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Created October 21, 2022 18:17
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{movements_description: "", masters_content: "<div id="block_6212d75f05676" class="wodsteps ">
<div class="wodsteps-viewslider owl-carousel owl-theme-black">
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">1. Morning Movement &#8211; For Completion</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>5:00 Run @ Forever Pace*<br /> Every Minute, starting at 1:00, Perform 12 Jump Squats<br />
Then<br /> 1:00 Noes and Toes Hold<br /> into<br /> Sun Salutations – Follow along with Austin and
Caroline <strong><a href="">HERE!</a></strong><br /> The
goal with Morning Movement is to warm your body up, take your time when moving through this and
focus more on quality and control rather than speed. Move with intention.</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">2. Warm Up &#8211; For Completion</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>Lat Smash 1:30/ Side<br /> T-Spine Opener on Foam roller 2:00<br /> Then<br /> 2 Rounds<br /> 200m
Ski<br /> 10 Empty Bar Thrusters<br /> 10 Bar Facing Burpees</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">3. Strength &#8211; For Weight</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>Clean and Jerk<br /> 3 @65%<br /> 3 @67.5%<br /> 3 @70%<br /> 3 @72.5%<br /> 3 @75%<br /> 3 @77.5%<br /> 3
@65%<br /> Drop and Reset</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">4. MAFF Session &#8211; For Reps</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>All on a Rower:<br /> &#8211;<br /> MAFF Session<br /> Warm Up<br /> 5:00, Heart Rate @ (160-age)<br /> 5:00,
Heart Rate @ (165-age)<br /> 5:00, Slowly Build Heart Rate to (180-age)<br /> Rest/mobilize/hydrate for
5:00<br /> then,<br /> 45:00 w/ Heart Rate @ 180-age<br /> then,<br /> Cool Down &#8211; SAF (slow af) 12-15
Minutes<br /> Score is average Wattage.<br /> <em>Pacing: Sustain</em></p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">Pick from the following:</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>Masters<br /> 1-2</p>
<p>ADM<br /> 0-1</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">5. Conditioning &#8211; For Reps</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>AMRAP 8 Minutes<br /> 1 Rope Climb<br /> 12 Wallballs 20/14lbs to 10/9&#8242;<br /> 2 Rope Climbs<br /> 15
Wallballs<br /> 3 Rope Climbs<br /> 18 Wallballs<br /> 4/21, 5/24, 6/27, etc.<br /> Continue adding 1 Rope
Climb and 3 Wallballs each round.<br /> *ADM Athletes Use 14/10lbs to 10/9&#8242;<br /> <em>Duration:
Short<br /> Feel: Gas<br /> Pacing: Sustain</em></p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">6. Interval &#8211; For Time</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>2 Rounds<br /> 10/8 Muscle Ups<br /> 20/15 Calorie Ski<br /> 120 Double Unders<br /> 20/15 Calorie Ski<br />
10/8 Muscle Ups<br /> Rest 3:00<br /> &#8211;<br /> Age Division Modification<br /> 2 Rounds<br /> 15 Chest
to Bar Pull Ups<br /> 20/15 Calorie Ski<br /> 120 Double Unders<br /> 20/15 Calorie Ski<br /> 15 Chest to
Bar Pull Ups<br /> Rest 3:00<br /> <em>Duration: Medium<br /> Feel: Muscular Overload<br /> Pacing:
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">7. Skill &#8211; For Completion</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>3 Rounds<br /> X 30&#8242; HS Walk Speed Shuttles<br /> Rest 3:00<br /> Set up a 30&#8242; section and HS
Walk back and forth with fast transitions until you break or have to rest.<br /> If you are less skilled,
set up 5&#8242; sections that you can use as checkpoints.</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">8. Optional Accessory &#8211; For Completion</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>EMOM 10 Minutes<br /> 1-5 Strict Toes to Bar<br /> 2- 10 Strict Ring Dip<br /> Then<br /> EMOM 6
Minutes<br /> 1-:30 Lunge Pulse (right leg)<br /> 2-:30 Lunge pulse (left leg)</p>
<div class="wodsteps-viewlist">
<div class="wodsteps-viewlist__header"> <a href="#" aria-hidden="true"
class="button button-secondary button-full toggle-viewlist">Show List View</a> </div>
<div class="wodsteps-viewlist__content" style="display: none"> </div>
