = private t }
module PriorityPollingInterval : { type t = private t }
module DynamicPriorityPolling : { type t = private t }
module FixedChunkSizePolling : { type t = private t }
module UseFsEvents : { type t = private t }
module UseFsEventsOnParentDirectory : { type t = private t }
module WatchDirectoryKind : {
type t = UseFsEvents | FixedPollingInterval | DynamicPriorityPolling | FixedChunkSizePolling
module UseFsEvents : { type t = private t }
module FixedPollingInterval : { type t = private t }
module DynamicPriorityPolling : { type t = private t }
module FixedChunkSizePolling : { type t = private t }
module WatchDirectoryFlags : {
type t = None | Recursive
module None : { type t = private t }
module Recursive : { type t = private t }
module WatchHost : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_WatchHost]> }
module ProgramHost : { type t<'T> = intf'<[#Ts_ProgramHost('T)]> }
module WatchCompilerHost : {
type t<'T> = intf'<[#Ts_ProgramHost('T) | #Ts_WatchCompilerHost('T) | #Ts_WatchHost]>
module WatchCompilerHostOfFilesAndCompilerOptions : {
type t<'T> = intf'<[#Ts_ProgramHost('T) | #Ts_WatchCompilerHost('T) | #Ts_WatchCompilerHostOfFilesAndCompilerOptions('T) | #Ts_WatchHost]>
module ConfigFileDiagnosticsReporter : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ConfigFileDiagnosticsReporter]> }
module WatchCompilerHostOfConfigFile : {
type t<'T> = intf'<[#Ts_ProgramHost('T) | #Ts_WatchCompilerHost('T) | #Ts_WatchCompilerHostOfConfigFile('T) | #Ts_ConfigFileDiagnosticsReporter | #Ts_WatchHost]>
module UnaryExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression]>
module VoidExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_VoidExpression]>
module VisitResult : { type t<'T> = undefined<Union.t2<'T, array<'T>>> }
module Visitor : { type t = Dom.node => VisitResult.t<Dom.node> }
module JSDocTag : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module JSDocPropertyLikeTag : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocPropertyLikeTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module JSDocPropertyTag : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocPropertyLikeTag | #Ts_JSDocPropertyTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module JSDocParameterTag : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocParameterTag | #Ts_JSDocPropertyLikeTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module NamedDeclaration : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module ObjectLiteralElement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ObjectLiteralElement | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module JsxAttribute : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JsxAttribute | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ObjectLiteralElement | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module TypeElement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeElement]>
module JSDocContainer : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocContainer]> }
module PropertySignature : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PropertySignature | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeElement]>
module ClassElement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ClassElement | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module PropertyDeclaration : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ClassElement | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PropertyDeclaration | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module EnumMember : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_EnumMember | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module VariableDeclaration : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_VariableDeclaration]>
module ParameterDeclaration : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ParameterDeclaration | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module ShorthandPropertyAssignment : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ObjectLiteralElement | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_ShorthandPropertyAssignment]>
module PropertyAssignment : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ObjectLiteralElement | #Ts_PropertyAssignment | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module BindingElement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_BindingElement | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module VariableLikeDeclaration : {
type t = Union.t8<VariableDeclaration.t, ParameterDeclaration.t, BindingElement.t, PropertyDeclaration.t, PropertyAssignment.t, PropertySignature.t, JsxAttribute.t, Union.t4<ShorthandPropertyAssignment.t, EnumMember.t, JSDocPropertyTag.t, JSDocParameterTag.t>>
module UnparsedSource : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnparsedSource]> }
module UnparsedSection : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnparsedSection]> }
module UnparsedSyntheticReference : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnparsedSection | #Ts_UnparsedSyntheticReference]>
module UnparsedTextLike : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnparsedSection | #Ts_UnparsedTextLike]>
module UnparsedPrepend : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnparsedPrepend | #Ts_UnparsedSection]>
module UnparsedSourceText : { type t = Union.t2<UnparsedPrepend.t, UnparsedTextLike.t> }
module UnparsedPrologue : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnparsedPrologue | #Ts_UnparsedSection]>
module UnparsedNode : {
type t = Union.t3<UnparsedPrologue.t, UnparsedSourceText.t, UnparsedSyntheticReference.t>
module Type : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_Type]> }
module UniqueESSymbolType : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_Type | #Ts_UniqueESSymbolType]> }
module TypeNode : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]> }
module UnionTypeNode : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode | #Ts_UnionTypeNode]>
module IntersectionTypeNode : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_IntersectionTypeNode | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module UnionOrIntersectionTypeNode : { type t = Union.t2<UnionTypeNode.t, IntersectionTypeNode.t> }
module NodeWithTypeArguments : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Node | #Ts_NodeWithTypeArguments | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module TypeReferenceNode : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Node | #Ts_NodeWithTypeArguments | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode | #Ts_TypeReferenceNode]>
module ExpressionWithTypeArguments : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ExpressionWithTypeArguments | #Ts_Node | #Ts_NodeWithTypeArguments | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module TypeReferenceType : { type t = Union.t2<TypeReferenceNode.t, ExpressionWithTypeArguments.t> }
module ResolvedTypeReferenceDirectiveWithFailedLookupLocations : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ResolvedTypeReferenceDirectiveWithFailedLookupLocations]> }
module PerDirectoryResolutionCache : { type t<'T> = intf'<[#Ts_PerDirectoryResolutionCache('T)]> }
module PackageJsonInfoCache : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_PackageJsonInfoCache]> }
module TypeReferenceDirectiveResolutionCache : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_PerDirectoryResolutionCache(ResolvedTypeReferenceDirectiveWithFailedLookupLocations.t) | #Ts_PackageJsonInfoCache | #Ts_TypeReferenceDirectiveResolutionCache]>
module TypeQueryNode : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode | #Ts_TypeQueryNode]>
module TypePredicateKind : {
type t = This | Identifier | AssertsThis | AssertsIdentifier
module This : { type t = private t }
module Identifier : { type t = private t }
module AssertsThis : { type t = private t }
module AssertsIdentifier : { type t = private t }
module TypePredicateBase : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_TypePredicateBase]> }
module ThisTypePredicate : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ThisTypePredicate | #Ts_TypePredicateBase]> }
module IdentifierTypePredicate : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_IdentifierTypePredicate | #Ts_TypePredicateBase]> }
module AssertsThisTypePredicate : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_AssertsThisTypePredicate | #Ts_TypePredicateBase]> }
module AssertsIdentifierTypePredicate : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_AssertsIdentifierTypePredicate | #Ts_TypePredicateBase]> }
module TypePredicate : {
type t = Union.t4<ThisTypePredicate.t, IdentifierTypePredicate.t, AssertsThisTypePredicate.t, AssertsIdentifierTypePredicate.t>
module TypeParameterDeclaration : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeParameterDeclaration]>
module NamespaceImport : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_NamespaceImport | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module ImportSpecifier : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_ImportSpecifier | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module ExportSpecifier : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_ExportSpecifier | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module ImportOrExportSpecifier : { type t = Union.t2<ImportSpecifier.t, ExportSpecifier.t> }
module ImportClause : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_ImportClause | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module Statement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]>
module DeclarationStatement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_DeclarationStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]>
module ImportEqualsDeclaration : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_DeclarationStatement | #Ts_ImportEqualsDeclaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]>
module TypeOnlyCompatibleAliasDeclaration : {
type t = Union.t4<ImportClause.t, ImportEqualsDeclaration.t, NamespaceImport.t, ImportOrExportSpecifier.t>
module NamedImports : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_NamedImports | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module NamedExports : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_NamedExports | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module ExportDeclaration : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_DeclarationStatement | #Ts_ExportDeclaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]>
module UpdateExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module LeftHandSideExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module MemberExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module PrimaryExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module Identifier : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_Identifier | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module TypeOnlyAliasDeclaration : {
module AnonymousInterface29 : {
module rec AnonymousInterface17 : { type t = private any }
and AnonymousInterface27 : { module AnonymousInterface17 : { type t = private any }; type t = private any }
type t = private any
module AnonymousInterface28 : {
module rec AnonymousInterface17 : { type t = private any }
and AnonymousInterface24 : { module AnonymousInterface17 : { type t = private any }; type t = private any }
type t = private any
module AnonymousInterface27 : { module AnonymousInterface17 : { type t = private any }; type t = private any }
module AnonymousInterface24 : { module AnonymousInterface17 : { type t = private any }; type t = private any }
module AnonymousInterface18 : { type t = private any }
module AnonymousInterface17 : { type t = private any }
type t = Union.t5<Intersection.t2<ImportClause.t, AnonymousInterface18.t>, Intersection.t2<ImportEqualsDeclaration.t, AnonymousInterface17.t>, Intersection.t2<NamespaceImport.t, AnonymousInterface27.t>, Intersection.t2<ImportSpecifier.t, Union.t2<AnonymousInterface17.t, AnonymousInterface29.t>>, Intersection.t2<ExportSpecifier.t, Union.t2<AnonymousInterface17.t, AnonymousInterface28.t>>>
module TypeOfTag : {
type t = Union.t8<[#undefined], [#number], [#bigint], [#boolean], [#string], [#symbol], [#object], [#function]>
module TypeOfExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeOfExpression | #Ts_UnaryExpression]>
module TypeFormatFlags : {
type t = [#0 | #1 | #2 | #8 | #32 | #64 | #256 | #1024 | #2048 | #4096 | #8192 | #16384 | #268435456 | #536870912 | #1048576 | #131072 | #262144 | #524288 | #2097152 | #4194304 | #8388608 | #814775659]
module None : { type t = [#0] }
module NoTruncation : { type t = [#1] }
module WriteArrayAsGenericType : { type t = [#2] }
module UseStructuralFallback : { type t = [#8] }
module WriteTypeArgumentsOfSignature : { type t = [#32] }
module UseFullyQualifiedType : { type t = [#64] }
module SuppressAnyReturnType : { type t = [#256] }
module MultilineObjectLiterals : { type t = [#1024] }
module WriteClassExpressionAsTypeLiteral : { type t = [#2048] }
module UseTypeOfFunction : { type t = [#4096] }
module OmitParameterModifiers : { type t = [#8192] }
module UseAliasDefinedOutsideCurrentScope : { type t = [#16384] }
module UseSingleQuotesForStringLiteralType : { type t = [#268435456] }
module NoTypeReduction : { type t = [#536870912] }
module AllowUniqueESSymbolType : { type t = [#1048576] }
module AddUndefined : { type t = [#131072] }
module WriteArrowStyleSignature : { type t = [#262144] }
module InArrayType : { type t = [#524288] }
module InElementType : { type t = [#2097152] }
module InFirstTypeArgument : { type t = [#4194304] }
module InTypeAlias : { type t = [#8388608] }
module WriteOwnNameForAnyLike : { type t = [#0] }
module NodeBuilderFlagsMask : { type t = [#814775659] }
module TypeFlags : {
type t = [#1 | #2 | #4 | #8 | #16 | #32 | #64 | #128 | #256 | #512 | #1024 | #2048 | #4096 | #8192 | #16384 | #32768 | #65536 | #131072 | #262144 | #524288 | #1048576 | #2097152 | #4194304 | #8388608 | #16777216 | #33554432 | #67108864 | #134217728 | #268435456 | #2944 | #109440 | #384 | #117724 | #402653316 | #296 | #2112 | #528 | #1056 | #12288 | #49152 | #3145728 | #3670016 | #8650752 | #58982400 | #406847488 | #465829888 | #469499904 | #536624127]
module Any : { type t = [#1] }
module Unknown : { type t = [#2] }
module String : { type t = [#4] }
module Number : { type t = [#8] }
module Boolean : { type t = [#16] }
module Enum : { type t = [#32] }
module BigInt : { type t = [#64] }
module StringLiteral : { type t = [#128] }
module NumberLiteral : { type t = [#256] }
module BooleanLiteral : { type t = [#512] }
module EnumLiteral : { type t = [#1024] }
module BigIntLiteral : { type t = [#2048] }
module ESSymbol : { type t = [#4096] }
module UniqueESSymbol : { type t = [#8192] }
module Void : { type t = [#16384] }
module Undefined : { type t = [#32768] }
module Null : { type t = [#65536] }
module Never : { type t = [#131072] }
module TypeParameter : { type t = [#262144] }
module Object : { type t = [#524288] }
module Union : { type t = [#1048576] }
module Intersection : { type t = [#2097152] }
module Index : { type t = [#4194304] }
module IndexedAccess : { type t = [#8388608] }
module Conditional : { type t = [#16777216] }
module Substitution : { type t = [#33554432] }
module NonPrimitive : { type t = [#67108864] }
module TemplateLiteral : { type t = [#134217728] }
module StringMapping : { type t = [#268435456] }
module Literal : { type t = [#2944] }
module Unit : { type t = [#109440] }
module StringOrNumberLiteral : { type t = [#384] }
module PossiblyFalsy : { type t = [#117724] }
module StringLike : { type t = [#402653316] }
module NumberLike : { type t = [#296] }
module BigIntLike : { type t = [#2112] }
module BooleanLike : { type t = [#528] }
module EnumLike : { type t = [#1056] }
module ESSymbolLike : { type t = [#12288] }
module VoidLike : { type t = [#49152] }
module UnionOrIntersection : { type t = [#3145728] }
module StructuredType : { type t = [#3670016] }
module TypeVariable : { type t = [#8650752] }
module InstantiableNonPrimitive : { type t = [#58982400] }
module InstantiablePrimitive : { type t = [#406847488] }
module Instantiable : { type t = [#465829888] }
module StructuredOrInstantiable : { type t = [#469499904] }
module Narrowable : { type t = [#536624127] }
module TypeChecker : {
module AnonymousInterface30 : { type t = private any }
type t = intf'<[#Ts_TypeChecker]>
module TypeAcquisition : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_TypeAcquisition]> }
module ObjectType : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ObjectType | #Ts_Type]> }
module TypeReference : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ObjectType | #Ts_Type | #Ts_TypeReference]> }
module TupleTypeReference : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ObjectType | #Ts_TupleTypeReference | #Ts_Type | #Ts_TypeReference]>
module TupleTypeNode : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TupleTypeNode | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module InterfaceType : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_InterfaceType | #Ts_ObjectType | #Ts_Type]> }
module GenericType : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_GenericType | #Ts_InterfaceType | #Ts_ObjectType | #Ts_Type | #Ts_TypeReference]>
module TupleType : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_GenericType | #Ts_InterfaceType | #Ts_ObjectType | #Ts_TupleType | #Ts_Type | #Ts_TypeReference]>
module JsonSourceFile : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JsonSourceFile | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SourceFile]>
module TsConfigSourceFile : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JsonSourceFile | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SourceFile | #Ts_TsConfigSourceFile]>
module TranspileOutput : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_TranspileOutput]> }
module TranspileOptions : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_TranspileOptions]> }
module TransientIdentifier : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_Identifier | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TransientIdentifier | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module Transformer : { type t<'T> = 'T => 'T }
module CoreTransformationContext : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_CoreTransformationContext]> }
module TransformationContext : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_CoreTransformationContext | #Ts_TransformationContext]> }
module TransformerFactory : { type t<'T> = TransformationContext.t => Transformer.t<'T> }
module TransformationResult : { type t<'T> = intf'<[#Ts_TransformationResult('T)]> }
module SyntaxKind : {
type t = | Unknown_FirstToken
| EndOfFileToken
| SingleLineCommentTrivia_FirstTriviaToken
| MultiLineCommentTrivia
| NewLineTrivia
| WhitespaceTrivia
| ShebangTrivia
| ConflictMarkerTrivia_LastTriviaToken
| NumericLiteral_FirstLiteralToken
| BigIntLiteral
| StringLiteral
| JsxText
| JsxTextAllWhiteSpaces
| RegularExpressionLiteral
| NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral_LastLiteralToken_FirstTemplateToken
| TemplateHead
| TemplateMiddle
| TemplateTail_LastTemplateToken
| OpenBraceToken_FirstPunctuation
| CloseBraceToken
| OpenParenToken
| CloseParenToken
| OpenBracketToken
| CloseBracketToken
| DotToken
| DotDotDotToken
| SemicolonToken
| CommaToken
| QuestionDotToken
| LessThanToken_FirstBinaryOperator
| LessThanSlashToken
| GreaterThanToken
| LessThanEqualsToken
| GreaterThanEqualsToken
| EqualsEqualsToken
| ExclamationEqualsToken
| EqualsEqualsEqualsToken
| ExclamationEqualsEqualsToken
| EqualsGreaterThanToken
| PlusToken
| MinusToken
| AsteriskToken
| AsteriskAsteriskToken
| SlashToken
| PercentToken
| PlusPlusToken
| MinusMinusToken
| LessThanLessThanToken
| GreaterThanGreaterThanToken
| GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanToken
| AmpersandToken
| BarToken
| CaretToken
| ExclamationToken
| TildeToken
| AmpersandAmpersandToken
| BarBarToken
| QuestionToken
| ColonToken
| AtToken
| QuestionQuestionToken
| BacktickToken
| HashToken
| EqualsToken_FirstAssignment
| PlusEqualsToken_FirstCompoundAssignment
| MinusEqualsToken
| AsteriskEqualsToken
| AsteriskAsteriskEqualsToken
| SlashEqualsToken
| PercentEqualsToken
| LessThanLessThanEqualsToken
| GreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken
| GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken
| AmpersandEqualsToken
| BarEqualsToken
| BarBarEqualsToken
| AmpersandAmpersandEqualsToken
| QuestionQuestionEqualsToken
| CaretEqualsToken_LastAssignment_LastCompoundAssignment_LastPunctuation_LastBinaryOperator
| Identifier
| PrivateIdentifier
| BreakKeyword_FirstReservedWord_FirstKeyword
| CaseKeyword
| CatchKeyword
| ClassKeyword
| ConstKeyword
| ContinueKeyword
| DebuggerKeyword
| DefaultKeyword
| DeleteKeyword
| DoKeyword
| ElseKeyword
| EnumKeyword
| ExportKeyword
| ExtendsKeyword
| FalseKeyword
| FinallyKeyword
| ForKeyword
| FunctionKeyword
| IfKeyword
| ImportKeyword
| InKeyword
| InstanceOfKeyword
| NewKeyword
| NullKeyword
| ReturnKeyword
| SuperKeyword
| SwitchKeyword
| ThisKeyword
| ThrowKeyword
| TrueKeyword
| TryKeyword
| TypeOfKeyword
| VarKeyword
| VoidKeyword
| WhileKeyword
| WithKeyword_LastReservedWord
| ImplementsKeyword_FirstFutureReservedWord
| InterfaceKeyword
| LetKeyword
| PackageKeyword
| PrivateKeyword
| ProtectedKeyword
| PublicKeyword
| StaticKeyword
| YieldKeyword_LastFutureReservedWord
| AbstractKeyword
| AsKeyword
| AssertsKeyword
| AssertKeyword
| AnyKeyword
| AsyncKeyword
| AwaitKeyword
| BooleanKeyword
| ConstructorKeyword
| DeclareKeyword
| GetKeyword
| InferKeyword
| IntrinsicKeyword
| IsKeyword
| KeyOfKeyword
| ModuleKeyword
| NamespaceKeyword
| NeverKeyword
| ReadonlyKeyword
| RequireKeyword
| NumberKeyword
| ObjectKeyword
| SetKeyword
| StringKeyword
| SymbolKeyword
| TypeKeyword
| UndefinedKeyword
| UniqueKeyword
| UnknownKeyword
| FromKeyword
| GlobalKeyword
| BigIntKeyword
| OverrideKeyword
| OfKeyword_LastKeyword_LastToken
| QualifiedName_FirstNode
| ComputedPropertyName
| TypeParameter
| Parameter
| Decorator
| PropertySignature
| PropertyDeclaration
| MethodSignature
| MethodDeclaration
| ClassStaticBlockDeclaration
| Constructor
| GetAccessor
| SetAccessor
| CallSignature
| ConstructSignature
| IndexSignature
| TypePredicate_FirstTypeNode
| TypeReference
| FunctionType
| ConstructorType
| TypeQuery
| TypeLiteral
| ArrayType
| TupleType
| OptionalType
| RestType
| UnionType
| IntersectionType
| ConditionalType
| InferType
| ParenthesizedType
| ThisType
| TypeOperator
| IndexedAccessType
| MappedType
| LiteralType
| NamedTupleMember
| TemplateLiteralType
| TemplateLiteralTypeSpan
| ImportType_LastTypeNode
| ObjectBindingPattern
| ArrayBindingPattern
| BindingElement
| ArrayLiteralExpression
| ObjectLiteralExpression
| PropertyAccessExpression
| ElementAccessExpression
| CallExpression
| NewExpression
| TaggedTemplateExpression
| TypeAssertionExpression
| ParenthesizedExpression
| FunctionExpression
| ArrowFunction
| DeleteExpression
| TypeOfExpression
| VoidExpression
| AwaitExpression
| PrefixUnaryExpression
| PostfixUnaryExpression
| BinaryExpression
| ConditionalExpression
| TemplateExpression
| YieldExpression
| SpreadElement
| ClassExpression
| OmittedExpression
| ExpressionWithTypeArguments
| AsExpression
| NonNullExpression
| MetaProperty
| SyntheticExpression
| TemplateSpan
| SemicolonClassElement
| Block
| EmptyStatement
| VariableStatement_FirstStatement
| ExpressionStatement
| IfStatement
| DoStatement
| WhileStatement
| ForStatement
| ForInStatement
| ForOfStatement
| ContinueStatement
| BreakStatement
| ReturnStatement
| WithStatement
| SwitchStatement
| LabeledStatement
| ThrowStatement
| TryStatement
| DebuggerStatement_LastStatement
| VariableDeclaration
| VariableDeclarationList
| FunctionDeclaration
| ClassDeclaration
| InterfaceDeclaration
| TypeAliasDeclaration
| EnumDeclaration
| ModuleDeclaration
| ModuleBlock
| CaseBlock
| NamespaceExportDeclaration
| ImportEqualsDeclaration
| ImportDeclaration
| ImportClause
| NamespaceImport
| NamedImports
| ImportSpecifier
| ExportAssignment
| ExportDeclaration
| NamedExports
| NamespaceExport
| ExportSpecifier
| MissingDeclaration
| ExternalModuleReference
| JsxElement
| JsxSelfClosingElement
| JsxOpeningElement
| JsxClosingElement
| JsxFragment
| JsxOpeningFragment
| JsxClosingFragment
| JsxAttribute
| JsxAttributes
| JsxSpreadAttribute
| JsxExpression
| CaseClause
| DefaultClause
| HeritageClause
| CatchClause
| AssertClause
| AssertEntry
| PropertyAssignment
| ShorthandPropertyAssignment
| SpreadAssignment
| EnumMember
| UnparsedPrologue
| UnparsedPrepend
| UnparsedText
| UnparsedInternalText
| UnparsedSyntheticReference
| SourceFile
| Bundle
| UnparsedSource
| InputFiles
| JSDocTypeExpression_FirstJSDocNode
| JSDocNameReference
| JSDocMemberName
| JSDocAllType
| JSDocUnknownType
| JSDocNullableType
| JSDocNonNullableType
| JSDocOptionalType
| JSDocFunctionType
| JSDocVariadicType
| JSDocNamepathType
| JSDocComment
| JSDocText
| JSDocTypeLiteral
| JSDocSignature
| JSDocLink
| JSDocLinkCode
| JSDocLinkPlain
| JSDocTag_FirstJSDocTagNode
| JSDocAugmentsTag
| JSDocImplementsTag
| JSDocAuthorTag
| JSDocDeprecatedTag
| JSDocClassTag
| JSDocPublicTag
| JSDocPrivateTag
| JSDocProtectedTag
| JSDocReadonlyTag
| JSDocOverrideTag
| JSDocCallbackTag
| JSDocEnumTag
| JSDocParameterTag
| JSDocReturnTag
| JSDocThisTag
| JSDocTypeTag
| JSDocTemplateTag
| JSDocTypedefTag
| JSDocSeeTag
| JSDocPropertyTag_LastJSDocNode_LastJSDocTagNode
| SyntaxList
| NotEmittedStatement
| PartiallyEmittedExpression
| CommaListExpression
| MergeDeclarationMarker
| EndOfDeclarationMarker
| SyntheticReferenceExpression
| Count
module Unknown : { type t = private t }
module EndOfFileToken : { type t = private t }
module SingleLineCommentTrivia : { type t = private t }
module MultiLineCommentTrivia : { type t = private t }
module NewLineTrivia : { type t = private t }
module WhitespaceTrivia : { type t = private t }
module ShebangTrivia : { type t = private t }
module ConflictMarkerTrivia : { type t = private t }
module NumericLiteral : { type t = private t }
module BigIntLiteral : { type t = private t }
module StringLiteral : { type t = private t }
module JsxText : { type t = private t }
module JsxTextAllWhiteSpaces : { type t = private t }
module RegularExpressionLiteral : { type t = private t }
module NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral : { type t = private t }
module TemplateHead : { type t = private t }
module TemplateMiddle : { type t = private t }
module TemplateTail : { type t = private t }
module OpenBraceToken : { type t = private t }
module CloseBraceToken : { type t = private t }
module OpenParenToken : { type t = private t }
module CloseParenToken : { type t = private t }
module OpenBracketToken : { type t = private t }
module CloseBracketToken : { type t = private t }
module DotToken : { type t = private t }
module DotDotDotToken : { type t = private t }
module SemicolonToken : { type t = private t }
module CommaToken : { type t = private t }
module QuestionDotToken : { type t = private t }
module LessThanToken : { type t = private t }
module LessThanSlashToken : { type t = private t }
module GreaterThanToken : { type t = private t }
module LessThanEqualsToken : { type t = private t }
module GreaterThanEqualsToken : { type t = private t }
module EqualsEqualsToken : { type t = private t }
module ExclamationEqualsToken : { type t = private t }
module EqualsEqualsEqualsToken : { type t = private t }
module ExclamationEqualsEqualsToken : { type t = private t }
module EqualsGreaterThanToken : { type t = private t }
module PlusToken : { type t = private t }
module MinusToken : { type t = private t }
module AsteriskToken : { type t = private t }
module AsteriskAsteriskToken : { type t = private t }
module SlashToken : { type t = private t }
module PercentToken : { type t = private t }
module PlusPlusToken : { type t = private t }
module MinusMinusToken : { type t = private t }
module LessThanLessThanToken : { type t = private t }
module GreaterThanGreaterThanToken : { type t = private t }
module GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanToken : { type t = private t }
module AmpersandToken : { type t = private t }
module BarToken : { type t = private t }
module CaretToken : { type t = private t }
module ExclamationToken : { type t = private t }
module TildeToken : { type t = private t }
module AmpersandAmpersandToken : { type t = private t }
module BarBarToken : { type t = private t }
module QuestionToken : { type t = private t }
module ColonToken : { type t = private t }
module AtToken : { type t = private t }
module QuestionQuestionToken : { type t = private t }
module BacktickToken : { type t = private t }
module HashToken : { type t = private t }
module EqualsToken : { type t = private t }
module PlusEqualsToken : { type t = private t }
module MinusEqualsToken : { type t = private t }
module AsteriskEqualsToken : { type t = private t }
module AsteriskAsteriskEqualsToken : { type t = private t }
module SlashEqualsToken : { type t = private t }
module PercentEqualsToken : { type t = private t }
module LessThanLessThanEqualsToken : { type t = private t }
module GreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken : { type t = private t }
module GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken : { type t = private t }
module AmpersandEqualsToken : { type t = private t }
module BarEqualsToken : { type t = private t }
module BarBarEqualsToken : { type t = private t }
module AmpersandAmpersandEqualsToken : { type t = private t }
module QuestionQuestionEqualsToken : { type t = private t }
module CaretEqualsToken : { type t = private t }
module Identifier : { type t = private t }
module PrivateIdentifier : { type t = private t }
module BreakKeyword : { type t = private t }
module CaseKeyword : { type t = private t }
module CatchKeyword : { type t = private t }
module ClassKeyword : { type t = private t }
module ConstKeyword : { type t = private t }
module ContinueKeyword : { type t = private t }
module DebuggerKeyword : { type t = private t }
module DefaultKeyword : { type t = private t }
module DeleteKeyword : { type t = private t }
module DoKeyword : { type t = private t }
module ElseKeyword : { type t = private t }
module EnumKeyword : { type t = private t }
module ExportKeyword : { type t = private t }
module ExtendsKeyword : { type t = private t }
module FalseKeyword : { type t = private t }
module FinallyKeyword : { type t = private t }
module ForKeyword : { type t = private t }
module FunctionKeyword : { type t = private t }
module IfKeyword : { type t = private t }
module ImportKeyword : { type t = private t }
module InKeyword : { type t = private t }
module InstanceOfKeyword : { type t = private t }
module NewKeyword : { type t = private t }
module NullKeyword : { type t = private t }
module ReturnKeyword : { type t = private t }
module SuperKeyword : { type t = private t }
module SwitchKeyword : { type t = private t }
module ThisKeyword : { type t = private t }
module ThrowKeyword : { type t = private t }
module TrueKeyword : { type t = private t }
module TryKeyword : { type t = private t }
module TypeOfKeyword : { type t = private t }
module VarKeyword : { type t = private t }
module VoidKeyword : { type t = private t }
module WhileKeyword : { type t = private t }
module WithKeyword : { type t = private t }
module ImplementsKeyword : { type t = private t }
module InterfaceKeyword : { type t = private t }
module LetKeyword : { type t = private t }
module PackageKeyword : { type t = private t }
module PrivateKeyword : { type t = private t }
module ProtectedKeyword : { type t = private t }
module PublicKeyword : { type t = private t }
module StaticKeyword : { type t = private t }
module YieldKeyword : { type t = private t }
module AbstractKeyword : { type t = private t }
module AsKeyword : { type t = private t }
module AssertsKeyword : { type t = private t }
module AssertKeyword : { type t = private t }
module AnyKeyword : { type t = private t }
module AsyncKeyword : { type t = private t }
module AwaitKeyword : { type t = private t }
module BooleanKeyword : { type t = private t }
module ConstructorKeyword : { type t = private t }
module DeclareKeyword : { type t = private t }
module GetKeyword : { type t = private t }
module InferKeyword : { type t = private t }
module IntrinsicKeyword : { type t = private t }
module IsKeyword : { type t = private t }
module KeyOfKeyword : { type t = private t }
module ModuleKeyword : { type t = private t }
module NamespaceKeyword : { type t = private t }
module NeverKeyword : { type t = private t }
module ReadonlyKeyword : { type t = private t }
module RequireKeyword : { type t = private t }
module NumberKeyword : { type t = private t }
module ObjectKeyword : { type t = private t }
module SetKeyword : { type t = private t }
module StringKeyword : { type t = private t }
module SymbolKeyword : { type t = private t }
module TypeKeyword : { type t = private t }
module UndefinedKeyword : { type t = private t }
module UniqueKeyword : { type t = private t }
module UnknownKeyword : { type t = private t }
module FromKeyword : { type t = private t }
module GlobalKeyword : { type t = private t }
module BigIntKeyword : { type t = private t }
module OverrideKeyword : { type t = private t }
module OfKeyword : { type t = private t }
module QualifiedName : { type t = private t }
module ComputedPropertyName : { type t = private t }
module TypeParameter : { type t = private t }
module Parameter : { type t = private t }
module Decorator : { type t = private t }
module PropertySignature : { type t = private t }
module PropertyDeclaration : { type t = private t }
module MethodSignature : { type t = private t }
module MethodDeclaration : { type t = private t }
module ClassStaticBlockDeclaration : { type t = private t }
module Constructor : { type t = private t }
module GetAccessor : { type t = private t }
module SetAccessor : { type t = private t }
module CallSignature : { type t = private t }
module ConstructSignature : { type t = private t }
module IndexSignature : { type t = private t }
module TypePredicate : { type t = private t }
module TypeReference : { type t = private t }
module FunctionType : { type t = private t }
module ConstructorType : { type t = private t }
module TypeQuery : { type t = private t }
module TypeLiteral : { type t = private t }
module ArrayType : { type t = private t }
module TupleType : { type t = private t }
module OptionalType : { type t = private t }
module RestType : { type t = private t }
module UnionType : { type t = private t }
module IntersectionType : { type t = private t }
module ConditionalType : { type t = private t }
module InferType : { type t = private t }
module ParenthesizedType : { type t = private t }
module ThisType : { type t = private t }
module TypeOperator : { type t = private t }
module IndexedAccessType : { type t = private t }
module MappedType : { type t = private t }
module LiteralType : { type t = private t }
module NamedTupleMember : { type t = private t }
module TemplateLiteralType : { type t = private t }
module TemplateLiteralTypeSpan : { type t = private t }
module ImportType : { type t = private t }
module ObjectBindingPattern : { type t = private t }
module ArrayBindingPattern : { type t = private t }
module BindingElement : { type t = private t }
module ArrayLiteralExpression : { type t = private t }
module ObjectLiteralExpression : { type t = private t }
module PropertyAccessExpression : { type t = private t }
module ElementAccessExpression : { type t = private t }
module CallExpression : { type t = private t }
module NewExpression : { type t = private t }
module TaggedTemplateExpression : { type t = private t }
module TypeAssertionExpression : { type t = private t }
module ParenthesizedExpression : { type t = private t }
module FunctionExpression : { type t = private t }
module ArrowFunction : { type t = private t }
module DeleteExpression : { type t = private t }
module TypeOfExpression : { type t = private t }
module VoidExpression : { type t = private t }
module AwaitExpression : { type t = private t }
module PrefixUnaryExpression : { type t = private t }
module PostfixUnaryExpression : { type t = private t }
module BinaryExpression : { type t = private t }
module ConditionalExpression : { type t = private t }
module TemplateExpression : { type t = private t }
module YieldExpression : { type t = private t }
module SpreadElement : { type t = private t }
module ClassExpression : { type t = private t }
module OmittedExpression : { type t = private t }
module ExpressionWithTypeArguments : { type t = private t }
module AsExpression : { type t = private t }
module NonNullExpression : { type t = private t }
module MetaProperty : { type t = private t }
module SyntheticExpression : { type t = private t }
module TemplateSpan : { type t = private t }
module SemicolonClassElement : { type t = private t }
module Block : { type t = private t }
module EmptyStatement : { type t = private t }
module VariableStatement : { type t = private t }
module ExpressionStatement : { type t = private t }
module IfStatement : { type t = private t }
module DoStatement : { type t = private t }
module WhileStatement : { type t = private t }
module ForStatement : { type t = private t }
module ForInStatement : { type t = private t }
module ForOfStatement : { type t = private t }
module ContinueStatement : { type t = private t }
module BreakStatement : { type t = private t }
module ReturnStatement : { type t = private t }
module WithStatement : { type t = private t }
module SwitchStatement : { type t = private t }
module LabeledStatement : { type t = private t }
module ThrowStatement : { type t = private t }
module TryStatement : { type t = private t }
module DebuggerStatement : { type t = private t }
module VariableDeclaration : { type t = private t }
module VariableDeclarationList : { type t = private t }
module FunctionDeclaration : { type t = private t }
module ClassDeclaration : { type t = private t }
module InterfaceDeclaration : { type t = private t }
module TypeAliasDeclaration : { type t = private t }
module EnumDeclaration : { type t = private t }
module ModuleDeclaration : { type t = private t }
module ModuleBlock : { type t = private t }
module CaseBlock : { type t = private t }
module NamespaceExportDeclaration : { type t = private t }
module ImportEqualsDeclaration : { type t = private t }
module ImportDeclaration : { type t = private t }
module ImportClause : { type t = private t }
module NamespaceImport : { type t = private t }
module NamedImports : { type t = private t }
module ImportSpecifier : { type t = private t }
module ExportAssignment : { type t = private t }
module ExportDeclaration : { type t = private t }
module NamedExports : { type t = private t }
module NamespaceExport : { type t = private t }
module ExportSpecifier : { type t = private t }
module MissingDeclaration : { type t = private t }
module ExternalModuleReference : { type t = private t }
module JsxElement : { type t = private t }
module JsxSelfClosingElement : { type t = private t }
module JsxOpeningElement : { type t = private t }
module JsxClosingElement : { type t = private t }
module JsxFragment : { type t = private t }
module JsxOpeningFragment : { type t = private t }
module JsxClosingFragment : { type t = private t }
module JsxAttribute : { type t = private t }
module JsxAttributes : { type t = private t }
module JsxSpreadAttribute : { type t = private t }
module JsxExpression : { type t = private t }
module CaseClause : { type t = private t }
module DefaultClause : { type t = private t }
module HeritageClause : { type t = private t }
module CatchClause : { type t = private t }
module AssertClause : { type t = private t }
module AssertEntry : { type t = private t }
module PropertyAssignment : { type t = private t }
module ShorthandPropertyAssignment : { type t = private t }
module SpreadAssignment : { type t = private t }
module EnumMember : { type t = private t }
module UnparsedPrologue : { type t = private t }
module UnparsedPrepend : { type t = private t }
module UnparsedText : { type t = private t }
module UnparsedInternalText : { type t = private t }
module UnparsedSyntheticReference : { type t = private t }
module SourceFile : { type t = private t }
module Bundle : { type t = private t }
module UnparsedSource : { type t = private t }
module InputFiles : { type t = private t }
module JSDocTypeExpression : { type t = private t }
module JSDocNameReference : { type t = private t }
module JSDocMemberName : { type t = private t }
module JSDocAllType : { type t = private t }
module JSDocUnknownType : { type t = private t }
module JSDocNullableType : { type t = private t }
module JSDocNonNullableType : { type t = private t }
module JSDocOptionalType : { type t = private t }
module JSDocFunctionType : { type t = private t }
module JSDocVariadicType : { type t = private t }
module JSDocNamepathType : { type t = private t }
module JSDocComment : { type t = private t }
module JSDocText : { type t = private t }
module JSDocTypeLiteral : { type t = private t }
module JSDocSignature : { type t = private t }
module JSDocLink : { type t = private t }
module JSDocLinkCode : { type t = private t }
module JSDocLinkPlain : { type t = private t }
module JSDocTag : { type t = private t }
module JSDocAugmentsTag : { type t = private t }
module JSDocImplementsTag : { type t = private t }
module JSDocAuthorTag : { type t = private t }
module JSDocDeprecatedTag : { type t = private t }
module JSDocClassTag : { type t = private t }
module JSDocPublicTag : { type t = private t }
module JSDocPrivateTag : { type t = private t }
module JSDocProtectedTag : { type t = private t }
module JSDocReadonlyTag : { type t = private t }
module JSDocOverrideTag : { type t = private t }
module JSDocCallbackTag : { type t = private t }
module JSDocEnumTag : { type t = private t }
module JSDocParameterTag : { type t = private t }
module JSDocReturnTag : { type t = private t }
module JSDocThisTag : { type t = private t }
module JSDocTypeTag : { type t = private t }
module JSDocTemplateTag : { type t = private t }
module JSDocTypedefTag : { type t = private t }
module JSDocSeeTag : { type t = private t }
module JSDocPropertyTag : { type t = private t }
module SyntaxList : { type t = private t }
module NotEmittedStatement : { type t = private t }
module PartiallyEmittedExpression : { type t = private t }
module CommaListExpression : { type t = private t }
module MergeDeclarationMarker : { type t = private t }
module EndOfDeclarationMarker : { type t = private t }
module SyntheticReferenceExpression : { type t = private t }
module Count : { type t = private t }
module FirstAssignment : { type t = private t }
module LastAssignment : { type t = private t }
module FirstCompoundAssignment : { type t = private t }
module LastCompoundAssignment : { type t = private t }
module FirstReservedWord : { type t = private t }
module LastReservedWord : { type t = private t }
module FirstKeyword : { type t = private t }
module LastKeyword : { type t = private t }
module FirstFutureReservedWord : { type t = private t }
module LastFutureReservedWord : { type t = private t }
module FirstTypeNode : { type t = private t }
module LastTypeNode : { type t = private t }
module FirstPunctuation : { type t = private t }
module LastPunctuation : { type t = private t }
module FirstToken : { type t = private t }
module LastToken : { type t = private t }
module FirstTriviaToken : { type t = private t }
module LastTriviaToken : { type t = private t }
module FirstLiteralToken : { type t = private t }
module LastLiteralToken : { type t = private t }
module FirstTemplateToken : { type t = private t }
module LastTemplateToken : { type t = private t }
module FirstBinaryOperator : { type t = private t }
module LastBinaryOperator : { type t = private t }
module FirstStatement : { type t = private t }
module LastStatement : { type t = private t }
module FirstNode : { type t = private t }
module FirstJSDocNode : { type t = private t }
module LastJSDocNode : { type t = private t }
module FirstJSDocTagNode : { type t = private t }
module LastJSDocTagNode : { type t = private t }
module TriviaSyntaxKind : {
type t = Union.t6<SyntaxKind.SingleLineCommentTrivia.t, SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia.t, SyntaxKind.NewLineTrivia.t, SyntaxKind.WhitespaceTrivia.t, SyntaxKind.ShebangTrivia.t, SyntaxKind.ConflictMarkerTrivia.t>
module PunctuationSyntaxKind : {
type t = Union.t8<SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken.t, SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken.t, SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken.t, SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken.t, SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken.t, SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken.t, SyntaxKind.DotToken.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken.t, SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken.t, SyntaxKind.CommaToken.t, SyntaxKind.QuestionDotToken.t, SyntaxKind.LessThanToken.t, SyntaxKind.LessThanSlashToken.t, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.LessThanEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.EqualsGreaterThanToken.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.PlusToken.t, SyntaxKind.MinusToken.t, SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken.t, SyntaxKind.AsteriskAsteriskToken.t, SyntaxKind.SlashToken.t, SyntaxKind.PercentToken.t, SyntaxKind.PlusPlusToken.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.MinusMinusToken.t, SyntaxKind.LessThanLessThanToken.t, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanToken.t, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanToken.t, SyntaxKind.AmpersandToken.t, SyntaxKind.BarToken.t, SyntaxKind.CaretToken.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.ExclamationToken.t, SyntaxKind.TildeToken.t, SyntaxKind.AmpersandAmpersandToken.t, SyntaxKind.BarBarToken.t, SyntaxKind.QuestionQuestionToken.t, SyntaxKind.QuestionToken.t, SyntaxKind.ColonToken.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.AtToken.t, SyntaxKind.BacktickToken.t, SyntaxKind.HashToken.t, SyntaxKind.EqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.PlusEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.MinusEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.AsteriskEqualsToken.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.AsteriskAsteriskEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.SlashEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.PercentEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.LessThanLessThanEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.AmpersandEqualsToken.t, Union.t2<SyntaxKind.BarEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.CaretEqualsToken.t>>>>>>>>>
module PseudoLiteralSyntaxKind : {
type t = Union.t3<SyntaxKind.TemplateHead.t, SyntaxKind.TemplateMiddle.t, SyntaxKind.TemplateTail.t>
module LiteralSyntaxKind : {
type t = Union.t7<SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral.t, SyntaxKind.BigIntLiteral.t, SyntaxKind.StringLiteral.t, SyntaxKind.JsxText.t, SyntaxKind.JsxTextAllWhiteSpaces.t, SyntaxKind.RegularExpressionLiteral.t, SyntaxKind.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral.t>
module KeywordSyntaxKind : {
type t = Union.t8<SyntaxKind.AbstractKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.AsKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.AssertsKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.AssertKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.AwaitKeyword.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.BigIntKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.BooleanKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.BreakKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.CaseKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.CatchKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ClassKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.ConstructorKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ContinueKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.DebuggerKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.DeclareKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.DeleteKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.DoKeyword.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.ElseKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.EnumKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.FalseKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.FinallyKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ForKeyword.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.FromKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.FunctionKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.GetKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.GlobalKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.IfKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ImplementsKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ImportKeyword.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.InferKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.InKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.InstanceOfKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.InterfaceKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.IntrinsicKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.IsKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.KeyOfKeyword.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.LetKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ModuleKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.NamespaceKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.NeverKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.NewKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.NullKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.NumberKeyword.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.ObjectKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.OfKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.PackageKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.PrivateKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ProtectedKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.PublicKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.OverrideKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.RequireKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ReturnKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.SetKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.StringKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.SuperKeyword.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.SwitchKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.SymbolKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ThrowKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.TryKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.TypeKeyword.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.TypeOfKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.UndefinedKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.UniqueKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.UnknownKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.VarKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.VoidKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.WhileKeyword.t, Union.t2<SyntaxKind.WithKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.YieldKeyword.t>>>>>>>>>>>>
module TokenSyntaxKind : {
type t = Union.t8<SyntaxKind.Unknown.t, SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken.t, TriviaSyntaxKind.t, LiteralSyntaxKind.t, PseudoLiteralSyntaxKind.t, PunctuationSyntaxKind.t, SyntaxKind.Identifier.t, KeywordSyntaxKind.t>
module TokenFlags : {
type t = [#0 | #16 | #32 | #64 | #128 | #256]
module None : { type t = [#0] }
module Scientific : { type t = [#16] }
module Octal : { type t = [#32] }
module HexSpecifier : { type t = [#64] }
module BinarySpecifier : { type t = [#128] }
module OctalSpecifier : { type t = [#256] }
module TokenClass : {
type t = | Punctuation
| Keyword
| Operator
| Comment
| Whitespace
| Identifier
| NumberLiteral
| BigIntLiteral
| StringLiteral
| RegExpLiteral
module Punctuation : { type t = private t }
module Keyword : { type t = private t }
module Operator : { type t = private t }
module Comment : { type t = private t }
module Whitespace : { type t = private t }
module Identifier : { type t = private t }
module NumberLiteral : { type t = private t }
module BigIntLiteral : { type t = private t }
module StringLiteral : { type t = private t }
module RegExpLiteral : { type t = private t }
module TodoCommentDescriptor : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_TodoCommentDescriptor]> }
module TodoComment : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_TodoComment]> }
module ThisTypeNode : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_ThisTypeNode | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module TextSpan : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_TextSpan]> }
module TextInsertion : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_TextInsertion]> }
module TextChangeRange : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_TextChangeRange]> }
module TextChange : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_TextChange]> }
module TemplateSpan : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TemplateSpan]> }
module TemplateLiteralTypeSpan : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TemplateLiteralTypeSpan | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module TemplateLiteralTypeNode : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TemplateLiteralTypeNode | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module InstantiableType : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_InstantiableType | #Ts_Type]> }
module TemplateLiteralType : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_InstantiableType | #Ts_TemplateLiteralType | #Ts_Type]> }
module LiteralLikeNode : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_LiteralLikeNode | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module TemplateLiteralLikeNode : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_LiteralLikeNode | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TemplateLiteralLikeNode]>
module TemplateTail : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_LiteralLikeNode | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TemplateLiteralLikeNode | #Ts_TemplateTail]>
module TemplateMiddle : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_LiteralLikeNode | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TemplateLiteralLikeNode | #Ts_TemplateMiddle]>
module TemplateHead : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_LiteralLikeNode | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TemplateHead | #Ts_TemplateLiteralLikeNode]>
module PseudoLiteralToken : { type t = Union.t3<TemplateHead.t, TemplateMiddle.t, TemplateTail.t> }
module LiteralExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_LiteralExpression | #Ts_LiteralLikeNode | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_LiteralExpression | #Ts_LiteralLikeNode | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TemplateLiteralLikeNode | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module TemplateLiteralToken : { type t = Union.t2<NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral.t, PseudoLiteralToken.t> }
module TemplateExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TemplateExpression | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module TemplateLiteral : { type t = Union.t2<TemplateExpression.t, NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral.t> }
module System : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_System]> }
module SyntheticExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SyntheticExpression]>
module TextRange : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_TextRange]> }
module CommentRange : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_CommentRange | #Ts_TextRange]> }
module SynthesizedComment : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_CommentRange | #Ts_SynthesizedComment | #Ts_TextRange]> }
module SyntaxList : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SyntaxList]> }
module InternalSymbolName : {
type t = [#"__call" | #"__constructor" | #"__new" | #"__index" | #"__export" | #"__global" | #"__missing" | #"__type" | #"__object" | #"__jsxAttributes" | #"__class" | #"__function" | #"__computed" | #"__resolving__" | #"export=" | #default | #this]
module Call : { type t = [#"__call"] }
module Constructor : { type t = [#"__constructor"] }
module New : { type t = [#"__new"] }
module Index : { type t = [#"__index"] }
module ExportStar : { type t = [#"__export"] }
module Global : { type t = [#"__global"] }
module Missing : { type t = [#"__missing"] }
module Type : { type t = [#"__type"] }
module Object : { type t = [#"__object"] }
module JSXAttributes : { type t = [#"__jsxAttributes"] }
module Class : { type t = [#"__class"] }
module Function : { type t = [#"__function"] }
module Computed : { type t = [#"__computed"] }
module Resolving : { type t = [#"__resolving__"] }
module ExportEquals : { type t = [#"export="] }
module Default_ : { type t = [#default] }
module This : { type t = [#this] }
module M__String : {
module AnonymousInterface1 : { type t = private any }
type t = Union.t3<Intersection.t2<string, AnonymousInterface1.t>, Intersection.t2<unit, AnonymousInterface1.t>, InternalSymbolName.t>
module ReadonlyCollection : { type t<'K> = intf'<[#Ts_ReadonlyCollection('K)]> }
module ReadonlyESMap : {
type t<'K, 'V> = intf'<[#Ts_ReadonlyCollection('K) | #Ts_ReadonlyESMap('K, 'V)]>
module ReadonlyUnderscoreEscapedMap : {
type t<'T> = intf'<[#Ts_ReadonlyCollection(M__String.t) | #Ts_ReadonlyUnderscoreEscapedMap('T) | #Ts_ReadonlyESMap(M__String.t, 'T)]>
module Collection : { type t<'K> = intf'<[#Ts_Collection('K) | #Ts_ReadonlyCollection('K)]> }
module ESMap : {
type t<'K, 'V> = intf'<[#Ts_Collection('K) | #Ts_ReadonlyCollection('K) | #Ts_ESMap('K, 'V) | #Ts_ReadonlyESMap('K, 'V)]>
module UnderscoreEscapedMap : {
type t<'T> = intf'<[#Ts_Collection(M__String.t) | #Ts_ReadonlyCollection(M__String.t) | #Ts_ReadonlyUnderscoreEscapedMap('T) | #Ts_UnderscoreEscapedMap('T) | #Ts_ESMap(M__String.t, 'T) | #Ts_ReadonlyESMap(M__String.t, 'T)]>
module Symbol : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_Symbol]> }
module SymbolTable : { type t = UnderscoreEscapedMap.t<Symbol.t> }
module SymbolFormatFlags : {
type t = [#0 | #1 | #2 | #4 | #8]
module None : { type t = [#0] }
module WriteTypeParametersOrArguments : { type t = [#1] }
module UseOnlyExternalAliasing : { type t = [#2] }
module AllowAnyNodeKind : { type t = [#4] }
module UseAliasDefinedOutsideCurrentScope : { type t = [#8] }
module SymbolFlags : {
type t = [#0 | #1 | #2 | #4 | #8 | #16 | #32 | #64 | #128 | #256 | #512 | #1024 | #2048 | #4096 | #8192 | #16384 | #32768 | #65536 | #131072 | #262144 | #524288 | #1048576 | #2097152 | #4194304 | #8388608 | #16777216 | #33554432 | #67108864 | #134217728 | #384 | #3 | #111551 | #788968 | #1920 | #1536 | #98304 | #111550 | #900095 | #110991 | #899503 | #788872 | #899327 | #899967 | #110735 | #103359 | #46015 | #78783 | #526824 | #2623475 | #944 | #418 | #98308 | #106500]
module None : { type t = [#0] }
module FunctionScopedVariable : { type t = [#1] }
module BlockScopedVariable : { type t = [#2] }
module Property : { type t = [#4] }
module EnumMember : { type t = [#8] }
module Function : { type t = [#16] }
module Class : { type t = [#32] }
module Interface : { type t = [#64] }
module ConstEnum : { type t = [#128] }
module RegularEnum : { type t = [#256] }
module ValueModule : { type t = [#512] }
module NamespaceModule : { type t = [#1024] }
module TypeLiteral : { type t = [#2048] }
module ObjectLiteral : { type t = [#4096] }
module Method : { type t = [#8192] }
module Constructor : { type t = [#16384] }
module GetAccessor : { type t = [#32768] }
module SetAccessor : { type t = [#65536] }
module Signature : { type t = [#131072] }
module TypeParameter : { type t = [#262144] }
module TypeAlias : { type t = [#524288] }
module ExportValue : { type t = [#1048576] }
module Alias : { type t = [#2097152] }
module Prototype : { type t = [#4194304] }
module ExportStar : { type t = [#8388608] }
module Optional : { type t = [#16777216] }
module Transient : { type t = [#33554432] }
module Assignment : { type t = [#67108864] }
module ModuleExports : { type t = [#134217728] }
module Enum : { type t = [#384] }
module Variable : { type t = [#3] }
module Value : { type t = [#111551] }
module Type : { type t = [#788968] }
module Namespace : { type t = [#1920] }
module Module : { type t = [#1536] }
module Accessor : { type t = [#98304] }
module FunctionScopedVariableExcludes : { type t = [#111550] }
module BlockScopedVariableExcludes : { type t = [#111551] }
module ParameterExcludes : { type t = [#111551] }
module PropertyExcludes : { type t = [#0] }
module EnumMemberExcludes : { type t = [#900095] }
module FunctionExcludes : { type t = [#110991] }
module ClassExcludes : { type t = [#899503] }
module InterfaceExcludes : { type t = [#788872] }
module RegularEnumExcludes : { type t = [#899327] }
module ConstEnumExcludes : { type t = [#899967] }
module ValueModuleExcludes : { type t = [#110735] }
module NamespaceModuleExcludes : { type t = [#0] }
module MethodExcludes : { type t = [#103359] }
module GetAccessorExcludes : { type t = [#46015] }
module SetAccessorExcludes : { type t = [#78783] }
module TypeParameterExcludes : { type t = [#526824] }
module TypeAliasExcludes : { type t = [#788968] }
module AliasExcludes : { type t = [#2097152] }
module ModuleMember : { type t = [#2623475] }
module ExportHasLocal : { type t = [#944] }
module BlockScoped : { type t = [#418] }
module PropertyOrAccessor : { type t = [#98308] }
module ClassMember : { type t = [#106500] }
module SymbolDisplayPartKind : {
type t = | AliasName
| ClassName
| EnumName
| FieldName
| InterfaceName
| Keyword
| LineBreak
| NumericLiteral
| StringLiteral
| LocalName
| MethodName
| ModuleName
| Operator
| ParameterName
| PropertyName
| Punctuation
| Space
| Text
| TypeParameterName
| EnumMemberName
| FunctionName
| RegularExpressionLiteral
| Link
| LinkName
| LinkText
module AliasName : { type t = private t }
module ClassName : { type t = private t }
module EnumName : { type t = private t }
module FieldName : { type t = private t }
module InterfaceName : { type t = private t }
module Keyword : { type t = private t }
module LineBreak : { type t = private t }
module NumericLiteral : { type t = private t }
module StringLiteral : { type t = private t }
module LocalName : { type t = private t }
module MethodName : { type t = private t }
module ModuleName : { type t = private t }
module Operator : { type t = private t }
module ParameterName : { type t = private t }
module PropertyName : { type t = private t }
module Punctuation : { type t = private t }
module Space : { type t = private t }
module Text : { type t = private t }
module TypeParameterName : { type t = private t }
module EnumMemberName : { type t = private t }
module FunctionName : { type t = private t }
module RegularExpressionLiteral : { type t = private t }
module Link : { type t = private t }
module LinkName : { type t = private t }
module LinkText : { type t = private t }
module PropertyAccessExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PropertyAccessExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module SuperPropertyAccessExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PropertyAccessExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SuperPropertyAccessExpression | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module ElementAccessExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ElementAccessExpression | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module SuperElementAccessExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ElementAccessExpression | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SuperElementAccessExpression | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module SuperProperty : {
type t = Union.t2<SuperPropertyAccessExpression.t, SuperElementAccessExpression.t>
module SuperExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SuperExpression | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module CallExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_CallExpression | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module SuperCall : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_CallExpression | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SuperCall | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module SubstitutionType : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_InstantiableType | #Ts_SubstitutionType | #Ts_Type]> }
module UnionOrIntersectionType : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_Type | #Ts_UnionOrIntersectionType]> }
module UnionType : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_Type | #Ts_UnionOrIntersectionType | #Ts_UnionType]> }
module IntersectionType : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_IntersectionType | #Ts_Type | #Ts_UnionOrIntersectionType]> }
module StructuredType : { type t = Union.t3<ObjectType.t, UnionType.t, IntersectionType.t> }
module StringMappingType : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_InstantiableType | #Ts_StringMappingType | #Ts_Type]> }
module LiteralType : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_LiteralType | #Ts_Type]> }
module StringLiteralType : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_LiteralType | #Ts_StringLiteralType | #Ts_Type]> }
module SourceMapSpan : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_SourceMapSpan]> }
module SourceMapSource : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_SourceMapSource]> }
module SourceMapRange : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_SourceMapRange | #Ts_TextRange]> }
module SourceFileLike : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_SourceFileLike]> }
module SortedReadonlyArray : { type t<'T> = intf'<[#ReadonlyArray('T) | #Ts_SortedReadonlyArray('T)]> }
module SortedArray : { type t<'T> = intf'<[#Array('T) | #Ts_SortedArray('T)]> }
module SolutionBuilderHostBase : { type t<'T> = intf'<[#Ts_ProgramHost('T) | #Ts_SolutionBuilderHostBase('T)]> }
module SolutionBuilderWithWatchHost : {
type t<'T> = intf'<[#Ts_ProgramHost('T) | #Ts_SolutionBuilderHostBase('T) | #Ts_SolutionBuilderWithWatchHost('T) | #Ts_WatchHost]>
module SolutionBuilderHost : {
type t<'T> = intf'<[#Ts_ProgramHost('T) | #Ts_SolutionBuilderHost('T) | #Ts_SolutionBuilderHostBase('T)]>
module SolutionBuilder : { type t<'T> = intf'<[#Ts_SolutionBuilder('T)]> }
module SignatureKind : {
type t = Call | Construct
module Call : { type t = private t }
module Construct : { type t = private t }
module SignatureHelpRetriggeredReason : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_SignatureHelpRetriggeredReason]> }
module SignatureHelpInvokedReason : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_SignatureHelpInvokedReason]> }
module SignatureHelpCharacterTypedReason : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_SignatureHelpCharacterTypedReason]> }
module SignatureHelpTriggerReason : {
type t = Union.t3<SignatureHelpInvokedReason.t, SignatureHelpCharacterTypedReason.t, SignatureHelpRetriggeredReason.t>
module SignatureHelpTriggerCharacter : { type t = Union.t3<[#","], [#"("], [#"<"]> }
module SignatureHelpRetriggerCharacter : { type t = Union.t2<SignatureHelpTriggerCharacter.t, [#")"]> }
module SignatureHelpParameter : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_SignatureHelpParameter]> }
module SignatureHelpItemsOptions : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_SignatureHelpItemsOptions]> }
module SignatureHelpItems : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_SignatureHelpItems]> }
module SignatureHelpItem : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_SignatureHelpItem]> }
module Signature : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_Signature]> }
module ReadonlySet : { type t<'T> = intf'<[#Ts_ReadonlyCollection('T) | #Ts_ReadonlySet('T)]> }
module Set : {
type t<'T> = intf'<[#Ts_Collection('T) | #Ts_ReadonlyCollection('T) | #Ts_ReadonlySet('T) | #Ts_Set('T)]>
module SemicolonPreference : {
type t = [#ignore | #insert | #remove]
module Ignore : { type t = [#ignore] }
module Insert : { type t = [#insert] }
module Remove : { type t = [#remove] }
module SemicolonClassElement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ClassElement | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SemicolonClassElement]>
module SemanticClassificationFormat : {
type t = [#original | #"2020"]
module Original : { type t = [#original] }
module TwentyTwenty : { type t = [#"2020"] }
module SelectionRange : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_SelectionRange]> }
module ScriptTarget : {
type t = [#0 | #1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | #5 | #6 | #7 | #8 | #9 | #99 | #100]
module ES3 : { type t = [#0] }
module ES5 : { type t = [#1] }
module ES2015 : { type t = [#2] }
module ES2016 : { type t = [#3] }
module ES2017 : { type t = [#4] }
module ES2018 : { type t = [#5] }
module ES2019 : { type t = [#6] }
module ES2020 : { type t = [#7] }
module ES2021 : { type t = [#8] }
module ES2022 : { type t = [#9] }
module ESNext : { type t = [#99] }
module JSON : { type t = [#100] }
module Latest : { type t = [#99] }
module ScriptKind : {
type t = Unknown | JS | JSX | TS | TSX | External | JSON | Deferred
module Unknown : { type t = private t }
module JS : { type t = private t }
module JSX : { type t = private t }
module TS : { type t = private t }
module TSX : { type t = private t }
module External : { type t = private t }
module JSON : { type t = private t }
module Deferred : { type t = private t }
module ScriptElementKindModifier : {
type t = [#"" | #public | #"private" | #protected | #"export" | #declare | #static | #abstract | #optional | #deprecated | #".d.ts" | #".ts" | #".tsx" | #".js" | #".jsx" | #".json" | #".d.mts" | #".mts" | #".mjs" | #".d.cts" | #".cts" | #".cjs"]
module None : { type t = [#""] }
module PublicMemberModifier : { type t = [#public] }
module PrivateMemberModifier : { type t = [#"private"] }
module ProtectedMemberModifier : { type t = [#protected] }
module ExportedModifier : { type t = [#"export"] }
module AmbientModifier : { type t = [#declare] }
module StaticModifier : { type t = [#static] }
module AbstractModifier : { type t = [#abstract] }
module OptionalModifier : { type t = [#optional] }
module DeprecatedModifier : { type t = [#deprecated] }
module DtsModifier : { type t = [#".d.ts"] }
module TsModifier : { type t = [#".ts"] }
module TsxModifier : { type t = [#".tsx"] }
module JsModifier : { type t = [#".js"] }
module JsxModifier : { type t = [#".jsx"] }
module JsonModifier : { type t = [#".json"] }
module DmtsModifier : { type t = [#".d.mts"] }
module MtsModifier : { type t = [#".mts"] }
module MjsModifier : { type t = [#".mjs"] }
module DctsModifier : { type t = [#".d.cts"] }
module CtsModifier : { type t = [#".cts"] }
module CjsModifier : { type t = [#".cjs"] }
module ScriptElementKind : {
type t = [#"" | #warning | #keyword | #script | #"module" | #class | #"local class" | #interface | #"type" | #enum | #"enum member" | #var | #"local var" | #function | #"local function" | #method | #getter | #setter | #property | #constructor | #call | #index | #construct | #parameter | #"type parameter" | #"primitive type" | #label | #alias | #const | #"let" | #directory | #"external module name" | #"JSX attribute" | #string | #link | #"link name" | #"link text"]
module Unknown : { type t = [#""] }
module Warning : { type t = [#warning] }
module Keyword : { type t = [#keyword] }
module ScriptElement : { type t = [#script] }
module ModuleElement : { type t = [#"module"] }
module ClassElement : { type t = [#class] }
module LocalClassElement : { type t = [#"local class"] }
module InterfaceElement : { type t = [#interface] }
module TypeElement : { type t = [#"type"] }
module EnumElement : { type t = [#enum] }
module EnumMemberElement : { type t = [#"enum member"] }
module VariableElement : { type t = [#var] }
module LocalVariableElement : { type t = [#"local var"] }
module FunctionElement : { type t = [#function] }
module LocalFunctionElement : { type t = [#"local function"] }
module MemberFunctionElement : { type t = [#method] }
module MemberGetAccessorElement : { type t = [#getter] }
module MemberSetAccessorElement : { type t = [#setter] }
module MemberVariableElement : { type t = [#property] }
module ConstructorImplementationElement : { type t = [#constructor] }
module CallSignatureElement : { type t = [#call] }
module IndexSignatureElement : { type t = [#index] }
module ConstructSignatureElement : { type t = [#construct] }
module ParameterElement : { type t = [#parameter] }
module TypeParameterElement : { type t = [#"type parameter"] }
module PrimitiveType : { type t = [#"primitive type"] }
module Label : { type t = [#label] }
module Alias : { type t = [#alias] }
module ConstElement : { type t = [#const] }
module LetElement : { type t = [#"let"] }
module Directory : { type t = [#directory] }
module ExternalModuleName : { type t = [#"external module name"] }
module JsxAttribute : { type t = [#"JSX attribute"] }
module String : { type t = [#string] }
module Link : { type t = [#link] }
module LinkName : { type t = [#"link name"] }
module LinkText : { type t = [#"link text"] }
module Scanner : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_Scanner]> }
module RestTypeNode : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_RestTypeNode | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective]> }
module ResolvedProjectReference : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ResolvedProjectReference]> }
module ResolvedModule : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ResolvedModule]> }
module ResolvedModuleFull : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ResolvedModule | #Ts_ResolvedModuleFull]> }
module ResolvedConfigFileName : {
module AnonymousInterface3 : { type t = private any }
type t = Intersection.t2<string, AnonymousInterface3.t>
module ResolveProjectReferencePathHost : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ResolveProjectReferencePathHost]> }
module ReportFileInError : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ReportFileInError]> }
module ReportEmitErrorSummary : {
type t = (~errorCount:float, ~filesInError:array<undefined<ReportFileInError.t>>) => unit
module DocumentSpan : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_DocumentSpan]> }
module RenameLocation : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_DocumentSpan | #Ts_RenameLocation]> }
module RenameInfoOptions : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_RenameInfoOptions]> }
module RenameInfoSuccess : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_RenameInfoSuccess]> }
module RenameInfoFailure : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_RenameInfoFailure]> }
module RenameInfo : { type t = Union.t2<RenameInfoSuccess.t, RenameInfoFailure.t> }
module DefinitionInfo : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_DefinitionInfo | #Ts_DocumentSpan]> }
module ReferencedSymbolDefinitionInfo : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_DefinitionInfo | #Ts_DocumentSpan | #Ts_ReferencedSymbolDefinitionInfo]>
module ReferencedSymbol : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ReferencedSymbol]> }
module ReferenceEntry : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_DocumentSpan | #Ts_ReferenceEntry]> }
module RefactorTriggerReason : { type t = Union.t2<[#implicit], [#invoked]> }
module RefactorEditInfo : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_RefactorEditInfo]> }
module RefactorActionInfo : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_RefactorActionInfo]> }
module Token : { type t<'TKind> = intf'<[#Ts_Token('TKind) | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module KeywordToken : {
type t<'TKind> = intf'<[#Ts_KeywordToken('TKind) | #Ts_Token('TKind) | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module ModifierToken : {
type t<'TKind> = intf'<[#Ts_KeywordToken('TKind) | #Ts_ModifierToken('TKind) | #Ts_Token('TKind) | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module ReadonlyKeyword : { type t = ModifierToken.t<SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword.t> }
module ReadonlyToken : { type t = ReadonlyKeyword.t }
module ReadonlyMap : {
type t<'T> = intf'<[#Ts_ReadonlyCollection(string) | #Ts_ReadonlyMap('T) | #Ts_ReadonlyESMap(string, 'T)]>
module ReadBuildProgramHost : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ReadBuildProgramHost]> }
module QuickInfo : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_QuickInfo]> }
module PunctuationToken : {
type t<'TKind> = intf'<[#Ts_PunctuationToken('TKind) | #Ts_Token('TKind) | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module QuestionToken : { type t = PunctuationToken.t<SyntaxKind.QuestionToken.t> }
module QuestionDotToken : { type t = PunctuationToken.t<SyntaxKind.QuestionDotToken.t> }
module Push : { type t<'T> = intf'<[#Ts_Push('T)]> }
module PseudoBigInt : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_PseudoBigInt]> }
module StringLiteral : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_LiteralExpression | #Ts_LiteralLikeNode | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_StringLiteral | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module StringLiteralLike : { type t = Union.t2<StringLiteral.t, NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral.t> }
module NumericLiteral : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_LiteralExpression | #Ts_LiteralLikeNode | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_NumericLiteral | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module PropertyNameLiteral : { type t = Union.t3<Identifier.t, StringLiteralLike.t, NumericLiteral.t> }
module PrivateIdentifier : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_PrivateIdentifier | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module ComputedPropertyName : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ComputedPropertyName | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module PropertyName : {
type t = Union.t5<Identifier.t, StringLiteral.t, NumericLiteral.t, ComputedPropertyName.t, PrivateIdentifier.t>
module PropertyLikeDeclaration : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PropertyLikeDeclaration | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module PrinterOptions : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_PrinterOptions]> }
module Printer : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_Printer]> }
module PrintHandlers : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_PrintHandlers]> }
module PrefixUnaryOperator : {
type t = Union.t6<SyntaxKind.PlusPlusToken.t, SyntaxKind.MinusMinusToken.t, SyntaxKind.PlusToken.t, SyntaxKind.MinusToken.t, SyntaxKind.TildeToken.t, SyntaxKind.ExclamationToken.t>
module PreProcessedFileInfo : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_PreProcessedFileInfo]> }
module PostfixUnaryOperator : { type t = Union.t2<SyntaxKind.PlusPlusToken.t, SyntaxKind.MinusMinusToken.t> }
module PostfixUnaryExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PostfixUnaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module PollingWatchKind : {
type t = FixedInterval | PriorityInterval | DynamicPriority | FixedChunkSize
module FixedInterval : { type t = private t }
module PriorityInterval : { type t = private t }
module DynamicPriority : { type t = private t }
module FixedChunkSize : { type t = private t }
module PlusToken : { type t = PunctuationToken.t<SyntaxKind.PlusToken.t> }
module PerformanceEvent : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_PerformanceEvent]> }
module PerModuleNameCache : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_PerModuleNameCache]> }
module Path : {
module AnonymousInterface2 : { type t = private any }
type t = Intersection.t2<string, AnonymousInterface2.t>
module PartiallyEmittedExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PartiallyEmittedExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module ParsedTsconfig : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ParsedTsconfig]> }
module ParsedCommandLine : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ParsedCommandLine]> }
module ParseConfigHost : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ParseConfigHost]> }
module ParseConfigFileHost : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ConfigFileDiagnosticsReporter | #Ts_ParseConfigFileHost | #Ts_ParseConfigHost]>
module PublicKeyword : { type t = ModifierToken.t<SyntaxKind.PublicKeyword.t> }
module ProtectedKeyword : { type t = ModifierToken.t<SyntaxKind.ProtectedKeyword.t> }
module PrivateKeyword : { type t = ModifierToken.t<SyntaxKind.PrivateKeyword.t> }
module AccessibilityModifier : { type t = Union.t3<PublicKeyword.t, PrivateKeyword.t, ProtectedKeyword.t> }
module ParameterPropertyModifier : { type t = Union.t2<AccessibilityModifier.t, ReadonlyKeyword.t> }
module SignatureDeclarationBase : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase]>
module FunctionLikeDeclarationBase : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_FunctionLikeDeclarationBase | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase]>
module ConstructorDeclaration : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ClassElement | #Ts_ConstructorDeclaration | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_FunctionLikeDeclarationBase | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase]>
module ParameterPropertyDeclaration : {
module AnonymousInterface22 : { type t = private any }
type t = Intersection.t2<ParameterDeclaration.t, AnonymousInterface22.t>
module PackageId : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_PackageId]> }
module OutputFileType : {
type t = JavaScript | SourceMap | Declaration
module JavaScript : { type t = private t }
module SourceMap : { type t = private t }
module Declaration : { type t = private t }
module OutputFile : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_OutputFile]> }
module OutliningSpanKind : {
type t = [#comment | #region | #code | #imports]
module Comment : { type t = [#comment] }
module Region : { type t = [#region] }
module Code : { type t = [#code] }
module Imports : { type t = [#imports] }
module OutliningSpan : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_OutliningSpan]> }
module OuterExpressionKinds : {
type t = [#1 | #2 | #4 | #8 | #6 | #15 | #16]
module Parentheses : { type t = [#1] }
module TypeAssertions : { type t = [#2] }
module NonNullAssertions : { type t = [#4] }
module PartiallyEmittedExpressions : { type t = [#8] }
module Assertions : { type t = [#6] }
module All : { type t = [#15] }
module ExcludeJSDocTypeAssertion : { type t = [#16] }
module CombinedCodeFixScope : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_CombinedCodeFixScope]> }
module OrganizeImportsArgs : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_CombinedCodeFixScope | #Ts_OrganizeImportsArgs]> }
module OptionalTypeNode : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Node | #Ts_OptionalTypeNode | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module PropertyAccessChain : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PropertyAccessChain | #Ts_PropertyAccessExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module NonNullExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_NonNullExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module NonNullChain : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_NonNullChain | #Ts_NonNullExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module ElementAccessChain : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ElementAccessChain | #Ts_ElementAccessExpression | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module CallChain : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_CallChain | #Ts_CallExpression | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module OptionalChain : {
type t = Union.t4<PropertyAccessChain.t, ElementAccessChain.t, CallChain.t, NonNullChain.t>
module OperationCanceledException : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_OperationCanceledException]> }
module TypeLiteralNode : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeLiteralNode | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module InterfaceDeclaration : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_DeclarationStatement | #Ts_InterfaceDeclaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]>
module ClassLikeDeclarationBase : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ClassLikeDeclarationBase | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module ClassExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ClassExpression | #Ts_ClassLikeDeclarationBase | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module ClassDeclaration : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ClassDeclaration | #Ts_ClassLikeDeclarationBase | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_DeclarationStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]>
module ClassLikeDeclaration : { type t = Union.t2<ClassDeclaration.t, ClassExpression.t> }
module ObjectTypeDeclaration : {
type t = Union.t3<ClassLikeDeclaration.t, InterfaceDeclaration.t, TypeLiteralNode.t>
module ObjectFlags : {
type t = [#1 | #2 | #4 | #8 | #16 | #32 | #64 | #128 | #256 | #512 | #1024 | #2048 | #4096 | #8192 | #16384 | #32768 | #3 | #4194304 | #8388608]
module Class : { type t = [#1] }
module Interface : { type t = [#2] }
module Reference : { type t = [#4] }
module Tuple : { type t = [#8] }
module Anonymous : { type t = [#16] }
module Mapped : { type t = [#32] }
module Instantiated : { type t = [#64] }
module ObjectLiteral : { type t = [#128] }
module EvolvingArray : { type t = [#256] }
module ObjectLiteralPatternWithComputedProperties : { type t = [#512] }
module ReverseMapped : { type t = [#1024] }
module JsxAttributes : { type t = [#2048] }
module MarkerType : { type t = [#4096] }
module JSLiteral : { type t = [#8192] }
module FreshLiteral : { type t = [#16384] }
module ArrayLiteral : { type t = [#32768] }
module ClassOrInterface : { type t = [#3] }
module ContainsSpread : { type t = [#4194304] }
module ObjectRestType : { type t = [#8388608] }
module NumberLiteralType : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_LiteralType | #Ts_NumberLiteralType | #Ts_Type]> }
module NotEmittedStatement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_NotEmittedStatement | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]>
module NodesVisitor : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_NodesVisitor]> }
module NodeVisitor : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_NodeVisitor]> }
module NodeFlags : {
type t = [#0 | #1 | #2 | #4 | #8 | #16 | #32 | #64 | #128 | #256 | #512 | #1024 | #2048 | #4096 | #8192 | #16384 | #32768 | #65536 | #131072 | #262144 | #524288 | #4194304 | #33554432 | #3 | #768 | #2816 | #25358336 | #40960]
module None : { type t = [#0] }
module Let : { type t = [#1] }
module Const : { type t = [#2] }
module NestedNamespace : { type t = [#4] }
module Synthesized : { type t = [#8] }
module Namespace : { type t = [#16] }
module OptionalChain : { type t = [#32] }
module ExportContext : { type t = [#64] }
module ContainsThis : { type t = [#128] }
module HasImplicitReturn : { type t = [#256] }
module HasExplicitReturn : { type t = [#512] }
module GlobalAugmentation : { type t = [#1024] }
module HasAsyncFunctions : { type t = [#2048] }
module DisallowInContext : { type t = [#4096] }
module YieldContext : { type t = [#8192] }
module DecoratorContext : { type t = [#16384] }
module AwaitContext : { type t = [#32768] }
module ThisNodeHasError : { type t = [#65536] }
module JavaScriptFile : { type t = [#131072] }
module ThisNodeOrAnySubNodesHasError : { type t = [#262144] }
module HasAggregatedChildData : { type t = [#524288] }
module JSDoc : { type t = [#4194304] }
module JsonFile : { type t = [#33554432] }
module BlockScoped : { type t = [#3] }
module ReachabilityCheckFlags : { type t = [#768] }
module ReachabilityAndEmitFlags : { type t = [#2816] }
module ContextFlags : { type t = [#25358336] }
module TypeExcludesFlags : { type t = [#40960] }
module NodeFactory : {
module AnonymousInterface14 : { type t = private any }
type t = intf'<[#Ts_NodeFactory]>
module NodeBuilderFlags : {
type t = [#0 | #1 | #2 | #4 | #8 | #16 | #32 | #64 | #128 | #256 | #512 | #1024 | #2048 | #4096 | #8192 | #16384 | #268435456 | #536870912 | #1073741824 | #32768 | #65536 | #131072 | #262144 | #524288 | #1048576 | #2097152 | #67108864 | #70221824 | #4194304 | #8388608 | #16777216]
module None : { type t = [#0] }
module NoTruncation : { type t = [#1] }
module WriteArrayAsGenericType : { type t = [#2] }
module GenerateNamesForShadowedTypeParams : { type t = [#4] }
module UseStructuralFallback : { type t = [#8] }
module ForbidIndexedAccessSymbolReferences : { type t = [#16] }
module WriteTypeArgumentsOfSignature : { type t = [#32] }
module UseFullyQualifiedType : { type t = [#64] }
module UseOnlyExternalAliasing : { type t = [#128] }
module SuppressAnyReturnType : { type t = [#256] }
module WriteTypeParametersInQualifiedName : { type t = [#512] }
module MultilineObjectLiterals : { type t = [#1024] }
module WriteClassExpressionAsTypeLiteral : { type t = [#2048] }
module UseTypeOfFunction : { type t = [#4096] }
module OmitParameterModifiers : { type t = [#8192] }
module UseAliasDefinedOutsideCurrentScope : { type t = [#16384] }
module UseSingleQuotesForStringLiteralType : { type t = [#268435456] }
module NoTypeReduction : { type t = [#536870912] }
module NoUndefinedOptionalParameterType : { type t = [#1073741824] }
module AllowThisInObjectLiteral : { type t = [#32768] }
module AllowQualifiedNameInPlaceOfIdentifier : { type t = [#65536] }
module AllowQualifedNameInPlaceOfIdentifier : { type t = [#65536] }
module AllowAnonymousIdentifier : { type t = [#131072] }
module AllowEmptyUnionOrIntersection : { type t = [#262144] }
module AllowEmptyTuple : { type t = [#524288] }
module AllowUniqueESSymbolType : { type t = [#1048576] }
module AllowEmptyIndexInfoType : { type t = [#2097152] }
module AllowNodeModulesRelativePaths : { type t = [#67108864] }
module IgnoreErrors : { type t = [#70221824] }
module InObjectTypeLiteral : { type t = [#4194304] }
module InTypeAlias : { type t = [#8388608] }
module InInitialEntityName : { type t = [#16777216] }
module NewLineKind : {
type t = CarriageReturnLineFeed | LineFeed
module CarriageReturnLineFeed : { type t = private t }
module LineFeed : { type t = private t }
module NavigationTree : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_NavigationTree]> }
module NavigationBarItem : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_NavigationBarItem]> }
module NavigateToItem : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_NavigateToItem]> }
module NamedImportsOrExports : { type t = Union.t2<NamedImports.t, NamedExports.t> }
module NamedImportBindings : { type t = Union.t2<NamespaceImport.t, NamedImports.t> }
module NamespaceExport : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_NamespaceExport | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module NamedExportBindings : { type t = Union.t2<NamespaceExport.t, NamedExports.t> }
module ModuleResolutionKind : {
type t = [#1 | #2 | #3 | #99]
module Classic : { type t = [#1] }
module NodeJs : { type t = [#2] }
module Node12 : { type t = [#3] }
module NodeNext : { type t = [#99] }
module ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations]> }
module NonRelativeModuleNameResolutionCache : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_NonRelativeModuleNameResolutionCache | #Ts_PackageJsonInfoCache]>
module ModuleResolutionCache : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_PerDirectoryResolutionCache(ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations.t) | #Ts_ModuleResolutionCache | #Ts_NonRelativeModuleNameResolutionCache | #Ts_PackageJsonInfoCache]>
module ExternalModuleReference : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ExternalModuleReference | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module QualifiedName : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_Node | #Ts_QualifiedName | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module EntityName : { type t = Union.t2<Identifier.t, QualifiedName.t> }
module ModuleReference : { type t = Union.t2<EntityName.t, ExternalModuleReference.t> }
module ModuleName : { type t = Union.t2<Identifier.t, StringLiteral.t> }
module ModuleKind : {
type t = [#0 | #1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | #5 | #6 | #7 | #99 | #100 | #199]
module None : { type t = [#0] }
module CommonJS : { type t = [#1] }
module AMD : { type t = [#2] }
module UMD : { type t = [#3] }
module System : { type t = [#4] }
module ES2015 : { type t = [#5] }
module ES2020 : { type t = [#6] }
module ES2022 : { type t = [#7] }
module ESNext : { type t = [#99] }
module Node12 : { type t = [#100] }
module NodeNext : { type t = [#199] }
module ModuleDeclaration : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_DeclarationStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_ModuleDeclaration | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]>
module NamespaceDeclaration : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_DeclarationStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_ModuleDeclaration | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_NamespaceDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]>
module ModuleBlock : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_ModuleBlock | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]>
module NamespaceBody : { type t = Union.t2<ModuleBlock.t, NamespaceDeclaration.t> }
module JSDocNamespaceDeclaration : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_DeclarationStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_JSDocNamespaceDeclaration | #Ts_ModuleDeclaration | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]>
module JSDocNamespaceBody : { type t = Union.t2<Identifier.t, JSDocNamespaceDeclaration.t> }
module ModuleBody : { type t = Union.t2<NamespaceBody.t, JSDocNamespaceBody.t> }
module NodeArray : {
type t<'T> = intf'<[#ReadonlyArray('T) | #Ts_NodeArray('T) | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module OverrideKeyword : { type t = ModifierToken.t<SyntaxKind.OverrideKeyword.t> }
module ExportKeyword : { type t = ModifierToken.t<SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword.t> }
module DefaultKeyword : { type t = ModifierToken.t<SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword.t> }
module DeclareKeyword : { type t = ModifierToken.t<SyntaxKind.DeclareKeyword.t> }
module ConstKeyword : { type t = ModifierToken.t<SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword.t> }
module StaticKeyword : { type t = ModifierToken.t<SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword.t> }
module AsyncKeyword : { type t = ModifierToken.t<SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword.t> }
module AbstractKeyword : { type t = ModifierToken.t<SyntaxKind.AbstractKeyword.t> }
module Modifier : {
type t = Union.t8<AbstractKeyword.t, AsyncKeyword.t, ConstKeyword.t, DeclareKeyword.t, DefaultKeyword.t, ExportKeyword.t, PrivateKeyword.t, Union.t5<ProtectedKeyword.t, PublicKeyword.t, OverrideKeyword.t, ReadonlyKeyword.t, StaticKeyword.t>>
module ModifiersArray : { type t = NodeArray.t<Modifier.t> }
module ModifierSyntaxKind : {
type t = Union.t8<SyntaxKind.AbstractKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.DeclareKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.PrivateKeyword.t, Union.t5<SyntaxKind.ProtectedKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.PublicKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.OverrideKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword.t>>
module ModifierFlags : {
type t = [#0 | #1 | #2 | #4 | #8 | #16 | #32 | #64 | #128 | #256 | #512 | #2048 | #4096 | #8192 | #16384 | #536870912 | #28 | #16476 | #24 | #18654 | #513 | #27647]
module None : { type t = [#0] }
module Export_ : { type t = [#1] }
module Ambient : { type t = [#2] }
module Public : { type t = [#4] }
module Private : { type t = [#8] }
module Protected : { type t = [#16] }
module Static : { type t = [#32] }
module Readonly : { type t = [#64] }
module Abstract : { type t = [#128] }
module Async : { type t = [#256] }
module Default_ : { type t = [#512] }
module Const : { type t = [#2048] }
module HasComputedJSDocModifiers : { type t = [#4096] }
module Deprecated : { type t = [#8192] }
module Override : { type t = [#16384] }
module HasComputedFlags : { type t = [#536870912] }
module AccessibilityModifier : { type t = [#28] }
module ParameterPropertyModifier : { type t = [#16476] }
module NonPublicAccessibilityModifier : { type t = [#24] }
module TypeScriptModifier : { type t = [#18654] }
module ExportDefault : { type t = [#513] }
module All : { type t = [#27647] }
module ModeAwareCache : { type t<'T> = intf'<[#Ts_ModeAwareCache('T)]> }
module MissingDeclaration : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_DeclarationStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_MissingDeclaration | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]>
module MinusToken : { type t = PunctuationToken.t<SyntaxKind.MinusToken.t> }
module MetaProperty : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_MetaProperty | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module MemberName : { type t = Union.t2<Identifier.t, PrivateIdentifier.t> }
module Map : {
type t<'T> = intf'<[#Ts_Collection(string) | #Ts_Map('T) | #Ts_ReadonlyCollection(string) | #Ts_ESMap(string, 'T) | #Ts_ReadonlyESMap(string, 'T)]>
module LogicalOrCoalescingAssignmentOperator : {
type t = Union.t3<SyntaxKind.AmpersandAmpersandEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.BarBarEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.QuestionQuestionEqualsToken.t>
module LiteralTypeNode : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_LiteralTypeNode | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module RegularExpressionLiteral : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_LiteralExpression | #Ts_LiteralLikeNode | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_RegularExpressionLiteral | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module JsxText : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JsxText | #Ts_LiteralLikeNode | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module BigIntLiteral : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_BigIntLiteral | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_LiteralExpression | #Ts_LiteralLikeNode | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module LiteralToken : {
type t = Union.t6<NumericLiteral.t, BigIntLiteral.t, StringLiteral.t, JsxText.t, RegularExpressionLiteral.t, NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral.t>
module ListFormat : {
type t = [#0 | #1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | #8 | #16 | #32 | #60 | #64 | #128 | #256 | #512 | #1024 | #2048 | #4096 | #8192 | #15360 | #16384 | #32768 | #49152 | #65536 | #131072 | #262144 | #524288 | #1048576 | #2097152 | #262656 | #768 | #32897 | #528 | #657 | #516 | #520 | #525136 | #524880 | #526226 | #8914 | #2576 | #18960 | #129 | #145 | #163969 | #131073 | #2146305 | #53776 | #8848 | #33]
