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Created May 29, 2014 08:29
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Quickly extract information from remote client
Function Get-DiskInfo
$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
Function Get-ColorSplat
# Create color Splats
$C1 = @{ForegroundColor="Green";BackgroundColor="DarkGreen"}
$C2 = @{ForegroundColor="Yellow";BackgroundColor="DarkYellow"}
$C3 = @{ForegroundColor="White";BackgroundColor="DarkRed"}
$C4 = @{ForegroundColor="Blue";BackgroundColor="Gray"}
# Create color constants in the previous scope.
New-Variable -Name "Good" -Value $C1 -Scope 1
New-Variable -Name "Problem" -Value $C2 -Scope 1
New-Variable -Name "Bad" -Value $C3 -Scope 1
New-Variable -Name "Header" -Value $C4 -Scope 1
} # End: Get-ColorSplat
Function Write-ColorOutput
# Display the headers.
Write-host "DiskInfo | FreeSpaceGB | PercentFreeSpace"
# Display the data.
ForEach ($D in $DiskInfo)
$DeviceID = $D.DeviceID.PadRight(6)
$FSGB = $D.FreeSpaceGB.ToString().PadRight(6).Remove(5)
$PFS = $D.PercentFS.ToString().PadRight(6).Remove(5)
If ($D.PercentFS -ge 80)
{ Write-Host "$($DeviceID) | $($FSGB) | $($PFS)" @Good }
ElseIf (($D.PercentFS -lt 80) -and ($D.PercentFS -GE 60))
{ Write-Host "$($DeviceID) | $($FSGB) | $($PFS)" @Problem }
{ Write-Host "$($DeviceID) | $($FSGB) | $($PFS)" @Bad }
# Get the color splats
$DiskInfo = Get-WmiObject Win32_LogicalDisk -ComputerName $ComputerName |
Select-Object -Property DeviceID,
If (!$PassThru) {Write-ColorOutput -DiskInfo $DiskInfo}
Else {Write-Output $DiskInfo}
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