</div> ", after_wod_content: "", garage_content: "<div id="block_6212d75f05677" class="wodsteps ">
<div class="wodsteps-viewslider owl-carousel owl-theme-black">
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">1. Warm Up &#8211; For Completion</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>Lat Smash 1:30/ Side<br /> T-Spine Opener on Foam roller 2:00<br /> Then<br /> 2 Rounds<br /> 200m
Ski<br /> 10 Empty Bar Thrusters<br /> 10 Bar Facing Burpees</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">2. Strength &#8211; For Weight</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>Clean and Jerk<br /> 3 @65%<br /> 3 @67.5%<br /> 3 @70%<br /> 3 @72.5%<br /> 3 @75%<br /> 3 @77.5%<br />
3 @65%<br /> Drop and Reset</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">3. Interval &#8211; For Time</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>2 Rounds<br /> 8 Muscle Ups<br /> 21/16 Calorie Ski<br /> 100 Double Unders<br /> 21/16 Calorie Ski<br /> 8
Muscle Ups<br /> Rest 3:00<br /> <em>Duration: Medium<br /> Feel: Muscular Overload<br /> Pacing:
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">4. Skill &#8211; For Completion</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>3 Rounds<br /> X 25&#8242; HS Walk Speed Shuttles<br /> Rest 3:00<br /> Set up a 25&#8242; section and HS
Walk back and forth with fast transitions until you break or have to rest. More than :15 between shuttles
means you should take a 3:00 rest.</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">Pick 0-1 of the following:</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>*Swipe to see options*</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">5. Morning Movement &#8211; For Completion</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>5:00 Run @ Forever Pace*<br /> Every Minute, starting at 1:00, Perform 12 Jump Squats<br /> Then<br /> 1:00
Noes and Toes Hold<br /> into<br /> Sun Salutations – Follow along with Austin and Caroline <strong><a
href="">HERE!</a></strong><br /> The goal with Morning
Movement is to warm your body up, take your time when moving through this and focus more on quality and
control rather than speed. Move with intention.</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">6. Conditioning &#8211; For Reps</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>AMRAP 8 Minutes<br /> 1 Rope Climb<br /> 9 Wallballs 30/20lbs to 10/9&#8242;<br /> 2 Rope Climbs<br /> 11
Wallballs<br /> 3 Rope Climbs<br /> 13 Wallballs<br /> 4/15, 5/17, 6/19, etc.<br /> Continue adding 1 Rope
Climb and 2 Wallballs each round.<br /> <em>Duration: Short<br /> Feel: Gas<br /> Pacing: Sustain</em></p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">7. MAFF Session &#8211; For Reps</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>All on a Rower:<br /> &#8211;<br /> MAFF Session<br /> Warm Up<br /> 5:00, Heart Rate @ (160-age)<br /> 5:00,
Heart Rate @ (165-age)<br /> 5:00, Slowly Build Heart Rate to (180-age)<br /> Rest/mobilize/hydrate for
5:00<br /> then,<br /> 45:00 w/ Heart Rate @ 180-age<br /> then,<br /> Cool Down &#8211; SAF (slow af) 12-15
Minutes<br /> Score is average Wattage.<br /> <em>Pacing: Sustain</em></p>
<div class="wodsteps-viewlist">
<div class="wodsteps-viewlist__header"> <a href="#" aria-hidden="true"
class="button button-secondary button-full toggle-viewlist">Show List View</a> </div>
<div class="wodsteps-viewlist__content" style="display: none"> </div>
</div> ", plus_content: "<div id="block_6212d75f05675" class="wodsteps ">
<div class="wodsteps-viewslider owl-carousel owl-theme-black">
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">1. Morning Movement &#8211; For Completion</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>5:00 Run @ Forever Pace*<br /> Every Minute, starting at 1:00, Perform 12 Jump Squats<br />
Then<br /> 1:00 Noes and Toes Hold<br /> into<br /> Sun Salutations – Follow along with Austin and
Caroline <strong><a href="">HERE!</a></strong><br /> The
goal with Morning Movement is to warm your body up, take your time when moving through this and
focus more on quality and control rather than speed. Move with intention.</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">2. Warm Up &#8211; For Completion</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>Lat Smash 1:30/ Side<br /> T-Spine Opener on Foam roller 2:00<br /> Then<br /> 2 Rounds<br /> 200m
