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Last active May 23, 2017 02:10
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An example of the Observer Pattern
// build the Subject base class
var Subject = ( function( window, undefined ) {
function Subject() {
this._list = [];
// this method will handle adding observers to the internal list
Subject.prototype.observe = function observeObject( obj ) {
console.log( 'added new observer' );
this._list.push( obj );
Subject.prototype.unobserve = function unobserveObject( obj ) {
for( var i = 0, len = this._list.length; i < len; i++ ) {
if( this._list[ i ] === obj ) {
this._list.splice( i, 1 );
console.log( 'removed existing observer' );
return true;
return false;
Subject.prototype.notify = function notifyObservers() {
var args = arguments, 0 );
for( var i = 0, len = this._list.length; i < len; i++ ) {
this._list[ i ].update.apply( null, args );
return Subject;
} )( window );
// setup an object that fetchs stocks
function StockGrabber() {
var subject = new Subject();
this.addObserver = function addObserver( newObserver ) {
subject.observe( newObserver );
this.removeObserver = function removeObserver( deleteObserver ) {
subject.unobserve( deleteObserver );
this.fetchStocks = function fetchStocks() {
// fake fetching the stocks
var stocks = {
aapl : 167.00,
goog : 243.67,
msft : 99.34
// notify our observers of the stock change
subject.notify( stocks );
// define a couple of different observers
var StockUpdaterComponent = {
update : function() {
console.log( '"update" called on StockUpdater with: ', arguments );
var StockChartsComponent = {
update : function() {
console.log( '"update" called on StockCharts with: ', arguments );
// example usage
var stockApp = new StockGrabber();
stockApp.addObserver( StockUpdaterComponent );
stockApp.fetchStocks(); // console logs: "update" called on StockUpdater with...
stockApp.addObserver( StockChartsComponent );
stockApp.fetchStocks(); // console logs: "update" called on StockUpdater with... "update" called on StockCarts with...
stockApp.removeObserver( StockUpdaterComponent );
stockApp.fetchStocks(); // console logs: "update" called on StockCharts with...
stockApp.removeObserver( StockChartsComponent );
stockApp.fetchStocks(); // does nothing; no observers
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