module None : { type t = [#0] }
module SingleLine : { type t = [#0] }
module MultiLine : { type t = [#1] }
module PreserveLines : { type t = [#2] }
module LinesMask : { type t = [#3] }
module NotDelimited : { type t = [#0] }
module BarDelimited : { type t = [#4] }
module AmpersandDelimited : { type t = [#8] }
module CommaDelimited : { type t = [#16] }
module AsteriskDelimited : { type t = [#32] }
module DelimitersMask : { type t = [#60] }
module AllowTrailingComma : { type t = [#64] }
module Indented : { type t = [#128] }
module SpaceBetweenBraces : { type t = [#256] }
module SpaceBetweenSiblings : { type t = [#512] }
module Braces : { type t = [#1024] }
module Parenthesis : { type t = [#2048] }
module AngleBrackets : { type t = [#4096] }
module SquareBrackets : { type t = [#8192] }
module BracketsMask : { type t = [#15360] }
module OptionalIfUndefined : { type t = [#16384] }
module OptionalIfEmpty : { type t = [#32768] }
module Optional : { type t = [#49152] }
module PreferNewLine : { type t = [#65536] }
module NoTrailingNewLine : { type t = [#131072] }
module NoInterveningComments : { type t = [#262144] }
module NoSpaceIfEmpty : { type t = [#524288] }
module SingleElement : { type t = [#1048576] }
module SpaceAfterList : { type t = [#2097152] }
module Modifiers : { type t = [#262656] }
module HeritageClauses : { type t = [#512] }
module SingleLineTypeLiteralMembers : { type t = [#768] }
module MultiLineTypeLiteralMembers : { type t = [#32897] }
module SingleLineTupleTypeElements : { type t = [#528] }
module MultiLineTupleTypeElements : { type t = [#657] }
module UnionTypeConstituents : { type t = [#516] }
module IntersectionTypeConstituents : { type t = [#520] }
module ObjectBindingPatternElements : { type t = [#525136] }
module ArrayBindingPatternElements : { type t = [#524880] }
module ObjectLiteralExpressionProperties : { type t = [#526226] }
module ImportClauseEntries : { type t = [#526226] }
module ArrayLiteralExpressionElements : { type t = [#8914] }
module CommaListElements : { type t = [#528] }
module CallExpressionArguments : { type t = [#2576] }
module NewExpressionArguments : { type t = [#18960] }
module TemplateExpressionSpans : { type t = [#262144] }
module SingleLineBlockStatements : { type t = [#768] }
module MultiLineBlockStatements : { type t = [#129] }
module VariableDeclarationList : { type t = [#528] }
module SingleLineFunctionBodyStatements : { type t = [#768] }
module MultiLineFunctionBodyStatements : { type t = [#1] }
module ClassHeritageClauses : { type t = [#0] }
module ClassMembers : { type t = [#129] }
module InterfaceMembers : { type t = [#129] }
module EnumMembers : { type t = [#145] }
module CaseBlockClauses : { type t = [#129] }
module NamedImportsOrExportsElements : { type t = [#525136] }
module JsxElementOrFragmentChildren : { type t = [#262144] }
module JsxElementAttributes : { type t = [#262656] }
module CaseOrDefaultClauseStatements : { type t = [#163969] }
module HeritageClauseTypes : { type t = [#528] }
module SourceFileStatements : { type t = [#131073] }
module Decorators : { type t = [#2146305] }
module TypeArguments : { type t = [#53776] }
module TypeParameters : { type t = [#53776] }
module Parameters : { type t = [#2576] }
module IndexSignatureParameters : { type t = [#8848] }
module JSDocComment : { type t = [#33] }
module LineAndCharacter : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_LineAndCharacter]> }
module LanguageVariant : {
type t = Standard | JSX
module Standard : { type t = private t }
module JSX : { type t = private t }
module LanguageServiceMode : {
type t = Semantic | PartialSemantic | Syntactic
module Semantic : { type t = private t }
module PartialSemantic : { type t = private t }
module Syntactic : { type t = private t }
module GetEffectiveTypeRootsHost : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_GetEffectiveTypeRootsHost]> }
module LanguageServiceHost : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_GetEffectiveTypeRootsHost | #Ts_LanguageServiceHost]> }
module LanguageService : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_LanguageService]> }
module KeywordTypeSyntaxKind : {
type t = Union.t8<SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.BigIntKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.BooleanKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.IntrinsicKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.NeverKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.NumberKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ObjectKeyword.t, Union.t5<SyntaxKind.StringKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.SymbolKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.UndefinedKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.UnknownKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.VoidKeyword.t>>
module KeywordTypeNode : {
type t<'TKind> = intf'<[#Ts_KeywordToken('TKind) | #Ts_KeywordTypeNode('TKind) | #Ts_Token('TKind) | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module JsxTokenSyntaxKind : {
type t = Union.t7<SyntaxKind.LessThanSlashToken.t, SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken.t, SyntaxKind.ConflictMarkerTrivia.t, SyntaxKind.JsxText.t, SyntaxKind.JsxTextAllWhiteSpaces.t, SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken.t, SyntaxKind.LessThanToken.t>
module ThisExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_ThisExpression | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module JsxTagNamePropertyAccess : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_JsxTagNamePropertyAccess | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PropertyAccessExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module JsxTagNameExpression : { type t = Union.t3<Identifier.t, ThisExpression.t, JsxTagNamePropertyAccess.t> }
module JsxOpeningFragment : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_JsxOpeningFragment | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module JsxFlags : {
type t = None | IntrinsicNamedElement | IntrinsicIndexedElement | IntrinsicElement
module None : { type t = private t }
module IntrinsicNamedElement : { type t = private t }
module IntrinsicIndexedElement : { type t = private t }
module IntrinsicElement : { type t = private t }
module JsxEmit : {
type t = None | Preserve | React | ReactNative | ReactJSX | ReactJSXDev
module None : { type t = private t }
module Preserve : { type t = private t }
module React : { type t = private t }
module ReactNative : { type t = private t }
module ReactJSX : { type t = private t }
module ReactJSXDev : { type t = private t }
module JsxClosingTagInfo : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_JsxClosingTagInfo]> }
module JsxClosingFragment : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_JsxClosingFragment | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module JsxClosingElement : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_JsxClosingElement | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module JsxFragment : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_JsxFragment | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module JsxExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_JsxExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module JsxElement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_JsxElement | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module JsxSelfClosingElement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_JsxSelfClosingElement | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module JsxChild : {
type t = Union.t5<JsxText.t, JsxExpression.t, JsxElement.t, JsxSelfClosingElement.t, JsxFragment.t>
module JsxSpreadAttribute : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JsxSpreadAttribute | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ObjectLiteralElement | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module JsxAttributeLike : { type t = Union.t2<JsxAttribute.t, JsxSpreadAttribute.t> }
module ObjectLiteralExpressionBase : {
type t<'T> = intf'<[#Ts_ObjectLiteralExpressionBase('T) | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module JsxAttributes : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ObjectLiteralExpressionBase(JsxAttributeLike.t) | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_JsxAttributes | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module ExpressionStatement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ExpressionStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]>
module JsonObjectExpressionStatement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ExpressionStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_JsonObjectExpressionStatement | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]>
module NullLiteral : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_NullLiteral | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module PrefixUnaryExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrefixUnaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module JsonMinusNumericLiteral : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_JsonMinusNumericLiteral | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrefixUnaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module TrueLiteral : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TrueLiteral | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module FalseLiteral : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_FalseLiteral | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module BooleanLiteral : { type t = Union.t2<TrueLiteral.t, FalseLiteral.t> }
module SpreadAssignment : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ObjectLiteralElement | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SpreadAssignment]>
module MethodDeclaration : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ClassElement | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_FunctionLikeDeclarationBase | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_MethodDeclaration | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ObjectLiteralElement | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase]>
module SetAccessorDeclaration : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ClassElement | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_FunctionLikeDeclarationBase | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ObjectLiteralElement | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SetAccessorDeclaration | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase | #Ts_TypeElement]>
module GetAccessorDeclaration : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ClassElement | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_FunctionLikeDeclarationBase | #Ts_GetAccessorDeclaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ObjectLiteralElement | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase | #Ts_TypeElement]>
module AccessorDeclaration : { type t = Union.t2<GetAccessorDeclaration.t, SetAccessorDeclaration.t> }
module ObjectLiteralElementLike : {
type t = Union.t5<PropertyAssignment.t, ShorthandPropertyAssignment.t, SpreadAssignment.t, MethodDeclaration.t, AccessorDeclaration.t>
module ObjectLiteralExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ObjectLiteralExpressionBase(ObjectLiteralElementLike.t) | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ObjectLiteralExpression | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module ArrayLiteralExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ArrayLiteralExpression | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module JsonObjectExpression : {
type t = Union.t7<ObjectLiteralExpression.t, ArrayLiteralExpression.t, JsonMinusNumericLiteral.t, NumericLiteral.t, StringLiteral.t, BooleanLiteral.t, NullLiteral.t>
module FileExtensionInfo : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_FileExtensionInfo]> }
module JsFileExtensionInfo : { type t = FileExtensionInfo.t }
module JSDocType : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocType | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module JSDocUnknownType : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocType | #Ts_JSDocUnknownType | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module JSDocUnknownTag : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_JSDocUnknownTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module JSDocTypeTag : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_JSDocTypeTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module JSDocVariadicType : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocType | #Ts_JSDocVariadicType | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module JSDocOptionalType : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocOptionalType | #Ts_JSDocType | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module JSDocNullableType : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocNullableType | #Ts_JSDocType | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module JSDocNonNullableType : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocNonNullableType | #Ts_JSDocType | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module JSDocTypeReferencingNode : {
type t = Union.t4<JSDocVariadicType.t, JSDocOptionalType.t, JSDocNullableType.t, JSDocNonNullableType.t>
module JSDocTypeLiteral : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocType | #Ts_JSDocTypeLiteral | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module JSDocThisTag : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_JSDocThisTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module JSDocTagInfo : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocTagInfo]> }
module JSDocSyntaxKind : {
type t = Union.t8<SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken.t, SyntaxKind.WhitespaceTrivia.t, SyntaxKind.AtToken.t, SyntaxKind.NewLineTrivia.t, SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken.t, SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken.t, SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.LessThanToken.t, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken.t, SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken.t, SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken.t, SyntaxKind.EqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.CommaToken.t, SyntaxKind.DotToken.t, Union.t5<SyntaxKind.Identifier.t, SyntaxKind.BacktickToken.t, SyntaxKind.HashToken.t, SyntaxKind.Unknown.t, KeywordSyntaxKind.t>>>
module JSDocSeeTag : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocSeeTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module JSDocReturnTag : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocReturnTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module JSDocReadonlyTag : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocReadonlyTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module JSDocPublicTag : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocPublicTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module JSDocProtectedTag : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocProtectedTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module JSDocPrivateTag : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocPrivateTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module JSDocOverrideTag : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocOverrideTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module JSDocNamepathType : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocNamepathType | #Ts_JSDocType | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module JSDocNameReference : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocNameReference | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module JSDocMemberName : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocMemberName | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module SymbolDisplayPart : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_SymbolDisplayPart]> }
module JSDocLinkDisplayPart : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocLinkDisplayPart | #Ts_SymbolDisplayPart]> }
module JSDocImplementsTag : {
module AnonymousInterface14 : { type t = private any }
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocImplementsTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module JSDocEnumTag : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocEnumTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module JSDocDeprecatedTag : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocDeprecatedTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module JSDocText : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocText | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module JSDocLinkPlain : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocLinkPlain | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module JSDocLinkCode : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocLinkCode | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module JSDocLink : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocLink | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module JSDocComment : { type t = Union.t4<JSDocText.t, JSDocLink.t, JSDocLinkCode.t, JSDocLinkPlain.t> }
module JSDocClassTag : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocClassTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module JSDocAuthorTag : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocAuthorTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module JSDocAugmentsTag : {
module AnonymousInterface14 : { type t = private any }
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocAugmentsTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module JSDocAllType : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocAllType | #Ts_JSDocType | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module JSDoc : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDoc | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module Iterator : {
module rec AnonymousInterface31 : { type t = private any }
and AnonymousInterface55 : { type t<'T> = private any }
type t<'T> = intf'<[#Ts_Iterator('T)]>
module InvalidatedProjectKind : {
type t = Build | UpdateBundle | UpdateOutputFileStamps
module Build : { type t = private t }
module UpdateBundle : { type t = private t }
module UpdateOutputFileStamps : { type t = private t }
module InvalidatedProjectBase : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_InvalidatedProjectBase]> }
module UpdateOutputFileStampsProject : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_InvalidatedProjectBase | #Ts_UpdateOutputFileStampsProject]>
module UpdateBundleProject : { type t<'T> = intf'<[#Ts_UpdateBundleProject('T) | #Ts_InvalidatedProjectBase]> }
module BuildInvalidedProject : {
type t<'T> = intf'<[#Ts_BuildInvalidedProject('T) | #Ts_InvalidatedProjectBase]>
module InvalidatedProject : {
type t<'T> = Union.t3<UpdateOutputFileStampsProject.t, BuildInvalidedProject.t<'T>, UpdateBundleProject.t<'T>>
module InterfaceTypeWithDeclaredMembers : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_InterfaceType | #Ts_InterfaceTypeWithDeclaredMembers | #Ts_ObjectType | #Ts_Type]>
module InstallPackageOptions : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_InstallPackageOptions]> }
module InputFiles : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_InputFiles | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module UserPreferences : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_UserPreferences]> }
module InlayHintsOptions : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_InlayHintsOptions | #Ts_UserPreferences]> }
module InlayHintsContext : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_InlayHintsContext]> }
module InlayHintKind : {
type t = [#Type | #Parameter | #Enum]
module Type : { type t = [#Type] }
module Parameter : { type t = [#Parameter] }
module Enum : { type t = [#Enum] }
module InlayHint : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_InlayHint]> }
module InferencePriority : {
type t = private float
module NakedTypeVariable : { type t = private t }
module SpeculativeTuple : { type t = private t }
module SubstituteSource : { type t = private t }
module HomomorphicMappedType : { type t = private t }
module PartialHomomorphicMappedType : { type t = private t }
module MappedTypeConstraint : { type t = private t }
module ContravariantConditional : { type t = private t }
module ReturnType : { type t = private t }
module LiteralKeyof : { type t = private t }
module NoConstraints : { type t = private t }
module AlwaysStrict : { type t = private t }
module MaxValue : { type t = private t }
module PriorityImpliesCombination : { type t = private t }
module Circularity : { type t = private t }
module InferTypeNode : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_InferTypeNode | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module IndexedAccessTypeNode : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_IndexedAccessTypeNode | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module IndexType : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_IndexType | #Ts_InstantiableType | #Ts_Type]> }
module IndexKind : {
type t = String | Number
module String : { type t = private t }
module Number : { type t = private t }
module IndexInfo : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_IndexInfo]> }
module IndentStyle : {
type t = None | Block | Smart
module None : { type t = private t }
module Block : { type t = private t }
module Smart : { type t = private t }
module IncrementalProgramOptions : { type t<'T> = intf'<[#Ts_IncrementalProgramOptions('T)]> }
module IncrementExpression : { type t = UpdateExpression.t }
module IncompleteCompletionsCache : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_IncompleteCompletionsCache]> }
module ImportsNotUsedAsValues : {
type t = Remove | Preserve | Error
module Remove : { type t = private t }
module Preserve : { type t = private t }
module Error : { type t = private t }
module ImportTypeNode : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ImportTypeNode | #Ts_Node | #Ts_NodeWithTypeArguments | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module ImportExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_ImportExpression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module ImportCall : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_CallExpression | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_ImportCall | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module ImplementationLocation : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_DocumentSpan | #Ts_ImplementationLocation]> }
module IScriptSnapshot : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_IScriptSnapshot]> }
module HostCancellationToken : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_HostCancellationToken]> }
module HighlightSpanKind : {
type t = [#none | #definition | #reference | #writtenReference]
module None : { type t = [#none] }
module Definition : { type t = [#definition] }
module Reference : { type t = [#reference] }
module WrittenReference : { type t = [#writtenReference] }
module HighlightSpan : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_HighlightSpan]> }
module HeritageClause : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_HeritageClause | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module TaggedTemplateExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TaggedTemplateExpression | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module NewExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_NewExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module JsxOpeningElement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_JsxOpeningElement | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module HasTypeArguments : {
type t = Union.t5<CallExpression.t, NewExpression.t, TaggedTemplateExpression.t, JsxOpeningElement.t, JsxSelfClosingElement.t>
module TypePredicateNode : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode | #Ts_TypePredicateNode]>
module TypeOperatorNode : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode | #Ts_TypeOperatorNode]>
module ParenthesizedTypeNode : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Node | #Ts_ParenthesizedTypeNode | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module MappedTypeNode : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_MappedTypeNode | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module JSDocTypeExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocTypeExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module TypeAliasDeclaration : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_DeclarationStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement | #Ts_TypeAliasDeclaration]>
module MethodSignature : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_MethodSignature | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase | #Ts_TypeElement]>
module JSDocFunctionType : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_JSDocFunctionType | #Ts_JSDocType | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module IndexSignatureDeclaration : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ClassElement | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_IndexSignatureDeclaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase | #Ts_TypeElement]>
module FunctionOrConstructorTypeNodeBase : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_FunctionOrConstructorTypeNodeBase | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module FunctionTypeNode : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_FunctionOrConstructorTypeNodeBase | #Ts_FunctionTypeNode | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module FunctionExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_FunctionExpression | #Ts_FunctionLikeDeclarationBase | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module FunctionDeclaration : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_DeclarationStatement | #Ts_FunctionDeclaration | #Ts_FunctionLikeDeclarationBase | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase | #Ts_Statement]>
module ConstructorTypeNode : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ConstructorTypeNode | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_FunctionOrConstructorTypeNodeBase | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module ConstructSignatureDeclaration : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ConstructSignatureDeclaration | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase | #Ts_TypeElement]>
module CallSignatureDeclaration : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_CallSignatureDeclaration | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase | #Ts_TypeElement]>
module ArrowFunction : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ArrowFunction | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_FunctionLikeDeclarationBase | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase]>
module SignatureDeclaration : {
type t = Union.t8<CallSignatureDeclaration.t, ConstructSignatureDeclaration.t, MethodSignature.t, IndexSignatureDeclaration.t, FunctionTypeNode.t, ConstructorTypeNode.t, JSDocFunctionType.t, Union.t6<FunctionDeclaration.t, MethodDeclaration.t, ConstructorDeclaration.t, AccessorDeclaration.t, FunctionExpression.t, ArrowFunction.t>>
module TypeAssertion : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeAssertion | #Ts_UnaryExpression]>
module AsExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_AsExpression | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module AssertionExpression : { type t = Union.t2<TypeAssertion.t, AsExpression.t> }
module HasType : {
type t = Union.t8<SignatureDeclaration.t, VariableDeclaration.t, ParameterDeclaration.t, PropertySignature.t, PropertyDeclaration.t, TypePredicateNode.t, ParenthesizedTypeNode.t, Union.t8<TypeOperatorNode.t, MappedTypeNode.t, AssertionExpression.t, TypeAliasDeclaration.t, JSDocTypeExpression.t, JSDocNonNullableType.t, JSDocNullableType.t, Union.t2<JSDocOptionalType.t, JSDocVariadicType.t>>>
module WithStatement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement | #Ts_WithStatement]>
module IterationStatement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_IterationStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]>
module WhileStatement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_IterationStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement | #Ts_WhileStatement]>
module VariableStatement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement | #Ts_VariableStatement]>
module TryStatement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement | #Ts_TryStatement]>
module ThrowStatement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement | #Ts_ThrowStatement]>
module SwitchStatement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement | #Ts_SwitchStatement]>
module ReturnStatement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_ReturnStatement | #Ts_Statement]>
module ParenthesizedExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ParenthesizedExpression | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module NamespaceExportDeclaration : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_DeclarationStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_NamespaceExportDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]>
module NamedTupleMember : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedTupleMember | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module LabeledStatement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_LabeledStatement | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]>
module ImportDeclaration : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ImportDeclaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]>
module IfStatement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_IfStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]>
module ForStatement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ForStatement | #Ts_IterationStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]>
module ForOfStatement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ForOfStatement | #Ts_IterationStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]>
module ForInStatement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ForInStatement | #Ts_IterationStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]>
module ExportAssignment : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_DeclarationStatement | #Ts_ExportAssignment | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]>
module EnumDeclaration : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_DeclarationStatement | #Ts_EnumDeclaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]>
module EndOfFileToken : {
type t = Intersection.t2<Token.t<SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken.t>, JSDocContainer.t>
module EmptyStatement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_EmptyStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]>
module DoStatement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_DoStatement | #Ts_IterationStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]>
module DebuggerStatement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_DebuggerStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]>
module ClassStaticBlockDeclaration : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ClassElement | #Ts_ClassStaticBlockDeclaration | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module ContinueStatement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ContinueStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]>
module BreakStatement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_BreakStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]>
module Block : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Block | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]>
module HasJSDoc : {
type t = Union.t8<ParameterDeclaration.t, CallSignatureDeclaration.t, ClassStaticBlockDeclaration.t, ConstructSignatureDeclaration.t, MethodSignature.t, PropertySignature.t, ArrowFunction.t, Union.t8<ParenthesizedExpression.t, SpreadAssignment.t, ShorthandPropertyAssignment.t, PropertyAssignment.t, FunctionExpression.t, EmptyStatement.t, DebuggerStatement.t, Union.t8<Block.t, VariableStatement.t, ExpressionStatement.t, IfStatement.t, DoStatement.t, WhileStatement.t, ForStatement.t, Union.t8<ForInStatement.t, ForOfStatement.t, BreakStatement.t, ContinueStatement.t, ReturnStatement.t, WithStatement.t, SwitchStatement.t, Union.t8<LabeledStatement.t, ThrowStatement.t, TryStatement.t, FunctionDeclaration.t, ConstructorDeclaration.t, MethodDeclaration.t, VariableDeclaration.t, Union.t8<PropertyDeclaration.t, AccessorDeclaration.t, ClassLikeDeclaration.t, InterfaceDeclaration.t, TypeAliasDeclaration.t, EnumMember.t, EnumDeclaration.t, Union.t8<ModuleDeclaration.t, ImportEqualsDeclaration.t, ImportDeclaration.t, NamespaceExportDeclaration.t, ExportAssignment.t, IndexSignatureDeclaration.t, FunctionTypeNode.t, Union.t6<ConstructorTypeNode.t, JSDocFunctionType.t, ExportDeclaration.t, NamedTupleMember.t, ExportSpecifier.t, EndOfFileToken.t>>>>>>>>
module HasExpressionInitializer : {
type t = Union.t7<VariableDeclaration.t, ParameterDeclaration.t, BindingElement.t, PropertySignature.t, PropertyDeclaration.t, PropertyAssignment.t, EnumMember.t>
module HasInitializer : {
type t = Union.t5<HasExpressionInitializer.t, ForStatement.t, ForInStatement.t, ForOfStatement.t, JsxAttribute.t>
module GetCompletionsAtPositionOptions : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_GetCompletionsAtPositionOptions | #Ts_UserPreferences]> }
module GeneratedIdentifierFlags : {
type t = [#0 | #8 | #16 | #32 | #64]
module None : { type t = [#0] }
module ReservedInNestedScopes : { type t = [#8] }
module Optimistic : { type t = [#16] }
module FileLevel : { type t = [#32] }
module AllowNameSubstitution : { type t = [#64] }
module FunctionOrConstructorTypeNode : { type t = Union.t2<FunctionTypeNode.t, ConstructorTypeNode.t> }
module FunctionLikeDeclaration : {
type t = Union.t7<FunctionDeclaration.t, MethodDeclaration.t, GetAccessorDeclaration.t, SetAccessorDeclaration.t, ConstructorDeclaration.t, FunctionExpression.t, ArrowFunction.t>
module FunctionLike : { type t = SignatureDeclaration.t }
module FormatDiagnosticsHost : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_FormatDiagnosticsHost]> }
module EditorSettings : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_EditorSettings]> }
module FormatCodeSettings : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_EditorSettings | #Ts_FormatCodeSettings]> }
module EditorOptions : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_EditorOptions]> }
module FormatCodeOptions : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_EditorOptions | #Ts_FormatCodeOptions]> }
module VariableDeclarationList : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_VariableDeclarationList]>
module ForInitializer : { type t = Union.t2<VariableDeclarationList.t, Expression.t> }
module ForInOrOfStatement : { type t = Union.t2<ForInStatement.t, ForOfStatement.t> }
module IncompleteType : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_IncompleteType]> }
module FlowType : { type t = Union.t2<Type.t, IncompleteType.t> }
module FlowNodeBase : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_FlowNodeBase]> }
module FlowSwitchClause : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_FlowNodeBase | #Ts_FlowSwitchClause]> }
module FlowStart : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_FlowNodeBase | #Ts_FlowStart]> }
module FlowReduceLabel : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_FlowNodeBase | #Ts_FlowReduceLabel]> }
module FlowLabel : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_FlowLabel | #Ts_FlowNodeBase]> }
module FlowCondition : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_FlowCondition | #Ts_FlowNodeBase]> }
module FlowCall : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_FlowCall | #Ts_FlowNodeBase]> }
module FlowAssignment : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_FlowAssignment | #Ts_FlowNodeBase]> }
module FlowArrayMutation : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_FlowArrayMutation | #Ts_FlowNodeBase]> }
module FlowNode : {
type t = Union.t8<FlowStart.t, FlowLabel.t, FlowAssignment.t, FlowCall.t, FlowCondition.t, FlowSwitchClause.t, FlowArrayMutation.t, Union.t2<FlowCall.t, FlowReduceLabel.t>>
module FlowFlags : {
type t = [#1 | #2 | #4 | #8 | #16 | #32 | #64 | #128 | #256 | #512 | #1024 | #2048 | #4096 | #12 | #96]
module Unreachable : { type t = [#1] }
module Start : { type t = [#2] }
module BranchLabel : { type t = [#4] }
module LoopLabel : { type t = [#8] }
module Assignment : { type t = [#16] }
module TrueCondition : { type t = [#32] }
module FalseCondition : { type t = [#64] }
module SwitchClause : { type t = [#128] }
module ArrayMutation : { type t = [#256] }
module Call : { type t = [#512] }
module ReduceLabel : { type t = [#1024] }
module Referenced : { type t = [#2048] }
module Shared : { type t = [#4096] }
module Label : { type t = [#12] }
module Condition : { type t = [#96] }
module FileWatcherEventKind : {
type t = Created | Changed | Deleted
module Created : { type t = private t }
module Changed : { type t = private t }
module Deleted : { type t = private t }
module FileWatcherCallback : { type t = (~fileName:string, ~eventKind:FileWatcherEventKind.t) => unit }
module FileWatcher : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_FileWatcher]> }
module FileTextChanges : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_FileTextChanges]> }
module FileReference : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_FileReference | #Ts_TextRange]> }
module Extension : {
type t = [#".ts" | #".tsx" | #".d.ts" | #".js" | #".jsx" | #".json" | #".tsbuildinfo" | #".mjs" | #".mts" | #".d.mts" | #".cjs" | #".cts" | #".d.cts"]
module Ts : { type t = [#".ts"] }
module Tsx : { type t = [#".tsx"] }
module Dts : { type t = [#".d.ts"] }
module Js : { type t = [#".js"] }
module Jsx : { type t = [#".jsx"] }
module Json : { type t = [#".json"] }
module TsBuildInfo : { type t = [#".tsbuildinfo"] }
module Mjs : { type t = [#".mjs"] }
module Mts : { type t = [#".mts"] }
module Dmts : { type t = [#".d.mts"] }
module Cjs : { type t = [#".cjs"] }
module Cts : { type t = [#".cts"] }
module Dcts : { type t = [#".d.cts"] }
module ExtendedConfigCacheEntry : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ExtendedConfigCacheEntry]> }
module ExitStatus : {
type t = | Success
| DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped
| DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsGenerated
| InvalidProject_OutputsSkipped
| ProjectReferenceCycle_OutputsSkipped_ProjectReferenceCycle_OutputsSkupped
module Success : { type t = private t }
module DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped : { type t = private t }
module DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsGenerated : { type t = private t }
module InvalidProject_OutputsSkipped : { type t = private t }
module ProjectReferenceCycle_OutputsSkipped : { type t = private t }
module ProjectReferenceCycle_OutputsSkupped : { type t = private t }
module ExclamationToken : { type t = PunctuationToken.t<SyntaxKind.ExclamationToken.t> }
module EvolvingArrayType : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_EvolvingArrayType | #Ts_ObjectType | #Ts_Type]> }
module DiagnosticMessage : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_DiagnosticMessage]> }
module ErrorCallback : { type t = (~message:DiagnosticMessage.t, ~length:float) => unit }
module EqualsGreaterThanToken : { type t = PunctuationToken.t<SyntaxKind.EqualsGreaterThanToken.t> }
module EnumType : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_EnumType | #Ts_Type]> }
module PropertyAccessEntityNameExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PropertyAccessEntityNameExpression | #Ts_PropertyAccessExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]>
module EntityNameExpression : { type t = Union.t2<Identifier.t, PropertyAccessEntityNameExpression.t> }
module EntityNameOrEntityNameExpression : { type t = Union.t2<EntityName.t, EntityNameExpression.t> }
module EndOfLineState : {
type t = | None
| InMultiLineCommentTrivia
| InSingleQuoteStringLiteral
| InDoubleQuoteStringLiteral
| InTemplateHeadOrNoSubstitutionTemplate
| InTemplateMiddleOrTail
| InTemplateSubstitutionPosition
module None : { type t = private t }
module InMultiLineCommentTrivia : { type t = private t }
module InSingleQuoteStringLiteral : { type t = private t }
module InDoubleQuoteStringLiteral : { type t = private t }
module InTemplateHeadOrNoSubstitutionTemplate : { type t = private t }
module InTemplateMiddleOrTail : { type t = private t }
module InTemplateSubstitutionPosition : { type t = private t }
module EmitResult : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_EmitResult]> }
module EmitOutput : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_EmitOutput]> }
module EmitHint : {
type t = | SourceFile
| Expression
| IdentifierName
| MappedTypeParameter
| Unspecified
| EmbeddedStatement
| JsxAttributeValue
module SourceFile : { type t = private t }
module Expression : { type t = private t }
module IdentifierName : { type t = private t }
module MappedTypeParameter : { type t = private t }
module Unspecified : { type t = private t }
module EmbeddedStatement : { type t = private t }
module JsxAttributeValue : { type t = private t }
module EmitHelperUniqueNameCallback : { type t = string => string }
module EmitHelperBase : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_EmitHelperBase]> }
module UnscopedEmitHelper : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_EmitHelperBase | #Ts_UnscopedEmitHelper]> }
module ScopedEmitHelper : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_EmitHelperBase | #Ts_ScopedEmitHelper]> }
module EmitHelper : { type t = Union.t2<ScopedEmitHelper.t, UnscopedEmitHelper.t> }
module EmitFlags : {
type t = [#0 | #1 | #2 | #4 | #8 | #16 | #32 | #48 | #64 | #128 | #256 | #384 | #512 | #1024 | #1536 | #2048 | #4096 | #8192 | #16384 | #32768 | #65536 | #131072 | #262144 | #524288 | #1048576 | #2097152 | #4194304 | #8388608 | #16777216]
module None : { type t = [#0] }
module SingleLine : { type t = [#1] }
module AdviseOnEmitNode : { type t = [#2] }
module NoSubstitution : { type t = [#4] }
module CapturesThis : { type t = [#8] }
module NoLeadingSourceMap : { type t = [#16] }
module NoTrailingSourceMap : { type t = [#32] }
module NoSourceMap : { type t = [#48] }
module NoNestedSourceMaps : { type t = [#64] }
module NoTokenLeadingSourceMaps : { type t = [#128] }
module NoTokenTrailingSourceMaps : { type t = [#256] }
module NoTokenSourceMaps : { type t = [#384] }
module NoLeadingComments : { type t = [#512] }
module NoTrailingComments : { type t = [#1024] }
module NoComments : { type t = [#1536] }
module NoNestedComments : { type t = [#2048] }
module HelperName : { type t = [#4096] }
module ExportName : { type t = [#8192] }
module LocalName : { type t = [#16384] }
module InternalName : { type t = [#32768] }
module Indented : { type t = [#65536] }
module NoIndentation : { type t = [#131072] }
module AsyncFunctionBody : { type t = [#262144] }
module ReuseTempVariableScope : { type t = [#524288] }
module CustomPrologue : { type t = [#1048576] }
module NoHoisting : { type t = [#2097152] }
module HasEndOfDeclarationMarker : { type t = [#4194304] }
module Iterator : { type t = [#8388608] }
module NoAsciiEscaping : { type t = [#16777216] }
module BuilderProgram : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_BuilderProgram]> }
module SemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_BuilderProgram | #Ts_SemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram]> }
module EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_BuilderProgram | #Ts_EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram | #Ts_SemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram]>
module ElementFlags : {
type t = [#1 | #2 | #4 | #8 | #3 | #12 | #14 | #11]
module Required : { type t = [#1] }
module Optional : { type t = [#2] }
module Rest : { type t = [#4] }
module Variadic : { type t = [#8] }
module Fixed : { type t = [#3] }
module Variable : { type t = [#12] }
module NonRequired : { type t = [#14] }
module NonRest : { type t = [#11] }
module DotToken : { type t = PunctuationToken.t<SyntaxKind.DotToken.t> }
module DocumentRegistryBucketKey : {
module AnonymousInterface0 : { type t = private any }
type t = Intersection.t2<string, AnonymousInterface0.t>
module DocumentRegistry : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_DocumentRegistry]> }
module DocumentHighlights : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_DocumentHighlights]> }
module DocCommentTemplateOptions : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_DocCommentTemplateOptions]> }
module DirectoryWatcherCallback : { type t = string => unit }
module DiagnosticWithLocation : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Diagnostic | #Ts_DiagnosticRelatedInformation | #Ts_DiagnosticWithLocation]>
module DiagnosticReporter : { type t = Diagnostic.t => unit }
module DiagnosticMessageChain : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_DiagnosticMessageChain]> }
module DiagnosticCategory : {
type t = Warning | Error | Suggestion | Message
module Warning : { type t = private t }
module Error : { type t = private t }
module Suggestion : { type t = private t }
module Message : { type t = private t }
module ObjectBindingPattern : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_Node | #Ts_ObjectBindingPattern | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module ArrayBindingPattern : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ArrayBindingPattern | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module BindingPattern : { type t = Union.t2<ObjectBindingPattern.t, ArrayBindingPattern.t> }
module DestructuringPattern : {
type t = Union.t3<BindingPattern.t, ObjectLiteralExpression.t, ArrayLiteralExpression.t>
module EqualsToken : { type t = PunctuationToken.t<SyntaxKind.EqualsToken.t> }
module BinaryExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_BinaryExpression | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module AssignmentExpression : {
type t<'TOperator> = intf'<[#Ts_AssignmentExpression('TOperator) | #Ts_BinaryExpression | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module ObjectDestructuringAssignment : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_AssignmentExpression(EqualsToken.t) | #Ts_BinaryExpression | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ObjectDestructuringAssignment | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module ArrayDestructuringAssignment : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_AssignmentExpression(EqualsToken.t) | #Ts_ArrayDestructuringAssignment | #Ts_BinaryExpression | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module DestructuringAssignment : {
type t = Union.t2<ObjectDestructuringAssignment.t, ArrayDestructuringAssignment.t>
module DeleteExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_DeleteExpression | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression]>
module DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpan : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpan]> }
module DeferredTypeReference : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_DeferredTypeReference | #Ts_ObjectType | #Ts_Type | #Ts_TypeReference]>
module JSDocTypedefTag : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_JSDocTypedefTag | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module JSDocSignature : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocSignature | #Ts_JSDocType | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module JSDocCallbackTag : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocCallbackTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module JSDocTemplateTag : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_JSDocTemplateTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module DeclarationWithTypeParameterChildren : {
type t = Union.t5<SignatureDeclaration.t, ClassLikeDeclaration.t, InterfaceDeclaration.t, TypeAliasDeclaration.t, JSDocTemplateTag.t>
module DeclarationWithTypeParameters : {
type t = Union.t4<DeclarationWithTypeParameterChildren.t, JSDocTypedefTag.t, JSDocCallbackTag.t, JSDocSignature.t>
module DeclarationName : {
type t = Union.t8<Identifier.t, PrivateIdentifier.t, StringLiteralLike.t, NumericLiteral.t, ComputedPropertyName.t, ElementAccessExpression.t, BindingPattern.t, EntityNameExpression.t>
module CustomTransformers : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_CustomTransformers]> }
module CustomTransformer : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_CustomTransformer]> }
module CustomTransformerFactory : { type t = TransformationContext.t => CustomTransformer.t }
module CreateProgramOptions : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_CreateProgramOptions]> }
module ProjectReference : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ProjectReference]> }
module ModuleResolutionHost : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ModuleResolutionHost]> }
module CompilerHost : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_CompilerHost | #Ts_ModuleResolutionHost]> }
module CreateProgram : {
type t<'T> = (~rootNames:undefined<array<string>>, ~options:undefined<CompilerOptions.t>, ~host:CompilerHost.t=?, ~oldProgram:'T=?, ~configFileParsingDiagnostics:array<Diagnostic.t>=?, ~projectReferences:undefined<array<ProjectReference.t>>=?, unit) => 'T
module ConditionalTypeNode : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ConditionalTypeNode | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module ConditionalType : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ConditionalType | #Ts_InstantiableType | #Ts_Type]> }
module ConditionalRoot : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ConditionalRoot]> }
module ConditionalExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ConditionalExpression | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module FunctionBody : { type t = Block.t }
module ConciseBody : { type t = Union.t2<FunctionBody.t, Expression.t> }
module CompletionsTriggerCharacter : {
type t = Union.t8<[#"."], [#"\""], [#"'"], [#"`"], [#"/"], [#"@"], [#"<"], Union.t2<[#"#"], [#" "]>>
module CompletionTriggerKind : {
type t = [#1 | #2 | #3]
module Invoked : { type t = [#1] }
module TriggerCharacter : { type t = [#2] }
module TriggerForIncompleteCompletions : { type t = [#3] }
module CompletionInfo : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_CompletionInfo]> }
module CompletionEntryDetails : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_CompletionEntryDetails]> }
module CompletionEntryDataAutoImport : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_CompletionEntryDataAutoImport]> }
module CompletionEntryDataUnresolved : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_CompletionEntryDataAutoImport | #Ts_CompletionEntryDataUnresolved]>
module CompletionEntryDataResolved : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_CompletionEntryDataAutoImport | #Ts_CompletionEntryDataResolved]>
module CompletionEntryData : {
type t = Union.t2<CompletionEntryDataUnresolved.t, CompletionEntryDataResolved.t>
module CompletionEntry : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_CompletionEntry]> }
module PluginImport : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_PluginImport]> }
module MapLike : { type t<'T> = intf'<[#Ts_MapLike('T)]> }
module CompilerOptionsValue : {
type t = nullable<Union.t8<string, float, bool, array<Union.t2<string, float>>, array<string>, MapLike.t<array<string>>, array<PluginImport.t>, array<ProjectReference.t>>>
module CommentKind : {
type t = Union.t2<SyntaxKind.SingleLineCommentTrivia.t, SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia.t>
module CommaListExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_CommaListExpression | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module CombinedCodeActions : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_CombinedCodeActions]> }
module ColonToken : { type t = PunctuationToken.t<SyntaxKind.ColonToken.t> }
module CodeAction : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_CodeAction]> }
module CodeFixAction : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_CodeAction | #Ts_CodeFixAction]> }
module InstallPackageAction : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_InstallPackageAction]> }
module CodeActionCommand : { type t = InstallPackageAction.t }
module Classifier : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_Classifier]> }
module ClassifiedSpan2020 : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ClassifiedSpan2020]> }
module ClassifiedSpan : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ClassifiedSpan]> }
module Classifications : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_Classifications]> }
module ClassificationTypeNames : {
type t = [#comment | #identifier | #keyword | #number | #bigint | #operator | #string | #whitespace | #text | #punctuation | #"class name" | #"enum name" | #"interface name" | #"module name" | #"type parameter name" | #"type alias name" | #"parameter name" | #"doc comment tag name" | #"jsx open tag name" | #"jsx close tag name" | #"jsx self closing tag name" | #"jsx attribute" | #"jsx text" | #"jsx attribute string literal value"]
module Comment : { type t = [#comment] }
module Identifier : { type t = [#identifier] }
module Keyword : { type t = [#keyword] }
module NumericLiteral : { type t = [#number] }
module BigintLiteral : { type t = [#bigint] }
module Operator : { type t = [#operator] }
module StringLiteral : { type t = [#string] }
module WhiteSpace : { type t = [#whitespace] }
module Text : { type t = [#text] }
module Punctuation : { type t = [#punctuation] }
module ClassName : { type t = [#"class name"] }
module EnumName : { type t = [#"enum name"] }
module InterfaceName : { type t = [#"interface name"] }
module ModuleName : { type t = [#"module name"] }
module TypeParameterName : { type t = [#"type parameter name"] }
module TypeAliasName : { type t = [#"type alias name"] }
module ParameterName : { type t = [#"parameter name"] }
module DocCommentTagName : { type t = [#"doc comment tag name"] }
module JsxOpenTagName : { type t = [#"jsx open tag name"] }
module JsxCloseTagName : { type t = [#"jsx close tag name"] }
module JsxSelfClosingTagName : { type t = [#"jsx self closing tag name"] }
module JsxAttribute : { type t = [#"jsx attribute"] }
module JsxText : { type t = [#"jsx text"] }
module JsxAttributeStringLiteralValue : { type t = [#"jsx attribute string literal value"] }
module ClassificationType : {
type t = [#1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | #5 | #6 | #7 | #8 | #9 | #10 | #11 | #12 | #13 | #14 | #15 | #16 | #17 | #18 | #19 | #20 | #21 | #22 | #23 | #24 | #25]
module Comment : { type t = [#1] }
module Identifier : { type t = [#2] }
module Keyword : { type t = [#3] }
module NumericLiteral : { type t = [#4] }
module Operator : { type t = [#5] }
module StringLiteral : { type t = [#6] }
module RegularExpressionLiteral : { type t = [#7] }
module WhiteSpace : { type t = [#8] }
module Text : { type t = [#9] }
module Punctuation : { type t = [#10] }
module ClassName : { type t = [#11] }
module EnumName : { type t = [#12] }
module InterfaceName : { type t = [#13] }
module ModuleName : { type t = [#14] }
module TypeParameterName : { type t = [#15] }
module TypeAliasName : { type t = [#16] }
module ParameterName : { type t = [#17] }
module DocCommentTagName : { type t = [#18] }
module JsxOpenTagName : { type t = [#19] }
module JsxCloseTagName : { type t = [#20] }
module JsxSelfClosingTagName : { type t = [#21] }
module JsxAttribute : { type t = [#22] }
module JsxText : { type t = [#23] }
module JsxAttributeStringLiteralValue : { type t = [#24] }
module BigintLiteral : { type t = [#25] }
module ClassificationResult : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ClassificationResult]> }
module ClassificationInfo : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ClassificationInfo]> }
module ClassMemberModifier : { type t = Union.t3<AccessibilityModifier.t, ReadonlyKeyword.t, StaticKeyword.t> }
module CheckJsDirective : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_CheckJsDirective | #Ts_TextRange]> }
module CatchClause : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_CatchClause | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module CaseBlock : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_CaseBlock | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module CancellationToken : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_CancellationToken]> }
module JsxOpeningLikeElement : { type t = Union.t2<JsxSelfClosingElement.t, JsxOpeningElement.t> }
module Decorator : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_Decorator | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module CallLikeExpression : {
type t = Union.t5<CallExpression.t, NewExpression.t, TaggedTemplateExpression.t, Decorator.t, JsxOpeningLikeElement.t>
module CallHierarchyOutgoingCall : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_CallHierarchyOutgoingCall]> }
module CallHierarchyItem : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_CallHierarchyItem]> }
module CallHierarchyIncomingCall : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_CallHierarchyIncomingCall]> }
module Bundle : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_Bundle | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module BuilderProgramHost : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_BuilderProgramHost]> }
module BuildOptions : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_BuildOptions]> }
module BreakOrContinueStatement : { type t = Union.t2<BreakStatement.t, ContinueStatement.t> }
module DefaultClause : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_DefaultClause | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module CaseClause : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_CaseClause | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module CaseOrDefaultClause : { type t = Union.t2<CaseClause.t, DefaultClause.t> }
module BlockLike : { type t = Union.t4<SourceFile.t, Block.t, ModuleBlock.t, CaseOrDefaultClause.t> }
module ObjectBindingOrAssignmentPattern : { type t = Union.t2<ObjectBindingPattern.t, ObjectLiteralExpression.t> }
module ArrayBindingOrAssignmentPattern : { type t = Union.t2<ArrayBindingPattern.t, ArrayLiteralExpression.t> }
module BindingOrAssignmentPattern : {
type t = Union.t2<ObjectBindingOrAssignmentPattern.t, ArrayBindingOrAssignmentPattern.t>
module OmittedExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_OmittedExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]>
module BindingOrAssignmentElementTarget : {
type t = Union.t5<BindingOrAssignmentPattern.t, Identifier.t, PropertyAccessExpression.t, ElementAccessExpression.t, OmittedExpression.t>
module DotDotDotToken : { type t = PunctuationToken.t<SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken.t> }
module SpreadElement : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SpreadElement]>
module BindingOrAssignmentElementRestIndicator : { type t = Union.t3<DotDotDotToken.t, SpreadElement.t, SpreadAssignment.t> }
module ObjectBindingOrAssignmentElement : {
type t = Union.t4<BindingElement.t, PropertyAssignment.t, ShorthandPropertyAssignment.t, SpreadAssignment.t>
module ArrayBindingOrAssignmentElement : {
type t = Union.t8<BindingElement.t, OmittedExpression.t, SpreadElement.t, ArrayLiteralExpression.t, ObjectLiteralExpression.t, AssignmentExpression.t<EqualsToken.t>, Identifier.t, Union.t2<PropertyAccessExpression.t, ElementAccessExpression.t>>
module BindingOrAssignmentElement : {
type t = Union.t4<VariableDeclaration.t, ParameterDeclaration.t, ObjectBindingOrAssignmentElement.t, ArrayBindingOrAssignmentElement.t>
module BindingName : { type t = Union.t2<Identifier.t, BindingPattern.t> }
module LogicalOperator : {
type t = Union.t2<SyntaxKind.AmpersandAmpersandToken.t, SyntaxKind.BarBarToken.t>
module ShiftOperator : {
type t = Union.t3<SyntaxKind.LessThanLessThanToken.t, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanToken.t, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanToken.t>
module MultiplicativeOperator : {
type t = Union.t3<SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken.t, SyntaxKind.SlashToken.t, SyntaxKind.PercentToken.t>
module ExponentiationOperator : { type t = SyntaxKind.AsteriskAsteriskToken.t }
module MultiplicativeOperatorOrHigher : { type t = Union.t2<ExponentiationOperator.t, MultiplicativeOperator.t> }
module AdditiveOperator : { type t = Union.t2<SyntaxKind.PlusToken.t, SyntaxKind.MinusToken.t> }
module AdditiveOperatorOrHigher : { type t = Union.t2<MultiplicativeOperatorOrHigher.t, AdditiveOperator.t> }
module ShiftOperatorOrHigher : { type t = Union.t2<AdditiveOperatorOrHigher.t, ShiftOperator.t> }
module RelationalOperator : {
type t = Union.t6<SyntaxKind.LessThanToken.t, SyntaxKind.LessThanEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken.t, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.InstanceOfKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.InKeyword.t>
module RelationalOperatorOrHigher : { type t = Union.t2<ShiftOperatorOrHigher.t, RelationalOperator.t> }
module EqualityOperator : {
type t = Union.t4<SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsToken.t>
module EqualityOperatorOrHigher : { type t = Union.t2<RelationalOperatorOrHigher.t, EqualityOperator.t> }
module BitwiseOperator : {
type t = Union.t3<SyntaxKind.AmpersandToken.t, SyntaxKind.BarToken.t, SyntaxKind.CaretToken.t>
module BitwiseOperatorOrHigher : { type t = Union.t2<EqualityOperatorOrHigher.t, BitwiseOperator.t> }
module LogicalOperatorOrHigher : { type t = Union.t2<BitwiseOperatorOrHigher.t, LogicalOperator.t> }
module CompoundAssignmentOperator : {
type t = Union.t8<SyntaxKind.PlusEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.MinusEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.AsteriskAsteriskEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.AsteriskEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.SlashEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.PercentEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.AmpersandEqualsToken.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.BarEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.CaretEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.LessThanLessThanEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.BarBarEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.AmpersandAmpersandEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.QuestionQuestionEqualsToken.t>>
module AssignmentOperator : { type t = Union.t2<SyntaxKind.EqualsToken.t, CompoundAssignmentOperator.t> }
module AssignmentOperatorOrHigher : {
type t = Union.t3<SyntaxKind.QuestionQuestionToken.t, LogicalOperatorOrHigher.t, AssignmentOperator.t>
module BinaryOperator : { type t = Union.t2<AssignmentOperatorOrHigher.t, SyntaxKind.CommaToken.t> }
module BinaryOperatorToken : { type t = Token.t<BinaryOperator.t> }
module BigIntLiteralType : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_BigIntLiteralType | #Ts_LiteralType | #Ts_Type]> }
module TypeParameter : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_InstantiableType | #Ts_Type | #Ts_TypeParameter]> }
module IndexedAccessType : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_IndexedAccessType | #Ts_InstantiableType | #Ts_Type]> }
module TypeVariable : { type t = Union.t2<TypeParameter.t, IndexedAccessType.t> }
module BaseType : { type t = Union.t3<ObjectType.t, IntersectionType.t, TypeVariable.t> }
module AwaitKeyword : { type t = KeywordToken.t<SyntaxKind.AwaitKeyword.t> }
module AwaitKeywordToken : { type t = AwaitKeyword.t }
module AwaitExpression : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_AwaitExpression | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression]>
module AsteriskToken : { type t = PunctuationToken.t<SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken.t> }
module AssignmentPattern : { type t = Union.t2<ObjectLiteralExpression.t, ArrayLiteralExpression.t> }
module AssignmentOperatorToken : { type t = Token.t<AssignmentOperator.t> }
module AssertsKeyword : { type t = KeywordToken.t<SyntaxKind.AssertsKeyword.t> }
module AssertsToken : { type t = AssertsKeyword.t }
module AssertionKey : { type t = Union.t2<Identifier.t, StringLiteral.t> }
module AssertKeyword : { type t = KeywordToken.t<SyntaxKind.AssertKeyword.t> }
module AssertEntry : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_AssertEntry | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module AssertClause : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_AssertClause | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]> }
module ArrayTypeNode : {
type t = intf'<[#Ts_ArrayTypeNode | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]>
module ArrayBindingElement : { type t = Union.t2<BindingElement.t, OmittedExpression.t> }
module ApplyCodeActionCommandResult : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ApplyCodeActionCommandResult]> }
module ApplicableRefactorInfo : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ApplicableRefactorInfo]> }
module AnonymousInterface6 : { type t = private any }
module AnonymousInterface41 : { type t = private any }
module AnonymousInterface40 : { type t = private any }
module AnonymousInterface32 : { type t = private any }
module AnonymousInterface21 : { type t = private any }
module AnonymousInterface20 : { type t = private any }
module AnonymousInterface14 : { type t = private any }
module AmdDependency : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_AmdDependency]> }
module ScriptReferenceHost : { type t = intf'<[#Ts_ScriptReferenceHost]> }
module Program : {
module AnonymousInterface4 : { type t = private any }
type t = intf'<[#Ts_Program | #Ts_ScriptReferenceHost]>
module AffectedFileResult : {
module AnonymousInterface53 : { type t<'T> = private any }
type t<'T> = undefined<AnonymousInterface53.t<'T>>
module AccessExpression : { type t = Union.t2<PropertyAccessExpression.t, ElementAccessExpression.t> }
} = Types
open Types
module Ts = {
open Ts
module AbstractKeyword = {
open AbstractKeyword
type t = ModifierToken.t<SyntaxKind.AbstractKeyword.t>
type t0 = t
module AccessExpression = {
open AccessExpression
type t = Union.t2<PropertyAccessExpression.t, ElementAccessExpression.t>
type t0 = t
module AccessibilityModifier = {
open AccessibilityModifier
type t = Union.t3<PublicKeyword.t, PrivateKeyword.t, ProtectedKeyword.t>
type t0 = t
module AccessorDeclaration = {
open AccessorDeclaration
type t = Union.t2<GetAccessorDeclaration.t, SetAccessorDeclaration.t>
type t0 = t
module AdditiveOperator = {
open AdditiveOperator
type t = Union.t2<SyntaxKind.PlusToken.t, SyntaxKind.MinusToken.t>
type t0 = t
module AdditiveOperatorOrHigher = {
open AdditiveOperatorOrHigher
type t = Union.t2<MultiplicativeOperatorOrHigher.t, AdditiveOperator.t>
type t0 = t
module AffectedFileResult = {
open AffectedFileResult
module AnonymousInterface53 = {
open AnonymousInterface53
type t<'T> = t<'T>
external getResult: t<'T> => 'T = "result"
external setResult: (t<'T>, 'T) => unit = "result"
external getAffected: t<'T> => Union.t2<SourceFile.t, Program.t> = "affected"
external setAffected: (t<'T>, Union.t2<SourceFile.t, Program.t>) => unit = "affected"
external make: (~result: 'T, ~affected: Union.t2<SourceFile.t, Program.t>) => t<'T> = ""
type t<'T> = undefined<AnonymousInterface53.t<'T>>
type t1<'T> = t<'T>
module AmdDependency = {
open AmdDependency
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_AmdDependency]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_AmdDependency ]
external getPath: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "path"
external setPath: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "path"
external getName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "name"
external setName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "name"
external make: (~path: string, ~name: string) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module AnonymousInterface14 = {
open AnonymousInterface14
type t = t
external expression: t => Union.t2<Identifier.t, PropertyAccessEntityNameExpression.t> = "expression"
external make: ~expression: Union.t2<Identifier.t, PropertyAccessEntityNameExpression.t> => t = ""
module AnonymousInterface20 = {
open AnonymousInterface20
type t = t
external getOptions: t => CompilerOptions.t = "options"
external setOptions: (t, CompilerOptions.t) => unit = "options"
external getErrors: t => array<Diagnostic.t> = "errors"
external setErrors: (t, array<Diagnostic.t>) => unit = "errors"
external make: (~options: CompilerOptions.t, ~errors: array<Diagnostic.t>) => t = ""
module AnonymousInterface21 = {
open AnonymousInterface21
type t = t
external getOptions: t => TypeAcquisition.t = "options"
external setOptions: (t, TypeAcquisition.t) => unit = "options"
external getErrors: t => array<Diagnostic.t> = "errors"
external setErrors: (t, array<Diagnostic.t>) => unit = "errors"
external make: (~options: TypeAcquisition.t, ~errors: array<Diagnostic.t>) => t = ""
module AnonymousInterface32 = {
open AnonymousInterface32
type t = t
external getExecutingFilePath: t => string = "getExecutingFilePath"
external resolvePath: (t, ~path:string) => string = "resolvePath"
external fileExists: (t, ~fileName:string) => bool = "fileExists"
@send @return(nullable)
external readFile: (t, ~fileName:string) => option<string> = "readFile"
module AnonymousInterface40 = {
open AnonymousInterface40
type t = t
let apply: (t, ~nodes:undefined<NodeArray.t<'T>>, ~visitor:undefined<Visitor.t>, ~test:(Dom.node => bool)=?, ~start:float=?, ~count:float=?, unit) => undefined<NodeArray.t<'T>> = (t, ~nodes, ~visitor, ~test=?, ~start=?, ~count=?, unit) => %raw(`t(nodes, visitor, test, start, count)`)
module AnonymousInterface41 = {
open AnonymousInterface41
type t = t
let apply: (t, ~nodes:NodeArray.t<'T>, ~visitor:undefined<Visitor.t>, ~test:(Dom.node => bool)=?, ~start:float=?, ~count:float=?, unit) => NodeArray.t<'T> = (t, ~nodes, ~visitor, ~test=?, ~start=?, ~count=?, unit) => %raw(`t(nodes, visitor, test, start, count)`)
module AnonymousInterface6 = {
open AnonymousInterface6
type t = t
external getConfig: t => any = "config"
external setConfig: (t, any) => unit = "config"
external getError: t => Diagnostic.t = "error"
external setError: (t, Diagnostic.t) => unit = "error"
external make: (~config: any, ~error: Diagnostic.t) => t = ""
module ApplicableRefactorInfo = {
open ApplicableRefactorInfo
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ApplicableRefactorInfo]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ApplicableRefactorInfo ]
external getName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "name"
external setName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "name"
external getDescription: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "description"
external setDescription: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "description"
external getInlineable: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "inlineable"
external setInlineable: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "inlineable"
external getActions: this<'tags, 'base> => array<RefactorActionInfo.t> = "actions"
external setActions: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<RefactorActionInfo.t>) => unit = "actions"
external make: (~name: string, ~description: string, ~inlineable: bool, ~actions: array<RefactorActionInfo.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module ApplyCodeActionCommandResult = {
open ApplyCodeActionCommandResult
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ApplyCodeActionCommandResult]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ApplyCodeActionCommandResult ]
external getSuccessMessage: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "successMessage"
external setSuccessMessage: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "successMessage"
external make: ~successMessage: string => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module ArrayBindingElement = {
open ArrayBindingElement
type t = Union.t2<BindingElement.t, OmittedExpression.t>
type t0 = t
module ArrayBindingOrAssignmentElement = {
open ArrayBindingOrAssignmentElement
type t = Union.t8<BindingElement.t, OmittedExpression.t, SpreadElement.t, ArrayLiteralExpression.t, ObjectLiteralExpression.t, AssignmentExpression.t<EqualsToken.t>, Identifier.t, Union.t2<PropertyAccessExpression.t, ElementAccessExpression.t>>
type t0 = t
module ArrayBindingOrAssignmentPattern = {
open ArrayBindingOrAssignmentPattern
type t = Union.t2<ArrayBindingPattern.t, ArrayLiteralExpression.t>
type t0 = t
module ArrayBindingPattern = {
open ArrayBindingPattern
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ArrayBindingPattern | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ArrayBindingPattern ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ArrayBindingPattern.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t3<VariableDeclaration.t, ParameterDeclaration.t, BindingElement.t> = "parent"
external elements: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<ArrayBindingElement.t> = "elements"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ArrayBindingPattern.t, ~parent: Union.t3<VariableDeclaration.t, ParameterDeclaration.t, BindingElement.t>, ~elements: NodeArray.t<ArrayBindingElement.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
module ArrayDestructuringAssignment = {
open ArrayDestructuringAssignment
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_AssignmentExpression(EqualsToken.t) | #Ts_ArrayDestructuringAssignment | #Ts_BinaryExpression | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ArrayDestructuringAssignment ]
external left: this<'tags, 'base> => ArrayLiteralExpression.t = "left"
external make: ~left: ArrayLiteralExpression.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asAssignmentExpression: t => AssignmentExpression.t<EqualsToken.t> = "%identity"
module ArrayLiteralExpression = {
open ArrayLiteralExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ArrayLiteralExpression | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ArrayLiteralExpression ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ArrayLiteralExpression.t = "kind"
external elements: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<Expression.t> = "elements"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ArrayLiteralExpression.t, ~elements: NodeArray.t<Expression.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asPrimaryExpression: t => PrimaryExpression.t = "%identity"
module ArrayTypeNode = {
open ArrayTypeNode
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ArrayTypeNode | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ArrayTypeNode ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ArrayType.t = "kind"
external elementType: this<'tags, 'base> => TypeNode.t = "elementType"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ArrayType.t, ~elementType: TypeNode.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asTypeNode: t => TypeNode.t = "%identity"
module ArrowFunction = {
open ArrowFunction
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ArrowFunction | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_FunctionLikeDeclarationBase | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ArrowFunction ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction.t = "kind"
external equalsGreaterThanToken: this<'tags, 'base> => EqualsGreaterThanToken.t = "equalsGreaterThanToken"
external body: this<'tags, 'base> => ConciseBody.t = "body"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => never = "name"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction.t, ~equalsGreaterThanToken: EqualsGreaterThanToken.t, ~body: ConciseBody.t, ~name: never) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asExpression: t => Expression.t = "%identity"
external asFunctionLikeDeclarationBase: t => FunctionLikeDeclarationBase.t = "%identity"
external asJSDocContainer: t => JSDocContainer.t = "%identity"
module AsExpression = {
open AsExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_AsExpression | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_AsExpression ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.AsExpression.t = "kind"
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "expression"
external \"type": this<'tags, 'base> => TypeNode.t = "type"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.AsExpression.t, ~expression: Expression.t, ~\"type": TypeNode.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asExpression: t => Expression.t = "%identity"
module AssertClause = {
open AssertClause
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_AssertClause | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_AssertClause ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.AssertClause.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<ImportDeclaration.t, ExportDeclaration.t> = "parent"
external elements: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<AssertEntry.t> = "elements"
external multiLine: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "multiLine"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.AssertClause.t, ~parent: Union.t2<ImportDeclaration.t, ExportDeclaration.t>, ~elements: NodeArray.t<AssertEntry.t>, ~multiLine: bool) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
module AssertEntry = {
open AssertEntry
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_AssertEntry | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_AssertEntry ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.AssertEntry.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => AssertClause.t = "parent"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => AssertionKey.t = "name"
external value: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "value"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.AssertEntry.t, ~parent: AssertClause.t, ~name: AssertionKey.t, ~value: Expression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
module AssertKeyword = {
open AssertKeyword
type t = KeywordToken.t<SyntaxKind.AssertKeyword.t>
type t0 = t
module AssertionExpression = {
open AssertionExpression
type t = Union.t2<TypeAssertion.t, AsExpression.t>
type t0 = t
module AssertionKey = {
open AssertionKey
type t = Union.t2<Identifier.t, StringLiteral.t>
type t0 = t
module AssertsIdentifierTypePredicate = {
open AssertsIdentifierTypePredicate
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_AssertsIdentifierTypePredicate | #Ts_TypePredicateBase]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_AssertsIdentifierTypePredicate ]
external getKind: this<'tags, 'base> => TypePredicateKind.AssertsIdentifier.t = "kind"
external setKind: (this<'tags, 'base>, TypePredicateKind.AssertsIdentifier.t) => unit = "kind"
external getParameterName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "parameterName"
external setParameterName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "parameterName"
external getParameterIndex: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "parameterIndex"
external setParameterIndex: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "parameterIndex"
@get @return(nullable)
external getType: this<'tags, 'base> => option<Type.t> = "type"
external setType: (this<'tags, 'base>, undefined<Type.t>) => unit = "type"
external make: (~kind: TypePredicateKind.AssertsIdentifier.t, ~parameterName: string, ~parameterIndex: float, ~\"type": Type.t=?, unit) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asTypePredicateBase: t => TypePredicateBase.t = "%identity"
module AssertsKeyword = {
open AssertsKeyword
type t = KeywordToken.t<SyntaxKind.AssertsKeyword.t>
type t0 = t
module AssertsThisTypePredicate = {
open AssertsThisTypePredicate
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_AssertsThisTypePredicate | #Ts_TypePredicateBase]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_AssertsThisTypePredicate ]
external getKind: this<'tags, 'base> => TypePredicateKind.AssertsThis.t = "kind"
external setKind: (this<'tags, 'base>, TypePredicateKind.AssertsThis.t) => unit = "kind"
external getParameterName: this<'tags, 'base> => unit = "parameterName"
external setParameterName: (this<'tags, 'base>, unit) => unit = "parameterName"
external getParameterIndex: this<'tags, 'base> => unit = "parameterIndex"
external setParameterIndex: (this<'tags, 'base>, unit) => unit = "parameterIndex"
@get @return(nullable)
external getType: this<'tags, 'base> => option<Type.t> = "type"
external setType: (this<'tags, 'base>, undefined<Type.t>) => unit = "type"
external make: (~kind: TypePredicateKind.AssertsThis.t, ~parameterName: never=?, ~parameterIndex: never=?, ~\"type": Type.t=?, unit) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asTypePredicateBase: t => TypePredicateBase.t = "%identity"
module AssertsToken = {
open AssertsToken
type t = AssertsKeyword.t
type t0 = t
module AssignmentExpression = {
open AssignmentExpression
type t<'TOperator> = t<'TOperator>
type t1<'TOperator> = t<'TOperator>
type tags<'TOperator> = [#Ts_AssignmentExpression('TOperator) | #Ts_BinaryExpression | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags1<'TOperator> = tags<'TOperator>
type this<'tags, 'base, 'TOperator> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_AssignmentExpression('TOperator) ]
external left: this<'tags, 'base, 'TOperator> => LeftHandSideExpression.t = "left"
external operatorToken: this<'tags, 'base, 'TOperator> => 'TOperator = "operatorToken"
external make: (~left: LeftHandSideExpression.t, ~operatorToken: 'TOperator) => t<'TOperator> = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base, 'TOperator> => t<'TOperator> = "%identity"
external asBinaryExpression: t<'TOperator> => BinaryExpression.t = "%identity"
module AssignmentOperator = {
open AssignmentOperator
type t = Union.t2<SyntaxKind.EqualsToken.t, CompoundAssignmentOperator.t>
type t0 = t
module AssignmentOperatorOrHigher = {
open AssignmentOperatorOrHigher
type t = Union.t3<SyntaxKind.QuestionQuestionToken.t, LogicalOperatorOrHigher.t, AssignmentOperator.t>
type t0 = t
module AssignmentOperatorToken = {
open AssignmentOperatorToken
type t = Token.t<AssignmentOperator.t>
type t0 = t
module AssignmentPattern = {
open AssignmentPattern
type t = Union.t2<ObjectLiteralExpression.t, ArrayLiteralExpression.t>
type t0 = t
module AsteriskToken = {
open AsteriskToken
type t = PunctuationToken.t<SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken.t>
type t0 = t
module AsyncKeyword = {
open AsyncKeyword
type t = ModifierToken.t<SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword.t>
type t0 = t
module AwaitExpression = {
open AwaitExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_AwaitExpression | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_AwaitExpression ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.AwaitExpression.t = "kind"
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => UnaryExpression.t = "expression"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.AwaitExpression.t, ~expression: UnaryExpression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asUnaryExpression: t => UnaryExpression.t = "%identity"
module AwaitKeyword = {
open AwaitKeyword
type t = KeywordToken.t<SyntaxKind.AwaitKeyword.t>
type t0 = t
module AwaitKeywordToken = {
open AwaitKeywordToken
type t = AwaitKeyword.t
type t0 = t
module BaseType = {
open BaseType
type t = Union.t3<ObjectType.t, IntersectionType.t, TypeVariable.t>
type t0 = t
module BigIntLiteral = {
open BigIntLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_BigIntLiteral | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_LiteralExpression | #Ts_LiteralLikeNode | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_BigIntLiteral ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.BigIntLiteral.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.BigIntLiteral.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asLiteralExpression: t => LiteralExpression.t = "%identity"
module BigIntLiteralType = {
open BigIntLiteralType
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_BigIntLiteralType | #Ts_LiteralType | #Ts_Type]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_BigIntLiteralType ]
external getValue: this<'tags, 'base> => PseudoBigInt.t = "value"
external setValue: (this<'tags, 'base>, PseudoBigInt.t) => unit = "value"
external make: ~value: PseudoBigInt.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asLiteralType: t => LiteralType.t = "%identity"
module BinaryExpression = {
open BinaryExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_BinaryExpression | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_BinaryExpression ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.BinaryExpression.t = "kind"
external left: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "left"
external operatorToken: this<'tags, 'base> => BinaryOperatorToken.t = "operatorToken"
external right: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "right"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.BinaryExpression.t, ~left: Expression.t, ~operatorToken: BinaryOperatorToken.t, ~right: Expression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asExpression: t => Expression.t = "%identity"
external asDeclaration: t => Declaration.t = "%identity"
module BinaryOperator = {
open BinaryOperator
type t = Union.t2<AssignmentOperatorOrHigher.t, SyntaxKind.CommaToken.t>
type t0 = t
module BinaryOperatorToken = {
open BinaryOperatorToken
type t = Token.t<BinaryOperator.t>
type t0 = t
module BindingElement = {
open BindingElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_BindingElement | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_BindingElement ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.BindingElement.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => BindingPattern.t = "parent"
external propertyName: this<'tags, 'base> => PropertyName.t = "propertyName"
external dotDotDotToken: this<'tags, 'base> => DotDotDotToken.t = "dotDotDotToken"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => BindingName.t = "name"
external initializer: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "initializer"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.BindingElement.t, ~parent: BindingPattern.t, ~propertyName: PropertyName.t, ~dotDotDotToken: DotDotDotToken.t, ~name: BindingName.t, ~initializer: Expression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNamedDeclaration: t => NamedDeclaration.t = "%identity"
module BindingName = {
open BindingName
type t = Union.t2<Identifier.t, BindingPattern.t>
type t0 = t
module BindingOrAssignmentElement = {
open BindingOrAssignmentElement
type t = Union.t4<VariableDeclaration.t, ParameterDeclaration.t, ObjectBindingOrAssignmentElement.t, ArrayBindingOrAssignmentElement.t>
type t0 = t
module BindingOrAssignmentElementRestIndicator = {
open BindingOrAssignmentElementRestIndicator
type t = Union.t3<DotDotDotToken.t, SpreadElement.t, SpreadAssignment.t>
type t0 = t
module BindingOrAssignmentElementTarget = {
open BindingOrAssignmentElementTarget
type t = Union.t5<BindingOrAssignmentPattern.t, Identifier.t, PropertyAccessExpression.t, ElementAccessExpression.t, OmittedExpression.t>
type t0 = t
module BindingOrAssignmentPattern = {
open BindingOrAssignmentPattern
type t = Union.t2<ObjectBindingOrAssignmentPattern.t, ArrayBindingOrAssignmentPattern.t>
type t0 = t
module BindingPattern = {
open BindingPattern
type t = Union.t2<ObjectBindingPattern.t, ArrayBindingPattern.t>
type t0 = t
module BitwiseOperator = {
open BitwiseOperator
type t = Union.t3<SyntaxKind.AmpersandToken.t, SyntaxKind.BarToken.t, SyntaxKind.CaretToken.t>
type t0 = t
module BitwiseOperatorOrHigher = {
open BitwiseOperatorOrHigher
type t = Union.t2<EqualityOperatorOrHigher.t, BitwiseOperator.t>
type t0 = t
module Block = {
open Block
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Block | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_Block ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.Block.t = "kind"
external statements: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<Statement.t> = "statements"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.Block.t, ~statements: NodeArray.t<Statement.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asStatement: t => Statement.t = "%identity"
module BlockLike = {
open BlockLike
type t = Union.t4<SourceFile.t, Block.t, ModuleBlock.t, CaseOrDefaultClause.t>
type t0 = t
module BooleanLiteral = {
open BooleanLiteral
type t = Union.t2<TrueLiteral.t, FalseLiteral.t>
type t0 = t
module BreakOrContinueStatement = {
open BreakOrContinueStatement
type t = Union.t2<BreakStatement.t, ContinueStatement.t>
type t0 = t
module BreakStatement = {
open BreakStatement
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_BreakStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_BreakStatement ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.BreakStatement.t = "kind"
external label: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "label"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.BreakStatement.t, ~label: Identifier.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asStatement: t => Statement.t = "%identity"
module BuildInvalidedProject = {
open BuildInvalidedProject
type t<'T> = t<'T>
type t1<'T> = t<'T>
type tags<'T> = [#Ts_BuildInvalidedProject('T) | #Ts_InvalidatedProjectBase]
type tags1<'T> = tags<'T>
type this<'tags, 'base, 'T> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_BuildInvalidedProject('T) ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => InvalidatedProjectKind.Build.t = "kind"
@send @return(nullable)
external getBuilderProgram: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => option<'T> = "getBuilderProgram"
@send @return(nullable)
external getProgram: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => option<Program.t> = "getProgram"
@send @return(nullable)
external getSourceFile: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~fileName:string) => option<SourceFile.t> = "getSourceFile"
external getSourceFiles: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => array<SourceFile.t> = "getSourceFiles"
external getOptionsDiagnostics: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~cancellationToken:CancellationToken.t=?, unit) => array<Diagnostic.t> = "getOptionsDiagnostics"
external getGlobalDiagnostics: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~cancellationToken:CancellationToken.t=?, unit) => array<Diagnostic.t> = "getGlobalDiagnostics"
external getConfigFileParsingDiagnostics: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => array<Diagnostic.t> = "getConfigFileParsingDiagnostics"
external getSyntacticDiagnostics: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~sourceFile:SourceFile.t=?, ~cancellationToken:CancellationToken.t=?, unit) => array<Diagnostic.t> = "getSyntacticDiagnostics"
external getAllDependencies: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~sourceFile:SourceFile.t) => array<string> = "getAllDependencies"
external getSemanticDiagnostics: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~sourceFile:SourceFile.t=?, ~cancellationToken:CancellationToken.t=?, unit) => array<Diagnostic.t> = "getSemanticDiagnostics"
external getSemanticDiagnosticsOfNextAffectedFile: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~cancellationToken:CancellationToken.t=?, ~ignoreSourceFile:(@uncurry SourceFile.t => bool)=?, unit) => AffectedFileResult.t<array<Diagnostic.t>> = "getSemanticDiagnosticsOfNextAffectedFile"
@send @return(nullable)
external emit: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~targetSourceFile:SourceFile.t=?, ~writeFile:WriteFileCallback.t=?, ~cancellationToken:CancellationToken.t=?, ~emitOnlyDtsFiles:bool=?, ~customTransformers:CustomTransformers.t=?, unit) => option<EmitResult.t> = "emit"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => t<'T> = "%identity"
external asInvalidatedProjectBase: t<'T> => InvalidatedProjectBase.t = "%identity"
module BuildOptions = {
open BuildOptions
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_BuildOptions]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_BuildOptions ]
external getDry: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "dry"
external setDry: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "dry"
external getForce: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "force"
external setForce: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "force"
external getVerbose: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "verbose"
external setVerbose: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "verbose"
external getIncremental: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "incremental"
external setIncremental: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "incremental"
external getAssumeChangesOnlyAffectDirectDependencies: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "assumeChangesOnlyAffectDirectDependencies"
external setAssumeChangesOnlyAffectDirectDependencies: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "assumeChangesOnlyAffectDirectDependencies"
external getTraceResolution: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "traceResolution"
external setTraceResolution: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "traceResolution"
@get_index @return(nullable)
external get: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => option<CompilerOptionsValue.t> = ""
external set: (this<'tags, 'base>, string, undefined<CompilerOptionsValue.t>) => unit = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module BuilderProgram = {
open BuilderProgram
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_BuilderProgram]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_BuilderProgram ]
external getProgram: this<'tags, 'base> => Program.t = "getProgram"
external getCompilerOptions: this<'tags, 'base> => CompilerOptions.t = "getCompilerOptions"
@send @return(nullable)
external getSourceFile: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string) => option<SourceFile.t> = "getSourceFile"
external getSourceFiles: this<'tags, 'base> => array<SourceFile.t> = "getSourceFiles"
external getOptionsDiagnostics: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~cancellationToken:CancellationToken.t=?, unit) => array<Diagnostic.t> = "getOptionsDiagnostics"
external getGlobalDiagnostics: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~cancellationToken:CancellationToken.t=?, unit) => array<Diagnostic.t> = "getGlobalDiagnostics"
external getConfigFileParsingDiagnostics: this<'tags, 'base> => array<Diagnostic.t> = "getConfigFileParsingDiagnostics"
external getSyntacticDiagnostics: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~sourceFile:SourceFile.t=?, ~cancellationToken:CancellationToken.t=?, unit) => array<Diagnostic.t> = "getSyntacticDiagnostics"
external getDeclarationDiagnostics: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~sourceFile:SourceFile.t=?, ~cancellationToken:CancellationToken.t=?, unit) => array<DiagnosticWithLocation.t> = "getDeclarationDiagnostics"
external getAllDependencies: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~sourceFile:SourceFile.t) => array<string> = "getAllDependencies"
external getSemanticDiagnostics: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~sourceFile:SourceFile.t=?, ~cancellationToken:CancellationToken.t=?, unit) => array<Diagnostic.t> = "getSemanticDiagnostics"
external emit: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~targetSourceFile:SourceFile.t=?, ~writeFile:WriteFileCallback.t=?, ~cancellationToken:CancellationToken.t=?, ~emitOnlyDtsFiles:bool=?, ~customTransformers:CustomTransformers.t=?, unit) => EmitResult.t = "emit"
external getCurrentDirectory: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "getCurrentDirectory"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module BuilderProgramHost = {
open BuilderProgramHost
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_BuilderProgramHost]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_BuilderProgramHost ]
external useCaseSensitiveFileNames: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "useCaseSensitiveFileNames"
external createHash: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~data:string) => string = "createHash"
external getWriteFile: this<'tags, 'base> => WriteFileCallback.t = "writeFile"
external setWriteFile: (this<'tags, 'base>, WriteFileCallback.t) => unit = "writeFile"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module Bundle = {
open Bundle
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Bundle | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_Bundle ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.Bundle.t = "kind"
external prepends: this<'tags, 'base> => array<Union.t2<InputFiles.t, UnparsedSource.t>> = "prepends"
external sourceFiles: this<'tags, 'base> => array<SourceFile.t> = "sourceFiles"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.Bundle.t, ~prepends: array<Union.t2<InputFiles.t, UnparsedSource.t>>, ~sourceFiles: array<SourceFile.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
module CallChain = {
open CallChain
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CallChain | #Ts_CallExpression | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_CallChain ]
external get_optionalChainBrand: this<'tags, 'base> => any = "_optionalChainBrand"
external set_optionalChainBrand: (this<'tags, 'base>, any) => unit = "_optionalChainBrand"
external make: ~\"_optionalChainBrand": any => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asCallExpression: t => CallExpression.t = "%identity"
module CallExpression = {
open CallExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CallExpression | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_CallExpression ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.CallExpression.t = "kind"
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => LeftHandSideExpression.t = "expression"
external questionDotToken: this<'tags, 'base> => QuestionDotToken.t = "questionDotToken"
external typeArguments: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<TypeNode.t> = "typeArguments"
external arguments: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<Expression.t> = "arguments"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.CallExpression.t, ~expression: LeftHandSideExpression.t, ~questionDotToken: QuestionDotToken.t, ~typeArguments: NodeArray.t<TypeNode.t>, ~arguments: NodeArray.t<Expression.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asLeftHandSideExpression: t => LeftHandSideExpression.t = "%identity"
external asDeclaration: t => Declaration.t = "%identity"
module CallHierarchyIncomingCall = {
open CallHierarchyIncomingCall
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CallHierarchyIncomingCall]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_CallHierarchyIncomingCall ]
external getFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => CallHierarchyItem.t = "from"
external setFrom: (this<'tags, 'base>, CallHierarchyItem.t) => unit = "from"
external getFromSpans: this<'tags, 'base> => array<TextSpan.t> = "fromSpans"
external setFromSpans: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<TextSpan.t>) => unit = "fromSpans"
external make: (~from: CallHierarchyItem.t, ~fromSpans: array<TextSpan.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module CallHierarchyItem = {
open CallHierarchyItem
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CallHierarchyItem]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_CallHierarchyItem ]
external getName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "name"
external setName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "name"
external getKind: this<'tags, 'base> => ScriptElementKind.t = "kind"
external setKind: (this<'tags, 'base>, ScriptElementKind.t) => unit = "kind"
external getKindModifiers: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "kindModifiers"
external setKindModifiers: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "kindModifiers"
external getFile: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "file"
external setFile: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "file"
external getSpan: this<'tags, 'base> => TextSpan.t = "span"
external setSpan: (this<'tags, 'base>, TextSpan.t) => unit = "span"
external getSelectionSpan: this<'tags, 'base> => TextSpan.t = "selectionSpan"
external setSelectionSpan: (this<'tags, 'base>, TextSpan.t) => unit = "selectionSpan"
external getContainerName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "containerName"
external setContainerName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "containerName"
external make: (~name: string, ~kind: ScriptElementKind.t, ~kindModifiers: string, ~file: string, ~span: TextSpan.t, ~selectionSpan: TextSpan.t, ~containerName: string) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module CallHierarchyOutgoingCall = {
open CallHierarchyOutgoingCall
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CallHierarchyOutgoingCall]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_CallHierarchyOutgoingCall ]
external getTo: this<'tags, 'base> => CallHierarchyItem.t = "to"
external setTo: (this<'tags, 'base>, CallHierarchyItem.t) => unit = "to"
external getFromSpans: this<'tags, 'base> => array<TextSpan.t> = "fromSpans"
external setFromSpans: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<TextSpan.t>) => unit = "fromSpans"
external make: (~to: CallHierarchyItem.t, ~fromSpans: array<TextSpan.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module CallLikeExpression = {
open CallLikeExpression
type t = Union.t5<CallExpression.t, NewExpression.t, TaggedTemplateExpression.t, Decorator.t, JsxOpeningLikeElement.t>
type t0 = t
module CallSignatureDeclaration = {
open CallSignatureDeclaration
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CallSignatureDeclaration | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase | #Ts_TypeElement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_CallSignatureDeclaration ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.CallSignature.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.CallSignature.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asSignatureDeclarationBase: t => SignatureDeclarationBase.t = "%identity"
external asTypeElement: t => TypeElement.t = "%identity"
module CancellationToken = {
open CancellationToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CancellationToken]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_CancellationToken ]
external isCancellationRequested: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isCancellationRequested"
external throwIfCancellationRequested: this<'tags, 'base> => unit = "throwIfCancellationRequested"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module CaseBlock = {
open CaseBlock
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CaseBlock | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_CaseBlock ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.CaseBlock.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => SwitchStatement.t = "parent"
external clauses: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<CaseOrDefaultClause.t> = "clauses"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.CaseBlock.t, ~parent: SwitchStatement.t, ~clauses: NodeArray.t<CaseOrDefaultClause.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
module CaseClause = {
open CaseClause
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CaseClause | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_CaseClause ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.CaseClause.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => CaseBlock.t = "parent"
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "expression"
external statements: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<Statement.t> = "statements"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.CaseClause.t, ~parent: CaseBlock.t, ~expression: Expression.t, ~statements: NodeArray.t<Statement.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
module CaseOrDefaultClause = {
open CaseOrDefaultClause
type t = Union.t2<CaseClause.t, DefaultClause.t>
type t0 = t
module CatchClause = {
open CatchClause
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CatchClause | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_CatchClause ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.CatchClause.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => TryStatement.t = "parent"
external variableDeclaration: this<'tags, 'base> => VariableDeclaration.t = "variableDeclaration"
external block: this<'tags, 'base> => Block.t = "block"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.CatchClause.t, ~parent: TryStatement.t, ~variableDeclaration: VariableDeclaration.t, ~block: Block.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
module CheckJsDirective = {
open CheckJsDirective
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CheckJsDirective | #Ts_TextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_CheckJsDirective ]
external getEnabled: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "enabled"
external setEnabled: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "enabled"
external make: ~enabled: bool => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asTextRange: t => TextRange.t = "%identity"
module ClassDeclaration = {
open ClassDeclaration
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ClassDeclaration | #Ts_ClassLikeDeclarationBase | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_DeclarationStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ClassDeclaration ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration.t = "kind"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "name"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration.t, ~name: Identifier.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asClassLikeDeclarationBase: t => ClassLikeDeclarationBase.t = "%identity"
external asDeclarationStatement: t => DeclarationStatement.t = "%identity"
module ClassElement = {
open ClassElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ClassElement | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ClassElement ]
external get_classElementBrand: this<'tags, 'base> => any = "_classElementBrand"
external set_classElementBrand: (this<'tags, 'base>, any) => unit = "_classElementBrand"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => PropertyName.t = "name"
external make: (~\"_classElementBrand": any, ~name: PropertyName.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNamedDeclaration: t => NamedDeclaration.t = "%identity"
module ClassExpression = {
open ClassExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ClassExpression | #Ts_ClassLikeDeclarationBase | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ClassExpression ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ClassExpression.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.ClassExpression.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asClassLikeDeclarationBase: t => ClassLikeDeclarationBase.t = "%identity"
external asPrimaryExpression: t => PrimaryExpression.t = "%identity"
module ClassLikeDeclaration = {
open ClassLikeDeclaration
type t = Union.t2<ClassDeclaration.t, ClassExpression.t>
type t0 = t
module ClassLikeDeclarationBase = {
open ClassLikeDeclarationBase
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ClassLikeDeclarationBase | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ClassLikeDeclarationBase ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration.t, SyntaxKind.ClassExpression.t> = "kind"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "name"
external typeParameters: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<TypeParameterDeclaration.t> = "typeParameters"
external heritageClauses: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<HeritageClause.t> = "heritageClauses"
external members: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<ClassElement.t> = "members"
external make: (~kind: Union.t2<SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration.t, SyntaxKind.ClassExpression.t>, ~name: Identifier.t, ~typeParameters: NodeArray.t<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>, ~heritageClauses: NodeArray.t<HeritageClause.t>, ~members: NodeArray.t<ClassElement.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNamedDeclaration: t => NamedDeclaration.t = "%identity"
external asJSDocContainer: t => JSDocContainer.t = "%identity"
module ClassMemberModifier = {
open ClassMemberModifier
type t = Union.t3<AccessibilityModifier.t, ReadonlyKeyword.t, StaticKeyword.t>
type t0 = t
module ClassStaticBlockDeclaration = {
open ClassStaticBlockDeclaration
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ClassElement | #Ts_ClassStaticBlockDeclaration | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ClassStaticBlockDeclaration ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ClassStaticBlockDeclaration.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<ClassDeclaration.t, ClassExpression.t> = "parent"
external body: this<'tags, 'base> => Block.t = "body"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ClassStaticBlockDeclaration.t, ~parent: Union.t2<ClassDeclaration.t, ClassExpression.t>, ~body: Block.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asClassElement: t => ClassElement.t = "%identity"
external asJSDocContainer: t => JSDocContainer.t = "%identity"
module ClassificationInfo = {
open ClassificationInfo
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ClassificationInfo]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ClassificationInfo ]
external getLength: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "length"
external setLength: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "length"
external getClassification: this<'tags, 'base> => TokenClass.t = "classification"
external setClassification: (this<'tags, 'base>, TokenClass.t) => unit = "classification"
external make: (~length: float, ~classification: TokenClass.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module ClassificationResult = {
open ClassificationResult
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ClassificationResult]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ClassificationResult ]
external getFinalLexState: this<'tags, 'base> => EndOfLineState.t = "finalLexState"
external setFinalLexState: (this<'tags, 'base>, EndOfLineState.t) => unit = "finalLexState"
external getEntries: this<'tags, 'base> => array<ClassificationInfo.t> = "entries"
external setEntries: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<ClassificationInfo.t>) => unit = "entries"
external make: (~finalLexState: EndOfLineState.t, ~entries: array<ClassificationInfo.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module ClassificationType = {
open ClassificationType
type t = t
type t_0 = t
module Comment = {
open Comment
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationType") @val
external value: t = "comment"
module Identifier = {
open Identifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationType") @val
external value: t = "identifier"
module Keyword = {
open Keyword
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationType") @val
external value: t = "keyword"
module NumericLiteral = {
open NumericLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationType") @val
external value: t = "numericLiteral"
module Operator = {
open Operator
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationType") @val
external value: t = "operator"
module StringLiteral = {
open StringLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationType") @val
external value: t = "stringLiteral"
module RegularExpressionLiteral = {
open RegularExpressionLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationType") @val
external value: t = "regularExpressionLiteral"
module WhiteSpace = {
open WhiteSpace
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationType") @val
external value: t = "whiteSpace"
module Text = {
open Text
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationType") @val
external value: t = "text"
module Punctuation = {
open Punctuation
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationType") @val
external value: t = "punctuation"
module ClassName = {
open ClassName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationType") @val
external value: t = "className"
module EnumName = {
open EnumName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationType") @val
external value: t = "enumName"
module InterfaceName = {
open InterfaceName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationType") @val
external value: t = "interfaceName"
module ModuleName = {
open ModuleName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationType") @val
external value: t = "moduleName"
module TypeParameterName = {
open TypeParameterName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationType") @val
external value: t = "typeParameterName"
module TypeAliasName = {
open TypeAliasName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationType") @val
external value: t = "typeAliasName"
module ParameterName = {
open ParameterName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationType") @val
external value: t = "parameterName"
module DocCommentTagName = {
open DocCommentTagName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationType") @val
external value: t = "docCommentTagName"
module JsxOpenTagName = {
open JsxOpenTagName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationType") @val
external value: t = "jsxOpenTagName"
module JsxCloseTagName = {
open JsxCloseTagName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationType") @val
external value: t = "jsxCloseTagName"
module JsxSelfClosingTagName = {
open JsxSelfClosingTagName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationType") @val
external value: t = "jsxSelfClosingTagName"
module JsxAttribute = {
open JsxAttribute
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationType") @val
external value: t = "jsxAttribute"
module JsxText = {
open JsxText
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationType") @val
external value: t = "jsxText"
module JsxAttributeStringLiteralValue = {
open JsxAttributeStringLiteralValue
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationType") @val
external value: t = "jsxAttributeStringLiteralValue"
module BigintLiteral = {
open BigintLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationType") @val
external value: t = "bigintLiteral"
module ClassificationTypeNames = {
open ClassificationTypeNames
type t = t
type t_0 = t
module Comment = {
open Comment
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationTypeNames") @val
external value: t = "comment"
module Identifier = {
open Identifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationTypeNames") @val
external value: t = "identifier"
module Keyword = {
open Keyword
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationTypeNames") @val
external value: t = "keyword"
module NumericLiteral = {
open NumericLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationTypeNames") @val
external value: t = "numericLiteral"
module BigintLiteral = {
open BigintLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationTypeNames") @val
external value: t = "bigintLiteral"
module Operator = {
open Operator
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationTypeNames") @val
external value: t = "operator"
module StringLiteral = {
open StringLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationTypeNames") @val
external value: t = "stringLiteral"
module WhiteSpace = {
open WhiteSpace
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationTypeNames") @val
external value: t = "whiteSpace"
module Text = {
open Text
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationTypeNames") @val
external value: t = "text"
module Punctuation = {
open Punctuation
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationTypeNames") @val
external value: t = "punctuation"
module ClassName = {
open ClassName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationTypeNames") @val
external value: t = "className"
module EnumName = {
open EnumName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationTypeNames") @val
external value: t = "enumName"
module InterfaceName = {
open InterfaceName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationTypeNames") @val
external value: t = "interfaceName"
module ModuleName = {
open ModuleName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationTypeNames") @val
external value: t = "moduleName"
module TypeParameterName = {
open TypeParameterName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationTypeNames") @val
external value: t = "typeParameterName"
module TypeAliasName = {
open TypeAliasName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationTypeNames") @val
external value: t = "typeAliasName"
module ParameterName = {
open ParameterName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationTypeNames") @val
external value: t = "parameterName"
module DocCommentTagName = {
open DocCommentTagName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationTypeNames") @val
external value: t = "docCommentTagName"
module JsxOpenTagName = {
open JsxOpenTagName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationTypeNames") @val
external value: t = "jsxOpenTagName"
module JsxCloseTagName = {
open JsxCloseTagName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationTypeNames") @val
external value: t = "jsxCloseTagName"
module JsxSelfClosingTagName = {
open JsxSelfClosingTagName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationTypeNames") @val
external value: t = "jsxSelfClosingTagName"
module JsxAttribute = {
open JsxAttribute
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationTypeNames") @val
external value: t = "jsxAttribute"
module JsxText = {
open JsxText
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationTypeNames") @val
external value: t = "jsxText"
module JsxAttributeStringLiteralValue = {
open JsxAttributeStringLiteralValue
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ClassificationTypeNames") @val
external value: t = "jsxAttributeStringLiteralValue"
module Classifications = {
open Classifications
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Classifications]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_Classifications ]
external getSpans: this<'tags, 'base> => array<float> = "spans"
external setSpans: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<float>) => unit = "spans"
external getEndOfLineState: this<'tags, 'base> => EndOfLineState.t = "endOfLineState"
external setEndOfLineState: (this<'tags, 'base>, EndOfLineState.t) => unit = "endOfLineState"
external make: (~spans: array<float>, ~endOfLineState: EndOfLineState.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module ClassifiedSpan = {
open ClassifiedSpan
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ClassifiedSpan]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ClassifiedSpan ]
external getTextSpan: this<'tags, 'base> => TextSpan.t = "textSpan"
external setTextSpan: (this<'tags, 'base>, TextSpan.t) => unit = "textSpan"
external getClassificationType: this<'tags, 'base> => ClassificationTypeNames.t = "classificationType"
external setClassificationType: (this<'tags, 'base>, ClassificationTypeNames.t) => unit = "classificationType"
external make: (~textSpan: TextSpan.t, ~classificationType: ClassificationTypeNames.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module ClassifiedSpan2020 = {
open ClassifiedSpan2020
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ClassifiedSpan2020]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ClassifiedSpan2020 ]
external getTextSpan: this<'tags, 'base> => TextSpan.t = "textSpan"
external setTextSpan: (this<'tags, 'base>, TextSpan.t) => unit = "textSpan"
external getClassificationType: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "classificationType"
external setClassificationType: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "classificationType"
external make: (~textSpan: TextSpan.t, ~classificationType: float) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module Classifier = {
open Classifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Classifier]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_Classifier ]
external getClassificationsForLine: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~text:string, ~lexState:EndOfLineState.t, ~syntacticClassifierAbsent:bool) => ClassificationResult.t = "getClassificationsForLine"
external getEncodedLexicalClassifications: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~text:string, ~endOfLineState:EndOfLineState.t, ~syntacticClassifierAbsent:bool) => Classifications.t = "getEncodedLexicalClassifications"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module CodeAction = {
open CodeAction
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CodeAction]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_CodeAction ]
external getDescription: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "description"
external setDescription: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "description"
external getChanges: this<'tags, 'base> => array<FileTextChanges.t> = "changes"
external setChanges: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<FileTextChanges.t>) => unit = "changes"
external getCommands: this<'tags, 'base> => array<CodeActionCommand.t> = "commands"
external setCommands: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<CodeActionCommand.t>) => unit = "commands"
external make: (~description: string, ~changes: array<FileTextChanges.t>, ~commands: array<CodeActionCommand.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module CodeActionCommand = {
open CodeActionCommand
type t = InstallPackageAction.t
type t0 = t
module CodeFixAction = {
open CodeFixAction
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CodeAction | #Ts_CodeFixAction]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_CodeFixAction ]
external getFixName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "fixName"
external setFixName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "fixName"
external getFixId: this<'tags, 'base> => untyped_object = "fixId"
external setFixId: (this<'tags, 'base>, untyped_object) => unit = "fixId"
external getFixAllDescription: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "fixAllDescription"
external setFixAllDescription: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "fixAllDescription"
external make: (~fixName: string, ~fixId: untyped_object, ~fixAllDescription: string) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asCodeAction: t => CodeAction.t = "%identity"
module Collection = {
open Collection
type t<'K> = t<'K>
type t1<'K> = t<'K>
type tags<'K> = [#Ts_Collection('K) | #Ts_ReadonlyCollection('K)]
type tags1<'K> = tags<'K>
type this<'tags, 'base, 'K> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_Collection('K) ]
external delete: (this<'tags, 'base, 'K>, ~key:'K) => bool = "delete"
external clear: this<'tags, 'base, 'K> => unit = "clear"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base, 'K> => t<'K> = "%identity"
external asReadonlyCollection: t<'K> => ReadonlyCollection.t<'K> = "%identity"
module ColonToken = {
open ColonToken
type t = PunctuationToken.t<SyntaxKind.ColonToken.t>
type t0 = t
module CombinedCodeActions = {
open CombinedCodeActions
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CombinedCodeActions]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_CombinedCodeActions ]
external getChanges: this<'tags, 'base> => array<FileTextChanges.t> = "changes"
external setChanges: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<FileTextChanges.t>) => unit = "changes"
external getCommands: this<'tags, 'base> => array<CodeActionCommand.t> = "commands"
external setCommands: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<CodeActionCommand.t>) => unit = "commands"
external make: (~changes: array<FileTextChanges.t>, ~commands: array<CodeActionCommand.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module CombinedCodeFixScope = {
open CombinedCodeFixScope
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CombinedCodeFixScope]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_CombinedCodeFixScope ]
external getType: this<'tags, 'base> => [#file] = "type"
external setType: (this<'tags, 'base>, [#file]) => unit = "type"
external getFileName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "fileName"
external setFileName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "fileName"
external make: (~\"type": [#file], ~fileName: string) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module CommaListExpression = {
open CommaListExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CommaListExpression | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_CommaListExpression ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.CommaListExpression.t = "kind"
external elements: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<Expression.t> = "elements"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.CommaListExpression.t, ~elements: NodeArray.t<Expression.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asExpression: t => Expression.t = "%identity"
module CommentKind = {
open CommentKind
type t = Union.t2<SyntaxKind.SingleLineCommentTrivia.t, SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia.t>
type t0 = t
module CommentRange = {
open CommentRange
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CommentRange | #Ts_TextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_CommentRange ]
external getHasTrailingNewLine: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "hasTrailingNewLine"
external setHasTrailingNewLine: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "hasTrailingNewLine"
external getKind: this<'tags, 'base> => CommentKind.t = "kind"
external setKind: (this<'tags, 'base>, CommentKind.t) => unit = "kind"
external make: (~hasTrailingNewLine: bool, ~kind: CommentKind.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asTextRange: t => TextRange.t = "%identity"
module CompilerHost = {
open CompilerHost
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CompilerHost | #Ts_ModuleResolutionHost]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_CompilerHost ]
@send @return(nullable)
external getSourceFile: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~languageVersion:ScriptTarget.t, ~onError:(@uncurry string => unit)=?, ~shouldCreateNewSourceFile:bool=?, unit) => option<SourceFile.t> = "getSourceFile"
@send @return(nullable)
external getSourceFileByPath: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~path:Path.t, ~languageVersion:ScriptTarget.t, ~onError:(@uncurry string => unit)=?, ~shouldCreateNewSourceFile:bool=?, unit) => option<SourceFile.t> = "getSourceFileByPath"
external getCancellationToken: this<'tags, 'base> => CancellationToken.t = "getCancellationToken"
external getDefaultLibFileName: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~options:CompilerOptions.t) => string = "getDefaultLibFileName"
external getDefaultLibLocation: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "getDefaultLibLocation"
external getWriteFile: this<'tags, 'base> => WriteFileCallback.t = "writeFile"
external setWriteFile: (this<'tags, 'base>, WriteFileCallback.t) => unit = "writeFile"
external getCurrentDirectory: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "getCurrentDirectory"
external getCanonicalFileName: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string) => string = "getCanonicalFileName"
external useCaseSensitiveFileNames: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "useCaseSensitiveFileNames"
external getNewLine: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "getNewLine"
external readDirectory: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~rootDir:string, ~extensions:array<string>, ~excludes:undefined<array<string>>, ~includes:array<string>, ~depth:float=?, unit) => array<string> = "readDirectory"
external resolveModuleNames: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~moduleNames:array<string>, ~containingFile:string, ~reusedNames:undefined<array<string>>, ~redirectedReference:undefined<ResolvedProjectReference.t>, ~options:CompilerOptions.t, ~containingSourceFile:SourceFile.t=?, unit) => array<undefined<ResolvedModule.t>> = "resolveModuleNames"
@send @return(nullable)
external getModuleResolutionCache: this<'tags, 'base> => option<ModuleResolutionCache.t> = "getModuleResolutionCache"
external resolveTypeReferenceDirectives: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~typeReferenceDirectiveNames:array<string>, ~containingFile:string, ~redirectedReference:undefined<ResolvedProjectReference.t>, ~options:CompilerOptions.t) => array<undefined<ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective.t>> = "resolveTypeReferenceDirectives"
@send @return(nullable)
external getEnvironmentVariable: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~name:string) => option<string> = "getEnvironmentVariable"
external createHash: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~data:string) => string = "createHash"
@send @return(nullable)
external getParsedCommandLine: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string) => option<ParsedCommandLine.t> = "getParsedCommandLine"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asModuleResolutionHost: t => ModuleResolutionHost.t = "%identity"
module CompilerOptions = {
open CompilerOptions
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CompilerOptions]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_CompilerOptions ]
external getAllowJs: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "allowJs"
external setAllowJs: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "allowJs"
external getAllowSyntheticDefaultImports: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "allowSyntheticDefaultImports"
external setAllowSyntheticDefaultImports: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "allowSyntheticDefaultImports"
external getAllowUmdGlobalAccess: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "allowUmdGlobalAccess"
external setAllowUmdGlobalAccess: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "allowUmdGlobalAccess"
external getAllowUnreachableCode: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "allowUnreachableCode"
external setAllowUnreachableCode: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "allowUnreachableCode"
external getAllowUnusedLabels: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "allowUnusedLabels"
external setAllowUnusedLabels: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "allowUnusedLabels"
external getAlwaysStrict: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "alwaysStrict"
external setAlwaysStrict: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "alwaysStrict"
external getBaseUrl: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "baseUrl"
external setBaseUrl: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "baseUrl"
external getCharset: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "charset"
external setCharset: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "charset"
external getCheckJs: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "checkJs"
external setCheckJs: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "checkJs"
external getDeclaration: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "declaration"
external setDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "declaration"
external getDeclarationMap: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "declarationMap"
external setDeclarationMap: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "declarationMap"
external getEmitDeclarationOnly: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "emitDeclarationOnly"
external setEmitDeclarationOnly: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "emitDeclarationOnly"
external getDeclarationDir: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "declarationDir"
external setDeclarationDir: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "declarationDir"
external getDisableSizeLimit: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "disableSizeLimit"
external setDisableSizeLimit: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "disableSizeLimit"
external getDisableSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "disableSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect"
external setDisableSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "disableSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect"
external getDisableSolutionSearching: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "disableSolutionSearching"
external setDisableSolutionSearching: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "disableSolutionSearching"
external getDisableReferencedProjectLoad: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "disableReferencedProjectLoad"
external setDisableReferencedProjectLoad: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "disableReferencedProjectLoad"
external getDownlevelIteration: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "downlevelIteration"
external setDownlevelIteration: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "downlevelIteration"
external getEmitBOM: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "emitBOM"
external setEmitBOM: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "emitBOM"
external getEmitDecoratorMetadata: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "emitDecoratorMetadata"
external setEmitDecoratorMetadata: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "emitDecoratorMetadata"
external getExactOptionalPropertyTypes: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "exactOptionalPropertyTypes"
external setExactOptionalPropertyTypes: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "exactOptionalPropertyTypes"
external getExperimentalDecorators: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "experimentalDecorators"
external setExperimentalDecorators: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "experimentalDecorators"
external getForceConsistentCasingInFileNames: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames"
external setForceConsistentCasingInFileNames: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames"
external getImportHelpers: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "importHelpers"
external setImportHelpers: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "importHelpers"
external getImportsNotUsedAsValues: this<'tags, 'base> => ImportsNotUsedAsValues.t = "importsNotUsedAsValues"
external setImportsNotUsedAsValues: (this<'tags, 'base>, ImportsNotUsedAsValues.t) => unit = "importsNotUsedAsValues"
external getInlineSourceMap: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "inlineSourceMap"
external setInlineSourceMap: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "inlineSourceMap"
external getInlineSources: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "inlineSources"
external setInlineSources: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "inlineSources"
external getIsolatedModules: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isolatedModules"
external setIsolatedModules: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "isolatedModules"
external getJsx: this<'tags, 'base> => JsxEmit.t = "jsx"
external setJsx: (this<'tags, 'base>, JsxEmit.t) => unit = "jsx"
external getKeyofStringsOnly: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "keyofStringsOnly"
external setKeyofStringsOnly: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "keyofStringsOnly"
external getLib: this<'tags, 'base> => array<string> = "lib"
external setLib: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<string>) => unit = "lib"
external getLocale: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "locale"
external setLocale: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "locale"
external getMapRoot: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "mapRoot"
external setMapRoot: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "mapRoot"
external getMaxNodeModuleJsDepth: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "maxNodeModuleJsDepth"
external setMaxNodeModuleJsDepth: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "maxNodeModuleJsDepth"
external getModule: this<'tags, 'base> => ModuleKind.t = "module"
external setModule: (this<'tags, 'base>, ModuleKind.t) => unit = "module"
external getModuleResolution: this<'tags, 'base> => ModuleResolutionKind.t = "moduleResolution"
external setModuleResolution: (this<'tags, 'base>, ModuleResolutionKind.t) => unit = "moduleResolution"
external getNewLine: this<'tags, 'base> => NewLineKind.t = "newLine"
external setNewLine: (this<'tags, 'base>, NewLineKind.t) => unit = "newLine"
external getNoEmit: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "noEmit"
external setNoEmit: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "noEmit"
external getNoEmitHelpers: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "noEmitHelpers"
external setNoEmitHelpers: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "noEmitHelpers"
external getNoEmitOnError: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "noEmitOnError"
external setNoEmitOnError: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "noEmitOnError"
external getNoErrorTruncation: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "noErrorTruncation"
external setNoErrorTruncation: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "noErrorTruncation"
external getNoFallthroughCasesInSwitch: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch"
external setNoFallthroughCasesInSwitch: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch"
external getNoImplicitAny: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "noImplicitAny"
external setNoImplicitAny: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "noImplicitAny"
external getNoImplicitReturns: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "noImplicitReturns"
external setNoImplicitReturns: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "noImplicitReturns"
external getNoImplicitThis: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "noImplicitThis"
external setNoImplicitThis: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "noImplicitThis"
external getNoStrictGenericChecks: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "noStrictGenericChecks"
external setNoStrictGenericChecks: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "noStrictGenericChecks"
external getNoUnusedLocals: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "noUnusedLocals"
external setNoUnusedLocals: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "noUnusedLocals"
external getNoUnusedParameters: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "noUnusedParameters"
external setNoUnusedParameters: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "noUnusedParameters"
external getNoImplicitUseStrict: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "noImplicitUseStrict"
external setNoImplicitUseStrict: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "noImplicitUseStrict"
external getNoPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature"
external setNoPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature"
external getAssumeChangesOnlyAffectDirectDependencies: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "assumeChangesOnlyAffectDirectDependencies"
external setAssumeChangesOnlyAffectDirectDependencies: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "assumeChangesOnlyAffectDirectDependencies"
external getNoLib: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "noLib"
external setNoLib: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "noLib"
external getNoResolve: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "noResolve"
external setNoResolve: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "noResolve"
external getNoUncheckedIndexedAccess: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "noUncheckedIndexedAccess"
external setNoUncheckedIndexedAccess: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "noUncheckedIndexedAccess"
external getOut: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "out"
external setOut: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "out"
external getOutDir: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "outDir"
external setOutDir: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "outDir"
external getOutFile: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "outFile"
external setOutFile: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "outFile"
external getPaths: this<'tags, 'base> => MapLike.t<array<string>> = "paths"
external setPaths: (this<'tags, 'base>, MapLike.t<array<string>>) => unit = "paths"
external getPreserveConstEnums: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "preserveConstEnums"
external setPreserveConstEnums: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "preserveConstEnums"
external getNoImplicitOverride: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "noImplicitOverride"
external setNoImplicitOverride: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "noImplicitOverride"
external getPreserveSymlinks: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "preserveSymlinks"
external setPreserveSymlinks: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "preserveSymlinks"
external getPreserveValueImports: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "preserveValueImports"
external setPreserveValueImports: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "preserveValueImports"
external getProject: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "project"
external setProject: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "project"
external getReactNamespace: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "reactNamespace"
external setReactNamespace: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "reactNamespace"
external getJsxFactory: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "jsxFactory"
external setJsxFactory: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "jsxFactory"
external getJsxFragmentFactory: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "jsxFragmentFactory"
external setJsxFragmentFactory: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "jsxFragmentFactory"
external getJsxImportSource: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "jsxImportSource"
external setJsxImportSource: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "jsxImportSource"
external getComposite: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "composite"
external setComposite: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "composite"
external getIncremental: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "incremental"
external setIncremental: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "incremental"
external getTsBuildInfoFile: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "tsBuildInfoFile"
external setTsBuildInfoFile: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "tsBuildInfoFile"
external getRemoveComments: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "removeComments"
external setRemoveComments: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "removeComments"
external getRootDir: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "rootDir"
external setRootDir: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "rootDir"
external getRootDirs: this<'tags, 'base> => array<string> = "rootDirs"
external setRootDirs: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<string>) => unit = "rootDirs"
external getSkipLibCheck: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "skipLibCheck"
external setSkipLibCheck: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "skipLibCheck"
external getSkipDefaultLibCheck: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "skipDefaultLibCheck"
external setSkipDefaultLibCheck: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "skipDefaultLibCheck"
external getSourceMap: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "sourceMap"
external setSourceMap: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "sourceMap"
external getSourceRoot: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "sourceRoot"
external setSourceRoot: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "sourceRoot"
external getStrict: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "strict"
external setStrict: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "strict"
external getStrictFunctionTypes: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "strictFunctionTypes"
external setStrictFunctionTypes: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "strictFunctionTypes"
external getStrictBindCallApply: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "strictBindCallApply"
external setStrictBindCallApply: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "strictBindCallApply"
external getStrictNullChecks: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "strictNullChecks"
external setStrictNullChecks: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "strictNullChecks"
external getStrictPropertyInitialization: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "strictPropertyInitialization"
external setStrictPropertyInitialization: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "strictPropertyInitialization"
external getStripInternal: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "stripInternal"
external setStripInternal: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "stripInternal"
external getSuppressExcessPropertyErrors: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "suppressExcessPropertyErrors"
external setSuppressExcessPropertyErrors: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "suppressExcessPropertyErrors"
external getSuppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors"
external setSuppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors"
external getTarget: this<'tags, 'base> => ScriptTarget.t = "target"
external setTarget: (this<'tags, 'base>, ScriptTarget.t) => unit = "target"
external getTraceResolution: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "traceResolution"
external setTraceResolution: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "traceResolution"
external getUseUnknownInCatchVariables: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "useUnknownInCatchVariables"
external setUseUnknownInCatchVariables: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "useUnknownInCatchVariables"
external getResolveJsonModule: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "resolveJsonModule"
external setResolveJsonModule: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "resolveJsonModule"
external getTypes: this<'tags, 'base> => array<string> = "types"
external setTypes: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<string>) => unit = "types"
external getTypeRoots: this<'tags, 'base> => array<string> = "typeRoots"
external setTypeRoots: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<string>) => unit = "typeRoots"
external getEsModuleInterop: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "esModuleInterop"
external setEsModuleInterop: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "esModuleInterop"
external getUseDefineForClassFields: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "useDefineForClassFields"
external setUseDefineForClassFields: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "useDefineForClassFields"
@get_index @return(nullable)
external get: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => option<Union.t2<CompilerOptionsValue.t, TsConfigSourceFile.t>> = ""
external set: (this<'tags, 'base>, string, undefined<Union.t2<CompilerOptionsValue.t, TsConfigSourceFile.t>>) => unit = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module CompilerOptionsValue = {
open CompilerOptionsValue
type t = nullable<Union.t8<string, float, bool, array<Union.t2<string, float>>, array<string>, MapLike.t<array<string>>, array<PluginImport.t>, array<ProjectReference.t>>>
type t0 = t
module CompletionEntry = {
open CompletionEntry
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CompletionEntry]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_CompletionEntry ]
external getName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "name"
external setName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "name"
external getKind: this<'tags, 'base> => ScriptElementKind.t = "kind"
external setKind: (this<'tags, 'base>, ScriptElementKind.t) => unit = "kind"
external getKindModifiers: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "kindModifiers"
external setKindModifiers: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "kindModifiers"
external getSortText: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "sortText"
external setSortText: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "sortText"
external getInsertText: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "insertText"
external setInsertText: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "insertText"
external getIsSnippet: this<'tags, 'base> => \"true" = "isSnippet"
external setIsSnippet: (this<'tags, 'base>, \"true") => unit = "isSnippet"
external getReplacementSpan: this<'tags, 'base> => TextSpan.t = "replacementSpan"
external setReplacementSpan: (this<'tags, 'base>, TextSpan.t) => unit = "replacementSpan"
external getHasAction: this<'tags, 'base> => \"true" = "hasAction"
external setHasAction: (this<'tags, 'base>, \"true") => unit = "hasAction"
external getSource: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "source"
external setSource: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "source"
external getSourceDisplay: this<'tags, 'base> => array<SymbolDisplayPart.t> = "sourceDisplay"
external setSourceDisplay: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>) => unit = "sourceDisplay"
external getIsRecommended: this<'tags, 'base> => \"true" = "isRecommended"
external setIsRecommended: (this<'tags, 'base>, \"true") => unit = "isRecommended"
external getIsFromUncheckedFile: this<'tags, 'base> => \"true" = "isFromUncheckedFile"
external setIsFromUncheckedFile: (this<'tags, 'base>, \"true") => unit = "isFromUncheckedFile"
external getIsPackageJsonImport: this<'tags, 'base> => \"true" = "isPackageJsonImport"
external setIsPackageJsonImport: (this<'tags, 'base>, \"true") => unit = "isPackageJsonImport"
external getIsImportStatementCompletion: this<'tags, 'base> => \"true" = "isImportStatementCompletion"
external setIsImportStatementCompletion: (this<'tags, 'base>, \"true") => unit = "isImportStatementCompletion"
external getData: this<'tags, 'base> => CompletionEntryData.t = "data"
external setData: (this<'tags, 'base>, CompletionEntryData.t) => unit = "data"
external make: (~name: string, ~kind: ScriptElementKind.t, ~kindModifiers: string, ~sortText: string, ~insertText: string, ~isSnippet: \"true", ~replacementSpan: TextSpan.t, ~hasAction: \"true", ~source: string, ~sourceDisplay: array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>, ~isRecommended: \"true", ~isFromUncheckedFile: \"true", ~isPackageJsonImport: \"true", ~isImportStatementCompletion: \"true", ~data: CompletionEntryData.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module CompletionEntryData = {
open CompletionEntryData
type t = Union.t2<CompletionEntryDataUnresolved.t, CompletionEntryDataResolved.t>
type t0 = t
module CompletionEntryDataAutoImport = {
open CompletionEntryDataAutoImport
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CompletionEntryDataAutoImport]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_CompletionEntryDataAutoImport ]
external getExportName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "exportName"
external setExportName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "exportName"
external getModuleSpecifier: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "moduleSpecifier"
external setModuleSpecifier: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "moduleSpecifier"
external getFileName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "fileName"
external setFileName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "fileName"
external getAmbientModuleName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "ambientModuleName"
external setAmbientModuleName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "ambientModuleName"
external getIsPackageJsonImport: this<'tags, 'base> => \"true" = "isPackageJsonImport"
external setIsPackageJsonImport: (this<'tags, 'base>, \"true") => unit = "isPackageJsonImport"
external make: (~exportName: string, ~moduleSpecifier: string, ~fileName: string, ~ambientModuleName: string, ~isPackageJsonImport: \"true") => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module CompletionEntryDataResolved = {
open CompletionEntryDataResolved
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CompletionEntryDataAutoImport | #Ts_CompletionEntryDataResolved]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_CompletionEntryDataResolved ]
external getModuleSpecifier: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "moduleSpecifier"
external setModuleSpecifier: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "moduleSpecifier"
external make: ~moduleSpecifier: string => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asCompletionEntryDataAutoImport: t => CompletionEntryDataAutoImport.t = "%identity"
module CompletionEntryDataUnresolved = {
open CompletionEntryDataUnresolved
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CompletionEntryDataAutoImport | #Ts_CompletionEntryDataUnresolved]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_CompletionEntryDataUnresolved ]
external getExportMapKey: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "exportMapKey"
external setExportMapKey: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "exportMapKey"
external make: ~exportMapKey: string => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asCompletionEntryDataAutoImport: t => CompletionEntryDataAutoImport.t = "%identity"
module CompletionEntryDetails = {
open CompletionEntryDetails
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CompletionEntryDetails]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_CompletionEntryDetails ]
external getName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "name"
external setName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "name"
external getKind: this<'tags, 'base> => ScriptElementKind.t = "kind"
external setKind: (this<'tags, 'base>, ScriptElementKind.t) => unit = "kind"
external getKindModifiers: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "kindModifiers"
external setKindModifiers: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "kindModifiers"
external getDisplayParts: this<'tags, 'base> => array<SymbolDisplayPart.t> = "displayParts"
external setDisplayParts: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>) => unit = "displayParts"
external getDocumentation: this<'tags, 'base> => array<SymbolDisplayPart.t> = "documentation"
external setDocumentation: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>) => unit = "documentation"
external getTags: this<'tags, 'base> => array<JSDocTagInfo.t> = "tags"
external setTags: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<JSDocTagInfo.t>) => unit = "tags"
external getCodeActions: this<'tags, 'base> => array<CodeAction.t> = "codeActions"
external setCodeActions: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<CodeAction.t>) => unit = "codeActions"
external getSource: this<'tags, 'base> => array<SymbolDisplayPart.t> = "source"
external setSource: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>) => unit = "source"
external getSourceDisplay: this<'tags, 'base> => array<SymbolDisplayPart.t> = "sourceDisplay"
external setSourceDisplay: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>) => unit = "sourceDisplay"
external make: (~name: string, ~kind: ScriptElementKind.t, ~kindModifiers: string, ~displayParts: array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>, ~documentation: array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>, ~tags: array<JSDocTagInfo.t>, ~codeActions: array<CodeAction.t>, ~source: array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>, ~sourceDisplay: array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module CompletionInfo = {
open CompletionInfo
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CompletionInfo]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_CompletionInfo ]
external getIsGlobalCompletion: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isGlobalCompletion"
external setIsGlobalCompletion: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "isGlobalCompletion"
external getIsMemberCompletion: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isMemberCompletion"
external setIsMemberCompletion: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "isMemberCompletion"
external getOptionalReplacementSpan: this<'tags, 'base> => TextSpan.t = "optionalReplacementSpan"
external setOptionalReplacementSpan: (this<'tags, 'base>, TextSpan.t) => unit = "optionalReplacementSpan"
external getIsNewIdentifierLocation: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isNewIdentifierLocation"
external setIsNewIdentifierLocation: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "isNewIdentifierLocation"
external getIsIncomplete: this<'tags, 'base> => \"true" = "isIncomplete"
external setIsIncomplete: (this<'tags, 'base>, \"true") => unit = "isIncomplete"
external getEntries: this<'tags, 'base> => array<CompletionEntry.t> = "entries"
external setEntries: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<CompletionEntry.t>) => unit = "entries"
external make: (~isGlobalCompletion: bool, ~isMemberCompletion: bool, ~optionalReplacementSpan: TextSpan.t, ~isNewIdentifierLocation: bool, ~isIncomplete: \"true", ~entries: array<CompletionEntry.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module CompletionTriggerKind = {
open CompletionTriggerKind
type t = t
type t_0 = t
module Invoked = {
open Invoked
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("CompletionTriggerKind") @val
external value: t = "Invoked"
module TriggerCharacter = {
open TriggerCharacter
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("CompletionTriggerKind") @val
external value: t = "TriggerCharacter"
module TriggerForIncompleteCompletions = {
open TriggerForIncompleteCompletions
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("CompletionTriggerKind") @val
external value: t = "TriggerForIncompleteCompletions"
module CompletionsTriggerCharacter = {
open CompletionsTriggerCharacter
type t = Union.t8<[#"."], [#"\""], [#"'"], [#"`"], [#"/"], [#"@"], [#"<"], Union.t2<[#"#"], [#" "]>>
type t0 = t
module CompoundAssignmentOperator = {
open CompoundAssignmentOperator
type t = Union.t8<SyntaxKind.PlusEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.MinusEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.AsteriskAsteriskEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.AsteriskEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.SlashEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.PercentEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.AmpersandEqualsToken.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.BarEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.CaretEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.LessThanLessThanEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.BarBarEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.AmpersandAmpersandEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.QuestionQuestionEqualsToken.t>>
type t0 = t
module ComputedPropertyName = {
open ComputedPropertyName
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ComputedPropertyName | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ComputedPropertyName ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ComputedPropertyName.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => Declaration.t = "parent"
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "expression"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ComputedPropertyName.t, ~parent: Declaration.t, ~expression: Expression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
module ConciseBody = {
open ConciseBody
type t = Union.t2<FunctionBody.t, Expression.t>
type t0 = t
module ConditionalExpression = {
open ConditionalExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ConditionalExpression | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ConditionalExpression ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ConditionalExpression.t = "kind"
external condition: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "condition"
external questionToken: this<'tags, 'base> => QuestionToken.t = "questionToken"
external whenTrue: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "whenTrue"
external colonToken: this<'tags, 'base> => ColonToken.t = "colonToken"
external whenFalse: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "whenFalse"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ConditionalExpression.t, ~condition: Expression.t, ~questionToken: QuestionToken.t, ~whenTrue: Expression.t, ~colonToken: ColonToken.t, ~whenFalse: Expression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asExpression: t => Expression.t = "%identity"
module ConditionalRoot = {
open ConditionalRoot
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ConditionalRoot]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ConditionalRoot ]
external getNode: this<'tags, 'base> => ConditionalTypeNode.t = "node"
external setNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ConditionalTypeNode.t) => unit = "node"
external getCheckType: this<'tags, 'base> => Type.t = "checkType"
external setCheckType: (this<'tags, 'base>, Type.t) => unit = "checkType"
external getExtendsType: this<'tags, 'base> => Type.t = "extendsType"
external setExtendsType: (this<'tags, 'base>, Type.t) => unit = "extendsType"
external getIsDistributive: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isDistributive"
external setIsDistributive: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "isDistributive"
external getInferTypeParameters: this<'tags, 'base> => array<TypeParameter.t> = "inferTypeParameters"
external setInferTypeParameters: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<TypeParameter.t>) => unit = "inferTypeParameters"
external getOuterTypeParameters: this<'tags, 'base> => array<TypeParameter.t> = "outerTypeParameters"
external setOuterTypeParameters: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<TypeParameter.t>) => unit = "outerTypeParameters"
external getInstantiations: this<'tags, 'base> => Map.t<Type.t> = "instantiations"
external setInstantiations: (this<'tags, 'base>, Map.t<Type.t>) => unit = "instantiations"
external getAliasSymbol: this<'tags, 'base> => Symbol.t = "aliasSymbol"
external setAliasSymbol: (this<'tags, 'base>, Symbol.t) => unit = "aliasSymbol"
external getAliasTypeArguments: this<'tags, 'base> => array<Type.t> = "aliasTypeArguments"
external setAliasTypeArguments: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<Type.t>) => unit = "aliasTypeArguments"
external make: (~node: ConditionalTypeNode.t, ~checkType: Type.t, ~extendsType: Type.t, ~isDistributive: bool, ~inferTypeParameters: array<TypeParameter.t>, ~outerTypeParameters: array<TypeParameter.t>, ~instantiations: Map.t<Type.t>, ~aliasSymbol: Symbol.t, ~aliasTypeArguments: array<Type.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module ConditionalType = {
open ConditionalType
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ConditionalType | #Ts_InstantiableType | #Ts_Type]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ConditionalType ]
external getRoot: this<'tags, 'base> => ConditionalRoot.t = "root"
external setRoot: (this<'tags, 'base>, ConditionalRoot.t) => unit = "root"
external getCheckType: this<'tags, 'base> => Type.t = "checkType"
external setCheckType: (this<'tags, 'base>, Type.t) => unit = "checkType"
external getExtendsType: this<'tags, 'base> => Type.t = "extendsType"
external setExtendsType: (this<'tags, 'base>, Type.t) => unit = "extendsType"
external getResolvedTrueType: this<'tags, 'base> => Type.t = "resolvedTrueType"
external setResolvedTrueType: (this<'tags, 'base>, Type.t) => unit = "resolvedTrueType"
external getResolvedFalseType: this<'tags, 'base> => Type.t = "resolvedFalseType"
external setResolvedFalseType: (this<'tags, 'base>, Type.t) => unit = "resolvedFalseType"
external make: (~root: ConditionalRoot.t, ~checkType: Type.t, ~extendsType: Type.t, ~resolvedTrueType: Type.t, ~resolvedFalseType: Type.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asInstantiableType: t => InstantiableType.t = "%identity"
module ConditionalTypeNode = {
open ConditionalTypeNode
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ConditionalTypeNode | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ConditionalTypeNode ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ConditionalType.t = "kind"
external checkType: this<'tags, 'base> => TypeNode.t = "checkType"
external extendsType: this<'tags, 'base> => TypeNode.t = "extendsType"
external trueType: this<'tags, 'base> => TypeNode.t = "trueType"
external falseType: this<'tags, 'base> => TypeNode.t = "falseType"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ConditionalType.t, ~checkType: TypeNode.t, ~extendsType: TypeNode.t, ~trueType: TypeNode.t, ~falseType: TypeNode.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asTypeNode: t => TypeNode.t = "%identity"
module ConfigFileDiagnosticsReporter = {
open ConfigFileDiagnosticsReporter
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ConfigFileDiagnosticsReporter]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ConfigFileDiagnosticsReporter ]
external getOnUnRecoverableConfigFileDiagnostic: this<'tags, 'base> => DiagnosticReporter.t = "onUnRecoverableConfigFileDiagnostic"
external setOnUnRecoverableConfigFileDiagnostic: (this<'tags, 'base>, DiagnosticReporter.t) => unit = "onUnRecoverableConfigFileDiagnostic"
external make: ~onUnRecoverableConfigFileDiagnostic: DiagnosticReporter.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module ConstKeyword = {
open ConstKeyword
type t = ModifierToken.t<SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword.t>
type t0 = t
module ConstructSignatureDeclaration = {
open ConstructSignatureDeclaration
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ConstructSignatureDeclaration | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase | #Ts_TypeElement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ConstructSignatureDeclaration ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ConstructSignature.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.ConstructSignature.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asSignatureDeclarationBase: t => SignatureDeclarationBase.t = "%identity"
external asTypeElement: t => TypeElement.t = "%identity"
module ConstructorDeclaration = {
open ConstructorDeclaration
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ClassElement | #Ts_ConstructorDeclaration | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_FunctionLikeDeclarationBase | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ConstructorDeclaration ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.Constructor.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => ClassLikeDeclaration.t = "parent"
external body: this<'tags, 'base> => FunctionBody.t = "body"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.Constructor.t, ~parent: ClassLikeDeclaration.t, ~body: FunctionBody.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asFunctionLikeDeclarationBase: t => FunctionLikeDeclarationBase.t = "%identity"
external asClassElement: t => ClassElement.t = "%identity"
external asJSDocContainer: t => JSDocContainer.t = "%identity"
module ConstructorTypeNode = {
open ConstructorTypeNode
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ConstructorTypeNode | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_FunctionOrConstructorTypeNodeBase | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase | #Ts_TypeNode]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ConstructorTypeNode ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ConstructorType.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.ConstructorType.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asFunctionOrConstructorTypeNodeBase: t => FunctionOrConstructorTypeNodeBase.t = "%identity"
module ContinueStatement = {
open ContinueStatement
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ContinueStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ContinueStatement ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ContinueStatement.t = "kind"
external label: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "label"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ContinueStatement.t, ~label: Identifier.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asStatement: t => Statement.t = "%identity"
module CoreTransformationContext = {
open CoreTransformationContext
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CoreTransformationContext]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_CoreTransformationContext ]
external factory: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeFactory.t = "factory"
external getCompilerOptions: this<'tags, 'base> => CompilerOptions.t = "getCompilerOptions"
external startLexicalEnvironment: this<'tags, 'base> => unit = "startLexicalEnvironment"
external suspendLexicalEnvironment: this<'tags, 'base> => unit = "suspendLexicalEnvironment"
external resumeLexicalEnvironment: this<'tags, 'base> => unit = "resumeLexicalEnvironment"
@send @return(nullable)
external endLexicalEnvironment: this<'tags, 'base> => option<array<Statement.t>> = "endLexicalEnvironment"
external hoistFunctionDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:FunctionDeclaration.t) => unit = "hoistFunctionDeclaration"
external hoistVariableDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:Identifier.t) => unit = "hoistVariableDeclaration"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module CreateProgram = {
open CreateProgram
type t<'T> = (~rootNames:undefined<array<string>>, ~options:undefined<CompilerOptions.t>, ~host:CompilerHost.t=?, ~oldProgram:'T=?, ~configFileParsingDiagnostics:array<Diagnostic.t>=?, ~projectReferences:undefined<array<ProjectReference.t>>=?, unit) => 'T
type t1<'T> = t<'T>
module CreateProgramOptions = {
open CreateProgramOptions
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CreateProgramOptions]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_CreateProgramOptions ]
external getRootNames: this<'tags, 'base> => array<string> = "rootNames"
external setRootNames: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<string>) => unit = "rootNames"
external getOptions: this<'tags, 'base> => CompilerOptions.t = "options"
external setOptions: (this<'tags, 'base>, CompilerOptions.t) => unit = "options"
external getProjectReferences: this<'tags, 'base> => array<ProjectReference.t> = "projectReferences"
external setProjectReferences: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<ProjectReference.t>) => unit = "projectReferences"
external getHost: this<'tags, 'base> => CompilerHost.t = "host"
external setHost: (this<'tags, 'base>, CompilerHost.t) => unit = "host"
external getOldProgram: this<'tags, 'base> => Program.t = "oldProgram"
external setOldProgram: (this<'tags, 'base>, Program.t) => unit = "oldProgram"
external getConfigFileParsingDiagnostics: this<'tags, 'base> => array<Diagnostic.t> = "configFileParsingDiagnostics"
external setConfigFileParsingDiagnostics: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<Diagnostic.t>) => unit = "configFileParsingDiagnostics"
external make: (~rootNames: array<string>, ~options: CompilerOptions.t, ~projectReferences: array<ProjectReference.t>, ~host: CompilerHost.t, ~oldProgram: Program.t, ~configFileParsingDiagnostics: array<Diagnostic.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module CustomTransformer = {
open CustomTransformer
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CustomTransformer]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_CustomTransformer ]
external transformSourceFile: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:SourceFile.t) => SourceFile.t = "transformSourceFile"
external transformBundle: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:Bundle.t) => Bundle.t = "transformBundle"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module CustomTransformerFactory = {
open CustomTransformerFactory
type t = TransformationContext.t => CustomTransformer.t
type t0 = t
module CustomTransformers = {
open CustomTransformers
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CustomTransformers]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_CustomTransformers ]
external getBefore: this<'tags, 'base> => array<Union.t2<TransformerFactory.t<SourceFile.t>, CustomTransformerFactory.t>> = "before"
external setBefore: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<Union.t2<TransformerFactory.t<SourceFile.t>, CustomTransformerFactory.t>>) => unit = "before"
external getAfter: this<'tags, 'base> => array<Union.t2<TransformerFactory.t<SourceFile.t>, CustomTransformerFactory.t>> = "after"
external setAfter: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<Union.t2<TransformerFactory.t<SourceFile.t>, CustomTransformerFactory.t>>) => unit = "after"
external getAfterDeclarations: this<'tags, 'base> => array<Union.t2<TransformerFactory.t<Union.t2<Bundle.t, SourceFile.t>>, CustomTransformerFactory.t>> = "afterDeclarations"
external setAfterDeclarations: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<Union.t2<TransformerFactory.t<Union.t2<Bundle.t, SourceFile.t>>, CustomTransformerFactory.t>>) => unit = "afterDeclarations"
external make: (~before: array<Union.t2<TransformerFactory.t<SourceFile.t>, CustomTransformerFactory.t>>, ~after: array<Union.t2<TransformerFactory.t<SourceFile.t>, CustomTransformerFactory.t>>, ~afterDeclarations: array<Union.t2<TransformerFactory.t<Union.t2<Bundle.t, SourceFile.t>>, CustomTransformerFactory.t>>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module DebuggerStatement = {
open DebuggerStatement
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_DebuggerStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_DebuggerStatement ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.DebuggerStatement.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.DebuggerStatement.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asStatement: t => Statement.t = "%identity"
module Declaration = {
open Declaration
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_Declaration ]
external get_declarationBrand: this<'tags, 'base> => any = "_declarationBrand"
external set_declarationBrand: (this<'tags, 'base>, any) => unit = "_declarationBrand"
external make: ~\"_declarationBrand": any => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
module DeclarationName = {
open DeclarationName
type t = Union.t8<Identifier.t, PrivateIdentifier.t, StringLiteralLike.t, NumericLiteral.t, ComputedPropertyName.t, ElementAccessExpression.t, BindingPattern.t, EntityNameExpression.t>
type t0 = t
module DeclarationStatement = {
open DeclarationStatement
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_DeclarationStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_DeclarationStatement ]
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t3<Identifier.t, StringLiteral.t, NumericLiteral.t> = "name"
external make: ~name: Union.t3<Identifier.t, StringLiteral.t, NumericLiteral.t> => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNamedDeclaration: t => NamedDeclaration.t = "%identity"
external asStatement: t => Statement.t = "%identity"
module DeclarationWithTypeParameterChildren = {
open DeclarationWithTypeParameterChildren
type t = Union.t5<SignatureDeclaration.t, ClassLikeDeclaration.t, InterfaceDeclaration.t, TypeAliasDeclaration.t, JSDocTemplateTag.t>
type t0 = t
module DeclarationWithTypeParameters = {
open DeclarationWithTypeParameters
type t = Union.t4<DeclarationWithTypeParameterChildren.t, JSDocTypedefTag.t, JSDocCallbackTag.t, JSDocSignature.t>
type t0 = t
module DeclareKeyword = {
open DeclareKeyword
type t = ModifierToken.t<SyntaxKind.DeclareKeyword.t>
type t0 = t
module Decorator = {
open Decorator
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Decorator | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_Decorator ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.Decorator.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => NamedDeclaration.t = "parent"
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => LeftHandSideExpression.t = "expression"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.Decorator.t, ~parent: NamedDeclaration.t, ~expression: LeftHandSideExpression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
module DefaultClause = {
open DefaultClause
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_DefaultClause | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_DefaultClause ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.DefaultClause.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => CaseBlock.t = "parent"
external statements: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<Statement.t> = "statements"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.DefaultClause.t, ~parent: CaseBlock.t, ~statements: NodeArray.t<Statement.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
module DefaultKeyword = {
open DefaultKeyword
type t = ModifierToken.t<SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword.t>
type t0 = t
module DeferredTypeReference = {
open DeferredTypeReference
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_DeferredTypeReference | #Ts_ObjectType | #Ts_Type | #Ts_TypeReference]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_DeferredTypeReference ]
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asTypeReference: t => TypeReference.t = "%identity"
module DefinitionInfo = {
open DefinitionInfo
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_DefinitionInfo | #Ts_DocumentSpan]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_DefinitionInfo ]
external getKind: this<'tags, 'base> => ScriptElementKind.t = "kind"
external setKind: (this<'tags, 'base>, ScriptElementKind.t) => unit = "kind"
external getName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "name"
external setName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "name"
external getContainerKind: this<'tags, 'base> => ScriptElementKind.t = "containerKind"
external setContainerKind: (this<'tags, 'base>, ScriptElementKind.t) => unit = "containerKind"
external getContainerName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "containerName"
external setContainerName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "containerName"
external getUnverified: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "unverified"
external setUnverified: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "unverified"
external make: (~kind: ScriptElementKind.t, ~name: string, ~containerKind: ScriptElementKind.t, ~containerName: string, ~unverified: bool) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asDocumentSpan: t => DocumentSpan.t = "%identity"
module DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpan = {
open DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpan
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpan]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpan ]
external getDefinitions: this<'tags, 'base> => array<DefinitionInfo.t> = "definitions"
external setDefinitions: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<DefinitionInfo.t>) => unit = "definitions"
external getTextSpan: this<'tags, 'base> => TextSpan.t = "textSpan"
external setTextSpan: (this<'tags, 'base>, TextSpan.t) => unit = "textSpan"
external make: (~definitions: array<DefinitionInfo.t>, ~textSpan: TextSpan.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module DeleteExpression = {
open DeleteExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_DeleteExpression | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_DeleteExpression ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.DeleteExpression.t = "kind"
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => UnaryExpression.t = "expression"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.DeleteExpression.t, ~expression: UnaryExpression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asUnaryExpression: t => UnaryExpression.t = "%identity"
module DestructuringAssignment = {
open DestructuringAssignment
type t = Union.t2<ObjectDestructuringAssignment.t, ArrayDestructuringAssignment.t>
type t0 = t
module DestructuringPattern = {
open DestructuringPattern
type t = Union.t3<BindingPattern.t, ObjectLiteralExpression.t, ArrayLiteralExpression.t>
type t0 = t
module Diagnostic = {
open Diagnostic
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Diagnostic | #Ts_DiagnosticRelatedInformation]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_Diagnostic ]
external getReportsUnnecessary: this<'tags, 'base> => untyped_object = "reportsUnnecessary"
external setReportsUnnecessary: (this<'tags, 'base>, untyped_object) => unit = "reportsUnnecessary"
external getReportsDeprecated: this<'tags, 'base> => untyped_object = "reportsDeprecated"
external setReportsDeprecated: (this<'tags, 'base>, untyped_object) => unit = "reportsDeprecated"
external getSource: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "source"
external setSource: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "source"
external getRelatedInformation: this<'tags, 'base> => array<DiagnosticRelatedInformation.t> = "relatedInformation"
external setRelatedInformation: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<DiagnosticRelatedInformation.t>) => unit = "relatedInformation"
external make: (~reportsUnnecessary: untyped_object, ~reportsDeprecated: untyped_object, ~source: string, ~relatedInformation: array<DiagnosticRelatedInformation.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asDiagnosticRelatedInformation: t => DiagnosticRelatedInformation.t = "%identity"
module DiagnosticCategory = {
open DiagnosticCategory
type t = t = Warning | Error | Suggestion | Message
type t_0 = t
module Warning = {
open Warning
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("DiagnosticCategory") @val
external value: t = "Warning"
module Error = {
open Error
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("DiagnosticCategory") @val
external value: t = "Error"
module Suggestion = {
open Suggestion
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("DiagnosticCategory") @val
external value: t = "Suggestion"
module Message = {
open Message
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("DiagnosticCategory") @val
external value: t = "Message"
module DiagnosticMessage = {
open DiagnosticMessage
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_DiagnosticMessage]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_DiagnosticMessage ]
external getKey: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "key"
external setKey: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "key"
external getCategory: this<'tags, 'base> => DiagnosticCategory.t = "category"
external setCategory: (this<'tags, 'base>, DiagnosticCategory.t) => unit = "category"
external getCode: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "code"
external setCode: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "code"
external getMessage: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "message"
external setMessage: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "message"
external getReportsUnnecessary: this<'tags, 'base> => untyped_object = "reportsUnnecessary"
external setReportsUnnecessary: (this<'tags, 'base>, untyped_object) => unit = "reportsUnnecessary"
external getReportsDeprecated: this<'tags, 'base> => untyped_object = "reportsDeprecated"
external setReportsDeprecated: (this<'tags, 'base>, untyped_object) => unit = "reportsDeprecated"
external make: (~key: string, ~category: DiagnosticCategory.t, ~code: float, ~message: string, ~reportsUnnecessary: untyped_object, ~reportsDeprecated: untyped_object) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module DiagnosticMessageChain = {
open DiagnosticMessageChain
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_DiagnosticMessageChain]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_DiagnosticMessageChain ]
external getMessageText: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "messageText"
external setMessageText: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "messageText"
external getCategory: this<'tags, 'base> => DiagnosticCategory.t = "category"
external setCategory: (this<'tags, 'base>, DiagnosticCategory.t) => unit = "category"
external getCode: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "code"
external setCode: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "code"
external getNext: this<'tags, 'base> => array<t> = "next"
external setNext: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<t>) => unit = "next"
external make: (~messageText: string, ~category: DiagnosticCategory.t, ~code: float, ~next: array<t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module DiagnosticRelatedInformation = {
open DiagnosticRelatedInformation
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_DiagnosticRelatedInformation]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_DiagnosticRelatedInformation ]
external getCategory: this<'tags, 'base> => DiagnosticCategory.t = "category"
external setCategory: (this<'tags, 'base>, DiagnosticCategory.t) => unit = "category"
external getCode: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "code"
external setCode: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "code"
@get @return(nullable)
external getFile: this<'tags, 'base> => option<SourceFile.t> = "file"
external setFile: (this<'tags, 'base>, undefined<SourceFile.t>) => unit = "file"
@get @return(nullable)
external getStart: this<'tags, 'base> => option<float> = "start"
external setStart: (this<'tags, 'base>, undefined<float>) => unit = "start"
@get @return(nullable)
external getLength: this<'tags, 'base> => option<float> = "length"
external setLength: (this<'tags, 'base>, undefined<float>) => unit = "length"
external getMessageText: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<string, DiagnosticMessageChain.t> = "messageText"
external setMessageText: (this<'tags, 'base>, Union.t2<string, DiagnosticMessageChain.t>) => unit = "messageText"
external make: (~category: DiagnosticCategory.t, ~code: float, ~file: SourceFile.t=?, ~start: float=?, ~length: float=?, ~messageText: Union.t2<string, DiagnosticMessageChain.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module DiagnosticReporter = {
open DiagnosticReporter
type t = Diagnostic.t => unit
type t0 = t
module DiagnosticWithLocation = {
open DiagnosticWithLocation
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Diagnostic | #Ts_DiagnosticRelatedInformation | #Ts_DiagnosticWithLocation]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_DiagnosticWithLocation ]
external getFile: this<'tags, 'base> => SourceFile.t = "file"
external setFile: (this<'tags, 'base>, SourceFile.t) => unit = "file"
external getStart: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "start"
external setStart: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "start"
external getLength: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "length"
external setLength: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "length"
external make: (~file: SourceFile.t, ~start: float, ~length: float) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asDiagnostic: t => Diagnostic.t = "%identity"
module DirectoryWatcherCallback = {
open DirectoryWatcherCallback
type t = string => unit
type t0 = t
module DoStatement = {
open DoStatement
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_DoStatement | #Ts_IterationStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_DoStatement ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.DoStatement.t = "kind"
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "expression"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.DoStatement.t, ~expression: Expression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asIterationStatement: t => IterationStatement.t = "%identity"
module DocCommentTemplateOptions = {
open DocCommentTemplateOptions
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_DocCommentTemplateOptions]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_DocCommentTemplateOptions ]
external generateReturnInDocTemplate: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "generateReturnInDocTemplate"
external make: ~generateReturnInDocTemplate: bool => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module DocumentHighlights = {
open DocumentHighlights
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_DocumentHighlights]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_DocumentHighlights ]
external getFileName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "fileName"
external setFileName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "fileName"
external getHighlightSpans: this<'tags, 'base> => array<HighlightSpan.t> = "highlightSpans"
external setHighlightSpans: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<HighlightSpan.t>) => unit = "highlightSpans"
external make: (~fileName: string, ~highlightSpans: array<HighlightSpan.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module DocumentRegistry = {
open DocumentRegistry
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_DocumentRegistry]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_DocumentRegistry ]
external acquireDocument: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~compilationSettings:CompilerOptions.t, ~scriptSnapshot:IScriptSnapshot.t, ~version:string, ~scriptKind:ScriptKind.t=?, unit) => SourceFile.t = "acquireDocument"
external acquireDocumentWithKey: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~path:Path.t, ~compilationSettings:CompilerOptions.t, ~key:DocumentRegistryBucketKey.t, ~scriptSnapshot:IScriptSnapshot.t, ~version:string, ~scriptKind:ScriptKind.t=?, unit) => SourceFile.t = "acquireDocumentWithKey"
external updateDocument: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~compilationSettings:CompilerOptions.t, ~scriptSnapshot:IScriptSnapshot.t, ~version:string, ~scriptKind:ScriptKind.t=?, unit) => SourceFile.t = "updateDocument"
external updateDocumentWithKey: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~path:Path.t, ~compilationSettings:CompilerOptions.t, ~key:DocumentRegistryBucketKey.t, ~scriptSnapshot:IScriptSnapshot.t, ~version:string, ~scriptKind:ScriptKind.t=?, unit) => SourceFile.t = "updateDocumentWithKey"
external getKeyForCompilationSettings: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~settings:CompilerOptions.t) => DocumentRegistryBucketKey.t = "getKeyForCompilationSettings"
external releaseDocument: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~compilationSettings:CompilerOptions.t) => unit = "releaseDocument"
external releaseDocument': (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~compilationSettings:CompilerOptions.t, ~scriptKind:ScriptKind.t) => unit = "releaseDocument"
external releaseDocumentWithKey: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~path:Path.t, ~key:DocumentRegistryBucketKey.t) => unit = "releaseDocumentWithKey"
external releaseDocumentWithKey': (this<'tags, 'base>, ~path:Path.t, ~key:DocumentRegistryBucketKey.t, ~scriptKind:ScriptKind.t) => unit = "releaseDocumentWithKey"
external reportStats: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "reportStats"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module DocumentRegistryBucketKey = {
open DocumentRegistryBucketKey
module AnonymousInterface0 = {
open AnonymousInterface0
type t = t
external get__bucketKey: t => any = "__bucketKey"
external set__bucketKey: (t, any) => unit = "__bucketKey"
external make: ~\"__bucketKey": any => t = ""
type t = Intersection.t2<string, AnonymousInterface0.t>
type t0 = t
module DocumentSpan = {
open DocumentSpan
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_DocumentSpan]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_DocumentSpan ]
external getTextSpan: this<'tags, 'base> => TextSpan.t = "textSpan"
external setTextSpan: (this<'tags, 'base>, TextSpan.t) => unit = "textSpan"
external getFileName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "fileName"
external setFileName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "fileName"
external getOriginalTextSpan: this<'tags, 'base> => TextSpan.t = "originalTextSpan"
external setOriginalTextSpan: (this<'tags, 'base>, TextSpan.t) => unit = "originalTextSpan"
external getOriginalFileName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "originalFileName"
external setOriginalFileName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "originalFileName"
external getContextSpan: this<'tags, 'base> => TextSpan.t = "contextSpan"
external setContextSpan: (this<'tags, 'base>, TextSpan.t) => unit = "contextSpan"
external getOriginalContextSpan: this<'tags, 'base> => TextSpan.t = "originalContextSpan"
external setOriginalContextSpan: (this<'tags, 'base>, TextSpan.t) => unit = "originalContextSpan"
external make: (~textSpan: TextSpan.t, ~fileName: string, ~originalTextSpan: TextSpan.t, ~originalFileName: string, ~contextSpan: TextSpan.t, ~originalContextSpan: TextSpan.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module DotDotDotToken = {
open DotDotDotToken
type t = PunctuationToken.t<SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken.t>
type t0 = t
module DotToken = {
open DotToken
type t = PunctuationToken.t<SyntaxKind.DotToken.t>
type t0 = t
module ESMap = {
open ESMap
type t<'K, 'V> = t<'K, 'V>
type t2<'K, 'V> = t<'K, 'V>
type tags<'K, 'V> = [#Ts_Collection('K) | #Ts_ReadonlyCollection('K) | #Ts_ESMap('K, 'V) | #Ts_ReadonlyESMap('K, 'V)]
type tags2<'K, 'V> = tags<'K, 'V>
type this<'tags, 'base, 'K, 'V> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ESMap('K, 'V) ]
external set: (this<'tags, 'base, 'K, 'V>, ~key:'K, ~value:'V) => this<'tags, 'base, 'K, 'V> = "set"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base, 'K, 'V> => t<'K, 'V> = "%identity"
external asReadonlyESMap: t<'K, 'V> => ReadonlyESMap.t<'K, 'V> = "%identity"
external asCollection: t<'K, 'V> => Collection.t<'K> = "%identity"
module EditorOptions = {
open EditorOptions
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_EditorOptions]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_EditorOptions ]
external getBaseIndentSize: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "BaseIndentSize"
external setBaseIndentSize: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "BaseIndentSize"
external getIndentSize: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "IndentSize"
external setIndentSize: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "IndentSize"
external getTabSize: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "TabSize"
external setTabSize: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "TabSize"
external getNewLineCharacter: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "NewLineCharacter"
external setNewLineCharacter: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "NewLineCharacter"
external getConvertTabsToSpaces: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "ConvertTabsToSpaces"
external setConvertTabsToSpaces: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "ConvertTabsToSpaces"
external getIndentStyle: this<'tags, 'base> => IndentStyle.t = "IndentStyle"
external setIndentStyle: (this<'tags, 'base>, IndentStyle.t) => unit = "IndentStyle"
external make: (~baseIndentSize: float, ~indentSize: float, ~tabSize: float, ~newLineCharacter: string, ~convertTabsToSpaces: bool, ~indentStyle: IndentStyle.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module EditorSettings = {
open EditorSettings
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_EditorSettings]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_EditorSettings ]
external getBaseIndentSize: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "baseIndentSize"
external setBaseIndentSize: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "baseIndentSize"
external getIndentSize: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "indentSize"
external setIndentSize: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "indentSize"
external getTabSize: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "tabSize"
external setTabSize: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "tabSize"
external getNewLineCharacter: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "newLineCharacter"
external setNewLineCharacter: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "newLineCharacter"
external getConvertTabsToSpaces: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "convertTabsToSpaces"
external setConvertTabsToSpaces: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "convertTabsToSpaces"
external getIndentStyle: this<'tags, 'base> => IndentStyle.t = "indentStyle"
external setIndentStyle: (this<'tags, 'base>, IndentStyle.t) => unit = "indentStyle"
external getTrimTrailingWhitespace: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "trimTrailingWhitespace"
external setTrimTrailingWhitespace: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "trimTrailingWhitespace"
external make: (~baseIndentSize: float, ~indentSize: float, ~tabSize: float, ~newLineCharacter: string, ~convertTabsToSpaces: bool, ~indentStyle: IndentStyle.t, ~trimTrailingWhitespace: bool) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module ElementAccessChain = {
open ElementAccessChain
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ElementAccessChain | #Ts_ElementAccessExpression | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ElementAccessChain ]