Ski<br /> 10 Empty Bar Thrusters<br /> 10 Bar Facing Burpees</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">3. Strength &#8211; For Weight</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>Clean and Jerk<br /> 3 @65%<br /> 3 @67.5%<br /> 3 @70%<br /> 3 @72.5%<br /> 3 @75%<br /> 3 @77.5%<br /> 3
@65%<br /> Drop and Reset</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">4. Interval &#8211; For Time</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>2 Rounds<br /> 10 Muscle Ups<br /> 25/20 Calorie Ski<br /> 120 Double Unders<br /> 25/20 Calorie Ski<br /> 10
Muscle Ups<br /> Rest 3:00<br /> <em>Duration: Medium<br /> Feel: Muscular Overload<br /> Pacing:
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">Pick 1-2 of the following:</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>*Swipe to see options*</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">5. Conditioning &#8211; For Reps</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>AMRAP 8 Minutes<br /> 1 Rope Climb<br /> 12 Wallballs 30/20lbs to 10/9&#8242;<br /> 2 Rope Climbs<br /> 15
Wallballs<br /> 3 Rope Climbs<br /> 18 Wallballs<br /> 4/21, 5/24, 6/27, etc.<br /> Continue adding 1 Rope
Climb and 3 Wallballs each round.<br /> <em>Duration: Short<br /> Feel: Gas<br /> Pacing: Sustain</em></p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">6. MAFF Session &#8211; For Reps</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>All on a Rower:<br /> &#8211;<br /> MAFF Session<br /> Warm Up<br /> 5:00, Heart Rate @ (160-age)<br /> 5:00,
Heart Rate @ (165-age)<br /> 5:00, Slowly Build Heart Rate to (180-age)<br /> Rest/mobilize/hydrate for
5:00<br /> then,<br /> 45:00 w/ Heart Rate @ 180-age<br /> then,<br /> Cool Down &#8211; SAF (slow af) 12-15
Minutes<br /> Score is average Wattage.<br /> <em>Pacing: Sustain</em></p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">7. Skill &#8211; For Completion</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>3 Rounds<br /> X 30&#8242; HS Walk Speed Shuttles<br /> Rest 3:00<br /> Set up a 30&#8242; section and HS
Walk back and forth with fast transitions until you break or have to rest. More than :15 between shuttles
means you should take a 3:00 rest.</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">8. Optional Accessory &#8211; For Completion</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>EMOM 10 Minutes<br /> 1-5 Strict Toes to Bar<br /> 2- 10 Strict Ring Dip<br /> Then<br /> EMOM 6
Minutes<br /> 1-:30 Lunge Pulse (right leg)<br /> 2-:30 Lunge pulse (left leg)</p>
<div class="wodsteps-viewlist">
<div class="wodsteps-viewlist__header"> <a href="#" aria-hidden="true"
class="button button-secondary button-full toggle-viewlist">Show List View</a> </div>
<div class="wodsteps-viewlist__content" style="display: none"> </div>
</div> ", team_content: "<div id="block_6212d76005679" class="wodsteps ">
<div class="wodsteps-viewslider owl-carousel owl-theme-black">
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">1. Morning Movement &#8211; For Completion</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>5:00 Run @ Forever Pace*<br /> Every Minute, starting at 1:00, Perform 12 Jump Squats<br />
Then<br /> 1:00 Noes and Toes Hold<br /> into<br /> Sun Salutations – Follow along with Austin and
Caroline <strong><a href="">HERE!</a></strong><br /> The
goal with Morning Movement is to warm your body up, take your time when moving through this and
focus more on quality and control rather than speed. Move with intention.</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">2. Warm Up &#8211; For Completion</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>Lat Smash 1:30/ Side<br /> T-Spine Opener on Foam roller 2:00<br /> Then<br /> 2 Rounds<br /> 200m
Ski<br /> 10 Empty Bar Thrusters<br /> 10 Bar Facing Burpees</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">3. Strength &#8211; For Weight</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>Clean and Jerk<br /> 3 @65%<br /> 3 @67.5%<br /> 3 @70%<br /> 3 @72.5%<br /> 3 @75%<br /> 3 @77.5%<br /> 3
