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Created September 25, 2012 08:32
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My take on the orc thingie
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
module Main where
import System.Random
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List
data Player = Player { pHealth :: Int
, pAgility :: Int
, pStrength :: Int
} deriving Show
pDead p = pHealth p <= 0
pAlive p = not $ pDead p
playerDescription (Player h a s) =
"You are a valiant knight with :\n"
++ "- " ++ (show h) ++ " health\n"
++ "- " ++ (show a) ++ " agility\n"
++ "- " ++ (show s) ++ " strength\n"
data Monster = Monster { mHp :: Int
, mDescription :: String
, mHit :: Int -> Monster
, mAttack :: (RandomGen a, MonadState a m) => Player -> m MonsterAttack
, mShow :: String
instance Show Monster where
show m = (if mDead m then "Dead" else "")
++ "Monster (" ++ mShow m ++ ")"
data MonsterAttack = MonsterAttack { maText :: String
, maMonster :: Monster
, maPlayer :: Player
} deriving Show
mDead m = mHp m <= 0
mAlive m = not $ mDead m
monsterDescription m
| mDead m = mDescription m ++ " *Dead*"
| otherwise = mDescription m
rVal max gen =
randomR (1, max) gen
mrVal :: (RandomGen a, MonadState a m) => Int -> m Int
mrVal max =
do gen <- get
let (value, newGen) = rVal max gen
put newGen
return value
data Orc = Orc { oHealth :: Int
, clubLevel :: Int
} deriving Show
newOrc m@(Orc health clubLevel) =
where monster = Monster health description hit attack mShow
mShow = show m
description = "A wicked Orc with a level " ++ show clubLevel ++ " club."
hit dmg = newOrc $ Orc (health - dmg) clubLevel
attack :: (RandomGen a, MonadState a m) => Player -> m MonsterAttack
attack (Player h a s) =
do dmg <- mrVal clubLevel
let text = "An Orc swings his club at you and knocks off " ++ show dmg ++
" of your health points."
player = Player (h - dmg) a s
return $ MonsterAttack text monster player
orcBuilder :: (RandomGen a, MonadState a m) => m Monster
orcBuilder = do health <- mrVal 10
clubLevel <- mrVal 8
return $ newOrc $ Orc health clubLevel
data Hydra = Hydra { hHeads :: Int } deriving Show
newHydra m@(Hydra health) =
where monster = Monster health description hit attack mShow
mShow = show m
description = "A malicious hydra with " ++ show health ++ " heads."
hit dmg = newHydra $ Hydra $ health - dmg
attack (Player h a s) =
do dmg <- mrVal $ div health 2
let text = "A Hydra attacks you with " ++ show health ++ " of its heads, dealing " ++ show dmg ++
" damage. It also grows back one more head."
player = Player (h - dmg) a s
hydra = newHydra $ Hydra (health + 1)
return $ MonsterAttack text hydra player
hydraBuilder :: (RandomGen a, MonadState a m) => m Monster
hydraBuilder = do health <- mrVal 10
return $ newHydra $ Hydra health
data Brigand = Brigand { bHealth :: Int } deriving Show
newBrigand m@(Brigand health) =
where monster = Monster health description hit attack mShow
mShow = show m
description = "A fierce Brigand."
hit dmg = newBrigand $ Brigand $ health - dmg
attack :: (RandomGen a, MonadState a m) => Player -> m MonsterAttack
attack (Player h a s) = chooseBest $ maximum [h, a, s]
where chooseBest b
| b == h = let text = "A Brigand hits you with his slingshot, taking off 2 health points."
player = Player (h - 2) a s
in return $ MonsterAttack text monster player
| b == a = let text = "A Brigand catches your leg with his whip, taking off 2 agility points."
player = Player h (a - 2) s
in return $ MonsterAttack text monster player
| otherwise = let text = "A brigand cuts your arm with his knife, taking off 2 strength points."
player = Player h a (s - 2)
in return $ MonsterAttack text monster player
brigandBuilder :: (RandomGen a, MonadState a m) => m Monster
brigandBuilder = do health <- mrVal 10
return $ newBrigand $ Brigand health
data Slime = Slime { sHealth :: Int
, sliminess :: Int
} deriving Show
newSlime m@(Slime health sliminess) =
where monster = Monster health description hit attack mShow
mShow = show m
description = "A Slime mold with a sliminess of " ++ show sliminess ++ "."
hit dmg = newSlime $ Slime (health - dmg) sliminess
attack :: (RandomGen a, MonadState a m) => Player -> m MonsterAttack
attack (Player h a s) =
do dmg <- mrVal sliminess
let text = "A Slime mold wraps around your legs and decreases your agility by " ++ show dmg ++ "."
agi = (a - dmg)
doSquirt 1 = MonsterAttack
(text ++ " It also squirts in your face, taking away a health point.")
