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Created September 27, 2011 17:37
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Broadfax API - A PHP class (cakePHP) for communicating with the BroadFax FAX server API.
* PEAR HTTP Request class
* PEAR XML Serializer/Unserializer required
* Broadfax API Component
* Class to communicate with the broadfax server using its XML API. The API is run
* from the JAVA Tomcat server on the fax server. This class is based on all the
* functions defined in the broadfax API documentation.
* @see
class BroadfaxApiComponent {
public $protocol = 'http';
public $server = 'fax01.riccagroup.local';
public $port = '8080';
public $url = '/MDXXML/redirector';
public $user = 'Administrator';
public $pass = '';
* HTTP_Request object
public $req = null;
* Serializer object
public $serializer = null;
* Unserializer object
public $unserializer = null;
public function startup(&$controller) {
$this->req =& new HTTP_Request($this->protocol.'://'.$this->server.':'.$this->port.$this->url);
$this->req->addHeader("Content-Type", "text/xml");
$this->req->addHeader("Accept", "*/*");
// Instantiate a serializer with options
$this->serializer = &new XML_Serializer(array (
'addDecl' => TRUE,
'encoding' => 'UTF-8',
'indent' => ' ',
'rootName' => 'MDX',
// Instantiate an unserializer
$this->unserializer = &new XML_Unserializer();
return true;
* Call an API function
* @param array $data API XML data represented as an array
* @return mixed Boolean false on errror else Array API XML result formtted as an array
public function call($data) {
$data['UserName'] = $this->user;
$data['UserPassword'] = $this->pass;
// Serialize the data structure
$status = $this->serializer->serialize($data);
if (PEAR::isError($status)) {
return false;
$xml = $this->serializer->getSerializedData();
$this->req->addRawPostData($xml, true);
$response = $this->req->getResponseBody();
$status = $this->unserializer->unserialize($response);
if (PEAR::isError($status)) {
return false;
$ret = $this->unserializer->getUnserializedData();
return $ret;
* Call the GetBalance API function
* @return array XML serialized as array
* <SessionReturnCode> </SessionReturnCode> XML session return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <SessionReturnMessage> </SessionReturnMessage> XML session message OK= successful
* <GetBalanceResponse> Start tag for GetBalanceResponse
* <ReturnCode> </ReturnCode> Return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <ReturnMessage> </ReturnMessage> Return message OK= successful
* <Balance> </Balance> The user's current balance (in US$)
* <MinBalance> </MinBalance> The user's minimum balance (in US$)
* </GetBalanceResponse> End tag for GetBalanceResponse
public function GetBalance() {
return $this->call(array('GetBalance' => array()));
* Call the EstimateJob API function
* @return array XML serialized as array
* <SessionReturnCode> </SessionReturnCode> XML session return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <SessionReturnMessage> </SessionReturnMessage> XML session message OK= successful
* <EstimateJobResponse> Start tag for GetBalanceResponse
* <ReturnCode> </ReturnCode> Return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <ReturnMessage> </ReturnMessage> Return message OK= successful
* <Balance> </Balance> The user's current balance (in US$)
* <MinBalance> </MinBalance> The user's minimum balance (in US$)
* <EstimatedPrice> </EstimatedPrice> The estimated cost of sending this job (in US$)
* <LackOfMoney> </LackOfMoney> Lack of money in the account to execute the job. If the
* value is zero, you have enough money. If it is greater
* than zero you don't have enough money in the account
* to execute the job.
* 0= enough money for this job
* </EstimateJobResponse>
public function EstimateJob($NumberOfFaxes,$NumberOfEMails) {
return $this->call(array('EstimateJob' => array('NumberOfFaxes' => $NumberOfFaxes,
'NumberOfEMails' => $NumberOfEMails)));
* Call the GetVersion API function
* @return array XML serialized as array
* <SessionReturnCode> </SessionReturnCode> XML session return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <SessionReturnMessage> </SessionReturnMessage> XML session message OK= successful
* <GetVersionResponse> Start tag for GetVersionResponse
* <ReturnCode> </ReturnCode> Return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <ReturnMessage> </ReturnMessage> Return message OK= successful
* <Version> </Version> The MDX XML version code
* </GetVersionResponse> End tag for GetVersionResponse
public function GetVersion() {
return $this->call(array('GetVersion' => array()));
* Call the GetMode API function
* @return array XML serialized as array
* <SessionReturnCode> </SessionReturnCode> XML session return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <SessionReturnMessage> </SessionReturnMessage> XML session message OK= successful
* <GetModeResponse> Start tag for GetModeResponse
* <ReturnCode> </ReturnCode> Return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <ReturnMessage> </ReturnMessage> Return message OK= successful
* <Mode> </Mode> Usage mode (privileges)
* </GetModeResponse> End tag for GetModeResponse
public function GetMode() {
return $this->call(array('GetMode' => array()));
* Call the SendJob API function
* @param array $options Array of SendJob Options
* $options Array structure will match this XML structure
* <JobName> </JobName> Job name
* <ApplicationID> </ApplicationID> The application ID. Applications submitting MDX/BF jobs may be assigned an application ID number Optional. Valid pre-assigned numeric value
* <Priority> </Priority> Job priority 4 to 10
* <Resolution> </Resolution> Fax resolution Values: fine or standard
* <Retries> </Retries> Number of retries for fax, 0=no retries 0 t0 5
* <Prefix> </Prefix> Prefix that will be used in dialing. Applies to all numbers Optional
* <Suffix> </Suffix> Suffix that will be used in dialing. Applies to all numbers Optional, values: yes or no
* <StartLine> </StartLine> Shows where to start reading the fax list (s) Optional. If 0, the list is limited only by FinishLine
* <FinishLine> </FinishLine> Shows where to stop reading the fax list (s) Optional. If 0, the list is limited only by StartLine
* <SubAccount> </SubAccount> Additional account classifier for the user (e.g. Department)
* <SendLocal> </SendLocal> Send local numbers or not. Default value is "yes" Optional. Values: yes or no
* <SendLongDistance> </SendLongDistance> Send Long distance numbers or not. Default value is "yes" Optional. Values: yes or no
