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Last active August 15, 2017 11:13
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self-evaluating functional Lisp / Scheme interpreter without define, letrec, let, set etc
#lang racket
; A self-evaluating Lisp interpreter implemented without define, letrec, let
; Copyright (C) 2017 A. Carl Douglas
; without current-namespace, this racket error occurred:
; ?: function application is not allowed;
; no #%app syntax transformer is bound in:
(current-namespace (make-base-namespace))
((lambda (interpreter environment)
; Note that the evaluator evaluates arguments, which is why the quote is necessary:
; The outer interpreter is evaluating the inner interpreter
; as well as the arguments to the inner interpreter
; so to ensure the inner interpreter gets it's arguments unevaluated we must quote.
; Also note that the evaluator does not support multi statement lambdas (like begin)
; which means adding debugging like printf causes incorrect behavior
((eval interpreter) `(,interpreter (quote (+ 1 2)) (quote ((+ ,+)))) environment))
`(lambda (e env)
((lambda (eval apply)
(eval eval apply e env)) ; call eval
(lambda (eval^ apply^ e env) ; define eval
(if (symbol? e)
(car (cdr (assq e env)))
(if (pair? e)
(if (eq? (car e) 'lambda)
(list 'closure e env)
(if (eq? (car e) 'if)
(if (eval^ eval^ apply^ (car (cdr e)) env)
(eval^ eval^ apply^ (car (cdr (cdr e))) env)
(eval^ eval^ apply^ (car (cdr (cdr (cdr e)))) env))
(if (eq? (car e) 'quote)
(car (cdr e))
(apply^ apply^ eval^ (eval^ eval^ apply^ (car e) env)
; inline evlist
((lambda (e1 env1)
((lambda (evlist)
(evlist evlist e1 env1)) ; call evlist
(lambda (evlist^ e1 env1) ; define evlist
(if (null? e1)
(cons (eval^ eval^ apply^ (car e1) env1) (evlist^ evlist^ (cdr e1) env1))))))
(cdr e) env)))))
(lambda (apply^ eval^ f x) ; define apply
(if (procedure? f)
(apply f x)
(eval^ eval^ apply^ (car (cdr (cdr (car (cdr f)))))
; inline newenv - extends the environment
((lambda (names values env)
((lambda (newenv)
(newenv newenv names values env)) ; call newenv
(lambda (newenv^ names values env) ; define newenv
(if (null? names)
(cons (list (car names) (car values))
(newenv^ newenv^ (cdr names) (cdr values) env))))))
(car (cdr (car (cdr f)))) x (car (cdr (cdr f)))))))))
; environment containing built-in primitives required by the eval implementation
`((cons ,cons)
(car ,car)
(cdr ,cdr)
(list ,list)
(eq? ,eq?)
(symbol? ,symbol?)
(null? ,null?)
(pair? ,pair?)
(procedure? ,procedure?)
(assq ,assq)
(printf ,printf)
(read ,read)
(print ,display)
(apply ,apply)))
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