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Last active April 1, 2021 20:30
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plantuml template for specifying stakeholder needs & user stories
# Asciidoctor

m30ml-to-PlantUML Liquid Templates

Liquid templates and example data for generating PlantUML diagrams, using the Mach 30 Modeling Language (m30ml).

Installation & Usage

This project uses LiquiDoc - a build tool for the Liquid template language.

Using Bundler

Refer to the LiquiDoc Installation guide for installing LiquiDoc as a RubyGems, then run the following bundler command:

bundle exec liquidoc -d example-user-story-1.yml -t user-story.puml.liquid -o user-story-1.puml

Using Docker

Alternatively, you can run the following docker command to generate a user-story in PlantUML:

docker run --rm --volume $PWD:/src -w "/src" capsulecorplab/asciidoctor-extended:liquidoc 'bundle exec liquidoc -d example-user-story-1.yml -t user-story.puml.liquid -o user-story-1.puml'
id: 1
name: "Linux Kernel Development"
statement: "Linux kernel development should allow for multiple contributions without losing track of state of the linux kernel."
derivedFrom: []
id: 1
name: "Version Control (Example 1)"
actor: "kernel developer"
behavior: "commit changes to content in a file system as a directed acyclic graph data structure"
rationale: "revert changes in the future, if need be"
- "example-stakeholder-need.yaml"
example: "."
id: 2
name: "Version Control (Example 2)"
actor: "kernel developer"
behavior: "commit changes to content in a file system as a directed acyclic graph data structure"
rationale: "work in parallel with other team members"
- "example-stakeholder-need.yaml"
example: "."
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