* <RetainDocuments> </RetainDocuments> Flag that indicates if to retain job"s document after job was completed or to delete them immediately. Default value is "yes;, keep docs Optional, values: yes or no
* <RetainRecipentList> </RetainRecipentList> Flag that indicates if to retain job"s recipients list after job was completed or to delete it immediately. Default value is "yes", keep list. Optional, values: yes or no
* <SenderEmail> </SenderEmail> Sender email address
* <SenderName> </SenderName> Sender name
* <SenderLocalCSID> </SenderLocalCSID> Sender Caller Sign ID (CSID)
* <ShowFaxHeaderLine> </ShowFaxHeaderLine> Show fax header line flag Values: yes or no
* <FaxHeaderLine> </FaxHeaderLine> Custom fax header line Optional, values: string containing custom header line see table
* <EmailSubject> </EmailSubject> The subject line for email messages (not fax)
* <StartDateTime> </StartDateTime> Start date and time (format MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS) 12/31/01 16:22:00
* <Schedule> Start tag for job schedule
* <Tuesday> Start tag for Tuesday schedule (can be any other day)
* <Interval> Start tag for a time interval
* <Start> </Start> Interval start time 24 hour format e.g. 21:00
* <Stop> </Stop> Interval stop time 24 hour format e.g. 23:00
* </Interval> End tag for a time interval
* Can have an additional <Interval> for each day
* </Tuesday> End tag for Tuesday schedule
* Can have schedule for other days, e.g. <Wednesday>, and schedule for multiple days
* </Schedule>
* <Recipients Type="XML"> Start tag for the recipient list. If type is “XML”, provide the list with the tags showed below. If type is “CSV”, insert the
* CSV file here compressed with BASE64
* <Recipient> Start tag for a recipient
* <RecipientAddress> </RecipientAddress> Recipient fax number or email address
* <RecipientName> </RecipientName> Recipient name
* <CompanyName> </CompanyName> Recipient company name Optional
* <Salutation> </Salutation> Recipient Salutation Optional. E.g. Mr.
* <Different> </Different> Special filed to store reference to other files Optional
* <AppSourceId> </AppSourceId> Application Source ID is an ID generated by the sending application. It enables associating the unique message (transaction) back to its source application message.
* Optional
* <UD0> </UD0> User Define 0. This filed can store value that can be inserted into the cover page or other places
* Optional Can have additional UD fields up to <UD9>
* </Recipient> End tag for a recipient
* Repeate <Recipient> tags for every item in the list when using <Recipients Type="XML">
* </Recipients> End tag for the recipient list
* <Document ext="TIF" format=”BASE64”> Start tag for document to send. You must provide values for the attributes. Valid values for file extension (ext) are:
* TIF, XML, PDF, CPT etc. Valid values for file format (format) are BASE64, XML
* BASE64 TIF file goes here
* </Document> End tag for document
* additional <Document> </Document> can repeat for every document being sent
* NOTE: the order in which the documents are placed in this command is the order in which they well be sent to the fax machine.
* BroadFax allows creating a custom header line for your faxes.
* 1. Free form text
* 2. Fields from the fax list
* The following parameters from the fax list can be used:
* %NAME%
* 3. Additional parameters
* The following additional parameters can be used in the header:
* %PAGE% - current page
* %MONTH% - number of the month
* %DAY% - number of the day
* %YEAR% - year
* %HOUR24% - hour for 24 hour format
* %MINUTES% - minutes
* %SHORTMONTH% - short month name string
* %LONGMONTH% - full month name string
* %SHORTYEAR% - 2 digit year
* %HOUR12% - for 12 hour am/pm format
* %AMPM% - am/pm string for 12 hour format
* %PAGES% - total fax pages
* %SENDER% - sender name
* Example
* Page %PAGE% of %PAGES%
* @return array XML serialized as array
* <SessionReturnCode> </SessionReturnCode> XML session return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <SessionReturnMessage> </SessionReturnMessage> XML session message OK= successful
* <SendJobResponse> Start tag for SendJobResponse
* <ReturnCode> </ReturnCode> Return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <ReturnMessage> </ReturnMessage> Return message OK= successful
* <JobId> </JobId> The created jobId
* </SendJobResponse> End tag for SendJobResponse
public function SendJob($options) {
return $this->call(array('SendJob' => array($options)));
* Suspends the execution of an MDX/BF job
* @param integer $JobId The JobId to suspend
* @return array XML serialized as array
* <SessionReturnCode> </SessionReturnCode> XML session return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <SessionReturnMessage> </SessionReturnMessage> XML session message OK= successful
* <SuspendJobResponse> Start tag for SuspendJobResponse
* <ReturnCode> </ReturnCode> Return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <ReturnMessage> </ReturnMessage> Return message OK= successful
* <JobId> </JobId> The jobId being suspended
* </SuspendJobResponse>
public function SuspendJob($JobId) {
return $this->call(array('SuspendJob' => array('JobId' => $JobId)));
* Resumes the execution of an MDX/BF job
* @param integer $JobId The JobId to Resume
* @return array XML serialized as array
* <SessionReturnCode> </SessionReturnCode> XML session return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <SessionReturnMessage> </SessionReturnMessage> XML session message OK= successful
* <ResumeJobResponse> Start tag for ResumeJobResponse
* <ReturnCode> </ReturnCode> Return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <ReturnMessage> </ReturnMessage> Return message OK= successful
* <JobId> </JobId> The jobId being Resumeed
* </ResumeJobResponse>
public function ResumeJob($JobId) {
return $this->call(array('ResumeJob' => array('JobId' => $JobId)));
* Deletes the execution of an MDX/BF job
* @param integer $JobId The JobId to Delete
* @return array XML serialized as array
* <SessionReturnCode> </SessionReturnCode> XML session return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <SessionReturnMessage> </SessionReturnMessage> XML session message OK= successful
* <DeleteJobResponse> Start tag for DeleteJobResponse
* <ReturnCode> </ReturnCode> Return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <ReturnMessage> </ReturnMessage> Return message OK= successful
* <JobId> </JobId> The jobId being Deleteed
* </DeleteJobResponse>
public function DeleteJob($JobId) {
return $this->call(array('DeleteJob' => array('JobId' => $JobId)));
* Returns a fax list for a job. It contains filters to select specific type of list based on the message completion code.
