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Last active May 21, 2022 20:14
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  • Save carlisia/07fa820be5e38d173b274ca8be67de39 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save carlisia/07fa820be5e38d173b274ca8be67de39 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# update local copies to be ready to checkout code for review when needed
# printf "🧧 co main: \n"
# gita super net checkout main
# printf "🧧 git fetch: \n"
# gita fetch net
# printf "🧧 git pull: \n"
# gita pull net
read -r -a all_repo_names < <(gita group ll net)
for i in "${all_repo_names[@]}"
all_paths+=( "$(gita ls "$i")" )
now=$(date +"%m_%d_%Y")
printf "📆 Ran on: %s\n" "${now}"
echo -e "🤓 Large PRs to review - weekly (。◕‿◕。)\n"
for i in "${all_paths[@]}"
pushd "$i" > /dev/null || exit;
# search query
res=$(gh pr list -s open --search " -author:@me -author:knative-automation label:size/S,size/XS" --json author,title,author,createdAt,updatedAt,mergedAt,number,url,state,labels,files)
name=$(git remote show origin -n | grep "Fetch URL:" | sed -E "s#^.*/(.*)#\1#" | sed "s#.git##")
if [ "$name" == "serving" ]; then
# Contributions that count for the Networking WG are all of those made to the `networking`, as well as all
# the `net-*` repos and the `serving` repo. However, for the `serving` repo, only the contributions made
# to Go packages designated as part of 'area/networking' are attributed to the Networking WG.
# One way to search for that is to run the following at the root of the `serving` repo:
# `echo "\n" | find . -name OWNERS | xargs grep -rl 'area/networking'`.
# This block handles this special case where PRs that contain files pertaining to the Networking WG
# need to be included in the result.
# fetch all the owners files for this WG area
NETWORKING_DIR=$(dirname $(find . -name OWNERS | xargs grep -rl 'area/networking') | xargs | sed 's/\.\///g' | yq -o=json | jq ' [.] | map(. |= split(" ")) [] | sort_by(.) | .[]' )
for p in $NETWORKING_DIR; do
# echo "$res" | jq -s '.[] | map(select([.files[].path] | contains([ '"$p"' ]))) | .[]'
serving+=$(echo "$res" | jq -s '.[] | map(select([.files[].path] | contains([ '"$p"' ]))) | .[] ' )
printf '🦎 project: %s\n' "$name";
printf '📕 open in editor: %s\n---\n' "$i";
echo "${serving[@]}" | jq -s '
[.[] |
updated: (if .updatedAt == null then "" else (.updatedAt | strptime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") | todate[0:10]) end),
created: (if .createdAt == null then "" else (.createdAt | strptime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") | todate[0:10]) end ),
num: .number,
author: .author.login,
title: .title | .[0:70],
labels: [.labels[].name] | join(", "),
url: .url, }
] | sort_by("lastupdate")' | jtbl -m
len=$(echo "$res" | jq '[.[]] | length')
if [ "$len" == 0 ]; then
printf '🦎 project: %s, %s\n' "$name" "$len";
printf '📕 open in editor: %s\n---\n' "$i";
echo "$res" | jq '
[.[] |
updated: (if .updatedAt == null then "" else (.updatedAt | strptime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") | todate[0:10]) end),
created: (if .createdAt == null then "" else (.createdAt | strptime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") | todate[0:10]) end ),
num: .number,
author: .author.login,
title: .title | .[0:70],
labels: [.labels[].name] | join(", "),
url: .url,
] | sort_by("lastupdate")' | jtbl -m
printf '\n';
popd > /dev/null || exit;
echo -e "\ndone ✅"
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