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Created July 8, 2011 23:34
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envolve example for PHP
* Envolve API Client Library
* @version 0.1
* This method creates the full HTML that should be included in a page for an anonymous user.
* @param string $apiKey Your site's Envolve API Key
* @return string The HTML to include in the host page to activate Envolve.
function envapi_get_code_for_anon_user($apiKey)
return envapi_get_html($apiKey, envapi_get_logout_command($apiKey));
* This method creates the full HTML that should be included in a page for a logged-in user.
* @param string apiKey Your site's Envolve API Key
* @param string firstName The first name or username for the user. (required)
* @param string lastName The last name of the user. Pass null if unused.
* @param string picture An absolute URL to the location of the user's profile picture.
* @param boolean isAdmin Is this user an administrator?
* @return string The HTML to include in the host page to activate Envolve.
function envapi_get_html_for_reg_user($apiKey, $firstName, $lastName, $picture, $isAdmin, $profileHTML)
$command = envapi_get_login_command($apiKey, $firstName, $lastName, $picture, $isAdmin, $profileHTML);
return envapi_get_html($apiKey, $command);
function envapi_get_html($apiKey, $command)
$envolve_js_root = "";
//first, lets validate the args.
$apiKeyPieces = preg_split('/-/', $apiKey);
if((count($apiKeyPieces) != 2) || (((int) $apiKeyPieces[0]) == 0) )
error_log("EnvolveAPI: Invalid API Key");
$siteID = (int) $apiKeyPieces[0];
$retVal = '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n" . 'var envoSn=' . $siteID . ";\n";
if($command != NULL)
$retVal = $retVal . 'var env_commandString="' . $command . '";' . "\n";
$retVal = $retVal . 'var envProtoType = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://" : "http://");' . "\n";
$retVal = $retVal . 'document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src=\'" + envProtoType + "' . $envolve_js_root . '\' type=\'text/javascript\'%3E%3C/script%3E"));';
$retVal = $retVal . '</script>';
return $retVal;
* This method creates a login command string that can be passed to Envolve in order to
* programmatically log a user in. Use this directly if you intend to use the Envolve JS API. Otherwise
* you should use one of the functions above.
* @param string apiKey Your site's Envolve API Key
* @param string firstName The first name or username for the user. (required)
* @param string lastName The last name of the user. Pass null if unused.
* @param string picture An absolute URL to the location of the user's profile picture.
* @param boolean isAdmin Is this user an administrator?
* @return string The command string to pass to Envolve
function envapi_get_login_command($apiKey, $firstName, $lastName, $picture, $isAdmin, $profileHTML)
$commandString = "v=0.2,c=login,fn=" . base64_encode($firstName);
if($firstName == NULL)
error_log("EnvolveAPI: You must provide a first name to log in to Envolve");
if($lastName != null)
$commandString = $commandString . ",ln=" . base64_encode($lastName);
if($picture != null)
$commandString = $commandString . ",pic=" . base64_encode($picture);
$commandString = $commandString . ",admin=t";
if($profileHTML != null)
$commandString = $commandString . ",prof=" . base64_encode($profileHTML);
return envapi_sign_command($apiKey, $commandString);
* This method creates a logout command that tells Envolve to replace the current logged in user
* with an anonymous (generated) username.
* you should use one of the functions above.
* @param string apiKey Your site's Envolve API Key
* @return string The command string to pass to Envolve
function envapi_get_logout_command($apiKey)
return envapi_sign_command($apiKey, 'c=logout');
function envapi_sign_command($apiKey, $command)
//validate the args
$apiKeyPieces = preg_split('/-/', $apiKey);
if((count($apiKeyPieces) != 2) || (((int) $apiKeyPieces[0]) == 0) )
error_log("EnvolveAPI: Invalid API Key");
$secretKey = $apiKeyPieces[1];
$data = time() . '000' . ';' . $command;
$hash = my_hash_hmac($secretKey, utf8_encode($data));
return $hash . ";" . $data;
//php4 safe version of sha1_hash_hmac
function my_hash_hmac ($key, $data)
$b = 64;
if (strlen($key) > $b)
$key = pack("H*",sha1($key));
$key = str_pad($key, $b, chr(0x00));
$ipad = str_pad('', $b, chr(0x36));
$opad = str_pad('', $b, chr(0x5c));
$k_ipad = $key ^ $ipad ;
$k_opad = $key ^ $opad;
return sha1($k_opad . pack("H*",sha1($k_ipad . $data)));
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