* Use this command to get fax list for a job.
* @param integer $JobId The JobId to Get
* @param array $options Associative array of options, Case is sensitive. Valid options are as follows
* Type The type of report. Two options, XML or CSV (default XML)
* Successful Filter to return fax list of successful messages (when set to default yes) Values yes or no
* Error Filter to return fax list of error messages (when set to "yes") Values yes or no
* Unsent Filter to return fax list of unsent messages (when set to "yes")Values yes or no
* Retriable Filter to return error fax list that are retryable. Note that the <Error> filter has to be set to "yes" too. Default value = no, Values yes or no
* OnlyDifferent Filter to return the fax field <Different> only (when set to "yes"). Default value =no, Values yes or no
* @return array XML serialized as array
* <SessionReturnCode> </SessionReturnCode> XML session return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <SessionReturnMessage> </SessionReturnMessage> XML session message OK= successful
* <GetJobFaxListResponse> Start tag for GetJobFaxListResponse
* <ReturnCode> </ReturnCode> Return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <ReturnMessage> </ReturnMessage> Return message OK= successful
* <JobId> </JobId> The jobId
* <FaxListType="XML"> Start tag for fax list and type of data (XML or CSV)
* <Recipient> Start tag for Recipient's data
* <RecipientAddress></RecipientAddress> Recipient fax number or email address
* <RecipientName> </RecipientName> Recipient name
* <CompanyName>.</CompanyName> Recipient company name
* <Salutation> </Salutation> Recipient salutation
* <Different> </Different> System field used for file reference
* <AppSourceId> </AppSourceId> Application Source ID is an ID generated by the sending
* application. It enables associating the unique message
* (transaction) back to its source application message.
* <UD0> to UD9 go here… User defined fields UD0 to UD9
* </Recipient> End tag for Recipient's data
* <Recipient> Start tag for Recipient's data
* Next recipient data goes here...
* </Recipient> End tag for Recipient's data
* </FaxList> End tag for fax list
public function GetJobFaxList($JobId, $options= array('Type' => 'XML',
'Successful' => 'Yes',
'OnlyDifferent'=>'No')) {
$options = $this->_filterOptions(array('Type', 'Successful','Error', 'Unsent','Retriable','OnlyDifferent'), $options);
$options['JobId'] = $JobId;
return $this->call(array('GetJobFaxList' => $options));
* Returns a list of MDX/BF jobs and their parameters for a given user name and a range of job IDs (or a single job)
* @param array $options Associative array of options, Case is sensitive. Valid options are as follows
* Statuses Status code (default A)
* JobStatus Status code (default A)
* G – Generating
* I - In progress
* H - On hold
* C - Completed
* P - Suspended
* UserName User who submited the job
* MinJobId Starting range of job id
* MaxJobId Ending range of job id
* @return array XML serialized as array
* <SessionReturnCode> </SessionReturnCode> XML session return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <SessionReturnMessage> </SessionReturnMessage> XML session message OK= successful
* <GetListOfJobsResponse> Start tag for GetListOfJobsResponse
* <ReturnCode> </ReturnCode> Return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <ReturnMessage> </ReturnMessage> Return message OK= successful
* <JobList> Start tag for list of jobs
* <Job> Start tag for job info
* <JobId> </JobId> Job Id
* <JobName> </JobName> Job Name
* <JobSystemStatus> </JobSystemStatus> MDX/BF internal job status code
* <JobStatus> </JobStatus> Job status code G – Generating
* I - In progress
* H - On hold
* C - Completed
* <JobStatusText> </JobStatusText> Job status description Generating
* In progress
* On hold
* Completed
* <Priority> </Priority> Job priority
* <UserName> </UserName> Submitter user name
* <TimeOfCreation> </TimeOfCreation> The date and time the job was created E.g: 07/25/02 14:45:15
* <NumTotalMessages> </NumTotalMessages> Total number of faxes & emails in the job list
* <NumMessageSentOK> </NumMessageSentOK> Total number of messages sent successfully
* <NumMessageSentError> </NumMessageSentError> Total number of messages sent unsuccessfully
* <NumRetryRequested> </NumRetryRequested> The number of retries requested
* <NumCurrentRetry> </NumCurrentRetry> The current number of retries executed
* </Job> End tag for job info
* additional <Job> </Job> will repeat for every job retrieved
* </JobList> End tag for list of jobs
* </GetListOfJobsResponse> End tag for GetListOfJobsResponse
public function GetListOfJobs($options=array()) {
$options = $this->_filterOptions(array('UserName', 'MinJobId','MaxJobId', 'JobStatus','Statuses'), $options);
return $this->call(array('GetListOfJobs' => array('Filter' => $options)));
* Returns a list of MDX/BF active jobs (not finished) and their parameters for a given user name and a range of job IDs (or a single job)
* @param array $options Associative array of options, Case is sensitive. Valid options are as follows
* Statuses Status code (default A)
* UserName User who submited the job
* MinJobId Starting range of job id
* MaxJobId Ending range of job id
* @return array XML serialized as array *
* <SessionReturnCode> </SessionReturnCode> XML session return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <SessionReturnMessage> </SessionReturnMessage> XML session message OK= successful
* <GetListOfActiveJobsResponse> Start tag for GetListOfActiveJobsResponse