monster $ Player (h - 1) agi s
doSquirt _ = MonsterAttack text monster $ Player h agi s
squirt <- mrVal 3
return $ doSquirt (squirt :: Int)
slimeBuilder :: (RandomGen a, MonadState a m) => m Monster
slimeBuilder = do health <- mrVal 10
sliminess <- mrVal 5
return $ newSlime $ Slime health sliminess
monsterBuilders :: (RandomGen a, MonadState a m) => [m Monster]
monsterBuilders = [orcBuilder, hydraBuilder, brigandBuilder, slimeBuilder]
randomMonster :: (RandomGen a, MonadState a m) => [m Monster] -> m Monster
randomMonster builders = do idx <- mrVal $ length builders
builders !! (idx - 1)
monsterCount = 12
randomMonsters :: (RandomGen a, MonadState a m) => m [Monster]
randomMonsters = replicateM monsterCount $ randomMonster monsterBuilders
data PlayerAttack = Stab
| DoubleSwing Int
| RoundHouse
deriving Show
data WorldState = Starting Player [Monster]
| Fight Player [Monster]
| PickMonster Player [Monster]
| Attack Player [Monster] PlayerAttack
| MonstersTurn Player [Monster]
| Victory
| Death
deriving Show
initWorld :: (RandomGen a, MonadState a m) => m WorldState
initWorld =
let player = Player 30 30 30
in do monsters <- randomMonsters
return $ Starting player monsters
monstersText :: [Monster] -> String
monstersText monsters =
snd $ foldl addMonster (1,"") monsters
addMonster (idx, text) m = ((idx + 1), text ++ showOne idx m)
showOne idx m = show idx ++ " - " ++ mDescription m ++ (if mDead m then " *Dead*" else "") ++ "\n"
data StateAction = StateAction { displayMessage :: String
, performAction :: Action
| Done String
deriving Show
data Action = PlayerActions [PlayerAction]
| StateChange WorldState
deriving Show
data PlayerAction = PlayerAction { playerInput :: String
, newWorldState :: WorldState
deriving Show
randomStrength player =
do r <- mrVal $ div (pStrength player - 1) 2
return $ r + 2
updateAt f idx currIdx [] = []
updateAt f idx currIdx (x:xs)
| idx == currIdx = f x : updateAt f idx (currIdx + 1) xs
| otherwise = x : updateAt f idx (currIdx + 1) xs
liveIndexes monsters = map fst $ filter (mAlive . snd) $ zip [0..] monsters
updateRandomMonster monsters f =
let indexes = liveIndexes monsters
len = length indexes
in do idx <- mrVal len
let monsters' = updateAt f (indexes !! (idx - 1)) 0 monsters
return monsters'
allMonstersDead monsters = all mDead monsters
afterAttack text p monsters =
if allMonstersDead monsters then
return $ StateAction text $ StateChange Victory
return $ StateAction text $ StateChange $ MonstersTurn p monsters
stateAction (Starting p ms) =
let text = "A horde of monsters is attacking you.\n"
sChange = StateChange $ Fight p ms
in return $ StateAction text sChange
stateAction (Fight p ms) =
let text = playerDescription p ++ "\n" ++ monstersText ms ++
"\nWill you [s]tab, [d]ouble swing or [r]oundhouse kick ?"
actions = PlayerActions [ PlayerAction "s" $ Attack p ms Stab
, PlayerAction "d" $ PickMonster p ms
, PlayerAction "r" $ Attack p ms RoundHouse
in return $ StateAction text actions
stateAction (Attack p ms Stab) =
do dmg <- randomStrength p
let text = "You stab a random monster, dealing " ++ show dmg ++ " damage.\n"
monsters <- updateRandomMonster ms (`mHit` dmg)
afterAttack text p monsters
stateAction (Attack p ms RoundHouse) =
let times = 1 + div (pStrength p) 3
text = "Your kick hits " ++ show times ++ " times.\n"
doTimes 0 monsters = return monsters
doTimes count ms = do monsters <- updateRandomMonster ms $ (`mHit` 1)
doTimes (count - 1) monsters
in do monsters <- doTimes times ms
afterAttack text p monsters
stateAction (Attack p ms (DoubleSwing idx)) =
do dmg <- mrVal $ div (pStrength p) 6
let monsters = updateAt (`mHit` (2 * dmg)) idx 1 ms
text = "You swing twice at monster " ++ show (idx ) ++ ", dealing " ++ show dmg
++ " damage each time.\n"
afterAttack text p monsters
stateAction (PickMonster p ms) =
let text = "Choose the (living) monster to attack:"
playerAction idx = PlayerAction (show idx) $ Attack p ms (DoubleSwing idx)
actions = PlayerActions $ map playerAction $ map fst $ filter (mAlive . snd) $ zip [1..] ms
in return $ StateAction text actions
stateAction (MonstersTurn p ms) =
let text = "The monsters are attacking you !\n"
doAttack (text, player, monsters) m
| mDead m = return (text, player, monsters ++ [m])
| mAlive m = do (MonsterAttack t m' p) <- mAttack m player
return (text ++ "\n- " ++ t, p, monsters ++ [m'])
in do (texts, player, monsters) <- foldM doAttack (text, p, []) ms
if pDead player then
return $ StateAction (texts ++ "\n") $ StateChange Death
return $ StateAction (texts ++ "\n") $ StateChange $ Fight player monsters
stateAction Death = return $ Done "You are dead..."
stateAction Victory = return $ Done "You are victorious !"
-- IO stuff
main = do gen <- newStdGen
let (ws, gen') = runState initWorld gen
gameLoop ws gen'
gameLoop ws gen =
let (sa, gen') = runState (stateAction ws) gen
in case sa of
(Done txt) -> putStrLn txt
(StateAction txt action) -> do putStrLn txt
doAction action gen'
doAction (StateChange ws) gen = gameLoop ws gen
doAction a@(PlayerActions actions) gen =
let actionForInput input = find matchAction actions
where matchAction a = input == (playerInput a)
in do input <- getLine
case actionForInput input of
Nothing -> do putStrLn "invalid input"
doAction a gen
(Just pa) -> gameLoop (newWorldState pa) gen
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