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Created November 16, 2023 13:33
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Power analysis for list experiment
# load packages
# clear workspace
rm(list = ls())
# create respondents
n_resp <- 3000 # number of total respondents
x1 <- rnorm(n_resp) # a covariate to induce some correlation in the responses for list experiment
# the designs to consider
# - 0.5 = each condition of list experiment is half the size as direct and prime;
# or, the whole list experiment is the same size as direct and prime
# - 1 = each condition of list experiment is same size as direct and prime
# - 3 = each condition of list experiment is 3x as large as direct and prime
times <- seq(0.5, 5, by = 0.01)
res_list <- pred_list <- NULL # containers for estimates
for (i in 1:length(times)) { # loop over each value of times
# list experiment items
b0 <- 0.0 # <- logit intercept for "other" items
b1 <- -2.0 # <- logit slope for "other" items
item1 <- rbinom(n_resp, size = 1, prob = plogis(-1 + 2*x1)) # <- item of interest; -1 intercept ~~> 25% agreement
item2 <- rbinom(n_resp, size = 1, prob = plogis(b0 + b1*x1))
item3 <- rbinom(n_resp, size = 1, prob = plogis(b0 + b1*x1))
item4 <- rbinom(n_resp, size = 1, prob = plogis(b0 + b1*x1))
item5 <- rbinom(n_resp, size = 1, prob = plogis(b0 + b1*x1))
# direct question with prime; created by falsifying item1 responses above
prime_pr_lies <- 0.15 # <- the fraction of true 1s (item1) that are falsified
prime1 <- ifelse(item1 == 1,
rbinom(n_resp, size = 1, prob = 1 - prime_pr_lies), # change some 1s to 0s
0) # keep all 0s as 0s
# direct question (without prime); created by falsifying even more responses above
dq_pr_lies <- 0.3 # <- the fraction of true 1s (item1) that are falsified
dq1 <- ifelse(item1 == 1,
rbinom(n_resp, size = 1, prob = 1 - dq_pr_lies), # change some 1s to 0s
0) # keep all 0s as 0s
# combine outcomes into a data frame
potential_outcomes <- data.frame(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, dq1, prime1) %>%
mutate(list5 = item1 + item2 + item3 + item4 + item5,
list4 = item2 + item3 + item4 + item5)
# the four conditions to which we assign respondents
conditions <- c("List Experiment: 4 Items",
"List Experiment: 5 Items",
"Direct Question",
"Direct Question with Prime")
# the unnormalized probabilities of assignment to each condition
condition_rel_weights <- c(times[i], times[i], 1, 1)
condition_weights <- condition_rel_weights/sum(condition_rel_weights)
# place respondents into conditions
sample <- potential_outcomes |>
mutate(condition = sample(conditions, size = n(),
replace = TRUE,
prob = condition_weights)) |>
# put responses in the same outcome variable for linear regression
mutate(y = case_when(condition == "List Experiment: 4 Items" ~ list4,
condition == "List Experiment: 5 Items" ~ list5,
condition =="Direct Question" ~ dq1,
condition == "Direct Question with Prime" ~ prime1))
# linear regression
fit <- lm(y ~ -1 + condition, data = sample)
# compare to truth -----
# list
p <- predictions(fit,
newdata = datagrid(condition = c("List Experiment: 4 Items",
"List Experiment: 5 Items")),
vcov = "HC3",
hypothesis = "b2 - b1 = 0")
mean(item1); p$estimate
# direct
p <- predictions(fit,
newdata = datagrid(condition = c("Direct Question")),
vcov = "HC3")
mean(item1); p$estimate
# direct with prime
p <- predictions(fit,
newdata = datagrid(condition = c("Direct Question with Prime")),
vcov = "HC3")
mean(item1); p$estimate
# prediction of percent agreement with item1 -----
# list
p <- predictions(fit,
newdata = datagrid(condition = c("List Experiment: 4 Items",
"List Experiment: 5 Items")),
vcov = "HC3",
hypothesis = "b2 - b1 = 0")
pred1 <- tibble(name = "List", se = p$std.error, est = p$estimate)
# direct
p <- predictions(fit,
newdata = datagrid(condition = c("Direct Question")),
vcov = "HC3")
pred2 <- tibble(name = "Direct", se = p$std.error, est = p$estimate)
# direct with prime
p <- predictions(fit,
newdata = datagrid(condition = c("Direct Question with Prime")),
vcov = "HC3")
pred3 <- tibble(name = "Prime", se = p$std.error, est = p$estimate)
pred_list[[i]] <- bind_rows(list(pred1, pred2, pred3)) %>%
mutate(times = times[i])
# hypothesis tests ------
# is direct different than direct with prime?
p <- predictions(fit,
newdata = datagrid(condition = unique),
vcov = "HC3",
hypothesis = "b2 = b1")
mde1 <- tibble(name = "D v. P", mde = p$std.error*2.48) # minimal detectable effect (w/ 80% power)
# is list different than direct?
p <- predictions(fit,
newdata = datagrid(condition = unique),
vcov = "HC3",
hypothesis = "b4 - b3 = b1")
mde2 <- tibble(name = "L v. D", mde = p$std.error*2.48) # mde
# is list different than direct with prime?
p <- predictions(fit,
newdata = datagrid(condition = unique),
vcov = "HC3",
hypothesis = "b4 - b3 = b2")
mde3 <- tibble(name = "L v. P", mde = p$std.error*2.48) # mde
res_list[[i]] <- bind_rows(mde1, mde2, mde3) %>%
mutate(times = times[i])
# plot mde
res <- bind_rows(res_list)
gg1 <- ggplot(res, aes(x = times, y = mde, color = name)) +
geom_line(alpha = 0.4) +
geom_smooth(se = FALSE)+
labs(title = "MDE in the Three Conditions",
y = "Minimum Detectable Effect",
x = "Size of *Each* List Experiment Condition Relative to Direct and Prime")
# plot estimates
pred <- bind_rows(pred_list)
gg2 <- ggplot(pred, aes(x = times, y = est, color = name)) +
geom_hline(yintercept = mean(item1)) +
geom_line(alpha = 0.4) +
geom_smooth(se = FALSE) +
labs(title = "Estimates in the Three Conditions",
y = "Estimate",
x = "Size of *Each* List Experiment Condition Relative to Direct and Prime\n(1 = Same Size; 3 = Three Times as Large)")
# plot se
gg3 <- ggplot(pred, aes(x = times, y = se, color = name)) +
geom_line(alpha = 0.4) +
geom_smooth(se = FALSE) +
labs(title = "Standard Errors in the Three Conditions",
y = "Stanard Error",
x = "Size of *Each* List Experiment Condition Relative to Direct and Prime\n(1 = Same Size; 3 = Three Times as Large)")
gg1 / gg2 / gg3
# recommendation is the following assignments
times <- 3
tibble(condition = conditions,
frac_respondents = c(times, times, 1, 1)/sum(c(times, times, 1, 1))) |>
mutate(n_respondents = 3000*frac_respondents) |>
mutate(Condition = condition,
`% of Respondents` = scales::percent(frac_respondents, accuracy = 0.1),
`Number of Respondents` = scales::number(n_respondents, big.mark = ",")) %>%
select(Condition = condition, `% of Respondents`, `Number of Respondents`) %>%
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Based on the simulations above, something like this seems reasonable.


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