external get_optionalChainBrand: this<'tags, 'base> => any = "_optionalChainBrand"
external set_optionalChainBrand: (this<'tags, 'base>, any) => unit = "_optionalChainBrand"
external make: ~\"_optionalChainBrand": any => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asElementAccessExpression: t => ElementAccessExpression.t = "%identity"
module ElementAccessExpression = {
open ElementAccessExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ElementAccessExpression | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ElementAccessExpression ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ElementAccessExpression.t = "kind"
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => LeftHandSideExpression.t = "expression"
external questionDotToken: this<'tags, 'base> => QuestionDotToken.t = "questionDotToken"
external argumentExpression: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "argumentExpression"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ElementAccessExpression.t, ~expression: LeftHandSideExpression.t, ~questionDotToken: QuestionDotToken.t, ~argumentExpression: Expression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asMemberExpression: t => MemberExpression.t = "%identity"
module ElementFlags = {
open ElementFlags
type t = t
type t_0 = t
module Required = {
open Required
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ElementFlags") @val
external value: t = "Required"
module Optional = {
open Optional
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ElementFlags") @val
external value: t = "Optional"
module Rest = {
open Rest
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ElementFlags") @val
external value: t = "Rest"
module Variadic = {
open Variadic
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ElementFlags") @val
external value: t = "Variadic"
module Fixed = {
open Fixed
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ElementFlags") @val
external value: t = "Fixed"
module Variable = {
open Variable
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ElementFlags") @val
external value: t = "Variable"
module NonRequired = {
open NonRequired
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ElementFlags") @val
external value: t = "NonRequired"
module NonRest = {
open NonRest
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ElementFlags") @val
external value: t = "NonRest"
module EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram = {
open EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_BuilderProgram | #Ts_EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram | #Ts_SemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_EmitAndSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram ]
external emitNextAffectedFile: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~writeFile:WriteFileCallback.t=?, ~cancellationToken:CancellationToken.t=?, ~emitOnlyDtsFiles:bool=?, ~customTransformers:CustomTransformers.t=?, unit) => AffectedFileResult.t<EmitResult.t> = "emitNextAffectedFile"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asSemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram: t => SemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram.t = "%identity"
module EmitFlags = {
open EmitFlags
type t = t
type t_0 = t
module None = {
open None
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitFlags") @val
external value: t = "None"
module SingleLine = {
open SingleLine
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitFlags") @val
external value: t = "SingleLine"
module AdviseOnEmitNode = {
open AdviseOnEmitNode
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitFlags") @val
external value: t = "AdviseOnEmitNode"
module NoSubstitution = {
open NoSubstitution
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitFlags") @val
external value: t = "NoSubstitution"
module CapturesThis = {
open CapturesThis
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitFlags") @val
external value: t = "CapturesThis"
module NoLeadingSourceMap = {
open NoLeadingSourceMap
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitFlags") @val
external value: t = "NoLeadingSourceMap"
module NoTrailingSourceMap = {
open NoTrailingSourceMap
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitFlags") @val
external value: t = "NoTrailingSourceMap"
module NoSourceMap = {
open NoSourceMap
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitFlags") @val
external value: t = "NoSourceMap"
module NoNestedSourceMaps = {
open NoNestedSourceMaps
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitFlags") @val
external value: t = "NoNestedSourceMaps"
module NoTokenLeadingSourceMaps = {
open NoTokenLeadingSourceMaps
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitFlags") @val
external value: t = "NoTokenLeadingSourceMaps"
module NoTokenTrailingSourceMaps = {
open NoTokenTrailingSourceMaps
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitFlags") @val
external value: t = "NoTokenTrailingSourceMaps"
module NoTokenSourceMaps = {
open NoTokenSourceMaps
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitFlags") @val
external value: t = "NoTokenSourceMaps"
module NoLeadingComments = {
open NoLeadingComments
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitFlags") @val
external value: t = "NoLeadingComments"
module NoTrailingComments = {
open NoTrailingComments
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitFlags") @val
external value: t = "NoTrailingComments"
module NoComments = {
open NoComments
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitFlags") @val
external value: t = "NoComments"
module NoNestedComments = {
open NoNestedComments
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitFlags") @val
external value: t = "NoNestedComments"
module HelperName = {
open HelperName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitFlags") @val
external value: t = "HelperName"
module ExportName = {
open ExportName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitFlags") @val
external value: t = "ExportName"
module LocalName = {
open LocalName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitFlags") @val
external value: t = "LocalName"
module InternalName = {
open InternalName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitFlags") @val
external value: t = "InternalName"
module Indented = {
open Indented
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitFlags") @val
external value: t = "Indented"
module NoIndentation = {
open NoIndentation
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitFlags") @val
external value: t = "NoIndentation"
module AsyncFunctionBody = {
open AsyncFunctionBody
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitFlags") @val
external value: t = "AsyncFunctionBody"
module ReuseTempVariableScope = {
open ReuseTempVariableScope
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitFlags") @val
external value: t = "ReuseTempVariableScope"
module CustomPrologue = {
open CustomPrologue
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitFlags") @val
external value: t = "CustomPrologue"
module NoHoisting = {
open NoHoisting
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitFlags") @val
external value: t = "NoHoisting"
module HasEndOfDeclarationMarker = {
open HasEndOfDeclarationMarker
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitFlags") @val
external value: t = "HasEndOfDeclarationMarker"
module Iterator = {
open Iterator
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitFlags") @val
external value: t = "Iterator"
module NoAsciiEscaping = {
open NoAsciiEscaping
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitFlags") @val
external value: t = "NoAsciiEscaping"
module EmitHelper = {
open EmitHelper
type t = Union.t2<ScopedEmitHelper.t, UnscopedEmitHelper.t>
type t0 = t
module EmitHelperBase = {
open EmitHelperBase
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_EmitHelperBase]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_EmitHelperBase ]
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "name"
external scoped: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "scoped"
external text: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<string, (EmitHelperUniqueNameCallback.t => string)> = "text"
external priority: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "priority"
external dependencies: this<'tags, 'base> => array<EmitHelper.t> = "dependencies"
external make: (~name: string, ~scoped: bool, ~text: Union.t2<string, (EmitHelperUniqueNameCallback.t => string)>, ~priority: float, ~dependencies: array<EmitHelper.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module EmitHelperUniqueNameCallback = {
open EmitHelperUniqueNameCallback
type t = string => string
type t0 = t
module EmitHint = {
open EmitHint
type t = t = | SourceFile
| Expression
| IdentifierName
| MappedTypeParameter
| Unspecified
| EmbeddedStatement
| JsxAttributeValue
type t_0 = t
module SourceFile = {
open SourceFile
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitHint") @val
external value: t = "SourceFile"
module Expression = {
open Expression
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitHint") @val
external value: t = "Expression"
module IdentifierName = {
open IdentifierName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitHint") @val
external value: t = "IdentifierName"
module MappedTypeParameter = {
open MappedTypeParameter
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitHint") @val
external value: t = "MappedTypeParameter"
module Unspecified = {
open Unspecified
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitHint") @val
external value: t = "Unspecified"
module EmbeddedStatement = {
open EmbeddedStatement
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitHint") @val
external value: t = "EmbeddedStatement"
module JsxAttributeValue = {
open JsxAttributeValue
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EmitHint") @val
external value: t = "JsxAttributeValue"
module EmitOutput = {
open EmitOutput
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_EmitOutput]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_EmitOutput ]
external getOutputFiles: this<'tags, 'base> => array<OutputFile.t> = "outputFiles"
external setOutputFiles: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<OutputFile.t>) => unit = "outputFiles"
external getEmitSkipped: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "emitSkipped"
external setEmitSkipped: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "emitSkipped"
external make: (~outputFiles: array<OutputFile.t>, ~emitSkipped: bool) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module EmitResult = {
open EmitResult
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_EmitResult]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_EmitResult ]
external getEmitSkipped: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "emitSkipped"
external setEmitSkipped: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "emitSkipped"
external getDiagnostics: this<'tags, 'base> => array<Diagnostic.t> = "diagnostics"
external setDiagnostics: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<Diagnostic.t>) => unit = "diagnostics"
external getEmittedFiles: this<'tags, 'base> => array<string> = "emittedFiles"
external setEmittedFiles: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<string>) => unit = "emittedFiles"
external make: (~emitSkipped: bool, ~diagnostics: array<Diagnostic.t>, ~emittedFiles: array<string>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module EmptyStatement = {
open EmptyStatement
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_EmptyStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_EmptyStatement ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.EmptyStatement.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.EmptyStatement.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asStatement: t => Statement.t = "%identity"
module EndOfFileToken = {
open EndOfFileToken
type t = Intersection.t2<Token.t<SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken.t>, JSDocContainer.t>
type t0 = t
module EndOfLineState = {
open EndOfLineState
type t = t = | None
| InMultiLineCommentTrivia
| InSingleQuoteStringLiteral
| InDoubleQuoteStringLiteral
| InTemplateHeadOrNoSubstitutionTemplate
| InTemplateMiddleOrTail
| InTemplateSubstitutionPosition
type t_0 = t
module None = {
open None
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EndOfLineState") @val
external value: t = "None"
module InMultiLineCommentTrivia = {
open InMultiLineCommentTrivia
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EndOfLineState") @val
external value: t = "InMultiLineCommentTrivia"
module InSingleQuoteStringLiteral = {
open InSingleQuoteStringLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EndOfLineState") @val
external value: t = "InSingleQuoteStringLiteral"
module InDoubleQuoteStringLiteral = {
open InDoubleQuoteStringLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EndOfLineState") @val
external value: t = "InDoubleQuoteStringLiteral"
module InTemplateHeadOrNoSubstitutionTemplate = {
open InTemplateHeadOrNoSubstitutionTemplate
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EndOfLineState") @val
external value: t = "InTemplateHeadOrNoSubstitutionTemplate"
module InTemplateMiddleOrTail = {
open InTemplateMiddleOrTail
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EndOfLineState") @val
external value: t = "InTemplateMiddleOrTail"
module InTemplateSubstitutionPosition = {
open InTemplateSubstitutionPosition
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("EndOfLineState") @val
external value: t = "InTemplateSubstitutionPosition"
module EntityName = {
open EntityName
type t = Union.t2<Identifier.t, QualifiedName.t>
type t0 = t
module EntityNameExpression = {
open EntityNameExpression
type t = Union.t2<Identifier.t, PropertyAccessEntityNameExpression.t>
type t0 = t
module EntityNameOrEntityNameExpression = {
open EntityNameOrEntityNameExpression
type t = Union.t2<EntityName.t, EntityNameExpression.t>
type t0 = t
module EnumDeclaration = {
open EnumDeclaration
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_DeclarationStatement | #Ts_EnumDeclaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_EnumDeclaration ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration.t = "kind"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "name"
external members: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<EnumMember.t> = "members"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration.t, ~name: Identifier.t, ~members: NodeArray.t<EnumMember.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asDeclarationStatement: t => DeclarationStatement.t = "%identity"
external asJSDocContainer: t => JSDocContainer.t = "%identity"
module EnumMember = {
open EnumMember
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_EnumMember | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_EnumMember ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.EnumMember.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => EnumDeclaration.t = "parent"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => PropertyName.t = "name"
external initializer: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "initializer"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.EnumMember.t, ~parent: EnumDeclaration.t, ~name: PropertyName.t, ~initializer: Expression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNamedDeclaration: t => NamedDeclaration.t = "%identity"
external asJSDocContainer: t => JSDocContainer.t = "%identity"
module EnumType = {
open EnumType
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_EnumType | #Ts_Type]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_EnumType ]
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asType: t => Type.t = "%identity"
module EqualityOperator = {
open EqualityOperator
type t = Union.t4<SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsToken.t>
type t0 = t
module EqualityOperatorOrHigher = {
open EqualityOperatorOrHigher
type t = Union.t2<RelationalOperatorOrHigher.t, EqualityOperator.t>
type t0 = t
module EqualsGreaterThanToken = {
open EqualsGreaterThanToken
type t = PunctuationToken.t<SyntaxKind.EqualsGreaterThanToken.t>
type t0 = t
module EqualsToken = {
open EqualsToken
type t = PunctuationToken.t<SyntaxKind.EqualsToken.t>
type t0 = t
module ErrorCallback = {
open ErrorCallback
type t = (~message:DiagnosticMessage.t, ~length:float) => unit
type t0 = t
module EvolvingArrayType = {
open EvolvingArrayType
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_EvolvingArrayType | #Ts_ObjectType | #Ts_Type]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_EvolvingArrayType ]
external getElementType: this<'tags, 'base> => Type.t = "elementType"
external setElementType: (this<'tags, 'base>, Type.t) => unit = "elementType"
external getFinalArrayType: this<'tags, 'base> => Type.t = "finalArrayType"
external setFinalArrayType: (this<'tags, 'base>, Type.t) => unit = "finalArrayType"
external make: (~elementType: Type.t, ~finalArrayType: Type.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asObjectType: t => ObjectType.t = "%identity"
module ExclamationToken = {
open ExclamationToken
type t = PunctuationToken.t<SyntaxKind.ExclamationToken.t>
type t0 = t
module ExitStatus = {
open ExitStatus
type t = t = | Success
| DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped
| DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsGenerated
| InvalidProject_OutputsSkipped
| ProjectReferenceCycle_OutputsSkipped_ProjectReferenceCycle_OutputsSkupped
type t_0 = t
module Success = {
open Success
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ExitStatus") @val
external value: t = "Success"
module DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped = {
open DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ExitStatus") @val
external value: t = "DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsSkipped"
module DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsGenerated = {
open DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsGenerated
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ExitStatus") @val
external value: t = "DiagnosticsPresent_OutputsGenerated"
module InvalidProject_OutputsSkipped = {
open InvalidProject_OutputsSkipped
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ExitStatus") @val
external value: t = "InvalidProject_OutputsSkipped"
module ProjectReferenceCycle_OutputsSkipped = {
open ProjectReferenceCycle_OutputsSkipped
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ExitStatus") @val
external value: t = "ProjectReferenceCycle_OutputsSkipped"
module ProjectReferenceCycle_OutputsSkupped = {
open ProjectReferenceCycle_OutputsSkupped
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ExitStatus") @val
external value: t = "ProjectReferenceCycle_OutputsSkupped"
module ExponentiationOperator = {
open ExponentiationOperator
type t = SyntaxKind.AsteriskAsteriskToken.t
type t0 = t
module ExportAssignment = {
open ExportAssignment
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_DeclarationStatement | #Ts_ExportAssignment | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ExportAssignment ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ExportAssignment.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => SourceFile.t = "parent"
external isExportEquals: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isExportEquals"
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "expression"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ExportAssignment.t, ~parent: SourceFile.t, ~isExportEquals: bool, ~expression: Expression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asDeclarationStatement: t => DeclarationStatement.t = "%identity"
external asJSDocContainer: t => JSDocContainer.t = "%identity"
module ExportDeclaration = {
open ExportDeclaration
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_DeclarationStatement | #Ts_ExportDeclaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ExportDeclaration ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ExportDeclaration.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<SourceFile.t, ModuleBlock.t> = "parent"
external isTypeOnly: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isTypeOnly"
external exportClause: this<'tags, 'base> => NamedExportBindings.t = "exportClause"
external moduleSpecifier: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "moduleSpecifier"
external assertClause: this<'tags, 'base> => AssertClause.t = "assertClause"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ExportDeclaration.t, ~parent: Union.t2<SourceFile.t, ModuleBlock.t>, ~isTypeOnly: bool, ~exportClause: NamedExportBindings.t, ~moduleSpecifier: Expression.t, ~assertClause: AssertClause.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asDeclarationStatement: t => DeclarationStatement.t = "%identity"
external asJSDocContainer: t => JSDocContainer.t = "%identity"
module ExportKeyword = {
open ExportKeyword
type t = ModifierToken.t<SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword.t>
type t0 = t
module ExportSpecifier = {
open ExportSpecifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_ExportSpecifier | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ExportSpecifier ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ExportSpecifier.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => NamedExports.t = "parent"
external isTypeOnly: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isTypeOnly"
external propertyName: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "propertyName"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "name"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ExportSpecifier.t, ~parent: NamedExports.t, ~isTypeOnly: bool, ~propertyName: Identifier.t, ~name: Identifier.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNamedDeclaration: t => NamedDeclaration.t = "%identity"
external asJSDocContainer: t => JSDocContainer.t = "%identity"
module Expression = {
open Expression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_Expression ]
external get_expressionBrand: this<'tags, 'base> => any = "_expressionBrand"
external set_expressionBrand: (this<'tags, 'base>, any) => unit = "_expressionBrand"
external make: ~\"_expressionBrand": any => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
module ExpressionStatement = {
open ExpressionStatement
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ExpressionStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ExpressionStatement ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ExpressionStatement.t = "kind"
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "expression"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ExpressionStatement.t, ~expression: Expression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asStatement: t => Statement.t = "%identity"
module ExpressionWithTypeArguments = {
open ExpressionWithTypeArguments
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ExpressionWithTypeArguments | #Ts_Node | #Ts_NodeWithTypeArguments | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ExpressionWithTypeArguments ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ExpressionWithTypeArguments.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t3<HeritageClause.t, JSDocAugmentsTag.t, JSDocImplementsTag.t> = "parent"
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => LeftHandSideExpression.t = "expression"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ExpressionWithTypeArguments.t, ~parent: Union.t3<HeritageClause.t, JSDocAugmentsTag.t, JSDocImplementsTag.t>, ~expression: LeftHandSideExpression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNodeWithTypeArguments: t => NodeWithTypeArguments.t = "%identity"
module ExtendedConfigCacheEntry = {
open ExtendedConfigCacheEntry
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ExtendedConfigCacheEntry]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ExtendedConfigCacheEntry ]
external getExtendedResult: this<'tags, 'base> => TsConfigSourceFile.t = "extendedResult"
external setExtendedResult: (this<'tags, 'base>, TsConfigSourceFile.t) => unit = "extendedResult"
@get @return(nullable)
external getExtendedConfig: this<'tags, 'base> => option<ParsedTsconfig.t> = "extendedConfig"
external setExtendedConfig: (this<'tags, 'base>, undefined<ParsedTsconfig.t>) => unit = "extendedConfig"
external make: (~extendedResult: TsConfigSourceFile.t, ~extendedConfig: ParsedTsconfig.t=?, unit) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module Extension = {
open Extension
type t = t
type t_0 = t
module Ts = {
open Ts
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("Extension") @val
external value: t = "Ts"
module Tsx = {
open Tsx
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("Extension") @val
external value: t = "Tsx"
module Dts = {
open Dts
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("Extension") @val
external value: t = "Dts"
module Js = {
open Js
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("Extension") @val
external value: t = "Js"
module Jsx = {
open Jsx
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("Extension") @val
external value: t = "Jsx"
module Json = {
open Json
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("Extension") @val
external value: t = "Json"
module TsBuildInfo = {
open TsBuildInfo
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("Extension") @val
external value: t = "TsBuildInfo"
module Mjs = {
open Mjs
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("Extension") @val
external value: t = "Mjs"
module Mts = {
open Mts
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("Extension") @val
external value: t = "Mts"
module Dmts = {
open Dmts
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("Extension") @val
external value: t = "Dmts"
module Cjs = {
open Cjs
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("Extension") @val
external value: t = "Cjs"
module Cts = {
open Cts
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("Extension") @val
external value: t = "Cts"
module Dcts = {
open Dcts
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("Extension") @val
external value: t = "Dcts"
module ExternalModuleReference = {
open ExternalModuleReference
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ExternalModuleReference | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ExternalModuleReference ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ExternalModuleReference.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => ImportEqualsDeclaration.t = "parent"
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "expression"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ExternalModuleReference.t, ~parent: ImportEqualsDeclaration.t, ~expression: Expression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
module FalseLiteral = {
open FalseLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Expression | #Ts_FalseLiteral | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_FalseLiteral ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.FalseKeyword.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.FalseKeyword.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asPrimaryExpression: t => PrimaryExpression.t = "%identity"
module FileExtensionInfo = {
open FileExtensionInfo
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_FileExtensionInfo]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_FileExtensionInfo ]
external getExtension: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "extension"
external setExtension: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "extension"
external getIsMixedContent: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isMixedContent"
external setIsMixedContent: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "isMixedContent"
external getScriptKind: this<'tags, 'base> => ScriptKind.t = "scriptKind"
external setScriptKind: (this<'tags, 'base>, ScriptKind.t) => unit = "scriptKind"
external make: (~extension: string, ~isMixedContent: bool, ~scriptKind: ScriptKind.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module FileReference = {
open FileReference
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_FileReference | #Ts_TextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_FileReference ]
external getFileName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "fileName"
external setFileName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "fileName"
external make: ~fileName: string => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asTextRange: t => TextRange.t = "%identity"
module FileTextChanges = {
open FileTextChanges
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_FileTextChanges]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_FileTextChanges ]
external getFileName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "fileName"
external setFileName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "fileName"
external getTextChanges: this<'tags, 'base> => array<TextChange.t> = "textChanges"
external setTextChanges: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<TextChange.t>) => unit = "textChanges"
external getIsNewFile: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isNewFile"
external setIsNewFile: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "isNewFile"
external make: (~fileName: string, ~textChanges: array<TextChange.t>, ~isNewFile: bool) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module FileWatcher = {
open FileWatcher
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_FileWatcher]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_FileWatcher ]
external close: this<'tags, 'base> => unit = "close"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module FileWatcherCallback = {
open FileWatcherCallback
type t = (~fileName:string, ~eventKind:FileWatcherEventKind.t) => unit
type t0 = t
module FileWatcherEventKind = {
open FileWatcherEventKind
type t = t = Created | Changed | Deleted
type t_0 = t
module Created = {
open Created
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("FileWatcherEventKind") @val
external value: t = "Created"
module Changed = {
open Changed
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("FileWatcherEventKind") @val
external value: t = "Changed"
module Deleted = {
open Deleted
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("FileWatcherEventKind") @val
external value: t = "Deleted"
module FlowArrayMutation = {
open FlowArrayMutation
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_FlowArrayMutation | #Ts_FlowNodeBase]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_FlowArrayMutation ]
external getNode: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<CallExpression.t, BinaryExpression.t> = "node"
external setNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, Union.t2<CallExpression.t, BinaryExpression.t>) => unit = "node"
external getAntecedent: this<'tags, 'base> => FlowNode.t = "antecedent"
external setAntecedent: (this<'tags, 'base>, FlowNode.t) => unit = "antecedent"
external make: (~node: Union.t2<CallExpression.t, BinaryExpression.t>, ~antecedent: FlowNode.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asFlowNodeBase: t => FlowNodeBase.t = "%identity"
module FlowAssignment = {
open FlowAssignment
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_FlowAssignment | #Ts_FlowNodeBase]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_FlowAssignment ]
external getNode: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t3<Expression.t, VariableDeclaration.t, BindingElement.t> = "node"
external setNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, Union.t3<Expression.t, VariableDeclaration.t, BindingElement.t>) => unit = "node"
external getAntecedent: this<'tags, 'base> => FlowNode.t = "antecedent"
external setAntecedent: (this<'tags, 'base>, FlowNode.t) => unit = "antecedent"
external make: (~node: Union.t3<Expression.t, VariableDeclaration.t, BindingElement.t>, ~antecedent: FlowNode.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asFlowNodeBase: t => FlowNodeBase.t = "%identity"
module FlowCall = {
open FlowCall
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_FlowCall | #Ts_FlowNodeBase]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_FlowCall ]
external getNode: this<'tags, 'base> => CallExpression.t = "node"
external setNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, CallExpression.t) => unit = "node"
external getAntecedent: this<'tags, 'base> => FlowNode.t = "antecedent"
external setAntecedent: (this<'tags, 'base>, FlowNode.t) => unit = "antecedent"
external make: (~node: CallExpression.t, ~antecedent: FlowNode.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asFlowNodeBase: t => FlowNodeBase.t = "%identity"
module FlowCondition = {
open FlowCondition
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_FlowCondition | #Ts_FlowNodeBase]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_FlowCondition ]
external getNode: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "node"
external setNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, Expression.t) => unit = "node"
external getAntecedent: this<'tags, 'base> => FlowNode.t = "antecedent"
external setAntecedent: (this<'tags, 'base>, FlowNode.t) => unit = "antecedent"
external make: (~node: Expression.t, ~antecedent: FlowNode.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asFlowNodeBase: t => FlowNodeBase.t = "%identity"
module FlowFlags = {
open FlowFlags
type t = t
type t_0 = t
module Unreachable = {
open Unreachable
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("FlowFlags") @val
external value: t = "Unreachable"
module Start = {
open Start
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("FlowFlags") @val
external value: t = "Start"
module BranchLabel = {
open BranchLabel
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("FlowFlags") @val
external value: t = "BranchLabel"
module LoopLabel = {
open LoopLabel
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("FlowFlags") @val
external value: t = "LoopLabel"
module Assignment = {
open Assignment
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("FlowFlags") @val
external value: t = "Assignment"
module TrueCondition = {
open TrueCondition
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("FlowFlags") @val
external value: t = "TrueCondition"
module FalseCondition = {
open FalseCondition
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("FlowFlags") @val
external value: t = "FalseCondition"
module SwitchClause = {
open SwitchClause
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("FlowFlags") @val
external value: t = "SwitchClause"
module ArrayMutation = {
open ArrayMutation
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("FlowFlags") @val
external value: t = "ArrayMutation"
module Call = {
open Call
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("FlowFlags") @val
external value: t = "Call"
module ReduceLabel = {
open ReduceLabel
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("FlowFlags") @val
external value: t = "ReduceLabel"
module Referenced = {
open Referenced
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("FlowFlags") @val
external value: t = "Referenced"
module Shared = {
open Shared
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("FlowFlags") @val
external value: t = "Shared"
module Label = {
open Label
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("FlowFlags") @val
external value: t = "Label"
module Condition = {
open Condition
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("FlowFlags") @val
external value: t = "Condition"
module FlowLabel = {
open FlowLabel
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_FlowLabel | #Ts_FlowNodeBase]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_FlowLabel ]
@get @return(nullable)
external getAntecedents: this<'tags, 'base> => option<array<FlowNode.t>> = "antecedents"
external setAntecedents: (this<'tags, 'base>, undefined<array<FlowNode.t>>) => unit = "antecedents"
external make: (~antecedents: array<FlowNode.t>=?, unit) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asFlowNodeBase: t => FlowNodeBase.t = "%identity"
module FlowNode = {
open FlowNode
type t = Union.t8<FlowStart.t, FlowLabel.t, FlowAssignment.t, FlowCall.t, FlowCondition.t, FlowSwitchClause.t, FlowArrayMutation.t, Union.t2<FlowCall.t, FlowReduceLabel.t>>
type t0 = t
module FlowNodeBase = {
open FlowNodeBase
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_FlowNodeBase]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_FlowNodeBase ]
external getFlags: this<'tags, 'base> => FlowFlags.t = "flags"
external setFlags: (this<'tags, 'base>, FlowFlags.t) => unit = "flags"
external getId: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "id"
external setId: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "id"
external make: (~flags: FlowFlags.t, ~id: float) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module FlowReduceLabel = {
open FlowReduceLabel
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_FlowNodeBase | #Ts_FlowReduceLabel]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_FlowReduceLabel ]
external getTarget: this<'tags, 'base> => FlowLabel.t = "target"
external setTarget: (this<'tags, 'base>, FlowLabel.t) => unit = "target"
external getAntecedents: this<'tags, 'base> => array<FlowNode.t> = "antecedents"
external setAntecedents: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<FlowNode.t>) => unit = "antecedents"
external getAntecedent: this<'tags, 'base> => FlowNode.t = "antecedent"
external setAntecedent: (this<'tags, 'base>, FlowNode.t) => unit = "antecedent"
external make: (~target: FlowLabel.t, ~antecedents: array<FlowNode.t>, ~antecedent: FlowNode.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asFlowNodeBase: t => FlowNodeBase.t = "%identity"
module FlowStart = {
open FlowStart
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_FlowNodeBase | #Ts_FlowStart]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_FlowStart ]
external getNode: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t5<FunctionExpression.t, ArrowFunction.t, MethodDeclaration.t, GetAccessorDeclaration.t, SetAccessorDeclaration.t> = "node"
external setNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, Union.t5<FunctionExpression.t, ArrowFunction.t, MethodDeclaration.t, GetAccessorDeclaration.t, SetAccessorDeclaration.t>) => unit = "node"
external make: ~node: Union.t5<FunctionExpression.t, ArrowFunction.t, MethodDeclaration.t, GetAccessorDeclaration.t, SetAccessorDeclaration.t> => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asFlowNodeBase: t => FlowNodeBase.t = "%identity"
module FlowSwitchClause = {
open FlowSwitchClause
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_FlowNodeBase | #Ts_FlowSwitchClause]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_FlowSwitchClause ]
external getSwitchStatement: this<'tags, 'base> => SwitchStatement.t = "switchStatement"
external setSwitchStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, SwitchStatement.t) => unit = "switchStatement"
external getClauseStart: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "clauseStart"
external setClauseStart: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "clauseStart"
external getClauseEnd: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "clauseEnd"
external setClauseEnd: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "clauseEnd"
external getAntecedent: this<'tags, 'base> => FlowNode.t = "antecedent"
external setAntecedent: (this<'tags, 'base>, FlowNode.t) => unit = "antecedent"
external make: (~switchStatement: SwitchStatement.t, ~clauseStart: float, ~clauseEnd: float, ~antecedent: FlowNode.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asFlowNodeBase: t => FlowNodeBase.t = "%identity"
module FlowType = {
open FlowType
type t = Union.t2<Type.t, IncompleteType.t>
type t0 = t
module ForInOrOfStatement = {
open ForInOrOfStatement
type t = Union.t2<ForInStatement.t, ForOfStatement.t>
type t0 = t
module ForInStatement = {
open ForInStatement
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ForInStatement | #Ts_IterationStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ForInStatement ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ForInStatement.t = "kind"
external initializer: this<'tags, 'base> => ForInitializer.t = "initializer"
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "expression"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ForInStatement.t, ~initializer: ForInitializer.t, ~expression: Expression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asIterationStatement: t => IterationStatement.t = "%identity"
module ForInitializer = {
open ForInitializer
type t = Union.t2<VariableDeclarationList.t, Expression.t>
type t0 = t
module ForOfStatement = {
open ForOfStatement
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ForOfStatement | #Ts_IterationStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ForOfStatement ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ForOfStatement.t = "kind"
external awaitModifier: this<'tags, 'base> => AwaitKeyword.t = "awaitModifier"
external initializer: this<'tags, 'base> => ForInitializer.t = "initializer"
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "expression"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ForOfStatement.t, ~awaitModifier: AwaitKeyword.t, ~initializer: ForInitializer.t, ~expression: Expression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asIterationStatement: t => IterationStatement.t = "%identity"
module ForStatement = {
open ForStatement
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ForStatement | #Ts_IterationStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ForStatement ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ForStatement.t = "kind"
external initializer: this<'tags, 'base> => ForInitializer.t = "initializer"
external condition: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "condition"
external incrementor: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "incrementor"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ForStatement.t, ~initializer: ForInitializer.t, ~condition: Expression.t, ~incrementor: Expression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asIterationStatement: t => IterationStatement.t = "%identity"
module FormatCodeOptions = {
open FormatCodeOptions
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_EditorOptions | #Ts_FormatCodeOptions]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_FormatCodeOptions ]
external getInsertSpaceAfterCommaDelimiter: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "InsertSpaceAfterCommaDelimiter"
external setInsertSpaceAfterCommaDelimiter: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "InsertSpaceAfterCommaDelimiter"
external getInsertSpaceAfterSemicolonInForStatements: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "InsertSpaceAfterSemicolonInForStatements"
external setInsertSpaceAfterSemicolonInForStatements: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "InsertSpaceAfterSemicolonInForStatements"
external getInsertSpaceBeforeAndAfterBinaryOperators: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "InsertSpaceBeforeAndAfterBinaryOperators"
external setInsertSpaceBeforeAndAfterBinaryOperators: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "InsertSpaceBeforeAndAfterBinaryOperators"
external getInsertSpaceAfterConstructor: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "InsertSpaceAfterConstructor"
external setInsertSpaceAfterConstructor: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "InsertSpaceAfterConstructor"
external getInsertSpaceAfterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "InsertSpaceAfterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements"
external setInsertSpaceAfterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "InsertSpaceAfterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements"
external getInsertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "InsertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions"
external setInsertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "InsertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions"
external getInsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyParenthesis: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "InsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyParenthesis"
external setInsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyParenthesis: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "InsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyParenthesis"
external getInsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "InsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets"
external setInsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "InsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets"
external getInsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBraces: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "InsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBraces"
external setInsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBraces: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "InsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBraces"
external getInsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingTemplateStringBraces: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "InsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingTemplateStringBraces"
external setInsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingTemplateStringBraces: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "InsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingTemplateStringBraces"
external getInsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingJsxExpressionBraces: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "InsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingJsxExpressionBraces"
external setInsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingJsxExpressionBraces: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "InsertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingJsxExpressionBraces"
external getInsertSpaceAfterTypeAssertion: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "InsertSpaceAfterTypeAssertion"
external setInsertSpaceAfterTypeAssertion: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "InsertSpaceAfterTypeAssertion"
external getInsertSpaceBeforeFunctionParenthesis: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "InsertSpaceBeforeFunctionParenthesis"
external setInsertSpaceBeforeFunctionParenthesis: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "InsertSpaceBeforeFunctionParenthesis"
external getPlaceOpenBraceOnNewLineForFunctions: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "PlaceOpenBraceOnNewLineForFunctions"
external setPlaceOpenBraceOnNewLineForFunctions: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "PlaceOpenBraceOnNewLineForFunctions"
external getPlaceOpenBraceOnNewLineForControlBlocks: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "PlaceOpenBraceOnNewLineForControlBlocks"
external setPlaceOpenBraceOnNewLineForControlBlocks: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "PlaceOpenBraceOnNewLineForControlBlocks"
external getInsertSpaceBeforeTypeAnnotation: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "insertSpaceBeforeTypeAnnotation"
external setInsertSpaceBeforeTypeAnnotation: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "insertSpaceBeforeTypeAnnotation"
external make: (~insertSpaceAfterCommaDelimiter: bool, ~insertSpaceAfterSemicolonInForStatements: bool, ~insertSpaceBeforeAndAfterBinaryOperators: bool, ~insertSpaceAfterConstructor: bool, ~insertSpaceAfterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements: bool, ~insertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions: bool, ~insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyParenthesis: bool, ~insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets: bool, ~insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBraces: bool, ~insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingTemplateStringBraces: bool, ~insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingJsxExpressionBraces: bool, ~insertSpaceAfterTypeAssertion: bool, ~insertSpaceBeforeFunctionParenthesis: bool, ~placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForFunctions: bool, ~placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForControlBlocks: bool, ~insertSpaceBeforeTypeAnnotation: bool) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asEditorOptions: t => EditorOptions.t = "%identity"
module FormatCodeSettings = {
open FormatCodeSettings
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_EditorSettings | #Ts_FormatCodeSettings]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_FormatCodeSettings ]
external insertSpaceAfterCommaDelimiter: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "insertSpaceAfterCommaDelimiter"
external insertSpaceAfterSemicolonInForStatements: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "insertSpaceAfterSemicolonInForStatements"
external insertSpaceBeforeAndAfterBinaryOperators: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "insertSpaceBeforeAndAfterBinaryOperators"
external insertSpaceAfterConstructor: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "insertSpaceAfterConstructor"
external insertSpaceAfterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "insertSpaceAfterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements"
external insertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "insertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions"
external insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyParenthesis: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyParenthesis"
external insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets"
external insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBraces: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBraces"
external insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingEmptyBraces: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingEmptyBraces"
external insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingTemplateStringBraces: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingTemplateStringBraces"
external insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingJsxExpressionBraces: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingJsxExpressionBraces"
external insertSpaceAfterTypeAssertion: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "insertSpaceAfterTypeAssertion"
external insertSpaceBeforeFunctionParenthesis: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "insertSpaceBeforeFunctionParenthesis"
external placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForFunctions: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForFunctions"
external placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForControlBlocks: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForControlBlocks"
external insertSpaceBeforeTypeAnnotation: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "insertSpaceBeforeTypeAnnotation"
external indentMultiLineObjectLiteralBeginningOnBlankLine: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "indentMultiLineObjectLiteralBeginningOnBlankLine"
external semicolons: this<'tags, 'base> => SemicolonPreference.t = "semicolons"
external make: (~insertSpaceAfterCommaDelimiter: bool, ~insertSpaceAfterSemicolonInForStatements: bool, ~insertSpaceBeforeAndAfterBinaryOperators: bool, ~insertSpaceAfterConstructor: bool, ~insertSpaceAfterKeywordsInControlFlowStatements: bool, ~insertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions: bool, ~insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyParenthesis: bool, ~insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBrackets: bool, ~insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingNonemptyBraces: bool, ~insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingEmptyBraces: bool, ~insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingTemplateStringBraces: bool, ~insertSpaceAfterOpeningAndBeforeClosingJsxExpressionBraces: bool, ~insertSpaceAfterTypeAssertion: bool, ~insertSpaceBeforeFunctionParenthesis: bool, ~placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForFunctions: bool, ~placeOpenBraceOnNewLineForControlBlocks: bool, ~insertSpaceBeforeTypeAnnotation: bool, ~indentMultiLineObjectLiteralBeginningOnBlankLine: bool, ~semicolons: SemicolonPreference.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asEditorSettings: t => EditorSettings.t = "%identity"
module FormatDiagnosticsHost = {
open FormatDiagnosticsHost
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_FormatDiagnosticsHost]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_FormatDiagnosticsHost ]
external getCurrentDirectory: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "getCurrentDirectory"
external getCanonicalFileName: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string) => string = "getCanonicalFileName"
external getNewLine: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "getNewLine"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module FunctionBody = {
open FunctionBody
type t = Block.t
type t0 = t
module FunctionDeclaration = {
open FunctionDeclaration
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_DeclarationStatement | #Ts_FunctionDeclaration | #Ts_FunctionLikeDeclarationBase | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_FunctionDeclaration ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration.t = "kind"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "name"
external body: this<'tags, 'base> => FunctionBody.t = "body"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration.t, ~name: Identifier.t, ~body: FunctionBody.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asFunctionLikeDeclarationBase: t => FunctionLikeDeclarationBase.t = "%identity"
external asDeclarationStatement: t => DeclarationStatement.t = "%identity"
module FunctionExpression = {
open FunctionExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_FunctionExpression | #Ts_FunctionLikeDeclarationBase | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_FunctionExpression ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression.t = "kind"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "name"
external body: this<'tags, 'base> => FunctionBody.t = "body"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression.t, ~name: Identifier.t, ~body: FunctionBody.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asPrimaryExpression: t => PrimaryExpression.t = "%identity"
external asFunctionLikeDeclarationBase: t => FunctionLikeDeclarationBase.t = "%identity"
external asJSDocContainer: t => JSDocContainer.t = "%identity"
module FunctionLike = {
open FunctionLike
type t = SignatureDeclaration.t
type t0 = t
module FunctionLikeDeclaration = {
open FunctionLikeDeclaration
type t = Union.t7<FunctionDeclaration.t, MethodDeclaration.t, GetAccessorDeclaration.t, SetAccessorDeclaration.t, ConstructorDeclaration.t, FunctionExpression.t, ArrowFunction.t>
type t0 = t
module FunctionLikeDeclarationBase = {
open FunctionLikeDeclarationBase
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_FunctionLikeDeclarationBase | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_FunctionLikeDeclarationBase ]
external get_functionLikeDeclarationBrand: this<'tags, 'base> => any = "_functionLikeDeclarationBrand"
external set_functionLikeDeclarationBrand: (this<'tags, 'base>, any) => unit = "_functionLikeDeclarationBrand"
external asteriskToken: this<'tags, 'base> => AsteriskToken.t = "asteriskToken"
external questionToken: this<'tags, 'base> => QuestionToken.t = "questionToken"
external exclamationToken: this<'tags, 'base> => ExclamationToken.t = "exclamationToken"
external body: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<Block.t, Expression.t> = "body"
external make: (~\"_functionLikeDeclarationBrand": any, ~asteriskToken: AsteriskToken.t, ~questionToken: QuestionToken.t, ~exclamationToken: ExclamationToken.t, ~body: Union.t2<Block.t, Expression.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asSignatureDeclarationBase: t => SignatureDeclarationBase.t = "%identity"
module FunctionOrConstructorTypeNode = {
open FunctionOrConstructorTypeNode
type t = Union.t2<FunctionTypeNode.t, ConstructorTypeNode.t>
type t0 = t
module FunctionOrConstructorTypeNodeBase = {
open FunctionOrConstructorTypeNodeBase
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_FunctionOrConstructorTypeNodeBase | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase | #Ts_TypeNode]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_FunctionOrConstructorTypeNodeBase ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<SyntaxKind.FunctionType.t, SyntaxKind.ConstructorType.t> = "kind"
external \"type": this<'tags, 'base> => TypeNode.t = "type"
external make: (~kind: Union.t2<SyntaxKind.FunctionType.t, SyntaxKind.ConstructorType.t>, ~\"type": TypeNode.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asTypeNode: t => TypeNode.t = "%identity"
external asSignatureDeclarationBase: t => SignatureDeclarationBase.t = "%identity"
module FunctionTypeNode = {
open FunctionTypeNode
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_FunctionOrConstructorTypeNodeBase | #Ts_FunctionTypeNode | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase | #Ts_TypeNode]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_FunctionTypeNode ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.FunctionType.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.FunctionType.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asFunctionOrConstructorTypeNodeBase: t => FunctionOrConstructorTypeNodeBase.t = "%identity"
module GeneratedIdentifierFlags = {
open GeneratedIdentifierFlags
type t = t
type t_0 = t
module None = {
open None
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("GeneratedIdentifierFlags") @val
external value: t = "None"
module ReservedInNestedScopes = {
open ReservedInNestedScopes
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("GeneratedIdentifierFlags") @val
external value: t = "ReservedInNestedScopes"
module Optimistic = {
open Optimistic
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("GeneratedIdentifierFlags") @val
external value: t = "Optimistic"
module FileLevel = {
open FileLevel
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("GeneratedIdentifierFlags") @val
external value: t = "FileLevel"
module AllowNameSubstitution = {
open AllowNameSubstitution
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("GeneratedIdentifierFlags") @val
external value: t = "AllowNameSubstitution"
module GenericType = {
open GenericType
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_GenericType | #Ts_InterfaceType | #Ts_ObjectType | #Ts_Type | #Ts_TypeReference]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_GenericType ]
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asInterfaceType: t => InterfaceType.t = "%identity"
external asTypeReference: t => TypeReference.t = "%identity"
module GetAccessorDeclaration = {
open GetAccessorDeclaration
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ClassElement | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_FunctionLikeDeclarationBase | #Ts_GetAccessorDeclaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ObjectLiteralElement | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase | #Ts_TypeElement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_GetAccessorDeclaration ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.GetAccessor.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t4<ClassLikeDeclaration.t, ObjectLiteralExpression.t, TypeLiteralNode.t, InterfaceDeclaration.t> = "parent"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => PropertyName.t = "name"
external body: this<'tags, 'base> => FunctionBody.t = "body"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.GetAccessor.t, ~parent: Union.t4<ClassLikeDeclaration.t, ObjectLiteralExpression.t, TypeLiteralNode.t, InterfaceDeclaration.t>, ~name: PropertyName.t, ~body: FunctionBody.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asFunctionLikeDeclarationBase: t => FunctionLikeDeclarationBase.t = "%identity"
external asClassElement: t => ClassElement.t = "%identity"
external asTypeElement: t => TypeElement.t = "%identity"
external asObjectLiteralElement: t => ObjectLiteralElement.t = "%identity"
external asJSDocContainer: t => JSDocContainer.t = "%identity"
module GetCompletionsAtPositionOptions = {
open GetCompletionsAtPositionOptions
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_GetCompletionsAtPositionOptions | #Ts_UserPreferences]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_GetCompletionsAtPositionOptions ]
external getTriggerCharacter: this<'tags, 'base> => CompletionsTriggerCharacter.t = "triggerCharacter"
external setTriggerCharacter: (this<'tags, 'base>, CompletionsTriggerCharacter.t) => unit = "triggerCharacter"
external getTriggerKind: this<'tags, 'base> => CompletionTriggerKind.t = "triggerKind"
external setTriggerKind: (this<'tags, 'base>, CompletionTriggerKind.t) => unit = "triggerKind"
external getIncludeExternalModuleExports: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "includeExternalModuleExports"
external setIncludeExternalModuleExports: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "includeExternalModuleExports"
external getIncludeInsertTextCompletions: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "includeInsertTextCompletions"
external setIncludeInsertTextCompletions: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "includeInsertTextCompletions"
external make: (~triggerCharacter: CompletionsTriggerCharacter.t, ~triggerKind: CompletionTriggerKind.t, ~includeExternalModuleExports: bool, ~includeInsertTextCompletions: bool) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asUserPreferences: t => UserPreferences.t = "%identity"
module GetEffectiveTypeRootsHost = {
open GetEffectiveTypeRootsHost
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_GetEffectiveTypeRootsHost]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_GetEffectiveTypeRootsHost ]
external directoryExists: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~directoryName:string) => bool = "directoryExists"
external getCurrentDirectory: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "getCurrentDirectory"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module HasExpressionInitializer = {
open HasExpressionInitializer
type t = Union.t7<VariableDeclaration.t, ParameterDeclaration.t, BindingElement.t, PropertySignature.t, PropertyDeclaration.t, PropertyAssignment.t, EnumMember.t>
type t0 = t
module HasInitializer = {
open HasInitializer
type t = Union.t5<HasExpressionInitializer.t, ForStatement.t, ForInStatement.t, ForOfStatement.t, JsxAttribute.t>
type t0 = t
module HasJSDoc = {
open HasJSDoc
type t = Union.t8<ParameterDeclaration.t, CallSignatureDeclaration.t, ClassStaticBlockDeclaration.t, ConstructSignatureDeclaration.t, MethodSignature.t, PropertySignature.t, ArrowFunction.t, Union.t8<ParenthesizedExpression.t, SpreadAssignment.t, ShorthandPropertyAssignment.t, PropertyAssignment.t, FunctionExpression.t, EmptyStatement.t, DebuggerStatement.t, Union.t8<Block.t, VariableStatement.t, ExpressionStatement.t, IfStatement.t, DoStatement.t, WhileStatement.t, ForStatement.t, Union.t8<ForInStatement.t, ForOfStatement.t, BreakStatement.t, ContinueStatement.t, ReturnStatement.t, WithStatement.t, SwitchStatement.t, Union.t8<LabeledStatement.t, ThrowStatement.t, TryStatement.t, FunctionDeclaration.t, ConstructorDeclaration.t, MethodDeclaration.t, VariableDeclaration.t, Union.t8<PropertyDeclaration.t, AccessorDeclaration.t, ClassLikeDeclaration.t, InterfaceDeclaration.t, TypeAliasDeclaration.t, EnumMember.t, EnumDeclaration.t, Union.t8<ModuleDeclaration.t, ImportEqualsDeclaration.t, ImportDeclaration.t, NamespaceExportDeclaration.t, ExportAssignment.t, IndexSignatureDeclaration.t, FunctionTypeNode.t, Union.t6<ConstructorTypeNode.t, JSDocFunctionType.t, ExportDeclaration.t, NamedTupleMember.t, ExportSpecifier.t, EndOfFileToken.t>>>>>>>>
type t0 = t
module HasType = {
open HasType
type t = Union.t8<SignatureDeclaration.t, VariableDeclaration.t, ParameterDeclaration.t, PropertySignature.t, PropertyDeclaration.t, TypePredicateNode.t, ParenthesizedTypeNode.t, Union.t8<TypeOperatorNode.t, MappedTypeNode.t, AssertionExpression.t, TypeAliasDeclaration.t, JSDocTypeExpression.t, JSDocNonNullableType.t, JSDocNullableType.t, Union.t2<JSDocOptionalType.t, JSDocVariadicType.t>>>
type t0 = t
module HasTypeArguments = {
open HasTypeArguments
type t = Union.t5<CallExpression.t, NewExpression.t, TaggedTemplateExpression.t, JsxOpeningElement.t, JsxSelfClosingElement.t>
type t0 = t
module HeritageClause = {
open HeritageClause
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_HeritageClause | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_HeritageClause ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.HeritageClause.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<InterfaceDeclaration.t, ClassLikeDeclaration.t> = "parent"
external token: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ImplementsKeyword.t> = "token"
external types: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<ExpressionWithTypeArguments.t> = "types"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.HeritageClause.t, ~parent: Union.t2<InterfaceDeclaration.t, ClassLikeDeclaration.t>, ~token: Union.t2<SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ImplementsKeyword.t>, ~types: NodeArray.t<ExpressionWithTypeArguments.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
module HighlightSpan = {
open HighlightSpan
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_HighlightSpan]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_HighlightSpan ]
external getFileName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "fileName"
external setFileName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "fileName"
external getIsInString: this<'tags, 'base> => \"true" = "isInString"
external setIsInString: (this<'tags, 'base>, \"true") => unit = "isInString"
external getTextSpan: this<'tags, 'base> => TextSpan.t = "textSpan"
external setTextSpan: (this<'tags, 'base>, TextSpan.t) => unit = "textSpan"
external getContextSpan: this<'tags, 'base> => TextSpan.t = "contextSpan"
external setContextSpan: (this<'tags, 'base>, TextSpan.t) => unit = "contextSpan"
external getKind: this<'tags, 'base> => HighlightSpanKind.t = "kind"
external setKind: (this<'tags, 'base>, HighlightSpanKind.t) => unit = "kind"
external make: (~fileName: string, ~isInString: \"true", ~textSpan: TextSpan.t, ~contextSpan: TextSpan.t, ~kind: HighlightSpanKind.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module HighlightSpanKind = {
open HighlightSpanKind
type t = t
type t_0 = t
module None = {
open None
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("HighlightSpanKind") @val
external value: t = "none"
module Definition = {
open Definition
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("HighlightSpanKind") @val
external value: t = "definition"
module Reference = {
open Reference
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("HighlightSpanKind") @val
external value: t = "reference"
module WrittenReference = {
open WrittenReference
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("HighlightSpanKind") @val
external value: t = "writtenReference"
module HostCancellationToken = {
open HostCancellationToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_HostCancellationToken]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_HostCancellationToken ]
external isCancellationRequested: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isCancellationRequested"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module IScriptSnapshot = {
open IScriptSnapshot
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_IScriptSnapshot]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_IScriptSnapshot ]
external getText: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~start:float, ~end:float) => string = "getText"
external getLength: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "getLength"
@send @return(nullable)
external getChangeRange: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~oldSnapshot:t) => option<TextChangeRange.t> = "getChangeRange"
external dispose: this<'tags, 'base> => unit = "dispose"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module Identifier = {
open Identifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_Identifier | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_Identifier ]
external text: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "text"
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.Identifier.t = "kind"
external escapedText: this<'tags, 'base> => M__String.t = "escapedText"
external originalKeywordKind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.t = "originalKeywordKind"
external getIsInJSDocNamespace: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isInJSDocNamespace"
external setIsInJSDocNamespace: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "isInJSDocNamespace"
external make: (~text: string, ~kind: SyntaxKind.Identifier.t, ~escapedText: M__String.t, ~originalKeywordKind: SyntaxKind.t, ~isInJSDocNamespace: bool) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asPrimaryExpression: t => PrimaryExpression.t = "%identity"
external asDeclaration: t => Declaration.t = "%identity"
module IdentifierTypePredicate = {
open IdentifierTypePredicate
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_IdentifierTypePredicate | #Ts_TypePredicateBase]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_IdentifierTypePredicate ]
external getKind: this<'tags, 'base> => TypePredicateKind.Identifier.t = "kind"
external setKind: (this<'tags, 'base>, TypePredicateKind.Identifier.t) => unit = "kind"
external getParameterName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "parameterName"
external setParameterName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "parameterName"
external getParameterIndex: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "parameterIndex"
external setParameterIndex: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "parameterIndex"
external getType: this<'tags, 'base> => Type.t = "type"
external setType: (this<'tags, 'base>, Type.t) => unit = "type"
external make: (~kind: TypePredicateKind.Identifier.t, ~parameterName: string, ~parameterIndex: float, ~\"type": Type.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asTypePredicateBase: t => TypePredicateBase.t = "%identity"
module IfStatement = {
open IfStatement
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_IfStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_IfStatement ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.IfStatement.t = "kind"
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "expression"
external thenStatement: this<'tags, 'base> => Statement.t = "thenStatement"
external elseStatement: this<'tags, 'base> => Statement.t = "elseStatement"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.IfStatement.t, ~expression: Expression.t, ~thenStatement: Statement.t, ~elseStatement: Statement.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asStatement: t => Statement.t = "%identity"
module ImplementationLocation = {
open ImplementationLocation
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_DocumentSpan | #Ts_ImplementationLocation]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ImplementationLocation ]
external getKind: this<'tags, 'base> => ScriptElementKind.t = "kind"
external setKind: (this<'tags, 'base>, ScriptElementKind.t) => unit = "kind"
external getDisplayParts: this<'tags, 'base> => array<SymbolDisplayPart.t> = "displayParts"
external setDisplayParts: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>) => unit = "displayParts"
external make: (~kind: ScriptElementKind.t, ~displayParts: array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asDocumentSpan: t => DocumentSpan.t = "%identity"
module ImportCall = {
open ImportCall
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CallExpression | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_ImportCall | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ImportCall ]
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => ImportExpression.t = "expression"
external make: ~expression: ImportExpression.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asCallExpression: t => CallExpression.t = "%identity"
module ImportClause = {
open ImportClause
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_ImportClause | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ImportClause ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ImportClause.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => ImportDeclaration.t = "parent"
external isTypeOnly: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isTypeOnly"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "name"
external namedBindings: this<'tags, 'base> => NamedImportBindings.t = "namedBindings"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ImportClause.t, ~parent: ImportDeclaration.t, ~isTypeOnly: bool, ~name: Identifier.t, ~namedBindings: NamedImportBindings.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNamedDeclaration: t => NamedDeclaration.t = "%identity"
module ImportDeclaration = {
open ImportDeclaration
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ImportDeclaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ImportDeclaration ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<SourceFile.t, ModuleBlock.t> = "parent"
external importClause: this<'tags, 'base> => ImportClause.t = "importClause"
external moduleSpecifier: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "moduleSpecifier"
external assertClause: this<'tags, 'base> => AssertClause.t = "assertClause"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration.t, ~parent: Union.t2<SourceFile.t, ModuleBlock.t>, ~importClause: ImportClause.t, ~moduleSpecifier: Expression.t, ~assertClause: AssertClause.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asStatement: t => Statement.t = "%identity"
module ImportEqualsDeclaration = {
open ImportEqualsDeclaration
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_DeclarationStatement | #Ts_ImportEqualsDeclaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ImportEqualsDeclaration ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ImportEqualsDeclaration.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<SourceFile.t, ModuleBlock.t> = "parent"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "name"
external isTypeOnly: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isTypeOnly"
external moduleReference: this<'tags, 'base> => ModuleReference.t = "moduleReference"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ImportEqualsDeclaration.t, ~parent: Union.t2<SourceFile.t, ModuleBlock.t>, ~name: Identifier.t, ~isTypeOnly: bool, ~moduleReference: ModuleReference.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asDeclarationStatement: t => DeclarationStatement.t = "%identity"
external asJSDocContainer: t => JSDocContainer.t = "%identity"
module ImportExpression = {
open ImportExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Expression | #Ts_ImportExpression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ImportExpression ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ImportKeyword.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.ImportKeyword.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asPrimaryExpression: t => PrimaryExpression.t = "%identity"
module ImportOrExportSpecifier = {
open ImportOrExportSpecifier
type t = Union.t2<ImportSpecifier.t, ExportSpecifier.t>
type t0 = t
module ImportSpecifier = {
open ImportSpecifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_ImportSpecifier | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ImportSpecifier ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ImportSpecifier.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => NamedImports.t = "parent"
external propertyName: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "propertyName"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "name"
external isTypeOnly: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isTypeOnly"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ImportSpecifier.t, ~parent: NamedImports.t, ~propertyName: Identifier.t, ~name: Identifier.t, ~isTypeOnly: bool) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNamedDeclaration: t => NamedDeclaration.t = "%identity"
module ImportTypeNode = {
open ImportTypeNode
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ImportTypeNode | #Ts_Node | #Ts_NodeWithTypeArguments | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ImportTypeNode ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ImportType.t = "kind"
external isTypeOf: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isTypeOf"
external argument: this<'tags, 'base> => TypeNode.t = "argument"
external qualifier: this<'tags, 'base> => EntityName.t = "qualifier"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ImportType.t, ~isTypeOf: bool, ~argument: TypeNode.t, ~qualifier: EntityName.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNodeWithTypeArguments: t => NodeWithTypeArguments.t = "%identity"
module ImportsNotUsedAsValues = {
open ImportsNotUsedAsValues
type t = t = Remove | Preserve | Error
type t_0 = t
module Remove = {
open Remove
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ImportsNotUsedAsValues") @val
external value: t = "Remove"
module Preserve = {
open Preserve
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ImportsNotUsedAsValues") @val
external value: t = "Preserve"
module Error = {
open Error
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ImportsNotUsedAsValues") @val
external value: t = "Error"
module IncompleteCompletionsCache = {
open IncompleteCompletionsCache
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_IncompleteCompletionsCache]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_IncompleteCompletionsCache ]
@send @return(nullable)
external get: this<'tags, 'base> => option<CompletionInfo.t> = "get"
external set: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~response:CompletionInfo.t) => unit = "set"
external clear: this<'tags, 'base> => unit = "clear"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module IncompleteType = {
open IncompleteType
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_IncompleteType]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_IncompleteType ]
external getFlags: this<'tags, 'base> => TypeFlags.t = "flags"
external setFlags: (this<'tags, 'base>, TypeFlags.t) => unit = "flags"
external getType: this<'tags, 'base> => Type.t = "type"
external setType: (this<'tags, 'base>, Type.t) => unit = "type"
external make: (~flags: TypeFlags.t, ~\"type": Type.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module IncrementExpression = {
open IncrementExpression
type t = UpdateExpression.t
type t0 = t
module IncrementalProgramOptions = {
open IncrementalProgramOptions
type t<'T> = t<'T>
type t1<'T> = t<'T>
type tags<'T> = [#Ts_IncrementalProgramOptions('T)]
type tags1<'T> = tags<'T>
type this<'tags, 'base, 'T> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_IncrementalProgramOptions('T) ]
external getRootNames: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => array<string> = "rootNames"
external setRootNames: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, array<string>) => unit = "rootNames"
external getOptions: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => CompilerOptions.t = "options"
external setOptions: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, CompilerOptions.t) => unit = "options"
external getConfigFileParsingDiagnostics: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => array<Diagnostic.t> = "configFileParsingDiagnostics"
external setConfigFileParsingDiagnostics: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, array<Diagnostic.t>) => unit = "configFileParsingDiagnostics"
external getProjectReferences: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => array<ProjectReference.t> = "projectReferences"
external setProjectReferences: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, array<ProjectReference.t>) => unit = "projectReferences"
external getHost: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => CompilerHost.t = "host"
external setHost: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, CompilerHost.t) => unit = "host"
external getCreateProgram: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => CreateProgram.t<'T> = "createProgram"
external setCreateProgram: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, CreateProgram.t<'T>) => unit = "createProgram"
external make: (~rootNames: array<string>, ~options: CompilerOptions.t, ~configFileParsingDiagnostics: array<Diagnostic.t>, ~projectReferences: array<ProjectReference.t>, ~host: CompilerHost.t, ~createProgram: CreateProgram.t<'T>) => t<'T> = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => t<'T> = "%identity"
module IndentStyle = {
open IndentStyle
type t = t = None | Block | Smart
type t_0 = t
module None = {
open None
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("IndentStyle") @val
external value: t = "None"
module Block = {
open Block
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("IndentStyle") @val
external value: t = "Block"
module Smart = {
open Smart
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("IndentStyle") @val
external value: t = "Smart"
module IndexInfo = {
open IndexInfo
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_IndexInfo]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_IndexInfo ]
external getKeyType: this<'tags, 'base> => Type.t = "keyType"
external setKeyType: (this<'tags, 'base>, Type.t) => unit = "keyType"
external getType: this<'tags, 'base> => Type.t = "type"
external setType: (this<'tags, 'base>, Type.t) => unit = "type"
external getIsReadonly: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isReadonly"
external setIsReadonly: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "isReadonly"
external getDeclaration: this<'tags, 'base> => IndexSignatureDeclaration.t = "declaration"
external setDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, IndexSignatureDeclaration.t) => unit = "declaration"
external make: (~keyType: Type.t, ~\"type": Type.t, ~isReadonly: bool, ~declaration: IndexSignatureDeclaration.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module IndexKind = {
open IndexKind
type t = t = String | Number
type t_0 = t
module String = {
open String
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("IndexKind") @val
external value: t = "String"
module Number = {
open Number
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("IndexKind") @val
external value: t = "Number"
module IndexSignatureDeclaration = {
open IndexSignatureDeclaration
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ClassElement | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_IndexSignatureDeclaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase | #Ts_TypeElement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_IndexSignatureDeclaration ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.IndexSignature.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => ObjectTypeDeclaration.t = "parent"
external \"type": this<'tags, 'base> => TypeNode.t = "type"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.IndexSignature.t, ~parent: ObjectTypeDeclaration.t, ~\"type": TypeNode.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asSignatureDeclarationBase: t => SignatureDeclarationBase.t = "%identity"
external asClassElement: t => ClassElement.t = "%identity"
external asTypeElement: t => TypeElement.t = "%identity"
module IndexType = {
open IndexType
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_IndexType | #Ts_InstantiableType | #Ts_Type]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_IndexType ]
external getType: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<InstantiableType.t, UnionOrIntersectionType.t> = "type"
external setType: (this<'tags, 'base>, Union.t2<InstantiableType.t, UnionOrIntersectionType.t>) => unit = "type"
external make: ~\"type": Union.t2<InstantiableType.t, UnionOrIntersectionType.t> => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asInstantiableType: t => InstantiableType.t = "%identity"
module IndexedAccessType = {
open IndexedAccessType
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_IndexedAccessType | #Ts_InstantiableType | #Ts_Type]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_IndexedAccessType ]
external getObjectType: this<'tags, 'base> => Type.t = "objectType"
external setObjectType: (this<'tags, 'base>, Type.t) => unit = "objectType"
external getIndexType: this<'tags, 'base> => Type.t = "indexType"
external setIndexType: (this<'tags, 'base>, Type.t) => unit = "indexType"
external getConstraint: this<'tags, 'base> => Type.t = "constraint"
external setConstraint: (this<'tags, 'base>, Type.t) => unit = "constraint"
external getSimplifiedForReading: this<'tags, 'base> => Type.t = "simplifiedForReading"
external setSimplifiedForReading: (this<'tags, 'base>, Type.t) => unit = "simplifiedForReading"
external getSimplifiedForWriting: this<'tags, 'base> => Type.t = "simplifiedForWriting"
external setSimplifiedForWriting: (this<'tags, 'base>, Type.t) => unit = "simplifiedForWriting"
external make: (~objectType: Type.t, ~indexType: Type.t, ~\"constraint": Type.t, ~simplifiedForReading: Type.t, ~simplifiedForWriting: Type.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asInstantiableType: t => InstantiableType.t = "%identity"
module IndexedAccessTypeNode = {
open IndexedAccessTypeNode
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_IndexedAccessTypeNode | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_IndexedAccessTypeNode ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.IndexedAccessType.t = "kind"
external objectType: this<'tags, 'base> => TypeNode.t = "objectType"
external indexType: this<'tags, 'base> => TypeNode.t = "indexType"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.IndexedAccessType.t, ~objectType: TypeNode.t, ~indexType: TypeNode.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asTypeNode: t => TypeNode.t = "%identity"
module InferTypeNode = {
open InferTypeNode
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_InferTypeNode | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_InferTypeNode ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.InferType.t = "kind"
external typeParameter: this<'tags, 'base> => TypeParameterDeclaration.t = "typeParameter"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.InferType.t, ~typeParameter: TypeParameterDeclaration.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asTypeNode: t => TypeNode.t = "%identity"
module InferencePriority = {
open InferencePriority
/* FIXME: float/negative enum (at line 2799, col 5 of /mnt/d/Documents/codes/ts2bs/node_modules/typescript/lib/typescript.d.ts) */
type t = t
type t_0 = t
module NakedTypeVariable = {
open NakedTypeVariable
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InferencePriority") @val
external value: t = "NakedTypeVariable"
module SpeculativeTuple = {
open SpeculativeTuple
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InferencePriority") @val
external value: t = "SpeculativeTuple"
module SubstituteSource = {
open SubstituteSource
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InferencePriority") @val
external value: t = "SubstituteSource"
module HomomorphicMappedType = {
open HomomorphicMappedType
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InferencePriority") @val
external value: t = "HomomorphicMappedType"
module PartialHomomorphicMappedType = {
open PartialHomomorphicMappedType
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InferencePriority") @val
external value: t = "PartialHomomorphicMappedType"
module MappedTypeConstraint = {
open MappedTypeConstraint
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InferencePriority") @val
external value: t = "MappedTypeConstraint"
module ContravariantConditional = {
open ContravariantConditional
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InferencePriority") @val
external value: t = "ContravariantConditional"
module ReturnType = {
open ReturnType
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InferencePriority") @val
external value: t = "ReturnType"
module LiteralKeyof = {
open LiteralKeyof
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InferencePriority") @val
external value: t = "LiteralKeyof"
module NoConstraints = {
open NoConstraints
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InferencePriority") @val
external value: t = "NoConstraints"
module AlwaysStrict = {
open AlwaysStrict
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InferencePriority") @val
external value: t = "AlwaysStrict"
module MaxValue = {
open MaxValue
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InferencePriority") @val
external value: t = "MaxValue"
module PriorityImpliesCombination = {
open PriorityImpliesCombination
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InferencePriority") @val
external value: t = "PriorityImpliesCombination"
module Circularity = {
open Circularity
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InferencePriority") @val
external value: t = "Circularity"
module InlayHint = {
open InlayHint
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_InlayHint]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_InlayHint ]
external getText: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "text"
external setText: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "text"
external getPosition: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "position"
external setPosition: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "position"
external getKind: this<'tags, 'base> => InlayHintKind.t = "kind"
external setKind: (this<'tags, 'base>, InlayHintKind.t) => unit = "kind"
external getWhitespaceBefore: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "whitespaceBefore"
external setWhitespaceBefore: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "whitespaceBefore"
external getWhitespaceAfter: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "whitespaceAfter"
external setWhitespaceAfter: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "whitespaceAfter"
external make: (~text: string, ~position: float, ~kind: InlayHintKind.t, ~whitespaceBefore: bool, ~whitespaceAfter: bool) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module InlayHintKind = {
open InlayHintKind
type t = t
type t_0 = t
module Type = {
open Type
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InlayHintKind") @val
external value: t = "Type"
module Parameter = {
open Parameter
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InlayHintKind") @val
external value: t = "Parameter"
module Enum = {
open Enum
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InlayHintKind") @val
external value: t = "Enum"
module InlayHintsContext = {
open InlayHintsContext
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_InlayHintsContext]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_InlayHintsContext ]
external getFile: this<'tags, 'base> => SourceFile.t = "file"
external setFile: (this<'tags, 'base>, SourceFile.t) => unit = "file"
external getProgram: this<'tags, 'base> => Program.t = "program"
external setProgram: (this<'tags, 'base>, Program.t) => unit = "program"
external getCancellationToken: this<'tags, 'base> => CancellationToken.t = "cancellationToken"
external setCancellationToken: (this<'tags, 'base>, CancellationToken.t) => unit = "cancellationToken"
external getHost: this<'tags, 'base> => LanguageServiceHost.t = "host"
external setHost: (this<'tags, 'base>, LanguageServiceHost.t) => unit = "host"
external getSpan: this<'tags, 'base> => TextSpan.t = "span"
external setSpan: (this<'tags, 'base>, TextSpan.t) => unit = "span"
external getPreferences: this<'tags, 'base> => InlayHintsOptions.t = "preferences"
external setPreferences: (this<'tags, 'base>, InlayHintsOptions.t) => unit = "preferences"
external make: (~file: SourceFile.t, ~program: Program.t, ~cancellationToken: CancellationToken.t, ~host: LanguageServiceHost.t, ~span: TextSpan.t, ~preferences: InlayHintsOptions.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module InlayHintsOptions = {
open InlayHintsOptions
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_InlayHintsOptions | #Ts_UserPreferences]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_InlayHintsOptions ]
external includeInlayParameterNameHints: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t3<[#none], [#literals], [#all]> = "includeInlayParameterNameHints"
external includeInlayParameterNameHintsWhenArgumentMatchesName: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "includeInlayParameterNameHintsWhenArgumentMatchesName"
external includeInlayFunctionParameterTypeHints: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "includeInlayFunctionParameterTypeHints"
external includeInlayVariableTypeHints: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "includeInlayVariableTypeHints"
external includeInlayPropertyDeclarationTypeHints: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "includeInlayPropertyDeclarationTypeHints"
external includeInlayFunctionLikeReturnTypeHints: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "includeInlayFunctionLikeReturnTypeHints"
external includeInlayEnumMemberValueHints: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "includeInlayEnumMemberValueHints"
external make: (~includeInlayParameterNameHints: Union.t3<[#none], [#literals], [#all]>, ~includeInlayParameterNameHintsWhenArgumentMatchesName: bool, ~includeInlayFunctionParameterTypeHints: bool, ~includeInlayVariableTypeHints: bool, ~includeInlayPropertyDeclarationTypeHints: bool, ~includeInlayFunctionLikeReturnTypeHints: bool, ~includeInlayEnumMemberValueHints: bool) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asUserPreferences: t => UserPreferences.t = "%identity"
module InputFiles = {
open InputFiles
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_InputFiles | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_InputFiles ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.InputFiles.t = "kind"
external getJavascriptPath: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "javascriptPath"
external setJavascriptPath: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "javascriptPath"
external getJavascriptText: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "javascriptText"
external setJavascriptText: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "javascriptText"
external getJavascriptMapPath: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "javascriptMapPath"
external setJavascriptMapPath: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "javascriptMapPath"
external getJavascriptMapText: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "javascriptMapText"
external setJavascriptMapText: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "javascriptMapText"
external getDeclarationPath: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "declarationPath"
external setDeclarationPath: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "declarationPath"
external getDeclarationText: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "declarationText"
external setDeclarationText: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "declarationText"
external getDeclarationMapPath: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "declarationMapPath"
external setDeclarationMapPath: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "declarationMapPath"
external getDeclarationMapText: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "declarationMapText"
external setDeclarationMapText: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "declarationMapText"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.InputFiles.t, ~javascriptPath: string, ~javascriptText: string, ~javascriptMapPath: string, ~javascriptMapText: string, ~declarationPath: string, ~declarationText: string, ~declarationMapPath: string, ~declarationMapText: string) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
module InstallPackageAction = {
open InstallPackageAction
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_InstallPackageAction]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_InstallPackageAction ]
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module InstallPackageOptions = {
open InstallPackageOptions
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_InstallPackageOptions]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_InstallPackageOptions ]
external getFileName: this<'tags, 'base> => Path.t = "fileName"
external setFileName: (this<'tags, 'base>, Path.t) => unit = "fileName"
external getPackageName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "packageName"
external setPackageName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "packageName"
external make: (~fileName: Path.t, ~packageName: string) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module InstantiableType = {
open InstantiableType
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_InstantiableType | #Ts_Type]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_InstantiableType ]
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asType: t => Type.t = "%identity"
module InterfaceDeclaration = {
open InterfaceDeclaration
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_DeclarationStatement | #Ts_InterfaceDeclaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_InterfaceDeclaration ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration.t = "kind"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "name"
external typeParameters: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<TypeParameterDeclaration.t> = "typeParameters"
external heritageClauses: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<HeritageClause.t> = "heritageClauses"
external members: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<TypeElement.t> = "members"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration.t, ~name: Identifier.t, ~typeParameters: NodeArray.t<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>, ~heritageClauses: NodeArray.t<HeritageClause.t>, ~members: NodeArray.t<TypeElement.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asDeclarationStatement: t => DeclarationStatement.t = "%identity"
external asJSDocContainer: t => JSDocContainer.t = "%identity"
module InterfaceType = {
open InterfaceType
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_InterfaceType | #Ts_ObjectType | #Ts_Type]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_InterfaceType ]
@get @return(nullable)
external getTypeParameters: this<'tags, 'base> => option<array<TypeParameter.t>> = "typeParameters"
external setTypeParameters: (this<'tags, 'base>, undefined<array<TypeParameter.t>>) => unit = "typeParameters"
@get @return(nullable)
external getOuterTypeParameters: this<'tags, 'base> => option<array<TypeParameter.t>> = "outerTypeParameters"
external setOuterTypeParameters: (this<'tags, 'base>, undefined<array<TypeParameter.t>>) => unit = "outerTypeParameters"
@get @return(nullable)
