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Git and Bash commands starter pack

Bash Commands

Making a directory

mkdir <directory-name>


mkdir hello-world

Deleting an empty directory

rmdir <directory-name>

Changing directories

cd <directory-name>


cd desktop/
cd hello-world/

A shorter way to perform the pervious example

cd desktop/hello-world/

Another helpful way to use cd is when you want to go back to the previous directory

cd ..

Creating a new file

touch <filename.extension>


touch index.html
touch styles.css

A shorter way to perform the previous example

touch index.html styles.css

Lists directory contents


Shows your current directory path


Git Commands

Initialize git repository in the current directory

git init .

Add all changes to staging

git add .

Add specific file to staging

git add file_name

Show difference in modified files not yet "added" to staging

git diff

Commit the "staged" files

git commit

Add comment to commit

git commit -m "modification note"

Show commit log

git log

Working with Branches

Show current branch

git branch

Creating a new branch

git branch new_branch_name

Switching to different branch

git checkout new_branch_name

A shorter way to perform the previous 2 commands

git checkout -b new_branch_name

Merging two branches

You want to be on the branch you want merged 'master', then merging branch_name into master

git merge branch_name

Working with a remote repo

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