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Created September 17, 2014 17:06
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A function to estimate the beta model (w/ standard errors)
# log-likelihood for beta
ll.fn.beta <- function(theta, y) {
alpha <- theta[1] # optim() requires a single parameter vector
beta <- theta[2]
ll <- alpha*sum(log(y)) + beta*sum(log(1 - y)) -
length(y)*log(beta(alpha, beta))
# function to estimate beta model
est.beta <- function(y) {
# optimize log-likelihood
mle <- optim(par = c(1, 1), fn = ll.fn.beta, y = y,
control = list(fnscale = -1),
hessian = TRUE,
method = "Nelder-Mead") # for >1d problems
# check convergence
if (mle$convergence != 0) print("Model did not converge!")
# pull out and calculate important quantities
est <- mle$par
V <- solve(-mle$hessian)
se <- sqrt(diag(V))
# put important quantities in list to return
res <- list(est = est,
V = V,
se = se)
# set alpha, beta, and n
alpha <- 2
beta <- 2
n <- 1000
# simulate the data
y <- rbeta(n, alpha, beta)
# estimate shape parameters
m1 <- est.beta(y)
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