* <ReturnCode> </ReturnCode> Return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <ReturnMessage> </ReturnMessage> Return message OK= successful
* <JobList> Start tag for list of jobs
* <Job> Start tag for job info
* <JobId> </JobId> Job Id
* <JobName> </JobName> Job Name
* <JobSystemStatus> </JobSystemStatus> MDX/BF internal job status code
* <JobStatus> </JobStatus> Job status code G – Generating
* I - In progress
* H - On hold
* C - Completed
* <JobStatusText> </JobStatusText> Job status description Generating
* In progress
* On hold
* Completed
* <Priority> </Priority> Job priority
* <UserName> </UserName> Submitter user name
* <TimeOfCreation> </TimeOfCreation> The date and time the job was created E.g: 07/25/02 14:45:15
* <NumTotalMessages> </NumTotalMessages> Total number of faxes & emails in the job list
* <NumMessageSentOK> </NumMessageSentOK> Total number of messages sent successfully
* <NumMessageSentError> </NumMessageSentError> Total number of messages sent unsuccessfully
* <NumRetryRequested> </NumRetryRequested> The number of retries requested
* <NumCurrentRetry> </NumCurrentRetry> The current number of retries executed
* </Job> End tag for job info
* additional <Job> </Job> will repeat for every job retrieved
* </JobList> End tag for list of jobs
* </GetListOfActiveJobsResponse> End tag for GetListOfActiveJobsResponse
public function GetListOfActiveJobs($options=array('Statuses' => 'A')) {
$options = $this->_filterOptions(array('UserName', 'MinJobId','MaxJobId', 'Statuses'), $options);
if(empty($options['Statuses'])) {
$options['Statuses'] = 'A';
return $this->call(array('GetListOfActiveJobs' => array('Filter' => $options)));
* returns a number of MDX/BF active jobs that are currently active for a given user name
* @param string $UserName User who submited the job
* @deprecated This function exists in broadfax documentation but does not work when called always returning "Unknown command: GetActiveJobsCount"
* @return array XML serialized as array
* <SessionReturnCode> </SessionReturnCode> XML session return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <SessionReturnMessage> </SessionReturnMessage> XML session message OK= successful
* <GetActiveJobsCountResponse> Start tag for GetActiveJobsCountResponse
* <ReturnCode> </ReturnCode> Return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <ReturnMessage> </ReturnMessage> Return message OK= successful
* <Count> Start tag for the counter of active jobs
* Number The number of currently active jobs
* </Count> End tag for the counter of active jobs
* </GetActiveJobsCountResponse> End tag for GetActiveJobsCountResponse
public function GetActiveJobsCount($UserName = null) {
$filter = array();
if (!is_null($UserName)) {
$filter['UserName'] = $UserName;
return $this->call(array('GetActiveJobsCount' => array('Filter' => $filter)));
* retrieves CSV report by Jobs to the station (Jobs Summary Report). Use this command to retreive CSV Report by Jobs
* @param array $options Associative array of options, Case is sensitive. Valid options are as follows
* JobIdFrom Include jobs starting with this ID
* JobIdTo Include jobs up to this ID
* DateFrom Include jobs starting with this Date
* DateTo Include jobs up to this Date
* User Include jobs sent by this user
* ExpenseCode Include jobs sent with this expense code
* Sort Sort report by this field. Default is "Date" Values: "Date" or "Recipient" or "Status" or "Duration"
* @return array XML serialized as array
* <SessionReturnCode> </SessionReturnCode> XML session return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <SessionReturnMessage> </SessionReturnMessage> XML session message OK= successful
* <GetCSVByJobsResponse> Start tag for GetCSVByJobsResponse
* <ReturnCode> </ReturnCode> Return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <ReturnMessage> </ReturnMessage> Return message OK= successful
* <ServerName> </ServerName> Server name
* <CSV> </CSV> The report in Base64
* </GetCSVByJobsResponse> End tag for GetCSVByJobsResponse
public function GetCSVByJobs($options=array('Sort'=>"Date")) {
$options = $this->_filterOptions(array('JobIdFrom','JobIdTo','DateFrom','DateTo','User','ExpenseCode','Sort'), $options);
return $this->call(array('GetCSVByJobs' => $options));
* retrieves HTML report by Jobs to the station (Jobs Summary Report). Use this command to retreive HTML Report by Jobs
* @param array $options Associative array of options, Case is sensitive. Valid options are as follows
* JobIdFrom Include jobs starting with this ID
* JobIdTo Include jobs up to this ID
* DateFrom Include jobs starting with this Date
* DateTo Include jobs up to this Date
* User Include jobs sent by this user
* ExpenseCode Include jobs sent with this expense code
* Sort Sort report by this field. Default is "Date" Values: "Date" or "Recipient" or "Status" or "Duration"
* @return array XML serialized as array
* <SessionReturnCode> </SessionReturnCode> XML session return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <SessionReturnMessage> </SessionReturnMessage> XML session message OK= successful
* <GetHTMLByJobsResponse> Start tag for GetHTMLByJobsResponse
* <ReturnCode> </ReturnCode> Return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <ReturnMessage> </ReturnMessage> Return message OK= successful
* <HTML> </HTML> The report in Base64
* </GetHTMLByJobsResponse>
public function GetHTMLByJobs($options=array('Sort'=>"Date")) {
$options = $this->_filterOptions(array('JobIdFrom','JobIdTo','DateFrom','DateTo','User','ExpenseCode','Sort'), $options);
return $this->call(array('GetHTMLByJobs' => $options));
* Gets CSV report by Messages (Job Detail Report).
