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Last active July 25, 2019 19:27
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Generic GitHub contributing guide

How to contribute

Submitting features or changes

If you’ve been added as a collaborator, clone the project to your local machine:

git clone{project-owner}/{project-name}.git

Otherwise, fork the project ({project-owner}/{project-name}/fork), then clone your forked project to your local machine:

git clone{your-username}/{project-name}.git

Checkout dev branch to create a new feature branch. Use the branch naming scheme, dash-separated-feature-title-issue-no:

git checkout dev
git checkout -b add-logarithms-42

Stage and commit your changes with a present tense commit message - preferably one that’s no more than 50 characters in length and all lowercased (unless warranted, otherwise):

git add <files-to-be-staged>
git commit -m "add logarithms"

Push new feature branch to origin:

git push origin add-logarithms-42

If you already have an in-progress feature branch in origin and your dev branch becomes out of date, fetch and rebase your working branch off origin/dev, then force push with lease:

Note: if you forked your project, you will first need to update the origin of your forked project

git fetch origin
git rebase origin/dev
git push origin add-logarithms-42 --force-with-lease

Updating the origin of your forked project

Update the origin of your forked project by first configuring a remote that points to the original repository which we will call upstream:

git remote add upstream{project-owner}/{project-name}.git

Fetch all changes from upstream, checkout dev branch, then rebase off upstream/dev to update your local dev branch:

git fetch upstream
git checkout dev
git rebase upstream/dev

Force push changes to your forked origin:

git push -f origin dev

Submitting a pull request (PR)

  1. Submit a PR on GitHub, by setting your feature branch as the head branch and dev as the base branch.

  2. Connect PR to its corresponding issue that it closes.

  3. Assign a reviewer.

  4. Reviewer will delete feature branch once it’s been merged.

Coming soon…​

Continuous Integration (CI) will be setup to verify whether dev can be merged into master, to ensure only commits with working builds remain in the master branch.

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