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Example for: gform_post_payment_completed
* Fires after a payment has been completed
* @param array $entry The Entry object
* @param array $action The Action Object
* $action = array(
* 'type' => 'cancel_subscription', // See Below
* 'transaction_id' => '', // What is the ID of the transaction made?
* 'subscription_id' => '', // What is the ID of the Subscription made?
* 'amount' => '0.00', // Amount to charge?
* 'entry_id' => 1, // What entry to check?
* 'transaction_type' => '',
* 'payment_status' => '',
* 'note' => ''
* );
* 'type' can be:
* - complete_payment
* - refund_payment
* - fail_payment
* - add_pending_payment
* - void_authorization
* - create_subscription
* - cancel_subscription
* - expire_subscription
* - add_subscription_payment
* - fail_subscription_payment
function gfroms_after_payment_complete( $entry, $action ) {
// Get the form where this entry is from
$form = GFAPI::get_form( $entry['form_id'] );
// Lets send a form notification with the action that has occured
GFAPI::send_notifications( $form, $entry, rgar( $action, 'type' ) );
// Tells the notification to be sent only when this hook is found and to include the arguments ($entry and $action)
add_action( 'gform_post_payment_completed', 'gfroms_after_payment_complete', 10, 2 );
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