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  • Save caot/beef49b771b729422c5fa0a9f8dc6242 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save caot/beef49b771b729422c5fa0a9f8dc6242 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Workaround script for podman rm (--force) does not work anymore ("container state improper"/"invalid argument" when unmounting) and start neither, see
#set -x
# Define the list of containers you want to remove
containers=("nextcloud_redis_1" "nextcloud_db_1" "nextcloud_nc_1")
for container in "${containers[@]}"; do
echo "Now handling $container..."
# First attempt to forcefully remove the container
podman rm --force "$container"
# Check if the removal failed
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
# Extract the mount path from the error message
error_message=$(podman rm --force "$container" 2>&1)
mount_path=$(echo "$error_message" | grep -oE '/var/home/[^ ]+merged'| head -n 1)
echo "found mount_path=$mount_path"
# If a mount path was found, attempt to unmount it using tmpfs
if [ -n "$mount_path" ]; then
podman unshare mount -t tmpfs none "$mount_path"
podman rm --force "$container"
# Check if the unmounting failed due to a non-empty directory
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Backup/move $mount_path directory"
# Rename the directory if it's not empty
mv "$mount_path" "${mount_path}_backup"
# Finally, try to forcefully remove the container again
podman rm --force "$container"
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caot commented Mar 7, 2024

$ sh
Now handling container-maildev...
WARN[0000] Unmounting container "container-maildev" while attempting to delete storage: unmounting "/home/docker/.local/share/containers/storage/overlay/884ff6a18bfdc216f835dd5cef54e1ba413a6e0a9ad961a6869c735d0252e704/merged": invalid argument 
Error: removing storage for container "container-maildev": unmounting "/home/docker/.local/share/containers/storage/overlay/884ff6a18bfdc216f835dd5cef54e1ba413a6e0a9ad961a6869c735d0252e704/merged": invalid argument
found mount_path=
$ rm -r /home/docker/.local/share/containers/storage/overlay/884ff6a18bfdc216f835dd5cef54e1ba413a6e0a9ad961a6869c735d0252e704/merged
$ sh
Now handling container-maildev...
$ /home/docker/
WARN[0000] Failed to mount subscriptions, skipping entry in /usr/share/containers/mounts.conf: getting host subscription data: failed to read subscriptions from "/usr/share/rhel/secrets": open /usr/share/rhel/secrets/redhat.repo: permission denied 
$ podman container list
CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                             COMMAND               CREATED        STATUS                  PORTS                                           NAMES
dc2ac7a9aa19  bin/maildev --mai...  2 minutes ago  Up 2 minutes (healthy)>1025/tcp,>1080/tcp  container-maildev

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