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Created November 2, 2011 21:03
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7L7W - Scala
class TicTacToeBoard() {
val winningPositions = List((0, 1, 2), (3, 4, 5), (6, 7, 8), (0, 3, 6), (1, 4, 7), (2, 5, 8), (0, 4, 8), (2, 4, 6))
var XWins = false
var OWins = false
val board = args(0)
if (board == null || board.size != 9) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The board passed must be a String with 9 positions")
def detectWinner() {
winningPositions.foreach {combination =>
XWins = isXWinner(combination) || XWins
OWins = isOWinner(combination) || OWins
if (XWins && !OWins) {
println("X is the winner")
} else if (OWins && !XWins) {
println("O is the winner")
} else if (XWins && OWins) {
println("there is a tie")
} else {
println("nobody wins")
def isXWinner(combination: (Int, Int, Int)): Boolean = {
board.apply(combination._1) == 'X' && board.apply(combination._2) == 'X' && board.apply(combination._3) == 'X'
def isOWinner(combination: (Int, Int, Int)): Boolean = {
board.apply(combination._1) == 'O' && board.apply(combination._2) == 'O' && board.apply(combination._3) == 'O'
val ticTacToe = new TicTacToeBoard()
def computeSize(list: List[String]): Int = {
list.foldLeft(0)((size, item) => size + item.size)
val list = List("uno", "dos", "tres")
val totalSize = computeSize(list)
import scala.collection.immutable.WrappedString
trait Prettify extends WrappedString {
val curseWords = Map("shoot" -> "Pucky", "darn" -> "Beans")
def prettyContent(): String = {
var words = this.self.split(" ")
var replacement = ""
words.foreach(word => {
if (curseWords.contains(word.toLowerCase)) {
replacement += curseWords(word)
} else {
replacement += word
replacement += " "
class PrettyString(override val self: String) extends WrappedString(self) with Prettify {
val content = new PrettyString("this exercise is darn useless, shoot it up")
import scala.collection.immutable.WrappedString
import scala.collection.immutable.HashMap
trait Prettify extends WrappedString {
var curseWords = new HashMap[String, String]
val s = Source.fromFile("/desarrollo/7l7w/scala/words.txt")
s.getLines.foreach((line) => {
val substitution = line.split(",")
curseWords += substitution(0).trim() -> substitution(1).trim()
def prettyContent(): String = {
var words = this.self.split(" ")
var replacement = ""
words.foreach(word => {
if (curseWords.contains(word.toLowerCase)) {
replacement += curseWords(word)
} else {
replacement += word
replacement += " "
class PrettyString(override val self: String) extends WrappedString(self) with Prettify {
val content = new PrettyString("this exercise is darn useless, shoot it up")
import scala.actors._
import Actor._
// START:loader
object PageLoader {
def getPageSize(url : String) = Source.fromURL(url).mkString.length
def countPageLinks(url : String) : Int = {
val contents = Source.fromURL(url).mkString
// END:loader
val urls = List("",
"" )
// START:time
def timeMethod(method: () => Unit) = {
val start = System.nanoTime
val end = System.nanoTime
println("Method took " + (end - start)/1000000000.0 + " seconds.")
// END:time
// START:sequential
def getPageSizeSequentially() = {
for(url <- urls) {
println("Size for " + url + ": " + PageLoader.getPageSize(url))
def getPageLinksSequentially() = {
for(url <- urls) {
println("Links for " + url + ": " + PageLoader.countPageLinks(url))
// END:sequential
// START:concurrent
def getPageSizeConcurrently() = {
val caller = self
for(url <- urls) {
actor { caller ! (url, PageLoader.getPageSize(url)) }
for(i <- 1 to urls.size) {
receive {
case (url, size) =>
println("Size for " + url + ": " + size)
// END:concurrent
// START:concurrent
def getPageLinksConcurrently() = {
val caller = self
for(url <- urls) {
actor { caller ! (url, PageLoader.countPageLinks(url)) }
for(i <- 1 to urls.size) {
receive {
case (url, size) =>
println("Links for " + url + ": " + size)
// END:concurrent
// START:script
println("Sequential run:")
timeMethod { getPageSizeSequentially }
timeMethod { getPageLinksSequentially }
println("Concurrent run")
timeMethod { getPageSizeConcurrently }
timeMethod { getPageLinksConcurrently }
// END:script
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