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Last active October 13, 2020 19:32
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DamCTF 2020 - Malware Phase 2 Solution Script
from Crypto.Cipher import ARC4
import sys
# read in malware
with open(sys.argv[1], "rb") as f:
data =
# get data
config_block = data[0x51a0:0x5394]
key_len = 32
config_key = data[0x4010:0x4010+key_len]
chunk_len = 50
# chunk[0] & 0x4, encrypted
# chunk[0] & 0x8, decrypted
def fun_00101a19(key, chunk):
cipher =
indata_00 = list(chunk[1:])
indata = b"\x00" * 0x31
indata = list(cipher.decrypt(indata))
for i in range(48, -1, -1):
iVar2 = (indata[i] + i) % 49
uVar1 = indata_00[i]
indata_00[i] = indata_00[iVar2]
indata_00[iVar2] = uVar1
return cipher.decrypt(bytes(indata_00))
for i in range(len(config_block)//chunk_len):
plaintext = fun_00101a19(config_key, config_block[i*chunk_len:(i+1)*chunk_len])
key = plaintext[:4].decode()
val = plaintext[4:].decode().split("\x00")[0]
print(f"{key} = {val}")
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