external getLocalTypeParameters: this<'tags, 'base> => option<array<TypeParameter.t>> = "localTypeParameters"
external setLocalTypeParameters: (this<'tags, 'base>, undefined<array<TypeParameter.t>>) => unit = "localTypeParameters"
@get @return(nullable)
external getThisType: this<'tags, 'base> => option<TypeParameter.t> = "thisType"
external setThisType: (this<'tags, 'base>, undefined<TypeParameter.t>) => unit = "thisType"
external make: (~typeParameters: array<TypeParameter.t>=?, ~outerTypeParameters: array<TypeParameter.t>=?, ~localTypeParameters: array<TypeParameter.t>=?, ~thisType: TypeParameter.t=?, unit) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asObjectType: t => ObjectType.t = "%identity"
module InterfaceTypeWithDeclaredMembers = {
open InterfaceTypeWithDeclaredMembers
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_InterfaceType | #Ts_InterfaceTypeWithDeclaredMembers | #Ts_ObjectType | #Ts_Type]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_InterfaceTypeWithDeclaredMembers ]
external getDeclaredProperties: this<'tags, 'base> => array<Symbol.t> = "declaredProperties"
external setDeclaredProperties: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<Symbol.t>) => unit = "declaredProperties"
external getDeclaredCallSignatures: this<'tags, 'base> => array<Signature.t> = "declaredCallSignatures"
external setDeclaredCallSignatures: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<Signature.t>) => unit = "declaredCallSignatures"
external getDeclaredConstructSignatures: this<'tags, 'base> => array<Signature.t> = "declaredConstructSignatures"
external setDeclaredConstructSignatures: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<Signature.t>) => unit = "declaredConstructSignatures"
external getDeclaredIndexInfos: this<'tags, 'base> => array<IndexInfo.t> = "declaredIndexInfos"
external setDeclaredIndexInfos: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<IndexInfo.t>) => unit = "declaredIndexInfos"
external make: (~declaredProperties: array<Symbol.t>, ~declaredCallSignatures: array<Signature.t>, ~declaredConstructSignatures: array<Signature.t>, ~declaredIndexInfos: array<IndexInfo.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asInterfaceType: t => InterfaceType.t = "%identity"
module InternalSymbolName = {
open InternalSymbolName
type t = t
type t_0 = t
module Call = {
open Call
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InternalSymbolName") @val
external value: t = "Call"
module Constructor = {
open Constructor
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InternalSymbolName") @val
external value: t = "Constructor"
module New = {
open New
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InternalSymbolName") @val
external value: t = "New"
module Index = {
open Index
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InternalSymbolName") @val
external value: t = "Index"
module ExportStar = {
open ExportStar
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InternalSymbolName") @val
external value: t = "ExportStar"
module Global = {
open Global
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InternalSymbolName") @val
external value: t = "Global"
module Missing = {
open Missing
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InternalSymbolName") @val
external value: t = "Missing"
module Type = {
open Type
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InternalSymbolName") @val
external value: t = "Type"
module Object = {
open Object
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InternalSymbolName") @val
external value: t = "Object"
module JSXAttributes = {
open JSXAttributes
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InternalSymbolName") @val
external value: t = "JSXAttributes"
module Class = {
open Class
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InternalSymbolName") @val
external value: t = "Class"
module Function = {
open Function
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InternalSymbolName") @val
external value: t = "Function"
module Computed = {
open Computed
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InternalSymbolName") @val
external value: t = "Computed"
module Resolving = {
open Resolving
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InternalSymbolName") @val
external value: t = "Resolving"
module ExportEquals = {
open ExportEquals
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InternalSymbolName") @val
external value: t = "ExportEquals"
module Default_ = {
open Default_
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InternalSymbolName") @val
external value: t = "Default"
module This = {
open This
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InternalSymbolName") @val
external value: t = "This"
module IntersectionType = {
open IntersectionType
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_IntersectionType | #Ts_Type | #Ts_UnionOrIntersectionType]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_IntersectionType ]
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asUnionOrIntersectionType: t => UnionOrIntersectionType.t = "%identity"
module IntersectionTypeNode = {
open IntersectionTypeNode
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_IntersectionTypeNode | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_IntersectionTypeNode ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.IntersectionType.t = "kind"
external types: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<TypeNode.t> = "types"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.IntersectionType.t, ~types: NodeArray.t<TypeNode.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asTypeNode: t => TypeNode.t = "%identity"
module InvalidatedProject = {
open InvalidatedProject
type t<'T> = Union.t3<UpdateOutputFileStampsProject.t, BuildInvalidedProject.t<'T>, UpdateBundleProject.t<'T>>
type t1<'T> = t<'T>
module InvalidatedProjectBase = {
open InvalidatedProjectBase
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_InvalidatedProjectBase]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_InvalidatedProjectBase ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => InvalidatedProjectKind.t = "kind"
external project: this<'tags, 'base> => ResolvedConfigFileName.t = "project"
external done: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~cancellationToken:CancellationToken.t=?, ~writeFile:WriteFileCallback.t=?, ~customTransformers:CustomTransformers.t=?, unit) => ExitStatus.t = "done"
external getCompilerOptions: this<'tags, 'base> => CompilerOptions.t = "getCompilerOptions"
external getCurrentDirectory: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "getCurrentDirectory"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module InvalidatedProjectKind = {
open InvalidatedProjectKind
type t = t = Build | UpdateBundle | UpdateOutputFileStamps
type t_0 = t
module Build = {
open Build
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InvalidatedProjectKind") @val
external value: t = "Build"
module UpdateBundle = {
open UpdateBundle
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InvalidatedProjectKind") @val
external value: t = "UpdateBundle"
module UpdateOutputFileStamps = {
open UpdateOutputFileStamps
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("InvalidatedProjectKind") @val
external value: t = "UpdateOutputFileStamps"
module IterationStatement = {
open IterationStatement
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_IterationStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_IterationStatement ]
external statement: this<'tags, 'base> => Statement.t = "statement"
external make: ~statement: Statement.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asStatement: t => Statement.t = "%identity"
module Iterator = {
open Iterator
module AnonymousInterface31 = {
open AnonymousInterface31
type t = t
external getValue: t => unit = "value"
external setValue: (t, unit) => unit = "value"
external getDone: t => \"true" = "done"
external setDone: (t, \"true") => unit = "done"
external make: (~value: unit, ~done: \"true") => t = ""
module AnonymousInterface55 = {
open AnonymousInterface55
type t<'T> = t<'T>
external getValue: t<'T> => 'T = "value"
external setValue: (t<'T>, 'T) => unit = "value"
external getDone: t<'T> => \"false" = "done"
external setDone: (t<'T>, \"false") => unit = "done"
external make: (~value: 'T, ~done: \"false") => t<'T> = ""
type t<'T> = t<'T>
type t1<'T> = t<'T>
type tags<'T> = [#Ts_Iterator('T)]
type tags1<'T> = tags<'T>
type this<'tags, 'base, 'T> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_Iterator('T) ]
external next: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => Union.t2<AnonymousInterface55.t<'T>, AnonymousInterface31.t> = "next"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => t<'T> = "%identity"
module JSDoc = {
open JSDoc
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDoc | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDoc ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocComment.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => HasJSDoc.t = "parent"
external tags: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<JSDocTag.t> = "tags"
external comment: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>> = "comment"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocComment.t, ~parent: HasJSDoc.t, ~tags: NodeArray.t<JSDocTag.t>, ~comment: Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
module JSDocAllType = {
open JSDocAllType
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocAllType | #Ts_JSDocType | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocAllType ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocAllType.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocAllType.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocType: t => JSDocType.t = "%identity"
module JSDocAugmentsTag = {
open JSDocAugmentsTag
module AnonymousInterface14 = {
open AnonymousInterface14
type t = t
external expression: t => Union.t2<Identifier.t, PropertyAccessEntityNameExpression.t> = "expression"
external make: ~expression: Union.t2<Identifier.t, PropertyAccessEntityNameExpression.t> => t = ""
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocAugmentsTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocAugmentsTag ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocAugmentsTag.t = "kind"
external class: this<'tags, 'base> => Intersection.t2<ExpressionWithTypeArguments.t, AnonymousInterface14.t> = "class"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocAugmentsTag.t, ~class: Intersection.t2<ExpressionWithTypeArguments.t, AnonymousInterface14.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocTag: t => JSDocTag.t = "%identity"
module JSDocAuthorTag = {
open JSDocAuthorTag
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocAuthorTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocAuthorTag ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocAuthorTag.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocAuthorTag.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocTag: t => JSDocTag.t = "%identity"
module JSDocCallbackTag = {
open JSDocCallbackTag
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocCallbackTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocCallbackTag ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocCallbackTag.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => JSDoc.t = "parent"
external fullName: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<JSDocNamespaceDeclaration.t, Identifier.t> = "fullName"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "name"
external typeExpression: this<'tags, 'base> => JSDocSignature.t = "typeExpression"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocCallbackTag.t, ~parent: JSDoc.t, ~fullName: Union.t2<JSDocNamespaceDeclaration.t, Identifier.t>, ~name: Identifier.t, ~typeExpression: JSDocSignature.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocTag: t => JSDocTag.t = "%identity"
external asNamedDeclaration: t => NamedDeclaration.t = "%identity"
module JSDocClassTag = {
open JSDocClassTag
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocClassTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocClassTag ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocClassTag.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocClassTag.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocTag: t => JSDocTag.t = "%identity"
module JSDocComment = {
open JSDocComment
type t = Union.t4<JSDocText.t, JSDocLink.t, JSDocLinkCode.t, JSDocLinkPlain.t>
type t0 = t
module JSDocContainer = {
open JSDocContainer
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocContainer]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocContainer ]
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module JSDocDeprecatedTag = {
open JSDocDeprecatedTag
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocDeprecatedTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocDeprecatedTag ]
external getKind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocDeprecatedTag.t = "kind"
external setKind: (this<'tags, 'base>, SyntaxKind.JSDocDeprecatedTag.t) => unit = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocDeprecatedTag.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocTag: t => JSDocTag.t = "%identity"
module JSDocEnumTag = {
open JSDocEnumTag
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocEnumTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocEnumTag ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocEnumTag.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => JSDoc.t = "parent"
external typeExpression: this<'tags, 'base> => JSDocTypeExpression.t = "typeExpression"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocEnumTag.t, ~parent: JSDoc.t, ~typeExpression: JSDocTypeExpression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocTag: t => JSDocTag.t = "%identity"
external asDeclaration: t => Declaration.t = "%identity"
module JSDocFunctionType = {
open JSDocFunctionType
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_JSDocFunctionType | #Ts_JSDocType | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase | #Ts_TypeNode]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocFunctionType ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocFunctionType.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocFunctionType.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocType: t => JSDocType.t = "%identity"
external asSignatureDeclarationBase: t => SignatureDeclarationBase.t = "%identity"
module JSDocImplementsTag = {
open JSDocImplementsTag
module AnonymousInterface14 = {
open AnonymousInterface14
type t = t
external expression: t => Union.t2<Identifier.t, PropertyAccessEntityNameExpression.t> = "expression"
external make: ~expression: Union.t2<Identifier.t, PropertyAccessEntityNameExpression.t> => t = ""
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocImplementsTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocImplementsTag ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocImplementsTag.t = "kind"
external class: this<'tags, 'base> => Intersection.t2<ExpressionWithTypeArguments.t, AnonymousInterface14.t> = "class"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocImplementsTag.t, ~class: Intersection.t2<ExpressionWithTypeArguments.t, AnonymousInterface14.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocTag: t => JSDocTag.t = "%identity"
module JSDocLink = {
open JSDocLink
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocLink | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocLink ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocLink.t = "kind"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<EntityName.t, JSDocMemberName.t> = "name"
external getText: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "text"
external setText: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "text"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocLink.t, ~name: Union.t2<EntityName.t, JSDocMemberName.t>, ~text: string) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
module JSDocLinkCode = {
open JSDocLinkCode
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocLinkCode | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocLinkCode ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocLinkCode.t = "kind"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<EntityName.t, JSDocMemberName.t> = "name"
external getText: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "text"
external setText: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "text"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocLinkCode.t, ~name: Union.t2<EntityName.t, JSDocMemberName.t>, ~text: string) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
module JSDocLinkDisplayPart = {
open JSDocLinkDisplayPart
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocLinkDisplayPart | #Ts_SymbolDisplayPart]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocLinkDisplayPart ]
external getTarget: this<'tags, 'base> => DocumentSpan.t = "target"
external setTarget: (this<'tags, 'base>, DocumentSpan.t) => unit = "target"
external make: ~target: DocumentSpan.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asSymbolDisplayPart: t => SymbolDisplayPart.t = "%identity"
module JSDocLinkPlain = {
open JSDocLinkPlain
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocLinkPlain | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocLinkPlain ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocLinkPlain.t = "kind"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<EntityName.t, JSDocMemberName.t> = "name"
external getText: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "text"
external setText: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "text"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocLinkPlain.t, ~name: Union.t2<EntityName.t, JSDocMemberName.t>, ~text: string) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
module JSDocMemberName = {
open JSDocMemberName
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocMemberName | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocMemberName ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocMemberName.t = "kind"
external left: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<EntityName.t, t> = "left"
external right: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "right"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocMemberName.t, ~left: Union.t2<EntityName.t, t>, ~right: Identifier.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
module JSDocNameReference = {
open JSDocNameReference
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocNameReference | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocNameReference ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocNameReference.t = "kind"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<EntityName.t, JSDocMemberName.t> = "name"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocNameReference.t, ~name: Union.t2<EntityName.t, JSDocMemberName.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
module JSDocNamepathType = {
open JSDocNamepathType
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocNamepathType | #Ts_JSDocType | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocNamepathType ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocNamepathType.t = "kind"
external \"type": this<'tags, 'base> => TypeNode.t = "type"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocNamepathType.t, ~\"type": TypeNode.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocType: t => JSDocType.t = "%identity"
module JSDocNamespaceBody = {
open JSDocNamespaceBody
type t = Union.t2<Identifier.t, JSDocNamespaceDeclaration.t>
type t0 = t
module JSDocNamespaceDeclaration = {
open JSDocNamespaceDeclaration
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_DeclarationStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_JSDocNamespaceDeclaration | #Ts_ModuleDeclaration | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocNamespaceDeclaration ]
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "name"
external body: this<'tags, 'base> => JSDocNamespaceBody.t = "body"
external make: (~name: Identifier.t, ~body: JSDocNamespaceBody.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asModuleDeclaration: t => ModuleDeclaration.t = "%identity"
module JSDocNonNullableType = {
open JSDocNonNullableType
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocNonNullableType | #Ts_JSDocType | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocNonNullableType ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocNonNullableType.t = "kind"
external \"type": this<'tags, 'base> => TypeNode.t = "type"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocNonNullableType.t, ~\"type": TypeNode.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocType: t => JSDocType.t = "%identity"
module JSDocNullableType = {
open JSDocNullableType
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocNullableType | #Ts_JSDocType | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocNullableType ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocNullableType.t = "kind"
external \"type": this<'tags, 'base> => TypeNode.t = "type"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocNullableType.t, ~\"type": TypeNode.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocType: t => JSDocType.t = "%identity"
module JSDocOptionalType = {
open JSDocOptionalType
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocOptionalType | #Ts_JSDocType | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocOptionalType ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocOptionalType.t = "kind"
external \"type": this<'tags, 'base> => TypeNode.t = "type"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocOptionalType.t, ~\"type": TypeNode.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocType: t => JSDocType.t = "%identity"
module JSDocOverrideTag = {
open JSDocOverrideTag
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocOverrideTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocOverrideTag ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocOverrideTag.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocOverrideTag.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocTag: t => JSDocTag.t = "%identity"
module JSDocParameterTag = {
open JSDocParameterTag
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocParameterTag | #Ts_JSDocPropertyLikeTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocParameterTag ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocParameterTag.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocParameterTag.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocPropertyLikeTag: t => JSDocPropertyLikeTag.t = "%identity"
module JSDocPrivateTag = {
open JSDocPrivateTag
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocPrivateTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocPrivateTag ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocPrivateTag.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocPrivateTag.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocTag: t => JSDocTag.t = "%identity"
module JSDocPropertyLikeTag = {
open JSDocPropertyLikeTag
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocPropertyLikeTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocPropertyLikeTag ]
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => JSDoc.t = "parent"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => EntityName.t = "name"
external typeExpression: this<'tags, 'base> => JSDocTypeExpression.t = "typeExpression"
external isNameFirst: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isNameFirst"
external isBracketed: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isBracketed"
external make: (~parent: JSDoc.t, ~name: EntityName.t, ~typeExpression: JSDocTypeExpression.t, ~isNameFirst: bool, ~isBracketed: bool) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocTag: t => JSDocTag.t = "%identity"
external asDeclaration: t => Declaration.t = "%identity"
module JSDocPropertyTag = {
open JSDocPropertyTag
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocPropertyLikeTag | #Ts_JSDocPropertyTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocPropertyTag ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocPropertyTag.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocPropertyTag.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocPropertyLikeTag: t => JSDocPropertyLikeTag.t = "%identity"
module JSDocProtectedTag = {
open JSDocProtectedTag
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocProtectedTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocProtectedTag ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocProtectedTag.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocProtectedTag.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocTag: t => JSDocTag.t = "%identity"
module JSDocPublicTag = {
open JSDocPublicTag
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocPublicTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocPublicTag ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocPublicTag.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocPublicTag.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocTag: t => JSDocTag.t = "%identity"
module JSDocReadonlyTag = {
open JSDocReadonlyTag
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocReadonlyTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocReadonlyTag ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocReadonlyTag.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocReadonlyTag.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocTag: t => JSDocTag.t = "%identity"
module JSDocReturnTag = {
open JSDocReturnTag
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocReturnTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocReturnTag ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocReturnTag.t = "kind"
external typeExpression: this<'tags, 'base> => JSDocTypeExpression.t = "typeExpression"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocReturnTag.t, ~typeExpression: JSDocTypeExpression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocTag: t => JSDocTag.t = "%identity"
module JSDocSeeTag = {
open JSDocSeeTag
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocSeeTag | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocSeeTag ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocSeeTag.t = "kind"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => JSDocNameReference.t = "name"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocSeeTag.t, ~name: JSDocNameReference.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocTag: t => JSDocTag.t = "%identity"
module JSDocSignature = {
open JSDocSignature
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocSignature | #Ts_JSDocType | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocSignature ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocSignature.t = "kind"
external typeParameters: this<'tags, 'base> => array<JSDocTemplateTag.t> = "typeParameters"
external parameters: this<'tags, 'base> => array<JSDocParameterTag.t> = "parameters"
@get @return(nullable)
external \"type": this<'tags, 'base> => option<JSDocReturnTag.t> = "type"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocSignature.t, ~typeParameters: array<JSDocTemplateTag.t>, ~parameters: array<JSDocParameterTag.t>, ~\"type": JSDocReturnTag.t=?, unit) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocType: t => JSDocType.t = "%identity"
external asDeclaration: t => Declaration.t = "%identity"
module JSDocSyntaxKind = {
open JSDocSyntaxKind
type t = Union.t8<SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken.t, SyntaxKind.WhitespaceTrivia.t, SyntaxKind.AtToken.t, SyntaxKind.NewLineTrivia.t, SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken.t, SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken.t, SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.LessThanToken.t, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken.t, SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken.t, SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken.t, SyntaxKind.EqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.CommaToken.t, SyntaxKind.DotToken.t, Union.t5<SyntaxKind.Identifier.t, SyntaxKind.BacktickToken.t, SyntaxKind.HashToken.t, SyntaxKind.Unknown.t, KeywordSyntaxKind.t>>>
type t0 = t
module JSDocTag = {
open JSDocTag
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocTag ]
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<JSDoc.t, JSDocTypeLiteral.t> = "parent"
external tagName: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "tagName"
external comment: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>> = "comment"
external make: (~parent: Union.t2<JSDoc.t, JSDocTypeLiteral.t>, ~tagName: Identifier.t, ~comment: Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
module JSDocTagInfo = {
open JSDocTagInfo
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocTagInfo]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocTagInfo ]
external getName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "name"
external setName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "name"
external getText: this<'tags, 'base> => array<SymbolDisplayPart.t> = "text"
external setText: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>) => unit = "text"
external make: (~name: string, ~text: array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module JSDocTemplateTag = {
open JSDocTemplateTag
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_JSDocTemplateTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocTemplateTag ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocTemplateTag.t = "kind"
@get @return(nullable)
external \"constraint": this<'tags, 'base> => option<JSDocTypeExpression.t> = "constraint"
external typeParameters: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<TypeParameterDeclaration.t> = "typeParameters"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocTemplateTag.t, ~\"constraint": JSDocTypeExpression.t=?, ~typeParameters: NodeArray.t<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocTag: t => JSDocTag.t = "%identity"
module JSDocText = {
open JSDocText
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocText | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocText ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocText.t = "kind"
external getText: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "text"
external setText: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "text"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocText.t, ~text: string) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
module JSDocThisTag = {
open JSDocThisTag
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_JSDocThisTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocThisTag ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocThisTag.t = "kind"
external typeExpression: this<'tags, 'base> => JSDocTypeExpression.t = "typeExpression"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocThisTag.t, ~typeExpression: JSDocTypeExpression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocTag: t => JSDocTag.t = "%identity"
module JSDocType = {
open JSDocType
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocType | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocType ]
external get_jsDocTypeBrand: this<'tags, 'base> => any = "_jsDocTypeBrand"
external set_jsDocTypeBrand: (this<'tags, 'base>, any) => unit = "_jsDocTypeBrand"
external make: ~\"_jsDocTypeBrand": any => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asTypeNode: t => TypeNode.t = "%identity"
module JSDocTypeExpression = {
open JSDocTypeExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocTypeExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocTypeExpression ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocTypeExpression.t = "kind"
external \"type": this<'tags, 'base> => TypeNode.t = "type"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocTypeExpression.t, ~\"type": TypeNode.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asTypeNode: t => TypeNode.t = "%identity"
module JSDocTypeLiteral = {
open JSDocTypeLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocType | #Ts_JSDocTypeLiteral | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocTypeLiteral ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocTypeLiteral.t = "kind"
external jsDocPropertyTags: this<'tags, 'base> => array<JSDocPropertyLikeTag.t> = "jsDocPropertyTags"
external isArrayType: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isArrayType"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocTypeLiteral.t, ~jsDocPropertyTags: array<JSDocPropertyLikeTag.t>, ~isArrayType: bool) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocType: t => JSDocType.t = "%identity"
module JSDocTypeReferencingNode = {
open JSDocTypeReferencingNode
type t = Union.t4<JSDocVariadicType.t, JSDocOptionalType.t, JSDocNullableType.t, JSDocNonNullableType.t>
type t0 = t
module JSDocTypeTag = {
open JSDocTypeTag
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_JSDocTypeTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocTypeTag ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocTypeTag.t = "kind"
external typeExpression: this<'tags, 'base> => JSDocTypeExpression.t = "typeExpression"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocTypeTag.t, ~typeExpression: JSDocTypeExpression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocTag: t => JSDocTag.t = "%identity"
module JSDocTypedefTag = {
open JSDocTypedefTag
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_JSDocTypedefTag | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocTypedefTag ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocTypedefTag.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => JSDoc.t = "parent"
external fullName: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<JSDocNamespaceDeclaration.t, Identifier.t> = "fullName"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "name"
external typeExpression: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<JSDocTypeExpression.t, JSDocTypeLiteral.t> = "typeExpression"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocTypedefTag.t, ~parent: JSDoc.t, ~fullName: Union.t2<JSDocNamespaceDeclaration.t, Identifier.t>, ~name: Identifier.t, ~typeExpression: Union.t2<JSDocTypeExpression.t, JSDocTypeLiteral.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocTag: t => JSDocTag.t = "%identity"
external asNamedDeclaration: t => NamedDeclaration.t = "%identity"
module JSDocUnknownTag = {
open JSDocUnknownTag
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocTag | #Ts_JSDocUnknownTag | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocUnknownTag ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocTag.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocTag.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocTag: t => JSDocTag.t = "%identity"
module JSDocUnknownType = {
open JSDocUnknownType
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocType | #Ts_JSDocUnknownType | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocUnknownType ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocUnknownType.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocUnknownType.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocType: t => JSDocType.t = "%identity"
module JSDocVariadicType = {
open JSDocVariadicType
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocType | #Ts_JSDocVariadicType | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JSDocVariadicType ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JSDocVariadicType.t = "kind"
external \"type": this<'tags, 'base> => TypeNode.t = "type"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JSDocVariadicType.t, ~\"type": TypeNode.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asJSDocType: t => JSDocType.t = "%identity"
module JsFileExtensionInfo = {
open JsFileExtensionInfo
type t = FileExtensionInfo.t
type t0 = t
module JsonMinusNumericLiteral = {
open JsonMinusNumericLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Expression | #Ts_JsonMinusNumericLiteral | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrefixUnaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JsonMinusNumericLiteral ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.PrefixUnaryExpression.t = "kind"
external operator: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.MinusToken.t = "operator"
external operand: this<'tags, 'base> => NumericLiteral.t = "operand"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.PrefixUnaryExpression.t, ~operator: SyntaxKind.MinusToken.t, ~operand: NumericLiteral.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asPrefixUnaryExpression: t => PrefixUnaryExpression.t = "%identity"
module JsonObjectExpression = {
open JsonObjectExpression
type t = Union.t7<ObjectLiteralExpression.t, ArrayLiteralExpression.t, JsonMinusNumericLiteral.t, NumericLiteral.t, StringLiteral.t, BooleanLiteral.t, NullLiteral.t>
type t0 = t
module JsonObjectExpressionStatement = {
open JsonObjectExpressionStatement
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ExpressionStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_JsonObjectExpressionStatement | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JsonObjectExpressionStatement ]
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => JsonObjectExpression.t = "expression"
external make: ~expression: JsonObjectExpression.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asExpressionStatement: t => ExpressionStatement.t = "%identity"
module JsonSourceFile = {
open JsonSourceFile
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JsonSourceFile | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SourceFile]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JsonSourceFile ]
external statements: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<JsonObjectExpressionStatement.t> = "statements"
external make: ~statements: NodeArray.t<JsonObjectExpressionStatement.t> => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asSourceFile: t => SourceFile.t = "%identity"
module JsxAttribute = {
open JsxAttribute
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JsxAttribute | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ObjectLiteralElement | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JsxAttribute ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JsxAttribute.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => JsxAttributes.t = "parent"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "name"
external initializer: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<StringLiteral.t, JsxExpression.t> = "initializer"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JsxAttribute.t, ~parent: JsxAttributes.t, ~name: Identifier.t, ~initializer: Union.t2<StringLiteral.t, JsxExpression.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asObjectLiteralElement: t => ObjectLiteralElement.t = "%identity"
module JsxAttributeLike = {
open JsxAttributeLike
type t = Union.t2<JsxAttribute.t, JsxSpreadAttribute.t>
type t0 = t
module JsxAttributes = {
open JsxAttributes
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ObjectLiteralExpressionBase(JsxAttributeLike.t) | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_JsxAttributes | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JsxAttributes ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JsxAttributes.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => JsxOpeningLikeElement.t = "parent"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JsxAttributes.t, ~parent: JsxOpeningLikeElement.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asObjectLiteralExpressionBase: t => ObjectLiteralExpressionBase.t<JsxAttributeLike.t> = "%identity"
module JsxChild = {
open JsxChild
type t = Union.t5<JsxText.t, JsxExpression.t, JsxElement.t, JsxSelfClosingElement.t, JsxFragment.t>
type t0 = t
module JsxClosingElement = {
open JsxClosingElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JsxClosingElement | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JsxClosingElement ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JsxClosingElement.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => JsxElement.t = "parent"
external tagName: this<'tags, 'base> => JsxTagNameExpression.t = "tagName"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JsxClosingElement.t, ~parent: JsxElement.t, ~tagName: JsxTagNameExpression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
module JsxClosingFragment = {
open JsxClosingFragment
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Expression | #Ts_JsxClosingFragment | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JsxClosingFragment ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JsxClosingFragment.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => JsxFragment.t = "parent"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JsxClosingFragment.t, ~parent: JsxFragment.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asExpression: t => Expression.t = "%identity"
module JsxClosingTagInfo = {
open JsxClosingTagInfo
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JsxClosingTagInfo]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JsxClosingTagInfo ]
external newText: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "newText"
external make: ~newText: string => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module JsxElement = {
open JsxElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Expression | #Ts_JsxElement | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JsxElement ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JsxElement.t = "kind"
external openingElement: this<'tags, 'base> => JsxOpeningElement.t = "openingElement"
external children: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<JsxChild.t> = "children"
external closingElement: this<'tags, 'base> => JsxClosingElement.t = "closingElement"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JsxElement.t, ~openingElement: JsxOpeningElement.t, ~children: NodeArray.t<JsxChild.t>, ~closingElement: JsxClosingElement.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asPrimaryExpression: t => PrimaryExpression.t = "%identity"
module JsxEmit = {
open JsxEmit
type t = t = None | Preserve | React | ReactNative | ReactJSX | ReactJSXDev
type t_0 = t
module None = {
open None
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("JsxEmit") @val
external value: t = "None"
module Preserve = {
open Preserve
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("JsxEmit") @val
external value: t = "Preserve"
module React = {
open React
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("JsxEmit") @val
external value: t = "React"
module ReactNative = {
open ReactNative
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("JsxEmit") @val
external value: t = "ReactNative"
module ReactJSX = {
open ReactJSX
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("JsxEmit") @val
external value: t = "ReactJSX"
module ReactJSXDev = {
open ReactJSXDev
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("JsxEmit") @val
external value: t = "ReactJSXDev"
module JsxExpression = {
open JsxExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Expression | #Ts_JsxExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JsxExpression ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JsxExpression.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t3<JsxElement.t, JsxFragment.t, JsxAttributeLike.t> = "parent"
external dotDotDotToken: this<'tags, 'base> => Token.t<SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken.t> = "dotDotDotToken"
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "expression"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JsxExpression.t, ~parent: Union.t3<JsxElement.t, JsxFragment.t, JsxAttributeLike.t>, ~dotDotDotToken: Token.t<SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken.t>, ~expression: Expression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asExpression: t => Expression.t = "%identity"
module JsxFlags = {
open JsxFlags
type t = t = None | IntrinsicNamedElement | IntrinsicIndexedElement | IntrinsicElement
type t_0 = t
module None = {
open None
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("JsxFlags") @val
external value: t = "None"
module IntrinsicNamedElement = {
open IntrinsicNamedElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("JsxFlags") @val
external value: t = "IntrinsicNamedElement"
module IntrinsicIndexedElement = {
open IntrinsicIndexedElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("JsxFlags") @val
external value: t = "IntrinsicIndexedElement"
module IntrinsicElement = {
open IntrinsicElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("JsxFlags") @val
external value: t = "IntrinsicElement"
module JsxFragment = {
open JsxFragment
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Expression | #Ts_JsxFragment | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JsxFragment ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JsxFragment.t = "kind"
external openingFragment: this<'tags, 'base> => JsxOpeningFragment.t = "openingFragment"
external children: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<JsxChild.t> = "children"
external closingFragment: this<'tags, 'base> => JsxClosingFragment.t = "closingFragment"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JsxFragment.t, ~openingFragment: JsxOpeningFragment.t, ~children: NodeArray.t<JsxChild.t>, ~closingFragment: JsxClosingFragment.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asPrimaryExpression: t => PrimaryExpression.t = "%identity"
module JsxOpeningElement = {
open JsxOpeningElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Expression | #Ts_JsxOpeningElement | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JsxOpeningElement ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JsxOpeningElement.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => JsxElement.t = "parent"
external tagName: this<'tags, 'base> => JsxTagNameExpression.t = "tagName"
external typeArguments: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<TypeNode.t> = "typeArguments"
external attributes: this<'tags, 'base> => JsxAttributes.t = "attributes"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JsxOpeningElement.t, ~parent: JsxElement.t, ~tagName: JsxTagNameExpression.t, ~typeArguments: NodeArray.t<TypeNode.t>, ~attributes: JsxAttributes.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asExpression: t => Expression.t = "%identity"
module JsxOpeningFragment = {
open JsxOpeningFragment
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Expression | #Ts_JsxOpeningFragment | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JsxOpeningFragment ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JsxOpeningFragment.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => JsxFragment.t = "parent"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JsxOpeningFragment.t, ~parent: JsxFragment.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asExpression: t => Expression.t = "%identity"
module JsxOpeningLikeElement = {
open JsxOpeningLikeElement
type t = Union.t2<JsxSelfClosingElement.t, JsxOpeningElement.t>
type t0 = t
module JsxSelfClosingElement = {
open JsxSelfClosingElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Expression | #Ts_JsxSelfClosingElement | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JsxSelfClosingElement ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JsxSelfClosingElement.t = "kind"
external tagName: this<'tags, 'base> => JsxTagNameExpression.t = "tagName"
external typeArguments: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<TypeNode.t> = "typeArguments"
external attributes: this<'tags, 'base> => JsxAttributes.t = "attributes"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JsxSelfClosingElement.t, ~tagName: JsxTagNameExpression.t, ~typeArguments: NodeArray.t<TypeNode.t>, ~attributes: JsxAttributes.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asPrimaryExpression: t => PrimaryExpression.t = "%identity"
module JsxSpreadAttribute = {
open JsxSpreadAttribute
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JsxSpreadAttribute | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ObjectLiteralElement | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JsxSpreadAttribute ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JsxSpreadAttribute.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => JsxAttributes.t = "parent"
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "expression"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JsxSpreadAttribute.t, ~parent: JsxAttributes.t, ~expression: Expression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asObjectLiteralElement: t => ObjectLiteralElement.t = "%identity"
module JsxTagNameExpression = {
open JsxTagNameExpression
type t = Union.t3<Identifier.t, ThisExpression.t, JsxTagNamePropertyAccess.t>
type t0 = t
module JsxTagNamePropertyAccess = {
open JsxTagNamePropertyAccess
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_JsxTagNamePropertyAccess | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PropertyAccessExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JsxTagNamePropertyAccess ]
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => JsxTagNameExpression.t = "expression"
external make: ~expression: JsxTagNameExpression.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asPropertyAccessExpression: t => PropertyAccessExpression.t = "%identity"
module JsxText = {
open JsxText
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JsxText | #Ts_LiteralLikeNode | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_JsxText ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.JsxText.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<JsxElement.t, JsxFragment.t> = "parent"
external containsOnlyTriviaWhiteSpaces: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "containsOnlyTriviaWhiteSpaces"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.JsxText.t, ~parent: Union.t2<JsxElement.t, JsxFragment.t>, ~containsOnlyTriviaWhiteSpaces: bool) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asLiteralLikeNode: t => LiteralLikeNode.t = "%identity"
module JsxTokenSyntaxKind = {
open JsxTokenSyntaxKind
type t = Union.t7<SyntaxKind.LessThanSlashToken.t, SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken.t, SyntaxKind.ConflictMarkerTrivia.t, SyntaxKind.JsxText.t, SyntaxKind.JsxTextAllWhiteSpaces.t, SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken.t, SyntaxKind.LessThanToken.t>
type t0 = t
module KeywordSyntaxKind = {
open KeywordSyntaxKind
type t = Union.t8<SyntaxKind.AbstractKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.AsKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.AssertsKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.AssertKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.AwaitKeyword.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.BigIntKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.BooleanKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.BreakKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.CaseKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.CatchKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ClassKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.ConstructorKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ContinueKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.DebuggerKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.DeclareKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.DeleteKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.DoKeyword.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.ElseKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.EnumKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.FalseKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.FinallyKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ForKeyword.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.FromKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.FunctionKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.GetKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.GlobalKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.IfKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ImplementsKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ImportKeyword.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.InferKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.InKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.InstanceOfKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.InterfaceKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.IntrinsicKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.IsKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.KeyOfKeyword.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.LetKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ModuleKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.NamespaceKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.NeverKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.NewKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.NullKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.NumberKeyword.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.ObjectKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.OfKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.PackageKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.PrivateKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ProtectedKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.PublicKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.OverrideKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.RequireKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ReturnKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.SetKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.StringKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.SuperKeyword.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.SwitchKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.SymbolKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ThrowKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.TryKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.TypeKeyword.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.TypeOfKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.UndefinedKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.UniqueKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.UnknownKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.VarKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.VoidKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.WhileKeyword.t, Union.t2<SyntaxKind.WithKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.YieldKeyword.t>>>>>>>>>>>>
type t0 = t
module KeywordToken = {
open KeywordToken
type t<'TKind> = t<'TKind>
type t1<'TKind> = t<'TKind>
type tags<'TKind> = [#Ts_KeywordToken('TKind) | #Ts_Token('TKind) | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags1<'TKind> = tags<'TKind>
type this<'tags, 'base, 'TKind> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_KeywordToken('TKind) ]
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base, 'TKind> => t<'TKind> = "%identity"
external asToken: t<'TKind> => Token.t<'TKind> = "%identity"
module KeywordTypeNode = {
open KeywordTypeNode
type t<'TKind> = t<'TKind>
type t1<'TKind> = t<'TKind>
type t0 = t<KeywordTypeSyntaxKind.t>
type tags<'TKind> = [#Ts_KeywordToken('TKind) | #Ts_KeywordTypeNode('TKind) | #Ts_Token('TKind) | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]
type tags1<'TKind> = tags<'TKind>
type tags0 = tags<KeywordTypeSyntaxKind.t>
type this<'tags, 'base, 'TKind> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_KeywordTypeNode('TKind) ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base, 'TKind> => 'TKind = "kind"
external make: ~kind: 'TKind => t<'TKind> = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base, 'TKind> => t<'TKind> = "%identity"
external asKeywordToken: t<'TKind> => KeywordToken.t<'TKind> = "%identity"
external asTypeNode: t<'TKind> => TypeNode.t = "%identity"
module KeywordTypeSyntaxKind = {
open KeywordTypeSyntaxKind
type t = Union.t8<SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.BigIntKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.BooleanKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.IntrinsicKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.NeverKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.NumberKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ObjectKeyword.t, Union.t5<SyntaxKind.StringKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.SymbolKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.UndefinedKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.UnknownKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.VoidKeyword.t>>
type t0 = t
module LabeledStatement = {
open LabeledStatement
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_LabeledStatement | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_LabeledStatement ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.LabeledStatement.t = "kind"
external label: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "label"
external statement: this<'tags, 'base> => Statement.t = "statement"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.LabeledStatement.t, ~label: Identifier.t, ~statement: Statement.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asStatement: t => Statement.t = "%identity"
module LanguageService = {
open LanguageService
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_LanguageService]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_LanguageService ]
external cleanupSemanticCache: this<'tags, 'base> => unit = "cleanupSemanticCache"
external getSyntacticDiagnostics: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string) => array<DiagnosticWithLocation.t> = "getSyntacticDiagnostics"
external getSemanticDiagnostics: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string) => array<Diagnostic.t> = "getSemanticDiagnostics"
external getSuggestionDiagnostics: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string) => array<DiagnosticWithLocation.t> = "getSuggestionDiagnostics"
external getCompilerOptionsDiagnostics: this<'tags, 'base> => array<Diagnostic.t> = "getCompilerOptionsDiagnostics"
external getSyntacticClassifications: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~span:TextSpan.t) => array<ClassifiedSpan.t> = "getSyntacticClassifications"
external getSyntacticClassifications': (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~span:TextSpan.t, ~format:SemanticClassificationFormat.t) => Union.t2<array<ClassifiedSpan.t>, array<ClassifiedSpan2020.t>> = "getSyntacticClassifications"
external getSemanticClassifications: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~span:TextSpan.t) => array<ClassifiedSpan.t> = "getSemanticClassifications"
external getSemanticClassifications': (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~span:TextSpan.t, ~format:SemanticClassificationFormat.t) => Union.t2<array<ClassifiedSpan.t>, array<ClassifiedSpan2020.t>> = "getSemanticClassifications"
external getEncodedSyntacticClassifications: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~span:TextSpan.t) => Classifications.t = "getEncodedSyntacticClassifications"
external getEncodedSemanticClassifications: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~span:TextSpan.t, ~format:SemanticClassificationFormat.t=?, unit) => Classifications.t = "getEncodedSemanticClassifications"
@send @return(nullable)
external getCompletionsAtPosition: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~position:float, ~options:undefined<GetCompletionsAtPositionOptions.t>, ~formattingSettings:FormatCodeSettings.t=?, unit) => option<WithMetadata.t<CompletionInfo.t>> = "getCompletionsAtPosition"
@send @return(nullable)
external getCompletionEntryDetails: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~position:float, ~entryName:string, ~formatOptions:undefined<Union.t2<FormatCodeOptions.t, FormatCodeSettings.t>>, ~source:undefined<string>, ~preferences:undefined<UserPreferences.t>, ~data:undefined<CompletionEntryData.t>) => option<CompletionEntryDetails.t> = "getCompletionEntryDetails"
@send @return(nullable)
external getCompletionEntrySymbol: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~position:float, ~name:string, ~source:undefined<string>) => option<Symbol.t> = "getCompletionEntrySymbol"
@send @return(nullable)
external getQuickInfoAtPosition: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~position:float) => option<QuickInfo.t> = "getQuickInfoAtPosition"
@send @return(nullable)
external getNameOrDottedNameSpan: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~startPos:float, ~endPos:float) => option<TextSpan.t> = "getNameOrDottedNameSpan"
@send @return(nullable)
external getBreakpointStatementAtPosition: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~position:float) => option<TextSpan.t> = "getBreakpointStatementAtPosition"
@send @return(nullable)
external getSignatureHelpItems: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~position:float, ~options:undefined<SignatureHelpItemsOptions.t>) => option<SignatureHelpItems.t> = "getSignatureHelpItems"
external getRenameInfo: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~position:float, ~options:RenameInfoOptions.t=?, unit) => RenameInfo.t = "getRenameInfo"
@send @return(nullable)
external findRenameLocations: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~position:float, ~findInStrings:bool, ~findInComments:bool, ~providePrefixAndSuffixTextForRename:bool=?, unit) => option<array<RenameLocation.t>> = "findRenameLocations"
external getSmartSelectionRange: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~position:float) => SelectionRange.t = "getSmartSelectionRange"
@send @return(nullable)
external getDefinitionAtPosition: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~position:float) => option<array<DefinitionInfo.t>> = "getDefinitionAtPosition"
@send @return(nullable)
external getDefinitionAndBoundSpan: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~position:float) => option<DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpan.t> = "getDefinitionAndBoundSpan"
@send @return(nullable)
external getTypeDefinitionAtPosition: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~position:float) => option<array<DefinitionInfo.t>> = "getTypeDefinitionAtPosition"
@send @return(nullable)
external getImplementationAtPosition: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~position:float) => option<array<ImplementationLocation.t>> = "getImplementationAtPosition"
@send @return(nullable)
external getReferencesAtPosition: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~position:float) => option<array<ReferenceEntry.t>> = "getReferencesAtPosition"
@send @return(nullable)
external findReferences: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~position:float) => option<array<ReferencedSymbol.t>> = "findReferences"
@send @return(nullable)
external getDocumentHighlights: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~position:float, ~filesToSearch:array<string>) => option<array<DocumentHighlights.t>> = "getDocumentHighlights"
external getFileReferences: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string) => array<ReferenceEntry.t> = "getFileReferences"
@send @return(nullable)
external getOccurrencesAtPosition: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~position:float) => option<array<ReferenceEntry.t>> = "getOccurrencesAtPosition"
external getNavigateToItems: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~searchValue:string, ~maxResultCount:float=?, ~fileName:string=?, ~excludeDtsFiles:bool=?, unit) => array<NavigateToItem.t> = "getNavigateToItems"
external getNavigationBarItems: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string) => array<NavigationBarItem.t> = "getNavigationBarItems"
external getNavigationTree: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string) => NavigationTree.t = "getNavigationTree"
@send @return(nullable)
external prepareCallHierarchy: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~position:float) => option<Union.t2<CallHierarchyItem.t, array<CallHierarchyItem.t>>> = "prepareCallHierarchy"
external provideCallHierarchyIncomingCalls: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~position:float) => array<CallHierarchyIncomingCall.t> = "provideCallHierarchyIncomingCalls"
external provideCallHierarchyOutgoingCalls: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~position:float) => array<CallHierarchyOutgoingCall.t> = "provideCallHierarchyOutgoingCalls"
external provideInlayHints: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~span:TextSpan.t, ~preferences:undefined<UserPreferences.t>) => array<InlayHint.t> = "provideInlayHints"
external getOutliningSpans: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string) => array<OutliningSpan.t> = "getOutliningSpans"
external getTodoComments: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~descriptors:array<TodoCommentDescriptor.t>) => array<TodoComment.t> = "getTodoComments"
external getBraceMatchingAtPosition: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~position:float) => array<TextSpan.t> = "getBraceMatchingAtPosition"
external getIndentationAtPosition: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~position:float, ~options:Union.t2<EditorOptions.t, EditorSettings.t>) => float = "getIndentationAtPosition"
external getFormattingEditsForRange: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~start:float, ~end:float, ~options:Union.t2<FormatCodeOptions.t, FormatCodeSettings.t>) => array<TextChange.t> = "getFormattingEditsForRange"
external getFormattingEditsForDocument: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~options:Union.t2<FormatCodeOptions.t, FormatCodeSettings.t>) => array<TextChange.t> = "getFormattingEditsForDocument"
external getFormattingEditsAfterKeystroke: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~position:float, ~key:string, ~options:Union.t2<FormatCodeOptions.t, FormatCodeSettings.t>) => array<TextChange.t> = "getFormattingEditsAfterKeystroke"
@send @return(nullable)
external getDocCommentTemplateAtPosition: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~position:float, ~options:DocCommentTemplateOptions.t=?, unit) => option<TextInsertion.t> = "getDocCommentTemplateAtPosition"
external isValidBraceCompletionAtPosition: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~position:float, ~openingBrace:float) => bool = "isValidBraceCompletionAtPosition"
@send @return(nullable)
external getJsxClosingTagAtPosition: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~position:float) => option<JsxClosingTagInfo.t> = "getJsxClosingTagAtPosition"
@send @return(nullable)
external getSpanOfEnclosingComment: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~position:float, ~onlyMultiLine:bool) => option<TextSpan.t> = "getSpanOfEnclosingComment"
external toLineColumnOffset: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~position:float) => LineAndCharacter.t = "toLineColumnOffset"
external getCodeFixesAtPosition: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~start:float, ~end:float, ~errorCodes:array<float>, ~formatOptions:FormatCodeSettings.t, ~preferences:UserPreferences.t) => array<CodeFixAction.t> = "getCodeFixesAtPosition"
external getCombinedCodeFix: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~scope:CombinedCodeFixScope.t, ~fixId:untyped_object, ~formatOptions:FormatCodeSettings.t, ~preferences:UserPreferences.t) => CombinedCodeActions.t = "getCombinedCodeFix"
external applyCodeActionCommand: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~action:CodeActionCommand.t, ~formatSettings:FormatCodeSettings.t=?, unit) => Js.Promise.t<ApplyCodeActionCommandResult.t> = "applyCodeActionCommand"
external applyCodeActionCommand': (this<'tags, 'base>, ~action:array<CodeActionCommand.t>, ~formatSettings:FormatCodeSettings.t=?, unit) => Js.Promise.t<array<ApplyCodeActionCommandResult.t>> = "applyCodeActionCommand"
external applyCodeActionCommand'': (this<'tags, 'base>, ~action:Union.t2<CodeActionCommand.t, array<CodeActionCommand.t>>, ~formatSettings:FormatCodeSettings.t=?, unit) => Js.Promise.t<Union.t2<ApplyCodeActionCommandResult.t, array<ApplyCodeActionCommandResult.t>>> = "applyCodeActionCommand"
external applyCodeActionCommand''': (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~action:CodeActionCommand.t) => Js.Promise.t<ApplyCodeActionCommandResult.t> = "applyCodeActionCommand"
external applyCodeActionCommand'''': (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~action:array<CodeActionCommand.t>) => Js.Promise.t<array<ApplyCodeActionCommandResult.t>> = "applyCodeActionCommand"
external applyCodeActionCommand''''': (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~action:Union.t2<CodeActionCommand.t, array<CodeActionCommand.t>>) => Js.Promise.t<Union.t2<ApplyCodeActionCommandResult.t, array<ApplyCodeActionCommandResult.t>>> = "applyCodeActionCommand"
external getApplicableRefactors: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~positionOrRange:Union.t2<float, TextRange.t>, ~preferences:undefined<UserPreferences.t>, ~triggerReason:RefactorTriggerReason.t=?, ~kind:string=?, unit) => array<ApplicableRefactorInfo.t> = "getApplicableRefactors"
@send @return(nullable)
external getEditsForRefactor: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~formatOptions:FormatCodeSettings.t, ~positionOrRange:Union.t2<float, TextRange.t>, ~refactorName:string, ~actionName:string, ~preferences:undefined<UserPreferences.t>) => option<RefactorEditInfo.t> = "getEditsForRefactor"
external organizeImports: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~args:OrganizeImportsArgs.t, ~formatOptions:FormatCodeSettings.t, ~preferences:undefined<UserPreferences.t>) => array<FileTextChanges.t> = "organizeImports"
external getEditsForFileRename: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~oldFilePath:string, ~newFilePath:string, ~formatOptions:FormatCodeSettings.t, ~preferences:undefined<UserPreferences.t>) => array<FileTextChanges.t> = "getEditsForFileRename"
external getEmitOutput: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~emitOnlyDtsFiles:bool=?, ~forceDtsEmit:bool=?, unit) => EmitOutput.t = "getEmitOutput"
@send @return(nullable)
external getProgram: this<'tags, 'base> => option<Program.t> = "getProgram"
external toggleLineComment: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~textRange:TextRange.t) => array<TextChange.t> = "toggleLineComment"
external toggleMultilineComment: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~textRange:TextRange.t) => array<TextChange.t> = "toggleMultilineComment"
external commentSelection: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~textRange:TextRange.t) => array<TextChange.t> = "commentSelection"
external uncommentSelection: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~textRange:TextRange.t) => array<TextChange.t> = "uncommentSelection"
external dispose: this<'tags, 'base> => unit = "dispose"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module LanguageServiceHost = {
open LanguageServiceHost
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_GetEffectiveTypeRootsHost | #Ts_LanguageServiceHost]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_LanguageServiceHost ]
external getCompilationSettings: this<'tags, 'base> => CompilerOptions.t = "getCompilationSettings"
external getNewLine: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "getNewLine"
external getProjectVersion: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "getProjectVersion"
external getScriptFileNames: this<'tags, 'base> => array<string> = "getScriptFileNames"
external getScriptKind: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string) => ScriptKind.t = "getScriptKind"
external getScriptVersion: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string) => string = "getScriptVersion"
@send @return(nullable)
external getScriptSnapshot: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string) => option<IScriptSnapshot.t> = "getScriptSnapshot"
@send @return(nullable)
external getProjectReferences: this<'tags, 'base> => option<array<ProjectReference.t>> = "getProjectReferences"
external getLocalizedDiagnosticMessages: this<'tags, 'base> => any = "getLocalizedDiagnosticMessages"
external getCancellationToken: this<'tags, 'base> => HostCancellationToken.t = "getCancellationToken"
external getCurrentDirectory: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "getCurrentDirectory"
external getDefaultLibFileName: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~options:CompilerOptions.t) => string = "getDefaultLibFileName"
external log: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~s:string) => unit = "log"
external trace: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~s:string) => unit = "trace"
external error: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~s:string) => unit = "error"
external useCaseSensitiveFileNames: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "useCaseSensitiveFileNames"
external readDirectory: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~path:string, ~extensions:array<string>=?, ~exclude:array<string>=?, ~\"include":array<string>=?, ~depth:float=?, unit) => array<string> = "readDirectory"
@send @return(nullable)
external readFile: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~path:string, ~encoding:string=?, unit) => option<string> = "readFile"
external realpath: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~path:string) => string = "realpath"
external fileExists: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~path:string) => bool = "fileExists"
external getTypeRootsVersion: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "getTypeRootsVersion"
external resolveModuleNames: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~moduleNames:array<string>, ~containingFile:string, ~reusedNames:undefined<array<string>>, ~redirectedReference:undefined<ResolvedProjectReference.t>, ~options:CompilerOptions.t, ~containingSourceFile:SourceFile.t=?, unit) => array<undefined<ResolvedModule.t>> = "resolveModuleNames"
@send @return(nullable)
external getResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocationsFromCache: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~modulename:string, ~containingFile:string, ~resolutionMode:Union.t2<ModuleKind.CommonJS.t, ModuleKind.ESNext.t>=?, unit) => option<ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations.t> = "getResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocationsFromCache"
external resolveTypeReferenceDirectives: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~typeDirectiveNames:array<string>, ~containingFile:string, ~redirectedReference:undefined<ResolvedProjectReference.t>, ~options:CompilerOptions.t) => array<undefined<ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective.t>> = "resolveTypeReferenceDirectives"
external getDirectories: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~directoryName:string) => array<string> = "getDirectories"
@send @return(nullable)
external getCustomTransformers: this<'tags, 'base> => option<CustomTransformers.t> = "getCustomTransformers"
external isKnownTypesPackageName: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~name:string) => bool = "isKnownTypesPackageName"
external installPackage: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~options:InstallPackageOptions.t) => Js.Promise.t<ApplyCodeActionCommandResult.t> = "installPackage"
external writeFile: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string, ~content:string) => unit = "writeFile"
@send @return(nullable)
external getParsedCommandLine: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string) => option<ParsedCommandLine.t> = "getParsedCommandLine"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asGetEffectiveTypeRootsHost: t => GetEffectiveTypeRootsHost.t = "%identity"
module LanguageServiceMode = {
open LanguageServiceMode
type t = t = Semantic | PartialSemantic | Syntactic
type t_0 = t
module Semantic = {
open Semantic
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("LanguageServiceMode") @val
external value: t = "Semantic"
module PartialSemantic = {
open PartialSemantic
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("LanguageServiceMode") @val
external value: t = "PartialSemantic"
module Syntactic = {
open Syntactic
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("LanguageServiceMode") @val
external value: t = "Syntactic"
module LanguageVariant = {
open LanguageVariant
type t = t = Standard | JSX
type t_0 = t
module Standard = {
open Standard
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("LanguageVariant") @val
external value: t = "Standard"
module JSX = {
open JSX
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("LanguageVariant") @val
external value: t = "JSX"
module LeftHandSideExpression = {
open LeftHandSideExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression ]
external get_leftHandSideExpressionBrand: this<'tags, 'base> => any = "_leftHandSideExpressionBrand"
external set_leftHandSideExpressionBrand: (this<'tags, 'base>, any) => unit = "_leftHandSideExpressionBrand"
external make: ~\"_leftHandSideExpressionBrand": any => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asUpdateExpression: t => UpdateExpression.t = "%identity"
module LineAndCharacter = {
open LineAndCharacter
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_LineAndCharacter]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_LineAndCharacter ]
external getLine: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "line"
external setLine: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "line"
external getCharacter: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "character"
external setCharacter: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "character"
external make: (~line: float, ~character: float) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module ListFormat = {
open ListFormat
type t = t
type t_0 = t
module None = {
open None
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "None"
module SingleLine = {
open SingleLine
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "SingleLine"
module MultiLine = {
open MultiLine
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "MultiLine"
module PreserveLines = {
open PreserveLines
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "PreserveLines"
module LinesMask = {
open LinesMask
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "LinesMask"
module NotDelimited = {
open NotDelimited
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "NotDelimited"
module BarDelimited = {
open BarDelimited
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "BarDelimited"
module AmpersandDelimited = {
open AmpersandDelimited
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "AmpersandDelimited"
module CommaDelimited = {
open CommaDelimited
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "CommaDelimited"
module AsteriskDelimited = {
open AsteriskDelimited
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "AsteriskDelimited"
module DelimitersMask = {
open DelimitersMask
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "DelimitersMask"
module AllowTrailingComma = {
open AllowTrailingComma
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "AllowTrailingComma"
module Indented = {
open Indented
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "Indented"
module SpaceBetweenBraces = {
open SpaceBetweenBraces
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "SpaceBetweenBraces"
module SpaceBetweenSiblings = {
open SpaceBetweenSiblings
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "SpaceBetweenSiblings"
module Braces = {
open Braces
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "Braces"
module Parenthesis = {
open Parenthesis
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "Parenthesis"
module AngleBrackets = {
open AngleBrackets
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "AngleBrackets"
module SquareBrackets = {
open SquareBrackets
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "SquareBrackets"
module BracketsMask = {
open BracketsMask
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "BracketsMask"
module OptionalIfUndefined = {
open OptionalIfUndefined
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "OptionalIfUndefined"
module OptionalIfEmpty = {
open OptionalIfEmpty
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "OptionalIfEmpty"
module Optional = {
open Optional
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "Optional"
module PreferNewLine = {
open PreferNewLine
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "PreferNewLine"
module NoTrailingNewLine = {
open NoTrailingNewLine
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "NoTrailingNewLine"
module NoInterveningComments = {
open NoInterveningComments
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "NoInterveningComments"
module NoSpaceIfEmpty = {
open NoSpaceIfEmpty
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "NoSpaceIfEmpty"
module SingleElement = {
open SingleElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "SingleElement"
module SpaceAfterList = {
open SpaceAfterList
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "SpaceAfterList"
module Modifiers = {
open Modifiers
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "Modifiers"
module HeritageClauses = {
open HeritageClauses
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "HeritageClauses"
module SingleLineTypeLiteralMembers = {
open SingleLineTypeLiteralMembers
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "SingleLineTypeLiteralMembers"
module MultiLineTypeLiteralMembers = {
open MultiLineTypeLiteralMembers
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "MultiLineTypeLiteralMembers"
module SingleLineTupleTypeElements = {
open SingleLineTupleTypeElements
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "SingleLineTupleTypeElements"
module MultiLineTupleTypeElements = {
open MultiLineTupleTypeElements
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "MultiLineTupleTypeElements"
module UnionTypeConstituents = {
open UnionTypeConstituents
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "UnionTypeConstituents"
module IntersectionTypeConstituents = {
open IntersectionTypeConstituents
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "IntersectionTypeConstituents"
module ObjectBindingPatternElements = {
open ObjectBindingPatternElements
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "ObjectBindingPatternElements"
module ArrayBindingPatternElements = {
open ArrayBindingPatternElements
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "ArrayBindingPatternElements"
module ObjectLiteralExpressionProperties = {
open ObjectLiteralExpressionProperties
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "ObjectLiteralExpressionProperties"
module ImportClauseEntries = {
open ImportClauseEntries
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "ImportClauseEntries"
module ArrayLiteralExpressionElements = {
open ArrayLiteralExpressionElements
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "ArrayLiteralExpressionElements"
module CommaListElements = {
open CommaListElements
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "CommaListElements"
module CallExpressionArguments = {
open CallExpressionArguments
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "CallExpressionArguments"
module NewExpressionArguments = {
open NewExpressionArguments
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "NewExpressionArguments"
module TemplateExpressionSpans = {
open TemplateExpressionSpans
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "TemplateExpressionSpans"
module SingleLineBlockStatements = {
open SingleLineBlockStatements
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "SingleLineBlockStatements"
module MultiLineBlockStatements = {
open MultiLineBlockStatements
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "MultiLineBlockStatements"
module VariableDeclarationList = {
open VariableDeclarationList
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "VariableDeclarationList"
module SingleLineFunctionBodyStatements = {
open SingleLineFunctionBodyStatements
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "SingleLineFunctionBodyStatements"
module MultiLineFunctionBodyStatements = {
open MultiLineFunctionBodyStatements
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "MultiLineFunctionBodyStatements"
module ClassHeritageClauses = {
open ClassHeritageClauses
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "ClassHeritageClauses"
module ClassMembers = {
open ClassMembers
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "ClassMembers"
module InterfaceMembers = {
open InterfaceMembers
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "InterfaceMembers"
module EnumMembers = {
open EnumMembers
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "EnumMembers"
module CaseBlockClauses = {
open CaseBlockClauses
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "CaseBlockClauses"
module NamedImportsOrExportsElements = {
open NamedImportsOrExportsElements
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "NamedImportsOrExportsElements"
module JsxElementOrFragmentChildren = {
open JsxElementOrFragmentChildren
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "JsxElementOrFragmentChildren"
module JsxElementAttributes = {
open JsxElementAttributes
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "JsxElementAttributes"
module CaseOrDefaultClauseStatements = {
open CaseOrDefaultClauseStatements
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "CaseOrDefaultClauseStatements"
module HeritageClauseTypes = {
open HeritageClauseTypes
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "HeritageClauseTypes"
module SourceFileStatements = {
open SourceFileStatements
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "SourceFileStatements"
module Decorators = {
open Decorators
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "Decorators"
module TypeArguments = {
open TypeArguments
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "TypeArguments"
module TypeParameters = {
open TypeParameters
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "TypeParameters"
module Parameters = {
open Parameters
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "Parameters"
module IndexSignatureParameters = {
open IndexSignatureParameters
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "IndexSignatureParameters"
module JSDocComment = {
open JSDocComment
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ListFormat") @val
external value: t = "JSDocComment"
module LiteralExpression = {
open LiteralExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_LiteralExpression | #Ts_LiteralLikeNode | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_LiteralExpression ]
external get_literalExpressionBrand: this<'tags, 'base> => any = "_literalExpressionBrand"
external set_literalExpressionBrand: (this<'tags, 'base>, any) => unit = "_literalExpressionBrand"
external make: ~\"_literalExpressionBrand": any => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asLiteralLikeNode: t => LiteralLikeNode.t = "%identity"
external asPrimaryExpression: t => PrimaryExpression.t = "%identity"
module LiteralLikeNode = {
open LiteralLikeNode
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_LiteralLikeNode | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_LiteralLikeNode ]
external getText: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "text"
external setText: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "text"
external getIsUnterminated: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isUnterminated"
external setIsUnterminated: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "isUnterminated"
external getHasExtendedUnicodeEscape: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "hasExtendedUnicodeEscape"
external setHasExtendedUnicodeEscape: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "hasExtendedUnicodeEscape"
external make: (~text: string, ~isUnterminated: bool, ~hasExtendedUnicodeEscape: bool) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
module LiteralSyntaxKind = {
open LiteralSyntaxKind
type t = Union.t7<SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral.t, SyntaxKind.BigIntLiteral.t, SyntaxKind.StringLiteral.t, SyntaxKind.JsxText.t, SyntaxKind.JsxTextAllWhiteSpaces.t, SyntaxKind.RegularExpressionLiteral.t, SyntaxKind.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral.t>
type t0 = t
module LiteralToken = {
open LiteralToken
type t = Union.t6<NumericLiteral.t, BigIntLiteral.t, StringLiteral.t, JsxText.t, RegularExpressionLiteral.t, NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral.t>
type t0 = t
module LiteralType = {
open LiteralType
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_LiteralType | #Ts_Type]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_LiteralType ]
external getValue: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t3<string, float, PseudoBigInt.t> = "value"
external setValue: (this<'tags, 'base>, Union.t3<string, float, PseudoBigInt.t>) => unit = "value"
external getFreshType: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "freshType"
external setFreshType: (this<'tags, 'base>, t) => unit = "freshType"
external getRegularType: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "regularType"
external setRegularType: (this<'tags, 'base>, t) => unit = "regularType"
external make: (~value: Union.t3<string, float, PseudoBigInt.t>, ~freshType: t, ~regularType: t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asType: t => Type.t = "%identity"
module LiteralTypeNode = {
open LiteralTypeNode
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_LiteralTypeNode | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_LiteralTypeNode ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.LiteralType.t = "kind"
external literal: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t4<NullLiteral.t, BooleanLiteral.t, LiteralExpression.t, PrefixUnaryExpression.t> = "literal"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.LiteralType.t, ~literal: Union.t4<NullLiteral.t, BooleanLiteral.t, LiteralExpression.t, PrefixUnaryExpression.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asTypeNode: t => TypeNode.t = "%identity"
module LogicalOperator = {
open LogicalOperator
type t = Union.t2<SyntaxKind.AmpersandAmpersandToken.t, SyntaxKind.BarBarToken.t>
type t0 = t
module LogicalOperatorOrHigher = {
open LogicalOperatorOrHigher
type t = Union.t2<BitwiseOperatorOrHigher.t, LogicalOperator.t>
type t0 = t
module LogicalOrCoalescingAssignmentOperator = {
open LogicalOrCoalescingAssignmentOperator
type t = Union.t3<SyntaxKind.AmpersandAmpersandEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.BarBarEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.QuestionQuestionEqualsToken.t>
type t0 = t
module Map = {
open Map
type t<'T> = t<'T>
type t1<'T> = t<'T>
type tags<'T> = [#Ts_Collection(string) | #Ts_Map('T) | #Ts_ReadonlyCollection(string) | #Ts_ESMap(string, 'T) | #Ts_ReadonlyESMap(string, 'T)]
type tags1<'T> = tags<'T>
type this<'tags, 'base, 'T> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_Map('T) ]
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => t<'T> = "%identity"
external asESMap: t<'T> => ESMap.t<string, 'T> = "%identity"
external asESMap': t<'T> => ESMap.t<string, 'T> = "%identity"
module MapLike = {
open MapLike
type t<'T> = t<'T>
type t1<'T> = t<'T>
type tags<'T> = [#Ts_MapLike('T)]
type tags1<'T> = tags<'T>
type this<'tags, 'base, 'T> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_MapLike('T) ]
external get: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, string) => 'T = ""
external set: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, string, 'T) => unit = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => t<'T> = "%identity"
module MappedTypeNode = {
open MappedTypeNode
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_MappedTypeNode | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_MappedTypeNode ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.MappedType.t = "kind"
external readonlyToken: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t3<ReadonlyKeyword.t, PlusToken.t, MinusToken.t> = "readonlyToken"
external typeParameter: this<'tags, 'base> => TypeParameterDeclaration.t = "typeParameter"
external nameType: this<'tags, 'base> => TypeNode.t = "nameType"
external questionToken: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t3<QuestionToken.t, PlusToken.t, MinusToken.t> = "questionToken"
external \"type": this<'tags, 'base> => TypeNode.t = "type"
external members: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<TypeElement.t> = "members"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.MappedType.t, ~readonlyToken: Union.t3<ReadonlyKeyword.t, PlusToken.t, MinusToken.t>, ~typeParameter: TypeParameterDeclaration.t, ~nameType: TypeNode.t, ~questionToken: Union.t3<QuestionToken.t, PlusToken.t, MinusToken.t>, ~\"type": TypeNode.t, ~members: NodeArray.t<TypeElement.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asTypeNode: t => TypeNode.t = "%identity"
external asDeclaration: t => Declaration.t = "%identity"
module MemberExpression = {
open MemberExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_MemberExpression ]
external get_memberExpressionBrand: this<'tags, 'base> => any = "_memberExpressionBrand"
external set_memberExpressionBrand: (this<'tags, 'base>, any) => unit = "_memberExpressionBrand"
external make: ~\"_memberExpressionBrand": any => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asLeftHandSideExpression: t => LeftHandSideExpression.t = "%identity"
module MemberName = {
open MemberName
type t = Union.t2<Identifier.t, PrivateIdentifier.t>
type t0 = t
module MetaProperty = {
open MetaProperty
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_MetaProperty | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_MetaProperty ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.MetaProperty.t = "kind"
external keywordToken: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<SyntaxKind.NewKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ImportKeyword.t> = "keywordToken"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "name"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.MetaProperty.t, ~keywordToken: Union.t2<SyntaxKind.NewKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ImportKeyword.t>, ~name: Identifier.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asPrimaryExpression: t => PrimaryExpression.t = "%identity"
module MethodDeclaration = {
open MethodDeclaration
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ClassElement | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_FunctionLikeDeclarationBase | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_MethodDeclaration | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ObjectLiteralElement | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_MethodDeclaration ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<ClassLikeDeclaration.t, ObjectLiteralExpression.t> = "parent"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => PropertyName.t = "name"
external body: this<'tags, 'base> => FunctionBody.t = "body"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration.t, ~parent: Union.t2<ClassLikeDeclaration.t, ObjectLiteralExpression.t>, ~name: PropertyName.t, ~body: FunctionBody.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asFunctionLikeDeclarationBase: t => FunctionLikeDeclarationBase.t = "%identity"
external asClassElement: t => ClassElement.t = "%identity"
external asObjectLiteralElement: t => ObjectLiteralElement.t = "%identity"
external asJSDocContainer: t => JSDocContainer.t = "%identity"
module MethodSignature = {
open MethodSignature
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_MethodSignature | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase | #Ts_TypeElement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_MethodSignature ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.MethodSignature.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => ObjectTypeDeclaration.t = "parent"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => PropertyName.t = "name"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.MethodSignature.t, ~parent: ObjectTypeDeclaration.t, ~name: PropertyName.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asSignatureDeclarationBase: t => SignatureDeclarationBase.t = "%identity"
external asTypeElement: t => TypeElement.t = "%identity"
module MinusToken = {
open MinusToken
type t = PunctuationToken.t<SyntaxKind.MinusToken.t>
type t0 = t
module MissingDeclaration = {
open MissingDeclaration
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_DeclarationStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_MissingDeclaration | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_MissingDeclaration ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.MissingDeclaration.t = "kind"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "name"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.MissingDeclaration.t, ~name: Identifier.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asDeclarationStatement: t => DeclarationStatement.t = "%identity"
module ModeAwareCache = {
open ModeAwareCache
type t<'T> = t<'T>
type t1<'T> = t<'T>
type tags<'T> = [#Ts_ModeAwareCache('T)]
type tags1<'T> = tags<'T>
type this<'tags, 'base, 'T> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ModeAwareCache('T) ]
@send @return(nullable)
external get: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~key:string, ~mode:undefined<Union.t2<ModuleKind.CommonJS.t, ModuleKind.ESNext.t>>) => option<'T> = "get"
external set: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~key:string, ~mode:undefined<Union.t2<ModuleKind.CommonJS.t, ModuleKind.ESNext.t>>, ~value:'T) => this<'tags, 'base, 'T> = "set"
external delete: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~key:string, ~mode:undefined<Union.t2<ModuleKind.CommonJS.t, ModuleKind.ESNext.t>>) => this<'tags, 'base, 'T> = "delete"
external has: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~key:string, ~mode:undefined<Union.t2<ModuleKind.CommonJS.t, ModuleKind.ESNext.t>>) => bool = "has"
external forEach: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~cb:(@uncurry (~elem:'T, ~key:string, ~mode:undefined<Union.t2<ModuleKind.CommonJS.t, ModuleKind.ESNext.t>>) => unit)) => unit = "forEach"
external size: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => float = "size"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => t<'T> = "%identity"
module Modifier = {
open Modifier
type t = Union.t8<AbstractKeyword.t, AsyncKeyword.t, ConstKeyword.t, DeclareKeyword.t, DefaultKeyword.t, ExportKeyword.t, PrivateKeyword.t, Union.t5<ProtectedKeyword.t, PublicKeyword.t, OverrideKeyword.t, ReadonlyKeyword.t, StaticKeyword.t>>
type t0 = t
module ModifierFlags = {
open ModifierFlags
type t = t
type t_0 = t
module None = {
open None
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModifierFlags") @val
external value: t = "None"
module Export_ = {
open Export_
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModifierFlags") @val
external value: t = "Export"
