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Created April 18, 2013 13:51
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Here's some alternative look at JSON-like metadata.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
using namespace std;
class ISerializable
string str() const {return *this;}
virtual operator string() const = 0;
virtual ISerializable& operator=(const string&) = 0;
virtual ~ISerializable() {} /*= default;*/ // OMG MS wake up
template<typename T>
class Serializable: public ISerializable
Serializable(const T& t): _t(t) {}
Serializable& operator=(const T& t)
_t = t;
operator string() const
ostringstream oss;
oss << _t;
return oss.str();
ISerializable& ISerializable::operator =( const string& s)
istringstream iss(s);
iss >> _t;
return *this;
T _t;
class Node
typedef shared_ptr<ISerializable> ptr_type;
Node(ISerializable* s): _value(s) {}
Node& set(ISerializable* p)
return *this;
Node& add(ISerializable* p)
return *this;
Node() {}
template<typename T>
Node& operator =(const T& t)
return set(new Serializable<T>(t));
Node& operator =(const string::value_type t[])
return set(new Serializable<string>(string(t)));
template<typename T>
Node& operator ,(const T& t)
return add(new Serializable<T>(t));
Node& operator ,(const string::value_type t[])
return add(new Serializable<string>(string(t)));
Node& operator ()(const string& s)
return _dict[s];
Node& operator ,(const Node& n)
return *this;
const Node& operator ()(const string& s) const
const auto it = _dict.find(s);
return it == _dict.end() ? _dummy : it->second;
const Node& operator[](size_t i) const
return (i > array_size()) ? _dummy : _array[i];
Node& operator[](size_t i)
if (i + 1 > _array.size()) _array.resize(i + 1/*, Node()*/);
return _array.back();
ISerializable& value()
return _value ? *_value.get() : _bad;
const ISerializable& value() const
return _value ? *_value.get() : _bad;
bool good() const
return this != &_dummy;//_value || !_dict.empty() || !_array.empty() /*this != _dummy*/;
bool is_value() const
return _value && _dict.empty();
bool is_dict()
return !_value && !_dict.empty();
void clear()
size_t array_size() const
return _array.size();
size_t dict_size() const
return _dict.size();
Node& operator <<(const Node& n)
_dict.insert(n._dict.begin(), n._dict.end());
_array.insert(_array.end(), n._array.begin(), n._array.end());
return *this;
map<string, Node> _dict;
vector<Node> _array;
ptr_type _value;
static class Bad: public ISerializable
virtual ISerializable& operator =( const string& )
return *this;
virtual operator string() const
return string();
} _bad;
static const Node _dummy;
Node::Bad Node::_bad;
const Node Node::_dummy;
typedef Node Metadata;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
Metadata n, n2;
n("test") = 5;
n("test") = "string";
string s = n("test")("subtest1").value();
n("test"), "foo", "baz", "bar", 1;
n("test")[1] = "john";
n2 = n;
return 0;
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malleor commented Apr 21, 2013

From the user's perspective, my implementation will be as sweet as you sketched in _tmain :D

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