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Created June 9, 2020 14:09
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#' Calculates rolling weeks backward from the end_date.
#' The purpose is to group a vector of dates into 7 day weeks
#' backward in time. For example, if the end date was 2020-06-09,
#' the days 2020-06-03 through 2020-06-09 would be one week,
#' 2020-05-27 through 2020-06-02 would be another week, 2020-05-20
#' through 2020-05-26 another and so on. The function will work even
#' if the vector of dates is missing one or more dates in the series.
#' @param date_vector the vector of dates to group into weeks. Must be
#' in Date format or something that can be coerced to
#' Date by \code{\link[base]{as.Date}}.
#' @param end_date the day on which to start counting backwards. Defaults to
#' the current date, i.e. \code{\link[base]{Sys.Date}}.
#' @return a vector of weeks counting backward in time. The current week is
#' numbered 1, the previous is numbered 2, etc. The week farthest in
#' the past will currently return NA values so that you would mistakenly
#' aggregate a week that may not be the full 7 days.
#' @examples
#' #General
#' date_vector1 <- seq.Date(from = as.Date("2020-01-01"), to = as.Date("2020-06-09"), by = 1)
#' data.frame(date = date_vector1,
#' weeknum = rolling_week(date_vector = date_vector1,
#' end_date = as.Date(Sys.Date())))
#' #In a tidyverse pipe
#' tibble(tv_date = date_vector1) %>%
#' mutate(
#' tv_weeknum = rolling_week(tv_date, end_Date = as.Date(Sys.Date()))
#' )
rolling_week <- function(date_vector, end_date = as.Date(Sys.Date())){
#Coerce to dates
date_vector <- as.Date(date_vector)
end_date = as.Date(end_date)
min_date <- min(date_vector)
period_length <- as.numeric(difftime(end_date, min_date))
period_weeks <- floor(period_length / 7)
week_ends <- c(end_date + lubridate::days(1), end_date - lubridate::weeks(1:period_weeks))
out <- period_weeks - cut(date_vector, breaks = week_ends, include_lowest = TRUE, right = TRUE, label = FALSE) + 1
#Test it out
date_vector1 <- seq.Date(from = as.Date("2020-01-01"), to = as.Date("2020-06-09"), by = 1)
date_vector2 <- sample(date_vector1, 78, replace = FALSE)
vec_consec <- tibble(my_date = date_vector1) %>%
week_consec = rolling_week(my_date, end_date = "2020-06-09")
vec_miss <- tibble(my_date = date_vector2) %>%
week_miss = rolling_week(my_date, end_date = "2020-06-09"),
observed = 1
combined <- left_join(vec_consec, vec_miss, by = "my_date")
#Appears to work correctly.
table(Observed = !$observed),
"Complete Vector = NA" =$week_consec),
"Missing Vector = NA" =$week_miss)) %>% ftable
table(combined$week_consec[combined$observed == 1] == combined$week_miss[combined$observed == 1] | ($week_consec[combined$observed == 1]) &$week_miss[combined$observed == 1])))
observed <- combined %>%
filter(observed == 1)
identical(observed$week_consec, observed$week_miss)
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