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Created March 3, 2015 03:03
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anaglyph.plot <- function(x,y,z,left="red",right="cyan",depth="med",style="pop-out",type="p",...) {
if (depth=="low") {
scale <- 0.1
} else if (depth=="med") {
scale <- 0.2
} else if (depth=="high") {
scale <- 0.5
if (style=="pop-in") {
shift <- 1
} else if (style=="none") {
shift <- 0.5
} else if (style=="pop-out") {
shift <- 0
# convert z-values to adjustment (between 0 and 1)
adjust <- ((z - min(z))/(max(z)-min(z))-shift)*scale
xy1 <- xy.coords(x+adjust/2,y)
xy2 <- xy.coords(x-adjust/2,y)
plot(xy1, col=right,...)
plot.xy(xy2, col=left, type=type,...)
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