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Created December 17, 2012 19:05
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sets title tab intelligently in zsh/iterm2
#!/bin/zsh -f
# This is the successor to settab and settitle functions (as well as the chpwd function).
# It avoids the explicit definition and use of special functions such as
# chpwd, precmd, preexec, instead setting appropriate arrays. This is to prevent conflicts
# with user's prompt functions and so forth.
# This is designed to put by default the computer name and whole directory path
# into the title bar (and if availble) the $PWD and penultimate directory
# in the tab. Also enables transient display of a running command (eg vim).
# Currently works with iTerm (OSX) and konsole (KDE) tabs, and should work
# with any standard X-like term (and Apple's
# Created by William G. Scott.
# Copyright (c) 2007. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
# cf. URL:
function set_title_tab {
function settab {
# file settab -- invoked only if iTerm or Konsole is running
# Set iterm window tab to current directory and penultimate directory if the
# shell process is running. Truncate to leave the rightmost $rlength characters.
# Use with functions settitle (to set iterm title bar to current directory)
# and chpwd
if [[ $TERM_PROGRAM == && -z "$KONSOLE_DCOP_SESSION" ]];then
# The $rlength variable prints only the 20 rightmost characters. Otherwise iTerm truncates
# what appears in the tab from the left.
# Chage the following to change the string that actually appears in the tab:
rlength="20" # number of characters to appear before truncation from the left
echo -ne "\e]1;${(l:rlength:)tab_label}\a"
# For KDE konsole tabs
# Chage the following to change the string that actually appears in the tab:
rlength="20" # number of characters to appear before truncation from the left
# If we have a functioning KDE console, set the tab in the same way
if [[ -n "$KONSOLE_DCOP_SESSION" && ( -x $(which dcop) ) ]];then
dcop "$KONSOLE_DCOP_SESSION" renameSession "${(l:rlength:)tab_label}"
: # do nothing if tabs don't exist
function settitle {
# Function "settitle" -- set the title of the iterm title bar. use with chpwd and settab
# Change the following string to change what appears in the Title Bar label:
# Prints the host name, two colons, absolute path for current directory
# Change the title bar label dynamically:
echo -ne "\e]2;[zsh] $title_lab\a"
# Set tab and title bar dynamically using above-defined functions
function title_tab_chpwd { settab ; settitle }
# Now we need to run it:
# Set tab or title bar label transiently to the currently running command
if [[ "$TERM_PROGRAM" == "" ]];then
function title_tab_preexec { echo -ne "\e]1; $(history $HISTCMD | cut -b7- ) \a" }
function title_tab_precmd { settab }
function title_tab_preexec { echo -ne "\e]2; $(history $HISTCMD | cut -b7- ) \a" }
function title_tab_precmd { settitle }
# Use reserved named arrays instead of special functions if the ZSH version is 4.3.4 or above
typeset -ga preexec_functions
typeset -ga precmd_functions
typeset -ga chpwd_functions
# Otherwise we need to do this for older versions of zsh:
if [[ $ZSH_VERSION < 4.3.4 ]];then
function preexec { $preexec_functions }
function precmd { $precmd_functions }
function chpwd { $chpwd_functions }
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matt3o commented Mar 11, 2017

In my case this did not work with Oh-my-zsh, the issue is related to:
--> it redirects the history command and thus history from now on will always be printed.
Sadly I have not found any workaround, if anybody has ideas I'd love to hear them. For now I'll integrate the truncation of the title directly.

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