* Use this command to bring CSV Report by messages for a specific jo
* @param array $options Associative array of options, Case is sensitive. Valid options are as follows
* JobId Report job with this ID
* MaxLines Number of lines in report portion
* StartLine Start line in the current portion of the report
* DateFrom Include messages starting with this Date
* DateTo Include messages up to this Date
* OnlySuccessful Include only successful messages Values: "yes" or "no"
* OnlyFailed Include only failed messages Values: "yes" or "no"
* Sort Sort report by this field. Default is "Date" Values: "Date" or "Recipient" or "Status" or "Duration"
* SortOrder Sort report in this order. Default is "asc" Values: "asc" or "desc"
* @return array XML serialized as array
* <SessionReturnCode> </SessionReturnCode> XML session return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <SessionReturnMessage> </SessionReturnMessage> XML session message OK= successful
* < GetCSVByMessagesResponse> Start tag for GetCSVByMessagesResponse
* <ReturnCode> </ReturnCode> Return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <ReturnMessage> </ReturnMessage> Return message OK= successful
* <ServerName> </ServerName> Server name
* <TotalLines> </TotalLines> Number of lines in report
* <More> </More> If there are more messages to bring Values: "yes" or "no"
* <CSV> </CSV> The report in Base64
* </GetCSVByMessagesResponse> End tag for GetCSVByMesagesResponse
public function GetCSVByMessages($JobId, $options = array()) {
$options = $this->_filterOptions(array('MaxLines','StartLine','DateFrom','DateTo','OnlySuccessful','OnlyFailed','Sort','SortOrder'), $options);
$options['JobId'] = $JobId;
return $this->call(array('GetCSVByMessages' => $options));
* Gets XML report by Messages (Job Detail Report).
* Use this command to bring XML Report by messages for a specific jo
* @param array $options Associative array of options, Case is sensitive. Valid options are as follows
* JobId Report job with this ID
* MaxLines Number of lines in report portion
* StartLine Start line in the current portion of the report
* DateFrom Include messages starting with this Date
* DateTo Include messages up to this Date
* OnlySuccessful Include only successful messages Values: "yes" or "no"
* OnlyFailed Include only failed messages Values: "yes" or "no"
* Sort Sort report by this field. Default is "Date" Values: "Date" or "Recipient" or "Status" or "Duration"
* SortOrder Sort report in this order. Default is "asc" Values: "asc" or "desc"
* @deprecated This is defined in the API docs but does not work
* @return array XML serialized as array
* <SessionReturnCode> </SessionReturnCode> XML session return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <SessionReturnMessage> </SessionReturnMessage> XML session message OK= successful
* < GetXMLByMessagesResponse> Start tag for GetXMLByMessagesResponse
* <ReturnCode> </ReturnCode> Return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <ReturnMessage> </ReturnMessage> Return message OK= successful
* <TotalLines> </TotalLines> Number of lines in report
* <More> </More> If there are more messages to bring Values: "yes" or "no"
* <Report> Start tag for the report
* <Message> Start tag for individual message
* <LineNum> </LineNum> Line number in faxlist
* <SendDateTime> </SendDateTime> Send date/time
* <SendTimeSeconds> </SendTimeSeconds> Duration of message
* <RecipientAddress> </RecipientAddress> Recipient fax number
* <RecipientName> </RecipientName> Recipient name
* <AccountNo> </AccountNo> Recipient account number
* <Retry> </Retry> Message retry number
* <ResultCode> </ResultCode> Error code
* <ResultText> </ResultText> Error description or Remote CSID
* <MessageStatus> </MessageStatus> Status of the message
* <MessageStatusText> </MessageStatusText> Status description
* <TotalPagesSent> </TotalPagesSent> Total number of pages sent
* <Cost> </Cost> Message cost
* </Message> End tag for individual message
* additional <Message> </Message> will
* repeat for every message retrieved
* </Report> End tag for the report
* </GetXMLByMessagesResponse>
public function GetXMLByMessages($JobId, $options = array()) {
$options = $this->_filterOptions(array('MaxLines','StartLine','DateFrom','DateTo','OnlySuccessful','OnlyFailed','Sort','SortOrder'), $options);
$options['JobId'] = $JobId;
return $this->call(array('GetXMLByMessages' => $options));
* Gets HTML report by Messages (Job Detail Report).