@65%<br /> Drop and Reset</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">4a. 16/17 Age Group Conditioning 1 &#8211; For Time</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>2 Rounds<br /> 8/7 Muscle Ups<br /> 20/16 Calorie Ski<br /> 120 Double Unders<br /> 20/16 Calorie Ski<br />
8/7 Muscle Ups<br /> Rest 3:00<br /> <em>Duration: Medium<br /> Feel: Muscular Overload<br /> Pacing:
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">4b. 14/15 Age Group Conditioning 1 &#8211; For Time</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>2 Rounds<br /> 7/6 Muscle Ups<br /> 18/14 Calorie Ski<br /> 120 Double Unders<br /> 18/14 Calorie Ski<br />
7/6 Muscle Ups<br /> Rest 3:00<br /> <em>Duration: Medium<br /> Feel: Muscular Overload<br /> Pacing:
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">5. Conditioning 2 &#8211; For Reps</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>All on a Rower:<br /> &#8211;<br /> MAFF Session<br /> Warm Up<br /> 5:00, Heart Rate @ (160-age)<br /> 5:00,
Heart Rate @ (165-age)<br /> 5:00, Slowly Build Heart Rate to (180-age)<br /> Rest/mobilize/hydrate for
5:00<br /> then,<br /> 45:00 w/ Heart Rate @ 180-age<br /> then,<br /> Cool Down &#8211; SAF (slow af) 12-15
Minutes&#8221;<br /> Score is average Wattage.<br /> <em>Pacing: Sustain</em></p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">Pick 0-1 of the following:</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>*Swipe to see options*</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">6. 16/17 Age Group Conditioning 3 &#8211; For Reps</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>AMRAP 8 Minutes<br /> 1 Rope Climb<br /> 12 Wallballs 20/14lbs to 10/9&#8242;<br /> 2 Rope Climbs<br /> 15
Wallballs<br /> 3 Rope Climbs<br /> 18 Wallballs<br /> 4/21, 5/24, 6/27, etc.<br /> Continue adding 1 Rope
Climb and 3 Wallballs each round.<br /> *14/15 Age Group: 14/10lb Medicine Ball<br /> <em>Duration:
Short<br /> Feel: Gas<br /> Pacing: Sustain</em></p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">7. Skill &#8211; For Completion</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>3 Rounds<br /> X 20&#8242; HS Walk Speed Shuttles<br /> Rest 3:00<br /> Set up a 20&#8242; section and HS
Walk back and forth with fast transitions until you break or have to rest.<br /> If you are less skilled,
set up 5&#8242; sections that you can use as checkpoints.<br /> 20 Set Cap (400&#8242; of HS Walk)</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">8. Optional Accessory &#8211; For Completion</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>EMOM 10 Minutes<br /> 1-5 Strict Toes to Bar<br /> 2- 10 Strict Ring Dip<br /> Then<br /> EMOM 6
Minutes<br /> 1-:30 Lunge Pulse (right leg)<br /> 2-:30 Lunge pulse (left leg)</p>
<div class="wodsteps-viewlist">
<div class="wodsteps-viewlist__header"> <a href="#" aria-hidden="true"
class="button button-secondary button-full toggle-viewlist">Show List View</a> </div>
<div class="wodsteps-viewlist__content" style="display: none"> </div>
</div> ", before_wod_content: "<div class="responsive-embed">
<div class="embed-container is-style-ratio-16-9"><iframe
src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope;
picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>
<p>Comp Block 1 has arrived! Today Team Misfit athlete Halli Holgersson is going to take you through a Crossfit interval
WOD with Muscle Ups, C2 Ski Erg and Double Unders. Can you beat him?</p>
<h3 class="wodstep__title">Misfit Athletics CB1 Week 1 Day 1</h3>
<p>Miss the Phase 4 Podcast? Check it out <strong><a
href="">HERE</a></strong>.</p> ", regionals_content: "<div
id="block_6212d76005678" class="wodsteps ">
<div class="wodsteps-viewslider owl-carousel owl-theme-black">
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">1. Warm Up &#8211; For Completion</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>Seal Stretch 1:00<br /> 20 Thick Banded Goodmornings<br /> Then<br /> Every 1:30 For 6:00<br /> 3
Wall Walks<br /> 10 Jumping Lunges<br /> :10 AAB Sprint</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">2. Strength- For Weight</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>Warm up to a Deficit Deadlift Single between 70-80%<br /> then<br /> Every 2:00 for 20:00<br /> 3 Deficit
Deadlift @60%<br /> 3 Seated Box Jumps for Power<br /> &#8211;<br /> Knee and hip angle while seated
