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Last active August 12, 2023 18:09
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Benchmarking Firth's estimators
# install crdata package to get weisiger2014 data set
# load packages
# load data
weis <- crdata::weisiger2014
# rescale weisiger2014 explanatory variables using arm::rescale()
rs_weis <- weis %>%
mutate(across(polity_conq:coord, arm::rescale))
# create functions to fit models
f <- resist ~ polity_conq + lndist + terrain + soldperterr + gdppc2 + coord
f1 <- function() {
glm(f, data = rs_weis, family = "binomial")
f2 <- function() {
glm(f, data = rs_weis, family = "binomial", method = brglmFit)
f3 <- function() {
logistf(f, data = rs_weis)
f4 <- function() {
logistf(f, data = rs_weis, pl = FALSE)
# results don't exactly match (different convergence criteria?)
cbind(coef(f2()), coef(f4()))
# do benchmarking
bm <- microbenchmark("regular glm()" = f1(),
"brglm2" = f2(),
"logistf (default)" = f3(),
"logistf (w/ pl = FALSE)" = f4(),
times = 100)
# plot times
bm %>%
group_by(expr) %>%
summarize(avg_time = mean(time)*10e-5) %>% # convert to milliseconds
ggplot(aes(x = fct_rev(expr), y = avg_time)) +
geom_col() +
labs(x = "Method",
y = "Avg. Time (in milliseconds)") +
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