module Ambient = {
open Ambient
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModifierFlags") @val
external value: t = "Ambient"
module Public = {
open Public
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModifierFlags") @val
external value: t = "Public"
module Private = {
open Private
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModifierFlags") @val
external value: t = "Private"
module Protected = {
open Protected
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModifierFlags") @val
external value: t = "Protected"
module Static = {
open Static
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModifierFlags") @val
external value: t = "Static"
module Readonly = {
open Readonly
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModifierFlags") @val
external value: t = "Readonly"
module Abstract = {
open Abstract
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModifierFlags") @val
external value: t = "Abstract"
module Async = {
open Async
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModifierFlags") @val
external value: t = "Async"
module Default_ = {
open Default_
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModifierFlags") @val
external value: t = "Default"
module Const = {
open Const
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModifierFlags") @val
external value: t = "Const"
module HasComputedJSDocModifiers = {
open HasComputedJSDocModifiers
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModifierFlags") @val
external value: t = "HasComputedJSDocModifiers"
module Deprecated = {
open Deprecated
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModifierFlags") @val
external value: t = "Deprecated"
module Override = {
open Override
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModifierFlags") @val
external value: t = "Override"
module HasComputedFlags = {
open HasComputedFlags
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModifierFlags") @val
external value: t = "HasComputedFlags"
module AccessibilityModifier = {
open AccessibilityModifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModifierFlags") @val
external value: t = "AccessibilityModifier"
module ParameterPropertyModifier = {
open ParameterPropertyModifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModifierFlags") @val
external value: t = "ParameterPropertyModifier"
module NonPublicAccessibilityModifier = {
open NonPublicAccessibilityModifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModifierFlags") @val
external value: t = "NonPublicAccessibilityModifier"
module TypeScriptModifier = {
open TypeScriptModifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModifierFlags") @val
external value: t = "TypeScriptModifier"
module ExportDefault = {
open ExportDefault
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModifierFlags") @val
external value: t = "ExportDefault"
module All = {
open All
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModifierFlags") @val
external value: t = "All"
module ModifierSyntaxKind = {
open ModifierSyntaxKind
type t = Union.t8<SyntaxKind.AbstractKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.AsyncKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ConstKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.DeclareKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.DefaultKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.PrivateKeyword.t, Union.t5<SyntaxKind.ProtectedKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.PublicKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.OverrideKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword.t>>
type t0 = t
module ModifierToken = {
open ModifierToken
type t<'TKind> = t<'TKind>
type t1<'TKind> = t<'TKind>
type tags<'TKind> = [#Ts_KeywordToken('TKind) | #Ts_ModifierToken('TKind) | #Ts_Token('TKind) | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags1<'TKind> = tags<'TKind>
type this<'tags, 'base, 'TKind> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ModifierToken('TKind) ]
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base, 'TKind> => t<'TKind> = "%identity"
external asKeywordToken: t<'TKind> => KeywordToken.t<'TKind> = "%identity"
module ModifiersArray = {
open ModifiersArray
type t = NodeArray.t<Modifier.t>
type t0 = t
module ModuleBlock = {
open ModuleBlock
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_ModuleBlock | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ModuleBlock ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ModuleBlock.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => ModuleDeclaration.t = "parent"
external statements: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<Statement.t> = "statements"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ModuleBlock.t, ~parent: ModuleDeclaration.t, ~statements: NodeArray.t<Statement.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
external asStatement: t => Statement.t = "%identity"
module ModuleBody = {
open ModuleBody
type t = Union.t2<NamespaceBody.t, JSDocNamespaceBody.t>
type t0 = t
module ModuleDeclaration = {
open ModuleDeclaration
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_DeclarationStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_ModuleDeclaration | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ModuleDeclaration ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<ModuleBody.t, SourceFile.t> = "parent"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => ModuleName.t = "name"
external body: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<ModuleBody.t, JSDocNamespaceDeclaration.t> = "body"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration.t, ~parent: Union.t2<ModuleBody.t, SourceFile.t>, ~name: ModuleName.t, ~body: Union.t2<ModuleBody.t, JSDocNamespaceDeclaration.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asDeclarationStatement: t => DeclarationStatement.t = "%identity"
external asJSDocContainer: t => JSDocContainer.t = "%identity"
module ModuleKind = {
open ModuleKind
type t = t
type t_0 = t
module None = {
open None
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModuleKind") @val
external value: t = "None"
module CommonJS = {
open CommonJS
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModuleKind") @val
external value: t = "CommonJS"
module AMD = {
open AMD
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModuleKind") @val
external value: t = "AMD"
module UMD = {
open UMD
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModuleKind") @val
external value: t = "UMD"
module System = {
open System
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModuleKind") @val
external value: t = "System"
module ES2015 = {
open ES2015
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModuleKind") @val
external value: t = "ES2015"
module ES2020 = {
open ES2020
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModuleKind") @val
external value: t = "ES2020"
module ES2022 = {
open ES2022
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModuleKind") @val
external value: t = "ES2022"
module ESNext = {
open ESNext
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModuleKind") @val
external value: t = "ESNext"
module Node12 = {
open Node12
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModuleKind") @val
external value: t = "Node12"
module NodeNext = {
open NodeNext
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModuleKind") @val
external value: t = "NodeNext"
module ModuleName = {
open ModuleName
type t = Union.t2<Identifier.t, StringLiteral.t>
type t0 = t
module ModuleReference = {
open ModuleReference
type t = Union.t2<EntityName.t, ExternalModuleReference.t>
type t0 = t
module ModuleResolutionCache = {
open ModuleResolutionCache
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_PerDirectoryResolutionCache(ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations.t) | #Ts_ModuleResolutionCache | #Ts_NonRelativeModuleNameResolutionCache | #Ts_PackageJsonInfoCache]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ModuleResolutionCache ]
external getPackageJsonInfoCache: this<'tags, 'base> => PackageJsonInfoCache.t = "getPackageJsonInfoCache"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asPerDirectoryResolutionCache: t => PerDirectoryResolutionCache.t<ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations.t> = "%identity"
external asNonRelativeModuleNameResolutionCache: t => NonRelativeModuleNameResolutionCache.t = "%identity"
external asPackageJsonInfoCache: t => PackageJsonInfoCache.t = "%identity"
module ModuleResolutionHost = {
open ModuleResolutionHost
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ModuleResolutionHost]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ModuleResolutionHost ]
external fileExists: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string) => bool = "fileExists"
@send @return(nullable)
external readFile: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string) => option<string> = "readFile"
external trace: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~s:string) => unit = "trace"
external directoryExists: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~directoryName:string) => bool = "directoryExists"
external realpath: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~path:string) => string = "realpath"
external getCurrentDirectory: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "getCurrentDirectory"
external getDirectories: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~path:string) => array<string> = "getDirectories"
external getUseCaseSensitiveFileNames: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<bool, (() => bool)> = "useCaseSensitiveFileNames"
external setUseCaseSensitiveFileNames: (this<'tags, 'base>, Union.t2<bool, (() => bool)>) => unit = "useCaseSensitiveFileNames"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module ModuleResolutionKind = {
open ModuleResolutionKind
type t = t
type t_0 = t
module Classic = {
open Classic
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModuleResolutionKind") @val
external value: t = "Classic"
module NodeJs = {
open NodeJs
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModuleResolutionKind") @val
external value: t = "NodeJs"
module Node12 = {
open Node12
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModuleResolutionKind") @val
external value: t = "Node12"
module NodeNext = {
open NodeNext
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ModuleResolutionKind") @val
external value: t = "NodeNext"
module MultiplicativeOperator = {
open MultiplicativeOperator
type t = Union.t3<SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken.t, SyntaxKind.SlashToken.t, SyntaxKind.PercentToken.t>
type t0 = t
module MultiplicativeOperatorOrHigher = {
open MultiplicativeOperatorOrHigher
type t = Union.t2<ExponentiationOperator.t, MultiplicativeOperator.t>
type t0 = t
module NamedDeclaration = {
open NamedDeclaration
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_NamedDeclaration ]
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => DeclarationName.t = "name"
external make: ~name: DeclarationName.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asDeclaration: t => Declaration.t = "%identity"
module NamedExportBindings = {
open NamedExportBindings
type t = Union.t2<NamespaceExport.t, NamedExports.t>
type t0 = t
module NamedExports = {
open NamedExports
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_NamedExports | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_NamedExports ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.NamedExports.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => ExportDeclaration.t = "parent"
external elements: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<ExportSpecifier.t> = "elements"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.NamedExports.t, ~parent: ExportDeclaration.t, ~elements: NodeArray.t<ExportSpecifier.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
module NamedImportBindings = {
open NamedImportBindings
type t = Union.t2<NamespaceImport.t, NamedImports.t>
type t0 = t
module NamedImports = {
open NamedImports
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_NamedImports | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_NamedImports ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.NamedImports.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => ImportClause.t = "parent"
external elements: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<ImportSpecifier.t> = "elements"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.NamedImports.t, ~parent: ImportClause.t, ~elements: NodeArray.t<ImportSpecifier.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
module NamedImportsOrExports = {
open NamedImportsOrExports
type t = Union.t2<NamedImports.t, NamedExports.t>
type t0 = t
module NamedTupleMember = {
open NamedTupleMember
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedTupleMember | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_NamedTupleMember ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.NamedTupleMember.t = "kind"
external dotDotDotToken: this<'tags, 'base> => Token.t<SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken.t> = "dotDotDotToken"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "name"
external questionToken: this<'tags, 'base> => Token.t<SyntaxKind.QuestionToken.t> = "questionToken"
external \"type": this<'tags, 'base> => TypeNode.t = "type"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.NamedTupleMember.t, ~dotDotDotToken: Token.t<SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken.t>, ~name: Identifier.t, ~questionToken: Token.t<SyntaxKind.QuestionToken.t>, ~\"type": TypeNode.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asTypeNode: t => TypeNode.t = "%identity"
external asJSDocContainer: t => JSDocContainer.t = "%identity"
external asDeclaration: t => Declaration.t = "%identity"
module NamespaceBody = {
open NamespaceBody
type t = Union.t2<ModuleBlock.t, NamespaceDeclaration.t>
type t0 = t
module NamespaceDeclaration = {
open NamespaceDeclaration
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_DeclarationStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_ModuleDeclaration | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_NamespaceDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_NamespaceDeclaration ]
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "name"
external body: this<'tags, 'base> => NamespaceBody.t = "body"
external make: (~name: Identifier.t, ~body: NamespaceBody.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asModuleDeclaration: t => ModuleDeclaration.t = "%identity"
module NamespaceExport = {
open NamespaceExport
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_NamespaceExport | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_NamespaceExport ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.NamespaceExport.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => ExportDeclaration.t = "parent"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "name"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.NamespaceExport.t, ~parent: ExportDeclaration.t, ~name: Identifier.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNamedDeclaration: t => NamedDeclaration.t = "%identity"
module NamespaceExportDeclaration = {
open NamespaceExportDeclaration
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_DeclarationStatement | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_NamespaceExportDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_NamespaceExportDeclaration ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.NamespaceExportDeclaration.t = "kind"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "name"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.NamespaceExportDeclaration.t, ~name: Identifier.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asDeclarationStatement: t => DeclarationStatement.t = "%identity"
external asJSDocContainer: t => JSDocContainer.t = "%identity"
module NamespaceImport = {
open NamespaceImport
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_NamespaceImport | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_NamespaceImport ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.NamespaceImport.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => ImportClause.t = "parent"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "name"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.NamespaceImport.t, ~parent: ImportClause.t, ~name: Identifier.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNamedDeclaration: t => NamedDeclaration.t = "%identity"
module NavigateToItem = {
open NavigateToItem
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_NavigateToItem]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_NavigateToItem ]
external getName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "name"
external setName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "name"
external getKind: this<'tags, 'base> => ScriptElementKind.t = "kind"
external setKind: (this<'tags, 'base>, ScriptElementKind.t) => unit = "kind"
external getKindModifiers: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "kindModifiers"
external setKindModifiers: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "kindModifiers"
external getMatchKind: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t4<[#exact], [#prefix], [#substring], [#camelCase]> = "matchKind"
external setMatchKind: (this<'tags, 'base>, Union.t4<[#exact], [#prefix], [#substring], [#camelCase]>) => unit = "matchKind"
external getIsCaseSensitive: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isCaseSensitive"
external setIsCaseSensitive: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "isCaseSensitive"
external getFileName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "fileName"
external setFileName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "fileName"
external getTextSpan: this<'tags, 'base> => TextSpan.t = "textSpan"
external setTextSpan: (this<'tags, 'base>, TextSpan.t) => unit = "textSpan"
external getContainerName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "containerName"
external setContainerName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "containerName"
external getContainerKind: this<'tags, 'base> => ScriptElementKind.t = "containerKind"
external setContainerKind: (this<'tags, 'base>, ScriptElementKind.t) => unit = "containerKind"
external make: (~name: string, ~kind: ScriptElementKind.t, ~kindModifiers: string, ~matchKind: Union.t4<[#exact], [#prefix], [#substring], [#camelCase]>, ~isCaseSensitive: bool, ~fileName: string, ~textSpan: TextSpan.t, ~containerName: string, ~containerKind: ScriptElementKind.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module NavigationBarItem = {
open NavigationBarItem
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_NavigationBarItem]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_NavigationBarItem ]
external getText: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "text"
external setText: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "text"
external getKind: this<'tags, 'base> => ScriptElementKind.t = "kind"
external setKind: (this<'tags, 'base>, ScriptElementKind.t) => unit = "kind"
external getKindModifiers: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "kindModifiers"
external setKindModifiers: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "kindModifiers"
external getSpans: this<'tags, 'base> => array<TextSpan.t> = "spans"
external setSpans: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<TextSpan.t>) => unit = "spans"
external getChildItems: this<'tags, 'base> => array<t> = "childItems"
external setChildItems: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<t>) => unit = "childItems"
external getIndent: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "indent"
external setIndent: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "indent"
external getBolded: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "bolded"
external setBolded: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "bolded"
external getGrayed: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "grayed"
external setGrayed: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "grayed"
external make: (~text: string, ~kind: ScriptElementKind.t, ~kindModifiers: string, ~spans: array<TextSpan.t>, ~childItems: array<t>, ~indent: float, ~bolded: bool, ~grayed: bool) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module NavigationTree = {
open NavigationTree
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_NavigationTree]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_NavigationTree ]
external getText: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "text"
external setText: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "text"
external getKind: this<'tags, 'base> => ScriptElementKind.t = "kind"
external setKind: (this<'tags, 'base>, ScriptElementKind.t) => unit = "kind"
external getKindModifiers: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "kindModifiers"
external setKindModifiers: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "kindModifiers"
external getSpans: this<'tags, 'base> => array<TextSpan.t> = "spans"
external setSpans: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<TextSpan.t>) => unit = "spans"
@get @return(nullable)
external getNameSpan: this<'tags, 'base> => option<TextSpan.t> = "nameSpan"
external setNameSpan: (this<'tags, 'base>, undefined<TextSpan.t>) => unit = "nameSpan"
external getChildItems: this<'tags, 'base> => array<t> = "childItems"
external setChildItems: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<t>) => unit = "childItems"
external make: (~text: string, ~kind: ScriptElementKind.t, ~kindModifiers: string, ~spans: array<TextSpan.t>, ~nameSpan: TextSpan.t=?, ~childItems: array<t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module NewExpression = {
open NewExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_NewExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_NewExpression ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.NewExpression.t = "kind"
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => LeftHandSideExpression.t = "expression"
external typeArguments: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<TypeNode.t> = "typeArguments"
external arguments: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<Expression.t> = "arguments"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.NewExpression.t, ~expression: LeftHandSideExpression.t, ~typeArguments: NodeArray.t<TypeNode.t>, ~arguments: NodeArray.t<Expression.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asPrimaryExpression: t => PrimaryExpression.t = "%identity"
external asDeclaration: t => Declaration.t = "%identity"
module NewLineKind = {
open NewLineKind
type t = t = CarriageReturnLineFeed | LineFeed
type t_0 = t
module CarriageReturnLineFeed = {
open CarriageReturnLineFeed
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NewLineKind") @val
external value: t = "CarriageReturnLineFeed"
module LineFeed = {
open LineFeed
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NewLineKind") @val
external value: t = "LineFeed"
module NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral = {
open NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_LiteralExpression | #Ts_LiteralLikeNode | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TemplateLiteralLikeNode | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asLiteralExpression: t => LiteralExpression.t = "%identity"
external asTemplateLiteralLikeNode: t => TemplateLiteralLikeNode.t = "%identity"
external asDeclaration: t => Declaration.t = "%identity"
module Node = {
open Node
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_Node ]
external getSourceFile: this<'tags, 'base> => SourceFile.t = "getSourceFile"
external getChildCount: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~sourceFile:SourceFile.t=?, unit) => float = "getChildCount"
external getChildAt: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~index:float, ~sourceFile:SourceFile.t=?, unit) => Dom.node = "getChildAt"
external getChildren: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~sourceFile:SourceFile.t=?, unit) => array<Dom.node> = "getChildren"
external getStart: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~sourceFile:SourceFile.t=?, ~includeJsDocComment:bool=?, unit) => float = "getStart"
external getFullStart: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "getFullStart"
external getEnd: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "getEnd"
external getWidth: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~sourceFile:SourceFileLike.t=?, unit) => float = "getWidth"
external getFullWidth: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "getFullWidth"
external getLeadingTriviaWidth: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~sourceFile:SourceFile.t=?, unit) => float = "getLeadingTriviaWidth"
external getFullText: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~sourceFile:SourceFile.t=?, unit) => string = "getFullText"
external getText: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~sourceFile:SourceFile.t=?, unit) => string = "getText"
@send @return(nullable)
external getFirstToken: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~sourceFile:SourceFile.t=?, unit) => option<Dom.node> = "getFirstToken"
@send @return(nullable)
external getLastToken: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~sourceFile:SourceFile.t=?, unit) => option<Dom.node> = "getLastToken"
@send @return(nullable)
external forEachChild: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~cbNode:(@uncurry Dom.node => undefined<'T>), ~cbNodeArray:(@uncurry NodeArray.t<Dom.node> => undefined<'T>)=?, unit) => option<'T> = "forEachChild"
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.t = "kind"
external flags: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeFlags.t = "flags"
external decorators: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<Decorator.t> = "decorators"
external modifiers: this<'tags, 'base> => ModifiersArray.t = "modifiers"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => Dom.node = "parent"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asReadonlyTextRange: t => ReadonlyTextRange.t = "%identity"
module NodeArray = {
open NodeArray
type t<'T> = t<'T>
type t1<'T> = t<'T>
type tags<'T> = [#ReadonlyArray('T) | #Ts_NodeArray('T) | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags1<'T> = tags<'T>
type this<'tags, 'base, 'T> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_NodeArray('T) ]
external hasTrailingComma: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => bool = "hasTrailingComma"
external make: ~hasTrailingComma: bool => t<'T> = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => t<'T> = "%identity"
external asReadonlyArray: t<'T> => array<'T> = "%identity"
external asReadonlyTextRange: t<'T> => ReadonlyTextRange.t = "%identity"
module NodeBuilderFlags = {
open NodeBuilderFlags
type t = t
type t_0 = t
module None = {
open None
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "None"
module NoTruncation = {
open NoTruncation
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "NoTruncation"
module WriteArrayAsGenericType = {
open WriteArrayAsGenericType
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "WriteArrayAsGenericType"
module GenerateNamesForShadowedTypeParams = {
open GenerateNamesForShadowedTypeParams
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "GenerateNamesForShadowedTypeParams"
module UseStructuralFallback = {
open UseStructuralFallback
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "UseStructuralFallback"
module ForbidIndexedAccessSymbolReferences = {
open ForbidIndexedAccessSymbolReferences
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "ForbidIndexedAccessSymbolReferences"
module WriteTypeArgumentsOfSignature = {
open WriteTypeArgumentsOfSignature
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "WriteTypeArgumentsOfSignature"
module UseFullyQualifiedType = {
open UseFullyQualifiedType
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "UseFullyQualifiedType"
module UseOnlyExternalAliasing = {
open UseOnlyExternalAliasing
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "UseOnlyExternalAliasing"
module SuppressAnyReturnType = {
open SuppressAnyReturnType
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "SuppressAnyReturnType"
module WriteTypeParametersInQualifiedName = {
open WriteTypeParametersInQualifiedName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "WriteTypeParametersInQualifiedName"
module MultilineObjectLiterals = {
open MultilineObjectLiterals
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "MultilineObjectLiterals"
module WriteClassExpressionAsTypeLiteral = {
open WriteClassExpressionAsTypeLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "WriteClassExpressionAsTypeLiteral"
module UseTypeOfFunction = {
open UseTypeOfFunction
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "UseTypeOfFunction"
module OmitParameterModifiers = {
open OmitParameterModifiers
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "OmitParameterModifiers"
module UseAliasDefinedOutsideCurrentScope = {
open UseAliasDefinedOutsideCurrentScope
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "UseAliasDefinedOutsideCurrentScope"
module UseSingleQuotesForStringLiteralType = {
open UseSingleQuotesForStringLiteralType
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "UseSingleQuotesForStringLiteralType"
module NoTypeReduction = {
open NoTypeReduction
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "NoTypeReduction"
module NoUndefinedOptionalParameterType = {
open NoUndefinedOptionalParameterType
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "NoUndefinedOptionalParameterType"
module AllowThisInObjectLiteral = {
open AllowThisInObjectLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "AllowThisInObjectLiteral"
module AllowQualifiedNameInPlaceOfIdentifier = {
open AllowQualifiedNameInPlaceOfIdentifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "AllowQualifiedNameInPlaceOfIdentifier"
module AllowQualifedNameInPlaceOfIdentifier = {
open AllowQualifedNameInPlaceOfIdentifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "AllowQualifedNameInPlaceOfIdentifier"
module AllowAnonymousIdentifier = {
open AllowAnonymousIdentifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "AllowAnonymousIdentifier"
module AllowEmptyUnionOrIntersection = {
open AllowEmptyUnionOrIntersection
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "AllowEmptyUnionOrIntersection"
module AllowEmptyTuple = {
open AllowEmptyTuple
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "AllowEmptyTuple"
module AllowUniqueESSymbolType = {
open AllowUniqueESSymbolType
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "AllowUniqueESSymbolType"
module AllowEmptyIndexInfoType = {
open AllowEmptyIndexInfoType
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "AllowEmptyIndexInfoType"
module AllowNodeModulesRelativePaths = {
open AllowNodeModulesRelativePaths
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "AllowNodeModulesRelativePaths"
module IgnoreErrors = {
open IgnoreErrors
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "IgnoreErrors"
module InObjectTypeLiteral = {
open InObjectTypeLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "InObjectTypeLiteral"
module InTypeAlias = {
open InTypeAlias
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "InTypeAlias"
module InInitialEntityName = {
open InInitialEntityName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeBuilderFlags") @val
external value: t = "InInitialEntityName"
module NodeFactory = {
open NodeFactory
module AnonymousInterface14 = {
open AnonymousInterface14
type t = t
external expression: t => Union.t2<Identifier.t, PropertyAccessEntityNameExpression.t> = "expression"
external make: ~expression: Union.t2<Identifier.t, PropertyAccessEntityNameExpression.t> => t = ""
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_NodeFactory]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_NodeFactory ]
external createNodeArray: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~elements:array<'T>=?, ~hasTrailingComma:bool=?, unit) => NodeArray.t<'T> = "createNodeArray"
external createNumericLiteral: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~value:Union.t2<string, float>, ~numericLiteralFlags:TokenFlags.t=?, unit) => NumericLiteral.t = "createNumericLiteral"
external createBigIntLiteral: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~value:Union.t2<string, PseudoBigInt.t>) => BigIntLiteral.t = "createBigIntLiteral"
external createStringLiteral: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~text:string, ~isSingleQuote:bool=?, unit) => StringLiteral.t = "createStringLiteral"
external createStringLiteralFromNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~sourceNode:PropertyNameLiteral.t, ~isSingleQuote:bool=?, unit) => StringLiteral.t = "createStringLiteralFromNode"
external createRegularExpressionLiteral: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~text:string) => RegularExpressionLiteral.t = "createRegularExpressionLiteral"
external createIdentifier: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~text:string) => Identifier.t = "createIdentifier"
external createTempVariable: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~recordTempVariable:undefined<(Identifier.t => unit)>, ~reservedInNestedScopes:bool=?, unit) => Identifier.t = "createTempVariable"
external createLoopVariable: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~reservedInNestedScopes:bool=?, unit) => Identifier.t = "createLoopVariable"
external createUniqueName: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~text:string, ~flags:GeneratedIdentifierFlags.t=?, unit) => Identifier.t = "createUniqueName"
external getGeneratedNameForNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:undefined<Dom.node>, ~flags:GeneratedIdentifierFlags.t=?, unit) => Identifier.t = "getGeneratedNameForNode"
external createPrivateIdentifier: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~text:string) => PrivateIdentifier.t = "createPrivateIdentifier"
external createToken: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~token:SyntaxKind.SuperKeyword.t) => SuperExpression.t = "createToken"
external createToken': (this<'tags, 'base>, ~token:SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword.t) => ThisExpression.t = "createToken"
external createToken'': (this<'tags, 'base>, ~token:SyntaxKind.NullKeyword.t) => NullLiteral.t = "createToken"
external createToken''': (this<'tags, 'base>, ~token:SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword.t) => TrueLiteral.t = "createToken"
external createToken'''': (this<'tags, 'base>, ~token:SyntaxKind.FalseKeyword.t) => FalseLiteral.t = "createToken"
external createToken''''': (this<'tags, 'base>, ~token:'TKind) => PunctuationToken.t<'TKind> = "createToken"
external createToken'''''': (this<'tags, 'base>, ~token:'TKind) => KeywordTypeNode.t<'TKind> = "createToken"
external createToken''''''': (this<'tags, 'base>, ~token:'TKind) => ModifierToken.t<'TKind> = "createToken"
external createToken'''''''': (this<'tags, 'base>, ~token:'TKind) => KeywordToken.t<'TKind> = "createToken"
external createToken''''''''': (this<'tags, 'base>, ~token:'TKind) => Token.t<'TKind> = "createToken"
external createSuper: this<'tags, 'base> => SuperExpression.t = "createSuper"
external createThis: this<'tags, 'base> => ThisExpression.t = "createThis"
external createNull: this<'tags, 'base> => NullLiteral.t = "createNull"
external createTrue: this<'tags, 'base> => TrueLiteral.t = "createTrue"
external createFalse: this<'tags, 'base> => FalseLiteral.t = "createFalse"
external createModifier: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~kind:'T) => ModifierToken.t<'T> = "createModifier"
@send @return(nullable)
external createModifiersFromModifierFlags: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~flags:ModifierFlags.t) => option<array<Modifier.t>> = "createModifiersFromModifierFlags"
external createQualifiedName: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~left:EntityName.t, ~right:Union.t2<string, Identifier.t>) => QualifiedName.t = "createQualifiedName"
external updateQualifiedName: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:QualifiedName.t, ~left:EntityName.t, ~right:Identifier.t) => QualifiedName.t = "updateQualifiedName"
external createComputedPropertyName: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t) => ComputedPropertyName.t = "createComputedPropertyName"
external updateComputedPropertyName: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ComputedPropertyName.t, ~expression:Expression.t) => ComputedPropertyName.t = "updateComputedPropertyName"
external createTypeParameterDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~name:Union.t2<string, Identifier.t>, ~\"constraint":TypeNode.t=?, ~defaultType:TypeNode.t=?, unit) => TypeParameterDeclaration.t = "createTypeParameterDeclaration"
external updateTypeParameterDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:TypeParameterDeclaration.t, ~name:Identifier.t, ~\"constraint":undefined<TypeNode.t>, ~defaultType:undefined<TypeNode.t>) => TypeParameterDeclaration.t = "updateTypeParameterDeclaration"
external createParameterDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~dotDotDotToken:undefined<DotDotDotToken.t>, ~name:Union.t2<string, BindingName.t>, ~questionToken:QuestionToken.t=?, ~\"type":TypeNode.t=?, ~initializer:Expression.t=?, unit) => ParameterDeclaration.t = "createParameterDeclaration"
external updateParameterDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ParameterDeclaration.t, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~dotDotDotToken:undefined<DotDotDotToken.t>, ~name:Union.t2<string, BindingName.t>, ~questionToken:undefined<QuestionToken.t>, ~\"type":undefined<TypeNode.t>, ~initializer:undefined<Expression.t>) => ParameterDeclaration.t = "updateParameterDeclaration"
external createDecorator: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t) => Decorator.t = "createDecorator"
external updateDecorator: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:Decorator.t, ~expression:Expression.t) => Decorator.t = "updateDecorator"
external createPropertySignature: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~name:Union.t2<PropertyName.t, string>, ~questionToken:undefined<QuestionToken.t>, ~\"type":undefined<TypeNode.t>) => PropertySignature.t = "createPropertySignature"
external updatePropertySignature: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:PropertySignature.t, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~name:PropertyName.t, ~questionToken:undefined<QuestionToken.t>, ~\"type":undefined<TypeNode.t>) => PropertySignature.t = "updatePropertySignature"
external createPropertyDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~name:Union.t2<string, PropertyName.t>, ~questionOrExclamationToken:undefined<Union.t2<QuestionToken.t, ExclamationToken.t>>, ~\"type":undefined<TypeNode.t>, ~initializer:undefined<Expression.t>) => PropertyDeclaration.t = "createPropertyDeclaration"
external updatePropertyDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:PropertyDeclaration.t, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~name:Union.t2<string, PropertyName.t>, ~questionOrExclamationToken:undefined<Union.t2<QuestionToken.t, ExclamationToken.t>>, ~\"type":undefined<TypeNode.t>, ~initializer:undefined<Expression.t>) => PropertyDeclaration.t = "updatePropertyDeclaration"
external createMethodSignature: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~name:Union.t2<string, PropertyName.t>, ~questionToken:undefined<QuestionToken.t>, ~typeParameters:undefined<array<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>>, ~parameters:array<ParameterDeclaration.t>, ~\"type":undefined<TypeNode.t>) => MethodSignature.t = "createMethodSignature"
external updateMethodSignature: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:MethodSignature.t, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~name:PropertyName.t, ~questionToken:undefined<QuestionToken.t>, ~typeParameters:undefined<NodeArray.t<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>>, ~parameters:NodeArray.t<ParameterDeclaration.t>, ~\"type":undefined<TypeNode.t>) => MethodSignature.t = "updateMethodSignature"
external createMethodDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~asteriskToken:undefined<AsteriskToken.t>, ~name:Union.t2<string, PropertyName.t>, ~questionToken:undefined<QuestionToken.t>, ~typeParameters:undefined<array<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>>, ~parameters:array<ParameterDeclaration.t>, ~\"type":undefined<TypeNode.t>, ~body:undefined<Block.t>) => MethodDeclaration.t = "createMethodDeclaration"
external updateMethodDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:MethodDeclaration.t, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~asteriskToken:undefined<AsteriskToken.t>, ~name:PropertyName.t, ~questionToken:undefined<QuestionToken.t>, ~typeParameters:undefined<array<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>>, ~parameters:array<ParameterDeclaration.t>, ~\"type":undefined<TypeNode.t>, ~body:undefined<Block.t>) => MethodDeclaration.t = "updateMethodDeclaration"
external createConstructorDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~parameters:array<ParameterDeclaration.t>, ~body:undefined<Block.t>) => ConstructorDeclaration.t = "createConstructorDeclaration"
external updateConstructorDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ConstructorDeclaration.t, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~parameters:array<ParameterDeclaration.t>, ~body:undefined<Block.t>) => ConstructorDeclaration.t = "updateConstructorDeclaration"
external createGetAccessorDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~name:Union.t2<string, PropertyName.t>, ~parameters:array<ParameterDeclaration.t>, ~\"type":undefined<TypeNode.t>, ~body:undefined<Block.t>) => GetAccessorDeclaration.t = "createGetAccessorDeclaration"
external updateGetAccessorDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:GetAccessorDeclaration.t, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~name:PropertyName.t, ~parameters:array<ParameterDeclaration.t>, ~\"type":undefined<TypeNode.t>, ~body:undefined<Block.t>) => GetAccessorDeclaration.t = "updateGetAccessorDeclaration"
external createSetAccessorDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~name:Union.t2<string, PropertyName.t>, ~parameters:array<ParameterDeclaration.t>, ~body:undefined<Block.t>) => SetAccessorDeclaration.t = "createSetAccessorDeclaration"
external updateSetAccessorDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:SetAccessorDeclaration.t, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~name:PropertyName.t, ~parameters:array<ParameterDeclaration.t>, ~body:undefined<Block.t>) => SetAccessorDeclaration.t = "updateSetAccessorDeclaration"
external createCallSignature: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~typeParameters:undefined<array<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>>, ~parameters:array<ParameterDeclaration.t>, ~\"type":undefined<TypeNode.t>) => CallSignatureDeclaration.t = "createCallSignature"
external updateCallSignature: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:CallSignatureDeclaration.t, ~typeParameters:undefined<NodeArray.t<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>>, ~parameters:NodeArray.t<ParameterDeclaration.t>, ~\"type":undefined<TypeNode.t>) => CallSignatureDeclaration.t = "updateCallSignature"
external createConstructSignature: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~typeParameters:undefined<array<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>>, ~parameters:array<ParameterDeclaration.t>, ~\"type":undefined<TypeNode.t>) => ConstructSignatureDeclaration.t = "createConstructSignature"
external updateConstructSignature: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ConstructSignatureDeclaration.t, ~typeParameters:undefined<NodeArray.t<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>>, ~parameters:NodeArray.t<ParameterDeclaration.t>, ~\"type":undefined<TypeNode.t>) => ConstructSignatureDeclaration.t = "updateConstructSignature"
external createIndexSignature: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~parameters:array<ParameterDeclaration.t>, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => IndexSignatureDeclaration.t = "createIndexSignature"
external updateIndexSignature: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:IndexSignatureDeclaration.t, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~parameters:array<ParameterDeclaration.t>, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => IndexSignatureDeclaration.t = "updateIndexSignature"
external createTemplateLiteralTypeSpan: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~\"type":TypeNode.t, ~literal:Union.t2<TemplateMiddle.t, TemplateTail.t>) => TemplateLiteralTypeSpan.t = "createTemplateLiteralTypeSpan"
external updateTemplateLiteralTypeSpan: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:TemplateLiteralTypeSpan.t, ~\"type":TypeNode.t, ~literal:Union.t2<TemplateMiddle.t, TemplateTail.t>) => TemplateLiteralTypeSpan.t = "updateTemplateLiteralTypeSpan"
external createClassStaticBlockDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~body:Block.t) => ClassStaticBlockDeclaration.t = "createClassStaticBlockDeclaration"
external updateClassStaticBlockDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ClassStaticBlockDeclaration.t, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~body:Block.t) => ClassStaticBlockDeclaration.t = "updateClassStaticBlockDeclaration"
external createKeywordTypeNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~kind:'TKind) => KeywordTypeNode.t<'TKind> = "createKeywordTypeNode"
external createTypePredicateNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~assertsModifier:undefined<AssertsKeyword.t>, ~parameterName:Union.t3<Identifier.t, ThisTypeNode.t, string>, ~\"type":undefined<TypeNode.t>) => TypePredicateNode.t = "createTypePredicateNode"
external updateTypePredicateNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:TypePredicateNode.t, ~assertsModifier:undefined<AssertsKeyword.t>, ~parameterName:Union.t2<Identifier.t, ThisTypeNode.t>, ~\"type":undefined<TypeNode.t>) => TypePredicateNode.t = "updateTypePredicateNode"
external createTypeReferenceNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~typeName:Union.t2<string, EntityName.t>, ~typeArguments:array<TypeNode.t>=?, unit) => TypeReferenceNode.t = "createTypeReferenceNode"
external updateTypeReferenceNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:TypeReferenceNode.t, ~typeName:EntityName.t, ~typeArguments:undefined<NodeArray.t<TypeNode.t>>) => TypeReferenceNode.t = "updateTypeReferenceNode"
external createFunctionTypeNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~typeParameters:undefined<array<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>>, ~parameters:array<ParameterDeclaration.t>, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => FunctionTypeNode.t = "createFunctionTypeNode"
external updateFunctionTypeNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:FunctionTypeNode.t, ~typeParameters:undefined<NodeArray.t<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>>, ~parameters:NodeArray.t<ParameterDeclaration.t>, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => FunctionTypeNode.t = "updateFunctionTypeNode"
external createConstructorTypeNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~typeParameters:undefined<array<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>>, ~parameters:array<ParameterDeclaration.t>, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => ConstructorTypeNode.t = "createConstructorTypeNode"
external createConstructorTypeNode': (this<'tags, 'base>, ~typeParameters:undefined<array<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>>, ~parameters:array<ParameterDeclaration.t>, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => ConstructorTypeNode.t = "createConstructorTypeNode"
external updateConstructorTypeNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ConstructorTypeNode.t, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~typeParameters:undefined<NodeArray.t<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>>, ~parameters:NodeArray.t<ParameterDeclaration.t>, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => ConstructorTypeNode.t = "updateConstructorTypeNode"
external updateConstructorTypeNode': (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ConstructorTypeNode.t, ~typeParameters:undefined<NodeArray.t<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>>, ~parameters:NodeArray.t<ParameterDeclaration.t>, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => ConstructorTypeNode.t = "updateConstructorTypeNode"
external createTypeQueryNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~exprName:EntityName.t) => TypeQueryNode.t = "createTypeQueryNode"
external updateTypeQueryNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:TypeQueryNode.t, ~exprName:EntityName.t) => TypeQueryNode.t = "updateTypeQueryNode"
external createTypeLiteralNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~members:undefined<array<TypeElement.t>>) => TypeLiteralNode.t = "createTypeLiteralNode"
external updateTypeLiteralNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:TypeLiteralNode.t, ~members:NodeArray.t<TypeElement.t>) => TypeLiteralNode.t = "updateTypeLiteralNode"
external createArrayTypeNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~elementType:TypeNode.t) => ArrayTypeNode.t = "createArrayTypeNode"
external updateArrayTypeNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ArrayTypeNode.t, ~elementType:TypeNode.t) => ArrayTypeNode.t = "updateArrayTypeNode"
external createTupleTypeNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~elements:array<Union.t2<TypeNode.t, NamedTupleMember.t>>) => TupleTypeNode.t = "createTupleTypeNode"
external updateTupleTypeNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:TupleTypeNode.t, ~elements:array<Union.t2<TypeNode.t, NamedTupleMember.t>>) => TupleTypeNode.t = "updateTupleTypeNode"
external createNamedTupleMember: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~dotDotDotToken:undefined<DotDotDotToken.t>, ~name:Identifier.t, ~questionToken:undefined<QuestionToken.t>, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => NamedTupleMember.t = "createNamedTupleMember"
external updateNamedTupleMember: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:NamedTupleMember.t, ~dotDotDotToken:undefined<DotDotDotToken.t>, ~name:Identifier.t, ~questionToken:undefined<QuestionToken.t>, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => NamedTupleMember.t = "updateNamedTupleMember"
external createOptionalTypeNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => OptionalTypeNode.t = "createOptionalTypeNode"
external updateOptionalTypeNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:OptionalTypeNode.t, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => OptionalTypeNode.t = "updateOptionalTypeNode"
external createRestTypeNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => RestTypeNode.t = "createRestTypeNode"
external updateRestTypeNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:RestTypeNode.t, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => RestTypeNode.t = "updateRestTypeNode"
external createUnionTypeNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~types:array<TypeNode.t>) => UnionTypeNode.t = "createUnionTypeNode"
external updateUnionTypeNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:UnionTypeNode.t, ~types:NodeArray.t<TypeNode.t>) => UnionTypeNode.t = "updateUnionTypeNode"
external createIntersectionTypeNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~types:array<TypeNode.t>) => IntersectionTypeNode.t = "createIntersectionTypeNode"
external updateIntersectionTypeNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:IntersectionTypeNode.t, ~types:NodeArray.t<TypeNode.t>) => IntersectionTypeNode.t = "updateIntersectionTypeNode"
external createConditionalTypeNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~checkType:TypeNode.t, ~extendsType:TypeNode.t, ~trueType:TypeNode.t, ~falseType:TypeNode.t) => ConditionalTypeNode.t = "createConditionalTypeNode"
external updateConditionalTypeNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ConditionalTypeNode.t, ~checkType:TypeNode.t, ~extendsType:TypeNode.t, ~trueType:TypeNode.t, ~falseType:TypeNode.t) => ConditionalTypeNode.t = "updateConditionalTypeNode"
external createInferTypeNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~typeParameter:TypeParameterDeclaration.t) => InferTypeNode.t = "createInferTypeNode"
external updateInferTypeNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:InferTypeNode.t, ~typeParameter:TypeParameterDeclaration.t) => InferTypeNode.t = "updateInferTypeNode"
external createImportTypeNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~argument:TypeNode.t, ~qualifier:EntityName.t=?, ~typeArguments:array<TypeNode.t>=?, ~isTypeOf:bool=?, unit) => ImportTypeNode.t = "createImportTypeNode"
external updateImportTypeNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ImportTypeNode.t, ~argument:TypeNode.t, ~qualifier:undefined<EntityName.t>, ~typeArguments:undefined<array<TypeNode.t>>, ~isTypeOf:bool=?, unit) => ImportTypeNode.t = "updateImportTypeNode"
external createParenthesizedType: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => ParenthesizedTypeNode.t = "createParenthesizedType"
external updateParenthesizedType: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ParenthesizedTypeNode.t, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => ParenthesizedTypeNode.t = "updateParenthesizedType"
external createThisTypeNode: this<'tags, 'base> => ThisTypeNode.t = "createThisTypeNode"
external createTypeOperatorNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~operator:Union.t3<SyntaxKind.KeyOfKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.UniqueKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword.t>, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => TypeOperatorNode.t = "createTypeOperatorNode"
external updateTypeOperatorNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:TypeOperatorNode.t, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => TypeOperatorNode.t = "updateTypeOperatorNode"
external createIndexedAccessTypeNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~objectType:TypeNode.t, ~indexType:TypeNode.t) => IndexedAccessTypeNode.t = "createIndexedAccessTypeNode"
external updateIndexedAccessTypeNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:IndexedAccessTypeNode.t, ~objectType:TypeNode.t, ~indexType:TypeNode.t) => IndexedAccessTypeNode.t = "updateIndexedAccessTypeNode"
external createMappedTypeNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~readonlyToken:undefined<Union.t3<ReadonlyKeyword.t, PlusToken.t, MinusToken.t>>, ~typeParameter:TypeParameterDeclaration.t, ~nameType:undefined<TypeNode.t>, ~questionToken:undefined<Union.t3<QuestionToken.t, PlusToken.t, MinusToken.t>>, ~\"type":undefined<TypeNode.t>, ~members:undefined<NodeArray.t<TypeElement.t>>) => MappedTypeNode.t = "createMappedTypeNode"
external updateMappedTypeNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:MappedTypeNode.t, ~readonlyToken:undefined<Union.t3<ReadonlyKeyword.t, PlusToken.t, MinusToken.t>>, ~typeParameter:TypeParameterDeclaration.t, ~nameType:undefined<TypeNode.t>, ~questionToken:undefined<Union.t3<QuestionToken.t, PlusToken.t, MinusToken.t>>, ~\"type":undefined<TypeNode.t>, ~members:undefined<NodeArray.t<TypeElement.t>>) => MappedTypeNode.t = "updateMappedTypeNode"
external createLiteralTypeNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~literal:Union.t4<NullLiteral.t, BooleanLiteral.t, LiteralExpression.t, PrefixUnaryExpression.t>) => LiteralTypeNode.t = "createLiteralTypeNode"
external updateLiteralTypeNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:LiteralTypeNode.t, ~literal:Union.t4<NullLiteral.t, BooleanLiteral.t, LiteralExpression.t, PrefixUnaryExpression.t>) => LiteralTypeNode.t = "updateLiteralTypeNode"
external createTemplateLiteralType: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~head:TemplateHead.t, ~templateSpans:array<TemplateLiteralTypeSpan.t>) => TemplateLiteralTypeNode.t = "createTemplateLiteralType"
external updateTemplateLiteralType: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:TemplateLiteralTypeNode.t, ~head:TemplateHead.t, ~templateSpans:array<TemplateLiteralTypeSpan.t>) => TemplateLiteralTypeNode.t = "updateTemplateLiteralType"
external createObjectBindingPattern: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~elements:array<BindingElement.t>) => ObjectBindingPattern.t = "createObjectBindingPattern"
external updateObjectBindingPattern: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ObjectBindingPattern.t, ~elements:array<BindingElement.t>) => ObjectBindingPattern.t = "updateObjectBindingPattern"
external createArrayBindingPattern: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~elements:array<ArrayBindingElement.t>) => ArrayBindingPattern.t = "createArrayBindingPattern"
external updateArrayBindingPattern: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ArrayBindingPattern.t, ~elements:array<ArrayBindingElement.t>) => ArrayBindingPattern.t = "updateArrayBindingPattern"
external createBindingElement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~dotDotDotToken:undefined<DotDotDotToken.t>, ~propertyName:undefined<Union.t2<string, PropertyName.t>>, ~name:Union.t2<string, BindingName.t>, ~initializer:Expression.t=?, unit) => BindingElement.t = "createBindingElement"
external updateBindingElement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:BindingElement.t, ~dotDotDotToken:undefined<DotDotDotToken.t>, ~propertyName:undefined<PropertyName.t>, ~name:BindingName.t, ~initializer:undefined<Expression.t>) => BindingElement.t = "updateBindingElement"
external createArrayLiteralExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~elements:array<Expression.t>=?, ~multiLine:bool=?, unit) => ArrayLiteralExpression.t = "createArrayLiteralExpression"
external updateArrayLiteralExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ArrayLiteralExpression.t, ~elements:array<Expression.t>) => ArrayLiteralExpression.t = "updateArrayLiteralExpression"
external createObjectLiteralExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~properties:array<ObjectLiteralElementLike.t>=?, ~multiLine:bool=?, unit) => ObjectLiteralExpression.t = "createObjectLiteralExpression"
external updateObjectLiteralExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ObjectLiteralExpression.t, ~properties:array<ObjectLiteralElementLike.t>) => ObjectLiteralExpression.t = "updateObjectLiteralExpression"
external createPropertyAccessExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t, ~name:Union.t2<string, MemberName.t>) => PropertyAccessExpression.t = "createPropertyAccessExpression"
external updatePropertyAccessExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:PropertyAccessExpression.t, ~expression:Expression.t, ~name:MemberName.t) => PropertyAccessExpression.t = "updatePropertyAccessExpression"
external createPropertyAccessChain: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t, ~questionDotToken:undefined<QuestionDotToken.t>, ~name:Union.t2<string, MemberName.t>) => PropertyAccessChain.t = "createPropertyAccessChain"
external updatePropertyAccessChain: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:PropertyAccessChain.t, ~expression:Expression.t, ~questionDotToken:undefined<QuestionDotToken.t>, ~name:MemberName.t) => PropertyAccessChain.t = "updatePropertyAccessChain"
external createElementAccessExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t, ~index:Union.t2<float, Expression.t>) => ElementAccessExpression.t = "createElementAccessExpression"
external updateElementAccessExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ElementAccessExpression.t, ~expression:Expression.t, ~argumentExpression:Expression.t) => ElementAccessExpression.t = "updateElementAccessExpression"
external createElementAccessChain: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t, ~questionDotToken:undefined<QuestionDotToken.t>, ~index:Union.t2<float, Expression.t>) => ElementAccessChain.t = "createElementAccessChain"
external updateElementAccessChain: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ElementAccessChain.t, ~expression:Expression.t, ~questionDotToken:undefined<QuestionDotToken.t>, ~argumentExpression:Expression.t) => ElementAccessChain.t = "updateElementAccessChain"
external createCallExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t, ~typeArguments:undefined<array<TypeNode.t>>, ~argumentsArray:undefined<array<Expression.t>>) => CallExpression.t = "createCallExpression"
external updateCallExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:CallExpression.t, ~expression:Expression.t, ~typeArguments:undefined<array<TypeNode.t>>, ~argumentsArray:array<Expression.t>) => CallExpression.t = "updateCallExpression"
external createCallChain: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t, ~questionDotToken:undefined<QuestionDotToken.t>, ~typeArguments:undefined<array<TypeNode.t>>, ~argumentsArray:undefined<array<Expression.t>>) => CallChain.t = "createCallChain"
external updateCallChain: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:CallChain.t, ~expression:Expression.t, ~questionDotToken:undefined<QuestionDotToken.t>, ~typeArguments:undefined<array<TypeNode.t>>, ~argumentsArray:array<Expression.t>) => CallChain.t = "updateCallChain"
external createNewExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t, ~typeArguments:undefined<array<TypeNode.t>>, ~argumentsArray:undefined<array<Expression.t>>) => NewExpression.t = "createNewExpression"
external updateNewExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:NewExpression.t, ~expression:Expression.t, ~typeArguments:undefined<array<TypeNode.t>>, ~argumentsArray:undefined<array<Expression.t>>) => NewExpression.t = "updateNewExpression"
external createTaggedTemplateExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~tag:Expression.t, ~typeArguments:undefined<array<TypeNode.t>>, ~template:TemplateLiteral.t) => TaggedTemplateExpression.t = "createTaggedTemplateExpression"
external updateTaggedTemplateExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:TaggedTemplateExpression.t, ~tag:Expression.t, ~typeArguments:undefined<array<TypeNode.t>>, ~template:TemplateLiteral.t) => TaggedTemplateExpression.t = "updateTaggedTemplateExpression"
external createTypeAssertion: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~\"type":TypeNode.t, ~expression:Expression.t) => TypeAssertion.t = "createTypeAssertion"
external updateTypeAssertion: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:TypeAssertion.t, ~\"type":TypeNode.t, ~expression:Expression.t) => TypeAssertion.t = "updateTypeAssertion"
external createParenthesizedExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t) => ParenthesizedExpression.t = "createParenthesizedExpression"
external updateParenthesizedExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ParenthesizedExpression.t, ~expression:Expression.t) => ParenthesizedExpression.t = "updateParenthesizedExpression"
external createFunctionExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~asteriskToken:undefined<AsteriskToken.t>, ~name:undefined<Union.t2<string, Identifier.t>>, ~typeParameters:undefined<array<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>>, ~parameters:undefined<array<ParameterDeclaration.t>>, ~\"type":undefined<TypeNode.t>, ~body:Block.t) => FunctionExpression.t = "createFunctionExpression"
external updateFunctionExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:FunctionExpression.t, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~asteriskToken:undefined<AsteriskToken.t>, ~name:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~typeParameters:undefined<array<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>>, ~parameters:array<ParameterDeclaration.t>, ~\"type":undefined<TypeNode.t>, ~body:Block.t) => FunctionExpression.t = "updateFunctionExpression"
external createArrowFunction: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~typeParameters:undefined<array<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>>, ~parameters:array<ParameterDeclaration.t>, ~\"type":undefined<TypeNode.t>, ~equalsGreaterThanToken:undefined<EqualsGreaterThanToken.t>, ~body:ConciseBody.t) => ArrowFunction.t = "createArrowFunction"
external updateArrowFunction: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ArrowFunction.t, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~typeParameters:undefined<array<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>>, ~parameters:array<ParameterDeclaration.t>, ~\"type":undefined<TypeNode.t>, ~equalsGreaterThanToken:EqualsGreaterThanToken.t, ~body:ConciseBody.t) => ArrowFunction.t = "updateArrowFunction"
external createDeleteExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t) => DeleteExpression.t = "createDeleteExpression"
external updateDeleteExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:DeleteExpression.t, ~expression:Expression.t) => DeleteExpression.t = "updateDeleteExpression"
external createTypeOfExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t) => TypeOfExpression.t = "createTypeOfExpression"
external updateTypeOfExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:TypeOfExpression.t, ~expression:Expression.t) => TypeOfExpression.t = "updateTypeOfExpression"
external createVoidExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t) => VoidExpression.t = "createVoidExpression"
external updateVoidExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:VoidExpression.t, ~expression:Expression.t) => VoidExpression.t = "updateVoidExpression"
external createAwaitExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t) => AwaitExpression.t = "createAwaitExpression"
external updateAwaitExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:AwaitExpression.t, ~expression:Expression.t) => AwaitExpression.t = "updateAwaitExpression"
external createPrefixUnaryExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~operator:PrefixUnaryOperator.t, ~operand:Expression.t) => PrefixUnaryExpression.t = "createPrefixUnaryExpression"
external updatePrefixUnaryExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:PrefixUnaryExpression.t, ~operand:Expression.t) => PrefixUnaryExpression.t = "updatePrefixUnaryExpression"
external createPostfixUnaryExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~operand:Expression.t, ~operator:PostfixUnaryOperator.t) => PostfixUnaryExpression.t = "createPostfixUnaryExpression"
external updatePostfixUnaryExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:PostfixUnaryExpression.t, ~operand:Expression.t) => PostfixUnaryExpression.t = "updatePostfixUnaryExpression"
external createBinaryExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~left:Expression.t, ~operator:Union.t2<BinaryOperator.t, BinaryOperatorToken.t>, ~right:Expression.t) => BinaryExpression.t = "createBinaryExpression"
external updateBinaryExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:BinaryExpression.t, ~left:Expression.t, ~operator:Union.t2<BinaryOperator.t, BinaryOperatorToken.t>, ~right:Expression.t) => BinaryExpression.t = "updateBinaryExpression"
external createConditionalExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~condition:Expression.t, ~questionToken:undefined<QuestionToken.t>, ~whenTrue:Expression.t, ~colonToken:undefined<ColonToken.t>, ~whenFalse:Expression.t) => ConditionalExpression.t = "createConditionalExpression"
external updateConditionalExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ConditionalExpression.t, ~condition:Expression.t, ~questionToken:QuestionToken.t, ~whenTrue:Expression.t, ~colonToken:ColonToken.t, ~whenFalse:Expression.t) => ConditionalExpression.t = "updateConditionalExpression"
external createTemplateExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~head:TemplateHead.t, ~templateSpans:array<TemplateSpan.t>) => TemplateExpression.t = "createTemplateExpression"
external updateTemplateExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:TemplateExpression.t, ~head:TemplateHead.t, ~templateSpans:array<TemplateSpan.t>) => TemplateExpression.t = "updateTemplateExpression"
external createTemplateHead: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~text:string, ~rawText:string=?, ~templateFlags:TokenFlags.t=?, unit) => TemplateHead.t = "createTemplateHead"
external createTemplateHead': (this<'tags, 'base>, ~text:undefined<string>, ~rawText:string, ~templateFlags:TokenFlags.t=?, unit) => TemplateHead.t = "createTemplateHead"
external createTemplateMiddle: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~text:string, ~rawText:string=?, ~templateFlags:TokenFlags.t=?, unit) => TemplateMiddle.t = "createTemplateMiddle"
external createTemplateMiddle': (this<'tags, 'base>, ~text:undefined<string>, ~rawText:string, ~templateFlags:TokenFlags.t=?, unit) => TemplateMiddle.t = "createTemplateMiddle"
external createTemplateTail: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~text:string, ~rawText:string=?, ~templateFlags:TokenFlags.t=?, unit) => TemplateTail.t = "createTemplateTail"
external createTemplateTail': (this<'tags, 'base>, ~text:undefined<string>, ~rawText:string, ~templateFlags:TokenFlags.t=?, unit) => TemplateTail.t = "createTemplateTail"
external createNoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~text:string, ~rawText:string=?, unit) => NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral.t = "createNoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral"
external createNoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral': (this<'tags, 'base>, ~text:undefined<string>, ~rawText:string) => NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral.t = "createNoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral"
external createYieldExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~asteriskToken:AsteriskToken.t, ~expression:Expression.t) => YieldExpression.t = "createYieldExpression"
external createYieldExpression': (this<'tags, 'base>, ~asteriskToken:unit, ~expression:undefined<Expression.t>) => YieldExpression.t = "createYieldExpression"
external updateYieldExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:YieldExpression.t, ~asteriskToken:undefined<AsteriskToken.t>, ~expression:undefined<Expression.t>) => YieldExpression.t = "updateYieldExpression"
external createSpreadElement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t) => SpreadElement.t = "createSpreadElement"
external updateSpreadElement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:SpreadElement.t, ~expression:Expression.t) => SpreadElement.t = "updateSpreadElement"
external createClassExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~name:undefined<Union.t2<string, Identifier.t>>, ~typeParameters:undefined<array<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>>, ~heritageClauses:undefined<array<HeritageClause.t>>, ~members:array<ClassElement.t>) => ClassExpression.t = "createClassExpression"
external updateClassExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ClassExpression.t, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~name:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~typeParameters:undefined<array<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>>, ~heritageClauses:undefined<array<HeritageClause.t>>, ~members:array<ClassElement.t>) => ClassExpression.t = "updateClassExpression"
external createOmittedExpression: this<'tags, 'base> => OmittedExpression.t = "createOmittedExpression"
external createExpressionWithTypeArguments: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t, ~typeArguments:undefined<array<TypeNode.t>>) => ExpressionWithTypeArguments.t = "createExpressionWithTypeArguments"
external updateExpressionWithTypeArguments: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ExpressionWithTypeArguments.t, ~expression:Expression.t, ~typeArguments:undefined<array<TypeNode.t>>) => ExpressionWithTypeArguments.t = "updateExpressionWithTypeArguments"
external createAsExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => AsExpression.t = "createAsExpression"
external updateAsExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:AsExpression.t, ~expression:Expression.t, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => AsExpression.t = "updateAsExpression"
external createNonNullExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t) => NonNullExpression.t = "createNonNullExpression"
external updateNonNullExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:NonNullExpression.t, ~expression:Expression.t) => NonNullExpression.t = "updateNonNullExpression"
external createNonNullChain: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t) => NonNullChain.t = "createNonNullChain"
external updateNonNullChain: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:NonNullChain.t, ~expression:Expression.t) => NonNullChain.t = "updateNonNullChain"
external createMetaProperty: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~keywordToken:Union.t2<SyntaxKind.NewKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ImportKeyword.t>, ~name:Identifier.t) => MetaProperty.t = "createMetaProperty"
external updateMetaProperty: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:MetaProperty.t, ~name:Identifier.t) => MetaProperty.t = "updateMetaProperty"
external createTemplateSpan: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t, ~literal:Union.t2<TemplateMiddle.t, TemplateTail.t>) => TemplateSpan.t = "createTemplateSpan"
external updateTemplateSpan: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:TemplateSpan.t, ~expression:Expression.t, ~literal:Union.t2<TemplateMiddle.t, TemplateTail.t>) => TemplateSpan.t = "updateTemplateSpan"
external createSemicolonClassElement: this<'tags, 'base> => SemicolonClassElement.t = "createSemicolonClassElement"
external createBlock: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~statements:array<Statement.t>, ~multiLine:bool=?, unit) => Block.t = "createBlock"
external updateBlock: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:Block.t, ~statements:array<Statement.t>) => Block.t = "updateBlock"
external createVariableStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~declarationList:Union.t2<VariableDeclarationList.t, array<VariableDeclaration.t>>) => VariableStatement.t = "createVariableStatement"
external updateVariableStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:VariableStatement.t, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~declarationList:VariableDeclarationList.t) => VariableStatement.t = "updateVariableStatement"
external createEmptyStatement: this<'tags, 'base> => EmptyStatement.t = "createEmptyStatement"
external createExpressionStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t) => ExpressionStatement.t = "createExpressionStatement"
external updateExpressionStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ExpressionStatement.t, ~expression:Expression.t) => ExpressionStatement.t = "updateExpressionStatement"
external createIfStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t, ~thenStatement:Statement.t, ~elseStatement:Statement.t=?, unit) => IfStatement.t = "createIfStatement"
external updateIfStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:IfStatement.t, ~expression:Expression.t, ~thenStatement:Statement.t, ~elseStatement:undefined<Statement.t>) => IfStatement.t = "updateIfStatement"
external createDoStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~statement:Statement.t, ~expression:Expression.t) => DoStatement.t = "createDoStatement"
external updateDoStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:DoStatement.t, ~statement:Statement.t, ~expression:Expression.t) => DoStatement.t = "updateDoStatement"
external createWhileStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t, ~statement:Statement.t) => WhileStatement.t = "createWhileStatement"
external updateWhileStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:WhileStatement.t, ~expression:Expression.t, ~statement:Statement.t) => WhileStatement.t = "updateWhileStatement"
external createForStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~initializer:undefined<ForInitializer.t>, ~condition:undefined<Expression.t>, ~incrementor:undefined<Expression.t>, ~statement:Statement.t) => ForStatement.t = "createForStatement"
external updateForStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ForStatement.t, ~initializer:undefined<ForInitializer.t>, ~condition:undefined<Expression.t>, ~incrementor:undefined<Expression.t>, ~statement:Statement.t) => ForStatement.t = "updateForStatement"
external createForInStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~initializer:ForInitializer.t, ~expression:Expression.t, ~statement:Statement.t) => ForInStatement.t = "createForInStatement"
external updateForInStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ForInStatement.t, ~initializer:ForInitializer.t, ~expression:Expression.t, ~statement:Statement.t) => ForInStatement.t = "updateForInStatement"
external createForOfStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~awaitModifier:undefined<AwaitKeyword.t>, ~initializer:ForInitializer.t, ~expression:Expression.t, ~statement:Statement.t) => ForOfStatement.t = "createForOfStatement"
external updateForOfStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ForOfStatement.t, ~awaitModifier:undefined<AwaitKeyword.t>, ~initializer:ForInitializer.t, ~expression:Expression.t, ~statement:Statement.t) => ForOfStatement.t = "updateForOfStatement"
external createContinueStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~label:Union.t2<string, Identifier.t>=?, unit) => ContinueStatement.t = "createContinueStatement"
external updateContinueStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ContinueStatement.t, ~label:undefined<Identifier.t>) => ContinueStatement.t = "updateContinueStatement"
external createBreakStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~label:Union.t2<string, Identifier.t>=?, unit) => BreakStatement.t = "createBreakStatement"
external updateBreakStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:BreakStatement.t, ~label:undefined<Identifier.t>) => BreakStatement.t = "updateBreakStatement"
external createReturnStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t=?, unit) => ReturnStatement.t = "createReturnStatement"
external updateReturnStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ReturnStatement.t, ~expression:undefined<Expression.t>) => ReturnStatement.t = "updateReturnStatement"
external createWithStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t, ~statement:Statement.t) => WithStatement.t = "createWithStatement"
external updateWithStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:WithStatement.t, ~expression:Expression.t, ~statement:Statement.t) => WithStatement.t = "updateWithStatement"
external createSwitchStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t, ~caseBlock:CaseBlock.t) => SwitchStatement.t = "createSwitchStatement"
external updateSwitchStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:SwitchStatement.t, ~expression:Expression.t, ~caseBlock:CaseBlock.t) => SwitchStatement.t = "updateSwitchStatement"
external createLabeledStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~label:Union.t2<string, Identifier.t>, ~statement:Statement.t) => LabeledStatement.t = "createLabeledStatement"
external updateLabeledStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:LabeledStatement.t, ~label:Identifier.t, ~statement:Statement.t) => LabeledStatement.t = "updateLabeledStatement"
external createThrowStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t) => ThrowStatement.t = "createThrowStatement"
external updateThrowStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ThrowStatement.t, ~expression:Expression.t) => ThrowStatement.t = "updateThrowStatement"
external createTryStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~tryBlock:Block.t, ~catchClause:undefined<CatchClause.t>, ~finallyBlock:undefined<Block.t>) => TryStatement.t = "createTryStatement"
external updateTryStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:TryStatement.t, ~tryBlock:Block.t, ~catchClause:undefined<CatchClause.t>, ~finallyBlock:undefined<Block.t>) => TryStatement.t = "updateTryStatement"
external createDebuggerStatement: this<'tags, 'base> => DebuggerStatement.t = "createDebuggerStatement"
external createVariableDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~name:Union.t2<string, BindingName.t>, ~exclamationToken:ExclamationToken.t=?, ~\"type":TypeNode.t=?, ~initializer:Expression.t=?, unit) => VariableDeclaration.t = "createVariableDeclaration"
external updateVariableDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:VariableDeclaration.t, ~name:BindingName.t, ~exclamationToken:undefined<ExclamationToken.t>, ~\"type":undefined<TypeNode.t>, ~initializer:undefined<Expression.t>) => VariableDeclaration.t = "updateVariableDeclaration"
external createVariableDeclarationList: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~declarations:array<VariableDeclaration.t>, ~flags:NodeFlags.t=?, unit) => VariableDeclarationList.t = "createVariableDeclarationList"
external updateVariableDeclarationList: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:VariableDeclarationList.t, ~declarations:array<VariableDeclaration.t>) => VariableDeclarationList.t = "updateVariableDeclarationList"
external createFunctionDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~asteriskToken:undefined<AsteriskToken.t>, ~name:undefined<Union.t2<string, Identifier.t>>, ~typeParameters:undefined<array<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>>, ~parameters:array<ParameterDeclaration.t>, ~\"type":undefined<TypeNode.t>, ~body:undefined<Block.t>) => FunctionDeclaration.t = "createFunctionDeclaration"
external updateFunctionDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:FunctionDeclaration.t, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~asteriskToken:undefined<AsteriskToken.t>, ~name:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~typeParameters:undefined<array<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>>, ~parameters:array<ParameterDeclaration.t>, ~\"type":undefined<TypeNode.t>, ~body:undefined<Block.t>) => FunctionDeclaration.t = "updateFunctionDeclaration"
external createClassDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~name:undefined<Union.t2<string, Identifier.t>>, ~typeParameters:undefined<array<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>>, ~heritageClauses:undefined<array<HeritageClause.t>>, ~members:array<ClassElement.t>) => ClassDeclaration.t = "createClassDeclaration"
external updateClassDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ClassDeclaration.t, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~name:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~typeParameters:undefined<array<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>>, ~heritageClauses:undefined<array<HeritageClause.t>>, ~members:array<ClassElement.t>) => ClassDeclaration.t = "updateClassDeclaration"
external createInterfaceDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~name:Union.t2<string, Identifier.t>, ~typeParameters:undefined<array<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>>, ~heritageClauses:undefined<array<HeritageClause.t>>, ~members:array<TypeElement.t>) => InterfaceDeclaration.t = "createInterfaceDeclaration"
external updateInterfaceDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:InterfaceDeclaration.t, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~name:Identifier.t, ~typeParameters:undefined<array<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>>, ~heritageClauses:undefined<array<HeritageClause.t>>, ~members:array<TypeElement.t>) => InterfaceDeclaration.t = "updateInterfaceDeclaration"
external createTypeAliasDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~name:Union.t2<string, Identifier.t>, ~typeParameters:undefined<array<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>>, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => TypeAliasDeclaration.t = "createTypeAliasDeclaration"
external updateTypeAliasDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:TypeAliasDeclaration.t, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~name:Identifier.t, ~typeParameters:undefined<array<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>>, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => TypeAliasDeclaration.t = "updateTypeAliasDeclaration"
external createEnumDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~name:Union.t2<string, Identifier.t>, ~members:array<EnumMember.t>) => EnumDeclaration.t = "createEnumDeclaration"
external updateEnumDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:EnumDeclaration.t, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~name:Identifier.t, ~members:array<EnumMember.t>) => EnumDeclaration.t = "updateEnumDeclaration"
external createModuleDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~name:ModuleName.t, ~body:undefined<ModuleBody.t>, ~flags:NodeFlags.t=?, unit) => ModuleDeclaration.t = "createModuleDeclaration"
external updateModuleDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ModuleDeclaration.t, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~name:ModuleName.t, ~body:undefined<ModuleBody.t>) => ModuleDeclaration.t = "updateModuleDeclaration"
external createModuleBlock: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~statements:array<Statement.t>) => ModuleBlock.t = "createModuleBlock"
external updateModuleBlock: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ModuleBlock.t, ~statements:array<Statement.t>) => ModuleBlock.t = "updateModuleBlock"
external createCaseBlock: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~clauses:array<CaseOrDefaultClause.t>) => CaseBlock.t = "createCaseBlock"
external updateCaseBlock: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:CaseBlock.t, ~clauses:array<CaseOrDefaultClause.t>) => CaseBlock.t = "updateCaseBlock"
external createNamespaceExportDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~name:Union.t2<string, Identifier.t>) => NamespaceExportDeclaration.t = "createNamespaceExportDeclaration"
external updateNamespaceExportDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:NamespaceExportDeclaration.t, ~name:Identifier.t) => NamespaceExportDeclaration.t = "updateNamespaceExportDeclaration"
external createImportEqualsDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~isTypeOnly:bool, ~name:Union.t2<string, Identifier.t>, ~moduleReference:ModuleReference.t) => ImportEqualsDeclaration.t = "createImportEqualsDeclaration"
external updateImportEqualsDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ImportEqualsDeclaration.t, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~isTypeOnly:bool, ~name:Identifier.t, ~moduleReference:ModuleReference.t) => ImportEqualsDeclaration.t = "updateImportEqualsDeclaration"
external createImportDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~importClause:undefined<ImportClause.t>, ~moduleSpecifier:Expression.t, ~assertClause:AssertClause.t=?, unit) => ImportDeclaration.t = "createImportDeclaration"
external updateImportDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ImportDeclaration.t, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~importClause:undefined<ImportClause.t>, ~moduleSpecifier:Expression.t, ~assertClause:undefined<AssertClause.t>) => ImportDeclaration.t = "updateImportDeclaration"
external createImportClause: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~isTypeOnly:bool, ~name:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~namedBindings:undefined<NamedImportBindings.t>) => ImportClause.t = "createImportClause"
external updateImportClause: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ImportClause.t, ~isTypeOnly:bool, ~name:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~namedBindings:undefined<NamedImportBindings.t>) => ImportClause.t = "updateImportClause"
external createAssertClause: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~elements:NodeArray.t<AssertEntry.t>, ~multiLine:bool=?, unit) => AssertClause.t = "createAssertClause"
external updateAssertClause: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:AssertClause.t, ~elements:NodeArray.t<AssertEntry.t>, ~multiLine:bool=?, unit) => AssertClause.t = "updateAssertClause"
external createAssertEntry: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~name:AssertionKey.t, ~value:Expression.t) => AssertEntry.t = "createAssertEntry"
external updateAssertEntry: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:AssertEntry.t, ~name:AssertionKey.t, ~value:Expression.t) => AssertEntry.t = "updateAssertEntry"
external createNamespaceImport: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~name:Identifier.t) => NamespaceImport.t = "createNamespaceImport"
external updateNamespaceImport: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:NamespaceImport.t, ~name:Identifier.t) => NamespaceImport.t = "updateNamespaceImport"
external createNamespaceExport: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~name:Identifier.t) => NamespaceExport.t = "createNamespaceExport"
external updateNamespaceExport: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:NamespaceExport.t, ~name:Identifier.t) => NamespaceExport.t = "updateNamespaceExport"
external createNamedImports: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~elements:array<ImportSpecifier.t>) => NamedImports.t = "createNamedImports"
external updateNamedImports: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:NamedImports.t, ~elements:array<ImportSpecifier.t>) => NamedImports.t = "updateNamedImports"
external createImportSpecifier: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~isTypeOnly:bool, ~propertyName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~name:Identifier.t) => ImportSpecifier.t = "createImportSpecifier"
external updateImportSpecifier: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ImportSpecifier.t, ~isTypeOnly:bool, ~propertyName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~name:Identifier.t) => ImportSpecifier.t = "updateImportSpecifier"
external createExportAssignment: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~isExportEquals:undefined<bool>, ~expression:Expression.t) => ExportAssignment.t = "createExportAssignment"
external updateExportAssignment: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ExportAssignment.t, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~expression:Expression.t) => ExportAssignment.t = "updateExportAssignment"
external createExportDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~isTypeOnly:bool, ~exportClause:undefined<NamedExportBindings.t>, ~moduleSpecifier:Expression.t=?, ~assertClause:AssertClause.t=?, unit) => ExportDeclaration.t = "createExportDeclaration"
external updateExportDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ExportDeclaration.t, ~decorators:undefined<array<Decorator.t>>, ~modifiers:undefined<array<Modifier.t>>, ~isTypeOnly:bool, ~exportClause:undefined<NamedExportBindings.t>, ~moduleSpecifier:undefined<Expression.t>, ~assertClause:undefined<AssertClause.t>) => ExportDeclaration.t = "updateExportDeclaration"
external createNamedExports: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~elements:array<ExportSpecifier.t>) => NamedExports.t = "createNamedExports"
external updateNamedExports: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:NamedExports.t, ~elements:array<ExportSpecifier.t>) => NamedExports.t = "updateNamedExports"
external createExportSpecifier: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~isTypeOnly:bool, ~propertyName:undefined<Union.t2<string, Identifier.t>>, ~name:Union.t2<string, Identifier.t>) => ExportSpecifier.t = "createExportSpecifier"
external updateExportSpecifier: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ExportSpecifier.t, ~isTypeOnly:bool, ~propertyName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~name:Identifier.t) => ExportSpecifier.t = "updateExportSpecifier"
external createExternalModuleReference: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t) => ExternalModuleReference.t = "createExternalModuleReference"
external updateExternalModuleReference: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ExternalModuleReference.t, ~expression:Expression.t) => ExternalModuleReference.t = "updateExternalModuleReference"
external createJSDocAllType: this<'tags, 'base> => JSDocAllType.t = "createJSDocAllType"
external createJSDocUnknownType: this<'tags, 'base> => JSDocUnknownType.t = "createJSDocUnknownType"
external createJSDocNonNullableType: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => JSDocNonNullableType.t = "createJSDocNonNullableType"
external updateJSDocNonNullableType: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocNonNullableType.t, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => JSDocNonNullableType.t = "updateJSDocNonNullableType"
external createJSDocNullableType: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => JSDocNullableType.t = "createJSDocNullableType"
external updateJSDocNullableType: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocNullableType.t, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => JSDocNullableType.t = "updateJSDocNullableType"
external createJSDocOptionalType: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => JSDocOptionalType.t = "createJSDocOptionalType"
external updateJSDocOptionalType: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocOptionalType.t, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => JSDocOptionalType.t = "updateJSDocOptionalType"
external createJSDocFunctionType: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~parameters:array<ParameterDeclaration.t>, ~\"type":undefined<TypeNode.t>) => JSDocFunctionType.t = "createJSDocFunctionType"
external updateJSDocFunctionType: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocFunctionType.t, ~parameters:array<ParameterDeclaration.t>, ~\"type":undefined<TypeNode.t>) => JSDocFunctionType.t = "updateJSDocFunctionType"
external createJSDocVariadicType: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => JSDocVariadicType.t = "createJSDocVariadicType"
external updateJSDocVariadicType: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocVariadicType.t, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => JSDocVariadicType.t = "updateJSDocVariadicType"
external createJSDocNamepathType: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => JSDocNamepathType.t = "createJSDocNamepathType"
external updateJSDocNamepathType: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocNamepathType.t, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => JSDocNamepathType.t = "updateJSDocNamepathType"
external createJSDocTypeExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => JSDocTypeExpression.t = "createJSDocTypeExpression"
external updateJSDocTypeExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocTypeExpression.t, ~\"type":TypeNode.t) => JSDocTypeExpression.t = "updateJSDocTypeExpression"
external createJSDocNameReference: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~name:Union.t2<EntityName.t, JSDocMemberName.t>) => JSDocNameReference.t = "createJSDocNameReference"
external updateJSDocNameReference: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocNameReference.t, ~name:Union.t2<EntityName.t, JSDocMemberName.t>) => JSDocNameReference.t = "updateJSDocNameReference"
external createJSDocMemberName: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~left:Union.t2<EntityName.t, JSDocMemberName.t>, ~right:Identifier.t) => JSDocMemberName.t = "createJSDocMemberName"
external updateJSDocMemberName: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocMemberName.t, ~left:Union.t2<EntityName.t, JSDocMemberName.t>, ~right:Identifier.t) => JSDocMemberName.t = "updateJSDocMemberName"
external createJSDocLink: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~name:undefined<Union.t2<EntityName.t, JSDocMemberName.t>>, ~text:string) => JSDocLink.t = "createJSDocLink"
external updateJSDocLink: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocLink.t, ~name:undefined<Union.t2<EntityName.t, JSDocMemberName.t>>, ~text:string) => JSDocLink.t = "updateJSDocLink"
external createJSDocLinkCode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~name:undefined<Union.t2<EntityName.t, JSDocMemberName.t>>, ~text:string) => JSDocLinkCode.t = "createJSDocLinkCode"
external updateJSDocLinkCode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocLinkCode.t, ~name:undefined<Union.t2<EntityName.t, JSDocMemberName.t>>, ~text:string) => JSDocLinkCode.t = "updateJSDocLinkCode"
external createJSDocLinkPlain: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~name:undefined<Union.t2<EntityName.t, JSDocMemberName.t>>, ~text:string) => JSDocLinkPlain.t = "createJSDocLinkPlain"
external updateJSDocLinkPlain: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocLinkPlain.t, ~name:undefined<Union.t2<EntityName.t, JSDocMemberName.t>>, ~text:string) => JSDocLinkPlain.t = "updateJSDocLinkPlain"
external createJSDocTypeLiteral: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~jsDocPropertyTags:array<JSDocPropertyLikeTag.t>=?, ~isArrayType:bool=?, unit) => JSDocTypeLiteral.t = "createJSDocTypeLiteral"
external updateJSDocTypeLiteral: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocTypeLiteral.t, ~jsDocPropertyTags:undefined<array<JSDocPropertyLikeTag.t>>, ~isArrayType:undefined<bool>) => JSDocTypeLiteral.t = "updateJSDocTypeLiteral"
external createJSDocSignature: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~typeParameters:undefined<array<JSDocTemplateTag.t>>, ~parameters:array<JSDocParameterTag.t>, ~\"type":JSDocReturnTag.t=?, unit) => JSDocSignature.t = "createJSDocSignature"
external updateJSDocSignature: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocSignature.t, ~typeParameters:undefined<array<JSDocTemplateTag.t>>, ~parameters:array<JSDocParameterTag.t>, ~\"type":undefined<JSDocReturnTag.t>) => JSDocSignature.t = "updateJSDocSignature"
external createJSDocTemplateTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~\"constraint":undefined<JSDocTypeExpression.t>, ~typeParameters:array<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>, ~comment:Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>=?, unit) => JSDocTemplateTag.t = "createJSDocTemplateTag"
external updateJSDocTemplateTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocTemplateTag.t, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~\"constraint":undefined<JSDocTypeExpression.t>, ~typeParameters:array<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>, ~comment:undefined<Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>>) => JSDocTemplateTag.t = "updateJSDocTemplateTag"
external createJSDocTypedefTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~typeExpression:Union.t2<JSDocTypeExpression.t, JSDocTypeLiteral.t>=?, ~fullName:Union.t2<Identifier.t, JSDocNamespaceDeclaration.t>=?, ~comment:Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>=?, unit) => JSDocTypedefTag.t = "createJSDocTypedefTag"
external updateJSDocTypedefTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocTypedefTag.t, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~typeExpression:undefined<Union.t2<JSDocTypeExpression.t, JSDocTypeLiteral.t>>, ~fullName:undefined<Union.t2<Identifier.t, JSDocNamespaceDeclaration.t>>, ~comment:undefined<Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>>) => JSDocTypedefTag.t = "updateJSDocTypedefTag"
external createJSDocParameterTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~name:EntityName.t, ~isBracketed:bool, ~typeExpression:JSDocTypeExpression.t=?, ~isNameFirst:bool=?, ~comment:Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>=?, unit) => JSDocParameterTag.t = "createJSDocParameterTag"
external updateJSDocParameterTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocParameterTag.t, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~name:EntityName.t, ~isBracketed:bool, ~typeExpression:undefined<JSDocTypeExpression.t>, ~isNameFirst:bool, ~comment:undefined<Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>>) => JSDocParameterTag.t = "updateJSDocParameterTag"
external createJSDocPropertyTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~name:EntityName.t, ~isBracketed:bool, ~typeExpression:JSDocTypeExpression.t=?, ~isNameFirst:bool=?, ~comment:Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>=?, unit) => JSDocPropertyTag.t = "createJSDocPropertyTag"
external updateJSDocPropertyTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocPropertyTag.t, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~name:EntityName.t, ~isBracketed:bool, ~typeExpression:undefined<JSDocTypeExpression.t>, ~isNameFirst:bool, ~comment:undefined<Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>>) => JSDocPropertyTag.t = "updateJSDocPropertyTag"
external createJSDocTypeTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~typeExpression:JSDocTypeExpression.t, ~comment:Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>=?, unit) => JSDocTypeTag.t = "createJSDocTypeTag"
external updateJSDocTypeTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocTypeTag.t, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~typeExpression:JSDocTypeExpression.t, ~comment:undefined<Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>>) => JSDocTypeTag.t = "updateJSDocTypeTag"
external createJSDocSeeTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~nameExpression:undefined<JSDocNameReference.t>, ~comment:Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>=?, unit) => JSDocSeeTag.t = "createJSDocSeeTag"
external updateJSDocSeeTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocSeeTag.t, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~nameExpression:undefined<JSDocNameReference.t>, ~comment:Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>=?, unit) => JSDocSeeTag.t = "updateJSDocSeeTag"
external createJSDocReturnTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~typeExpression:JSDocTypeExpression.t=?, ~comment:Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>=?, unit) => JSDocReturnTag.t = "createJSDocReturnTag"
external updateJSDocReturnTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocReturnTag.t, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~typeExpression:undefined<JSDocTypeExpression.t>, ~comment:undefined<Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>>) => JSDocReturnTag.t = "updateJSDocReturnTag"
external createJSDocThisTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~typeExpression:JSDocTypeExpression.t, ~comment:Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>=?, unit) => JSDocThisTag.t = "createJSDocThisTag"
external updateJSDocThisTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocThisTag.t, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~typeExpression:undefined<JSDocTypeExpression.t>, ~comment:undefined<Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>>) => JSDocThisTag.t = "updateJSDocThisTag"
external createJSDocEnumTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~typeExpression:JSDocTypeExpression.t, ~comment:Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>=?, unit) => JSDocEnumTag.t = "createJSDocEnumTag"
external updateJSDocEnumTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocEnumTag.t, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~typeExpression:JSDocTypeExpression.t, ~comment:undefined<Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>>) => JSDocEnumTag.t = "updateJSDocEnumTag"
external createJSDocCallbackTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~typeExpression:JSDocSignature.t, ~fullName:Union.t2<Identifier.t, JSDocNamespaceDeclaration.t>=?, ~comment:Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>=?, unit) => JSDocCallbackTag.t = "createJSDocCallbackTag"
external updateJSDocCallbackTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocCallbackTag.t, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~typeExpression:JSDocSignature.t, ~fullName:undefined<Union.t2<Identifier.t, JSDocNamespaceDeclaration.t>>, ~comment:undefined<Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>>) => JSDocCallbackTag.t = "updateJSDocCallbackTag"
external createJSDocAugmentsTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~className:Intersection.t2<ExpressionWithTypeArguments.t, AnonymousInterface14.t>, ~comment:Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>=?, unit) => JSDocAugmentsTag.t = "createJSDocAugmentsTag"
external updateJSDocAugmentsTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocAugmentsTag.t, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~className:Intersection.t2<ExpressionWithTypeArguments.t, AnonymousInterface14.t>, ~comment:undefined<Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>>) => JSDocAugmentsTag.t = "updateJSDocAugmentsTag"
external createJSDocImplementsTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~className:Intersection.t2<ExpressionWithTypeArguments.t, AnonymousInterface14.t>, ~comment:Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>=?, unit) => JSDocImplementsTag.t = "createJSDocImplementsTag"
external updateJSDocImplementsTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocImplementsTag.t, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~className:Intersection.t2<ExpressionWithTypeArguments.t, AnonymousInterface14.t>, ~comment:undefined<Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>>) => JSDocImplementsTag.t = "updateJSDocImplementsTag"
external createJSDocAuthorTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~comment:Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>=?, unit) => JSDocAuthorTag.t = "createJSDocAuthorTag"
external updateJSDocAuthorTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocAuthorTag.t, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~comment:undefined<Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>>) => JSDocAuthorTag.t = "updateJSDocAuthorTag"
external createJSDocClassTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~comment:Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>=?, unit) => JSDocClassTag.t = "createJSDocClassTag"
external updateJSDocClassTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocClassTag.t, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~comment:undefined<Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>>) => JSDocClassTag.t = "updateJSDocClassTag"
external createJSDocPublicTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~comment:Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>=?, unit) => JSDocPublicTag.t = "createJSDocPublicTag"
external updateJSDocPublicTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocPublicTag.t, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~comment:undefined<Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>>) => JSDocPublicTag.t = "updateJSDocPublicTag"
external createJSDocPrivateTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~comment:Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>=?, unit) => JSDocPrivateTag.t = "createJSDocPrivateTag"
external updateJSDocPrivateTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocPrivateTag.t, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~comment:undefined<Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>>) => JSDocPrivateTag.t = "updateJSDocPrivateTag"
external createJSDocProtectedTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~comment:Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>=?, unit) => JSDocProtectedTag.t = "createJSDocProtectedTag"
external updateJSDocProtectedTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocProtectedTag.t, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~comment:undefined<Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>>) => JSDocProtectedTag.t = "updateJSDocProtectedTag"
external createJSDocReadonlyTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~comment:Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>=?, unit) => JSDocReadonlyTag.t = "createJSDocReadonlyTag"
external updateJSDocReadonlyTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocReadonlyTag.t, ~tagName:undefined<Identifier.t>, ~comment:undefined<Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>>) => JSDocReadonlyTag.t = "updateJSDocReadonlyTag"
external createJSDocUnknownTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~tagName:Identifier.t, ~comment:Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>=?, unit) => JSDocUnknownTag.t = "createJSDocUnknownTag"
external updateJSDocUnknownTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocUnknownTag.t, ~tagName:Identifier.t, ~comment:undefined<Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>>) => JSDocUnknownTag.t = "updateJSDocUnknownTag"
external createJSDocDeprecatedTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~tagName:Identifier.t, ~comment:Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>=?, unit) => JSDocDeprecatedTag.t = "createJSDocDeprecatedTag"
external updateJSDocDeprecatedTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocDeprecatedTag.t, ~tagName:Identifier.t, ~comment:Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>=?, unit) => JSDocDeprecatedTag.t = "updateJSDocDeprecatedTag"
external createJSDocOverrideTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~tagName:Identifier.t, ~comment:Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>=?, unit) => JSDocOverrideTag.t = "createJSDocOverrideTag"
external updateJSDocOverrideTag: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocOverrideTag.t, ~tagName:Identifier.t, ~comment:Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>=?, unit) => JSDocOverrideTag.t = "updateJSDocOverrideTag"
external createJSDocText: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~text:string) => JSDocText.t = "createJSDocText"
external updateJSDocText: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDocText.t, ~text:string) => JSDocText.t = "updateJSDocText"
external createJSDocComment: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~comment:undefined<Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>>=?, ~tags:undefined<array<JSDocTag.t>>=?, unit) => JSDoc.t = "createJSDocComment"
external updateJSDocComment: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JSDoc.t, ~comment:undefined<Union.t2<string, NodeArray.t<JSDocComment.t>>>, ~tags:undefined<array<JSDocTag.t>>) => JSDoc.t = "updateJSDocComment"
external createJsxElement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~openingElement:JsxOpeningElement.t, ~children:array<JsxChild.t>, ~closingElement:JsxClosingElement.t) => JsxElement.t = "createJsxElement"
external updateJsxElement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JsxElement.t, ~openingElement:JsxOpeningElement.t, ~children:array<JsxChild.t>, ~closingElement:JsxClosingElement.t) => JsxElement.t = "updateJsxElement"
external createJsxSelfClosingElement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~tagName:JsxTagNameExpression.t, ~typeArguments:undefined<array<TypeNode.t>>, ~attributes:JsxAttributes.t) => JsxSelfClosingElement.t = "createJsxSelfClosingElement"
external updateJsxSelfClosingElement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JsxSelfClosingElement.t, ~tagName:JsxTagNameExpression.t, ~typeArguments:undefined<array<TypeNode.t>>, ~attributes:JsxAttributes.t) => JsxSelfClosingElement.t = "updateJsxSelfClosingElement"
external createJsxOpeningElement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~tagName:JsxTagNameExpression.t, ~typeArguments:undefined<array<TypeNode.t>>, ~attributes:JsxAttributes.t) => JsxOpeningElement.t = "createJsxOpeningElement"
external updateJsxOpeningElement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JsxOpeningElement.t, ~tagName:JsxTagNameExpression.t, ~typeArguments:undefined<array<TypeNode.t>>, ~attributes:JsxAttributes.t) => JsxOpeningElement.t = "updateJsxOpeningElement"
external createJsxClosingElement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~tagName:JsxTagNameExpression.t) => JsxClosingElement.t = "createJsxClosingElement"
external updateJsxClosingElement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JsxClosingElement.t, ~tagName:JsxTagNameExpression.t) => JsxClosingElement.t = "updateJsxClosingElement"
external createJsxFragment: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~openingFragment:JsxOpeningFragment.t, ~children:array<JsxChild.t>, ~closingFragment:JsxClosingFragment.t) => JsxFragment.t = "createJsxFragment"
external createJsxText: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~text:string, ~containsOnlyTriviaWhiteSpaces:bool=?, unit) => JsxText.t = "createJsxText"
external updateJsxText: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JsxText.t, ~text:string, ~containsOnlyTriviaWhiteSpaces:bool=?, unit) => JsxText.t = "updateJsxText"
external createJsxOpeningFragment: this<'tags, 'base> => JsxOpeningFragment.t = "createJsxOpeningFragment"
external createJsxJsxClosingFragment: this<'tags, 'base> => JsxClosingFragment.t = "createJsxJsxClosingFragment"
external updateJsxFragment: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JsxFragment.t, ~openingFragment:JsxOpeningFragment.t, ~children:array<JsxChild.t>, ~closingFragment:JsxClosingFragment.t) => JsxFragment.t = "updateJsxFragment"
external createJsxAttribute: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~name:Identifier.t, ~initializer:undefined<Union.t2<StringLiteral.t, JsxExpression.t>>) => JsxAttribute.t = "createJsxAttribute"
external updateJsxAttribute: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JsxAttribute.t, ~name:Identifier.t, ~initializer:undefined<Union.t2<StringLiteral.t, JsxExpression.t>>) => JsxAttribute.t = "updateJsxAttribute"
external createJsxAttributes: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~properties:array<JsxAttributeLike.t>) => JsxAttributes.t = "createJsxAttributes"
external updateJsxAttributes: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JsxAttributes.t, ~properties:array<JsxAttributeLike.t>) => JsxAttributes.t = "updateJsxAttributes"
external createJsxSpreadAttribute: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t) => JsxSpreadAttribute.t = "createJsxSpreadAttribute"
external updateJsxSpreadAttribute: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JsxSpreadAttribute.t, ~expression:Expression.t) => JsxSpreadAttribute.t = "updateJsxSpreadAttribute"
external createJsxExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~dotDotDotToken:undefined<DotDotDotToken.t>, ~expression:undefined<Expression.t>) => JsxExpression.t = "createJsxExpression"
external updateJsxExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:JsxExpression.t, ~expression:undefined<Expression.t>) => JsxExpression.t = "updateJsxExpression"
external createCaseClause: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t, ~statements:array<Statement.t>) => CaseClause.t = "createCaseClause"
external updateCaseClause: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:CaseClause.t, ~expression:Expression.t, ~statements:array<Statement.t>) => CaseClause.t = "updateCaseClause"
external createDefaultClause: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~statements:array<Statement.t>) => DefaultClause.t = "createDefaultClause"
external updateDefaultClause: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:DefaultClause.t, ~statements:array<Statement.t>) => DefaultClause.t = "updateDefaultClause"
external createHeritageClause: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~token:Union.t2<SyntaxKind.ExtendsKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.ImplementsKeyword.t>, ~types:array<ExpressionWithTypeArguments.t>) => HeritageClause.t = "createHeritageClause"
external updateHeritageClause: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:HeritageClause.t, ~types:array<ExpressionWithTypeArguments.t>) => HeritageClause.t = "updateHeritageClause"
external createCatchClause: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~variableDeclaration:undefined<Union.t3<string, BindingName.t, VariableDeclaration.t>>, ~block:Block.t) => CatchClause.t = "createCatchClause"
external updateCatchClause: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:CatchClause.t, ~variableDeclaration:undefined<VariableDeclaration.t>, ~block:Block.t) => CatchClause.t = "updateCatchClause"
external createPropertyAssignment: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~name:Union.t2<string, PropertyName.t>, ~initializer:Expression.t) => PropertyAssignment.t = "createPropertyAssignment"
external updatePropertyAssignment: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:PropertyAssignment.t, ~name:PropertyName.t, ~initializer:Expression.t) => PropertyAssignment.t = "updatePropertyAssignment"
external createShorthandPropertyAssignment: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~name:Union.t2<string, Identifier.t>, ~objectAssignmentInitializer:Expression.t=?, unit) => ShorthandPropertyAssignment.t = "createShorthandPropertyAssignment"
external updateShorthandPropertyAssignment: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:ShorthandPropertyAssignment.t, ~name:Identifier.t, ~objectAssignmentInitializer:undefined<Expression.t>) => ShorthandPropertyAssignment.t = "updateShorthandPropertyAssignment"
external createSpreadAssignment: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t) => SpreadAssignment.t = "createSpreadAssignment"
external updateSpreadAssignment: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:SpreadAssignment.t, ~expression:Expression.t) => SpreadAssignment.t = "updateSpreadAssignment"
external createEnumMember: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~name:Union.t2<string, PropertyName.t>, ~initializer:Expression.t=?, unit) => EnumMember.t = "createEnumMember"
external updateEnumMember: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:EnumMember.t, ~name:PropertyName.t, ~initializer:undefined<Expression.t>) => EnumMember.t = "updateEnumMember"
external createSourceFile: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~statements:array<Statement.t>, ~endOfFileToken:EndOfFileToken.t, ~flags:NodeFlags.t) => SourceFile.t = "createSourceFile"
external updateSourceFile: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:SourceFile.t, ~statements:array<Statement.t>, ~isDeclarationFile:bool=?, ~referencedFiles:array<FileReference.t>=?, ~typeReferences:array<FileReference.t>=?, ~hasNoDefaultLib:bool=?, ~libReferences:array<FileReference.t>=?, unit) => SourceFile.t = "updateSourceFile"
external createNotEmittedStatement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~original:Dom.node) => NotEmittedStatement.t = "createNotEmittedStatement"
external createPartiallyEmittedExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t, ~original:Dom.node=?, unit) => PartiallyEmittedExpression.t = "createPartiallyEmittedExpression"
external updatePartiallyEmittedExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:PartiallyEmittedExpression.t, ~expression:Expression.t) => PartiallyEmittedExpression.t = "updatePartiallyEmittedExpression"
external createCommaListExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~elements:array<Expression.t>) => CommaListExpression.t = "createCommaListExpression"
external updateCommaListExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:CommaListExpression.t, ~elements:array<Expression.t>) => CommaListExpression.t = "updateCommaListExpression"
external createBundle: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~sourceFiles:array<SourceFile.t>, ~prepends:array<Union.t2<UnparsedSource.t, InputFiles.t>>=?, unit) => Bundle.t = "createBundle"
external updateBundle: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:Bundle.t, ~sourceFiles:array<SourceFile.t>, ~prepends:array<Union.t2<UnparsedSource.t, InputFiles.t>>=?, unit) => Bundle.t = "updateBundle"
external createComma: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~left:Expression.t, ~right:Expression.t) => BinaryExpression.t = "createComma"
external createAssignment: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~left:Union.t2<ObjectLiteralExpression.t, ArrayLiteralExpression.t>, ~right:Expression.t) => DestructuringAssignment.t = "createAssignment"
external createAssignment': (this<'tags, 'base>, ~left:Expression.t, ~right:Expression.t) => AssignmentExpression.t<EqualsToken.t> = "createAssignment"
external createLogicalOr: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~left:Expression.t, ~right:Expression.t) => BinaryExpression.t = "createLogicalOr"
external createLogicalAnd: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~left:Expression.t, ~right:Expression.t) => BinaryExpression.t = "createLogicalAnd"
external createBitwiseOr: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~left:Expression.t, ~right:Expression.t) => BinaryExpression.t = "createBitwiseOr"
external createBitwiseXor: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~left:Expression.t, ~right:Expression.t) => BinaryExpression.t = "createBitwiseXor"
external createBitwiseAnd: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~left:Expression.t, ~right:Expression.t) => BinaryExpression.t = "createBitwiseAnd"
external createStrictEquality: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~left:Expression.t, ~right:Expression.t) => BinaryExpression.t = "createStrictEquality"
external createStrictInequality: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~left:Expression.t, ~right:Expression.t) => BinaryExpression.t = "createStrictInequality"
external createEquality: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~left:Expression.t, ~right:Expression.t) => BinaryExpression.t = "createEquality"
external createInequality: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~left:Expression.t, ~right:Expression.t) => BinaryExpression.t = "createInequality"
external createLessThan: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~left:Expression.t, ~right:Expression.t) => BinaryExpression.t = "createLessThan"
external createLessThanEquals: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~left:Expression.t, ~right:Expression.t) => BinaryExpression.t = "createLessThanEquals"
external createGreaterThan: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~left:Expression.t, ~right:Expression.t) => BinaryExpression.t = "createGreaterThan"
external createGreaterThanEquals: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~left:Expression.t, ~right:Expression.t) => BinaryExpression.t = "createGreaterThanEquals"
external createLeftShift: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~left:Expression.t, ~right:Expression.t) => BinaryExpression.t = "createLeftShift"
external createRightShift: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~left:Expression.t, ~right:Expression.t) => BinaryExpression.t = "createRightShift"
external createUnsignedRightShift: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~left:Expression.t, ~right:Expression.t) => BinaryExpression.t = "createUnsignedRightShift"
external createAdd: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~left:Expression.t, ~right:Expression.t) => BinaryExpression.t = "createAdd"
external createSubtract: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~left:Expression.t, ~right:Expression.t) => BinaryExpression.t = "createSubtract"
external createMultiply: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~left:Expression.t, ~right:Expression.t) => BinaryExpression.t = "createMultiply"
external createDivide: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~left:Expression.t, ~right:Expression.t) => BinaryExpression.t = "createDivide"
external createModulo: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~left:Expression.t, ~right:Expression.t) => BinaryExpression.t = "createModulo"
external createExponent: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~left:Expression.t, ~right:Expression.t) => BinaryExpression.t = "createExponent"
external createPrefixPlus: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~operand:Expression.t) => PrefixUnaryExpression.t = "createPrefixPlus"
external createPrefixMinus: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~operand:Expression.t) => PrefixUnaryExpression.t = "createPrefixMinus"
external createPrefixIncrement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~operand:Expression.t) => PrefixUnaryExpression.t = "createPrefixIncrement"
external createPrefixDecrement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~operand:Expression.t) => PrefixUnaryExpression.t = "createPrefixDecrement"
external createBitwiseNot: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~operand:Expression.t) => PrefixUnaryExpression.t = "createBitwiseNot"
external createLogicalNot: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~operand:Expression.t) => PrefixUnaryExpression.t = "createLogicalNot"
external createPostfixIncrement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~operand:Expression.t) => PostfixUnaryExpression.t = "createPostfixIncrement"
external createPostfixDecrement: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~operand:Expression.t) => PostfixUnaryExpression.t = "createPostfixDecrement"
external createImmediatelyInvokedFunctionExpression: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~statements:array<Statement.t>) => CallExpression.t = "createImmediatelyInvokedFunctionExpression"
external createImmediatelyInvokedFunctionExpression': (this<'tags, 'base>, ~statements:array<Statement.t>, ~param:ParameterDeclaration.t, ~paramValue:Expression.t) => CallExpression.t = "createImmediatelyInvokedFunctionExpression"
external createImmediatelyInvokedArrowFunction: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~statements:array<Statement.t>) => CallExpression.t = "createImmediatelyInvokedArrowFunction"
external createImmediatelyInvokedArrowFunction': (this<'tags, 'base>, ~statements:array<Statement.t>, ~param:ParameterDeclaration.t, ~paramValue:Expression.t) => CallExpression.t = "createImmediatelyInvokedArrowFunction"
external createVoidZero: this<'tags, 'base> => VoidExpression.t = "createVoidZero"
external createExportDefault: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~expression:Expression.t) => ExportAssignment.t = "createExportDefault"
external createExternalModuleExport: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~exportName:Identifier.t) => ExportDeclaration.t = "createExternalModuleExport"
external restoreOuterExpressions: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~outerExpression:undefined<Expression.t>, ~innerExpression:Expression.t, ~kinds:OuterExpressionKinds.t=?, unit) => Expression.t = "restoreOuterExpressions"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module NodeFlags = {
open NodeFlags
type t = t
type t_0 = t
module None = {
open None
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeFlags") @val
external value: t = "None"
module Let = {
open Let
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeFlags") @val
external value: t = "Let"
module Const = {
open Const
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeFlags") @val
external value: t = "Const"
module NestedNamespace = {
open NestedNamespace
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeFlags") @val
external value: t = "NestedNamespace"
module Synthesized = {
open Synthesized
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeFlags") @val
external value: t = "Synthesized"
module Namespace = {
open Namespace
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeFlags") @val
external value: t = "Namespace"
module OptionalChain = {
open OptionalChain
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeFlags") @val
external value: t = "OptionalChain"
module ExportContext = {
open ExportContext
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeFlags") @val
external value: t = "ExportContext"
module ContainsThis = {
open ContainsThis
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeFlags") @val
external value: t = "ContainsThis"
module HasImplicitReturn = {
open HasImplicitReturn
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeFlags") @val
external value: t = "HasImplicitReturn"
module HasExplicitReturn = {
open HasExplicitReturn
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeFlags") @val
external value: t = "HasExplicitReturn"
module GlobalAugmentation = {
open GlobalAugmentation
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeFlags") @val
external value: t = "GlobalAugmentation"
module HasAsyncFunctions = {
open HasAsyncFunctions
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeFlags") @val
external value: t = "HasAsyncFunctions"
module DisallowInContext = {
open DisallowInContext
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeFlags") @val
external value: t = "DisallowInContext"
module YieldContext = {
open YieldContext
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeFlags") @val
external value: t = "YieldContext"
module DecoratorContext = {
open DecoratorContext
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeFlags") @val
external value: t = "DecoratorContext"
module AwaitContext = {
open AwaitContext
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeFlags") @val
external value: t = "AwaitContext"
module ThisNodeHasError = {
open ThisNodeHasError
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeFlags") @val
external value: t = "ThisNodeHasError"
module JavaScriptFile = {
open JavaScriptFile
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeFlags") @val
external value: t = "JavaScriptFile"
module ThisNodeOrAnySubNodesHasError = {
open ThisNodeOrAnySubNodesHasError
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeFlags") @val
external value: t = "ThisNodeOrAnySubNodesHasError"
module HasAggregatedChildData = {
open HasAggregatedChildData
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeFlags") @val
external value: t = "HasAggregatedChildData"
module JSDoc = {
open JSDoc
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeFlags") @val
external value: t = "JSDoc"
module JsonFile = {
open JsonFile
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeFlags") @val
external value: t = "JsonFile"
module BlockScoped = {
open BlockScoped
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeFlags") @val
external value: t = "BlockScoped"
module ReachabilityCheckFlags = {
open ReachabilityCheckFlags
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeFlags") @val
external value: t = "ReachabilityCheckFlags"
module ReachabilityAndEmitFlags = {
open ReachabilityAndEmitFlags
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeFlags") @val
external value: t = "ReachabilityAndEmitFlags"
module ContextFlags = {
open ContextFlags
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeFlags") @val
external value: t = "ContextFlags"
module TypeExcludesFlags = {
open TypeExcludesFlags
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("NodeFlags") @val
external value: t = "TypeExcludesFlags"
module NodeVisitor = {
open NodeVisitor
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_NodeVisitor]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_NodeVisitor ]
let apply: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~nodes:'T, ~visitor:undefined<Visitor.t>, ~test:(Dom.node => bool)=?, ~lift:(array<Dom.node> => 'T)=?, unit) => 'T = (t, ~nodes, ~visitor, ~test=?, ~lift=?, unit) => %raw(`t(nodes, visitor, test, lift)`)
let apply': (this<'tags, 'base>, ~nodes:undefined<'T>, ~visitor:undefined<Visitor.t>, ~test:(Dom.node => bool)=?, ~lift:(array<Dom.node> => 'T)=?, unit) => undefined<'T> = (t, ~nodes, ~visitor, ~test=?, ~lift=?, unit) => %raw(`t(nodes, visitor, test, lift)`)
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module NodeWithTypeArguments = {
open NodeWithTypeArguments
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Node | #Ts_NodeWithTypeArguments | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_NodeWithTypeArguments ]
external typeArguments: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<TypeNode.t> = "typeArguments"
external make: ~typeArguments: NodeArray.t<TypeNode.t> => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asTypeNode: t => TypeNode.t = "%identity"
module NodesVisitor = {
open NodesVisitor
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_NodesVisitor]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_NodesVisitor ]
let apply: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~nodes:NodeArray.t<'T>, ~visitor:undefined<Visitor.t>, ~test:(Dom.node => bool)=?, ~start:float=?, ~count:float=?, unit) => NodeArray.t<'T> = (t, ~nodes, ~visitor, ~test=?, ~start=?, ~count=?, unit) => %raw(`t(nodes, visitor, test, start, count)`)
let apply': (this<'tags, 'base>, ~nodes:undefined<NodeArray.t<'T>>, ~visitor:undefined<Visitor.t>, ~test:(Dom.node => bool)=?, ~start:float=?, ~count:float=?, unit) => undefined<NodeArray.t<'T>> = (t, ~nodes, ~visitor, ~test=?, ~start=?, ~count=?, unit) => %raw(`t(nodes, visitor, test, start, count)`)
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module NonNullChain = {
open NonNullChain
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_NonNullChain | #Ts_NonNullExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_NonNullChain ]
external get_optionalChainBrand: this<'tags, 'base> => any = "_optionalChainBrand"
external set_optionalChainBrand: (this<'tags, 'base>, any) => unit = "_optionalChainBrand"
external make: ~\"_optionalChainBrand": any => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNonNullExpression: t => NonNullExpression.t = "%identity"
module NonNullExpression = {
open NonNullExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_NonNullExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_NonNullExpression ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.NonNullExpression.t = "kind"
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "expression"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.NonNullExpression.t, ~expression: Expression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asLeftHandSideExpression: t => LeftHandSideExpression.t = "%identity"
module NonRelativeModuleNameResolutionCache = {
open NonRelativeModuleNameResolutionCache
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_NonRelativeModuleNameResolutionCache | #Ts_PackageJsonInfoCache]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_NonRelativeModuleNameResolutionCache ]
external getOrCreateCacheForModuleName: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~nonRelativeModuleName:string, ~mode:undefined<Union.t2<ModuleKind.CommonJS.t, ModuleKind.ESNext.t>>, ~redirectedReference:ResolvedProjectReference.t=?, unit) => PerModuleNameCache.t = "getOrCreateCacheForModuleName"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asPackageJsonInfoCache: t => PackageJsonInfoCache.t = "%identity"
module NotEmittedStatement = {
open NotEmittedStatement
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_NotEmittedStatement | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_NotEmittedStatement ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.NotEmittedStatement.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.NotEmittedStatement.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asStatement: t => Statement.t = "%identity"
module NullLiteral = {
open NullLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_NullLiteral | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_NullLiteral ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.NullKeyword.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.NullKeyword.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asPrimaryExpression: t => PrimaryExpression.t = "%identity"
module NumberLiteralType = {
open NumberLiteralType
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_LiteralType | #Ts_NumberLiteralType | #Ts_Type]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_NumberLiteralType ]
external getValue: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "value"
external setValue: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "value"
external make: ~value: float => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asLiteralType: t => LiteralType.t = "%identity"
module NumericLiteral = {
open NumericLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_LiteralExpression | #Ts_LiteralLikeNode | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_NumericLiteral | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_NumericLiteral ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asLiteralExpression: t => LiteralExpression.t = "%identity"
external asDeclaration: t => Declaration.t = "%identity"
module ObjectBindingOrAssignmentElement = {
open ObjectBindingOrAssignmentElement
type t = Union.t4<BindingElement.t, PropertyAssignment.t, ShorthandPropertyAssignment.t, SpreadAssignment.t>
type t0 = t
module ObjectBindingOrAssignmentPattern = {
open ObjectBindingOrAssignmentPattern
type t = Union.t2<ObjectBindingPattern.t, ObjectLiteralExpression.t>
type t0 = t
module ObjectBindingPattern = {
open ObjectBindingPattern
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Node | #Ts_ObjectBindingPattern | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ObjectBindingPattern ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ObjectBindingPattern.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t3<VariableDeclaration.t, ParameterDeclaration.t, BindingElement.t> = "parent"
external elements: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<BindingElement.t> = "elements"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ObjectBindingPattern.t, ~parent: Union.t3<VariableDeclaration.t, ParameterDeclaration.t, BindingElement.t>, ~elements: NodeArray.t<BindingElement.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
module ObjectDestructuringAssignment = {
open ObjectDestructuringAssignment
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_AssignmentExpression(EqualsToken.t) | #Ts_BinaryExpression | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ObjectDestructuringAssignment | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ObjectDestructuringAssignment ]
external left: this<'tags, 'base> => ObjectLiteralExpression.t = "left"
external make: ~left: ObjectLiteralExpression.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asAssignmentExpression: t => AssignmentExpression.t<EqualsToken.t> = "%identity"
module ObjectFlags = {
open ObjectFlags
type t = t
type t_0 = t
module Class = {
open Class
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ObjectFlags") @val
external value: t = "Class"
module Interface = {
open Interface
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ObjectFlags") @val
external value: t = "Interface"
module Reference = {
open Reference
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ObjectFlags") @val
external value: t = "Reference"
module Tuple = {
open Tuple
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ObjectFlags") @val
external value: t = "Tuple"
module Anonymous = {
open Anonymous
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ObjectFlags") @val
external value: t = "Anonymous"
module Mapped = {
open Mapped
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ObjectFlags") @val
external value: t = "Mapped"
module Instantiated = {
open Instantiated
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ObjectFlags") @val
external value: t = "Instantiated"
module ObjectLiteral = {
open ObjectLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ObjectFlags") @val
external value: t = "ObjectLiteral"
module EvolvingArray = {
open EvolvingArray
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ObjectFlags") @val
external value: t = "EvolvingArray"
module ObjectLiteralPatternWithComputedProperties = {
open ObjectLiteralPatternWithComputedProperties
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ObjectFlags") @val
external value: t = "ObjectLiteralPatternWithComputedProperties"
module ReverseMapped = {
open ReverseMapped
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ObjectFlags") @val
external value: t = "ReverseMapped"
module JsxAttributes = {
open JsxAttributes
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ObjectFlags") @val
external value: t = "JsxAttributes"
module MarkerType = {
open MarkerType
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ObjectFlags") @val
external value: t = "MarkerType"
module JSLiteral = {
open JSLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ObjectFlags") @val
external value: t = "JSLiteral"
module FreshLiteral = {
open FreshLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ObjectFlags") @val
external value: t = "FreshLiteral"
module ArrayLiteral = {
open ArrayLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ObjectFlags") @val
external value: t = "ArrayLiteral"
module ClassOrInterface = {
open ClassOrInterface
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ObjectFlags") @val
external value: t = "ClassOrInterface"
module ContainsSpread = {
open ContainsSpread
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ObjectFlags") @val
external value: t = "ContainsSpread"
module ObjectRestType = {
open ObjectRestType
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ObjectFlags") @val
external value: t = "ObjectRestType"
module ObjectLiteralElement = {
open ObjectLiteralElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ObjectLiteralElement | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ObjectLiteralElement ]
external get_objectLiteralBrand: this<'tags, 'base> => any = "_objectLiteralBrand"
external set_objectLiteralBrand: (this<'tags, 'base>, any) => unit = "_objectLiteralBrand"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => PropertyName.t = "name"
external make: (~\"_objectLiteralBrand": any, ~name: PropertyName.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNamedDeclaration: t => NamedDeclaration.t = "%identity"
module ObjectLiteralElementLike = {
open ObjectLiteralElementLike
type t = Union.t5<PropertyAssignment.t, ShorthandPropertyAssignment.t, SpreadAssignment.t, MethodDeclaration.t, AccessorDeclaration.t>
type t0 = t
module ObjectLiteralExpression = {
open ObjectLiteralExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ObjectLiteralExpressionBase(ObjectLiteralElementLike.t) | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ObjectLiteralExpression | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ObjectLiteralExpression ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ObjectLiteralExpression.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.ObjectLiteralExpression.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asObjectLiteralExpressionBase: t => ObjectLiteralExpressionBase.t<ObjectLiteralElementLike.t> = "%identity"
module ObjectLiteralExpressionBase = {
open ObjectLiteralExpressionBase
type t<'T> = t<'T>
type t1<'T> = t<'T>
type tags<'T> = [#Ts_ObjectLiteralExpressionBase('T) | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags1<'T> = tags<'T>
type this<'tags, 'base, 'T> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ObjectLiteralExpressionBase('T) ]
external properties: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => NodeArray.t<'T> = "properties"
external make: ~properties: NodeArray.t<'T> => t<'T> = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => t<'T> = "%identity"
external asPrimaryExpression: t<'T> => PrimaryExpression.t = "%identity"
external asDeclaration: t<'T> => Declaration.t = "%identity"
module ObjectType = {
open ObjectType
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ObjectType | #Ts_Type]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ObjectType ]
external getObjectFlags: this<'tags, 'base> => ObjectFlags.t = "objectFlags"
external setObjectFlags: (this<'tags, 'base>, ObjectFlags.t) => unit = "objectFlags"
external make: ~objectFlags: ObjectFlags.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asType: t => Type.t = "%identity"
module ObjectTypeDeclaration = {
open ObjectTypeDeclaration
type t = Union.t3<ClassLikeDeclaration.t, InterfaceDeclaration.t, TypeLiteralNode.t>
type t0 = t
module OmittedExpression = {
open OmittedExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_OmittedExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_OmittedExpression ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.OmittedExpression.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.OmittedExpression.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asExpression: t => Expression.t = "%identity"
module OperationCanceledException = {
open OperationCanceledException
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_OperationCanceledException]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_OperationCanceledException ]
@module("typescript") @new
external make: () => t = "OperationCanceledException"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module OptionalChain = {
open OptionalChain
type t = Union.t4<PropertyAccessChain.t, ElementAccessChain.t, CallChain.t, NonNullChain.t>
type t0 = t
module OptionalTypeNode = {
open OptionalTypeNode
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Node | #Ts_OptionalTypeNode | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_OptionalTypeNode ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.OptionalType.t = "kind"
external \"type": this<'tags, 'base> => TypeNode.t = "type"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.OptionalType.t, ~\"type": TypeNode.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asTypeNode: t => TypeNode.t = "%identity"
module OrganizeImportsArgs = {
open OrganizeImportsArgs
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CombinedCodeFixScope | #Ts_OrganizeImportsArgs]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_OrganizeImportsArgs ]
external getSkipDestructiveCodeActions: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "skipDestructiveCodeActions"
external setSkipDestructiveCodeActions: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "skipDestructiveCodeActions"
external make: ~skipDestructiveCodeActions: bool => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asCombinedCodeFixScope: t => CombinedCodeFixScope.t = "%identity"
module OuterExpressionKinds = {
open OuterExpressionKinds
type t = t
type t_0 = t
module Parentheses = {
open Parentheses
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("OuterExpressionKinds") @val
external value: t = "Parentheses"
module TypeAssertions = {
open TypeAssertions
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("OuterExpressionKinds") @val
external value: t = "TypeAssertions"
module NonNullAssertions = {
open NonNullAssertions
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("OuterExpressionKinds") @val
external value: t = "NonNullAssertions"
module PartiallyEmittedExpressions = {
open PartiallyEmittedExpressions
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("OuterExpressionKinds") @val
external value: t = "PartiallyEmittedExpressions"
module Assertions = {
open Assertions
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("OuterExpressionKinds") @val
external value: t = "Assertions"
module All = {
open All
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("OuterExpressionKinds") @val
external value: t = "All"
module ExcludeJSDocTypeAssertion = {
open ExcludeJSDocTypeAssertion
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("OuterExpressionKinds") @val
external value: t = "ExcludeJSDocTypeAssertion"
module OutliningSpan = {
open OutliningSpan
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_OutliningSpan]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_OutliningSpan ]
external getTextSpan: this<'tags, 'base> => TextSpan.t = "textSpan"
external setTextSpan: (this<'tags, 'base>, TextSpan.t) => unit = "textSpan"
external getHintSpan: this<'tags, 'base> => TextSpan.t = "hintSpan"
external setHintSpan: (this<'tags, 'base>, TextSpan.t) => unit = "hintSpan"
external getBannerText: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "bannerText"
external setBannerText: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "bannerText"
external getAutoCollapse: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "autoCollapse"
external setAutoCollapse: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "autoCollapse"
external getKind: this<'tags, 'base> => OutliningSpanKind.t = "kind"
external setKind: (this<'tags, 'base>, OutliningSpanKind.t) => unit = "kind"
external make: (~textSpan: TextSpan.t, ~hintSpan: TextSpan.t, ~bannerText: string, ~autoCollapse: bool, ~kind: OutliningSpanKind.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module OutliningSpanKind = {
open OutliningSpanKind
type t = t
type t_0 = t
module Comment = {
open Comment
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("OutliningSpanKind") @val
external value: t = "Comment"
module Region = {
open Region
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("OutliningSpanKind") @val
external value: t = "Region"
module Code = {
open Code
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("OutliningSpanKind") @val
external value: t = "Code"
module Imports = {
open Imports
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("OutliningSpanKind") @val
external value: t = "Imports"
module OutputFile = {
open OutputFile
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_OutputFile]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_OutputFile ]
external getName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "name"
external setName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "name"
external getWriteByteOrderMark: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "writeByteOrderMark"
external setWriteByteOrderMark: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "writeByteOrderMark"
external getText: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "text"
external setText: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "text"
external make: (~name: string, ~writeByteOrderMark: bool, ~text: string) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module OutputFileType = {
open OutputFileType
type t = t = JavaScript | SourceMap | Declaration
type t_0 = t
module JavaScript = {
open JavaScript
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("OutputFileType") @val
external value: t = "JavaScript"
module SourceMap = {
open SourceMap
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("OutputFileType") @val
external value: t = "SourceMap"
module Declaration = {
open Declaration
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("OutputFileType") @val
external value: t = "Declaration"
module OverrideKeyword = {
open OverrideKeyword
type t = ModifierToken.t<SyntaxKind.OverrideKeyword.t>
type t0 = t
module PackageId = {
open PackageId
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_PackageId]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_PackageId ]
external getName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "name"
external setName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "name"
external getSubModuleName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "subModuleName"
external setSubModuleName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "subModuleName"
external getVersion: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "version"
external setVersion: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "version"
external make: (~name: string, ~subModuleName: string, ~version: string) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module PackageJsonInfoCache = {
open PackageJsonInfoCache
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_PackageJsonInfoCache]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_PackageJsonInfoCache ]
external clear: this<'tags, 'base> => unit = "clear"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module ParameterDeclaration = {
open ParameterDeclaration
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ParameterDeclaration | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ParameterDeclaration ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.Parameter.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => SignatureDeclaration.t = "parent"
external dotDotDotToken: this<'tags, 'base> => DotDotDotToken.t = "dotDotDotToken"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => BindingName.t = "name"
external questionToken: this<'tags, 'base> => QuestionToken.t = "questionToken"
external \"type": this<'tags, 'base> => TypeNode.t = "type"
external initializer: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "initializer"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.Parameter.t, ~parent: SignatureDeclaration.t, ~dotDotDotToken: DotDotDotToken.t, ~name: BindingName.t, ~questionToken: QuestionToken.t, ~\"type": TypeNode.t, ~initializer: Expression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNamedDeclaration: t => NamedDeclaration.t = "%identity"
external asJSDocContainer: t => JSDocContainer.t = "%identity"
module ParameterPropertyDeclaration = {
open ParameterPropertyDeclaration
module AnonymousInterface22 = {
open AnonymousInterface22
type t = t
external getParent: t => ConstructorDeclaration.t = "parent"
external setParent: (t, ConstructorDeclaration.t) => unit = "parent"
external getName: t => Identifier.t = "name"
external setName: (t, Identifier.t) => unit = "name"
external make: (~parent: ConstructorDeclaration.t, ~name: Identifier.t) => t = ""
type t = Intersection.t2<ParameterDeclaration.t, AnonymousInterface22.t>
type t0 = t
module ParameterPropertyModifier = {
open ParameterPropertyModifier
type t = Union.t2<AccessibilityModifier.t, ReadonlyKeyword.t>
type t0 = t
module ParenthesizedExpression = {
open ParenthesizedExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Expression | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ParenthesizedExpression | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ParenthesizedExpression ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedExpression.t = "kind"
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "expression"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedExpression.t, ~expression: Expression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asPrimaryExpression: t => PrimaryExpression.t = "%identity"
external asJSDocContainer: t => JSDocContainer.t = "%identity"
module ParenthesizedTypeNode = {
open ParenthesizedTypeNode
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Node | #Ts_ParenthesizedTypeNode | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeNode]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ParenthesizedTypeNode ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedType.t = "kind"
external \"type": this<'tags, 'base> => TypeNode.t = "type"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedType.t, ~\"type": TypeNode.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asTypeNode: t => TypeNode.t = "%identity"
module ParseConfigFileHost = {
open ParseConfigFileHost
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ConfigFileDiagnosticsReporter | #Ts_ParseConfigFileHost | #Ts_ParseConfigHost]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ParseConfigFileHost ]
external getCurrentDirectory: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "getCurrentDirectory"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asParseConfigHost: t => ParseConfigHost.t = "%identity"
external asConfigFileDiagnosticsReporter: t => ConfigFileDiagnosticsReporter.t = "%identity"
module ParseConfigHost = {
open ParseConfigHost
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ParseConfigHost]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ParseConfigHost ]
external getUseCaseSensitiveFileNames: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "useCaseSensitiveFileNames"
external setUseCaseSensitiveFileNames: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "useCaseSensitiveFileNames"
external readDirectory: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~rootDir:string, ~extensions:array<string>, ~excludes:undefined<array<string>>, ~includes:array<string>, ~depth:float=?, unit) => array<string> = "readDirectory"
external fileExists: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~path:string) => bool = "fileExists"
@send @return(nullable)
external readFile: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~path:string) => option<string> = "readFile"
external trace: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~s:string) => unit = "trace"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module ParsedCommandLine = {
open ParsedCommandLine
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ParsedCommandLine]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ParsedCommandLine ]
external getOptions: this<'tags, 'base> => CompilerOptions.t = "options"
external setOptions: (this<'tags, 'base>, CompilerOptions.t) => unit = "options"
external getTypeAcquisition: this<'tags, 'base> => TypeAcquisition.t = "typeAcquisition"
external setTypeAcquisition: (this<'tags, 'base>, TypeAcquisition.t) => unit = "typeAcquisition"
external getFileNames: this<'tags, 'base> => array<string> = "fileNames"
external setFileNames: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<string>) => unit = "fileNames"
external getProjectReferences: this<'tags, 'base> => array<ProjectReference.t> = "projectReferences"
external setProjectReferences: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<ProjectReference.t>) => unit = "projectReferences"
external getWatchOptions: this<'tags, 'base> => WatchOptions.t = "watchOptions"
external setWatchOptions: (this<'tags, 'base>, WatchOptions.t) => unit = "watchOptions"
external getRaw: this<'tags, 'base> => any = "raw"
external setRaw: (this<'tags, 'base>, any) => unit = "raw"
external getErrors: this<'tags, 'base> => array<Diagnostic.t> = "errors"
external setErrors: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<Diagnostic.t>) => unit = "errors"
external getWildcardDirectories: this<'tags, 'base> => MapLike.t<WatchDirectoryFlags.t> = "wildcardDirectories"
external setWildcardDirectories: (this<'tags, 'base>, MapLike.t<WatchDirectoryFlags.t>) => unit = "wildcardDirectories"
external getCompileOnSave: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "compileOnSave"
external setCompileOnSave: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "compileOnSave"
external make: (~options: CompilerOptions.t, ~typeAcquisition: TypeAcquisition.t, ~fileNames: array<string>, ~projectReferences: array<ProjectReference.t>, ~watchOptions: WatchOptions.t, ~raw: any, ~errors: array<Diagnostic.t>, ~wildcardDirectories: MapLike.t<WatchDirectoryFlags.t>, ~compileOnSave: bool) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module ParsedTsconfig = {
open ParsedTsconfig
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ParsedTsconfig]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ParsedTsconfig ]
external getRaw: this<'tags, 'base> => any = "raw"
external setRaw: (this<'tags, 'base>, any) => unit = "raw"
external getOptions: this<'tags, 'base> => CompilerOptions.t = "options"
external setOptions: (this<'tags, 'base>, CompilerOptions.t) => unit = "options"
external getWatchOptions: this<'tags, 'base> => WatchOptions.t = "watchOptions"
external setWatchOptions: (this<'tags, 'base>, WatchOptions.t) => unit = "watchOptions"
external getTypeAcquisition: this<'tags, 'base> => TypeAcquisition.t = "typeAcquisition"
external setTypeAcquisition: (this<'tags, 'base>, TypeAcquisition.t) => unit = "typeAcquisition"
external getExtendedConfigPath: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "extendedConfigPath"
external setExtendedConfigPath: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "extendedConfigPath"
external make: (~raw: any, ~options: CompilerOptions.t, ~watchOptions: WatchOptions.t, ~typeAcquisition: TypeAcquisition.t, ~extendedConfigPath: string) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module PartiallyEmittedExpression = {
open PartiallyEmittedExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PartiallyEmittedExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_PartiallyEmittedExpression ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.PartiallyEmittedExpression.t = "kind"
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "expression"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.PartiallyEmittedExpression.t, ~expression: Expression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asLeftHandSideExpression: t => LeftHandSideExpression.t = "%identity"
module Path = {
open Path
module AnonymousInterface2 = {
open AnonymousInterface2
type t = t
external get__pathBrand: t => any = "__pathBrand"
external set__pathBrand: (t, any) => unit = "__pathBrand"
external make: ~\"__pathBrand": any => t = ""
type t = Intersection.t2<string, AnonymousInterface2.t>
type t0 = t
module PerDirectoryResolutionCache = {
open PerDirectoryResolutionCache
type t<'T> = t<'T>
type t1<'T> = t<'T>
type tags<'T> = [#Ts_PerDirectoryResolutionCache('T)]
type tags1<'T> = tags<'T>
type this<'tags, 'base, 'T> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_PerDirectoryResolutionCache('T) ]
external getOrCreateCacheForDirectory: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~directoryName:string, ~redirectedReference:ResolvedProjectReference.t=?, unit) => ModeAwareCache.t<'T> = "getOrCreateCacheForDirectory"
external clear: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => unit = "clear"
external update: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~options:CompilerOptions.t) => unit = "update"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => t<'T> = "%identity"
module PerModuleNameCache = {
open PerModuleNameCache
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_PerModuleNameCache]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_PerModuleNameCache ]
@send @return(nullable)
external get: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~directory:string) => option<ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations.t> = "get"
external set: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~directory:string, ~result:ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations.t) => unit = "set"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module PerformanceEvent = {
open PerformanceEvent
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_PerformanceEvent]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_PerformanceEvent ]
external getKind: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<[#UpdateGraph], [#CreatePackageJsonAutoImportProvider]> = "kind"
external setKind: (this<'tags, 'base>, Union.t2<[#UpdateGraph], [#CreatePackageJsonAutoImportProvider]>) => unit = "kind"
external getDurationMs: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "durationMs"
external setDurationMs: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "durationMs"
external make: (~kind: Union.t2<[#UpdateGraph], [#CreatePackageJsonAutoImportProvider]>, ~durationMs: float) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module PluginImport = {
open PluginImport
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_PluginImport]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_PluginImport ]
external getName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "name"
external setName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "name"
external make: ~name: string => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module PlusToken = {
open PlusToken
type t = PunctuationToken.t<SyntaxKind.PlusToken.t>
type t0 = t
module PollingWatchKind = {
open PollingWatchKind
type t = t = FixedInterval | PriorityInterval | DynamicPriority | FixedChunkSize
type t_0 = t
module FixedInterval = {
open FixedInterval
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("PollingWatchKind") @val
external value: t = "FixedInterval"
module PriorityInterval = {
open PriorityInterval
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("PollingWatchKind") @val
external value: t = "PriorityInterval"
module DynamicPriority = {
open DynamicPriority
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("PollingWatchKind") @val
external value: t = "DynamicPriority"
module FixedChunkSize = {
open FixedChunkSize
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("PollingWatchKind") @val
external value: t = "FixedChunkSize"
module PostfixUnaryExpression = {
open PostfixUnaryExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PostfixUnaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_PostfixUnaryExpression ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.PostfixUnaryExpression.t = "kind"
external operand: this<'tags, 'base> => LeftHandSideExpression.t = "operand"
external operator: this<'tags, 'base> => PostfixUnaryOperator.t = "operator"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.PostfixUnaryExpression.t, ~operand: LeftHandSideExpression.t, ~operator: PostfixUnaryOperator.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asUpdateExpression: t => UpdateExpression.t = "%identity"
module PostfixUnaryOperator = {
open PostfixUnaryOperator
type t = Union.t2<SyntaxKind.PlusPlusToken.t, SyntaxKind.MinusMinusToken.t>
type t0 = t
module PreProcessedFileInfo = {
open PreProcessedFileInfo
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_PreProcessedFileInfo]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_PreProcessedFileInfo ]
external getReferencedFiles: this<'tags, 'base> => array<FileReference.t> = "referencedFiles"
external setReferencedFiles: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<FileReference.t>) => unit = "referencedFiles"
external getTypeReferenceDirectives: this<'tags, 'base> => array<FileReference.t> = "typeReferenceDirectives"
external setTypeReferenceDirectives: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<FileReference.t>) => unit = "typeReferenceDirectives"
external getLibReferenceDirectives: this<'tags, 'base> => array<FileReference.t> = "libReferenceDirectives"
external setLibReferenceDirectives: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<FileReference.t>) => unit = "libReferenceDirectives"
external getImportedFiles: this<'tags, 'base> => array<FileReference.t> = "importedFiles"
external setImportedFiles: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<FileReference.t>) => unit = "importedFiles"
external getAmbientExternalModules: this<'tags, 'base> => array<string> = "ambientExternalModules"
external setAmbientExternalModules: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<string>) => unit = "ambientExternalModules"
external getIsLibFile: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isLibFile"
external setIsLibFile: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "isLibFile"
external make: (~referencedFiles: array<FileReference.t>, ~typeReferenceDirectives: array<FileReference.t>, ~libReferenceDirectives: array<FileReference.t>, ~importedFiles: array<FileReference.t>, ~ambientExternalModules: array<string>, ~isLibFile: bool) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module PrefixUnaryExpression = {
open PrefixUnaryExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrefixUnaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_PrefixUnaryExpression ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.PrefixUnaryExpression.t = "kind"
external operator: this<'tags, 'base> => PrefixUnaryOperator.t = "operator"
external operand: this<'tags, 'base> => UnaryExpression.t = "operand"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.PrefixUnaryExpression.t, ~operator: PrefixUnaryOperator.t, ~operand: UnaryExpression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asUpdateExpression: t => UpdateExpression.t = "%identity"
module PrefixUnaryOperator = {
open PrefixUnaryOperator
type t = Union.t6<SyntaxKind.PlusPlusToken.t, SyntaxKind.MinusMinusToken.t, SyntaxKind.PlusToken.t, SyntaxKind.MinusToken.t, SyntaxKind.TildeToken.t, SyntaxKind.ExclamationToken.t>
type t0 = t
module PrimaryExpression = {
open PrimaryExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_PrimaryExpression ]
external get_primaryExpressionBrand: this<'tags, 'base> => any = "_primaryExpressionBrand"
external set_primaryExpressionBrand: (this<'tags, 'base>, any) => unit = "_primaryExpressionBrand"
external make: ~\"_primaryExpressionBrand": any => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asMemberExpression: t => MemberExpression.t = "%identity"
module PrintHandlers = {
open PrintHandlers
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_PrintHandlers]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_PrintHandlers ]
external hasGlobalName: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~name:string) => bool = "hasGlobalName"
external onEmitNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~hint:EmitHint.t, ~node:Dom.node, ~emitCallback:(@uncurry (~hint:EmitHint.t, ~node:Dom.node) => unit)) => unit = "onEmitNode"
external isEmitNotificationEnabled: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~node:Dom.node) => bool = "isEmitNotificationEnabled"
external substituteNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~hint:EmitHint.t, ~node:Dom.node) => Dom.node = "substituteNode"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module Printer = {
open Printer
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Printer]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_Printer ]
external printNode: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~hint:EmitHint.t, ~node:Dom.node, ~sourceFile:SourceFile.t) => string = "printNode"
external printList: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~format:ListFormat.t, ~list:NodeArray.t<'T>, ~sourceFile:SourceFile.t) => string = "printList"
external printFile: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~sourceFile:SourceFile.t) => string = "printFile"
external printBundle: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~bundle:Bundle.t) => string = "printBundle"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module PrinterOptions = {
open PrinterOptions
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_PrinterOptions]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_PrinterOptions ]
external getRemoveComments: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "removeComments"
external setRemoveComments: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "removeComments"
external getNewLine: this<'tags, 'base> => NewLineKind.t = "newLine"
external setNewLine: (this<'tags, 'base>, NewLineKind.t) => unit = "newLine"
external getOmitTrailingSemicolon: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "omitTrailingSemicolon"
external setOmitTrailingSemicolon: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "omitTrailingSemicolon"
external getNoEmitHelpers: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "noEmitHelpers"
external setNoEmitHelpers: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "noEmitHelpers"
external make: (~removeComments: bool, ~newLine: NewLineKind.t, ~omitTrailingSemicolon: bool, ~noEmitHelpers: bool) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module PrivateIdentifier = {
open PrivateIdentifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_PrivateIdentifier | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_PrivateIdentifier ]
external text: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "text"
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.PrivateIdentifier.t = "kind"
external escapedText: this<'tags, 'base> => M__String.t = "escapedText"
external make: (~text: string, ~kind: SyntaxKind.PrivateIdentifier.t, ~escapedText: M__String.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asPrimaryExpression: t => PrimaryExpression.t = "%identity"
module PrivateKeyword = {
open PrivateKeyword
type t = ModifierToken.t<SyntaxKind.PrivateKeyword.t>
type t0 = t
module Program = {
open Program
module AnonymousInterface4 = {
open AnonymousInterface4
type t = t
external getAssignable: t => float = "assignable"
external setAssignable: (t, float) => unit = "assignable"
external getIdentity: t => float = "identity"
external setIdentity: (t, float) => unit = "identity"
external getSubtype: t => float = "subtype"
external setSubtype: (t, float) => unit = "subtype"
external getStrictSubtype: t => float = "strictSubtype"
external setStrictSubtype: (t, float) => unit = "strictSubtype"
external make: (~assignable: float, ~identity: float, ~subtype: float, ~strictSubtype: float) => t = ""
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Program | #Ts_ScriptReferenceHost]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_Program ]
external getCurrentDirectory: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "getCurrentDirectory"
external getRootFileNames: this<'tags, 'base> => array<string> = "getRootFileNames"
external getSourceFiles: this<'tags, 'base> => array<SourceFile.t> = "getSourceFiles"
external emit: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~targetSourceFile:SourceFile.t=?, ~writeFile:WriteFileCallback.t=?, ~cancellationToken:CancellationToken.t=?, ~emitOnlyDtsFiles:bool=?, ~customTransformers:CustomTransformers.t=?, unit) => EmitResult.t = "emit"
external getOptionsDiagnostics: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~cancellationToken:CancellationToken.t=?, unit) => array<Diagnostic.t> = "getOptionsDiagnostics"
external getGlobalDiagnostics: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~cancellationToken:CancellationToken.t=?, unit) => array<Diagnostic.t> = "getGlobalDiagnostics"
external getSyntacticDiagnostics: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~sourceFile:SourceFile.t=?, ~cancellationToken:CancellationToken.t=?, unit) => array<DiagnosticWithLocation.t> = "getSyntacticDiagnostics"
external getSemanticDiagnostics: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~sourceFile:SourceFile.t=?, ~cancellationToken:CancellationToken.t=?, unit) => array<Diagnostic.t> = "getSemanticDiagnostics"
external getDeclarationDiagnostics: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~sourceFile:SourceFile.t=?, ~cancellationToken:CancellationToken.t=?, unit) => array<DiagnosticWithLocation.t> = "getDeclarationDiagnostics"
external getConfigFileParsingDiagnostics: this<'tags, 'base> => array<Diagnostic.t> = "getConfigFileParsingDiagnostics"
external getTypeChecker: this<'tags, 'base> => TypeChecker.t = "getTypeChecker"
external getNodeCount: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "getNodeCount"
external getIdentifierCount: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "getIdentifierCount"
external getSymbolCount: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "getSymbolCount"
external getTypeCount: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "getTypeCount"
external getInstantiationCount: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "getInstantiationCount"
external getRelationCacheSizes: this<'tags, 'base> => AnonymousInterface4.t = "getRelationCacheSizes"
external isSourceFileFromExternalLibrary: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~file:SourceFile.t) => bool = "isSourceFileFromExternalLibrary"
external isSourceFileDefaultLibrary: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~file:SourceFile.t) => bool = "isSourceFileDefaultLibrary"
@send @return(nullable)
external getProjectReferences: this<'tags, 'base> => option<array<ProjectReference.t>> = "getProjectReferences"
@send @return(nullable)
external getResolvedProjectReferences: this<'tags, 'base> => option<array<undefined<ResolvedProjectReference.t>>> = "getResolvedProjectReferences"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asScriptReferenceHost: t => ScriptReferenceHost.t = "%identity"
module ProgramHost = {
open ProgramHost
type t<'T> = t<'T>
type t1<'T> = t<'T>
type tags<'T> = [#Ts_ProgramHost('T)]
type tags1<'T> = tags<'T>
type this<'tags, 'base, 'T> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ProgramHost('T) ]
external getCreateProgram: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => CreateProgram.t<'T> = "createProgram"
external setCreateProgram: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, CreateProgram.t<'T>) => unit = "createProgram"
external useCaseSensitiveFileNames: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => bool = "useCaseSensitiveFileNames"
external getNewLine: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => string = "getNewLine"
external getCurrentDirectory: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => string = "getCurrentDirectory"
external getDefaultLibFileName: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~options:CompilerOptions.t) => string = "getDefaultLibFileName"
external getDefaultLibLocation: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => string = "getDefaultLibLocation"
external createHash: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~data:string) => string = "createHash"
external fileExists: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~path:string) => bool = "fileExists"
@send @return(nullable)
external readFile: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~path:string, ~encoding:string=?, unit) => option<string> = "readFile"
external directoryExists: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~path:string) => bool = "directoryExists"
external getDirectories: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~path:string) => array<string> = "getDirectories"
external readDirectory: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~path:string, ~extensions:array<string>=?, ~exclude:array<string>=?, ~\"include":array<string>=?, ~depth:float=?, unit) => array<string> = "readDirectory"
external realpath: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~path:string) => string = "realpath"
external trace: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~s:string) => unit = "trace"
@send @return(nullable)
external getEnvironmentVariable: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~name:string) => option<string> = "getEnvironmentVariable"
external resolveModuleNames: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~moduleNames:array<string>, ~containingFile:string, ~reusedNames:undefined<array<string>>, ~redirectedReference:undefined<ResolvedProjectReference.t>, ~options:CompilerOptions.t, ~containingSourceFile:SourceFile.t=?, unit) => array<undefined<ResolvedModule.t>> = "resolveModuleNames"
external resolveTypeReferenceDirectives: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~typeReferenceDirectiveNames:array<string>, ~containingFile:string, ~redirectedReference:undefined<ResolvedProjectReference.t>, ~options:CompilerOptions.t) => array<undefined<ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective.t>> = "resolveTypeReferenceDirectives"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => t<'T> = "%identity"
module ProjectReference = {
open ProjectReference
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ProjectReference]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ProjectReference ]
external getPath: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "path"
external setPath: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "path"
external getOriginalPath: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "originalPath"
external setOriginalPath: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "originalPath"
external getPrepend: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "prepend"
external setPrepend: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "prepend"
external getCircular: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "circular"
external setCircular: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "circular"
external make: (~path: string, ~originalPath: string, ~prepend: bool, ~circular: bool) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module PropertyAccessChain = {
open PropertyAccessChain
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PropertyAccessChain | #Ts_PropertyAccessExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_PropertyAccessChain ]
external get_optionalChainBrand: this<'tags, 'base> => any = "_optionalChainBrand"
external set_optionalChainBrand: (this<'tags, 'base>, any) => unit = "_optionalChainBrand"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => MemberName.t = "name"
external make: (~\"_optionalChainBrand": any, ~name: MemberName.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asPropertyAccessExpression: t => PropertyAccessExpression.t = "%identity"
module PropertyAccessEntityNameExpression = {
open PropertyAccessEntityNameExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PropertyAccessEntityNameExpression | #Ts_PropertyAccessExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_PropertyAccessEntityNameExpression ]
external get_propertyAccessExpressionLikeQualifiedNameBrand: this<'tags, 'base> => any = "_propertyAccessExpressionLikeQualifiedNameBrand"
external set_propertyAccessExpressionLikeQualifiedNameBrand: (this<'tags, 'base>, any) => unit = "_propertyAccessExpressionLikeQualifiedNameBrand"
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => EntityNameExpression.t = "expression"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "name"
external make: (~\"_propertyAccessExpressionLikeQualifiedNameBrand": any, ~expression: EntityNameExpression.t, ~name: Identifier.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asPropertyAccessExpression: t => PropertyAccessExpression.t = "%identity"
module PropertyAccessExpression = {
open PropertyAccessExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PropertyAccessExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_PropertyAccessExpression ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression.t = "kind"
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => LeftHandSideExpression.t = "expression"
external questionDotToken: this<'tags, 'base> => QuestionDotToken.t = "questionDotToken"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => MemberName.t = "name"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression.t, ~expression: LeftHandSideExpression.t, ~questionDotToken: QuestionDotToken.t, ~name: MemberName.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asMemberExpression: t => MemberExpression.t = "%identity"
external asNamedDeclaration: t => NamedDeclaration.t = "%identity"
module PropertyAssignment = {
open PropertyAssignment
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ObjectLiteralElement | #Ts_PropertyAssignment | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_PropertyAssignment ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.PropertyAssignment.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => ObjectLiteralExpression.t = "parent"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => PropertyName.t = "name"
external questionToken: this<'tags, 'base> => QuestionToken.t = "questionToken"
external exclamationToken: this<'tags, 'base> => ExclamationToken.t = "exclamationToken"
external initializer: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "initializer"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.PropertyAssignment.t, ~parent: ObjectLiteralExpression.t, ~name: PropertyName.t, ~questionToken: QuestionToken.t, ~exclamationToken: ExclamationToken.t, ~initializer: Expression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asObjectLiteralElement: t => ObjectLiteralElement.t = "%identity"
external asJSDocContainer: t => JSDocContainer.t = "%identity"
module PropertyDeclaration = {
open PropertyDeclaration
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ClassElement | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PropertyDeclaration | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_PropertyDeclaration ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => ClassLikeDeclaration.t = "parent"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => PropertyName.t = "name"
external questionToken: this<'tags, 'base> => QuestionToken.t = "questionToken"
external exclamationToken: this<'tags, 'base> => ExclamationToken.t = "exclamationToken"
external \"type": this<'tags, 'base> => TypeNode.t = "type"
external initializer: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "initializer"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration.t, ~parent: ClassLikeDeclaration.t, ~name: PropertyName.t, ~questionToken: QuestionToken.t, ~exclamationToken: ExclamationToken.t, ~\"type": TypeNode.t, ~initializer: Expression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asClassElement: t => ClassElement.t = "%identity"
external asJSDocContainer: t => JSDocContainer.t = "%identity"
module PropertyLikeDeclaration = {
open PropertyLikeDeclaration
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PropertyLikeDeclaration | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_PropertyLikeDeclaration ]
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => PropertyName.t = "name"
external make: ~name: PropertyName.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNamedDeclaration: t => NamedDeclaration.t = "%identity"
module PropertyName = {
open PropertyName
type t = Union.t5<Identifier.t, StringLiteral.t, NumericLiteral.t, ComputedPropertyName.t, PrivateIdentifier.t>
type t0 = t
module PropertyNameLiteral = {
open PropertyNameLiteral
type t = Union.t3<Identifier.t, StringLiteralLike.t, NumericLiteral.t>
type t0 = t
module PropertySignature = {
open PropertySignature
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PropertySignature | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_TypeElement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_PropertySignature ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.PropertySignature.t = "kind"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => PropertyName.t = "name"
external questionToken: this<'tags, 'base> => QuestionToken.t = "questionToken"
external \"type": this<'tags, 'base> => TypeNode.t = "type"
external getInitializer: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "initializer"
external setInitializer: (this<'tags, 'base>, Expression.t) => unit = "initializer"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.PropertySignature.t, ~name: PropertyName.t, ~questionToken: QuestionToken.t, ~\"type": TypeNode.t, ~initializer: Expression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asTypeElement: t => TypeElement.t = "%identity"
external asJSDocContainer: t => JSDocContainer.t = "%identity"
module ProtectedKeyword = {
open ProtectedKeyword
type t = ModifierToken.t<SyntaxKind.ProtectedKeyword.t>
type t0 = t
module PseudoBigInt = {
open PseudoBigInt
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_PseudoBigInt]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_PseudoBigInt ]
external getNegative: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "negative"
external setNegative: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "negative"
external getBase10Value: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "base10Value"
external setBase10Value: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "base10Value"
external make: (~negative: bool, ~base10Value: string) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module PseudoLiteralSyntaxKind = {
open PseudoLiteralSyntaxKind
type t = Union.t3<SyntaxKind.TemplateHead.t, SyntaxKind.TemplateMiddle.t, SyntaxKind.TemplateTail.t>
type t0 = t
module PseudoLiteralToken = {
open PseudoLiteralToken
type t = Union.t3<TemplateHead.t, TemplateMiddle.t, TemplateTail.t>
type t0 = t
module PublicKeyword = {
open PublicKeyword
type t = ModifierToken.t<SyntaxKind.PublicKeyword.t>
type t0 = t
module PunctuationSyntaxKind = {
open PunctuationSyntaxKind
type t = Union.t8<SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken.t, SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken.t, SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken.t, SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken.t, SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken.t, SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken.t, SyntaxKind.DotToken.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.DotDotDotToken.t, SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken.t, SyntaxKind.CommaToken.t, SyntaxKind.QuestionDotToken.t, SyntaxKind.LessThanToken.t, SyntaxKind.LessThanSlashToken.t, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.LessThanEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.EqualsEqualsEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.ExclamationEqualsEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.EqualsGreaterThanToken.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.PlusToken.t, SyntaxKind.MinusToken.t, SyntaxKind.AsteriskToken.t, SyntaxKind.AsteriskAsteriskToken.t, SyntaxKind.SlashToken.t, SyntaxKind.PercentToken.t, SyntaxKind.PlusPlusToken.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.MinusMinusToken.t, SyntaxKind.LessThanLessThanToken.t, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanToken.t, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanToken.t, SyntaxKind.AmpersandToken.t, SyntaxKind.BarToken.t, SyntaxKind.CaretToken.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.ExclamationToken.t, SyntaxKind.TildeToken.t, SyntaxKind.AmpersandAmpersandToken.t, SyntaxKind.BarBarToken.t, SyntaxKind.QuestionQuestionToken.t, SyntaxKind.QuestionToken.t, SyntaxKind.ColonToken.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.AtToken.t, SyntaxKind.BacktickToken.t, SyntaxKind.HashToken.t, SyntaxKind.EqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.PlusEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.MinusEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.AsteriskEqualsToken.t, Union.t8<SyntaxKind.AsteriskAsteriskEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.SlashEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.PercentEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.LessThanLessThanEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.AmpersandEqualsToken.t, Union.t2<SyntaxKind.BarEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.CaretEqualsToken.t>>>>>>>>>
type t0 = t
module PunctuationToken = {
open PunctuationToken
type t<'TKind> = t<'TKind>
type t1<'TKind> = t<'TKind>
type tags<'TKind> = [#Ts_PunctuationToken('TKind) | #Ts_Token('TKind) | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags1<'TKind> = tags<'TKind>
type this<'tags, 'base, 'TKind> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_PunctuationToken('TKind) ]
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base, 'TKind> => t<'TKind> = "%identity"
external asToken: t<'TKind> => Token.t<'TKind> = "%identity"
module Push = {
open Push
type t<'T> = t<'T>
type t1<'T> = t<'T>
type tags<'T> = [#Ts_Push('T)]
type tags1<'T> = tags<'T>
type this<'tags, 'base, 'T> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_Push('T) ]
@send @variadic
external push: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~values:array<'T>) => unit = "push"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => t<'T> = "%identity"
module QualifiedName = {
open QualifiedName
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Node | #Ts_QualifiedName | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_QualifiedName ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.QualifiedName.t = "kind"
external left: this<'tags, 'base> => EntityName.t = "left"
external right: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "right"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.QualifiedName.t, ~left: EntityName.t, ~right: Identifier.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
module QuestionDotToken = {
open QuestionDotToken
type t = PunctuationToken.t<SyntaxKind.QuestionDotToken.t>
type t0 = t
module QuestionToken = {
open QuestionToken
type t = PunctuationToken.t<SyntaxKind.QuestionToken.t>
type t0 = t
module QuickInfo = {
open QuickInfo
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_QuickInfo]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_QuickInfo ]
external getKind: this<'tags, 'base> => ScriptElementKind.t = "kind"
external setKind: (this<'tags, 'base>, ScriptElementKind.t) => unit = "kind"
external getKindModifiers: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "kindModifiers"
external setKindModifiers: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "kindModifiers"
external getTextSpan: this<'tags, 'base> => TextSpan.t = "textSpan"
external setTextSpan: (this<'tags, 'base>, TextSpan.t) => unit = "textSpan"
external getDisplayParts: this<'tags, 'base> => array<SymbolDisplayPart.t> = "displayParts"
external setDisplayParts: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>) => unit = "displayParts"
external getDocumentation: this<'tags, 'base> => array<SymbolDisplayPart.t> = "documentation"
external setDocumentation: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>) => unit = "documentation"
external getTags: this<'tags, 'base> => array<JSDocTagInfo.t> = "tags"
external setTags: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<JSDocTagInfo.t>) => unit = "tags"
external make: (~kind: ScriptElementKind.t, ~kindModifiers: string, ~textSpan: TextSpan.t, ~displayParts: array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>, ~documentation: array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>, ~tags: array<JSDocTagInfo.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module ReadBuildProgramHost = {
open ReadBuildProgramHost
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ReadBuildProgramHost]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ReadBuildProgramHost ]
external useCaseSensitiveFileNames: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "useCaseSensitiveFileNames"
external getCurrentDirectory: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "getCurrentDirectory"
@send @return(nullable)
external readFile: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string) => option<string> = "readFile"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module ReadonlyCollection = {
open ReadonlyCollection
type t<'K> = t<'K>
type t1<'K> = t<'K>
type tags<'K> = [#Ts_ReadonlyCollection('K)]
type tags1<'K> = tags<'K>
type this<'tags, 'base, 'K> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ReadonlyCollection('K) ]
external size: this<'tags, 'base, 'K> => float = "size"
external has: (this<'tags, 'base, 'K>, ~key:'K) => bool = "has"
external keys: this<'tags, 'base, 'K> => Iterator.t<'K> = "keys"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base, 'K> => t<'K> = "%identity"
module ReadonlyESMap = {
open ReadonlyESMap
type t<'K, 'V> = t<'K, 'V>
type t2<'K, 'V> = t<'K, 'V>
type tags<'K, 'V> = [#Ts_ReadonlyCollection('K) | #Ts_ReadonlyESMap('K, 'V)]
type tags2<'K, 'V> = tags<'K, 'V>
type this<'tags, 'base, 'K, 'V> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ReadonlyESMap('K, 'V) ]
@send @return(nullable)
external get: (this<'tags, 'base, 'K, 'V>, ~key:'K) => option<'V> = "get"
external values: this<'tags, 'base, 'K, 'V> => Iterator.t<'V> = "values"
external entries: this<'tags, 'base, 'K, 'V> => Iterator.t<('K, 'V)> = "entries"
external forEach: (this<'tags, 'base, 'K, 'V>, ~action:(@uncurry (~value:'V, ~key:'K) => unit)) => unit = "forEach"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base, 'K, 'V> => t<'K, 'V> = "%identity"
external asReadonlyCollection: t<'K, 'V> => ReadonlyCollection.t<'K> = "%identity"
module ReadonlyKeyword = {
open ReadonlyKeyword
type t = ModifierToken.t<SyntaxKind.ReadonlyKeyword.t>
type t0 = t
module ReadonlyMap = {
open ReadonlyMap
type t<'T> = t<'T>
type t1<'T> = t<'T>
type tags<'T> = [#Ts_ReadonlyCollection(string) | #Ts_ReadonlyMap('T) | #Ts_ReadonlyESMap(string, 'T)]
type tags1<'T> = tags<'T>
type this<'tags, 'base, 'T> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ReadonlyMap('T) ]
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => t<'T> = "%identity"
external asReadonlyESMap: t<'T> => ReadonlyESMap.t<string, 'T> = "%identity"
external asReadonlyESMap': t<'T> => ReadonlyESMap.t<string, 'T> = "%identity"
module ReadonlySet = {
open ReadonlySet
type t<'T> = t<'T>
type t1<'T> = t<'T>
type tags<'T> = [#Ts_ReadonlyCollection('T) | #Ts_ReadonlySet('T)]
type tags1<'T> = tags<'T>
type this<'tags, 'base, 'T> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ReadonlySet('T) ]
external has: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~value:'T) => bool = "has"
external values: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => Iterator.t<'T> = "values"
external entries: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => Iterator.t<('T, 'T)> = "entries"
external forEach: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~action:(@uncurry (~value:'T, ~key:'T) => unit)) => unit = "forEach"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => t<'T> = "%identity"
external asReadonlyCollection: t<'T> => ReadonlyCollection.t<'T> = "%identity"
module ReadonlyTextRange = {
open ReadonlyTextRange
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ReadonlyTextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange ]
external pos: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "pos"
external end: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "end"
external make: (~pos: float, ~end: float) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module ReadonlyToken = {
open ReadonlyToken
type t = ReadonlyKeyword.t
type t0 = t
module ReadonlyUnderscoreEscapedMap = {
open ReadonlyUnderscoreEscapedMap
type t<'T> = t<'T>
type t1<'T> = t<'T>
type tags<'T> = [#Ts_ReadonlyCollection(M__String.t) | #Ts_ReadonlyUnderscoreEscapedMap('T) | #Ts_ReadonlyESMap(M__String.t, 'T)]
type tags1<'T> = tags<'T>
type this<'tags, 'base, 'T> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ReadonlyUnderscoreEscapedMap('T) ]
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => t<'T> = "%identity"
external asReadonlyESMap: t<'T> => ReadonlyESMap.t<M__String.t, 'T> = "%identity"
module RefactorActionInfo = {
open RefactorActionInfo
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_RefactorActionInfo]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_RefactorActionInfo ]
external getName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "name"
external setName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "name"
external getDescription: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "description"
external setDescription: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "description"
external getNotApplicableReason: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "notApplicableReason"
external setNotApplicableReason: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "notApplicableReason"
external getKind: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "kind"
external setKind: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "kind"
external make: (~name: string, ~description: string, ~notApplicableReason: string, ~kind: string) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module RefactorEditInfo = {
