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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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<img src="meet01.png" width="50%">
<section style="height:100vh;">
<img src="meet01.png" width="50%">
<p>There are ten people, labeled A through J.</p>
<section style="height:100vh;">
<img src="meet01.png" width="50%">
<p>They come in pairs. A and B are a couple. C and D are a couple, and so on.
<section style="height:100vh;">
<img src="meet01.png" width="50%">
<p>They show up to a party and start meeting each other. J is a math nerd who pays close attention.</p>
<section style="height:100vh;">
<img src="meet01.png" width="50%">
<p>After an hour J proposes a problem.</p>
<section style="height:100vh;">
<img src="meet01.png" width="50%">
<p>He knows that out of everyone in the room not including himself, there is exactly one person who met no one, exactly one person who met one other person...</p>
<section style="height:100vh;">
<img src="meet01.png" width="50%">
<p>...exactly one person who met two other people, all the way through exactly one person who met all eight other people.</p>
<section style="height:100vh;">
<img src="meet01.png" width="50%">
<p>All he wants to know is how many new people his wife met.</p>
<img src="meet01.png" width="50%">
<section style="height:100vh;">
<img src="meet01.png" width="50%">
<p>The chart above represents introductions. If there is an x in row D, column H, that means D and H have met.</p>
<section style="height:100vh;">
<img src="meet02wrong.png" width="50%">
<p>We know someone met all 8 people. If it was I, J's wife, then there's no one left who hasn't met anyone! It can't be her.</p>
<section style="height:100vh;">
<img src="meet02.png" width="50%">
<p>Since everyone else is interchangeable at this point, it doesn't change anything to assume it was A.</p>
<section style="height:100vh;">
<img src="meet03.png" width="50%">
<p>Similarly, there is someone who met no one. Clearly it has to be B since A met everyone else!</p>
<section style="height:100vh;">
<img src="meet04wrong.png" width="50%">
<p>There is also someone who met exactly 7 people. If it happened to be I, then there would be no one left who could have met only one person. It can't be her.</p>
<section style="height:100vh;">
<img src="meet04.png" width="50%">
<p>The rest are all indistinguishable, so it makes no difference to the problem who met 7 people. Let's assume it was C.
<section style="height:100vh;">
<img src="meet05.png" width="50%">
<p>The only person left who could have met only one person is D.</p>
<section style="height:100vh;">
<img src="meet06wrong.png" width="50%">
<p>You can probably guess what's next. If I was the person who met exactly 6 people, there's no one left who could have met only 2. It still can't be her.</p>
<section style="height:100vh;">
<img src="meet06.png" width="50%">
<p>Instead, it was either E, F, G or H who met 6 people. It doesn't matter who we pick, so let's say it was E.
<section style="height:100vh;">
<img src="meet07.png" width="50%">
<p>Then only F could have met 2 people.</p>
<section style="height:100vh;">
<img src="meet08wrong.png" width="50%">
<p>Someone has to have met 5 people, and you're right, it's not I. If it was her then no one could have met only 3 people.</p>
<section style="height:100vh;">
<img src="meet08.png" width="50%">
<p>That means either G or H met 5 people. It makes no difference who it was, so let's say it was G.</p>
<section style="height:100vh;">
<img src="meet09.png" width="50%">
<p>Then H had to meet 3 people.</p>
<section style="height:100vh;">
<img src="meet10.png" width="50%">
<p>Finally there's only I. She had to meet 4 people.</p>
<section style="height:100vh;">
<img src="meet11.png" width="50%">
<p>Interestingly, we know that J met 4 people as well. That's pretty good for a math nerd.</p>
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