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Last active March 2, 2016 00:58
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  • Save caraya/f2ef2eeb7978acba14dc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save caraya/f2ef2eeb7978acba14dc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
gulp.task('images', function () {
return gulp.src('[app/images/**/*.{jpg,png}]')
// Resize all JPG images to three different sizes: 200, 500, and 630 pixels
'*.jpg': [{
width: 200,
rename: { suffix: '-200px' }
}, {
width: 500,
rename: { suffix: '-500px' }
}, {
width: 630,
rename: { suffix: '-630px' }
}, {
// Compress, strip metadata, and rename original image
rename: { suffix: '-original' }
// Resize all PNG images to be retina ready
'*.png': [{
width: 250
}, {
width: 250 * 2,
rename: { suffix: '@2x' }
}, {
// Global configuration for all images
// Strip all metadata
withMetadata: false
progressive: true,
svgoPlugins: [{removeViewBox: false}],
use: [ mozjpeg() ]
.pipe(webp({quality: 50})())
pretty: true,
title: 'processImages'
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