* Use this command to bring HTML Report by messages for a specific jo
* @param array $options Associative array of options, Case is sensitive. Valid options are as follows
* JobId Report job with this ID
* MaxLines Number of lines in report portion
* StartLine Start line in the current portion of the report
* DateFrom Include messages starting with this Date
* DateTo Include messages up to this Date
* OnlySuccessful Include only successful messages Values: "yes" or "no"
* OnlyFailed Include only failed messages Values: "yes" or "no"
* Sort Sort report by this field. Default is "Date" Values: "Date" or "Recipient" or "Status" or "Duration"
* SortOrder Sort report in this order. Default is "asc" Values: "asc" or "desc"
* @return array XML serialized as array
* <SessionReturnCode> </SessionReturnCode> XML session return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <SessionReturnMessage> </SessionReturnMessage> XML session message OK= successful
* < GetHTMLByMessagesResponse> Start tag for GetHTMLByMessagesResponse
* <ReturnCode> </ReturnCode> Return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <ReturnMessage> </ReturnMessage> Return message OK= successful
* <TotalLines> </TotalLines> Number of lines in report
* <More> </More> If there are more messages to bring Values: "yes" or "no"
* <HTML> </HTML> The report in Base64
* </GetHTMLByMessagesResponse> End tag for GetHTMLByMesagesResponse
public function GetHTMLByMessages($JobId, $options = array()) {
$options = $this->_filterOptions(array('MaxLines','StartLine','DateFrom','DateTo','OnlySuccessful','OnlyFailed','Sort','SortOrder'), $options);
$options['JobId'] = $JobId;
return $this->call(array('GetHTMLByMessages' => $options));
* Get CSV report by Received Messages. Use this command to bring CSV Report by Received messages
* @param string $user User Name to get messages for
* @param array $options Associative array of options, Case is sensitive. Valid options are as follows
* DateFrom Include messages starting with this Date
* DateTo Include messages up to this Date
* Sort Sort report by this field. Default is "Date" Values: "Date" or "Recipient" or "Status" or "Duration"
* SortOrder Sort report in this order. Default is "asc" Values: "asc" or "desc"
* @return array XML serialized as array
* <SessionReturnCode> </SessionReturnCode> XML session return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <SessionReturnMessage> </SessionReturnMessage> XML session message OK= successful
* < GetCSVByReceivedMessagesResponse> Start tag for GetCSVByReceivedMessagesResponse
* <ReturnCode> </ReturnCode> Return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <ReturnMessage> </ReturnMessage> Return message OK= successful
* <ServerName> </ServerName> Server name
* <TotalLines> </TotalLines> Number of lines in report
* <CSV> </CSV> The report in Base64
* </GetCSVByReceivedMessagesResponse> End tag for GetCSVByReceivedMesagesResponse
public function GetCSVByReceivedMessages($User=null, $options = array()) {
$options = $this->_filterOptions(array('DateFrom','DateTo','Sort'), $options);
$options['User'] = $User;
return $this->call(array('GetCSVByReceivedMessages' => $options));
* Get HTML report by Received Messages. Use this command to bring HTML Report by Received messages
* @param string $user User Name to get messages for
* @param array $options Associative array of options, Case is sensitive. Valid options are as follows
* DateFrom Include messages starting with this Date
* DateTo Include messages up to this Date
* Sort Sort report by this field. Default is "Date" Values: "Date" or "Recipient" or "Status" or "Duration"
* SortOrder Sort report in this order. Default is "asc" Values: "asc" or "desc"
* @return array XML serialized as array
* <SessionReturnCode> </SessionReturnCode> XML session return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <SessionReturnMessage> </SessionReturnMessage> XML session message OK= successful
* < GetHTMLByReceivedMessagesResponse> Start tag for GetHTMLByReceivedMessagesResponse
* <ReturnCode> </ReturnCode> Return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <ReturnMessage> </ReturnMessage> Return message OK= successful
* <ServerName> </ServerName> Server name
* <TotalLines> </TotalLines> Number of lines in report
* <HTML> </HTML> The report in Base64
* </GetHTMLByReceivedMessagesResponse> End tag for GetHTMLByReceivedMesagesResponse
public function GetHTMLByReceivedMessages($User, $options = array()) {
$options = $this->_filterOptions(array('DateFrom','DateTo','Sort'), $options);
$options['User'] = $User;
return $this->call(array('GetHTMLByReceivedMessages' => $options));
* This command returns the parameters of an MDX/BF job. This provides the user with information on the job parameters" setup and allows him, as
* needed, to modify these parameters using the SetJobParameters XML command. Use this command to retrieve the parameters of an MDX/BF job.
* @param integer $JobId Job ID
* @return array XML serialized as array
* <SessionReturnCode> </SessionReturnCode> XML session return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <SessionReturnMessage> </SessionReturnMessage> XML session message OK= successful
* <GetJobParametersResponse> Start tag for GetJobParametersResponse
* <ReturnCode> </ReturnCode> Return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <ReturnMessage> </ReturnMessage> Return message OK= successful
* <JobID> </JobID> Job Id
* <JobName> </JobName> Job name
* <JobSystemStatus> </JobSystemStatus> MDX/BF internal job status code
* <JobStatus> </JobStatus> Job status code G – Generating
* I - In progress
* H - On hold
* C - Completed
* <JobStatusText> </JobStatusText> Job status description Generating
* In progress
* On hold
* Completed
* <Priority> </Priority> Job priority
* <Resolution> </Resolution> Resolution Values: fine or standard
* <ShowFaxHeaderLine> </ShowFaxHeaderLine> Show fax header line flag Values: yes or no
* <SenderName> </SenderName> Sender name
* <SenderEmail> </SenderEmail> Sender email address
* <SenderLocalCSID> </SenderLocalCSID> Sender Caller Sign ID (CSID)
* <EmailSubject> </EmailSubject> The subject line for email messages (not fax)
* <Prefix> </Prefix> Prefix that will be used in dialing. Applies to all numbers Optional
* <Suffix> </Suffix> Suffix that will be used in dialing. Applies to all numbers Optional, values: yes or no
* <StartLine> </StartLine> Shows where to start reading the fax list (s) Optional. If 0, the list is limited only by FinishLine
* <FinishLine> </FinishLine> Shows where to stop reading the fax list (s) Optional. If 0, the list is limited only by StartLine
* <SubAccount> </SubAccount> Additional account classifier for the user (e.g. Department)
* <SendLocal> </SendLocal> Send local numbers or not Default value is "yes" Optional. Values: yes or no
* <SendLongDistance> </SendLongDistance> Send Long distance numbers or not Default value is "yes" Optional. Values: yes or no
* <RetainDocuments> </RetainDocuments> Flag that indicates if to retain job"s document after job was completed or to delete them immediately.
* Default value is "yes;, keep docs
* Optional, values: yes or no
* <RetainRecipentList> </RetainRecipentList> Flag that indicates if to retain job"s recipients list after job was completed or to delete it immediately. Default value is "yes", keep list. Optional, values: yes or no
* <FileNames> </FileNames> List of documents
* <FaxListNames> </FaxListNames> List of Fax Lists
* <StartDateTime> </StartDateTime> Start date and time (format MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS)
* E.g: 12/31/01 16:00:00
* <Schedule> Start tag for job schedule
* <Monday> Start tag for Monday schedule (can be any other
* day)
* <Interval> Start tag for a time interval
* <Start> </Start> Interval start time Military time, e.g. 21:00
* <Stop> </Stop> Interval stop time Military time, e.g. 23:00
* </Interval> End tag for a time interval
* Can have an additional <Interval> for each day
* </Monday> End tag for Monday schedule
* Can have schedule for other days, e.g. <Tuesday>, and schedule for multiple days
* </Schedule> End tag for job schedule
* </GetJobParametersResponse> End tag for GetJobParametersResponse
public function GetJobParameters($JobId) {
return $this->call(array('GetJobParameters' => array('JobId' => $JobId)));
* This command sets (modifies) the parameters of an existing MDX/BF job. For example the user can change the job name or its schedule. Use this
* command to modify job parameters. Note, to review the results of this command use GetJobParameters XML command.
