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Last active September 8, 2020 14:37
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Visualize internal package functions
#Get package functions ----
ls_fcns <- function(pkg) {
fcns <- unclass(lsf.str(envir = asNamespace(pkg), all = TRUE))
#Utility Function to weed out false positives
scan_fcn <- function(from, to) {
this_fcn <- trimws(capture.output(getAnywhere(from)), which = "both")
#subset to guts of function definition
start <- min(grep("^function", this_fcn)) + 1
stop <- max(grep("^}", this_fcn)) - 1
if(is.infinite(start) | is.infinite(stop)){
start <- 0
stop <- 0
this_fcn <- this_fcn[start:stop]
#Remove comment lines
this_fcn <- this_fcn[!grepl("^#", this_fcn)]
#Lines called functions directly
idx1 <- grepl(paste(to, "\\(", sep=""), this_fcn)
#Lines called via *map*, *walk*, mutate_at/all, summarize_at/all, *apply
idx2 <- grepl(to, this_fcn) &
(grepl("summari[sz]e\\_(all)?(if)?(at)?\\(", this_fcn) |
grepl("(trans)?mute?(ate)?\\_(all)?(if)?(at)?\\(", this_fcn) |
grepl("[lp]?map2?(\\_if)?(\\_at)?(\\_lgl)?(\\_chr)?(\\_int)?(\\_dbl)?(\\_raw)?(\\_dfr)?(\\_dfc)?(\\_depth)?\\(", this_fcn) |
grepl("p?walk2?\\(", this_fcn) |
grepl("[ltsmvr]?apply\\(", this_fcn))
sum(idx1 | idx2)
#Search for other package functions called by function
fcn_deps <- function(pkg) {
fcns <- ls_fcns(pkg)
out <- tibble(
Function = fcns,
Dependency_Function = fcns
) %>%
expand(Function, Dependency_Function) %>%
filter(Function != Dependency_Function) %>%
Number_Calls = map2_int(Function, Dependency_Function, scan_fcn)
) %>%
filter(Number_Calls > 0)
plotFcnDependencies <- function(pkg) {
fcns <- ls_fcns(pkg)
depFcn <- fcn_deps(pkg)
depth <- NULL
nodes <- create_node_df(n = length(fcns),
label = fcns,
type = "",
fontsize = 20,
shape = "rectangle")
nodes$id <- 1:nrow(nodes)
edges <- data.frame(fromLab = depFcn$Function,
toLab = depFcn$Dependency_Function,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
edges <- nodes %>%
select(from = id, fromLab = label) %>%
right_join(edges, by="fromLab")
edges <- nodes %>%
select(to = id, toLab = label) %>%
right_join(edges, by="toLab") %>%
mutate(rel = "") %>%
select(from, to, rel, fromLab, toLab)
out <- DiagrammeR::create_graph(
nodes_df = nodes,
edges_df = edges,
graph_name = paste(pkg, " (version ", packageVersion(pkg), ") Function Map", sep="")
out$global_attrs$value[out$global_attrs$attr == "layout"] <- "dot"
out$global_attrs$value[out$global_attrs$attr == "fixedsize"] <- "false"
out$global_attrs <- rbind(out$global_attrs, data.frame(attr = "rankdir", value = "LR", attr_type = "graph"))
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Thanks @emaigne! I will do that.

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