should be 90 degrees &#8211; box height does not matter as long as you&#8217;re being explosive in your
jump<br /> For the deadlift, Tempo Down, Speed up. Use a deficit that allows you to start in a safe
setup position based on your flexibility and body type.<br /> The goal of these sets is to work on leg
drive off the floor and aggressive knee extension and glute activation as the bar passes the knee.</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">2m. Scaling and Modifications</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p><strong>DB/KB Modifications:</strong><br /> Every 2:00 for 20:00<br /> 6 DB/KB Deadlifts AHAP<br /> 3 Seated
Box Jumps for power<br /> <strong>Low Weight Barbell Modifications:</strong><br /> 6 Deficit Deadlifts Up to
60%<br /> 3 Seated Box Jumps for Power</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">3. Conditioning &#8211; For Rounds and Reps</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>AMRAP 18 Minutes<br /> 8 Handstand Push Ups<br /> 12 Bar Facing Burpees<br /> 50&#8242; Front Rack Lunge
95/65lbs<br /> Lunges performed 25&#8242; out 25&#8242; back</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">3m. Scaling and Modifications</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p><strong>Scaling:</strong><br /> &#8211; 8 Push Ups<br /> &#8211; 5 HSPU (1 set)<br /> &#8211; Front Rack
Lunge 75/55lbs<br /> <strong>Modifications:</strong><br /> HSPU:<br /> &#8211; DB Push Press 50/35lbs<br />
&#8211; Barbell Push Press 95/65lbs<br /> Burpees:<br /> &#8211; Burpees to 6&#8243; Target<br /> &#8211; 12
Calorie on any machine<br /> Lunges:<br /> &#8211; 50&#8242; Goblet Lunge 50/35lbs<br /> &#8211; 75&#8242;
Bodyweight Lunge</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">4. Skill &#8211; For Time</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>5 Rounds<br /> 16 Unbroken Toes to Bar<br /> 12:00 Cap &#8211; Scale to stay below cap</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">4m. Scaling and Modifications</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p><strong>Scaling:</strong><br /> Pick 5 sets of toes to bar that will challenge you to keep unbroken in less
than 12:00<br /> <strong>Modifications:</strong><br /> &#8211; 16 V-ups<br /> &#8211; 20 GHD Sit Ups<br />
&#8211; Accumulate 6:00 Plank</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">Pick 0-1 of the following:</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>*Swipe to see options*</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">5. Interval &#8211; For Time</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>3 Rounds<br /> Run 300m<br /> 50&#8242; Farmer&#8217;s Carry HAF<br /> 25 OH Squats 75/60lbs<br /> Rest
3:00<br /> Carry should be extremely taxing and very difficult to complete in one unbroken 50&#8242;
section, possibly requiring 2-3 sets in rounds 2-3.</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">5m. Scaling and Modifications</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p><strong>Scaling:</strong><br /> &#8211; Empty bar OHS<br /> <strong>Modifications:</strong><br /> Run:<br />
&#8211; 20 Calorie Machine<br /> &#8211; 100 Double Unders<br /> Farmer&#8217;s Carry:<br /> &#8211;
50&#8242; Sandbag Carry 150/100lbs<br /> &#8211; 50&#8242; Double OH DB/KB Carry AHAP<br /> OHS:<br />
&#8211; 25 Single DB OHS 50/35lbs</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">6. Bitch Work &#8211; For Reps</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p>2 Rounds<br /> Max Calorie AAB in :18<br /> Rest 3:00<br /> Max Calorie AAB in :15<br /> Rest 3:00<br /> Max
Calorie AAB in :12<br /> Rest 6:00</p>
<div class="wodstep">
<h3 class="wodstep__title"">6m. Scaling and Modifications</h3> <div class=" wodstep__content">
<p><strong>Modifications:</strong><br /> &#8211; Max Calorie C2 Machine in :30/:25/:20<br /> &#8211; Max effort
200/150/100m sprints</p>
<div class="wodsteps-viewlist">
<div class="wodsteps-viewlist__header"> <a href="#" aria-hidden="true"
class="button button-secondary button-full toggle-viewlist">Show List View</a> </div>
<div class="wodsteps-viewlist__content" style="display: none"> </div>
</div> "}
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