* @param integer $JobId Job ID
* @param array $options Associative array of options, Case is sensitive. Valid options are as follows
* JobName Job Name
* SenderEmail Sender email address
* ShowFaxHeaderLine Show fax header line flag Values: yes or no
* SenderLocalCSID Sender Caller Sign ID (CSID)
* SenderName Sender name
* Priority Job priority
* Resolution Resolution Values: fine or standard
* EmailSubject The subject line for email messages (not fax)
* StartDateTime Start date and time (format MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS) E.g: 12/31/01 16:22:00
* Schedule Array of schedule days
* Tuesday Array of interval values
* Interval Array
* Start Interval start time Military time, e.g. 21:00
* Stop Interval stop time Military time, e.g. 23:00
* Can have an additional <Interval> for each day
* Can have schedule for other days, e.g. <Wednesday>, and schedule for multiple days
* @return array XML serialized as array
* <SessionReturnCode> </SessionReturnCode> XML session return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <SessionReturnMessage> </SessionReturnMessage> XML session message OK= successful
* <SetJobParametersResponse> Start tag for SetJobParametersResponse
* <ReturnCode> </ReturnCode> Return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <ReturnMessage> </ReturnMessage> Return message OK= successful
* </SetJobParametersResponse> End tag for SetJobParametersResponse
public function SetJobParameters($JobId, $options=array()) {
$options = $this->_filterOptions(array('JobName','SenderEmail','ShowFaxHeaderLine','SenderLocalCSID','SenderName','Priority','Resolution','EmailSubject','StartDateTime','Schedule'), $options);
$options['JobId'] = $JobId;
return $this->call(array('SetJobParameters' => $options));
* This command returns a list of servers and their parameters. Use this command to retrieve a list of server
* @return array XML serialized as array
* <SessionReturnCode> </SessionReturnCode> XML session return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <SessionReturnMessage> </SessionReturnMessage> XML session message OK= successful
* <GetListOfServersResponse> Start tag for GetListOfServersResponse
* <ReturnCode> </ReturnCode> Return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <ReturnMessage> </ReturnMessage> Return message OK= successful
* <ServerList> Start tag for list of servers
* <Server> Start tag for server info
* <ServerName> </ServerName> Name of the server to change
* <Active> </Active> If the server is active or not Values: "yes" or "no"
* <Computer> </Computer> Name of the computer where the server is running
* <Pause> </Pause> NOT USED
* <UserName> </Username> User name for logging in to the server For CAS20 type: "SUPERVISOR"
* <Password> </Password> Login Password For CAS20 type: ""
* <Protocol> </Protocol> Protocol used 0 for Memory, 1 for TCP/IP, 2 for IPX, 3 for NetBIOS
* <LogonName> </LogonName> Internal parameter. For CAS20 type: \\DOMAIN\CAS20 SERVER
* <Router> </Router> Server Domain
* </Server> End tag for server info
* additional <Job> </Job> will repeat for every job retrieved
* </ServerList> End tag for list of Servers
* </GetListOfServersResponse> End tag for GetListOfServersResponse
public function GetListOfServers() {
return $this->call(array('GetListOfServers' => array()));
* This command returns a list of servers and their parameters. Use this command to retrieve a list of server
* @param array $options Associative array of options, Case is sensitive. Valid options are as follows
* ServerName Name of the server to add
* ServerType Type of the Server Currently only 2 types of servers can be used: "CAS20" for faxing or "SMTP" for sending e-mails
* Active If the server is active or not Values: "yes" or "no"
* Computer Name of the computer where the server is running
* Pause NOT USED
* Username User name for logging in to the server For CAS20 type: "SUPERVISOR"
* Password Login Password For CAS20 type: ""
* Protocol Protocol used 0 for Memory, 1 for TCP/IP, 2 for IPX, 3 for NetBIOS
* LogonName Internal parameter. For CAS20 type: \\DOMAIN\CAS20 SERVER
* Router Server Domain
* @return array XML serialized as array
* <SessionReturnCode> </SessionReturnCode> XML session return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <SessionReturnMessage> </SessionReturnMessage> XML session message OK= successful
* <AddServerResponse> Start tag for AddServerResponse
* <ReturnCode> </ReturnCode> Return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <ReturnMessage> </ReturnMessage> Return message OK= successful
* </AddServerResponse> End tag for AddServerResponse
public function AddServer($options=array()) {
$options = $this->_filterOptions(array('ServerName','ServerType','Active','Computer','Pause','Username','Password','Protocol','LogonName','Router'), $options);
$options['JobId'] = $JobId;
return $this->call(array('AddServer' => $options));
* This XML command changes a fax server manager parameters. Use this command to change fax server manager
* @param array $options Associative array of options, Case is sensitive. Valid options are as follows
* ServerName Name of the server to change
* Active If the server is active or not Values: "yes" or "no"
* Computer Name of the computer where the server is running
* Pause NOT USED
* Username User name for logging in to the server For CAS20 type: "SUPERVISOR"
* Password Login Password For CAS20 type: ""
* Protocol Protocol used 0 for Memory, 1 for TCP/IP, 2 for IPX, 3 for NetBIOS
* LogonName Internal parameter. For CAS20 type: \\DOMAIN\CAS20 SERVER
* Router Server Domain
* @return array XML serialized as array
* <SessionReturnCode> </SessionReturnCode> XML session return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <SessionReturnMessage> </SessionReturnMessage> XML session message OK= successful
* <ChangeServerResponse> Start tag for ChangeServerResponse
* <ReturnCode> </ReturnCode> Return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <ReturnMessage> </ReturnMessage> Return message OK= successful
