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Last active November 14, 2019 06:31
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My first org file

spacemacs cheetsheet


SPC b h

open new buffer


next buffer

SPC b n

previous buffer

SPC b p

kill buffer

SPC b d

save buffer as file

SPC f s

split window right

SPC w /

switch between window

SPC w w

list all current and recent buffers

SPC b b

helm: find files

SPC f f

edit dotfile

SPC f e d

install packages in dotfile

SPC f e R

open shell prompt


open (spac)emacs in terminal window

$ emacs -nw

restart spacemacs


org cheatsheet (collapsible w/ tab or shift-tab)



this is text under sub-bullet

  1. this
  2. is a
  3. numbered list, changeable with shift+arrow

This is a new bullet made w/ C-enter


create table w/ SPC m t n

data goes herecolumn width resized w/ tabcol movablenew col inserted
w/ SPC m t H/Lw/ SPC m t i c

see README.html#tables for more hotkeys

this is a to-do task

this is a done task changed w/ t

new task made w/ T (/ & % enabled w/ ,,) [1/3] [33%]

  • [ ] subtask 1
  • [ ] subtask 2 made w/ T
  • [X] close subtasks w/ C-c C-c or ,,

move tasks


new task


go to agendas view

SPC a o a

this task has a deadline


this task is scheduled later


start pomodoro timer

SPC m p

clock-out pomodoro timer

SPC a o O

insert source code

C-c C-, s

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import antigravity

open file tree

SPC f t

add tags

C-c C-c

add links


store link to this header

org-store-link or SPC a o l

insert link to stored header: store link to this header

org-insert-link or , i l

insert footnote[fn:1]

, i f




track org file w/ org-agenda. see org-agenda-files

C-c [

org-agenda options

SPC a o o


SPC a o a

global list of todo items

SPC a o t

filter todo items by tag

SPC a o o m


SPC C c or SPC a o c

insert plantuml


orgmode for GTD

insert plantuml diagram of orgmode methodology here

see Org for GTD and other Task managment systems

Custom todo states

Undefined try & take over the world

Icebox find a duck & hose at this hour

Backlog get the Spice Girls into the paella

WIP thinking what brain’s thinking

Blocked if we didn’t have ears we’d look like weasels

V&V find rubber pants our size

Backlog assign uuid


Blocked assign blocker id

Backlog trigger todo state when done

changing state to Done triggers state change in “assign blocker id” to V&V

GTD tags

Backlog some task that requires internet

Backlog some task that requires being at home

misc packages/layers


spacemacs installation notes

clone repo & checkout spacemacs develop branch

git clone ~/.emacs.d
git checkout develop

run emacs & select options to configure spacemacs theme


rename .spacemacs.d file as init.el

mv ~/.spacemacs.d/ ~/init.el

make new directory, .spacemacs.d/, and move init.el into .spacemacs.d/ folder

mkdir ~/.spacemacs.d
mv ~/init.el ~/.spacemacs.d/init.el


[fn:1] this is a footnote

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