open RefactorEditInfo
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_RefactorEditInfo]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_RefactorEditInfo ]
external getEdits: this<'tags, 'base> => array<FileTextChanges.t> = "edits"
external setEdits: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<FileTextChanges.t>) => unit = "edits"
external getRenameFilename: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "renameFilename"
external setRenameFilename: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "renameFilename"
external getRenameLocation: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "renameLocation"
external setRenameLocation: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "renameLocation"
external getCommands: this<'tags, 'base> => array<CodeActionCommand.t> = "commands"
external setCommands: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<CodeActionCommand.t>) => unit = "commands"
external make: (~edits: array<FileTextChanges.t>, ~renameFilename: string, ~renameLocation: float, ~commands: array<CodeActionCommand.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module RefactorTriggerReason = {
open RefactorTriggerReason
type t = Union.t2<[#implicit], [#invoked]>
type t0 = t
module ReferenceEntry = {
open ReferenceEntry
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_DocumentSpan | #Ts_ReferenceEntry]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ReferenceEntry ]
external getIsWriteAccess: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isWriteAccess"
external setIsWriteAccess: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "isWriteAccess"
external getIsDefinition: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isDefinition"
external setIsDefinition: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "isDefinition"
external getIsInString: this<'tags, 'base> => \"true" = "isInString"
external setIsInString: (this<'tags, 'base>, \"true") => unit = "isInString"
external make: (~isWriteAccess: bool, ~isDefinition: bool, ~isInString: \"true") => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asDocumentSpan: t => DocumentSpan.t = "%identity"
module ReferencedSymbol = {
open ReferencedSymbol
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ReferencedSymbol]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ReferencedSymbol ]
external getDefinition: this<'tags, 'base> => ReferencedSymbolDefinitionInfo.t = "definition"
external setDefinition: (this<'tags, 'base>, ReferencedSymbolDefinitionInfo.t) => unit = "definition"
external getReferences: this<'tags, 'base> => array<ReferenceEntry.t> = "references"
external setReferences: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<ReferenceEntry.t>) => unit = "references"
external make: (~definition: ReferencedSymbolDefinitionInfo.t, ~references: array<ReferenceEntry.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module ReferencedSymbolDefinitionInfo = {
open ReferencedSymbolDefinitionInfo
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_DefinitionInfo | #Ts_DocumentSpan | #Ts_ReferencedSymbolDefinitionInfo]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ReferencedSymbolDefinitionInfo ]
external getDisplayParts: this<'tags, 'base> => array<SymbolDisplayPart.t> = "displayParts"
external setDisplayParts: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>) => unit = "displayParts"
external make: ~displayParts: array<SymbolDisplayPart.t> => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asDefinitionInfo: t => DefinitionInfo.t = "%identity"
module RegularExpressionLiteral = {
open RegularExpressionLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_LiteralExpression | #Ts_LiteralLikeNode | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_RegularExpressionLiteral | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_RegularExpressionLiteral ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.RegularExpressionLiteral.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.RegularExpressionLiteral.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asLiteralExpression: t => LiteralExpression.t = "%identity"
module RelationalOperator = {
open RelationalOperator
type t = Union.t6<SyntaxKind.LessThanToken.t, SyntaxKind.LessThanEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken.t, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanEqualsToken.t, SyntaxKind.InstanceOfKeyword.t, SyntaxKind.InKeyword.t>
type t0 = t
module RelationalOperatorOrHigher = {
open RelationalOperatorOrHigher
type t = Union.t2<ShiftOperatorOrHigher.t, RelationalOperator.t>
type t0 = t
module RenameInfo = {
open RenameInfo
type t = Union.t2<RenameInfoSuccess.t, RenameInfoFailure.t>
type t0 = t
module RenameInfoFailure = {
open RenameInfoFailure
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_RenameInfoFailure]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_RenameInfoFailure ]
external getCanRename: this<'tags, 'base> => \"false" = "canRename"
external setCanRename: (this<'tags, 'base>, \"false") => unit = "canRename"
external getLocalizedErrorMessage: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "localizedErrorMessage"
external setLocalizedErrorMessage: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "localizedErrorMessage"
external make: (~canRename: \"false", ~localizedErrorMessage: string) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module RenameInfoOptions = {
open RenameInfoOptions
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_RenameInfoOptions]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_RenameInfoOptions ]
external allowRenameOfImportPath: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "allowRenameOfImportPath"
external make: ~allowRenameOfImportPath: bool => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module RenameInfoSuccess = {
open RenameInfoSuccess
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_RenameInfoSuccess]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_RenameInfoSuccess ]
external getCanRename: this<'tags, 'base> => \"true" = "canRename"
external setCanRename: (this<'tags, 'base>, \"true") => unit = "canRename"
external getFileToRename: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "fileToRename"
external setFileToRename: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "fileToRename"
external getDisplayName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "displayName"
external setDisplayName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "displayName"
external getFullDisplayName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "fullDisplayName"
external setFullDisplayName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "fullDisplayName"
external getKind: this<'tags, 'base> => ScriptElementKind.t = "kind"
external setKind: (this<'tags, 'base>, ScriptElementKind.t) => unit = "kind"
external getKindModifiers: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "kindModifiers"
external setKindModifiers: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "kindModifiers"
external getTriggerSpan: this<'tags, 'base> => TextSpan.t = "triggerSpan"
external setTriggerSpan: (this<'tags, 'base>, TextSpan.t) => unit = "triggerSpan"
external make: (~canRename: \"true", ~fileToRename: string, ~displayName: string, ~fullDisplayName: string, ~kind: ScriptElementKind.t, ~kindModifiers: string, ~triggerSpan: TextSpan.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module RenameLocation = {
open RenameLocation
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_DocumentSpan | #Ts_RenameLocation]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_RenameLocation ]
external prefixText: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "prefixText"
external suffixText: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "suffixText"
external make: (~prefixText: string, ~suffixText: string) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asDocumentSpan: t => DocumentSpan.t = "%identity"
module ReportEmitErrorSummary = {
open ReportEmitErrorSummary
type t = (~errorCount:float, ~filesInError:array<undefined<ReportFileInError.t>>) => unit
type t0 = t
module ReportFileInError = {
open ReportFileInError
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ReportFileInError]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ReportFileInError ]
external getFileName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "fileName"
external setFileName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "fileName"
external getLine: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "line"
external setLine: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "line"
external make: (~fileName: string, ~line: float) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module ResolveProjectReferencePathHost = {
open ResolveProjectReferencePathHost
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ResolveProjectReferencePathHost]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ResolveProjectReferencePathHost ]
external fileExists: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string) => bool = "fileExists"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module ResolvedConfigFileName = {
open ResolvedConfigFileName
module AnonymousInterface3 = {
open AnonymousInterface3
type t = t
external get_isResolvedConfigFileName: t => never = "_isResolvedConfigFileName"
external set_isResolvedConfigFileName: (t, never) => unit = "_isResolvedConfigFileName"
external make: ~\"_isResolvedConfigFileName": never => t = ""
type t = Intersection.t2<string, AnonymousInterface3.t>
type t0 = t
module ResolvedModule = {
open ResolvedModule
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ResolvedModule]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ResolvedModule ]
external getResolvedFileName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "resolvedFileName"
external setResolvedFileName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "resolvedFileName"
external getIsExternalLibraryImport: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isExternalLibraryImport"
external setIsExternalLibraryImport: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "isExternalLibraryImport"
external make: (~resolvedFileName: string, ~isExternalLibraryImport: bool) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module ResolvedModuleFull = {
open ResolvedModuleFull
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ResolvedModule | #Ts_ResolvedModuleFull]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ResolvedModuleFull ]
external getExtension: this<'tags, 'base> => Extension.t = "extension"
external setExtension: (this<'tags, 'base>, Extension.t) => unit = "extension"
external getPackageId: this<'tags, 'base> => PackageId.t = "packageId"
external setPackageId: (this<'tags, 'base>, PackageId.t) => unit = "packageId"
external make: (~extension: Extension.t, ~packageId: PackageId.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asResolvedModule: t => ResolvedModule.t = "%identity"
module ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations = {
open ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ResolvedModuleWithFailedLookupLocations ]
@get @return(nullable)
external resolvedModule: this<'tags, 'base> => option<ResolvedModuleFull.t> = "resolvedModule"
external make: (~resolvedModule: ResolvedModuleFull.t=?, unit) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module ResolvedProjectReference = {
open ResolvedProjectReference
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ResolvedProjectReference]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ResolvedProjectReference ]
external getCommandLine: this<'tags, 'base> => ParsedCommandLine.t = "commandLine"
external setCommandLine: (this<'tags, 'base>, ParsedCommandLine.t) => unit = "commandLine"
external getSourceFile: this<'tags, 'base> => SourceFile.t = "sourceFile"
external setSourceFile: (this<'tags, 'base>, SourceFile.t) => unit = "sourceFile"
external getReferences: this<'tags, 'base> => array<undefined<t>> = "references"
external setReferences: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<undefined<t>>) => unit = "references"
external make: (~commandLine: ParsedCommandLine.t, ~sourceFile: SourceFile.t, ~references: array<undefined<t>>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective = {
open ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective ]
external getPrimary: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "primary"
external setPrimary: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "primary"
@get @return(nullable)
external getResolvedFileName: this<'tags, 'base> => option<string> = "resolvedFileName"
external setResolvedFileName: (this<'tags, 'base>, undefined<string>) => unit = "resolvedFileName"
external getPackageId: this<'tags, 'base> => PackageId.t = "packageId"
external setPackageId: (this<'tags, 'base>, PackageId.t) => unit = "packageId"
external getIsExternalLibraryImport: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isExternalLibraryImport"
external setIsExternalLibraryImport: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "isExternalLibraryImport"
external make: (~primary: bool, ~resolvedFileName: string=?, ~packageId: PackageId.t, ~isExternalLibraryImport: bool) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module ResolvedTypeReferenceDirectiveWithFailedLookupLocations = {
open ResolvedTypeReferenceDirectiveWithFailedLookupLocations
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ResolvedTypeReferenceDirectiveWithFailedLookupLocations]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ResolvedTypeReferenceDirectiveWithFailedLookupLocations ]
@get @return(nullable)
external resolvedTypeReferenceDirective: this<'tags, 'base> => option<ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective.t> = "resolvedTypeReferenceDirective"
external failedLookupLocations: this<'tags, 'base> => array<string> = "failedLookupLocations"
external make: (~resolvedTypeReferenceDirective: ResolvedTypeReferenceDirective.t=?, ~failedLookupLocations: array<string>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module RestTypeNode = {
open RestTypeNode
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_RestTypeNode | #Ts_TypeNode]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_RestTypeNode ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.RestType.t = "kind"
external \"type": this<'tags, 'base> => TypeNode.t = "type"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.RestType.t, ~\"type": TypeNode.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asTypeNode: t => TypeNode.t = "%identity"
module ReturnStatement = {
open ReturnStatement
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_ReturnStatement | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ReturnStatement ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ReturnStatement.t = "kind"
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "expression"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ReturnStatement.t, ~expression: Expression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asStatement: t => Statement.t = "%identity"
module Scanner = {
open Scanner
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Scanner]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_Scanner ]
external getStartPos: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "getStartPos"
external getToken: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.t = "getToken"
external getTextPos: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "getTextPos"
external getTokenPos: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "getTokenPos"
external getTokenText: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "getTokenText"
external getTokenValue: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "getTokenValue"
external hasUnicodeEscape: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "hasUnicodeEscape"
external hasExtendedUnicodeEscape: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "hasExtendedUnicodeEscape"
external hasPrecedingLineBreak: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "hasPrecedingLineBreak"
external isIdentifier: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isIdentifier"
external isReservedWord: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isReservedWord"
external isUnterminated: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isUnterminated"
external reScanGreaterToken: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.t = "reScanGreaterToken"
external reScanSlashToken: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.t = "reScanSlashToken"
external reScanAsteriskEqualsToken: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.t = "reScanAsteriskEqualsToken"
external reScanTemplateToken: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~isTaggedTemplate:bool) => SyntaxKind.t = "reScanTemplateToken"
external reScanTemplateHeadOrNoSubstitutionTemplate: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.t = "reScanTemplateHeadOrNoSubstitutionTemplate"
external scanJsxIdentifier: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.t = "scanJsxIdentifier"
external scanJsxAttributeValue: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.t = "scanJsxAttributeValue"
external reScanJsxAttributeValue: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.t = "reScanJsxAttributeValue"
external reScanJsxToken: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~allowMultilineJsxText:bool=?, unit) => JsxTokenSyntaxKind.t = "reScanJsxToken"
external reScanLessThanToken: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.t = "reScanLessThanToken"
external reScanHashToken: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.t = "reScanHashToken"
external reScanQuestionToken: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.t = "reScanQuestionToken"
external reScanInvalidIdentifier: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.t = "reScanInvalidIdentifier"
external scanJsxToken: this<'tags, 'base> => JsxTokenSyntaxKind.t = "scanJsxToken"
external scanJsDocToken: this<'tags, 'base> => JSDocSyntaxKind.t = "scanJsDocToken"
external scan: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.t = "scan"
external getText: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "getText"
external setText: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~text:undefined<string>, ~start:float=?, ~length:float=?, unit) => unit = "setText"
external setOnError: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~onError:undefined<ErrorCallback.t>) => unit = "setOnError"
external setScriptTarget: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~scriptTarget:ScriptTarget.t) => unit = "setScriptTarget"
external setLanguageVariant: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~variant:LanguageVariant.t) => unit = "setLanguageVariant"
external setTextPos: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~textPos:float) => unit = "setTextPos"
external lookAhead: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~callback:(@uncurry () => 'T)) => 'T = "lookAhead"
external scanRange: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~start:float, ~length:float, ~callback:(@uncurry () => 'T)) => 'T = "scanRange"
external tryScan: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~callback:(@uncurry () => 'T)) => 'T = "tryScan"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module ScopedEmitHelper = {
open ScopedEmitHelper
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_EmitHelperBase | #Ts_ScopedEmitHelper]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ScopedEmitHelper ]
external scoped: this<'tags, 'base> => \"true" = "scoped"
external make: ~scoped: \"true" => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asEmitHelperBase: t => EmitHelperBase.t = "%identity"
module ScriptElementKind = {
open ScriptElementKind
type t = t
type t_0 = t
module Unknown = {
open Unknown
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "unknown"
module Warning = {
open Warning
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "warning"
module Keyword = {
open Keyword
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "keyword"
module ScriptElement = {
open ScriptElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "scriptElement"
module ModuleElement = {
open ModuleElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "moduleElement"
module ClassElement = {
open ClassElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "classElement"
module LocalClassElement = {
open LocalClassElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "localClassElement"
module InterfaceElement = {
open InterfaceElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "interfaceElement"
module TypeElement = {
open TypeElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "typeElement"
module EnumElement = {
open EnumElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "enumElement"
module EnumMemberElement = {
open EnumMemberElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "enumMemberElement"
module VariableElement = {
open VariableElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "variableElement"
module LocalVariableElement = {
open LocalVariableElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "localVariableElement"
module FunctionElement = {
open FunctionElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "functionElement"
module LocalFunctionElement = {
open LocalFunctionElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "localFunctionElement"
module MemberFunctionElement = {
open MemberFunctionElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "memberFunctionElement"
module MemberGetAccessorElement = {
open MemberGetAccessorElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "memberGetAccessorElement"
module MemberSetAccessorElement = {
open MemberSetAccessorElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "memberSetAccessorElement"
module MemberVariableElement = {
open MemberVariableElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "memberVariableElement"
module ConstructorImplementationElement = {
open ConstructorImplementationElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "constructorImplementationElement"
module CallSignatureElement = {
open CallSignatureElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "callSignatureElement"
module IndexSignatureElement = {
open IndexSignatureElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "indexSignatureElement"
module ConstructSignatureElement = {
open ConstructSignatureElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "constructSignatureElement"
module ParameterElement = {
open ParameterElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "parameterElement"
module TypeParameterElement = {
open TypeParameterElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "typeParameterElement"
module PrimitiveType = {
open PrimitiveType
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "primitiveType"
module Label = {
open Label
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "label"
module Alias = {
open Alias
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "alias"
module ConstElement = {
open ConstElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "constElement"
module LetElement = {
open LetElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "letElement"
module Directory = {
open Directory
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "directory"
module ExternalModuleName = {
open ExternalModuleName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "externalModuleName"
module JsxAttribute = {
open JsxAttribute
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "jsxAttribute"
module String = {
open String
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "string"
module Link = {
open Link
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "link"
module LinkName = {
open LinkName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "linkName"
module LinkText = {
open LinkText
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKind") @val
external value: t = "linkText"
module ScriptElementKindModifier = {
open ScriptElementKindModifier
type t = t
type t_0 = t
module None = {
open None
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKindModifier") @val
external value: t = "none"
module PublicMemberModifier = {
open PublicMemberModifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKindModifier") @val
external value: t = "publicMemberModifier"
module PrivateMemberModifier = {
open PrivateMemberModifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKindModifier") @val
external value: t = "privateMemberModifier"
module ProtectedMemberModifier = {
open ProtectedMemberModifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKindModifier") @val
external value: t = "protectedMemberModifier"
module ExportedModifier = {
open ExportedModifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKindModifier") @val
external value: t = "exportedModifier"
module AmbientModifier = {
open AmbientModifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKindModifier") @val
external value: t = "ambientModifier"
module StaticModifier = {
open StaticModifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKindModifier") @val
external value: t = "staticModifier"
module AbstractModifier = {
open AbstractModifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKindModifier") @val
external value: t = "abstractModifier"
module OptionalModifier = {
open OptionalModifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKindModifier") @val
external value: t = "optionalModifier"
module DeprecatedModifier = {
open DeprecatedModifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKindModifier") @val
external value: t = "deprecatedModifier"
module DtsModifier = {
open DtsModifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKindModifier") @val
external value: t = "dtsModifier"
module TsModifier = {
open TsModifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKindModifier") @val
external value: t = "tsModifier"
module TsxModifier = {
open TsxModifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKindModifier") @val
external value: t = "tsxModifier"
module JsModifier = {
open JsModifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKindModifier") @val
external value: t = "jsModifier"
module JsxModifier = {
open JsxModifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKindModifier") @val
external value: t = "jsxModifier"
module JsonModifier = {
open JsonModifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKindModifier") @val
external value: t = "jsonModifier"
module DmtsModifier = {
open DmtsModifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKindModifier") @val
external value: t = "dmtsModifier"
module MtsModifier = {
open MtsModifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKindModifier") @val
external value: t = "mtsModifier"
module MjsModifier = {
open MjsModifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKindModifier") @val
external value: t = "mjsModifier"
module DctsModifier = {
open DctsModifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKindModifier") @val
external value: t = "dctsModifier"
module CtsModifier = {
open CtsModifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKindModifier") @val
external value: t = "ctsModifier"
module CjsModifier = {
open CjsModifier
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptElementKindModifier") @val
external value: t = "cjsModifier"
module ScriptKind = {
open ScriptKind
type t = t = Unknown | JS | JSX | TS | TSX | External | JSON | Deferred
type t_0 = t
module Unknown = {
open Unknown
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptKind") @val
external value: t = "Unknown"
module JS = {
open JS
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptKind") @val
external value: t = "JS"
module JSX = {
open JSX
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptKind") @val
external value: t = "JSX"
module TS = {
open TS
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptKind") @val
external value: t = "TS"
module TSX = {
open TSX
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptKind") @val
external value: t = "TSX"
module External = {
open External
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptKind") @val
external value: t = "External"
module JSON = {
open JSON
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptKind") @val
external value: t = "JSON"
module Deferred = {
open Deferred
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptKind") @val
external value: t = "Deferred"
module ScriptReferenceHost = {
open ScriptReferenceHost
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ScriptReferenceHost]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ScriptReferenceHost ]
external getCompilerOptions: this<'tags, 'base> => CompilerOptions.t = "getCompilerOptions"
@send @return(nullable)
external getSourceFile: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~fileName:string) => option<SourceFile.t> = "getSourceFile"
@send @return(nullable)
external getSourceFileByPath: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~path:Path.t) => option<SourceFile.t> = "getSourceFileByPath"
external getCurrentDirectory: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "getCurrentDirectory"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module ScriptSnapshot = {
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptSnapshot") @val
external fromString: string => IScriptSnapshot.t = "fromString"
module ScriptTarget = {
open ScriptTarget
type t = t
type t_0 = t
module ES3 = {
open ES3
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptTarget") @val
external value: t = "ES3"
module ES5 = {
open ES5
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptTarget") @val
external value: t = "ES5"
module ES2015 = {
open ES2015
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptTarget") @val
external value: t = "ES2015"
module ES2016 = {
open ES2016
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptTarget") @val
external value: t = "ES2016"
module ES2017 = {
open ES2017
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptTarget") @val
external value: t = "ES2017"
module ES2018 = {
open ES2018
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptTarget") @val
external value: t = "ES2018"
module ES2019 = {
open ES2019
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptTarget") @val
external value: t = "ES2019"
module ES2020 = {
open ES2020
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptTarget") @val
external value: t = "ES2020"
module ES2021 = {
open ES2021
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptTarget") @val
external value: t = "ES2021"
module ES2022 = {
open ES2022
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptTarget") @val
external value: t = "ES2022"
module ESNext = {
open ESNext
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptTarget") @val
external value: t = "ESNext"
module JSON = {
open JSON
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptTarget") @val
external value: t = "JSON"
module Latest = {
open Latest
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("ScriptTarget") @val
external value: t = "Latest"
module SelectionRange = {
open SelectionRange
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_SelectionRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SelectionRange ]
external getTextSpan: this<'tags, 'base> => TextSpan.t = "textSpan"
external setTextSpan: (this<'tags, 'base>, TextSpan.t) => unit = "textSpan"
external getParent: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "parent"
external setParent: (this<'tags, 'base>, t) => unit = "parent"
external make: (~textSpan: TextSpan.t, ~parent: t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module SemanticClassificationFormat = {
open SemanticClassificationFormat
type t = t
type t_0 = t
module Original = {
open Original
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SemanticClassificationFormat") @val
external value: t = "Original"
module TwentyTwenty = {
open TwentyTwenty
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SemanticClassificationFormat") @val
external value: t = "TwentyTwenty"
module SemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram = {
open SemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_BuilderProgram | #Ts_SemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SemanticDiagnosticsBuilderProgram ]
external getSemanticDiagnosticsOfNextAffectedFile: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~cancellationToken:CancellationToken.t=?, ~ignoreSourceFile:(@uncurry SourceFile.t => bool)=?, unit) => AffectedFileResult.t<array<Diagnostic.t>> = "getSemanticDiagnosticsOfNextAffectedFile"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asBuilderProgram: t => BuilderProgram.t = "%identity"
module SemicolonClassElement = {
open SemicolonClassElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ClassElement | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SemicolonClassElement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SemicolonClassElement ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.SemicolonClassElement.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => ClassLikeDeclaration.t = "parent"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.SemicolonClassElement.t, ~parent: ClassLikeDeclaration.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asClassElement: t => ClassElement.t = "%identity"
module SemicolonPreference = {
open SemicolonPreference
type t = t
type t_0 = t
module Ignore = {
open Ignore
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SemicolonPreference") @val
external value: t = "Ignore"
module Insert = {
open Insert
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SemicolonPreference") @val
external value: t = "Insert"
module Remove = {
open Remove
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SemicolonPreference") @val
external value: t = "Remove"
module Set = {
open Set
type t<'T> = t<'T>
type t1<'T> = t<'T>
type tags<'T> = [#Ts_Collection('T) | #Ts_ReadonlyCollection('T) | #Ts_ReadonlySet('T) | #Ts_Set('T)]
type tags1<'T> = tags<'T>
type this<'tags, 'base, 'T> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_Set('T) ]
external add: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~value:'T) => this<'tags, 'base, 'T> = "add"
external delete: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~value:'T) => bool = "delete"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => t<'T> = "%identity"
external asReadonlySet: t<'T> => ReadonlySet.t<'T> = "%identity"
external asCollection: t<'T> => Collection.t<'T> = "%identity"
module SetAccessorDeclaration = {
open SetAccessorDeclaration
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ClassElement | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_FunctionLikeDeclarationBase | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ObjectLiteralElement | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SetAccessorDeclaration | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase | #Ts_TypeElement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SetAccessorDeclaration ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.SetAccessor.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t4<ClassLikeDeclaration.t, ObjectLiteralExpression.t, TypeLiteralNode.t, InterfaceDeclaration.t> = "parent"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => PropertyName.t = "name"
external body: this<'tags, 'base> => FunctionBody.t = "body"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.SetAccessor.t, ~parent: Union.t4<ClassLikeDeclaration.t, ObjectLiteralExpression.t, TypeLiteralNode.t, InterfaceDeclaration.t>, ~name: PropertyName.t, ~body: FunctionBody.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asFunctionLikeDeclarationBase: t => FunctionLikeDeclarationBase.t = "%identity"
external asClassElement: t => ClassElement.t = "%identity"
external asTypeElement: t => TypeElement.t = "%identity"
external asObjectLiteralElement: t => ObjectLiteralElement.t = "%identity"
external asJSDocContainer: t => JSDocContainer.t = "%identity"
module ShiftOperator = {
open ShiftOperator
type t = Union.t3<SyntaxKind.LessThanLessThanToken.t, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanToken.t, SyntaxKind.GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanToken.t>
type t0 = t
module ShiftOperatorOrHigher = {
open ShiftOperatorOrHigher
type t = Union.t2<AdditiveOperatorOrHigher.t, ShiftOperator.t>
type t0 = t
module ShorthandPropertyAssignment = {
open ShorthandPropertyAssignment
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ObjectLiteralElement | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_ShorthandPropertyAssignment]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_ShorthandPropertyAssignment ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.ShorthandPropertyAssignment.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => ObjectLiteralExpression.t = "parent"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => Identifier.t = "name"
external questionToken: this<'tags, 'base> => QuestionToken.t = "questionToken"
external exclamationToken: this<'tags, 'base> => ExclamationToken.t = "exclamationToken"
external equalsToken: this<'tags, 'base> => EqualsToken.t = "equalsToken"
external objectAssignmentInitializer: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "objectAssignmentInitializer"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.ShorthandPropertyAssignment.t, ~parent: ObjectLiteralExpression.t, ~name: Identifier.t, ~questionToken: QuestionToken.t, ~exclamationToken: ExclamationToken.t, ~equalsToken: EqualsToken.t, ~objectAssignmentInitializer: Expression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asObjectLiteralElement: t => ObjectLiteralElement.t = "%identity"
external asJSDocContainer: t => JSDocContainer.t = "%identity"
module Signature = {
open Signature
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Signature]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_Signature ]
external getDeclaration: this<'tags, 'base> => SignatureDeclaration.t = "getDeclaration"
@send @return(nullable)
external getTypeParameters: this<'tags, 'base> => option<array<TypeParameter.t>> = "getTypeParameters"
external getParameters: this<'tags, 'base> => array<Symbol.t> = "getParameters"
external getTypeParameterAtPosition: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~pos:float) => Type.t = "getTypeParameterAtPosition"
external getReturnType: this<'tags, 'base> => Type.t = "getReturnType"
external getDocumentationComment: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~typeChecker:undefined<TypeChecker.t>) => array<SymbolDisplayPart.t> = "getDocumentationComment"
external getJsDocTags: this<'tags, 'base> => array<JSDocTagInfo.t> = "getJsDocTags"
external getDeclaration': this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<SignatureDeclaration.t, JSDocSignature.t> = "declaration"
external setDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, Union.t2<SignatureDeclaration.t, JSDocSignature.t>) => unit = "declaration"
external getTypeParameters': this<'tags, 'base> => array<TypeParameter.t> = "typeParameters"
external setTypeParameters: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<TypeParameter.t>) => unit = "typeParameters"
external getParameters': this<'tags, 'base> => array<Symbol.t> = "parameters"
external setParameters: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<Symbol.t>) => unit = "parameters"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module SignatureDeclaration = {
open SignatureDeclaration
type t = Union.t8<CallSignatureDeclaration.t, ConstructSignatureDeclaration.t, MethodSignature.t, IndexSignatureDeclaration.t, FunctionTypeNode.t, ConstructorTypeNode.t, JSDocFunctionType.t, Union.t6<FunctionDeclaration.t, MethodDeclaration.t, ConstructorDeclaration.t, AccessorDeclaration.t, FunctionExpression.t, ArrowFunction.t>>
type t0 = t
module SignatureDeclarationBase = {
open SignatureDeclarationBase
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SignatureDeclarationBase ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t8<SyntaxKind.CallSignature.t, SyntaxKind.ConstructSignature.t, SyntaxKind.MethodSignature.t, SyntaxKind.IndexSignature.t, SyntaxKind.FunctionType.t, SyntaxKind.ConstructorType.t, SyntaxKind.JSDocFunctionType.t, Union.t6<SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration.t, SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration.t, SyntaxKind.Constructor.t, Union.t2<SyntaxKind.GetAccessor.t, SyntaxKind.SetAccessor.t>, SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression.t, SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction.t>> = "kind"
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => PropertyName.t = "name"
external typeParameters: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<TypeParameterDeclaration.t> = "typeParameters"
external parameters: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<ParameterDeclaration.t> = "parameters"
external \"type": this<'tags, 'base> => TypeNode.t = "type"
external make: (~kind: Union.t8<SyntaxKind.CallSignature.t, SyntaxKind.ConstructSignature.t, SyntaxKind.MethodSignature.t, SyntaxKind.IndexSignature.t, SyntaxKind.FunctionType.t, SyntaxKind.ConstructorType.t, SyntaxKind.JSDocFunctionType.t, Union.t6<SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration.t, SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration.t, SyntaxKind.Constructor.t, Union.t2<SyntaxKind.GetAccessor.t, SyntaxKind.SetAccessor.t>, SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression.t, SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction.t>>, ~name: PropertyName.t, ~typeParameters: NodeArray.t<TypeParameterDeclaration.t>, ~parameters: NodeArray.t<ParameterDeclaration.t>, ~\"type": TypeNode.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNamedDeclaration: t => NamedDeclaration.t = "%identity"
external asJSDocContainer: t => JSDocContainer.t = "%identity"
module SignatureHelpCharacterTypedReason = {
open SignatureHelpCharacterTypedReason
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_SignatureHelpCharacterTypedReason]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SignatureHelpCharacterTypedReason ]
external getKind: this<'tags, 'base> => [#characterTyped] = "kind"
external setKind: (this<'tags, 'base>, [#characterTyped]) => unit = "kind"
external getTriggerCharacter: this<'tags, 'base> => SignatureHelpTriggerCharacter.t = "triggerCharacter"
external setTriggerCharacter: (this<'tags, 'base>, SignatureHelpTriggerCharacter.t) => unit = "triggerCharacter"
external make: (~kind: [#characterTyped], ~triggerCharacter: SignatureHelpTriggerCharacter.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module SignatureHelpInvokedReason = {
open SignatureHelpInvokedReason
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_SignatureHelpInvokedReason]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SignatureHelpInvokedReason ]
external getKind: this<'tags, 'base> => [#invoked] = "kind"
external setKind: (this<'tags, 'base>, [#invoked]) => unit = "kind"
external getTriggerCharacter: this<'tags, 'base> => unit = "triggerCharacter"
external setTriggerCharacter: (this<'tags, 'base>, unit) => unit = "triggerCharacter"
external make: (~kind: [#invoked], ~triggerCharacter: never=?, unit) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module SignatureHelpItem = {
open SignatureHelpItem
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_SignatureHelpItem]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SignatureHelpItem ]
external getIsVariadic: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isVariadic"
external setIsVariadic: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "isVariadic"
external getPrefixDisplayParts: this<'tags, 'base> => array<SymbolDisplayPart.t> = "prefixDisplayParts"
external setPrefixDisplayParts: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>) => unit = "prefixDisplayParts"
external getSuffixDisplayParts: this<'tags, 'base> => array<SymbolDisplayPart.t> = "suffixDisplayParts"
external setSuffixDisplayParts: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>) => unit = "suffixDisplayParts"
external getSeparatorDisplayParts: this<'tags, 'base> => array<SymbolDisplayPart.t> = "separatorDisplayParts"
external setSeparatorDisplayParts: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>) => unit = "separatorDisplayParts"
external getParameters: this<'tags, 'base> => array<SignatureHelpParameter.t> = "parameters"
external setParameters: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<SignatureHelpParameter.t>) => unit = "parameters"
external getDocumentation: this<'tags, 'base> => array<SymbolDisplayPart.t> = "documentation"
external setDocumentation: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>) => unit = "documentation"
external getTags: this<'tags, 'base> => array<JSDocTagInfo.t> = "tags"
external setTags: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<JSDocTagInfo.t>) => unit = "tags"
external make: (~isVariadic: bool, ~prefixDisplayParts: array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>, ~suffixDisplayParts: array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>, ~separatorDisplayParts: array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>, ~parameters: array<SignatureHelpParameter.t>, ~documentation: array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>, ~tags: array<JSDocTagInfo.t>) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module SignatureHelpItems = {
open SignatureHelpItems
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_SignatureHelpItems]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SignatureHelpItems ]
external getItems: this<'tags, 'base> => array<SignatureHelpItem.t> = "items"
external setItems: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<SignatureHelpItem.t>) => unit = "items"
external getApplicableSpan: this<'tags, 'base> => TextSpan.t = "applicableSpan"
external setApplicableSpan: (this<'tags, 'base>, TextSpan.t) => unit = "applicableSpan"
external getSelectedItemIndex: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "selectedItemIndex"
external setSelectedItemIndex: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "selectedItemIndex"
external getArgumentIndex: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "argumentIndex"
external setArgumentIndex: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "argumentIndex"
external getArgumentCount: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "argumentCount"
external setArgumentCount: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "argumentCount"
external make: (~items: array<SignatureHelpItem.t>, ~applicableSpan: TextSpan.t, ~selectedItemIndex: float, ~argumentIndex: float, ~argumentCount: float) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module SignatureHelpItemsOptions = {
open SignatureHelpItemsOptions
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_SignatureHelpItemsOptions]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SignatureHelpItemsOptions ]
external getTriggerReason: this<'tags, 'base> => SignatureHelpTriggerReason.t = "triggerReason"
external setTriggerReason: (this<'tags, 'base>, SignatureHelpTriggerReason.t) => unit = "triggerReason"
external make: ~triggerReason: SignatureHelpTriggerReason.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module SignatureHelpParameter = {
open SignatureHelpParameter
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_SignatureHelpParameter]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SignatureHelpParameter ]
external getName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "name"
external setName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "name"
external getDocumentation: this<'tags, 'base> => array<SymbolDisplayPart.t> = "documentation"
external setDocumentation: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>) => unit = "documentation"
external getDisplayParts: this<'tags, 'base> => array<SymbolDisplayPart.t> = "displayParts"
external setDisplayParts: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>) => unit = "displayParts"
external getIsOptional: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isOptional"
external setIsOptional: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "isOptional"
external getIsRest: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isRest"
external setIsRest: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "isRest"
external make: (~name: string, ~documentation: array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>, ~displayParts: array<SymbolDisplayPart.t>, ~isOptional: bool, ~isRest: bool) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module SignatureHelpRetriggerCharacter = {
open SignatureHelpRetriggerCharacter
type t = Union.t2<SignatureHelpTriggerCharacter.t, [#")"]>
type t0 = t
module SignatureHelpRetriggeredReason = {
open SignatureHelpRetriggeredReason
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_SignatureHelpRetriggeredReason]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SignatureHelpRetriggeredReason ]
external getKind: this<'tags, 'base> => [#retrigger] = "kind"
external setKind: (this<'tags, 'base>, [#retrigger]) => unit = "kind"
external getTriggerCharacter: this<'tags, 'base> => SignatureHelpRetriggerCharacter.t = "triggerCharacter"
external setTriggerCharacter: (this<'tags, 'base>, SignatureHelpRetriggerCharacter.t) => unit = "triggerCharacter"
external make: (~kind: [#retrigger], ~triggerCharacter: SignatureHelpRetriggerCharacter.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module SignatureHelpTriggerCharacter = {
open SignatureHelpTriggerCharacter
type t = Union.t3<[#","], [#"("], [#"<"]>
type t0 = t
module SignatureHelpTriggerReason = {
open SignatureHelpTriggerReason
type t = Union.t3<SignatureHelpInvokedReason.t, SignatureHelpCharacterTypedReason.t, SignatureHelpRetriggeredReason.t>
type t0 = t
module SignatureKind = {
open SignatureKind
type t = t = Call | Construct
type t_0 = t
module Call = {
open Call
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SignatureKind") @val
external value: t = "Call"
module Construct = {
open Construct
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SignatureKind") @val
external value: t = "Construct"
module SolutionBuilder = {
open SolutionBuilder
type t<'T> = t<'T>
type t1<'T> = t<'T>
type tags<'T> = [#Ts_SolutionBuilder('T)]
type tags1<'T> = tags<'T>
type this<'tags, 'base, 'T> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SolutionBuilder('T) ]
external build: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~project:string=?, ~cancellationToken:CancellationToken.t=?, ~writeFile:WriteFileCallback.t=?, ~getCustomTransformers:(@uncurry string => CustomTransformers.t)=?, unit) => ExitStatus.t = "build"
external clean: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~project:string=?, unit) => ExitStatus.t = "clean"
external buildReferences: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~project:string, ~cancellationToken:CancellationToken.t=?, ~writeFile:WriteFileCallback.t=?, ~getCustomTransformers:(@uncurry string => CustomTransformers.t)=?, unit) => ExitStatus.t = "buildReferences"
external cleanReferences: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~project:string=?, unit) => ExitStatus.t = "cleanReferences"
@send @return(nullable)
external getNextInvalidatedProject: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~cancellationToken:CancellationToken.t=?, unit) => option<InvalidatedProject.t<'T>> = "getNextInvalidatedProject"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => t<'T> = "%identity"
module SolutionBuilderHost = {
open SolutionBuilderHost
type t<'T> = t<'T>
type t1<'T> = t<'T>
type tags<'T> = [#Ts_ProgramHost('T) | #Ts_SolutionBuilderHost('T) | #Ts_SolutionBuilderHostBase('T)]
type tags1<'T> = tags<'T>
type this<'tags, 'base, 'T> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SolutionBuilderHost('T) ]
external getReportErrorSummary: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => ReportEmitErrorSummary.t = "reportErrorSummary"
external setReportErrorSummary: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ReportEmitErrorSummary.t) => unit = "reportErrorSummary"
external make: ~reportErrorSummary: ReportEmitErrorSummary.t => t<'T> = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => t<'T> = "%identity"
external asSolutionBuilderHostBase: t<'T> => SolutionBuilderHostBase.t<'T> = "%identity"
module SolutionBuilderHostBase = {
open SolutionBuilderHostBase
type t<'T> = t<'T>
type t1<'T> = t<'T>
type tags<'T> = [#Ts_ProgramHost('T) | #Ts_SolutionBuilderHostBase('T)]
type tags1<'T> = tags<'T>
type this<'tags, 'base, 'T> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SolutionBuilderHostBase('T) ]
external createDirectory: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~path:string) => unit = "createDirectory"
external writeFile: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~path:string, ~data:string, ~writeByteOrderMark:bool=?, unit) => unit = "writeFile"
@send @return(nullable)
external getCustomTransformers: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~project:string) => option<CustomTransformers.t> = "getCustomTransformers"
@send @return(nullable)
external getModifiedTime: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~fileName:string) => option<Js.Date.t> = "getModifiedTime"
external setModifiedTime: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~fileName:string, ~date:Js.Date.t) => unit = "setModifiedTime"
external deleteFile: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~fileName:string) => unit = "deleteFile"
@send @return(nullable)
external getParsedCommandLine: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~fileName:string) => option<ParsedCommandLine.t> = "getParsedCommandLine"
external getReportDiagnostic: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => DiagnosticReporter.t = "reportDiagnostic"
external setReportDiagnostic: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, DiagnosticReporter.t) => unit = "reportDiagnostic"
external getReportSolutionBuilderStatus: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => DiagnosticReporter.t = "reportSolutionBuilderStatus"
external setReportSolutionBuilderStatus: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, DiagnosticReporter.t) => unit = "reportSolutionBuilderStatus"
external afterProgramEmitAndDiagnostics: (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, ~program:'T) => unit = "afterProgramEmitAndDiagnostics"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => t<'T> = "%identity"
external asProgramHost: t<'T> => ProgramHost.t<'T> = "%identity"
module SolutionBuilderWithWatchHost = {
open SolutionBuilderWithWatchHost
type t<'T> = t<'T>
type t1<'T> = t<'T>
type tags<'T> = [#Ts_ProgramHost('T) | #Ts_SolutionBuilderHostBase('T) | #Ts_SolutionBuilderWithWatchHost('T) | #Ts_WatchHost]
type tags1<'T> = tags<'T>
type this<'tags, 'base, 'T> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SolutionBuilderWithWatchHost('T) ]
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => t<'T> = "%identity"
external asSolutionBuilderHostBase: t<'T> => SolutionBuilderHostBase.t<'T> = "%identity"
external asWatchHost: t<'T> => WatchHost.t = "%identity"
module SortedArray = {
open SortedArray
type t<'T> = t<'T>
type t1<'T> = t<'T>
type tags<'T> = [#Array('T) | #Ts_SortedArray('T)]
type tags1<'T> = tags<'T>
type this<'tags, 'base, 'T> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SortedArray('T) ]
external \"get __sortedArrayBrand": this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => any = " __sortedArrayBrand"
external \"set __sortedArrayBrand": (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, any) => unit = " __sortedArrayBrand"
external make: ~\" __sortedArrayBrand": any => t<'T> = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => t<'T> = "%identity"
external asArray: t<'T> => Js.Array.t<'T> = "%identity"
module SortedReadonlyArray = {
open SortedReadonlyArray
type t<'T> = t<'T>
type t1<'T> = t<'T>
type tags<'T> = [#ReadonlyArray('T) | #Ts_SortedReadonlyArray('T)]
type tags1<'T> = tags<'T>
type this<'tags, 'base, 'T> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SortedReadonlyArray('T) ]
external \"get __sortedArrayBrand": this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => any = " __sortedArrayBrand"
external \"set __sortedArrayBrand": (this<'tags, 'base, 'T>, any) => unit = " __sortedArrayBrand"
external make: ~\" __sortedArrayBrand": any => t<'T> = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base, 'T> => t<'T> = "%identity"
external asReadonlyArray: t<'T> => array<'T> = "%identity"
module SourceFile = {
open SourceFile
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SourceFile]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SourceFile ]
external getLineAndCharacterOfPosition: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~pos:float) => LineAndCharacter.t = "getLineAndCharacterOfPosition"
external getLineEndOfPosition: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~pos:float) => float = "getLineEndOfPosition"
external getLineStarts: this<'tags, 'base> => array<float> = "getLineStarts"
external getPositionOfLineAndCharacter: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~line:float, ~character:float) => float = "getPositionOfLineAndCharacter"
external update: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~newText:string, ~textChangeRange:TextChangeRange.t) => t = "update"
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.SourceFile.t = "kind"
external statements: this<'tags, 'base> => NodeArray.t<Statement.t> = "statements"
external endOfFileToken: this<'tags, 'base> => Token.t<SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken.t> = "endOfFileToken"
external getFileName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "fileName"
external setFileName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "fileName"
external getText: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "text"
external setText: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "text"
external getAmdDependencies: this<'tags, 'base> => array<AmdDependency.t> = "amdDependencies"
external setAmdDependencies: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<AmdDependency.t>) => unit = "amdDependencies"
external getModuleName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "moduleName"
external setModuleName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "moduleName"
external getReferencedFiles: this<'tags, 'base> => array<FileReference.t> = "referencedFiles"
external setReferencedFiles: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<FileReference.t>) => unit = "referencedFiles"
external getTypeReferenceDirectives: this<'tags, 'base> => array<FileReference.t> = "typeReferenceDirectives"
external setTypeReferenceDirectives: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<FileReference.t>) => unit = "typeReferenceDirectives"
external getLibReferenceDirectives: this<'tags, 'base> => array<FileReference.t> = "libReferenceDirectives"
external setLibReferenceDirectives: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<FileReference.t>) => unit = "libReferenceDirectives"
external getLanguageVariant: this<'tags, 'base> => LanguageVariant.t = "languageVariant"
external setLanguageVariant: (this<'tags, 'base>, LanguageVariant.t) => unit = "languageVariant"
external getIsDeclarationFile: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "isDeclarationFile"
external setIsDeclarationFile: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "isDeclarationFile"
external getHasNoDefaultLib: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "hasNoDefaultLib"
external setHasNoDefaultLib: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "hasNoDefaultLib"
external getLanguageVersion: this<'tags, 'base> => ScriptTarget.t = "languageVersion"
external setLanguageVersion: (this<'tags, 'base>, ScriptTarget.t) => unit = "languageVersion"
external getImpliedNodeFormat: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t2<ModuleKind.ESNext.t, ModuleKind.CommonJS.t> = "impliedNodeFormat"
external setImpliedNodeFormat: (this<'tags, 'base>, Union.t2<ModuleKind.ESNext.t, ModuleKind.CommonJS.t>) => unit = "impliedNodeFormat"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asDeclaration: t => Declaration.t = "%identity"
module SourceFileLike = {
open SourceFileLike
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_SourceFileLike]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SourceFileLike ]
external getLineAndCharacterOfPosition: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~pos:float) => LineAndCharacter.t = "getLineAndCharacterOfPosition"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module SourceMapRange = {
open SourceMapRange
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_SourceMapRange | #Ts_TextRange]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SourceMapRange ]
external getSource: this<'tags, 'base> => SourceMapSource.t = "source"
external setSource: (this<'tags, 'base>, SourceMapSource.t) => unit = "source"
external make: ~source: SourceMapSource.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asTextRange: t => TextRange.t = "%identity"
module SourceMapSource = {
open SourceMapSource
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_SourceMapSource]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SourceMapSource ]
external getLineAndCharacterOfPosition: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~pos:float) => LineAndCharacter.t = "getLineAndCharacterOfPosition"
external getFileName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "fileName"
external setFileName: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "fileName"
external getText: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "text"
external setText: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "text"
external skipTrivia: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~pos:float) => float = "skipTrivia"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module SourceMapSpan = {
open SourceMapSpan
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_SourceMapSpan]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SourceMapSpan ]
external getEmittedLine: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "emittedLine"
external setEmittedLine: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "emittedLine"
external getEmittedColumn: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "emittedColumn"
external setEmittedColumn: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "emittedColumn"
external getSourceLine: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "sourceLine"
external setSourceLine: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "sourceLine"
external getSourceColumn: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "sourceColumn"
external setSourceColumn: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "sourceColumn"
external getNameIndex: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "nameIndex"
external setNameIndex: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "nameIndex"
external getSourceIndex: this<'tags, 'base> => float = "sourceIndex"
external setSourceIndex: (this<'tags, 'base>, float) => unit = "sourceIndex"
external make: (~emittedLine: float, ~emittedColumn: float, ~sourceLine: float, ~sourceColumn: float, ~nameIndex: float, ~sourceIndex: float) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module SpreadAssignment = {
open SpreadAssignment
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ObjectLiteralElement | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SpreadAssignment]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SpreadAssignment ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.SpreadAssignment.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => ObjectLiteralExpression.t = "parent"
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "expression"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.SpreadAssignment.t, ~parent: ObjectLiteralExpression.t, ~expression: Expression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asObjectLiteralElement: t => ObjectLiteralElement.t = "%identity"
external asJSDocContainer: t => JSDocContainer.t = "%identity"
module SpreadElement = {
open SpreadElement
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Expression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SpreadElement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SpreadElement ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.SpreadElement.t = "kind"
external parent: this<'tags, 'base> => Union.t3<ArrayLiteralExpression.t, CallExpression.t, NewExpression.t> = "parent"
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "expression"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.SpreadElement.t, ~parent: Union.t3<ArrayLiteralExpression.t, CallExpression.t, NewExpression.t>, ~expression: Expression.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asExpression: t => Expression.t = "%identity"
module Statement = {
open Statement
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_Statement ]
external get_statementBrand: this<'tags, 'base> => any = "_statementBrand"
external set_statementBrand: (this<'tags, 'base>, any) => unit = "_statementBrand"
external make: ~\"_statementBrand": any => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asNode: t => Dom.node = "%identity"
external asJSDocContainer: t => JSDocContainer.t = "%identity"
module StaticKeyword = {
open StaticKeyword
type t = ModifierToken.t<SyntaxKind.StaticKeyword.t>
type t0 = t
module StringLiteral = {
open StringLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_LiteralExpression | #Ts_LiteralLikeNode | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_StringLiteral | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_StringLiteral ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.StringLiteral.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.StringLiteral.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asLiteralExpression: t => LiteralExpression.t = "%identity"
external asDeclaration: t => Declaration.t = "%identity"
module StringLiteralLike = {
open StringLiteralLike
type t = Union.t2<StringLiteral.t, NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral.t>
type t0 = t
module StringLiteralType = {
open StringLiteralType
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_LiteralType | #Ts_StringLiteralType | #Ts_Type]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_StringLiteralType ]
external getValue: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "value"
external setValue: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "value"
external make: ~value: string => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asLiteralType: t => LiteralType.t = "%identity"
module StringMappingType = {
open StringMappingType
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_InstantiableType | #Ts_StringMappingType | #Ts_Type]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_StringMappingType ]
external getSymbol: this<'tags, 'base> => Symbol.t = "symbol"
external setSymbol: (this<'tags, 'base>, Symbol.t) => unit = "symbol"
external getType: this<'tags, 'base> => Type.t = "type"
external setType: (this<'tags, 'base>, Type.t) => unit = "type"
external make: (~symbol: Symbol.t, ~\"type": Type.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asInstantiableType: t => InstantiableType.t = "%identity"
module StructuredType = {
open StructuredType
type t = Union.t3<ObjectType.t, UnionType.t, IntersectionType.t>
type t0 = t
module SubstitutionType = {
open SubstitutionType
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_InstantiableType | #Ts_SubstitutionType | #Ts_Type]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SubstitutionType ]
external getObjectFlags: this<'tags, 'base> => ObjectFlags.t = "objectFlags"
external setObjectFlags: (this<'tags, 'base>, ObjectFlags.t) => unit = "objectFlags"
external getBaseType: this<'tags, 'base> => Type.t = "baseType"
external setBaseType: (this<'tags, 'base>, Type.t) => unit = "baseType"
external getSubstitute: this<'tags, 'base> => Type.t = "substitute"
external setSubstitute: (this<'tags, 'base>, Type.t) => unit = "substitute"
external make: (~objectFlags: ObjectFlags.t, ~baseType: Type.t, ~substitute: Type.t) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asInstantiableType: t => InstantiableType.t = "%identity"
module SuperCall = {
open SuperCall
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_CallExpression | #Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SuperCall | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SuperCall ]
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => SuperExpression.t = "expression"
external make: ~expression: SuperExpression.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asCallExpression: t => CallExpression.t = "%identity"
module SuperElementAccessExpression = {
open SuperElementAccessExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_ElementAccessExpression | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SuperElementAccessExpression | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SuperElementAccessExpression ]
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => SuperExpression.t = "expression"
external make: ~expression: SuperExpression.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asElementAccessExpression: t => ElementAccessExpression.t = "%identity"
module SuperExpression = {
open SuperExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PrimaryExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SuperExpression | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SuperExpression ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.SuperKeyword.t = "kind"
external make: ~kind: SyntaxKind.SuperKeyword.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asPrimaryExpression: t => PrimaryExpression.t = "%identity"
module SuperProperty = {
open SuperProperty
type t = Union.t2<SuperPropertyAccessExpression.t, SuperElementAccessExpression.t>
type t0 = t
module SuperPropertyAccessExpression = {
open SuperPropertyAccessExpression
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Declaration | #Ts_Expression | #Ts_LeftHandSideExpression | #Ts_MemberExpression | #Ts_NamedDeclaration | #Ts_Node | #Ts_PropertyAccessExpression | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_SuperPropertyAccessExpression | #Ts_UnaryExpression | #Ts_UpdateExpression]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SuperPropertyAccessExpression ]
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => SuperExpression.t = "expression"
external make: ~expression: SuperExpression.t => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asPropertyAccessExpression: t => PropertyAccessExpression.t = "%identity"
module SwitchStatement = {
open SwitchStatement
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_JSDocContainer | #Ts_Node | #Ts_ReadonlyTextRange | #Ts_Statement | #Ts_SwitchStatement]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SwitchStatement ]
external kind: this<'tags, 'base> => SyntaxKind.SwitchStatement.t = "kind"
external expression: this<'tags, 'base> => Expression.t = "expression"
external caseBlock: this<'tags, 'base> => CaseBlock.t = "caseBlock"
external getPossiblyExhaustive: this<'tags, 'base> => bool = "possiblyExhaustive"
external setPossiblyExhaustive: (this<'tags, 'base>, bool) => unit = "possiblyExhaustive"
external make: (~kind: SyntaxKind.SwitchStatement.t, ~expression: Expression.t, ~caseBlock: CaseBlock.t, ~possiblyExhaustive: bool) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
external asStatement: t => Statement.t = "%identity"
module Symbol = {
open Symbol
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_Symbol]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_Symbol ]
external name: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "name"
external getFlags: this<'tags, 'base> => SymbolFlags.t = "getFlags"
external getEscapedName: this<'tags, 'base> => M__String.t = "getEscapedName"
external getName: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "getName"
@send @return(nullable)
external getDeclarations: this<'tags, 'base> => option<array<Declaration.t>> = "getDeclarations"
external getDocumentationComment: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~typeChecker:undefined<TypeChecker.t>) => array<SymbolDisplayPart.t> = "getDocumentationComment"
external getJsDocTags: (this<'tags, 'base>, ~checker:TypeChecker.t=?, unit) => array<JSDocTagInfo.t> = "getJsDocTags"
external getFlags': this<'tags, 'base> => SymbolFlags.t = "flags"
external setFlags: (this<'tags, 'base>, SymbolFlags.t) => unit = "flags"
external getEscapedName': this<'tags, 'base> => M__String.t = "escapedName"
external setEscapedName: (this<'tags, 'base>, M__String.t) => unit = "escapedName"
external getDeclarations': this<'tags, 'base> => array<Declaration.t> = "declarations"
external setDeclarations: (this<'tags, 'base>, array<Declaration.t>) => unit = "declarations"
external getValueDeclaration: this<'tags, 'base> => Declaration.t = "valueDeclaration"
external setValueDeclaration: (this<'tags, 'base>, Declaration.t) => unit = "valueDeclaration"
external getMembers: this<'tags, 'base> => SymbolTable.t = "members"
external setMembers: (this<'tags, 'base>, SymbolTable.t) => unit = "members"
external getExports: this<'tags, 'base> => SymbolTable.t = "exports"
external setExports: (this<'tags, 'base>, SymbolTable.t) => unit = "exports"
external getGlobalExports: this<'tags, 'base> => SymbolTable.t = "globalExports"
external setGlobalExports: (this<'tags, 'base>, SymbolTable.t) => unit = "globalExports"
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module SymbolDisplayPart = {
open SymbolDisplayPart
type t = t
type t0 = t
type tags = [#Ts_SymbolDisplayPart]
type tags0 = tags
type this<'tags, 'base> = intf<'tags, 'base> constraint 'tags = [> #Ts_SymbolDisplayPart ]
external getText: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "text"
external setText: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "text"
external getKind: this<'tags, 'base> => string = "kind"
external setKind: (this<'tags, 'base>, string) => unit = "kind"
external make: (~text: string, ~kind: string) => t = ""
external castFrom: this<'tags, 'base> => t = "%identity"
module SymbolDisplayPartKind = {
open SymbolDisplayPartKind
type t = t = | AliasName
| ClassName
| EnumName
| FieldName
| InterfaceName
| Keyword
| LineBreak
| NumericLiteral
| StringLiteral
| LocalName
| MethodName
| ModuleName
| Operator
| ParameterName
| PropertyName
| Punctuation
| Space
| Text
| TypeParameterName
| EnumMemberName
| FunctionName
| RegularExpressionLiteral
| Link
| LinkName
| LinkText
type t_0 = t
module AliasName = {
open AliasName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolDisplayPartKind") @val
external value: t = "aliasName"
module ClassName = {
open ClassName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolDisplayPartKind") @val
external value: t = "className"
module EnumName = {
open EnumName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolDisplayPartKind") @val
external value: t = "enumName"
module FieldName = {
open FieldName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolDisplayPartKind") @val
external value: t = "fieldName"
module InterfaceName = {
open InterfaceName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolDisplayPartKind") @val
external value: t = "interfaceName"
module Keyword = {
open Keyword
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolDisplayPartKind") @val
external value: t = "keyword"
module LineBreak = {
open LineBreak
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolDisplayPartKind") @val
external value: t = "lineBreak"
module NumericLiteral = {
open NumericLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolDisplayPartKind") @val
external value: t = "numericLiteral"
module StringLiteral = {
open StringLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolDisplayPartKind") @val
external value: t = "stringLiteral"
module LocalName = {
open LocalName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolDisplayPartKind") @val
external value: t = "localName"
module MethodName = {
open MethodName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolDisplayPartKind") @val
external value: t = "methodName"
module ModuleName = {
open ModuleName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolDisplayPartKind") @val
external value: t = "moduleName"
module Operator = {
open Operator
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolDisplayPartKind") @val
external value: t = "operator"
module ParameterName = {
open ParameterName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolDisplayPartKind") @val
external value: t = "parameterName"
module PropertyName = {
open PropertyName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolDisplayPartKind") @val
external value: t = "propertyName"
module Punctuation = {
open Punctuation
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolDisplayPartKind") @val
external value: t = "punctuation"
module Space = {
open Space
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolDisplayPartKind") @val
external value: t = "space"
module Text = {
open Text
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolDisplayPartKind") @val
external value: t = "text"
module TypeParameterName = {
open TypeParameterName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolDisplayPartKind") @val
external value: t = "typeParameterName"
module EnumMemberName = {
open EnumMemberName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolDisplayPartKind") @val
external value: t = "enumMemberName"
module FunctionName = {
open FunctionName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolDisplayPartKind") @val
external value: t = "functionName"
module RegularExpressionLiteral = {
open RegularExpressionLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolDisplayPartKind") @val
external value: t = "regularExpressionLiteral"
module Link = {
open Link
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolDisplayPartKind") @val
external value: t = "link"
module LinkName = {
open LinkName
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolDisplayPartKind") @val
external value: t = "linkName"
module LinkText = {
open LinkText
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolDisplayPartKind") @val
external value: t = "linkText"
module SymbolFlags = {
open SymbolFlags
type t = t
type t_0 = t
module None = {
open None
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "None"
module FunctionScopedVariable = {
open FunctionScopedVariable
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "FunctionScopedVariable"
module BlockScopedVariable = {
open BlockScopedVariable
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "BlockScopedVariable"
module Property = {
open Property
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "Property"
module EnumMember = {
open EnumMember
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "EnumMember"
module Function = {
open Function
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "Function"
module Class = {
open Class
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "Class"
module Interface = {
open Interface
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "Interface"
module ConstEnum = {
open ConstEnum
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "ConstEnum"
module RegularEnum = {
open RegularEnum
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "RegularEnum"
module ValueModule = {
open ValueModule
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "ValueModule"
module NamespaceModule = {
open NamespaceModule
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "NamespaceModule"
module TypeLiteral = {
open TypeLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "TypeLiteral"
module ObjectLiteral = {
open ObjectLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "ObjectLiteral"
module Method = {
open Method
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "Method"
module Constructor = {
open Constructor
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "Constructor"
module GetAccessor = {
open GetAccessor
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "GetAccessor"
module SetAccessor = {
open SetAccessor
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "SetAccessor"
module Signature = {
open Signature
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "Signature"
module TypeParameter = {
open TypeParameter
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "TypeParameter"
module TypeAlias = {
open TypeAlias
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "TypeAlias"
module ExportValue = {
open ExportValue
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "ExportValue"
module Alias = {
open Alias
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "Alias"
module Prototype = {
open Prototype
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "Prototype"
module ExportStar = {
open ExportStar
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "ExportStar"
module Optional = {
open Optional
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "Optional"
module Transient = {
open Transient
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "Transient"
module Assignment = {
open Assignment
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "Assignment"
module ModuleExports = {
open ModuleExports
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "ModuleExports"
module Enum = {
open Enum
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "Enum"
module Variable = {
open Variable
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "Variable"
module Value = {
open Value
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "Value"
module Type = {
open Type
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "Type"
module Namespace = {
open Namespace
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "Namespace"
module Module = {
open Module
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "Module"
module Accessor = {
open Accessor
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "Accessor"
module FunctionScopedVariableExcludes = {
open FunctionScopedVariableExcludes
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "FunctionScopedVariableExcludes"
module BlockScopedVariableExcludes = {
open BlockScopedVariableExcludes
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "BlockScopedVariableExcludes"
module ParameterExcludes = {
open ParameterExcludes
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "ParameterExcludes"
module PropertyExcludes = {
open PropertyExcludes
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "PropertyExcludes"
module EnumMemberExcludes = {
open EnumMemberExcludes
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "EnumMemberExcludes"
module FunctionExcludes = {
open FunctionExcludes
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "FunctionExcludes"
module ClassExcludes = {
open ClassExcludes
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "ClassExcludes"
module InterfaceExcludes = {
open InterfaceExcludes
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "InterfaceExcludes"
module RegularEnumExcludes = {
open RegularEnumExcludes
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "RegularEnumExcludes"
module ConstEnumExcludes = {
open ConstEnumExcludes
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "ConstEnumExcludes"
module ValueModuleExcludes = {
open ValueModuleExcludes
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "ValueModuleExcludes"
module NamespaceModuleExcludes = {
open NamespaceModuleExcludes
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "NamespaceModuleExcludes"
module MethodExcludes = {
open MethodExcludes
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "MethodExcludes"
module GetAccessorExcludes = {
open GetAccessorExcludes
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "GetAccessorExcludes"
module SetAccessorExcludes = {
open SetAccessorExcludes
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "SetAccessorExcludes"
module TypeParameterExcludes = {
open TypeParameterExcludes
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "TypeParameterExcludes"
module TypeAliasExcludes = {
open TypeAliasExcludes
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "TypeAliasExcludes"
module AliasExcludes = {
open AliasExcludes
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "AliasExcludes"
module ModuleMember = {
open ModuleMember
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "ModuleMember"
module ExportHasLocal = {
open ExportHasLocal
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "ExportHasLocal"
module BlockScoped = {
open BlockScoped
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "BlockScoped"
module PropertyOrAccessor = {
open PropertyOrAccessor
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "PropertyOrAccessor"
module ClassMember = {
open ClassMember
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFlags") @val
external value: t = "ClassMember"
module SymbolFormatFlags = {
open SymbolFormatFlags
type t = t
type t_0 = t
module None = {
open None
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFormatFlags") @val
external value: t = "None"
module WriteTypeParametersOrArguments = {
open WriteTypeParametersOrArguments
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFormatFlags") @val
external value: t = "WriteTypeParametersOrArguments"
module UseOnlyExternalAliasing = {
open UseOnlyExternalAliasing
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFormatFlags") @val
external value: t = "UseOnlyExternalAliasing"
module AllowAnyNodeKind = {
open AllowAnyNodeKind
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFormatFlags") @val
external value: t = "AllowAnyNodeKind"
module UseAliasDefinedOutsideCurrentScope = {
open UseAliasDefinedOutsideCurrentScope
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SymbolFormatFlags") @val
external value: t = "UseAliasDefinedOutsideCurrentScope"
module SymbolTable = {
open SymbolTable
type t = UnderscoreEscapedMap.t<Symbol.t>
type t0 = t
module SyntaxKind = {
open SyntaxKind
type t = t = | Unknown_FirstToken
| EndOfFileToken
| SingleLineCommentTrivia_FirstTriviaToken
| MultiLineCommentTrivia
| NewLineTrivia
| WhitespaceTrivia
| ShebangTrivia
| ConflictMarkerTrivia_LastTriviaToken
| NumericLiteral_FirstLiteralToken
| BigIntLiteral
| StringLiteral
| JsxText
| JsxTextAllWhiteSpaces
| RegularExpressionLiteral
| NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral_LastLiteralToken_FirstTemplateToken
| TemplateHead
| TemplateMiddle
| TemplateTail_LastTemplateToken
| OpenBraceToken_FirstPunctuation
| CloseBraceToken
| OpenParenToken
| CloseParenToken
| OpenBracketToken
| CloseBracketToken
| DotToken
| DotDotDotToken
| SemicolonToken
| CommaToken
| QuestionDotToken
| LessThanToken_FirstBinaryOperator
| LessThanSlashToken
| GreaterThanToken
| LessThanEqualsToken
| GreaterThanEqualsToken
| EqualsEqualsToken
| ExclamationEqualsToken
| EqualsEqualsEqualsToken
| ExclamationEqualsEqualsToken
| EqualsGreaterThanToken
| PlusToken
| MinusToken
| AsteriskToken
| AsteriskAsteriskToken
| SlashToken
| PercentToken
| PlusPlusToken
| MinusMinusToken
| LessThanLessThanToken
| GreaterThanGreaterThanToken
| GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanToken
| AmpersandToken
| BarToken
| CaretToken
| ExclamationToken
| TildeToken
| AmpersandAmpersandToken
| BarBarToken
| QuestionToken
| ColonToken
| AtToken
| QuestionQuestionToken
| BacktickToken
| HashToken
| EqualsToken_FirstAssignment
| PlusEqualsToken_FirstCompoundAssignment
| MinusEqualsToken
| AsteriskEqualsToken
| AsteriskAsteriskEqualsToken
| SlashEqualsToken
| PercentEqualsToken
| LessThanLessThanEqualsToken
| GreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken
| GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanEqualsToken
| AmpersandEqualsToken
| BarEqualsToken
| BarBarEqualsToken
| AmpersandAmpersandEqualsToken
| QuestionQuestionEqualsToken
| CaretEqualsToken_LastAssignment_LastCompoundAssignment_LastPunctuation_LastBinaryOperator
| Identifier
| PrivateIdentifier
| BreakKeyword_FirstReservedWord_FirstKeyword
| CaseKeyword
| CatchKeyword
| ClassKeyword
| ConstKeyword
| ContinueKeyword
| DebuggerKeyword
| DefaultKeyword
| DeleteKeyword
| DoKeyword
| ElseKeyword
| EnumKeyword
| ExportKeyword
| ExtendsKeyword
| FalseKeyword
| FinallyKeyword
| ForKeyword
| FunctionKeyword
| IfKeyword
| ImportKeyword
| InKeyword
| InstanceOfKeyword
| NewKeyword
| NullKeyword
| ReturnKeyword
| SuperKeyword
| SwitchKeyword
| ThisKeyword
| ThrowKeyword
| TrueKeyword
| TryKeyword
| TypeOfKeyword
| VarKeyword
| VoidKeyword
| WhileKeyword
| WithKeyword_LastReservedWord
| ImplementsKeyword_FirstFutureReservedWord
| InterfaceKeyword
| LetKeyword
| PackageKeyword
| PrivateKeyword
| ProtectedKeyword
| PublicKeyword
| StaticKeyword
| YieldKeyword_LastFutureReservedWord
| AbstractKeyword
| AsKeyword
| AssertsKeyword
| AssertKeyword
| AnyKeyword
| AsyncKeyword
| AwaitKeyword
| BooleanKeyword
| ConstructorKeyword
| DeclareKeyword
| GetKeyword
| InferKeyword
| IntrinsicKeyword
| IsKeyword
| KeyOfKeyword
| ModuleKeyword
| NamespaceKeyword
| NeverKeyword
| ReadonlyKeyword
| RequireKeyword
| NumberKeyword
| ObjectKeyword
| SetKeyword
| StringKeyword
| SymbolKeyword
| TypeKeyword
| UndefinedKeyword
| UniqueKeyword
| UnknownKeyword
| FromKeyword
| GlobalKeyword
| BigIntKeyword
| OverrideKeyword
| OfKeyword_LastKeyword_LastToken
| QualifiedName_FirstNode
| ComputedPropertyName
| TypeParameter
| Parameter
| Decorator
| PropertySignature
| PropertyDeclaration
| MethodSignature
| MethodDeclaration
| ClassStaticBlockDeclaration
| Constructor
| GetAccessor
| SetAccessor
| CallSignature
| ConstructSignature
| IndexSignature
| TypePredicate_FirstTypeNode
| TypeReference
| FunctionType
| ConstructorType
| TypeQuery
| TypeLiteral
| ArrayType
| TupleType
| OptionalType
| RestType
| UnionType
| IntersectionType
| ConditionalType
| InferType
| ParenthesizedType
| ThisType
| TypeOperator
| IndexedAccessType
| MappedType
| LiteralType
| NamedTupleMember
| TemplateLiteralType
| TemplateLiteralTypeSpan
| ImportType_LastTypeNode
| ObjectBindingPattern
| ArrayBindingPattern
| BindingElement
| ArrayLiteralExpression
| ObjectLiteralExpression
| PropertyAccessExpression
| ElementAccessExpression
| CallExpression
| NewExpression
| TaggedTemplateExpression
| TypeAssertionExpression
| ParenthesizedExpression
| FunctionExpression
| ArrowFunction
| DeleteExpression
| TypeOfExpression
| VoidExpression
| AwaitExpression
| PrefixUnaryExpression
| PostfixUnaryExpression
| BinaryExpression
| ConditionalExpression
| TemplateExpression
| YieldExpression
| SpreadElement
| ClassExpression
| OmittedExpression
| ExpressionWithTypeArguments
| AsExpression
| NonNullExpression
| MetaProperty
| SyntheticExpression
| TemplateSpan
| SemicolonClassElement
| Block
| EmptyStatement
| VariableStatement_FirstStatement
| ExpressionStatement
| IfStatement
| DoStatement
| WhileStatement
| ForStatement
| ForInStatement
| ForOfStatement
| ContinueStatement
| BreakStatement
| ReturnStatement
| WithStatement
| SwitchStatement
| LabeledStatement
| ThrowStatement
| TryStatement
| DebuggerStatement_LastStatement
| VariableDeclaration
| VariableDeclarationList
| FunctionDeclaration
| ClassDeclaration
| InterfaceDeclaration
| TypeAliasDeclaration
| EnumDeclaration
| ModuleDeclaration
| ModuleBlock
| CaseBlock
| NamespaceExportDeclaration
| ImportEqualsDeclaration
| ImportDeclaration
| ImportClause
| NamespaceImport
| NamedImports
| ImportSpecifier
| ExportAssignment
| ExportDeclaration
| NamedExports
| NamespaceExport
| ExportSpecifier
| MissingDeclaration
| ExternalModuleReference
| JsxElement
| JsxSelfClosingElement
| JsxOpeningElement
| JsxClosingElement
| JsxFragment
| JsxOpeningFragment
| JsxClosingFragment
| JsxAttribute
| JsxAttributes
| JsxSpreadAttribute
| JsxExpression
| CaseClause
| DefaultClause
| HeritageClause
| CatchClause
| AssertClause
| AssertEntry
| PropertyAssignment
| ShorthandPropertyAssignment
| SpreadAssignment
| EnumMember
| UnparsedPrologue
| UnparsedPrepend
| UnparsedText
| UnparsedInternalText
| UnparsedSyntheticReference
| SourceFile
| Bundle
| UnparsedSource
| InputFiles
| JSDocTypeExpression_FirstJSDocNode
| JSDocNameReference
| JSDocMemberName
| JSDocAllType
| JSDocUnknownType
| JSDocNullableType
| JSDocNonNullableType
| JSDocOptionalType
| JSDocFunctionType
| JSDocVariadicType
| JSDocNamepathType
| JSDocComment
| JSDocText
| JSDocTypeLiteral
| JSDocSignature
| JSDocLink
| JSDocLinkCode
| JSDocLinkPlain
| JSDocTag_FirstJSDocTagNode
| JSDocAugmentsTag
| JSDocImplementsTag
| JSDocAuthorTag
| JSDocDeprecatedTag
| JSDocClassTag
| JSDocPublicTag
| JSDocPrivateTag
| JSDocProtectedTag
| JSDocReadonlyTag
| JSDocOverrideTag
| JSDocCallbackTag
| JSDocEnumTag
| JSDocParameterTag
| JSDocReturnTag
| JSDocThisTag
| JSDocTypeTag
| JSDocTemplateTag
| JSDocTypedefTag
| JSDocSeeTag
| JSDocPropertyTag_LastJSDocNode_LastJSDocTagNode
| SyntaxList
| NotEmittedStatement
| PartiallyEmittedExpression
| CommaListExpression
| MergeDeclarationMarker
| EndOfDeclarationMarker
| SyntheticReferenceExpression
| Count
type t_0 = t
module Unknown = {
open Unknown
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "Unknown"
module EndOfFileToken = {
open EndOfFileToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "EndOfFileToken"
module SingleLineCommentTrivia = {
open SingleLineCommentTrivia
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "SingleLineCommentTrivia"
module MultiLineCommentTrivia = {
open MultiLineCommentTrivia
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "MultiLineCommentTrivia"
module NewLineTrivia = {
open NewLineTrivia
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "NewLineTrivia"
module WhitespaceTrivia = {
open WhitespaceTrivia
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "WhitespaceTrivia"
module ShebangTrivia = {
open ShebangTrivia
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "ShebangTrivia"
module ConflictMarkerTrivia = {
open ConflictMarkerTrivia
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "ConflictMarkerTrivia"
module NumericLiteral = {
open NumericLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "NumericLiteral"
module BigIntLiteral = {
open BigIntLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "BigIntLiteral"
module StringLiteral = {
open StringLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "StringLiteral"
module JsxText = {
open JsxText
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "JsxText"
module JsxTextAllWhiteSpaces = {
open JsxTextAllWhiteSpaces
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "JsxTextAllWhiteSpaces"
module RegularExpressionLiteral = {
open RegularExpressionLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "RegularExpressionLiteral"
module NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral = {
open NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral"
module TemplateHead = {
open TemplateHead
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "TemplateHead"
module TemplateMiddle = {
open TemplateMiddle
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "TemplateMiddle"
module TemplateTail = {
open TemplateTail
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "TemplateTail"
module OpenBraceToken = {
open OpenBraceToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "OpenBraceToken"
module CloseBraceToken = {
open CloseBraceToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "CloseBraceToken"
module OpenParenToken = {
open OpenParenToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "OpenParenToken"
module CloseParenToken = {
open CloseParenToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "CloseParenToken"
module OpenBracketToken = {
open OpenBracketToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "OpenBracketToken"
module CloseBracketToken = {
open CloseBracketToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "CloseBracketToken"
module DotToken = {
open DotToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "DotToken"
module DotDotDotToken = {
open DotDotDotToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "DotDotDotToken"
module SemicolonToken = {
open SemicolonToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "SemicolonToken"
module CommaToken = {
open CommaToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "CommaToken"
module QuestionDotToken = {
open QuestionDotToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "QuestionDotToken"
module LessThanToken = {
open LessThanToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "LessThanToken"
module LessThanSlashToken = {
open LessThanSlashToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "LessThanSlashToken"
module GreaterThanToken = {
open GreaterThanToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "GreaterThanToken"
module LessThanEqualsToken = {
open LessThanEqualsToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "LessThanEqualsToken"
module GreaterThanEqualsToken = {
open GreaterThanEqualsToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "GreaterThanEqualsToken"
module EqualsEqualsToken = {
open EqualsEqualsToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "EqualsEqualsToken"
module ExclamationEqualsToken = {
open ExclamationEqualsToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "ExclamationEqualsToken"
module EqualsEqualsEqualsToken = {
open EqualsEqualsEqualsToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "EqualsEqualsEqualsToken"
module ExclamationEqualsEqualsToken = {
open ExclamationEqualsEqualsToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "ExclamationEqualsEqualsToken"
module EqualsGreaterThanToken = {
open EqualsGreaterThanToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "EqualsGreaterThanToken"
module PlusToken = {
open PlusToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "PlusToken"
module MinusToken = {
open MinusToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "MinusToken"
module AsteriskToken = {
open AsteriskToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "AsteriskToken"
module AsteriskAsteriskToken = {
open AsteriskAsteriskToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "AsteriskAsteriskToken"
module SlashToken = {
open SlashToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "SlashToken"
module PercentToken = {
open PercentToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "PercentToken"
module PlusPlusToken = {
open PlusPlusToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "PlusPlusToken"
module MinusMinusToken = {
open MinusMinusToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "MinusMinusToken"
module LessThanLessThanToken = {
open LessThanLessThanToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "LessThanLessThanToken"
module GreaterThanGreaterThanToken = {
open GreaterThanGreaterThanToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "GreaterThanGreaterThanToken"
module GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanToken = {
open GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "GreaterThanGreaterThanGreaterThanToken"
module AmpersandToken = {
open AmpersandToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope("SyntaxKind") @val
external value: t = "AmpersandToken"
module BarToken = {
open BarToken
type t = t
type t0 = t
@module("typescript") @scope
View raw

(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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