* </ChangeServerResponse> End tag for ChangeServerResponse
public function ChangeServer($options=array()) {
$options = $this->_filterOptions(array('ServerName','Active','Computer','Pause','Username','Password','Protocol','LogonName','Router'), $options);
$options['JobId'] = $JobId;
return $this->call(array('ChangeServer' => $options));
* Deletes fax server manager. Use this command to delete a fax server manager
* @param string $ServerName Server name to delete
* @return array XML serialized as array
* <SessionReturnCode> </SessionReturnCode> XML session return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <SessionReturnMessage> </SessionReturnMessage> XML session message OK= successful
* DeleteServerResponse Start tag for DeleteServerResponse
* <ReturnCode> </ReturnCode> Return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <ReturnMessage> </ReturnMessage> Return message OK= successful
* </DeleteServerResponse> End tag for DeleteServerResponse
public function DeleteServer($ServerName) {
return $this->call(array('DeleteServer' => array('ServerName' => $ServerName)));
* This command returns a list of ports and their parameters. Use this command to retrieve a list of ports
* @return array XML serialized as array
* <SessionReturnCode> </SessionReturnCode> XML session return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <SessionReturnMessage> </SessionReturnMessage> XML session message OK= successful
* <GetListOfPortsResponse> Start tag for GetListOfPortsResponse
* <ReturnCode> </ReturnCode> Return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <ReturnMessage> </ReturnMessage> Return message OK= successful
* <PortList> Start tag for list of ports
* <Port> Start tag for port info
* <ServerName> </ServerName> Server Name
* <PortName> </PortName> PortName
* <AllowSend> </ AllowSend > If the port is enabled for sending Values: "yes" or "no"
* <AllowReceive> </AllowReceive> If the port is enabled for receiving Values: "yes" or "no"
* <MaxSched> </MaxSched> Maximum messages that can be scheduled for sending to this port as one chunk (default: 10)
* <Local> </Local> If the port is enabled for sending local numbers Values: "yes" or "no"
* <LongDistance> </LongDistance> If the port is enabled for sending long distance numbersValues: "yes" or "no"
* <DialPrefix> </DialPrefix> All messages sent to this port should add a prefix to dial
* </Port> End tag for port infoadditional <Port> </Port> will repeat for every job retrieved
* </PortList> End tag for list of ports
* </GetListOfPortsResponse> End tag for GetListOfPortsResponse
public function GetListOfPorts() {
return $this->call(array('GetListOfPorts' => array()));
* This command changes port parameters. Use this command to change port parameters
* @param array $options Associative array of options, Case is sensitive. Valid options are as follows
* AllowSend If the port is enabled for sending Values: "yes" or "no"
* AllowReceive If the port is enabled for receiving Values: "yes" or "no"
* MaxSched Maximum messages that can be scheduled for sending to this port as one chunk (default: 10)
* Local If the port is enabled for sending local numbers Values: "yes" or "no"
* LongDistance If the port is enabled for sending long distance numbers Values: "yes" or "no"
* DialPrefix All messages sent to this port should add a prefix to dial
* @return array XML serialized as array
* <SessionReturnCode> </SessionReturnCode> XML session return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <SessionReturnMessage> </SessionReturnMessage> XML session message OK= successful
* <ChangePortResponse> Start tag for ChangePortResponse
* <ReturnCode> </ReturnCode> Return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <ReturnMessage> </ReturnMessage> Return message OK= successful
* </ChangePortResponse> End tag for ChangePortResponse
public function ChangePort($options=array()) {
$options = $this->_filterOptions(array('AllowSend','AllowReceive','MaxSched','Local','LongDistance','DialPrefix'), $options);
$options['JobId'] = $JobId;
return $this->call(array('ChangePort' => $options));
* This command brings ports status report as CSV. Use this command to bring ports status in CSV format
* @return array XML serialized as array
* <SessionReturnCode> </SessionReturnCode> XML session return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <SessionReturnMessage> </SessionReturnMessage> XML session message OK= successful
* <GetPortStatusResponse> Start tag for GetPortStatusResponse
* <ReturnCode> </ReturnCode> Return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <ReturnMessage> </ReturnMessage> Return message OK= successful
* <PortList> </PortList> The report in Base64
* </GetPortStatusResponse> End tag for GetPortStatusResponse
public function GetPortStatus() {
return $this->call(array('GetPortStatus' => array()));
* This command brings ports status report as HTML. Use this command to bring ports status in HTML format
* @return array XML serialized as array
* <SessionReturnCode> </SessionReturnCode> XML session return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <SessionReturnMessage> </SessionReturnMessage> XML session message OK= successful
* <GetPortStatusHTMLResponse> Start tag for GetPortStatusHTMLResponse
* <ReturnCode> </ReturnCode> Return code 0=OK; +1=warning; -1=error
* <ReturnMessage> </ReturnMessage> Return message OK= successful
* <PortList> </PortList> The report in Base64
* </GetPortStatusHTMLResponse> End tag for GetPortStatusHTMLResponse
public function GetPortStatusHTML() {
return $this->call(array('GetPortStatusHTML' => array()));
* Filter a list of options by available options
* @param array $validOpts List of valid options
* @param array $options Associative array of options, Case is sensitive
* @return array $options filtered by only valid options
private function _filterOptions($validOpts, $options) {
foreach($options as $k=>$v) {
if(!in_array($k,$validOpts)) {
unset($options[$k]); // Remove options that are not allowed
return $options;
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